コード例 #1
def get_pie_image(width, height, x, y, datas, lables, _colors):
    @param width: ͼƬ���
    @param height: ͼƬ�Ŀ��
    @param x: ͼƬ��x���
    @param y: ͼƬ��y���
    @param datas: ���ͼƬ�����
    @param lables: ��״ͼ���������

    from reportlab.graphics.charts.piecharts import Pie
    drawing = Drawing(width, height)
    pc = Pie()
    pc.width = 80
    pc.height = 80
    pc.x = x
    pc.y = y
    pc.data = datas
    pc.labels = lables
    pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5
    pc.startAngle = 90
    pc.checkLabelOverlap = True
    pc.sideLabels = True
    pc.sideLabelsOffset = 0.1
    pc.direction = 'clockwise'
    for i in range(len(lables)):
        pc.slices[i].fontName = "msyh"
        pc.slices[i].fontSize = 3
        pc.slices[i].labelRadius = 3
        pc.slices[i].popout = 5
        pc.slices[i].fillColor = _colors[i]
    return drawing
コード例 #2
def pie_chart(data_for_pie):
    d = Drawing(400, 400)
    pc = Pie()
    pc.x = 100
    pc.y = 210
    pc.width = 170
    pc.height = 170
    pc.sideLabels = True
    pc.sideLabelsOffset = 0.05
    car_name_lst = []
    car_sales_lst = []
    car_price_lst = []
    data_for_pie = data_for_pie[1:]
    data_for_pie = sorted(data_for_pie, key=itemgetter(3),
                          reverse=True)  # so i can show 10 most popular cars
    for i in data_for_pie:
        car_name = i[1]
        car_sales = i[3]
        car_price = float(i[2].strip(
            "$"))  #by default all the prices are in '', for example '18731.76'
    pc.data = car_sales_lst[:10]
    pc.labels = list(set(
        car_name_lst[:10]))  # by using set i wont have similar items in list
    d.add(pc, '')
    """have to done this because in task i have to calculate revenue on Xaxis and car name on Yaxis"""
    revenue_calculation_1 = car_sales_lst[:10]
    revenue_calculation_2 = car_price_lst[:10]
    car_revenue_list = []
    for i in range(len(car_price_lst[:10])):
        reven = revenue_calculation_1[i] * revenue_calculation_2[i]
            int(reven))  #using int because its many digits after ","
    """bar chart """
    data = [tuple(car_revenue_list)
            ]  #for some reason bar chart accepts only [[]] or [()]
    bc = VerticalBarChart()
    bc.x = 50
    bc.y = 0
    bc.height = 125
    bc.width = 300
    bc.data = data
    bc.strokeColor = colors.black
    bc.valueAxis.valueMin = 7000000
    bc.valueAxis.valueMax = 23000000
    bc.valueAxis.valueStep = 1000000
    bc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'ne'
    bc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 8
    bc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -2
    bc.categoryAxis.labels.angle = 30
    bc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = list(set(car_name_lst[:10]))

    return d
コード例 #3
def torta(datos):
    tamanio = datos["tamanio"]
    data = datos["data"]
    labels = datos["labels"]
    colores = datos["colores"]
    titulo = datos["titulo"]

    grafico = Pie()
    grafico.x = 10
    grafico.y = 10
    grafico.startAngle = 45
    grafico.width = tamanio
    grafico.height = tamanio
    grafico.data = data
    grafico.labels = labels
    grafico.slices.fontName = "Helvetica"
    grafico.slices.fontSize = FONTSIZE
    grafico.simpleLabels = False
    grafico.sideLabels = 1
    grafico.sideLabelsOffset = 0.075
    grafico.slices.label_simple_pointer = False
    grafico.slices.label_pointer_elbowLength = 0.5
    grafico.slices.label_pointer_piePad = 3
    grafico.slices.label_pointer_edgePad = 3
    grafico.slices.label_pointer_strokeColor = colors.black
    grafico.slices.label_pointer_strokeWidth = 0.75
    for i in range(len(colores)):
        grafico.slices[i].fillColor = colors.HexColor(colores[i])
    retorno = crearDrawing(grafico)
    if titulo:
        etiqueta = Label()
        etiqueta.fontSize = FONTSIZE
        etiqueta.fontName = "Helvetica-Bold"
        etiquetar(retorno, etiqueta, tamanio/2.0, 0.0)
    return retorno
コード例 #4
    car_name = i[1]
    car_sales = i[3]
    car_price = float(i[2].strip(
        "$"))  #by default all the prices are in '', for example '18731.76

d = Drawing(400, 400)
pc = Pie()
pc.x = 100
pc.y = 240
pc.width = 130
pc.height = 130
pc.sideLabels = True
pc.sideLabelsOffset = 0.05
pc.data = car_sales_lst[:10]
pc.labels = list(set(car_name_lst[:10]))
d.add(pc, '')

revenue_calculation_1 = car_sales_lst[:10]
revenue_calculation_2 = car_price_lst[:10]
car_revenue_list = []
for i in range(len(car_price_lst[:10])):
    reven = revenue_calculation_1[i] * revenue_calculation_2[i]
        int(reven))  #using int because its many digits after ","


bc = VerticalBarChart()