コード例 #1
    def set_mip_parameters(self, param = None):
        updates MIP parameters
        :param param:
        if param is None:
            param = self._cpx_parameters

        self._mip = set_cpx_parameters(self._mip, param)
コード例 #2
    def build_mip(self):
        returns an optimization problem that can be solved to determine an item in a flipset for x

        # MIP parameters
        cost_type = self.mip_cost_type
        min_items = max(self.min_items, 1)
        max_items = self.max_items

        # cost/action information
        build_info, indices = self._get_mip_build_info()
        ## TODO: note: if actiongrid is empty, build_info, indices == {}. Correct handling?

        # initialize mip
        mip = Cplex()
        vars = mip.variables
        cons = mip.linear_constraints
        n_actionable = len(build_info)
        n_indicators = len(indices['action_ind_names'])

        # define a[j]
        vars.add(names = indices['action_var_names'],
                 types = ['C'] * n_actionable,
                 lb = indices['action_lb'],
                 ub = indices['action_ub'])

        # sum_j w[j] a[j] > -score
        cons.add(names = ['score'],
                 lin_expr = [SparsePair(ind = indices['action_var_names'], val = indices['coefficients'])],
                 senses = ['G'],
                 rhs = [-self.score()])

        # define indicators u[j][k] = 1 if a[j] = actions[j][k]
        vars.add(names = indices['action_ind_names'], types = ['B'] * n_indicators)

        # restrict a[j] to feasible values using a 1 of K constraint setup
        for info in build_info.values():

            # restrict a[j] to actions in feasible set and make sure exactly 1 indicator u[j][k] is on
            # 1. a[j]  =   sum_k u[j][k] * actions[j][k] - > 0.0   =   sum u[j][k] * actions[j][k] - a[j]
            # 2.sum_k u[j][k] = 1.0
            cons.add(names = ['set_a[%d]' % info['idx'], 'pick_a[%d]' % info['idx']],
                     lin_expr = [SparsePair(ind = info['action_var_name'] + info['action_ind_names'], val = [-1.0] + info['actions']),
                                 SparsePair(ind = info['action_ind_names'], val = [1.0] * len(info['actions']))],
                     senses = ["E", "E"],
                     rhs = [0.0, 1.0])

            # declare indicator variables as SOS set
            mip.SOS.add(type = "1", name = "sos_u[%d]" % info['idx'], SOS = SparsePair(ind = info['action_ind_names'], val = info['actions']))

        # limit number of features per action
        # size := n_actionable - n_null where n_null := sum_j u[j][0] = sum_j 1[a[j] = 0]
        # size <= max_size
        # n_actionable - sum_j u[j][0]  <=  max_size
        # n_actionable - max_size       <=  sum_j u[j][0]
        # min_size <= size:
        # min_size          <=  n_actionable - sum_j u[j][0]
        # sum_j u[j][0]     <=  n_actionable - min_size
        size_expr = SparsePair(ind = indices['action_off_names'], val = [1.0] * n_actionable)
        cons.add(names = ['max_items', 'min_items'],
                 lin_expr = [size_expr, size_expr],
                 senses = ['G', 'L'],
                 rhs = [float(n_actionable - max_items), float(n_actionable - min_items)])

        # add constraints for cost function
        if cost_type in ('total', 'local'):
            objval_pairs = list(chain(*[list(zip(v['action_ind_names'], v['costs'])) for v in build_info.values()]))

        elif cost_type == 'max':
            indices['max_cost_var_name'] = ['max_cost']
            ## handle empty actionsets
            indices['epsilon'] = np.min(indices['cost_df'] or np.inf) / np.sum(indices['cost_ub'])
            vars.add(names = indices['max_cost_var_name'] + indices['cost_var_names'],
                     types = ['C'] * (n_actionable + 1),
                     obj = [1.0] + [indices['epsilon']] * n_actionable)
            #lb = [0.0] * (n_actionable + 1)) # default values are 0.0

            cost_constraints = {
                'names': [],
                'lin_expr': [],
                'senses': ["E", "G"] * n_actionable,
                'rhs': [0.0, 0.0] * n_actionable,

            for info in build_info.values():

                    'def_cost[%d]' % info['idx'],
                    'set_max_cost[%d]' % info['idx']

                    SparsePair(ind = info['cost_var_name'] + info['action_ind_names'], val = [-1.0] + info['costs']),
                    SparsePair(ind = indices['max_cost_var_name'] + info['cost_var_name'], val = [1.0, -1.0])


            # old code (commented out for speed)
            # vars.add(names = indices['cost_var_names'],
            #          types = ['C'] * n_actionable,
            #          obj = [indices['epsilon']] * n_actionable,
            #          #ub = [CPX_INFINITY] * n_actionable, #indices['cost_ub'], #indices['cost_ub'],
            #          lb = [0.0] * n_actionable)
            # vars.add(names = indices['max_cost_var_name'],
            #          types = ['C'],
            #          obj = [1.0],
            #          #ub = [np.max(indices['cost_ub'])],
            #          lb = [0.0])
            # for info in build_info.values():
            #     cost[j] = sum c[j][k] u[j][k]
            #     cons.add(names = ['def_cost[%d]' % info['idx']],
            #              lin_expr = [SparsePair(ind = info['cost_var_name'] + info['action_ind_names'], val = [-1.0] + info['costs'])]
            #              senses = ["E"],
            #              rhs = [0.0])
            #     max_cost > cost[j]
            #     cons.add(names = ['set_max_cost[%d]' % info['idx']],
            #              lin_expr = [SparsePair(ind = indices['max_cost_var_name'] + info['cost_var_name'], val = [1.0, -1.0])],
            #              senses = ["G"],
            #              rhs = [0.0])

        mip = set_cpx_parameters(mip, self._cpx_parameters)
        self._mip = mip
        self._mip_indices = indices