コード例 #1
def exponential_roots_second_derivative(first_constant, second_constant, precision = 4):
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)

    # Create list to return
    result = []
    # Determine root of second derivative
    root = None

    # Return result
    return result
コード例 #2
def hyperbolic_roots_first_derivative(first_constant,
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)

    # Create list to return
    result = []

    # Determine root of first derivative
    root = 0.0

    # Return result
    return result
コード例 #3
def hyperbolic_integral(first_constant, second_constant, precision=4):
    Generates the integral of a hyperbolic function

    first_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the reciprocal variable of the original hyperbolic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the constant term of the original hyperbolic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    integral['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant integral
    integral['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant integral at any float or integer argument; if zero inputted as argument, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.derivatives.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_derivatives`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_model`

    - Standard form of a hyperbolic function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{\\frac{1}{x}} + b`
    - Integral of a hyperbolic function: :math:`F(x) = a\\cdot{\\ln|x|} + b\\cdot{x}`
    - |indefinite_integral|
    - |integration_formulas|

    Import `sinusoidal_hyperbolic` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.hyperbolics.sinusoidal import sinusoidal_hyperbolic
    Generate the integral of a hyperbolic function with coefficients 2 and 3, then display its coefficients
        >>> integral_constants = hyperbolic_integral(2, 3)
        >>> print(integral_constants['constants'])
        [2.0, 3.0]
    Generate the integral of a hyperbolic function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate its integral at 10
        >>> integral_evaluation = hyperbolic_integral(-2, 3)
        >>> print(integral_evaluation['evaluation'](10))
    Generate the integral of a hyperbolic function with all inputs set to 0, then display its coefficients
        >>> integral_zeroes = hyperbolic_integral(0, 0)
        >>> print(integral_zeroes['constants'])
        [0.0001, 0.0001]
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create constants
    constants = [coefficients[0], coefficients[1]]

    # Create evaluation
    def hyperbolic_evaluation(variable):
        # Circumvent logarithm of zero
        if variable == 0:
            variable = 10**(-precision)
        evaluation = constants[0] * log(
            abs(variable)) + constants[1] * variable
        rounded_evaluation = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return rounded_evaluation

    # Package constants and evaluation in single dictionary
    results = {'constants': constants, 'evaluation': hyperbolic_evaluation}
    return results
コード例 #4
def hyperbolic_derivatives(first_constant, second_constant, precision=4):
    Calculates the first and second derivatives of a hyperbolic function

    first_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the reciprocal variable of the original hyperbolic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the constant term of the original hyperbolic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    derivatives['first']['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant first derivative
    derivatives['first']['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant first derivative at any float or integer argument; if zero inputted as argument, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    derivatives['second']['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant second derivative
    derivatives['second']['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant second derivative at any float or integer argument; if zero inputted as argument, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.integrals.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_integral`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_model`

    - Standard form of a hyperbolic function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{\\frac{1}{x}} + b`
    - First derivative of a hyperbolic function: :math:`f'(x) = -a\\cdot{\\frac{1}{x^2}}`
    - Second derivative of a hyperbolic function: :math:`f''(x) = 2a\\cdot{\\frac{1}{x^3}}`
    - |differentiation_formulas|

    Import `hyperbolic_derivatives` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.derivatives.hyperbolic import hyperbolic_derivatives
    Generate the derivatives of a hyperbolic function with coefficients 2 and 3, then display the coefficients of its first and second derivatives
        >>> derivatives_constants = hyperbolic_derivatives(2, 3)
        >>> print(derivatives_constants['first']['constants'])
        >>> print(derivatives_constants['second']['constants'])
    Generate the derivatives of a hyperbolic function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate its first and second derivatives at 10
        >>> derivatives_evaluation = hyperbolic_derivatives(-2, 3)
        >>> print(derivatives_evaluation['first']['evaluation'](10))
        >>> print(derivatives_evaluation['second']['evaluation'](10))
    Generate the derivatives of a hyperbolic function with all inputs set to 0, then display the coefficients of its first and second derivatives
        >>> derivatives_zeroes = hyperbolic_derivatives(0, 0)
        >>> print(derivatives_zeroes['first']['constants'])
        >>> print(derivatives_zeroes['second']['constants'])
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create first derivative
    first_constants = [-1 * coefficients[0]]

