コード例 #1
ファイル: deepxor.py プロジェクト: fpga-tom/tpu-test-001
def _generate_tree(tree, output, selected_production, unexpanded):
    productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[tree.root]
    if selected_production == -1:
#        if len(productions['choices']) == 1:
#            selected_production = 0
#        else:
        return output, unexpanded

    chosen_prod = productions['choices'][int(selected_production)]
    tree.children = []
#    print(chosen_prod)

    for symbol in chosen_prod['choice']:
        # Iterate over all symbols in the chosen production.
        if symbol["type"] == "T":
            # The symbol is a terminal. Append new node to children.
            tree.children.append(Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree, type=symbol["type"]))
            # Append the terminal to the output list.
        elif symbol["type"] == "NT":
            # The symbol is a non-terminal. Append new node to children.
            tree.children.append(Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree, type=symbol["type"]))

            output, unexpanded = _generate_tree(tree.children[-1], output, -1, unexpanded)

    return output, unexpanded
コード例 #2
def genome_tree_derivation(ind_tree,
    """ Builds a tree using production choices from a given genome. Not
        guaranteed to terminate.
    if not invalid and index < len(genome) and\
                    max_depth <= params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH']:
        nodes += 1
        depth += 1
        ind_tree.id, ind_tree.depth = nodes, depth

        productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[ind_tree.root]
        ind_tree.codon = genome[index % len(genome)]
        selection = ind_tree.codon % len(productions)
        chosen_prod = productions[selection]

        index += 1
        ind_tree.children = []

        for i in range(len(chosen_prod)):
            symbol = chosen_prod[i]
            if symbol[1] == "T":
                ind_tree.children.append(Tree((symbol[0], ), ind_tree))

            elif symbol[1] == "NT":
                ind_tree.children.append(Tree((symbol[0], ), ind_tree))
                index, nodes, d, max_depth, invalid = \
                    genome_tree_derivation(ind_tree.children[-1], genome,
                                           index, depth, max_depth, nodes,
        # Mapping incomplete
        return index, nodes, depth, max_depth, True

    NT_kids = [
        kid for kid in ind_tree.children
        if kid.root in params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals
    if not NT_kids:
        # Then the branch terminates here
        depth += 1
        nodes += 1

    if not invalid:
        if (depth > max_depth):
            max_depth = depth
        if max_depth > params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH']:
            invalid = True
    return index, nodes, depth, max_depth, invalid
コード例 #3
def generate_PI_ind_tree(max_depth):
    Generate an individual using a given Position Independent subtree
    initialisation method.

    :param max_depth: The maximum depth for the initialised subtree.
    :return: A fully built individual.

    # Initialise an instance of the tree class
    ind_tree = Tree(str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule["symbol"]), None)

    # Generate a tree
    genome, output, nodes, depth = pi_grow(ind_tree, max_depth)

    # Get remaining individual information
    phenotype, invalid, used_cod = "".join(output), False, len(genome)

    if params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].python_mode:
        # Grammar contains python code

        phenotype = python_filter(phenotype)

    # Initialise individual
    ind = individual.Individual(genome, ind_tree, map_ind=False)

    # Set individual parameters
    ind.phenotype, ind.nodes = phenotype, nodes
    ind.depth, ind.used_codons, ind.invalid = depth, used_cod, invalid

    # Generate random tail for genome.
    ind.genome = genome + [randint(0, params['CODON_SIZE']) for
                           _ in range(int(ind.used_codons / 2))]

    return ind
コード例 #4
def map_tree_from_genome(genome):
    Maps a full tree from a given genome.

    :param genome: A genome to be mapped.
    :return: All components necessary for a fully mapped individual.

    # Initialise an instance of the tree class
    tree = Tree(str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule["symbol"]), None)

    # Map tree from the given genome
    output, used_codons, nodes, depth, max_depth, invalid = \
        genome_tree_map(tree, genome, [], 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # Build phenotype.
    phenotype = "".join(output)

    if invalid:
        # Return "None" phenotype if invalid
        return None, genome, tree, nodes, invalid, max_depth, \

        return phenotype, genome, tree, nodes, invalid, max_depth, \
コード例 #5
ファイル: mapper.py プロジェクト: dvpfagan/PonyGE2
def map_tree_from_genome(genome):
    Maps a full tree from a given genome.
    :param genome: A genome to be mapped.
    :return: All components necessary for a fully mapped individual.

