def test_create_from_template(local_client): """Test repository creation from a template. It creates a renku projects from one of the local templates and it verifies the data are properly copied to the new renku project folder. """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: temppath = Path(tempdir) / 'local' shutil.copytree(str(template_local), str(temppath)) manifest = read_template_manifest(temppath) template_path = temppath / manifest[0]['folder'] create_from_template( template_path, local_client, METADATA['name'], METADATA['description'] ) template_files = [ f for f in local_client.path.glob('**/*') if '.git' not in str(f) and not str(f).endswith('.renku/metadata.yml') ] for template_file in template_files: expected_file = template_path / template_file.relative_to( local_client.path ) assert expected_file.exists()
def test_template_filename(local_client): """Test using a template with dynamic filenames. """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: template_folder = Path(tempdir) / "first" template_folder.mkdir(parents=True) template_file = template_folder / "{{ name }}.r" template_file.write_text("{{ name }}") (local_client.path / ".renku").mkdir() create_from_template(template_folder, local_client, name="test") assert (local_client.path / "test.r").exists()
def test_template_filename(local_client): """Test using a template with dynamic filenames. """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: template_folder = Path(tempdir) / 'first' template_folder.mkdir(parents=True) template_file = template_folder / '{{ name }}.r' template_file.write_text('{{ name }}') (local_client.path / '.renku').mkdir() create_from_template(template_folder, local_client, name='test') assert (local_client.path / 'test.r').exists()
def test_create_from_template(local_client, template): """Test repository creation from a template. It creates a renku projects from one of the local templates and it verifies the data are properly copied to the new renku project folder. """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: temppath = Path(tempdir) / "local" shutil.copytree(str(template_local), str(temppath)) manifest = read_template_manifest(temppath) template_path = temppath / manifest[0]["folder"] create_from_template(template_path, local_client, "name", template["metadata"]) template_files = [ f for f in local_client.path.glob("**/*") if ".git" not in str(f) and not str(f).endswith(".renku/metadata.yml") ] for template_file in template_files: expected_file = template_path / template_file.relative_to( local_client.path) assert expected_file.exists()
def init(ctx, client, use_external_storage, path, name, template, template_source, template_ref, template_variables, description, print_manifest, force): """Initialize a project in PATH. Default is current path.""" # verify dirty path if not is_path_empty(path) and not force and not print_manifest: raise errors.InvalidFileOperation( 'Folder "{0}" is not empty. Please add --force ' 'flag to transform it into a Renku repository.'.format(str(path))) if not check_git_user_config(): raise errors.ConfigurationError( 'The user name and email are not configured. ' 'Please use the "git config" command to configure them.\n\n' '\tgit config --global --add "John Doe"\n' '\tgit config --global --add ' '"*****@*****.**"\n') # select template source if template_source: click.echo('Fetching template from {0}@{1}... '.format( template_source, template_ref), nl=False) template_folder = Path(mkdtemp()) fetch_template(template_source, template_ref, template_folder) template_manifest = read_template_manifest(template_folder, checkout=True) click.secho('OK', fg='green') else: template_folder = Path( pkg_resources.resource_filename('renku', 'templates')) template_manifest = read_template_manifest(template_folder) # select specific template repeat = False template_data = None if template: template_filtered = [ template_elem for template_elem in template_manifest if template_elem['name'] == template ] if len(template_filtered) == 1: template_data = template_filtered[0] else: click.echo('The template "{0}" is not available.'.format(template)) repeat = True if print_manifest: if template_data: click.echo(create_template_sentence([template_data])) else: click.echo(create_template_sentence(template_manifest)) return if not template or repeat: templates = [template_elem for template_elem in template_manifest] if len(templates) == 1: template_data = templates[0] else: template_num = click.prompt(text=create_template_sentence( templates, True), type=click.IntRange(1, len(templates)), show_default=False, show_choices=False) template_data = templates[template_num - 1] # set local path and storage store_directory(path) if not client.use_external_storage: use_external_storage = False ctx.obj = client = attr.evolve(client, path=path, use_external_storage=use_external_storage) if not is_path_empty(path): from git import GitCommandError try: commit = client.find_previous_commit('*') branch_name = 'pre_renku_init_{0}'.format(commit.hexsha[:7]) with client.worktree(path=path, branch_name=branch_name, commit=commit, merge_args=[ '--no-ff', '-s', 'recursive', '-X', 'ours', '--allow-unrelated-histories' ]): click.echo( 'Saving current data in branch {0}'.format(branch_name)) except AttributeError: click.echo('Warning! Overwriting non-empty folder.') except GitCommandError as e: click.UsageError(e) # clone the repo template_path = template_folder / template_data['folder'] click.echo('Initializing new Renku repository... ', nl=False) with client.lock: try: create_from_template(template_path, client, name, description, template_variables, force) except FileExistsError as e: raise click.UsageError(e) # Install git hooks from .githooks import install ctx.invoke(install, force=force)
