コード例 #1
ファイル: test_admin.py プロジェクト: cuttlefishh/redbiom
 def setUp(self):
     self.host = redbiom.get_config()['hostname']
     req = requests.get(self.host + '/flushall')
     assert req.status_code == 200
     self.get = redbiom._requests.make_get(redbiom.get_config())
     self.se = redbiom._requests.make_script_exec(redbiom.get_config())
コード例 #2
def data_from_features(context, features, exact):
    """Fetch sample data from an iterable of features.

    context : str
        The name of the context to retrieve sample data from.
    features : Iterable of str
        The features of interest.
    exact : bool
        If True, only samples in which all features exist are obtained.
        Otherwise, all samples with at least one feature are obtained.

        A Table populated with the found samples.
        A map of {sample_id_in_table: original_id}. This map can be used to
        identify what samples are ambiguous based off their original IDs.
    import redbiom
    import redbiom.util
    import redbiom._requests

    config = redbiom.get_config()
    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

    redbiom._requests.valid(context, get)

    # determine the samples which contain the features of interest
    samples = redbiom.util.ids_from(features, exact, 'feature', [context])

    return _biom_from_samples(context, iter(samples), get=get)
コード例 #3
def category_exists(category, get=None):
    """Test if a category exists

    category : str
        The category to test for
    get : function
        A get method

        True if the category exists, False otherwise

    Redis Command Summary
    SISMEMBER <category> metadata:catetories-represented
    if get is None:
        import redbiom
        import redbiom._requests
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

    # this use highlights how get is being abused at the moment. this is a
    # command which takes two arguments, they key and the member to test.
    return get('metadata', 'SISMEMBER', 'categories-represented/%s' % category)
コード例 #4
def sample_counts_per_category(categories=None):
    """Get the number of samples with usable metadata per category

    categories : list of str, optional
        The specific categories to summarize. If None, then summarize
        all of the categories in the database.

        A series keyed by the category and valued by the number of samples
        which have metadata for that category.

    Redis command summary
    SMEMBERS metadata:categories-represented
    HLEN metadata:category:<category>
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    import pandas as pd

    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(redbiom.get_config())

    if categories is None:
        categories = list(get('metadata', 'SMEMBERS',
    results = []
    for category in categories:
        key = 'category:%s' % category
        results.append(int(get('metadata', 'HLEN', key)))

    return pd.Series(results, index=categories)
コード例 #5
def create_context(name, description):
    """Create a context within the cache

    name : str
        The name of the context, e.g., deblur@150nt
    description : str
        A brief description about the context, e.g., "Default quality
        filtering, followed by application of Deblur with a trim length of

    Redis commmand summary
    HSET state:context <name> <description>
    HSET <context>:state db-version <current-db-version>
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests

    config = redbiom.get_config()
    post = redbiom._requests.make_post(config)
    post('state', 'HSET', "contexts/%s/%s" % (name, description))
    post(name, 'HSET', "state/db-version/%s" % redbiom.__db_version__)
コード例 #6
ファイル: where_expr.py プロジェクト: ryanc16/redbiom
def whereeval(str_, get=None):
    """Evaluate a set operation string, where each Name is fetched"""
    if get is None:
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

    # Load is subject to indirection to simplify testing
    globals()['Load'] = make_Load(get)

    formed = ast.parse(str_, mode='eval')

    node_types = [ast.Compare, ast.In, ast.NotIn, ast.BoolOp, ast.And,
                  ast.Name, ast.Or, ast.Eq, ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE,
                  ast.NotEq, ast.Str, ast.Num, ast.Load, ast.Expression,
                  ast.Tuple, ast.Is, ast.IsNot]

    if sys.version_info.major == 3:

    node_types = tuple(node_types)

    for node in ast.walk(formed):
        if not isinstance(node, node_types):
            raise TypeError("Unsupported node type: %s" % ast.dump(node))

    result = eval(ast.dump(formed))