    def first_derivative(variable):
        # Circumvent division by zero
        if variable == 0:
            variable = 10**(-precision)
        evaluation = first_constants[0] / variable**2
        rounded_evaluation = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return rounded_evaluation

    first_dictionary = {
        'constants': first_constants,
        'evaluation': first_derivative

    # Create second derivative
    second_constants = [-2 * first_constants[0]]

    def second_derivative(variable):
        # Circumvent division by zero
        if variable == 0:
            variable = 10**(-precision)
        evaluation = second_constants[0] / variable**3
        rounded_evaluation = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return rounded_evaluation

    second_dictionary = {
        'constants': second_constants,
        'evaluation': second_derivative

    # Package both derivatives in single dictionary
    results = {'first': first_dictionary, 'second': second_dictionary}
    return results
コード例 #5
def exponential_integral(first_constant, second_constant, precision = 4):
    Generates the integral of an exponential function

    first_constant : int or float
        Constant multiple of the original exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Base rate of variable of the original exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001); if one, it will be converted to a small, near-one decimal value (e.g., 1.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    integral['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant integral
    integral['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant integral at any float or integer argument

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.exponential.exponential_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.derivatives.exponential.exponential_derivatives`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.exponential.exponential_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.exponential.exponential_model`

    - Standard form of an exponential function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{b^x}`
    - Integral of an exponential function: :math:`F(x) = \\frac{a}{\\ln{b}}\\cdot{b^x}`
    - |indefinite_integral|
    - |integration_formulas|

    Import `exponential_integral` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.integrals.exponential import exponential_integral
    Generate the integral of an exponential function with coefficients 2 and 3, then display its coefficients
        >>> integral_constants = exponential_integral(2, 3)
        >>> print(integral_constants['constants'])
        [1.8205, 3.0]
    Generate the integral of an exponential function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate its integral at 10
        >>> integral_evaluation = exponential_integral(-2, 3)
        >>> print(integral_evaluation['evaluation'](10))
    Generate the integral of an exponential function with all inputs set to 0, then display its coefficients
        >>> integral_zeroes = exponential_integral(0, 0)
        >>> print(integral_zeroes['constants'])
        [-0.0001, 0.0001]
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Circumvent division by zero
    if coefficients[1] == 1:
        coefficients[1] = 1 + 10**(-precision)
    # Create constants
    integral_coefficients = [coefficients[0] / log(abs(coefficients[1])), coefficients[1]]
    constants = rounded_list(integral_coefficients, precision)

    # Create evaluation
    def exponential_evaluation(variable):
        evaluation = constants[0] * constants[1]**variable
        rounded_evaluation = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return rounded_evaluation
    # Package constants and evaluation in single dictionary
    results = {
        'constants': constants,
        'evaluation': exponential_evaluation
    return results
コード例 #6
def hyperbolic_roots(first_constant, second_constant, precision=4):
    Calculates the roots of a hyperbolic function

    first_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the reciprocal variable of the original hyperbolic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the constant term of the original hyperbolic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    roots : list of float
        List of the x-coordinates of all of the x-intercepts of the original function; if the function never crosses the x-axis, then it will return a list of `None`

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.derivatives.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_derivatives`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.integrals.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_integral`, :func:`~regressions.models.hyperbolic.hyperbolic_model`

    - Standard form of a hyperbolic function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{\\frac{1}{x}} + b`
    - Hyperbolic formula: :math:`x = -\\frac{a}{b}`

