コード例 #1
  def update_all_reddits(self, smallest_id, largest_id):
    # http://www.reddit.com/dev/api
    # t3_ means link
    # example:
    # http://www.reddit.com/by_id/t3_zcd40t3_zcd41,t3_zcd42,t3_zcd43/.json
    print "Attempting to download all reddit submissions between id: ", smallest_id, " and ", largest_id
    i = 0
    entries_written = 0
    entries_non_existent = 0
    while smallest_id < largest_id:
      i += 1
      # Debug printing every 50 runs (after processing 5000 entries) ~ every 100 seconds:
      if (i - 1) % 50 == 0:
        #if self.db_manager.new_rows_written % 1000 == 0 and self.db_manager.new_rows_written != 0:
        print "Entries written: ", entries_written, " [Non-existent: ", entries_non_existent, "] - on id: ", smallest_id

      url = "http://www.reddit.com/by_id/"

      submissions_to_fetch_int = set()

      # Queue up 100 submissions to fetch which the database does not currently contain
      while smallest_id < largest_id and len(submissions_to_fetch_int) < ENTRIES_TO_FETCH:
        # print "row_id = ", most_recent_id
        if not self.db_manager.row_exists(smallest_id):
        smallest_id += 1

      # Create a URL string for the query
      submissions_to_fetch_str = []
      for s in submissions_to_fetch_int:
        submissions_to_fetch_str.append("t3_" + base36encode(s))
      url += ','.join(submissions_to_fetch_str)

      # Query for the submissions
      submissions = None
        submissions = self.r.request_json(url, params={'limit': 100}, data=None, as_objects=True, retry_on_error=True)
        # print submissions
        submissions = submissions['data']['children']
        print "Error when trying to fetch url: ", url

      submissions_fetched_int = set()
      if submissions:
        for submission in submissions:
          entries_written += 1
          submission_id = base36decode(submission.id)

      # subtract submissions_fetched_int from submissions_to_fetch_int

      submissions_not_fetched = submissions_to_fetch_int.difference(submissions_fetched_int)
      for submission_id in submissions_not_fetched:
        # Mark nonexistent entries
        if not self.db_manager.row_exists(submission_id):
          non_existent_entry = Submission.non_existent_submission(submission_id)
          entries_non_existent += 1