class Overview_Service: def __init__(self): self.__cars_repo = Car_Repo() self.__booking_repo = Booking_Repo() def overview_check(self, choice): if choice not in range(1,4): raise Exception def get_customer(self,custom_email): # if custom_email: # raise Exception # else: # self.__booking_repo.look_up_customer(custom_email) #hér þarf að laga villutékk fyrir look up customer. def car_menu_check(self, choice): if choice not in range (1,6): raise Exception def get_cars(self, car_choice): return self.__cars_repo.show_available_cars(car_choice) def valid_license_plate(self, car_choice, license_number): self.__cars_repo.look_up_car(car_choice, license_number) if license_number == False: raise Exception
class Car_Service: def __init__(self): self.__car_repos = Car_Repo() def add_cars(self, cars): if self.is_valid_car(cars): self.__car_repos.add_cars(cars) def is_valid_car(self, cars): return True # def get_cars(self): # return self.__car_repos.get_cars() #cb = create booking. def cb_show_available_cars(self, inp_car_type): return self.__car_repos.cb_show_available_cars(inp_car_type)
class Car_Service: def __init__(self): self.__car_repos = Car_Repo() def add_cars(self, cars): if self.is_valid_car(cars): self.__car_repos.add_cars(cars) def is_valid_car(self, cars): return True #cb = create booking. def cb_show_available_cars(self, inp_car_type): return self.__car_repos.cb_show_available_cars(inp_car_type) def cb_show_cancel_car(self,name): return self.__car_repos.show_cancelled_rented_car(name) def cb_cancel_available(self,license_num): return self.__car_repos.cancel_available(license_num) def car_choice(self, car_pick,start_date,tday_str): if car_pick == False: raise Exception self.__car_repos.mark_as_rented(car_pick,start_date,tday_str)
def mark_repair(self): print("Choose action: ") repair_choice = input("1. Mark in repair\n2. Mark out of repair\n ") repeat = "y" sure = "n" while repeat == "y": while sure == "n": license_num = input( "Pleace enter the License plate number of car to mark for repair: " ).upper() sure = input( "Are you sure you want to mark {0} unavalible due to repair? (y/n) " .format(license_num)).lower() repeat = input( "Would you like to mark anathor car for repair? (y/n) " ).lower() getting = Car_Repo() getting.mark_repair(repair_choice, license_num)
def remove_car(self): #Header print("ADMIN/Remove car") print("-" * 20) # Validation tests need to be added in admin_service license_num = input( "Please enter license plate number of car to remove from system: " ).upper() confirm = input( "Are you sure you want to remove {} from system? (y/n) ".format( license_num)).lower() print("{} has been removed from system".format(license_num.upper())) print("") again = input("Do you want to remove another car? (y/n)") getting = Car_Repo() getting.remove_car(license_num)
def __init__(self): self.car_repo = Car_Repo() self.booking_repo = Booking_Repo()
class Dealer_service: def __init__(self): self.car_repo = Car_Repo() self.booking_repo = Booking_Repo() def home_check(self, choice): if choice not in range(1,6): raise Exception def option_check(self,contin): if contin != "1" and contin != "2": raise Exception #cb = Create booking. def cb_check_name(self,first_name_alpha, last_name_alpha): if first_name_alpha == False or last_name_alpha == False: raise Exception def cb_check_driver_license(self, driver_license): driver = driver_license.isnumeric() len_driver_license = len(driver_license) if driver == False or len_driver_license != 9: raise Exception def cb_check_email(self,email): for letter in email: if letter == "@": email = True break else: email = False if email == False: raise Exception def cb_check_phone(self, phone_num): if phone_num == False: raise Exception def cb_check_card_num(self, card_num): len_card_num = len(card_num) card_num_numeric = card_num.isnumeric() if len_card_num < 16 or len_card_num > 16: raise Exception if card_num_numeric == False: raise Exception def create_booking_check_card_valid_time(self,start_date): if len(start_date) == 10: day = start_date[0:2] month = start_date[3:5] year = start_date[6:] elif len(start_date) == 8: day = start_date[0] month = start_date[2] year = start_date[4:] if day not in range(1,32) or month not in range(1,13) or year < 2018: raise Exception def check_if_card_is_valid(self, validation_date): tday = dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(validation_date, "%m/%y") end_date = dt - tday difference = end_date.days if difference < 0: raise Exception def cb_check_cvc(self,cvc): len_cvc = len(cvc) cvc_numeric = cvc.isnumeric() if len_cvc < 3 or len_cvc > 3: raise Exception if cvc_numeric == False: raise Exception