    Import `hyperbolic_roots` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.roots.hyperbolic import hyperbolic_roots
    Calculate the roots of a hyperbolic function with coefficients 2 and 3
        >>> roots_first = hyperbolic_roots(2, 3)
        >>> print(roots_first)
    Calculate the roots of a hyperbolic function with coefficients -2 and 3
        >>> roots_second = hyperbolic_roots(-2, 3)
        >>> print(roots_second)
    Calculate the roots of a hyperbolic function with all inputs set to 0
        >>> roots_zeroes = hyperbolic_roots(0, 0)
        >>> print(roots_zeroes)
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create list to return
    result = []

    # Determine root
    root = -1 * coefficients[0] / coefficients[1]

    # Round root
    rounded_root = rounded_value(root, precision)

    # Return result
    return result
コード例 #7
def generate_elements(initial_value, periodic_unit, precision=4):
    Generates a vector containing an initial numerical value, four additional numerical values created by incrementing the initial value by a periodic unit four times, and a string value for the general form of all values in the vector, made up of a multiple of the periodic unit added to the initial value; any negative periodic units will be converted their absolute values before any other evaluations occur

    initial_value : int or float
        Starting value to adjust to fit into a range
    periodic_unit : int or float
        Unit by which the initial value should be incrementally increased or decreased to fit into a range
    precision : int, default=4
        Upper bound of range into which the initial value must be adjusted (final value should be less than or equal to maximum)

        First and second arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    generated_vector : list of float
        Vector containing five numerical values, each a set incremenent apart from one another, and a string value representing the general form of all numerical elements in the vector as well as any additional numerical elements that could be generated from it in the future

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.statistics.ranges.shift_into_range`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.points.shifted_points_within_range`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.sinusoidal.sinusoidal_roots`

    - Initial value: :math:`v_i`
    - Periodic unit: :math:`\\lambda`
    - Set of all values derived from initial value and periodic unit: :math:`g = \\{ v \\mid v = v_i + \\lambda\\cdot{k} \\}`

        - :math:`k \\in \\mathbb{Z}`

    Import `generate_elements` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.vectors.generate import generate_elements
    Generate a vector of elements based off an initial value of 3 and a periodic unit of 2
        >>> generated_vector_int = generate_elements(3, 2)
        >>> print(generated_vector_int)
        [3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, '3.0 + 2.0k']
    Generate a vector of elements based off an initial value of 3 and a periodic unit of -2
        >>> generated_vector_neg = generate_elements(3, -2)
        >>> print(generated_vector_neg)
        [3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, '3.0 + 2.0k']
    Generate a vector of elements based off an initial value of 17.23 and a periodic unit of 5.89
        >>> generated_vector_float = generate_elements(17.23, 5.89)
        >>> print(generated_vector_float)
        [17.23, 23.12, 29.01, 34.9, 40.79, '17.23 + 5.89k']
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(initial_value, periodic_unit)

    if periodic_unit < 0:
        periodic_unit = -1 * periodic_unit

    # Generate values from inputs
    first_value = initial_value + 1 * periodic_unit
    second_value = initial_value + 2 * periodic_unit
    third_value = initial_value + 3 * periodic_unit
    fourth_value = initial_value + 4 * periodic_unit

    # Store values in list
    values = [
        initial_value, first_value, second_value, third_value, fourth_value

    # Sort values
    sorted_values = sorted_list(values)

    # Round values
    rounded_values = rounded_list(sorted_values, precision)

    # Create general form
    rounded_periodic_unit = rounded_value(periodic_unit, precision)
    rounded_initial_value = rounded_value(initial_value, precision)
    general_form = str(rounded_initial_value) + ' + ' + str(
        rounded_periodic_unit) + 'k'

    # Store numerical values and general form in single list
    results = [*rounded_values, general_form]
    return results
コード例 #8
def logarithmic_equation(first_constant, second_constant, precision = 4):
    Generates a logarithmic function to provide evaluations at variable inputs

    first_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the logarithmic term of the resultant logarithmic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the constant term of the resultant logarithmic function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    evaluation : func
        Function for evaluating a logarithmic equation when passed any integer or float argument; if zero inputted as argument, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.derivatives.logarithmic.logarithmic_derivatives`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.integrals.logarithmic.logarithmic_integral`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.logarithmic.logarithmic_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.logarithmic.logarithmic_model`