    # clean up
    global Load
    del Load

    return result
コード例 #7
    def test_resolve_ambiguities(self):
        import redbiom._requests
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

        redbiom.admin.create_context('test', 'foo')
        redbiom.admin.load_sample_data(table, 'test', tag=None)

        # all samples as ambiguous
        samples = {'10317.000047188', '10317.000046868', '10317.000051129',
                   '10317.000012975', '10317.000033804', '10317.000001405',
                   '10317.000022252', '10317.000001378', '10317.000005080',
        exp_stable = {"%s.UNTAGGED" % k: k for k in samples}
        exp_unobserved = []
        exp_ambiguous = {k: ["UNTAGGED_%s" % k] for k in samples}
        exp_ri = {'UNTAGGED_%s' % k: '%s.UNTAGGED' % k for k in samples}
        obs_stable, obs_unobserved, obs_ambiguous, obs_ri = \
            resolve_ambiguities('test', samples, get)

        self.assertEqual(obs_stable, exp_stable)
        self.assertEqual(obs_unobserved, exp_unobserved)
        self.assertEqual(obs_ambiguous, exp_ambiguous)
        self.assertEqual(obs_ri, exp_ri)
コード例 #8
    def test_resolve_ambiguities_ambigbug(self):
        import redbiom._requests
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

        redbiom.admin.create_context('test', 'foo')
        redbiom.admin.load_sample_data(table, 'test', tag='fromtest')
        redbiom.admin.load_sample_data(table_with_alt, 'test',

        samples = {'fromtest_10317.000005080', 'fromalt_10317.000005080'}
        exp_stable = {'10317.000005080.fromtest': 'fromtest_10317.000005080',
                      '10317.000005080.fromalt': 'fromalt_10317.000005080'}
        exp_unobserved = []
        exp_ambiguous = {'10317.000005080': ['fromtest_10317.000005080',
        exp_ri = {'fromtest_10317.000005080': '10317.000005080.fromtest',
                  'fromalt_10317.000005080': '10317.000005080.fromalt'}

        obs_stable, obs_unobserved, obs_ambiguous, obs_ri = \
            resolve_ambiguities('test', samples, get)

        self.assertEqual(obs_stable, exp_stable)
        self.assertEqual(obs_unobserved, exp_unobserved)
        self.assertEqual({k: set(v) for k, v in obs_ambiguous.items()},
                         {k: set(v) for k, v in exp_ambiguous.items()})
        self.assertEqual(obs_ri, exp_ri)
コード例 #9
ファイル: _requests.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def buffered(it, prefix, cmd, context, get=None, buffer_size=10,
    """Bulk fetch data

    Many of the commands within REDIS accept multiple arguments (e.g., MGET).
    This method facilitates the use of these bulk commands over an iterable
    of items. The method will additionally "chunk" by a buffer_size as to
    limit the size of the URL being constructed. The URLs have an upper bound
    of around 100kb from testing -- this is limit is dependent on the client
    and the server. It is not clear what the actual limit is for Webdis. As a
    rule of thumb, the aim is to target requests for a few kb at a time.

    it : iterable
        The items to query for
    prefix : string
        A key prefix such as "data"
    cmd : string, a Redis command
        The command to request be executed
    context : string
        The context to operate under (ie another prefix).
    get : function, optional
        An existing get function
    buffer_size: int, optional
        The number of items to query for at once. It is important to avoid
        having a buffer size which may result in a URL exceeding 100kb as in
        testing, that was not well support unsurprisingly.
    multikey: string, optional
        For hashbucket commands, like HMGET, where there is an outer and inner
    if get is None:
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = make_get(config)

    if multikey is None:
        prefixer = lambda a, b, c: '%s:%s:%s' % (a, b, c)
        prefixer = lambda a, b, c: c

    it = iter(it)
    exhausted = False
    while not exhausted:
        items = []
        for i in range(buffer_size):
            except StopIteration:
                exhausted = True