def init( ctx, client, external_storage_requested, path, name, template_id, template_index, template_source, template_ref, metadata, list_templates, force, describe, data_dir, ): """Initialize a project in PATH. Default is the current path.""" # verify dirty path if not is_path_empty(path) and not force and not list_templates: existing_paths = [ str(p.relative_to(path)) for p in Path(path).iterdir() ] existing_paths.sort() raise errors.InvalidFileOperation( f'Folder "{str(path)}" is not empty and contains the following files/directories:' + "".join((f"\n\t{e}" for e in existing_paths)) + "\nPlease add --force flag to transform it into a Renku repository." ) data_dir = resolve_data_directory(data_dir, path) if not check_git_user_config(): raise errors.ConfigurationError( "The user name and email are not configured. " 'Please use the "git config" command to configure them.\n\n' '\tgit config --global --add "John Doe"\n' "\tgit config --global --add " '"*****@*****.**"\n') # select template source if template_source: click.echo("Fetching template from {0}@{1}... ".format( template_source, template_ref), nl=False) template_folder = Path(mkdtemp()) fetch_template(template_source, template_ref, template_folder) template_manifest = read_template_manifest(template_folder, checkout=True) click.secho("OK", fg="green") else: template_folder = Path( pkg_resources.resource_filename("renku", "templates")) template_manifest = read_template_manifest(template_folder) template_source = "renku" # select specific template repeat = False template_data = None if template_id: if template_index: raise errors.ParameterError( "Use either --template-id or --template-index, not both", '"--template-index"') template_filtered = [ template_elem for template_elem in template_manifest if template_elem["folder"] == template_id ] if len(template_filtered) == 1: template_data = template_filtered[0] else: click.echo( f'The template with id "{template_id}" is not available.') repeat = True if template_index or template_index == 0: if template_index > 0 and template_index <= len(template_manifest): template_data = template_manifest[template_index - 1] else: click.echo( f"The template at index {template_index} is not available.") repeat = True if list_templates: if template_data: click.echo( create_template_sentence([template_data], describe=describe)) else: click.echo( create_template_sentence(template_manifest, describe=describe)) return if repeat or not (template_id or template_index): templates = [template_elem for template_elem in template_manifest] if len(templates) == 1: template_data = templates[0] else: template_index = click.prompt( text=create_template_sentence(templates, describe=describe, instructions=True), type=click.IntRange(1, len(templates)), show_default=False, show_choices=False, ) template_data = templates[template_index - 1] template_id = template_data["folder"] # verify variables have been passed template_variables = template_data.get("variables", {}) template_variables_keys = set(template_variables.keys()) input_parameters_keys = set(metadata.keys()) for key in template_variables_keys - input_parameters_keys: value = click.prompt( text=(f'The template requires a value for "{key}" ' f"({template_variables[key]})"), default="", show_default=False, ) metadata[key] = value useless_variables = input_parameters_keys - template_variables_keys if len(useless_variables) > 0: click.echo(INFO + "These parameters are not used by the template and were " "ignored:\n\t{}".format("\n\t".join(useless_variables))) for key in useless_variables: del metadata[key] # set local path and storage store_directory(path) if not client.external_storage_requested: external_storage_requested = False ctx.obj = client = attr.evolve( client, path=path, data_dir=data_dir, external_storage_requested=external_storage_requested) if not is_path_empty(path): from git import GitCommandError try: commit = client.find_previous_commit("*") branch_name = "pre_renku_init_{0}".format(commit.hexsha[:7]) with client.worktree( path=path, branch_name=branch_name, commit=commit, merge_args=[ "--no-ff", "-s", "recursive", "-X", "ours", "--allow-unrelated-histories" ], ): click.echo( "Saving current data in branch {0}".format(branch_name)) except AttributeError: click.echo("Warning! Overwriting non-empty folder.") except GitCommandError as e: click.UsageError(e) # supply additional metadata metadata["__template_source__"] = template_source metadata["__template_ref__"] = template_ref metadata["__template_id__"] = template_id metadata["__namespace__"] = "" metadata["__sanitized_project_name__"] = "" metadata["__repository__"] = "" metadata["__project_slug__"] = "" # clone the repo template_path = template_folder / template_data["folder"] click.echo("Initializing new Renku repository... ", nl=False) with client.lock: try: create_from_template( template_path=template_path, client=client, name=name, metadata=metadata, force=force, data_dir=data_dir, ) except FileExistsError as e: raise click.UsageError(e) # Install git hooks from .githooks import install ctx.invoke(install, force=force)