    - Standard form of a logarithmic function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{\\ln{x}} + b`
    - |logarithmic_functions|

    Import `logarithmic_equation` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.equations.logarithmic import logarithmic_equation
    Create a logarithmic function with coefficients 2 and 3, then evaluate it at 10
        >>> evaluation_first = logarithmic_equation(2, 3)
        >>> print(evaluation_first(10))
    Create a logarithmic function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate it at 10
        >>> evaluation_second = logarithmic_equation(-2, 3)
        >>> print(evaluation_second(10))
    Create a logarithmic function with all inputs set to 0, then evaluate it at 10
        >>> evaluation_zero = logarithmic_equation(0, 0)
        >>> print(evaluation_zero(10))
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create evaluation
    def logarithmic_evaluation(variable):
        # Circumvent logarithm of zero
        if variable == 0:
            variable = 10**(-precision)
        evaluation = coefficients[0] * log(abs(variable)) + coefficients[1]
        result = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return result
    return logarithmic_evaluation
コード例 #9
def exponential_equation(first_constant, second_constant, precision=4):
    Generates an exponential function to provide evaluations at variable inputs

    first_constant : int or float
        Constant multiple of the resultant exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Base rate of variable of the resultant exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    evaluation : func
        Function for evaluating an exponential equation when passed any integer or float argument
    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.derivatives.exponential.exponential_derivatives`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.integrals.exponential.exponential_integral`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.exponential.exponential_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.exponential.exponential_model`

    - Standard form of an exponential function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{b^x}`
    - |exponential_functions|

    Import `exponential_equation` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.equations.exponential import exponential_equation
    Create an exponential function with coefficients 2 and 3, then evaluate it at 10
        >>> evaluation_first = exponential_equation(2, 3)
        >>> print(evaluation_first(10))
    Create an exponential function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate it at 10
        >>> evaluation_second = exponential_equation(-2, 3)
        >>> print(evaluation_second(10))
    Create an exponential function with all inputs set to 0, then evaluate it at 10
        >>> evaluation_zero = exponential_equation(0, 0)
        >>> print(evaluation_zero(10))
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create evaluation
    def exponential_evaluation(variable):
        evaluation = coefficients[0] * coefficients[1]**variable
        result = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return result

    return exponential_evaluation
コード例 #10
def linear_integral(first_constant, second_constant, precision = 4):
    Generates the integral of a linear function

    first_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the linear term of the original linear function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the constant term of the original linear function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    integral['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant integral
    integral['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant integral at any float or integer argument

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.linear.linear_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.derivatives.linear.linear_derivatives`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.linear.linear_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.linear.linear_model`

    - Standard form of a linear function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{x} + b`
    - Integral of a linear function: :math:`F(x) = \\frac{a}{2}\\cdot{x^2} + b\\cdot{x}`
    - |indefinite_integral|
    - |integration_formulas|

    Import `linear_integral` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.integrals.linear import linear_integral
    Generate the integral of a linear function with coefficients 2 and 3, then display its coefficients
        >>> integral_constants = linear_integral(2, 3)
        >>> print(integral_constants['constants'])
        [1.0, 3.0]
    Generate the integral of a linear function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate its integral at 10
        >>> integral_evaluation = linear_integral(-2, 3)
        >>> print(integral_evaluation['evaluation'](10))
    Generate the integral of a linear function with all inputs set to 0, then display its coefficients
        >>> integral_zeroes = linear_integral(0, 0)
        >>> print(integral_zeroes['constants'])
        [0.0001, 0.0001]
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create constants
    integral_coefficients = [(1/2) * coefficients[0], coefficients[1]]
    constants = rounded_list(integral_coefficients, precision)