def valid_return(self, license_num): if license_num == False: raise Exception self.car_repo.return_rental(license_num) #Extras menu. def extras_menu_check(self,extras_option): if extras_option not in range (1,5): raise Exception #Change booking. def change_check(self, change_choice): if change_choice not in range (1,4): raise Exception #Edit booking. def edit_name(self, name): if name == False: raise Exception self.booking_repo.look_up_customer_by_name(name)#Kalla á fall sem les bara skrá enn breytir ekki. def edit_menu_check(self, edit_choice): if edit_choice not in range (1,6): raise Exception def edit_name_check(self,name,edit_name): self.booking_repo.edit_booking_name(name, edit_name) def edit_drivers_license_check(self,name,edit_drivers_license): self.booking_repo.edit_booking_driver_license(name, edit_drivers_license) def edit_email_check(self, name, edit_email): self.booking_repo.edit_booking_email(edit_email,name) def edit_phone_number(self,name,edit_phone_number): #Á eftir að gera villu check #Sigga self.booking_repo.edit_booking_phone_number(name, edit_phone_number) def edit_credit_card_insurance_check(self,edit_credit_card_info,name): self.booking_repo.edit_booking_credit_card_insurance(edit_credit_card_info,name) #Cancel booking. def cancel_check(self, name): if name == False: raise Exception self.booking_repo.cancel_booking(name) #Adding booking. def add_booking(self, booking): self.booking_repo.add_booking(booking) #check date. def obtain_date(self,start_date): date_c = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%d/%m/%Y") if date_c == False: raise Exception
def __init__(self): self.admin_service = Admin_service() self.__car_service = Car_Service() self.car_repo = Car_Repo()
class Admin_Ui: def __init__(self): self.admin_service = Admin_service() self.__car_service = Car_Service() self.car_repo = Car_Repo() def admin_home_page(self): """interface that admin can access""" #Header print("ADMIN") print("-" * 20) print("Choose action: ") choice = 7 while choice not in range(1, 5): try: choice = int( input( "1. Create new car\n2. Remove car\n3. Mark car for repair\n4. Log out\n " )) print("") self.admin_service.home_check(choice) except: print("Invalid action, please select number from 1 to 4") print("") return choice def remove_car(self): #Header print("ADMIN/Remove car") print("-" * 20) confirm = "y" while confirm == "y": license_num = input( "Please enter license plate number of car to remove from system: " ).upper() confirm_inp = "a" no_fails = True while no_fails: try: if confirm_inp not in "yn": confirm_inp = input( "Are you sure you want to remove {} from system? (y/n) " .format(license_num)).lower() self.admin_service.y_and_n_validation(confirm_inp) if confirm_inp == "y": print("{} has been removed from system\n".format( license_num.upper())) self.car_repo.remove_car(license_num) elif confirm_inp == "n": break elif confirm_inp == "y" or confirm_inp == "n": again = input( "Do you want to remove another car? (y/n)") self.admin_service.y_and_n_validation(again) if again == "y": confirm_inp = "a" break if again == "n": no_fails = False confirm = "n" except: print("Please use 'y' or 'n' to confirm!") def mark_repair(self): print("Choose action: ") repair_choice = input("1. Mark in repair\n2. Mark out of repair\n ") repeat = "y" sure = "n" while repeat == "y": while sure == "n": license_num = input( "Pleace enter the License plate number of car to mark for repair: " ).upper() sure = input( "Are you sure you want to mark {0} for repair? (y/n) ". format(license_num)).lower() repeat = input( "Would you like to mark another car for repair? (y/n) " ).lower() self.car_repo.mark_repair(repair_choice, license_num) def create_car_page(self): print("ADMIN/Create new car") print("-" * 20) confirm = "y" while confirm == "y": license_num = input("Please enter license plate number: ") car_type = " " while car_type not in "ABC": try: car_type = input( "Please enter car type (A, B, C) :").upper() self.admin_service.car_type_check(car_type) except: print( "Available types are A, B or C. Please choose one of those types!" ) print("") #initiate variables: confirm_inp = "a" no_fails = True while no_fails: try: if confirm_inp not in "yn": confirm_inp = input( "Confirm this car registration? (y/n) ") print("") self.admin_service.y_and_n_validation(confirm_inp) if confirm_inp == "y": print("The car {} has been added to system.\n". format(license_num.upper())) elif confirm_inp == "n": break elif confirm_inp == "y" or confirm_inp == "n": again = input( "Would you like to add another car? (y/n)") self.admin_service.y_and_n_validation(again) if again == "y": return license_num, car_type, confirm, again if again == "n": no_fails = False confirm = "n" except: print("Please use 'y' or 'n' to confirm!") print("") return license_num, car_type, confirm, again def counter_added_cars(self, counter): print("You have added {} car/s to the system.".format(counter)) def create_the_car(self, license_num, car_type, price, status="Available"): new_car = Car(license_num, car_type, price, status) self.__car_service.add_cars(new_car)
