コード例 #1
def arbitrary_rotation():

    X = util.test_object(1)  # The object that is rotated
    Xh = util.c2h(X)  # Convert the object vectors to homogeneous coords

    t = X[:, 0]  # First vertex to rotate around

    # Define separate transformations in homogeneous coords

    T_ftrans = util.t2h(reg.identity(), -1 *
                        t)  # Translate to ensure first vertex is in the origin
    T_rot = util.t2h(reg.rotate(np.pi / 4), np.array([0,
                                                      0]))  # Rotate 45 degrees
    T_btrans = util.t2h(reg.identity(),
                        t)  # Translate back to the original position

    # Create the final transformation matrix
    T = T_btrans.dot(T_rot.dot(T_ftrans))
    # TODO: TODO: Perform rotation of the test shape around the first vertex

    # Transform
    X_rot = T.dot(Xh)

    # Plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_rot)
コード例 #2
def arbitrary_rotation():

    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)

    # TODO: Perform rotation of the test shape around the first vertex
    Xt = X[:, 0]
    phi = (45 / 180) * np.pi

    #matrix to move the figure to new origin
    translate_matrix = util.t2h(reg.identity(), -Xt)
        2] = 1  #add the 1 in de third row and column to get 'ones'on the diagonal
    rotate_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(phi), -np.sin(phi), 0],
                              [np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), 0], [0, 0, 1]])

    #matrix to move the figure back to original origin
    translate_matrix_2 = util.t2h(reg.identity(), Xt)
        2] = 1  #add the 1 in de third row and column to get 'ones'on the diagonal

    T = (rotate_matrix.dot(translate_matrix))  #rotate the moved figure
    T = translate_matrix_2.dot(T)  #move the figure back

    X_rot = T.dot(Xh)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_rot)

コード例 #3
def arbitrary_rotation():

    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)  #the object in homogeneous form

    Xt = np.array(X[:, 0])
    T_rot = reg.rotate(np.pi / 4)

    Xt_down = util.t2h(
        -Xt)  #with Xt being the translation vector set into homogeneous form
    Xt_up = util.t2h(reg.identity(), Xt)
    T_rot = util.t2h(T_rot, np.array(
        [0, 0]))  #with T being the rotational vector set into homogeneous form

    T = Xt_up.dot(T_rot).dot(Xt_down)
    X_fin = T.dot(Xh)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_fin)
コード例 #4
def correlation_test():

    I = plt.imread('../data/cameraman.tif')
    Th = util.t2h(reg.identity(), np.array([10, 20]))
    J, _ = reg.image_transform(I, Th)

    C1 = reg.correlation(I, I)
    # the self correlation should be very close to 1
    assert abs(
        C1 - 1
    ) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (self correlation test)"

    # TODO: Implement a few more tests of the correlation definition
    #correlation when two signals are exaclty opposite should be very close to -1
    C2 = reg.correlation(I, -I)
    assert abs(
        C2 + 1
    ) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (opposite self correlation test)"
    #detect corrrelation of two signals with different amplitudes should be 1
    C3 = reg.correlation(I, I / 2)
    assert abs(
        C3 - 1
    ) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (different amplitude self correlation test)"

    C4 = reg.correlation(I, J)
    assert abs(
        C4 - 1
    ) < 10e-1, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (two diff images no correlation)"


    print('Test successful!')
コード例 #5
def correlation_test():

    I = plt.imread('../data/t1_demo.tif')
    Th = util.t2h(reg.identity(), np.array([10, 20]))
    J, _ = reg.image_transform(I, Th)
    K, _ = reg.image_transform(J, Th)

    C1 = reg.correlation(I, I)
    C2 = reg.correlation(J, J)
    # the self correlation should be very close to 1
    assert abs(
        C1 - 1
    ) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (self correlation test)"
    assert abs(
        C2 - 1
    ) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (self correlation test)"

    C3 = reg.correlation(I, J)
    C4 = reg.correlation(I, K)
    print("Correlation between images with slight translocation:", C3)
    print("Correlation between images with big translocation:", C4, "\n")

    print('Test successful!')

