コード例 #1
ファイル: populate.py プロジェクト: spqs/nettiaanestys
    def run(self):
        session = DBSession()
        session.bind.echo = False

        # Join the repoze.filesafe manager in the transaction so that files will
        # be written only when a transaction commits successfully.
        filesafe = FileSafeDataManager()

        # Query the currently existing usernames to avoid UNIQUE violations.
        self.usernames.update(username for cols in session.query(Voter.username).all() for username in cols)

        fh_itella = filesafe.createFile(self.output, 'w')

        # Excel worksheet for Itella
        wb_itella = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
        ws_itella = wb_itella.add_sheet('Hexagon IT')
        text_formatting = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='@')
        for col, header in enumerate([u'Tunnus', u'Salasana', u'Nimi', u'Osoite', u'Postinumero', u'Postitoimipaikka']):
            ws_itella.write(0, col, header, text_formatting)
        rows_itella = count(1)
        voter_count = 0

        self.header('Starting to process {}'.format(self.source_file))
        src_sheet = xlrd.open_workbook(self.source_file).sheet_by_index(0)
        pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar()], maxval=src_sheet.nrows).start()

        for row in xrange(1, src_sheet.nrows):
            token, lastname, names, address, zipcode, city = [c.value for c in src_sheet.row_slice(row, 0, 6)]
            names = names.split()
            firstname = names[0]

            username = self.genusername(names, lastname)
            password = self.genpasswd()

            # Create the voter instance.
            session.add(Voter(username, password, firstname, lastname, token))

            # Write the Itella information
            row = rows_itella.next()

            for col, item in enumerate([username, password, u'{} {}'.format(u' '.join(names), lastname), address, zipcode, city]):
                ws_itella.write(row, col, item, text_formatting)

            voter_count += 1



        self.header('Finished processing')
        print 'Processed', voter_count, 'voters.'
コード例 #2
    def run(self, startdate=None):
        session = DBSession()

        if startdate is None:
            startdate = datetime(1900, 1, 1)

        # Join the repoze.filesafe manager in the transaction so that files will
        # be written only when a transaction commits successfully.
        filesafe = FileSafeDataManager()

        # Query the currently existing usernames to avoid UNIQUE violations.
        # The usernames are stored as OpenID identifiers so we need to extract
        # the usernames from the URLs.
            urlparse(openid).netloc.rsplit('.', 2)[0]
            for result in session.query(Voter.openid).all()
            for openid in result])

        # Query the voter submission and associated schools.
        submissions = session.query(School, CSVSubmission)\
              .filter(CSVSubmission.kind == CSVSubmission.VOTER)\
              .filter(CSVSubmission.timestamp > startdate)\

        fh_openid = filesafe.createFile(self.filename('voters-openid_accounts-{id}.txt'), 'w')
        fh_email = filesafe.createFile(self.filename('voters-email-{id}.txt'), 'w')
        fh_labyrintti = filesafe.createFile(self.filename('voters-labyrintti-{id}.csv'), 'w')
        fh_itella = filesafe.createFile(self.filename('voters-itella-{id}.xls'), 'w')

        # Excel worksheet for Itella
        wb_itella = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
        ws_itella = wb_itella.add_sheet('xxxx')
        text_formatting = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='@')
        for col, header in enumerate([u'Tunnus', u'Salasana', u'Nimi', u'Osoite', u'Postinumero', u'Postitoimipaikka', u'Todennäköinen kunta']):
            ws_itella.write(0, col, header, text_formatting)
        rows_itella = count(1)

        school_count = voter_count = address_parse_errors = 0

        self.header('Starting to process submissions')

        for school, submission in submissions.all():
            self.header('Processing school: {0}'.format(school.name.encode('utf-8')))
            for voter in submission.csv:
                username = self.genusername(voter['firstname'], voter['lastname'])
                password = self.genpasswd()

                # Create the voter instance.
                openid = u'http://{0}.did.fi'.format(username)
                dob = date(*reversed([int(v.strip()) for v in voter['dob'].split('.', 2)]))
                session.add(Voter(openid, voter['firstname'], voter['lastname'], dob, voter['gsm'], voter['email'], voter['address'], school))

                # Write the OpenID account information.
                fh_openid.write(u'{0}|{1}\n'.format(username, password).encode('utf-8'))

                has_gsm, has_email = bool(voter['gsm'].strip()), bool(voter['email'].strip())
                if has_gsm or has_email:
                    if has_gsm:
                        # Write the Labyrintti information only if a GSM number is available.
                        message = self.SMS_TMPL.format(username=username, password=password).encode('utf-8')
                        if len(message) > 160:
                            raise ValueError('SMS message too long: {0}'.format(message))


                    if has_email:
                        # Write the email information for everybody with an address.
                        fh_email.write(u'{0}|{1}|{2}\n'.format(username, password, voter['email']).encode('utf-8'))

                    # Write the Itella information for those that only have an
                    # address. We rely on the validation to ensure that it is
                    # available.
                    match = RE_ADDRESS.match(voter['address'])
                    if match is not None:
                        street = match.group(1).strip().strip(u',').strip()
                        zipcode = match.group(2).strip().strip(u',').strip()
                        city = match.group(3).strip().strip(u',').strip()

                        row = rows_itella.next()
                        for col, item in enumerate([username, password, u'{0} {1}'.format(voter['firstname'].split()[0], voter['lastname']), street, zipcode, city]):
                            ws_itella.write(row, col, item, text_formatting)
                        print 'Failed to parse address for {0}: {1}.'.format(username, voter['address'].encode('utf-8'))
                        address_parse_errors += 1
                        row = rows_itella.next()
                        for col, item in enumerate([username, password, u'{0} {1}'.format(voter['firstname'].split()[0], voter['lastname']), voter['address'], u'', u'', school.name]):
                            ws_itella.write(row, col, item, text_formatting)

                print username
                voter_count += 1
            school_count += 1



        self.header('Finished processing')
        print 'Processed', school_count, 'schools and', voter_count, 'voters.'
        print 'Address parsing failed for', address_parse_errors, 'users.'