    # Initialise an instance of the tree class
    tree = Tree(str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule[0]),

    # Map tree from the given genome
    output, used_codons, nodes, depth, max_depth, invalid = \
        genome_tree_map(tree, genome, [], 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # Build phenotype.
    phenotype = "".join(output)

    if params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].python_mode:
        # Grammar contains python code

        phenotype = python_filter(phenotype)

    if invalid:
        # Return "None" phenotype if invalid
        return None, genome, tree, nodes, invalid, max_depth, \
        return phenotype, genome, tree, nodes, invalid, max_depth, \
コード例 #6
ファイル: initialisation.py プロジェクト: dvpfagan/PonyGE2
def pi_random_init(depth):

    tree = Tree(str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule[0]),
                None, max_depth=depth, depth_limit=depth)
    genome = tree.pi_random_derivation(0, max_depth=depth)
    if tree.check_expansion(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals.keys()):
        print("tree.pi_random_init generated an Invalid")
    return tree.get_output(), genome, tree, False
コード例 #7
def tree_derivation(ind_tree, genome, method, nodes, depth, max_depth,
    """ Derive a tree using a given method """

    nodes += 1
    depth += 1
    ind_tree.id, ind_tree.depth = nodes, depth

    productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[ind_tree.root]
    available = ind_tree.legal_productions(method, depth_limit, productions)
    chosen_prod = choice(available)

    prod_choice = productions.index(chosen_prod)
    codon = randrange(len(productions), params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].codon_size,
                      len(productions)) + prod_choice
    ind_tree.codon = codon
    ind_tree.children = []

    for symbol in chosen_prod:
        if symbol[1] == params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].T:
            # if the right hand side is a terminal
            ind_tree.children.append(Tree((symbol[0], ), ind_tree))
        elif symbol[1] == params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].NT:
            # if the right hand side is a non-terminal
            ind_tree.children.append(Tree((symbol[0], ), ind_tree))
            genome, nodes, d, max_depth = \
                tree_derivation(ind_tree.children[-1], genome, method, nodes,
                                depth, max_depth, depth_limit - 1)

    NT_kids = [
        kid for kid in ind_tree.children
        if kid.root in params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals

    if not NT_kids:
        # Then the branch terminates here
        depth += 1
        nodes += 1

    if depth > max_depth:
        max_depth = depth

    return genome, nodes, depth, max_depth
コード例 #8
def pi_random_derivation(tree, index, max_depth=20):
    """ Randomly builds a tree from a given root node up to a maximum
        given depth. Uses position independent stuff.

    queue = [[
        tree, params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals[tree.root]['recursive']

    while queue:
        num = len(queue)
        chosen = randint(0, num - 1)
        all_node = queue.pop(chosen)
        node = all_node[0]

        n, depth = tree.get_tree_info(tree)
        depth += 1

        if depth < max_depth:
            productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[node.root]
            available = []
            remaining_depth = max_depth - depth

            if remaining_depth > params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].max_arity:
                available = productions
                for prod in productions:
                    depth = 0
                    for item in prod:
                        if (item[1] == params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].NT) and \
                                (item[2] > depth):
                            depth = item[2]
                    if depth < remaining_depth:
            chosen_prod = choice(available)
            if len(productions) > 1:
                prod_choice = productions.index(chosen_prod)
                codon = randrange(0, params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].codon_size,
                                  len(productions)) + prod_choice
                node.codon = codon
                node.id = index
                index += 1
            node.children = []

            for i in range(len(chosen_prod)):
                symbol = chosen_prod[i]
                child = Tree(symbol[0], node)
                if symbol[1] == params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].NT:
                    # if the right hand side is a non-terminal
                    queue.insert(chosen + i, [
                        child, params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals[child.root]
    genome = tree.build_genome([])
    return genome
コード例 #9
def generate_tree_from_genome(genome):
    """ Returns a tree given an input of a genome. Faster than normal genome
    initialisation as less information is returned. To be used when a tree
    needs to be built quickly from a given genome."""