    print("\n\nAnd now for a test on the joint probability histogram: \n")
    p = reg.joint_histogram(I, J)
    assert abs(1 -
               float(np.sum(p))) < 0.01, "Mass probability function error..."
    print("Test successful!")
コード例 #6
def arbitrary_rotation():

    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)

    # Perform rotation of the test shape around the first vertex

    t = -X[:, 0]
    Trot = reg.rotate(np.pi / 4)
    Throt = util.t2h(Trot, np.zeros([1, np.size(Trot, axis=1)]))
    th = util.t2h(reg.identity(), t)
    thin = np.linalg.inv(th)
    T = thin.dot(Throt.dot(th))


    X_rot = T.dot(Xh)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_rot)
コード例 #7
def correlation_test():
    I = plt.imread('../data/cameraman.tif')
    Th = util.t2h(reg.identity(), np.array([10, 20]))
    J, _ = reg.image_transform(I, Th)

    C1 = reg.correlation(I, I)
    # the self correlation should be very close to 1
    assert abs(C1 - 1) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (self correlation test)"
    inv_lin_tr = np.array([[0,1],[1,0]])
    T = util.t2h(reg.identity(),np.array([0,0]))
    K,_ = reg.image_transform(I,T)
    C2 = reg.correlation(I,K)
    assert abs(C2-1) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (self correlation test)"
    print('Test successful!')
コード例 #8
def arbitrary_rotation():
    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)

    p_rot = X[:, 0]
    T_to_zero = util.t2h(reg.identity(), -p_rot)
    T_return = util.t2h(reg.identity(), p_rot)
    T_rot = util.t2h(reg.rotate(45))

    T = T_return.dot(T_rot.dot(T_to_zero))

    X_rot = T.dot(Xh)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_rot)

コード例 #9
def image_transform_test():

    I = plt.imread('8dc00-mia/data/cameraman.tif')

    # 45 deg. rotation around the image center
    T_1 = util.t2h(reg.identity(), 128 * np.ones(2))
    T_2 = util.t2h(reg.rotate(np.pi / 4), np.zeros(2))
    T_3 = util.t2h(reg.identity(), -128 * np.ones(2))
    T_rot = T_1.dot(T_2).dot(T_3)

    # 45 deg. rotation around the image center followed by shearing
    T_shear = util.t2h(reg.shear(0.0, 0.5), np.zeros(2)).dot(T_rot)

    # scaling in the x direction and translation
    T_scale = util.t2h(reg.scale(1.5, 1), np.array([10, 20]))

    It1, Xt1 = reg.image_transform(I, T_rot)
    It2, Xt2 = reg.image_transform(I, T_shear)
    It3, Xt3 = reg.image_transform(I, T_scale)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
    im11 = ax1.imshow(I)
    im12 = ax1.imshow(It1, alpha=0.7)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
    im21 = ax2.imshow(I)
    im22 = ax2.imshow(It2, alpha=0.7)

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
    im31 = ax3.imshow(I)
    im32 = ax3.imshow(It3, alpha=0.7)


コード例 #10
def arbitrary_rotation():
    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------#
    Tlat = util.t2h(reg.identity(), np.array(X[:, 0]))
    Tlat_down = util.t2h(reg.identity(), -np.array(X[:, 0]))
    T_rot = reg.rotate(np.pi / 4)

    T_rot_hom = util.t2h(T_rot, np.array([0, 0]))

    T_tot = Tlat.dot(T_rot_hom).dot(Tlat_down)
    X_fin = T_tot.dot(Xh)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------#

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_fin)
コード例 #11
def arbitrary_rotation():

    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)

    # TODO: TODO: Perform rotation of the test shape around the first vertex
    tdown = X[:, 0] * -1
    tup = X[:, 0]
    tdown = util.t2h(reg.identity(), tdown)
    tup = util.t2h(reg.identity(), tup)
    r = util.t2h(reg.rotate(45), [0, 0])
    T = tup.dot(r.dot(tdown))

    X_rot = T.dot(Xh)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_rot)
コード例 #12
def correlation_test():

    I = plt.imread('../data/cameraman.tif')
    Th = util.t2h(reg.identity(), np.array([10,20]))
    J, _ = reg.image_transform(I, Th)

