コード例 #1
class RunTests:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__questions_ctrl = QuestionsController()
        self.__repo = Repository()

    def run_questions(self):
        assert self.__questions_ctrl.quiz_questions_args_to_list(
            [[123, "test", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t1", "easy"]])
        assert self.__questions_ctrl.add(
            ["123", "test", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t1", "easy"], True) == True
        assert QuestionValidator.validate_question_id(
            self.__questions_ctrl.get_all_questions(), 123, []) == False

    def run_repository(self):
        assert self.__repo.size() == 0
        question = Question(123, "test", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t1", "easy")
        assert self.__repo.size() == 1
        assert self.__repo.get_new_list() == [question]
        assert self.__repo.size() == 0

    def run_arguments(self):
        assert ArgumentsValidator.validate_create_quiz(
            ["easy", "6", "file.txt"]) == True

        should_be_true = False
            assert ArgumentsValidator.validate_create_quiz(
                ["asdads", "128", "file.txt"]) == False
        except Exception as e:
            should_be_true = True

        assert should_be_true == True

        assert ArgumentsValidator.validate_add_arguments(
            ["123", "text", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a2", "hard"]) == True
        assert ArgumentsValidator.validate_add_arguments(
            ["1", "iasasaa a a s", "answer 1", "a    2", "a3", "a3",
             "easy"]) == True
        assert ArgumentsValidator.validate_add_arguments([
            "1234", "kakkasd??asda?a.sda?", "a1", "a2 3 3", "a3", "a3",
        ]) == True

        should_be_true = False
            assert ArgumentsValidator.validate_add_arguments(
                ["123", "text", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a2", "hardz"]) == False
            assert ArgumentsValidator.validate_add_arguments(
                ["93", "spaces s s s s   ss", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a2",
                 "asdaa"]) == True
        except Exception as e:
            should_be_true = True

        assert should_be_true == True

    def run(self):

コード例 #2
class QuestionsController:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__repo = Repository()

    def add(self, args, from_file=False):
        :param args: the 7 arguments of a Questions provided as a list
        :param from_file: if True, when we read the questions from the master question list, we won't dump them again in the file, only if we add the questions from the program
        :return: True, or raises an Exception

        id = int(args[0])

        if QuestionValidator.validate_question_id(self.__repo.get_new_list(),
                                                  id, args):
            question = Question(id, args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4],
                                args[5], args[6])

            # Don't dump the same questions again when reading from file
            if not from_file:
                    "master_question_list.txt", question)

            return True
            raise Exception("The ID of the question must be unique!")

    def quiz_questions_args_to_list(self, questions):
        result = []
        for args in questions:
                Question(int(args[0]), args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4],
                         args[5], args[6]))

        return result

    def add_questions(self, questions):
        :param questions: Add multiple questions at once, provided as a list of lists of arguments of the class Question
        :return: None

        for question in questions:
            self.add(question, True)

    def get_questions(self, difficulty, no_of_questions):
        :param difficulty: the difficulty that we want most of our questions from the quiz to be
        :param no_of_questions: the number of questions the quiz will contain
        :return: the sorted questions list (sorted by difficulty in increasing order)

        questions_with_needed_difficulty = 0
        question_list = self.__repo.get_new_list()
        quiz_list = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(question_list):
            if question_list[i].get_difficulty() == difficulty:
                questions_with_needed_difficulty += 1

                # append the question to the quiz question list

                # remove the selected questions from the question list

                if len(quiz_list) == no_of_questions:
                i += 1

        if questions_with_needed_difficulty < no_of_questions // 2:
            raise Exception(
                "Not enough {0} questions found in the master question list!".

        if len(quiz_list) == no_of_questions:
            return self.sort_by_difficulty(quiz_list)

        i = 0
        while i < len(question_list):

            if len(quiz_list) == no_of_questions:
                return self.sort_by_difficulty(quiz_list)

            i += 1

    def sort_by_difficulty(self, questions):
        :param questions: list of objects of class Question
        :return: the sorted list in increasing order of the difficulty
        # mai trebuia return doar?

        for i in range(0, len(questions) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1 , len(questions)):
                print("i + " + str(i)  + questions[i].get_text())
                print("j + " + str(j) + questions[j].get_text())
                if questions[i].get_difficulty() == "medium" and questions[j].get_difficulty() == "easy":
                    questions[i], questions[j] = questions[j], questions[i]
                elif questions[i].get_difficulty() == "hard" and (questions[j].get_difficulty() == "easy" or questions[j].get_difficulty() == "medium"):
                    questions[i], questions[j] = questions[j], questions[i]

        # Optimized bubble sort :D
        done = False
        n = len(questions) - 1

        while not done:
            done = True
            for i in range(0, n):
                if questions[i].get_difficulty == "medium" and questions[
                        i + 1].get_difficulty == "easy":
                    questions[i], questions[i + 1] = questions[i +
                                                               1], questions[i]
                    done = False
                elif questions[i].get_difficulty() == "hard" and (
                        questions[i + 1].get_difficulty() == "easy"
                        or questions[i + 1].get_difficulty() == "medium"):
                    questions[i], questions[i + 1] = questions[i +
                                                               1], questions[i]
                    done = False
            n -= 1

        return questions

    def get_all_questions(self):
        return self.__repo.get_new_list()

    def clear_repo(self):