コード例 #1
ファイル: tables.py プロジェクト: AndreaCensi/diffeoplan
def jobs_tables_by_algo_rows_sample_groups(context, samples_groups, tables):
    source_descs = comp_store(Stats.all_descriptions())
    # Crate a new store, add the key "group"
    allstats = StoreResults()
    for id_group, samples in samples_groups.items():
        for key, value in samples.items():
            nkey = dict(id_group=id_group, **key)
            allstats[nkey] = value
    for id_statstable, stats in tables.items():
        for id_algo, samples in allstats.groups_by_field_value('id_algo'):
            job_id = 'byalgo-%s-%s' % (id_algo, id_statstable)

            r = context.comp(table_by_rows,
                     "byalgo-rows-sample-groups-%s-%s" % (id_algo, id_statstable),
                     rows_field='id_group',  # rows = tc
                     cols_fields=stats,  # which statistics for each col
            report_attrs = dict(id_statstable=id_statstable)
            assert report_attrs['id_algo'] == id_algo
            context.add_report(r, 'byalgo-rows-sample-groups', **report_attrs)
コード例 #2
def jobs_tables_by_algo_rows_sample_groups(context, samples_groups, tables):
    source_descs = comp_store(Stats.all_descriptions())

    # Crate a new store, add the key "group"
    allstats = StoreResults()
    for id_group, samples in samples_groups.items():
        for key, value in samples.items():
            nkey = dict(id_group=id_group, **key)
            allstats[nkey] = value

    for id_statstable, stats in tables.items():
        for id_algo, samples in allstats.groups_by_field_value('id_algo'):
            job_id = 'byalgo-%s-%s' % (id_algo, id_statstable)

            r = context.comp(
                "byalgo-rows-sample-groups-%s-%s" % (id_algo, id_statstable),
                rows_field='id_group',  # rows = tc
                cols_fields=stats,  # which statistics for each col

            report_attrs = dict(id_statstable=id_statstable)
            assert report_attrs['id_algo'] == id_algo

            context.add_report(r, 'byalgo-rows-sample-groups', **report_attrs)
コード例 #3
ファイル: report_manager.py プロジェクト: lowks/quickapp
class ReportManager(object):
    # TODO: make it use a context
    def __init__(self, outdir, index_filename=None):
        self.outdir = outdir
        if index_filename is None:
            index_filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'report_index.html')
        self.index_filename = index_filename
        self.allreports = StoreResults()
        self.allreports_filename = StoreResults()

        # report_type -> set of keys necessary
        self._report_types_format = {}
        self.html_resources_prefix = ''
        # check if we are called more than once; would be a bug
        self.index_job_created = False
    def set_html_resources_prefix(self, prefix):
            Sets the prefix for the resources filename.
            example: set_resources_prefix('jbds')
        self.html_resources_prefix = prefix + '-'
    def _check_report_format(self, report_type, **kwargs):
        keys = sorted(list(kwargs.keys()))
        # print('report %r %r' % (report_type, keys))
        if not report_type in self._report_types_format:
            self._report_types_format[report_type] = keys
            keys0 = self._report_types_format[report_type]
            if not keys == keys0:
                msg = 'Report %r %r' % (report_type, keys)
                msg += '\ndoes not match previous format %r' % keys0
                raise ValueError(msg)
    def get(self, report_type, **kwargs):
        key = frozendict2(report=report_type, **kwargs)
        return self.allreports[key]
    def add(self, report, report_type, **kwargs):
            Adds a report to the collection.
            :param report: Promise of a Report object
            :param report_type: A string that describes the "type" of the report
            :param kwargs:  str->str,int,float  parameters used for grouping
        if not isinstance(report_type, str):
            msg = 'Need a string for report_type, got %r.' % describe_value(report_type)
            raise ValueError(msg)
        from compmake import Promise
        if not isinstance(report, Promise):
            msg = ('ReportManager is mean to be given Promise objects, '
                   'which are the output of comp(). Obtained: %s' 
                   % describe_type(report))
            raise ValueError(msg)
        # check the format is ok
        self._check_report_format(report_type, **kwargs)
        key = frozendict2(report=report_type, **kwargs)
        if key in self.allreports:
            msg = 'Already added report for %s' % key
            msg += '\n its values is %s' % self.allreports[key]
            msg += '\n new value would be %s' % report
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.allreports[key] = report

        report_type_sane = report_type.replace('_', '')
        key_no_report = dict(**key)
        del key_no_report['report']
        basename = self.html_resources_prefix + report_type_sane
        if key_no_report:
            basename += '-' + basename_from_key(key_no_report)
        dirname = os.path.join(self.outdir, report_type_sane)
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, basename) 
        self.allreports_filename[key] = filename + '.html'
    def create_index_job(self):
        if self.index_job_created:
            msg = 'create_index_job() was already called once'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        self.index_job_created = True
        if not self.allreports:
            # no reports necessary
        from compmake import comp
        # Do not pass as argument, it will take lots of memory!
        # XXX FIXME: there should be a way to make this update or not
        # otherwise new reports do not appear
        optimize_space = False
        if optimize_space and len(self.allreports_filename) > 100:
            allreports_filename = comp_store(self.allreports_filename, 'allfilenames')
            allreports_filename = self.allreports_filename
        type2reports = {}    
        for report_type, xs in self.allreports_filename.groups_by_field_value('report'):
            type2reports[report_type] = StoreResults(**xs.remove_field('report'))
        for key in self.allreports: 
            job_report = self.allreports[key]
            filename = self.allreports_filename[key] 

            write_job_id = job_report.job_id + '-write'
            # Create the links to reports of the same type
            report_type = key['report']
            other_reports_same_type = type2reports[report_type]
            key = dict(**key)
            del key['report']

            # find the closest report for different type
            others = []
            for other_type, other_type_reports in type2reports.items():
                if other_type == report_type:
                best = get_most_similar(other_type_reports, key)
                if best is not None:
#                     print('Best match:\n-%s %s\n- %s %s' % (report_type, key,
#                                                             other_type, best))
                    others.append((other_type, best, other_type_reports[best]))
            report_type_sane = report_type.replace('_', '')
            report_nid = self.html_resources_prefix + report_type_sane
            if key: 
                report_nid += '-' + basename_from_key(key) 
                 report=job_report, report_nid=report_nid,
                report_html=filename, all_reports=allreports_filename,