    C1 = reg.correlation(I, I)
    # the self correlation should be very close to 1
    assert abs(C1 - 1) < 10e-10, "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented (self correlation test)"

    # TODO: Implement a few more tests of the correlation definition

    print('Test successful!')
コード例 #13
def correlation_test():
    I = plt.imread('../data/cameraman.tif')
    Th = util.t2h(reg.identity(), np.array([10, 20]))
    J, _ = reg.image_transform(I, Th)
    error_msg = "Correlation function is incorrectly implemented"

    C1 = reg.correlation(I, I)
    C2 = reg.correlation(I, J)
    C3 = reg.correlation(I, np.ones_like(I))
    # the self correlation should be very close to 1
    assert abs(C1 - 1) < 10e-10, error_msg + " (self correlation should be 1)"
    assert C1 >= -1, error_msg + " (self correlation is should be more than -1)"
    assert C2 <= 1, error_msg + " (translation correlation should be less than 1)"
    assert C2 >= -1, error_msg + " (translation correlation should be more than -1)"

    print('Correlation test successful!')
コード例 #14
def arbitrary_rotation():

    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)

    Xt= X[:0]
    T_trans = util.t2h(reg.identity(), Xt)
    T_rot = reg.rotate(0.25*np.pi)
    T_trans_inv = np.linalg.inv(T_trans)
    T = T_trans_inv.dot(T_rot.dot(T_trans))

    X_rot = T.dot(Xh)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_rot)
コード例 #15
def arbitrary_rotation():

    X = util.test_object(1)
    Xh = util.c2h(X)

    # TODO: Perform rotation of the test shape around the first vertex

    Xt = X[:, 0]

    T = util.t2h(reg.rotate(np.pi / 4), Xt).dot(util.t2h(reg.identity(), -Xt))


    X_rot = T.dot(Xh)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X)
    util.plot_object(ax1, X_rot)
コード例 #16
def registration_metrics_demo(use_t2=False):

    # read a T1 image
    I = plt.imread('../data/t1_demo.tif')

    if use_t2:
        # read the corresponding T2 image
        # note that the T1 and T2 images are already registered
        I_t2 = plt.imread('../data/t2_demo.tif')

    # create a linear space of rotation angles - 101 angles between 0 and 360 deg.
    angles = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 101, endpoint=True)

    CC = np.full(angles.shape, np.nan)
    MI = np.full(angles.shape, np.nan)

    # visualization
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))

    # correlation
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131, xlim=(-np.pi, np.pi), ylim=(-1.1, 1.1))
    line1, = ax1.plot(angles, CC, lw=2)
    ax1.set_xlabel('Rotation angle')
    ax1.set_ylabel('Correlation coefficient')

    # mutual mutual_information
    ax2  = fig.add_subplot(132, xlim=(-np.pi, np.pi), ylim=(0, 2))
    line2, = ax2.plot(angles, MI, lw=2)
    ax2.set_xlabel('Rotation angle')
    ax2.set_ylabel('Mutual information')

    # images
    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
    im1 = ax3.imshow(I)
    im2 = ax3.imshow(I, alpha=0.7)

    # used for rotation around image center
    t = np.array([I.shape[0], I.shape[1]])/2 + 0.5
    T_1 = util.t2h(reg.identity(), t)
    T_3 = util.t2h(reg.identity(), -t)

    # loop over the rotation angles
    for k, ang in enumerate(angles):
        # transformation matrix for rotating the image
        # I by angles(k) around its center point
        T_2 = util.t2h(reg.rotate(ang), np.zeros(2))
        T_rot = T_1.dot(T_2).dot(T_3)

        if use_t2:
            # rotate the T2 image
            J, Xt = reg.image_transform(I_t2, T_rot)
            # rotate the T1 image
            J, Xt = reg.image_transform(I, T_rot)

        # compute the joint histogram with 16 bins
        p = reg.joint_histogram(I, J, 16, [0, 255])

        CC[k] = reg.correlation(I, J)
        MI[k] = reg.mutual_information(p)

        clear_output(wait = True)
        # visualize the results