        # it may be possible to use _format_request here
        bulk = '/'.join([prefixer(context, prefix, i) for i in items])
        if multikey:
            bulk = "%s:%s/%s" % (context, multikey, bulk)

        if bulk:
            yield items, get(None, cmd, bulk)
コード例 #10
ファイル: _requests.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def make_post(config, redis_protocol=None):
    """Factory function: produce a post() method"""
    import redbiom
    s = get_session()
    config = redbiom.get_config()

    if redis_protocol:
        # for expensive load operations like feature data, it potentially
        # faster to use the native protocol. this writes out the redis
        # commands in their native for feeding into redis-cli --pipe. More
        # information can be found here:
        # https://redis.io/topics/mass-insert
        def f(context, cmd, payload):
            import sys
            args = payload.split('/')
            args[0] = ':'.join([context, args[0]])
            args.insert(0, cmd)

            # https://gist.github.com/laserson/2689744
            proto = ''
            proto += '*' + str(len(args)) + '\r\n'
            for arg in args:
                proto += '$' + str(len(bytes(str(arg), 'utf-8'))) + '\r\n'
                proto += str(arg) + '\r\n'
        def f(context, cmd, payload):
            req = s.post(config['hostname'],
                         data=_format_request(context, cmd, payload))
            return _parse_validate_request(req, cmd)
    return f
コード例 #11
    def get(name):
        """Retreive the SHA1 of a script

        name : str
            The name of the script to fetch

            If the script name is not recognized
        if name in ScriptManager._cache:
            return ScriptManager._cache[name]

        import redbiom
        import redbiom._requests
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

        sha = get('state', 'HGET', 'scripts/%s' % name)
        if sha is None:
            raise ValueError('Unknown script')

        ScriptManager._cache[name] = sha

        return sha
コード例 #12
def ids_from(it, exact, axis, contexts):
    """Grab samples from an iterable of IDs

    it : iteraable of str
        The IDs to search for
    exact : boolean
        If True, compute the intersection of results per context. If False,
        compute the union of results per context.
    axis : {'feature', 'sample'}
        The axis to operate over.
    contexts : list of str
        The contexts to search in

    Contexts are evaluated independently, and the results of each context are

        The sample IDs associated with the search IDs.

    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    import redbiom.admin
    config = redbiom.get_config()
    se = redbiom._requests.make_script_exec(config)

    retrieved = set()

    if axis not in {'feature', 'sample'}:
        raise ValueError("Unknown axis: %s" % axis)

    if not isinstance(contexts, (list, set, tuple)):
        contexts = [contexts]

    it = list(it)
    fetcher = redbiom.admin.ScriptManager.get('fetch-%s' % axis)
    for context in contexts:
        context_ids = None
        for id_ in it:
            block = se(fetcher, 0, context, id_)
            if not exact:
                if context_ids is None:
                    context_ids = set()
                if context_ids is None:
                    context_ids = set(block)
                    context_ids = context_ids.intersection(block)

        if context_ids:
            retrieved = retrieved.union(context_ids)

    return retrieved
コード例 #13
    def load_scripts(read_only=True):
        """Load scripts into Redis

        read_only : bool, optional
            If True, only load read-only scripts. If False, load writable
        import redbiom
        import redbiom._requests
        import hashlib

        config = redbiom.get_config()
        s = redbiom._requests.get_session()
        post = redbiom._requests.make_post(config)
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

        for name, script in ScriptManager._scripts.items():
            if read_only and name in ScriptManager._admin_scripts:

            sha1 = hashlib.sha1(script.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
            keypair = 'scripts/%s/%s' % (name, sha1)

