def basic_setup(): """ Creates the data storage folder. :return: """ default_data_dir = get_data_dir() default_dirs = deepcopy(basic_config_default) default_dirs["DATA_PATH"] = str(default_data_dir.resolve()) storage = get_storage_type() storage_dict = {1: BackendType.JSON, 2: BackendType.MONGO} storage_type: BackendType = storage_dict.get(storage, BackendType.JSON) default_dirs["STORAGE_TYPE"] = storage_type.value if storage_type == BackendType.MONGO: from redbot.core.drivers.red_mongo import get_config_details default_dirs["STORAGE_DETAILS"] = get_config_details() else: default_dirs["STORAGE_DETAILS"] = {} name = get_name() save_config(name, default_dirs) print() print( "Your basic configuration has been saved. Please run `redbot <name>` to" " continue your setup process and to run the bot.")
async def json_to_mongov2(instance): instance_vals = instance_data[instance] current_data_dir = Path(instance_vals["DATA_PATH"]) load_basic_configuration(instance) from redbot.core.drivers import red_mongo storage_details = red_mongo.get_config_details() core_conf = Config.get_core_conf() new_driver = red_mongo.Mongo(cog_name="Core", identifier="0", **storage_details) core_conf.init_custom("CUSTOM_GROUPS", 2) custom_group_data = await core_conf.custom("CUSTOM_GROUPS").all() curr_custom_data = custom_group_data.get("Core", {}).get("0", {}) exported_data = await core_conf.driver.export_data(curr_custom_data)"Starting Core conversion...") await new_driver.import_data(exported_data, curr_custom_data)"Core conversion complete.") for p in current_data_dir.glob("cogs/**/settings.json"): cog_name = p.parent.stem if "." in cog_name: # Garbage handler continue with"r") as f: cog_data = json.load(f) for identifier, all_data in cog_data.items(): try: conf = Config.get_conf(None, int(identifier), cog_name=cog_name) except ValueError: continue new_driver = red_mongo.Mongo( cog_name=cog_name, identifier=conf.driver.unique_cog_identifier, **storage_details) curr_custom_data = custom_group_data.get(cog_name, {}).get(identifier, {}) exported_data = await conf.driver.export_data(curr_custom_data) f"Converting {cog_name} with identifier {identifier}...") await new_driver.import_data(exported_data, curr_custom_data)"Cog conversion complete.") return storage_details
async def edit_instance(): instance_list = load_existing_config() if not instance_list: print("No instances have been set up!") return print("You have chosen to edit an instance. The following " "is a list of instances that currently exist:\n") for instance in instance_list.keys(): print("{}\n".format(instance)) print("Please select one of the above by entering its name") selected = input("> ") if selected not in instance_list.keys(): print("That isn't a valid instance!") return instance_data = instance_list[selected] default_dirs = deepcopy(basic_config_default) current_data_dir = Path(instance_data["DATA_PATH"]) print("You have selected '{}' as the instance to modify.".format(selected)) if not confirm("Please confirm (y/n):"): print("Ok, we will not continue then.") return print("Ok, we will continue on.") print() if confirm("Would you like to change the instance name? (y/n)"): name = get_name() else: name = selected if confirm("Would you like to change the data location? (y/n)"): default_data_dir = get_data_dir() default_dirs["DATA_PATH"] = str(default_data_dir.resolve()) else: default_dirs["DATA_PATH"] = str(current_data_dir.resolve()) if confirm("Would you like to change the storage type? (y/n):"): storage = get_storage_type() storage_dict = {1: "JSON", 2: "MongoDB"} default_dirs["STORAGE_TYPE"] = storage_dict[storage] if storage_dict.get(storage, 1) == "MongoDB": from redbot.core.drivers.red_mongo import get_config_details storage_details = get_config_details() default_dirs["STORAGE_DETAILS"] = storage_details if instance_data["STORAGE_TYPE"] == "JSON": if confirm("Would you like to import your data? (y/n) "): await json_to_mongo(current_data_dir, storage_details) else: storage_details = instance_data["STORAGE_DETAILS"] default_dirs["STORAGE_DETAILS"] = {} if instance_data["STORAGE_TYPE"] == "MongoDB": if confirm("Would you like to import your data? (y/n) "): await mongo_to_json(current_data_dir, storage_details) if name != selected: save_config(selected, {}, remove=True) save_config(name, default_dirs) print("Your basic configuration has been edited")