async def per(self, ctx, *, length: TimedeltaConverter): """How long of a timeframe to keep track of command spamming.""" duration_seconds = length.total_seconds() await self.config.per.set(duration_seconds) await ctx.send( f"The spam filter has been set to check commands during a {humanize_timedelta(seconds=duration_seconds)} period." ) await self.gen_cache()
async def length(self, ctx, *, length: TimedeltaConverter): """How long to blacklist a user from using commands.""" duration_seconds = length.total_seconds() await self.config.mute_length.set(duration_seconds) await ctx.send( f"The spam filter blacklist timer has been set to {humanize_timedelta(seconds=duration_seconds)}." ) await self.gen_cache()
async def per(self, ctx, *, length: TimedeltaConverter): """How long of a timeframe to keep track of command spamming. Accepts: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks Examples: `[p]antispamset per 1d2h30m` `[p]antispamset per 1 day 2 hours 30 minutes` """ if not length: return await ctx.send("You must provide a value greater than 0.") duration_seconds = length.total_seconds() await self.config.per.set(duration_seconds) await ctx.send( f"The spam filter has been set to check commands during a {humanize_timedelta(seconds=duration_seconds).rstrip('s')} period." ) await self.gen_cache()
async def length(self, ctx, *, length: TimedeltaConverter): """How long to blacklist a user from using commands. Accepts: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks Examples: `[p]antispamset length 1d2h30m` `[p]antispamset length 1 day 2 hours 30 minutes` """ if not length: return await ctx.send("You must provide a value greater than 0.") duration_seconds = length.total_seconds() await self.config.mute_length.set(duration_seconds) await ctx.send( f"The spam filter blacklist timer has been set to {humanize_timedelta(seconds=duration_seconds)}." ) await self.gen_cache()