            # load the script
            s.put(config['hostname'] + '/SCRIPT/LOAD', data=script)

            # create a mapping
            post('state', 'HSET', keypair)

            # verify we've correctly computed the hash
            obs = get('state', 'HGET', 'scripts/%s' % name)
            assert obs == sha1
コード例 #14
ファイル: _requests.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def valid(context, get=None):
    """Test if a context exists"""
    if get is None:
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = make_get(config)

    if not get('state', 'HEXISTS', 'contexts/%s' % context):
        raise ValueError("Unknown context: %s" % context)
コード例 #15
 def drop_scripts():
     """Flush the loaded scripts in the redis database"""
     import redbiom
     import redbiom._requests
     config = redbiom.get_config()
     s = redbiom._requests.get_session()
     s.get(config['hostname'] + '/SCRIPT/FLUSH')
     s.get(config['hostname'] + '/DEL/state:scripts')
     ScriptManager._cache = {}
コード例 #16
def search_samples(from_, exact, context, samples):
    """Get features present in samples."""
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    import redbiom.util

    config = redbiom.get_config()
    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)
    _, _, _, rb_ids = redbiom.util.resolve_ambiguities(context, samples, get)
    rb_ids = list(rb_ids)
    _axis_search(from_, exact, context, iter(rb_ids), 'sample')
コード例 #17
ファイル: _requests.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def make_get(config):
    """Factory function: produce a get() method"""
    import redbiom
    s = get_session()
    config = redbiom.get_config()

    def f(context, cmd, data):
        payload = _format_request(context, cmd, data)
        url = '/'.join([config['hostname'], payload])
        return _parse_validate_request(s.get(url), cmd)
    return f
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_util.py プロジェクト: Jeffrey-Sardina/redbiom
    def test_resolve_ambiguities_mixed(self):
        import redbiom._requests
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

        redbiom.admin.create_context('test', 'foo')
        redbiom.admin.load_sample_data(table, 'test', tag=None)

        samples = {
            '10317.000047188', '10317.000046868', '10317.000051129',
            '10317.000012975', '10317.000033804', '10317.000001405',
            '10317.000022252', '10317.000001378', 'foo', 'UNTAGGED_bar',
        exp_stable = {
            "%s.UNTAGGED" % k: k
            for k in samples if 'foo' not in k and 'bar' not in k
        exp_stable['10317.000003302.UNTAGGED'] = 'UNTAGGED_10317.000003302'
        exp_unobserved = ['foo', 'UNTAGGED_bar']
        exp_ambiguous = {
            '10317.000047188': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000047188'],
            '10317.000046868': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000046868'],
            '10317.000051129': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000051129'],
            '10317.000012975': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000012975'],
            '10317.000033804': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000033804'],
            '10317.000001405': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000001405'],
            '10317.000022252': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000022252'],
            '10317.000001378': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000001378'],
            '10317.000003302': ['UNTAGGED_10317.000003302']
        exp_ri = {
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000047188': '10317.000047188.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000046868': '10317.000046868.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000051129': '10317.000051129.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000012975': '10317.000012975.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000033804': '10317.000033804.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000001405': '10317.000001405.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000022252': '10317.000022252.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000001378': '10317.000001378.UNTAGGED',
            'UNTAGGED_10317.000003302': '10317.000003302.UNTAGGED'

        obs_stable, obs_unobserved, obs_ambiguous, obs_ri = \
            resolve_ambiguities('test', samples, get)

        self.assertEqual(obs_stable, exp_stable)
        self.assertEqual(obs_unobserved, exp_unobserved)
        self.assertEqual(obs_ambiguous, exp_ambiguous)
        self.assertEqual(obs_ri, exp_ri)
コード例 #19
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def assert_test_env():
    import os
    import redbiom
    conf = redbiom.get_config()
    if not conf['hostname'].startswith(''):
        if not os.environ.get('REDBIOM_OVERRIDE_HOST_AND_TEST', False):
            raise ValueError("It appears the REDBIOM_HOST is not "
                             "By default, the tests will not run on outside "
                             "of localhost, however if you're sure you want "
                             "to run the tests against the set host, please "
                             "set the environment variable "
コード例 #20
def get_timestamps():
    """Obtain the stored timestamps