    # Create evaluation
    def linear_evaluation(variable):
        evaluation = constants[0] * variable**2 + constants[1] * variable
        rounded_evaluation = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return rounded_evaluation
    # Package constants and evaluation in single dictionary
    results = {
        'constants': constants,
        'evaluation': linear_evaluation
    return results
コード例 #11
def exponential_derivatives(first_constant, second_constant, precision=4):
    Calculates the first and second derivatives of an exponential function

    first_constant : int or float
        Constant multiple of the original exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Base rate of variable of the original exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    derivatives['first']['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant first derivative
    derivatives['first']['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant first derivative at any float or integer argument
    derivatives['second']['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant second derivative
    derivatives['second']['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant second derivative at any float or integer argument

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.exponential.exponential_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.integrals.exponential.exponential_integral`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.exponential.exponential_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.exponential.exponential_model`

    - Standard form of an exponential function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{b^x}`
    - First derivative of an exponential function: :math:`f'(x) = a\\cdot{\\ln{b}\\cdot{b^x}}`
    - Second derivative of an exponential function: :math:`f''(x) = a\\cdot{\\ln^2{b}\\cdot{b^x}}`
    - |differentiation_formulas|
    - |exponential|

    Import `exponential_derivatives` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.derivatives.exponential import exponential_derivatives
    Generate the derivatives of an exponential function with coefficients 2 and 3, then display the coefficients of its first and second derivatives
        >>> derivatives_constants = exponential_derivatives(2, 3)
        >>> print(derivatives_constants['first']['constants'])
        [2.1972, 3.0]
        >>> print(derivatives_constants['second']['constants'])
        [2.4139, 3.0]
    Generate the derivatives of an exponential function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate its first and second derivatives at 10
        >>> derivatives_evaluation = exponential_derivatives(-2, 3)
        >>> print(derivatives_evaluation['first']['evaluation'](10))
        >>> print(derivatives_evaluation['second']['evaluation'](10))
    Generate the derivatives of an exponential function with all inputs set to 0, then display the coefficients of its first and second derivatives
        >>> derivatives_zeroes = exponential_derivatives(0, 0)
        >>> print(derivatives_zeroes['first']['constants'])
        [-0.0009, 0.0001]
        >>> print(derivatives_zeroes['second']['constants'])
        [0.0083, 0.0001]
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create first derivative
    first_coefficients = [
        coefficients[0] * log(abs(coefficients[1])), coefficients[1]
    first_constants = rounded_list(first_coefficients, precision)

    def first_derivative(variable):
        evaluation = first_constants[0] * first_constants[1]**variable
        rounded_evaluation = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return rounded_evaluation

    first_dictionary = {
        'constants': first_constants,
        'evaluation': first_derivative

    # Create second derivative
    second_coefficients = [
        first_constants[0] * log(abs(first_constants[1])), first_constants[1]
    second_constants = rounded_list(second_coefficients, precision)

    def second_derivative(variable):
        evaluation = second_constants[0] * second_constants[1]**variable
        rounded_evaluation = rounded_value(evaluation, precision)
        return rounded_evaluation

    second_dictionary = {
        'constants': second_constants,
        'evaluation': second_derivative

    # Package both derivatives in single dictionary
    results = {'first': first_dictionary, 'second': second_dictionary}
    return results
コード例 #12
def linear_derivatives(first_constant, second_constant, precision=4):
    Calculates the first and second derivatives of a linear function

    first_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the linear term of the original linear function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Coefficient of the constant term of the original linear function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    derivatives['first']['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant first derivative
    derivatives['first']['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant first derivative at any float or integer argument
    derivatives['second']['constants'] : list of float
        Coefficients of the resultant second derivative
    derivatives['second']['evaluation'] : func
        Function for evaluating the resultant second derivative at any float or integer argument

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.linear.linear_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.integrals.linear.linear_integral`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.roots.linear.linear_roots`, :func:`~regressions.models.linear.linear_model`