    new_tree = Tree((str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule[0]), ),
    return new_tree
コード例 #10
def pi_grow_init(depth):

    tree = Tree((str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule[0]), ),
    genome = tree.pi_grow(0, max_depth=depth)
    if tree.check_expansion():
        print("tree.pi_grow_init generated an Invalid")
    return tree.get_output(), genome, tree, False
コード例 #11
def genome_tree_map(genome):

    tree = Tree((str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule[0]), ),
    used_codons, nodes, depth, max_depth, invalid = \
        genome_tree_derivation(tree, genome, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    if invalid:
        return None, genome, tree, nodes, invalid, max_depth, \
        return tree.get_output(), genome, tree, nodes, invalid, max_depth, \
コード例 #12
    def _generate_tree(self, pos, tree, output, selected_production,
        productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[tree.root]
        if selected_production == -1:
            #            if  len(productions['choices']) == 1:
            #                selected_production = 0
            #            else:
            return output, undecided_trees

        chosen_prod = productions['choices'][selected_production]
        tree.children = []
        pos.state = apply_action(pos.state,
                                 (pos.num_nodes, selected_production))
        pos.num_nodes += 1

        for symbol in chosen_prod['choice']:
            # Iterate over all symbols in the chosen production.
            if symbol["type"] == "T":
                # The symbol is a terminal. Append new node to children.
                tr = Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree)
                tr.depth = tree.depth + 1

                # Append the terminal to the output list.

            elif symbol["type"] == "NT":
                # The symbol is a non-terminal. Append new node to children.
                tr = Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree)
                tr.depth = tree.depth + 1

                output, undecided_trees = self._generate_tree(
                    pos, tree.children[-1], output, -1, undecided_trees)

        return output, undecided_trees
コード例 #13
ファイル: deepxor.py プロジェクト: fpga-tom/tpu-test-001
def generate_output(state):
#    print(state)
    grm = params['BNF_GRAMMAR']
    ind_tree = Tree(str(grm.start_rule["symbol"]), None)
    unexpanded = []
    output = []
    tree = ind_tree
    s = copy.copy(state)
    idx = 0
    while True:
        output, unexpanded = _generate_tree(tree, output, s[idx], unexpanded)
        idx += 1
        tree = unexpanded.pop(0) if unexpanded else None
        if tree is None or s[idx] == -1:
    return walk_tree(ind_tree, []), ind_tree
コード例 #14
def tree_init(depth, method):
    Initialise a tree to a given depth using a specified method for

    tree = Tree((str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule[0]), ),
                max_depth=depth - 1,
                depth_limit=depth - 1)
    genome, nodes, d, max_depth = mapper.tree_derivation(
        tree, [], method, 0, 0, 0, depth - 1)

    if tree.check_expansion():
        print("tree.init generated an Invalid")

    return tree.get_output(), genome, tree, nodes, \
           False, max_depth, len(genome)
コード例 #15
def generate_new_genome_and_phenotype():
    writeLog('Creating new individual values')

    depths = range(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].min_ramp + 1,
                   params['MAX_INIT_TREE_DEPTH'] + 1)
    size = params['POPULATION_SIZE']
    if size < len(depths):
        depths = depths[:int(size)]

    max_depth = depths[int(len(depths) / 2)]

    # Initialise an instance of the tree class
    ind_tree = Tree(str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule["symbol"]), None)

    # Generate a tree
    genome, output, nodes, depth = pi_grow(ind_tree, max_depth)
    # Get remaining individual information
    phenotype, invalid, used_cod = "".join(output), False, len(genome)

    return phenotype, nodes, genome, depth, used_cod, invalid
コード例 #16
def generate_ind_tree(max_depth, method):
    Generate an individual using a given subtree initialisation method.

    :param max_depth: The maximum depth for the initialised subtree.
    :param method: The method of subtree initialisation required.