    Redis command summary
    LRANGE state:timestamps 0 -1
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    config = redbiom.get_config()
    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)
    return get('state', 'LRANGE', 'timestamps/0/-1')
コード例 #21
ファイル: _requests.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def make_script_exec(config):
    """Factory function: produce a script_exec() method"""
    import redbiom
    import json
    s = get_session()
    config = redbiom.get_config()

    def f(sha, *args):
        payload = [config['hostname'], 'EVALSHA', sha]
        payload.extend([str(a) for a in args])
        url = '/'.join(payload)
        return json.loads(_parse_validate_request(s.get(url), 'EVALSHA'))
    return f
コード例 #22
ファイル: select.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def features(from_, context, exact, samples):
    """Given samples, select the features associated."""
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    config = redbiom.get_config()
    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)
    import redbiom.util

    iterator = redbiom.util.from_or_nargs(from_, samples)
    _, _, _, rids = redbiom.util.resolve_ambiguities(context, iterator, get)

    for i in redbiom.util.ids_from(rids, exact, 'sample', context):
コード例 #23
ファイル: set_expr.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def seteval(str_, get=None, stemmer=None, target=None):
    """Evaluate a set operation string, where each Name is fetched

    str_ : str
        The query to evaluate
    get : function, optional
        A getting method, defaults to instatiating one from _requests
    stemmer : function, optional
        A method to stem a query Name. If None, defaults to passthrough.
    target : str, optional
        A subcontext to query against. If None, defaults to text-search.
    if get is None:
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

    if stemmer is None:
        stemmer = passthrough

    if target is None:
        target = 'text-search'

    # Load is subject to indirection to simplify testing
    globals()['Load'] = make_Load(get)

    # this seems right now to be the easiest way to inject parameters
    # into Name
    globals()['stemmer'] = stemmer
    globals()['target'] = target

    formed = ast.parse(str_, mode='eval')

    node_types = (ast.BitAnd, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.Name, ast.Sub,
                  ast.Expression, ast.BinOp, ast.Load)

    for node in ast.walk(formed):
        if not isinstance(node, node_types):
            raise TypeError("Unsupported node type: %s" % ast.dump(node))

    result = eval(ast.dump(formed))

    # clean up
    global Load
    del Load
    del stemmer
    del target

    return result
コード例 #24
def category_sample_values(category, samples=None):
    """Obtain the samples and their corresponding category values

    category : str
        A metadata column of interest.
    samples : Iterable of str, optional
        If provided, only the specified samples and their values are obtained.

        A Series indexed by the Sample ID and valued by the metadata value for
        that sample for the specified category.

    Redis command summary
    HGETALL metadata:category:<category>
    HMGET metadata:category:<category> <sample_id> ... <sample_id>
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    import pandas as pd

    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(redbiom.get_config())

    key = 'category:%s' % category
    if samples is None:
        keys_vals = list(get('metadata', 'HGETALL', key).items())
        untagged, _, _, tagged_clean = \
        samples = untagged + tagged_clean
        getter = redbiom._requests.buffered(iter(samples),

        # there is probably some niftier method than this.
        keys_vals = [(sample, obs_val) for idx, vals in getter
                     for sample, obs_val in zip(idx, vals)]

    index = (v[0] for v in keys_vals)
    data = (v[1] for v in keys_vals)
    return pd.Series(data=data, index=index)
コード例 #25
ファイル: _requests.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def make_put(config):
    """Factory function: produce a put() method

    Within Webdis, PUT is generally used to provide content in the body for
    use as a file upload.
    import redbiom
    s = get_session()
    config = redbiom.get_config()

    def f(context, cmd, key, data):
        url = '/'.join([config['hostname'],
                        _format_request(context, cmd, key)])
        req = s.put(url, data=data)
        return _parse_validate_request(req, cmd)
    return f
コード例 #26
def get_index(context, key, axis):
    """Get a unique integer value for a key within a context

    context : str
        The context to operate in
    key : str
        The key to get a unique index for
    axis : str
        Either feature or sample