    - Standard form of a linear function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{x} + b`
    - First derivative of a linear function: :math:`f'(x) = a`
    - Second derivative of a linear function: :math:`f''(x) = 0`
    - |differentiation_formulas|

    Import `linear_derivatives` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.derivatives.linear import linear_derivatives
    Generate the derivatives of a linear function with coefficients 2 and 3, then display the coefficients of its first and second derivatives
        >>> derivatives_constants = linear_derivatives(2, 3)
        >>> print(derivatives_constants['first']['constants'])
        >>> print(derivatives_constants['second']['constants'])
    Generate the derivatives of a linear function with coefficients -2 and 3, then evaluate its first and second derivatives at 10
        >>> derivatives_evaluation = linear_derivatives(-2, 3)
        >>> print(derivatives_evaluation['first']['evaluation'](10))
        >>> print(derivatives_evaluation['second']['evaluation'](10))
    Generate the derivatives of a linear function with all inputs set to 0, then display the coefficients of its first and second derivatives
        >>> derivatives_zeroes = linear_derivatives(0, 0)
        >>> print(derivatives_zeroes['first']['constants'])
        >>> print(derivatives_zeroes['second']['constants'])
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Creat first derivative
    first_constants = [coefficients[0]]

    def first_derivative(variable):
        evaluation = first_constants[0]
        return evaluation

    first_dictionary = {
        'constants': first_constants,
        'evaluation': first_derivative

    # Create second derivative
    second_constants = [0.0]

    def second_derivative(variable):
        evaluation = second_constants[0]
        return evaluation

    second_dictionary = {
        'constants': second_constants,
        'evaluation': second_derivative

    # Package both derivatives in single dictionary
    results = {'first': first_dictionary, 'second': second_dictionary}
    return results
コード例 #13
 def test_two_scalars_integer_string_raises(self):
     with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
         two_scalars(good_integer, bad_scalar)
     self.assertEqual(type(context.exception), TypeError)
                      'Second argument must be an integer or a float')
コード例 #14
 def test_two_scalars_integer_float(self):
     two_scalars_integer_float = two_scalars(good_integer, good_float)
         'Both first and second arguments are integers or floats')
コード例 #15
def exponential_roots(first_constant, second_constant, precision = 4):
    Calculates the roots of an exponential function

    first_constant : int or float
        Constant multiple of the original exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    second_constant : int or float
        Base rate of variable of the original exponential function; if zero, it will be converted to a small, non-zero decimal value (e.g., 0.0001)
    precision : int, default=4
        Maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal place of the resultant roots

        First two arguments must be integers or floats
        Last argument must be a positive integer

    roots : list of float
        List of the x-coordinates of all of the x-intercepts of the original function; if the function never crosses the x-axis, then it will return a list of `None`

    See Also
    :func:`~regressions.analyses.equations.exponential.exponential_equation`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.derivatives.exponential.exponential_derivatives`, :func:`~regressions.analyses.integrals.exponential.exponential_integral`, :func:`~regressions.models.exponential.exponential_model`

    - Standard form of a exponential function: :math:`f(x) = a\\cdot{b^x}`
    - Exponential formula: :math:`x = \\varnothing`

    Import `exponential_roots` function from `regressions` library
        >>> from regressions.analyses.roots.exponential import exponential_roots
    Calculate the roots of an exponential function with coefficients 2 and 3
        >>> roots_first = exponential_roots(2, 3)
        >>> print(roots_first)
    Calculate the roots of an exponential function with coefficients -2 and 3
        >>> roots_second = exponential_roots(-2, 3)
        >>> print(roots_second)
    Calculate the roots of an exponential function with all inputs set to 0
        >>> roots_zeroes = exponential_roots(0, 0)
        >>> print(roots_zeroes)
    # Handle input errors
    two_scalars(first_constant, second_constant)
    coefficients = no_zeroes([first_constant, second_constant], precision)

    # Create list to return
    result = []
    # Determine root
    root = None

    # Return result
    return result