def _leg_annotation(self, log, activity_rois=list(), nonactivity_rois=list(), wp=""): leg_rois = list() timestamp = log[0].header.stamp for traj in self._trajvis.trajs.traj.itervalues(): trajectory = traj.get_trajectory_message() points = [[pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y] for pose in trajectory.trajectory] points = create_line_string(points) for roi, region in self.regions.iteritems(): if is_intersected(region, points): leg_rois.append(roi) self.roi_leg[roi].append((timestamp.secs / 60) * 60) for roi in activity_rois: if roi in leg_rois: self.leg[roi][wp]["TP"] += 1 else: self.leg[roi][wp]["FN"] += 1 for roi in nonactivity_rois: if roi in leg_rois: self.leg[roi][wp]["FP"] += 1 else: self.leg[roi][wp]["TN"] += 1
def _get_waypoints(self, soma_config): region_wps = dict() # get regions information regions, _ = get_soma_info(soma_config) # get waypoint information topo_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/topological_map", TopologicalMap, self._topo_map_cb, None, 10) rospy.loginfo("Getting information from /topological_map...") while self.topo_map is None: rospy.sleep(0.1) topo_sub.unregister() for wp in self.topo_map.nodes: wp_sight, _ = robot_view_cone(wp.pose) intersected_rois = list() intersected_regions = list() for roi, region in regions.iteritems(): if is_intersected(wp_sight, region): intersected_regions.append(region) intersected_rois.append(roi) for ind, region in enumerate(intersected_regions): area = wp_sight.intersection(region).area roi = intersected_rois[ind] if roi in region_wps: _, area1 = region_wps[roi] if area > area1: region_wps.update({roi: (, area)}) else: region_wps.update({roi: (, area)}) return { roi: tupleoftwo[0] for roi, tupleoftwo in region_wps.iteritems() }
def _pt_cb(self, msg): if self._is_counting_visit: for trajectory in msg.trajectories: points = [[pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y] for pose in trajectory.trajectory[-10:]] points = create_line_string(points) for roi, area in self.regions.iteritems(): if is_intersected(area, points): if trajectory.uuid not in self._region_visits: rospy.loginfo("%s seems to visit %s" % (trajectory.uuid, roi)) self._region_visits[trajectory.uuid] = roi break
def _cd_annotation(self, log, activity_rois=list(), nonactivity_rois=list(), wp=""): cd_rois = list() timestamp = log[0].header.stamp for centroid in self._cd: point = create_line_string([centroid.x, centroid.y]) for roi, region in self.regions.iteritems(): if is_intersected(region, point): cd_rois.append(roi) self.roi_cd[roi].append((timestamp.secs / 60) * 60) for roi in activity_rois: if roi in cd_rois:[roi][wp]["TP"] += 1 else:[roi][wp]["FN"] += 1 for roi in nonactivity_rois: if roi in cd_rois:[roi][wp]["FP"] += 1 else:[roi][wp]["TN"] += 1
def _activity_annotation(self, log): act_rois = list() rospy.logwarn( "Please wait until the new image appears before answering...") rospy.logwarn("All questions are based on the image topic %s" % rospy.get_name()) timestamp = log[0].header.stamp datestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp.secs) wp = list() for pose in self._robot_pos: point = create_line_string([pose.x, pose.y]) for wp_name, wp_region in self.topo_map.iteritems(): if is_intersected(wp_region, point): wp.append(wp_name) if wp == list(): inpt = "" while inpt not in self.topo_map.keys(): text = "Manual, From which region did the robot observed around %s? \n" % str( datestamp) text += "Please select from %s:" % str(self.topo_map.keys()) inpt = raw_input(text) wp = inpt elif len(list(set(wp))) > 1: inpt = "" while inpt not in self.topo_map.keys(): text = "From which region did the robot observed around %s? \n" % str( datestamp) text += "Please select from %s:" % str(list(set(wp))) inpt = raw_input(text) wp = inpt else: wp = wp[0] self.wp_history.update({(timestamp.secs / 60) * 60: wp}) # listing all regions which activity happened from the image text = "Which regions did the activity happen within a minute around %s? \n" % str( datestamp) text += "Please select from %s, " % str(self.regions.keys()) text += "and write in the following format '[reg_1,...,reg_n]'\n" text += "(Press ENTER if no activity is observed): " inpt = raw_input(text) inpt = inpt.replace(" ", "") inpt = inpt.replace("[", "") inpt = inpt.replace("]", "") act_rois = inpt.split(",") if '' in act_rois and len(act_rois) == 1: act_rois = list() for roi in act_rois: self.activity[roi][wp]["Present"] += 1 self.roi_activity[roi].append((timestamp.secs / 60) * 60) # listing all regions which no activity happening from the image text = "Which regions with no activity within a minute around %s? \n" % str( datestamp) text += "Please select from %s, " % str(self.regions.keys()) text += "and write in the following format '[reg_1,...,reg_n]'\n" text += "(Press ENTER if all regions had an activity): " inpt = raw_input(text) inpt = inpt.replace(" ", "") inpt = inpt.replace("[", "") inpt = inpt.replace("]", "") nact_rois = inpt.split(",") if '' in nact_rois and len(nact_rois) == 1: nact_rois = list() for roi in nact_rois: self.activity[roi][wp]["Absent"] += 1 self.roi_non_activity[roi].append((timestamp.secs / 60) * 60) return act_rois, nact_rois, wp