コード例 #1
def monthly_create_pie_charts(config):
    Creates the bar charts for the security watch report.
    Uses the Google Charts API.
    config     -- configuration dictionary
    pie_chart_csv = ['DefacementTld',
    rutil.google_pie_chart(zip(pie_chart_csv, pie_chart_csv), 
コード例 #2
def quarterly_create_charts(config):
    Generates charts for the quarterly security watch report 
    using Plotly and Google Charts.
    yyqq, year, qrtr, qrtr_label, data_paths = config['params']
    output = config['output']
    print('Generating Security Watch Report for ' + qrtr_label[4])
    print('Creating charts:')
    # Lambda function to use qrtr_labels as the labels for the x-axis
    qrtr_bar = lambda x,y: rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label,x,y)
    # Defacement, Phishing and Malware Trend and URL/IP
    url_ip_col = [('Defacement', 1, u'網頁塗改',config['defce_color']), 
                  ('Phishing', 2, u'釣魚網站',config['phish_color']), 
    for type, index, type_c, clr in url_ip_col:
        url_ip_unique_data, url_ip_ratio_data = config[type + '_url_data']
        plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label, zip(url_ip_unique_data, ['Unique URL', 'Unique IP']), 
                       'Trend of ' + type + ' security events',color=clr)  
        rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + type + 'UniqueBar.png')        
        plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label, [(url_ip_ratio_data[0],'URL/IP ratio')], 
                       'URL/IP ratio of ' + type + ' security events',color=clr)        
        rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + type + 'RatioBar.png')  
        plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label, zip(url_ip_unique_data, ['唯一網址', '唯一IP']), 
                       type_c + u'安全事件趨勢',color=clr)  
        rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + type + 'UniqueBarChi.png')        
        plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label, [(url_ip_ratio_data[0],'唯一網址/IP比')], 
                       type_c + u'安全事件唯一網址/IP比',color=clr)        
        rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + type + 'RatioBarChi.png')         
    # Botnet (C&C) Distribution and Trend
    cc_data = config['cc_data']
    plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label,
                    zip(cc_data[0:2], ['IRC','HTTP']),
                   'Trend and Distribution of Botnet (C&Cs) security events',
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetCCDisBar.png')                   
    plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label,
                    zip(cc_data[0:2], ['IRC','HTTP']),
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetCCDisBarChi.png')  
    plot_url = qrtr_bar([(cc_data[2], 'Botnet C&Cs')],
                   'Trend of Botnet (C&C) security events')  
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetCCBar.png')   
    plot_url = qrtr_bar([(cc_data[2], u'殭屍網絡控制中心(C&C)')],
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetCCBarChi.png')
    # Unique Botnet (Bots) Trend
    bn_data = config['bn_data']
    plot_url = qrtr_bar([(bn_data,'Botnet (Bots)')],
                   'Trend of Botnet (Bots) security events')
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetBotsBar.png')   
    plot_url = qrtr_bar([(bn_data,u'殭屍電腦')],
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetBotsBarChi.png')          
    # Top 5 Botnets 
    top_bn_data, top_bn_name, top_bn_curr = config['top_bn']
    plot_url = rutil.plotly_line_chart(qrtr_label,
                   zip(top_bn_data, top_bn_name),
                   'Trend of 5 Botnet Families in Hong Kong Network')      
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetFamTopLine.png')   
    plot_url = rutil.plotly_line_chart(qrtr_label,
                   zip(top_bn_data, top_bn_name),
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'BotnetFamTopLineChi.png')   
    # Server-related Events
    url_data = config['url_data']
    plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label,
                   zip(url_data, ['Defacement','Phishing','Malware hosting']),
                   'Trend and Distribution of server related security events',
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'ServerDisBar.png')   
    plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(qrtr_label,
                   zip(url_data, [u'網頁塗改',u'釣魚網站',u'惡意程式寄存']),
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'ServerDisBarChi.png')   

    # Total Events

    serv_events = config['serv_events']
    plot_url = qrtr_bar([(serv_events, 'Unique security events')],
                   'Trend of Security events')      
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'TotalEventBar.png')   
    plot_url = qrtr_bar([(serv_events, u'唯一安全事件')],
    rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output + 'TotalEventBarChi.png')   
    # Botnet Family Pie Chart (Google Charts)
                            data_paths[len(data_paths) - 1], 