def __init__(self): self.__overview_service = Overview_Service() self.car_repo = Car_Repo()
class Overview_Ui: def __init__(self): self.__overview_service = Overview_Service() self.car_repo = Car_Repo() def overview_menu(self): """the overview menu where the dealer can choose what he wants to review and see""" print("Dealer / Overview") print("-" * 20) choice = 7 while choice not in range(1, 4): try: print("Please choose 1, 2 or 3.") choice = int( input( "1. Look up customer\n2. Car information\n3. Go to homepage\n" )) self.__overview_service.overview_check( choice) #hér þarf að runna í service fallinu. except: print("Not a valid option, please select number from 1 to 3") print("") return choice def look_up_customer(self): email = False while email == False: try: print("") email = input( "Please enter email of customer to find in system: ") print("") self.__overview_service.get_customer(email) print("") email = True except: print("Not a valid email, please enter a valid email.") print("") def car_overview(self): # elif choice == "2": car_choice = 7 while car_choice not in range(1, 6): try: print("Choose action:") print("") car_choice = int( input( "1. Show all available cars\n2. Show rented cars\n3. Look up a specific car\n4. Show price list\n5. Go to homepage\n" )) self.__overview_service.car_menu_check( car_choice ) #hér þarf að kalla í eitthvað í service fallinu except: print("Not a valid option, please select number from 1 to 5") print("") return car_choice def get_car(self, car_choice): print("{:<15}{:<6}{:<7}{:<10}".format("License plate", "Type", "Price", "Status")) print("-" * 36) self.car_repo.show_available_cars(car_choice) #Það virkaði ekki að nota try og except en þetta virkar svona og settum aðeins öðruvísi villucheck def specific_car_input(self, car_choice): license_num = False while license_num == False: # try: print("") license_number = input("Insert license plate: ").upper() print("") self.__overview_service.valid_license_plate( car_choice, license_number) license_num = True print("") # except: # print("License plate number does not exist in the system, please enter a valid number.") # print("") return license_number def show_price_list(self): print("Prices are per day.") print(" " * 2, "Type A", " " * 8, "Type B", " " * 8, "Type C", " " * 2) print("-" * 44) print(" " * 2, "$4000", " " * 9, "$3000", " " * 9, "$2000", " " * 2) print("") print("Extras:") print("") print("Kasko insurance ($50)\nChild seat ($1)") print("")
def __init__(self): self.__car_repos = Car_Repo()
class Dealer_service: def __init__(self): self.car_repo = Car_Repo() self.booking_repo = Booking_Repo() def home_check(self, choice): if choice not in range(1, 6): raise Exception #cb = Create booking. def cb_check_name(self, first_name_alpha, last_name_alpha): if first_name_alpha == False or last_name_alpha == False: raise Exception def cb_check_driver_license(self, driver): if driver == False: raise Exception def cb_check_email(self, email): for letter in email: if letter == "@": email = True break else: email = False if email == False: raise Exception def cb_check_phone(self, phone_num): if phone_num == False: raise Exception def cb_check_card_num(self, card_num): len_card_num = len(card_num) card_num_numeric = card_num.isnumeric() if len_card_num < 16 or len_card_num > 16: raise Exception if card_num_numeric == False: raise Exception def check_if_card_is_valid(self, validation_date): tday = dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(validation_date, "%m/%y") end_date = dt - tday difference = end_date.days if difference < 0: raise Exception def cb_check_cvc(self, cvc): len_cvc = len(cvc) cvc_numeric = cvc.isnumeric() if len_cvc < 3 or len_cvc > 3: raise Exception if cvc_numeric == False: raise Exception def valid_return(self, license_num): if license_num == False: raise Exception self.car_repo.return_rental(license_num) #Change booking. def change_check(self, change_choice): if change_choice not in range(1, 4): raise Exception def edit_check(self): pass def cancel_check(self, name): if name == False: raise Exception self.booking_repo.cancel_booking(name)
def __init__(self): self.__cars_repo = Car_Repo() self.__booking_repo = Booking_Repo()