    # Initialise an instance of the tree class
    ind_tree = Tree(str(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].start_rule[0]),
                    depth_limit=max_depth - 1)

    # Generate a tree
    genome, output, nodes, _, depth = generate_tree(ind_tree, [], [], method,
                                                    0, 0, 0, max_depth - 1)

    # Get remaining individual information
    phenotype, invalid, used_cod = "".join(output), False, len(genome)

    if params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].python_mode:
        # Grammar contains python code

        phenotype = python_filter(phenotype)

    # Initialise individual
    ind = individual.Individual(genome, ind_tree, map_ind=False)

    # Set individual parameters
    ind.phenotype, ind.nodes = phenotype, nodes
    ind.depth, ind.used_codons, ind.invalid = depth, used_cod, invalid

    # Generate random tail for genome.
    ind.genome = genome + [
        randint(0, params['CODON_SIZE'])
        for _ in range(int(ind.used_codons / 2))

    return ind
コード例 #17
ファイル: derivation.py プロジェクト: MananTaneja/autoML
def generate_tree(tree, genome, output, method, nodes, depth, max_depth,
    Recursive function to derive a tree using a given method.
    :param tree: An instance of the Tree class.
    :param genome: The list of all codons in a tree.
    :param output: The list of all terminal nodes in a subtree. This is
    joined to become the phenotype.
    :param method: A string of the desired tree derivation method,
    e.g. "full" or "random".
    :param nodes: The total number of nodes in the tree.
    :param depth: The depth of the current node.
    :param max_depth: The maximum depth of any node in the tree.
    :param depth_limit: The maximum depth the tree can expand to.
    :return: genome, output, nodes, depth, max_depth.
    # Increment nodes and depth, set depth of current node.
    nodes += 1
    depth += 1
    tree.depth = depth

    # Find the productions possible from the current root.
    productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[tree.root]

    if depth_limit:
        # Set remaining depth.
        remaining_depth = depth_limit - depth
        remaining_depth = depth_limit
    # Find which productions can be used based on the derivation method.
    available = legal_productions(method, remaining_depth, tree.root,
    # Randomly pick a production choice.
    chosen_prod = choice(available)

    # Find the index of the chosen production and set a matching codon based
    # on that index.
    prod_index = productions['choices'].index(chosen_prod)
    codon = randrange(productions['no_choices'],
                      productions['no_choices']) + prod_index
    # Set the codon for the current node and append codon to the genome.
    tree.codon = codon
    # Initialise empty list of children for current node.
    tree.children = []

    for symbol in chosen_prod['choice']:
        # Iterate over all symbols in the chosen production.
        if symbol["type"] == "T":
            # The symbol is a terminal. Append new node to children.
            tree.children.append(Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree))
            # Append the terminal to the output list.
        elif symbol["type"] == "NT":
            # The symbol is a non-terminal. Append new node to children.
            tree.children.append(Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree))
            # recurse on the new node.
            genome, output, nodes, d, max_depth = \
                generate_tree(tree.children[-1], genome, output, method,
                              nodes, depth, max_depth, depth_limit)

    NT_kids = [kid for kid in tree.children if kid.root in

    if not NT_kids:
        # Then the branch terminates here
        depth += 1
        nodes += 1

    if depth > max_depth:
        # Set new maximum depth
        max_depth = depth
    return genome, output, nodes, depth, max_depth
コード例 #18
def reduce(solution):
    Takes a list of all matching subtrees found in the target string and
    iteratively combines and reduces subtrees to generate larger matching
    subtrees. This process continues until the list of matching subtrees has
    been completely reduced into a target string.

    :param solution: A list of all snippets (i.e. matching subtrees found in
    the target string.
    :return: Nothing.

    # Find all non-terminals in the grammar that can be used to concatenate
    # subtrees to new/larger subtrees.
    reduce_NTs = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].concat_NTs

    # Pre-load the target string.
    target = params['REVERSE_MAPPING_TARGET']

    for idx, snippet_info in enumerate(solution):
        # Get current snippet.
        snippet = snippet_info[2]

        # Find current snippet info.
        NT = snippet_info[1]

        # Get indexes of the current snippet
        indexes = snippet_info[0]
        start, end = indexes[0], indexes[1]

        # Find if the snippet root (NT) exists anywhere in the
        # reduction NTs.
        if NT in reduce_NTs:

            for reduce in reduce_NTs[NT]:
                # Now we're searching for a specific subset of keys in the
                # snippets dictionary.