    This method is an atomic equivalent of:

        def get_or_set(d, item):
            if item not in d:
                d[item] = len(d)
            return d[item]

        A unique integer index within the context for the key
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests

    config = redbiom.get_config()

    # we need to issue the request directly as the command structure is
    # rather different than other commands
    s = redbiom._requests.get_session()
    sha = ScriptManager.get('get-index')
    url = '/'.join([
        config['hostname'], 'EVALSHA', sha, '1',
        "%s:%s-index" % (context, axis), key
    req = s.get(url)

    if req.status_code != 200:
        raise ValueError("Unable to obtain index; %d; %s" %
                         (req.status_code, req.content))

    return int(req.json()['EVALSHA'])
コード例 #27
def has_sample_metadata(samples, get=None):
    """Test if all samples have sample metadata"""
    import redbiom._requests
    if get is None:
        import redbiom
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

    untagged, tagged, _, tagged_clean = partition_samples_by_tags(samples)

    # make sure all samples have metadata
    represented = set(get('metadata', 'SMEMBERS', 'samples-represented'))
    if not set(untagged).issubset(represented):
        return False
    if not set(tagged_clean).issubset(represented):
        return False

    return True
コード例 #28
def samples_in_context(context, unambiguous, get=None):
    """Fetch samples in a context

    context : str
        The context to obtain samples from.
    unambiguous : bool
        If True, return unambiguous identifiers, if false return ambiguated
    get : a make_get instance, optional
        A constructed get method.

        The set of sample identifers within a context.

        If the requested context is not known.

    Redis Command Summary
    SMEMBERS <context>:samples-represented
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    import redbiom.util

    if get is None:
        config = redbiom.get_config()
        get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

    redbiom._requests.valid(context, get)

    obs = get(context, 'SMEMBERS', 'samples-represented')

    if not unambiguous:
        _, _, _, tagged_clean = redbiom.util.partition_samples_by_tags(obs)
        return set(tagged_clean)
        return set(obs)
コード例 #29
ファイル: select.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def select_samples_from_metadata(from_, context, query, samples):
    """Given samples, select based on metadata"""
    import redbiom.util
    import redbiom.search

    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    config = redbiom.get_config()
    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config)

    iterator = redbiom.util.from_or_nargs(from_, samples)

    _, _, ambig, _ = redbiom.util.resolve_ambiguities(context, iterator, get)

    full_search = redbiom.search.metadata_full(query)

    for i in (full_search & set(ambig)):
        for rid in ambig[i]:  # get unambiguous redbiom id
コード例 #30
ファイル: summarize.py プロジェクト: tuqiang2014/redbiom
def contexts(detail=True):
    """Obtain the name and description of known contexts

    detail : bool, optional
        If True, obtain additional context detail.

        Containing context information.

    Redis command summary
    HGETALL state:contexts
    SCARD <context>:samples-represented
    SCARD <context>:features-represented
    import pandas as pd
    import redbiom
    import redbiom._requests
    get = redbiom._requests.make_get(redbiom.get_config())

    if not detail:
        contexts = get('state', 'HKEYS', 'contexts')
        return pd.DataFrame(contexts, columns=['ContextName'])
        contexts = get('state', 'HGETALL', 'contexts')

        result = []
        for name, desc in contexts.items():
            ctx_n_samp = get(name, 'SCARD', 'samples-represented')
            ctx_n_feat = get(name, 'SCARD', 'features-represented')

            result.append((name, int(ctx_n_samp), int(ctx_n_feat), desc))

        return pd.DataFrame(result,
                                'ContextName', 'SamplesWithData',
                                'FeaturesWithData', 'Description'