コード例 #1
def waterIsLow(channel):
    #Turn Blue indicator LED on
    relay.relayOnOff(blueLEDPin, "on")
    message = """
    Subject: Mushroom Water level is Low
    The Digital water level sensor was triggered, Refill the mushroom humidifier water.

    #send email
    sendEmail.sendEmail(emailRecipients, message)
コード例 #2
import relay

sunlightPin = 5

# remember the relay uses inverted logic
relay.relayOnOff(sunlightPin, "on")
コード例 #3
def startGrowthCycle(channel):

    import relay
    ledpin = 26
    delay = 1
    relay.relayOnOff(ledpin, "on")
コード例 #4
def waterIsHigh(channel):
    relay.relayOnOff(blueLEDPin, "off")
コード例 #5
startDate = dt.datetime.now()
endDate = startDate + dt.timedelta(weeks=timeOfGrowth)
writeDate.addDateToData("startDate", startDate.strftime("%c")) #the strftime("%c") will print as "Tue Apr 30 19:41:43 2019" for example
writeDate.addDateToData("endDate", endDate.strftime("%c")[0:10]) #just using the [0:10] shortens it to "Tue Apr 30"
#write the start and end date to single file (the LCD code will use this so it can read the dates quickly and easily)
dates = {"startDate": startDate.strftime("%c")[0:10], "endDate": endDate.strftime("%c")[0:10], "cycleStatus": "in use"}
with open("dates.json", "w") as outfile:
    json.dump(dates, outfile)

#turn on green LED to indicate the grow cycle has started
#tell the data in the website that the mushrooms are currently in the chamber for the three week cycle
relay.relayOnOff(greenLEDPin, "on")
writeDate.addDateToData(cycleStatus, "in use") #the website can use this

#Continuous loop while mushrooms sit in the chamber (just sunlight LED control)
daysPast = 0
while daysPast < 3*7: #until 3 weeks have past, keep turning on and off the sunlight in this loop
    hour = 60*60 #one hour in seconds

    onTime = 18 * hour # on time is 18 hours
    offTime = 6 * hour # off time is 6 hours

    #turn on sunlight (uses inverted logic because of relay)
    relay.relayOnOff(sunlightPin, "off")
コード例 #6
    #if the growth cycle is taking place, display this to the LCD screen
    if dates["cycleStatus"].lower() == "in use": 
        LCDLinesDuringGrowCycle(humidity,temperature, dates)

    #if the growth cycle is taking place, display this to the LCD screen
    elif dates["cycleStatus"].lower() == "waiting for next batch":
        LCDLinesNotDuringGrowCycle(humidity,temperature, dates)

    #if the temp is out of range
    if temperature > tempMax or temperature < tempMin:

        #turn on the red indicator (warning) LED
        relay.relayOnOff(redLEDPin, "on")

        #check how long its been out of range in seconds
        timeOutOfRange = time.time() - startTime

        #if its been out of range for an hour...
        if timeOutOfRange > 3600:

            message ="""
            Subject: Temperature Out Of Range
            The mushroom chamber temperature has been out of range for an hour
            """ + "The current temperature is: " + str(temperature) + " F"

            #send email                        
            sendEmail.sendEmail(emailRecipients, message)
コード例 #7
        #if the humidifier is already off
            #don't do anything

    #rest the Pi

    #take another measurement
    humidity, temperature = DHT22.humidityAndTempCheck(humidityInputPin)

    #if the humidity is out of range
    if humidity < humidMin:

        #turn on the red indicator (warning) LED
        relay.relayOnOff(yellowLEDPin, "on")

        #check how long its been out of range in seconds
        timeOutOfRange = time.time() - startTime

        #if its been out of range for an hour...
        if timeOutOfRange > 3600:

            message = """
            Subject: Humidity Out Of Range
            The mushroom chamber humidity has been out of range for an hour
            """ + "The current temperature is: " + str(humidity) + " %"

            #send email
            sendEmail.sendEmail(emailRecipients, message)