                # Generate list of only the desired Non Terminals.
                NTs = reduce[2]

                if len(NTs) == 1:
                    # This choice leads directly to the parent, check if parent
                    # snippet already exists.

                    # Child is current snippet.
                    child = [[snippet, trackers.snippets[snippet]]]

                    # Get key for new snippet.
                    key, start, end = generate_key_and_check(
                        start, end, reduce, child)

                    # Create a new node for the solution list.
                    new_entry = [indexes, reduce[1], key]

                    # Insert the current node into the solution.
                    if new_entry not in solution:
                        solution.insert(idx + 1, new_entry)

                    # Find the index of the snippet root in the current
                    # reduction production choice.
                    NT_locs = [i for i, x in enumerate(NTs) if x[0] == NT]

                    for loc in NT_locs:
                        # We want to check each possible reduction option.

                        # Set where the original snippet starts and ends on
                        # the target string.
                        if loc == 0:
                            # The current snippet is at the start of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = None, end

                        elif start == 0 and loc != 0:
                            # The current snippet is at the start of the target
                            # string, but we are trying to reduce_trees it with
                            # something before it.

                        elif end == len(params['TARGET']) and loc != \
                            # The current snippet is at the end of the target
                            # string, but we are trying to reduce_trees it with
                            # something after it.

                        elif loc == len(NTs):
                            # The current snippet is at the end of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = start, None

                            # The current snippet is in the middle of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = start, end

                        alt_cs = list(range(len(NTs)))

                        # Initialise a list of children to be reduced.
                        children = [[] for _ in range(len(NTs))]

                        # Set original snippet into children.
                        children[loc] = [snippet, trackers.snippets[snippet]]

                        curr_idx = solution.index(snippet_info)

                        # Step 1: reduce everything before the current loc.
                        for item in reversed(alt_cs[:loc]):

                            if NTs[item][1] == "T":
                                # This is a terminal, decrement by length of T.

                                # Check output of target string.
                                check = target[pre - len(NTs[item][0]):pre]

                                if check == NTs[item][0]:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Generate fake key for snippets dict.
                                    key = str([pre - len(NTs[item][0]), pre])

                                    # Create new tree from this terminal.
                                    T_tree = Tree(check, None)

                                    # Add to children.
                                    children[item] = [key, T_tree]

                                    # Decrement target string index.
                                    pre -= len(NTs[item][0])

                                    # No match.

                                # This is a NT. Check solution list for
                                # matching node.
                                available = [
                                    sol for sol in solution[:curr_idx] if
                                    sol[1] == NTs[item][0] and sol[0][1] == pre

                                for check in available:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Set the correct child in our
                                    # children.
                                    children[item] = [
                                        check[2], trackers.snippets[check[2]]

                                    # Decrement target string index.
                                    child_len = get_num_from_str(check[2])
                                    pre -= child_len[1] - child_len[0]


                        # Step cython_backup: reduce everything after the loc.
                        for i, item in enumerate(alt_cs[loc + 1:]):

                            if NTs[item][1] == "T":
                                # This is a terminal, decrement by length of T.

                                # Check output of target string.
                                check = target[aft:aft + len(NTs[item][0])]

                                if check == NTs[item][0]:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Generate fake key for snippets dict.
                                    key = str([aft, aft + len(NTs[item][0])])

                                    # Create new tree from this terminal.
                                    T_tree = Tree(check, None)

                                    # Add to children.
                                    children[item] = [key, T_tree]

                                    # Increment target string index.
                                    aft += len(NTs[item][0])

                                    # No match.

                                # We haven't looked ahead in the string,
                                # we can't add things we don't know yet.

                        if all([child != [] for child in children]):
                            # We have expanded all children and can collapse
                            # a node.

                            key, pre, aft = generate_key_and_check(
                                pre, aft, reduce, children)

                            # Create a new node for the solution list.
                            new_entry = [[pre, aft], reduce[1], key]

                            # Add the new reduced entry to the solution.
                            if new_entry not in solution:
                                solution.insert(idx + 1, new_entry)
コード例 #19
def parse_terminals(target):
    Given a target string, build up a list of terminals which match certain
    portions of the target string.

