コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mbr/remand
def _expand_remote_dest(local_path, remote_path):
    if remote_path is None:
        if local_path is None:
            raise RuntimeError('one of local_path, remote_path is required')
        remote_path = local_path

    st = remote.lstat(remote_path)
    if st:
        # file exists, check if it is a link
        if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
            # normalize (dangling links will raise an exception)
            remote_path = remote.normalize(remote_path)

            # update stat
            st = remote.lstat(remote_path)

        # dir-expansion, since st is guaranteed not be a link
        if st and S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
            if local_path is None:
                raise RemoteFailureError(
                    'Is a directory: {}'.format(remote_path))

            # if it's a directory, correct path
            remote_path = remote.path.join(remote_path,

            st = remote.lstat(remote_path)
            log.debug('Expanded remote_path to {!r}'.format(remote_path))

    # ensure st is either non-existant, or a regular file
    if st and not S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
        raise RemoteFailureError(
            'Not a regular file: {!r}'.format(remote_path))
    return st, remote_path
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mbr/remand
def _expand_remote_dest(local_path, remote_path):
    if remote_path is None:
        if local_path is None:
            raise RuntimeError('one of local_path, remote_path is required')
        remote_path = local_path

    st = remote.lstat(remote_path)
    if st:
        # file exists, check if it is a link
        if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
            # normalize (dangling links will raise an exception)
            remote_path = remote.normalize(remote_path)

            # update stat
            st = remote.lstat(remote_path)

        # dir-expansion, since st is guaranteed not be a link
        if st and S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
            if local_path is None:
                raise RemoteFailureError('Is a directory: {}'.format(

            # if it's a directory, correct path
            remote_path = remote.path.join(remote_path,

            st = remote.lstat(remote_path)
            log.debug('Expanded remote_path to {!r}'.format(remote_path))

    # ensure st is either non-existant, or a regular file
    if st and not S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
        raise RemoteFailureError('Not a regular file: {!r}'.format(
    return st, remote_path
コード例 #3
def run():
    log.warning('Running testing module. Do not run this on a real machine!')

    log.debug('Testing popen')
    proc = remote.popen(['uname'])
    stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
    assert 'Linux' == stdout.strip()

    log.debug('Testing getcwd()')
    assert '/home/vagrant' == remote.getcwd()

    log.debug('Testing chdir()')
    assert '/' == remote.getcwd()

    # create a sample file
    TESTFN = 'testfile'
    log.debug('Testing file')
    with remote.file(TESTFN, mode='w') as out:

    log.debug('Testing chmod')
    remote.chmod(TESTFN, 0732)

    log.debug('Testing mkdir')
    # FIXME: umask?
    # FIXME: on exists/conflict?
    remote.mkdir(TESTDN, 0700)

    log.debug('Testing listdir')
    assert TESTFN in remote.listdir('.')
    assert TESTDN in remote.listdir('.')

    log.debug('Testing rmdir')

    # FIXME: can't test chown without root access

    log.debug('Testing normalize')
    assert '/home' == remote.normalize('./..')

    log.debug('Testing symlink')
    remote.symlink('to', 'from')

    log.debug('Testing lstat')

    log.debug('Testing readlink')
    assert remote.readlink('/home/vagrant/from') == 'to'

    log.debug('Testing rename')
    remote.rename('from', 'from2')
    assert remote.readlink('/home/vagrant/from2') == 'to'

    log.debug('Testing unlink')

    log.debug('Testing stat')
    s = remote.stat(TESTFN)
    assert s.st_uid == 1000
    assert s.st_gid == 1000