コード例 #1
	def execute_ (self, arguments) :
		self.enforce_length (arguments, 1)
		machine = self.enforce_select_machine (arguments[0])
		exit_code = self.execute_ssh (ProcessModes.NullWithStdoutToStderrText, machine.host, machine.user,
				'test', '!', '-d', machine.store)
		if not exit_code == 0 :
			return Outcomes.Failure ('store already exists; aborting.')
		exit_code = self.execute_ssh (ProcessModes.NullWithStdoutToStderrText, machine.host, machine.user,
				'mkdir', '-p', machine.store)
		if not exit_code == 0 :
			return Outcomes.Failure ('store can not be created; aborting.')
		tar_process = self.start_local (ProcessModes.PipedBinary,
				'tar', '-c', './sources')
		tar_process.output_stream.close ()
		untar_process = self.start_ssh (ProcessModes.PipedBinary, machine.host, machine.user,
				'tar', '-x', '-C', machine.store)
		untar_process.input_stream.close ()
		while True :
			buffer = tar_process.input_stream.read (1024)
			if buffer == '' :
			untar_process.output_stream.write (buffer)
			untar_process.output_stream.flush ()
		tar_process.join ()
		untar_process.join ()
		frontend = Frontend (machine.host, machine.user, machine.store)
		return frontend.execute ('deploy-machine', [])
コード例 #2
	def ping_backend (self, machine) :
		frontend = Frontend (machine.host, machine.user, machine.store)
		frontend.start ()
		frontend.output ('ping')
		outcome = frontend.input ()
		if outcome == 'pong' :
			frontend.output ('exit')
			exit_code = frontend.join ()
		elif outcome == Frontend.End :
			self.error.outputf ('remote closed.')
			exit_code = frontend.join ()
		else :
			self.error.outputf ('remote did not pong-ed.')
			exit_code = frontend.join ()
		if exit_code is None :
			return Outcomes.Failure ('remote terminated.')
		elif not exit_code == 0 :
			return Outcomes.Failure ('remote failed with exit-code %d.', exit_code)
		return Outcomes.Succeeded