コード例 #1
    def testAsciiHex(self):
        "Test if the obvious test for whether ASCII-Hex encoding works."

        plainText = 'What is the average velocity of a sparrow?'
        encoded = _AsciiHexEncode(plainText)
        decoded = _AsciiHexDecode(encoded)

        msg = "Round-trip AsciiHex encoding failed."
        assert decoded == plainText, msg
コード例 #2
    def testAsciiHex(self):
        "Test if the obvious test for whether ASCII-Hex encoding works."

        plainText = 'What is the average velocity of a sparrow?'
        encoded = _AsciiHexEncode(plainText)
        decoded = _AsciiHexDecode(encoded)

        msg = "Round-trip AsciiHex encoding failed."
        assert decoded == plainText, msg