def init(ctx, client, external_storage_requested, path, name, template_id, template_index, template_source, template_ref, parameter, list_templates, force, describe, data_dir): """Initialize a project in PATH. Default is the current path.""" # verify dirty path if not is_path_empty(path) and not force and not list_templates: raise errors.InvalidFileOperation( 'Folder "{0}" is not empty. Please add --force ' 'flag to transform it into a Renku repository.'.format(str(path))) data_dir = resolve_data_directory(data_dir, path) if not check_git_user_config(): raise errors.ConfigurationError( 'The user name and email are not configured. ' 'Please use the "git config" command to configure them.\n\n' '\tgit config --global --add "John Doe"\n' '\tgit config --global --add ' '"*****@*****.**"\n') # select template source if template_source: click.echo('Fetching template from {0}@{1}... '.format( template_source, template_ref), nl=False) template_folder = Path(mkdtemp()) fetch_template(template_source, template_ref, template_folder) template_manifest = read_template_manifest(template_folder, checkout=True) click.secho('OK', fg='green') else: template_folder = Path( pkg_resources.resource_filename('renku', 'templates')) template_manifest = read_template_manifest(template_folder) # select specific template repeat = False template_data = None if template_id: if template_index: raise errors.ParameterError( 'Use either --template-id or --template-index, not both', '"--template-index"') template_filtered = [ template_elem for template_elem in template_manifest if template_elem['folder'] == template_id ] if len(template_filtered) == 1: template_data = template_filtered[0] else: click.echo( f'The template with id "{template_id}" is not available.') repeat = True if template_index or template_index == 0: if template_index > 0 and template_index <= len(template_manifest): template_data = template_manifest[template_index - 1] else: click.echo( f'The template at index {template_index} is not available.') repeat = True if list_templates: if template_data: click.echo( create_template_sentence([template_data], describe=describe)) else: click.echo( create_template_sentence(template_manifest, describe=describe)) return if repeat or not (template_id or template_index): templates = [template_elem for template_elem in template_manifest] if len(templates) == 1: template_data = templates[0] else: template_num = click.prompt(text=create_template_sentence( templates, describe=describe, instructions=True), type=click.IntRange(1, len(templates)), show_default=False, show_choices=False) template_data = templates[template_num - 1] # verify variables have been passed template_variables = template_data.get('variables', {}) template_variables_keys = set(template_variables.keys()) input_parameters_keys = set(parameter.keys()) for key in (template_variables_keys - input_parameters_keys): value = click.prompt( text=(f'The template requires a value for "{key}" ' f'({template_variables[key]})'), default='', show_default=False) parameter[key] = value useless_variables = input_parameters_keys - template_variables_keys if (len(useless_variables) > 0): click.echo(INFO + 'These parameters are not used by the template and were ' 'ignored:\n\t{}'.format('\n\t'.join(useless_variables))) for key in useless_variables: del parameter[key] # set local path and storage store_directory(path) if not client.external_storage_requested: external_storage_requested = False ctx.obj = client = attr.evolve( client, path=path, data_dir=data_dir, external_storage_requested=external_storage_requested) if not is_path_empty(path): from git import GitCommandError try: commit = client.find_previous_commit('*') branch_name = 'pre_renku_init_{0}'.format(commit.hexsha[:7]) with client.worktree(path=path, branch_name=branch_name, commit=commit, merge_args=[ '--no-ff', '-s', 'recursive', '-X', 'ours', '--allow-unrelated-histories' ]): click.echo( 'Saving current data in branch {0}'.format(branch_name)) except AttributeError: click.echo('Warning! Overwriting non-empty folder.') except GitCommandError as e: click.UsageError(e) # clone the repo template_path = template_folder / template_data['folder'] click.echo('Initializing new Renku repository... ', nl=False) with client.lock: try: create_from_template(template_path=template_path, client=client, name=name, metadata=parameter, force=force, data_dir=data_dir) except FileExistsError as e: raise click.UsageError(e) # Install git hooks from .githooks import install ctx.invoke(install, force=force)