    :return: A list of terminals in order of appearance in the target string.

    if params['VERBOSE']:
        print("Target:\n", target)

    # Pre-load all terminals and non-terminal rules from the grammar.
    terms, rules = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].terminals, params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules

    # Initialise dict for storing the snippets for compiling a complete
    # solution. The key for each entry is the portion of the target string on
    # which the output matches, along with the root node of the subtree. The
    # value is the subtree itself.
    trackers.snippets = {}

    # Initialise dict for deleted snippets, to ensure they aren't generated
    # again.
    trackers.deleted_snippets = []

    for T in sorted(terms.keys()):
        # Iterate over all Terminals.

        # Find all occurances of this terminal in the target string.
        occurrances = []
        index = 0
        while index < len(target):
            index = target.find(T, index)
            if index not in occurrances and index != -1:
                index += len(T)

        for idx in occurrances:
            # Check each occurrence of this terminal in the target string.

            for NT in terms[T]:

                if any([[T] == i
                        for i in [[sym['symbol'] for sym in choice['choice']]
                                  for choice in rules[NT]['choices']]]):
                    # Check if current T is the entire production choice of any
                    # particular rule.

                    # Generate a key for the snippets repository.
                    key = " ".join([str([idx, idx + len(T)]), NT])

                    # Get index of production choice.
                    index = [[sym['symbol'] for sym in choice['choice']]
                             for choice in rules[NT]['choices']].index([T])

                    # Get production choice.
                    choice = rules[NT]['choices'][index]['choice']

                    # Generate a tree for this choice.
                    parent = Tree(NT, None)

                    # Generate a codon for this choice.
                    parent.codon = generate_codon(NT, choice)

                    # Set the snippet key for the parent.
                    parent.snippet = key

                    # Create child for terminal.
                    child = Tree(T, parent)

                    # Add child to parent.

                    # Add snippet to snippets repository.
                    trackers.snippets[key] = parent
コード例 #20
def pi_grow(tree, index, max_depth=20):
    """ Grows a tree until a single branch reaches a specified depth. Does
        this by only using recursive production choices until a single
        branch of the tree has reached the specified maximum depth. After
        that any choices are allowed

    queue = [[
        tree, params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals[tree.root]['recursive']

    while queue:
        num = len(queue)
        chosen = randint(0, num - 1)
        all_node = queue.pop(chosen)
        node = all_node[0]
        n, depth = tree.get_tree_info(tree)
        depth += 1

        if depth < max_depth:
            productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[node.root]
            available = []
            remaining_depth = max_depth - depth

            if (tree.get_max_tree_depth(tree) < max_depth - 1) or \
                    (node.parent is None) or \
                    (all_node[1] and (not any([item[1] for item in queue]))):
                # We want to prevent the tree from creating terminals
                # until a single branch has reached the full depth

                if remaining_depth > params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].max_arity:
                    for production in productions:
                        if any(sym[3] for sym in production):
                    if not available:
                        for production in productions:
                            if not all(sym[3] for sym in production):
                    for prod in productions:
                        depth = 0
                        for item in prod:
                            if (item[1] == params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].NT) and \
                                    (item[2] > depth):
                                depth = item[2]
                        if depth < remaining_depth:
                if remaining_depth > params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].max_arity:
                    available = productions
                    for prod in productions:
                        depth = 0
                        for item in prod:
                            if (item[1] == params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].NT) and \
                                    (item[2] > depth):
                                depth = item[2]
                        if depth < remaining_depth:
            chosen_prod = choice(available)
            if len(productions) > 1:
                prod_choice = productions.index(chosen_prod)
                codon = randrange(0, params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].codon_size,
                                  len(productions)) + prod_choice
                node.codon = codon
                node.id = index
                index += 1
            node.children = []

            for i in range(len(chosen_prod)):
                symbol = chosen_prod[i]
                child = Tree(symbol[0], node)
                if symbol[1] == params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].NT:
                    # if the right hand side is a non-terminal
                    queue.insert(chosen + i, [
                        child, params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals[child.root]
    genome = tree.build_genome([])
    return genome
コード例 #21
from representation.position import PonyGEPositionFactory
from representation.recurrent import RecurrentModelFactory
from cross.utilities import PositionFactory, ModelFactory
from cross.selfplay import play_init, play_select_move
from cross.dual_net import Network
from cross.deepxor import num_actions

FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

method = "random"
max_depth = 300
                            PonyGEPositionFactory(method=method, max_depth=7))
ModelFactory.set_factory('recurrent', RecurrentModelFactory(num_actions))

grm = Grammar(FLAGS.grammar)
params['BNF_GRAMMAR'] = grm
ind_tree = Tree(str(grm.start_rule["symbol"]), None)
play_init(Network(), tree=ind_tree)

for i in range(0, max_depth):
    move = play_select_move()

#genome, output, nodes, _, depth = generate_tree(ind_tree, [], [], method, 0, 0, 0, max_depth)
#ind = Individual(genome, ind_tree, map_ind=False)
#ind.phenotype = "".join(output)
コード例 #22
def genome_tree_map(tree,
    Recursive function which builds a tree using production choices from a
    given genome. Not guaranteed to terminate.

    :param tree: An instance of the representation.tree.Tree class.
    :param genome: A full genome.
    :param output: The list of all terminal nodes in a subtree. This is
    joined to become the phenotype.
    :param index: The index of the current location on the genome.
    :param depth: The current depth in the tree.
    :param max_depth: The maximum overall depth in the tree so far.
    :param nodes: The total number of nodes in the tree thus far.
    :param invalid: A boolean flag indicating whether or not the individual
    is invalid.
    :return: index, the index of the current location on the genome,
             nodes, the total number of nodes in the tree thus far,
             depth, the current depth in the tree,
             max_depth, the maximum overall depth in the tree,
             invalid, a boolean flag indicating whether or not the
             individual is invalid.

    if not invalid and index < len(genome) * (params['MAX_WRAPS'] + 1):
        # If the solution is not invalid thus far, and if we still have
        # remaining codons in the genome, then we can continue to map the tree.

        if params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH'] and (max_depth > params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH']):
            # We have breached our maximum tree depth limit.
            invalid = True

        # Increment and set number of nodes and current depth.
        nodes += 1
        depth += 1
        tree.id, tree.depth = nodes, depth

        # Find all production choices and the number of those production
        # choices that can be made by the current root non-terminal.
        productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[tree.root]['choices']
        no_choices = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[tree.root]['no_choices']

        # Set the current codon value from the genome.
        tree.codon = genome[index % len(genome)]

        # Select the index of the correct production from the list.
        selection = tree.codon % no_choices

        # Set the chosen production
        chosen_prod = productions[selection]

        # Increment the index
        index += 1

        # Initialise an empty list of children.
        tree.children = []

        for symbol in chosen_prod['choice']:
            # Add children to the derivation tree by creating a new instance
            # of the representation.tree.Tree class for each child.

            if symbol["type"] == "T":
                # Append the child to the parent node. Child is a terminal, do
                # not recurse.
                tree.children.append(Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree))

            elif symbol["type"] == "NT":
                # Append the child to the parent node.
                tree.children.append(Tree(symbol["symbol"], tree))

                # Recurse by calling the function again to map the next
                # non-terminal from the genome.
                output, index, nodes, d, max_depth, invalid = \
                    genome_tree_map(tree.children[-1], genome, output,
                                    index, depth, max_depth, nodes,

        # Mapping incomplete, solution is invalid.
        return output, index, nodes, depth, max_depth, True

    # Find all non-terminals in the chosen production choice.
    NT_kids = [
        kid for kid in tree.children
        if kid.root in params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals

    if not NT_kids:
        # There are no non-terminals in the chosen production choice, the
        # branch terminates here.
        depth += 1
        nodes += 1

    if not invalid:
        # The solution is valid thus far.

        if depth > max_depth:
            # Set the new maximum depth.
            max_depth = depth

        if params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH'] and (max_depth > params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH']):
            # If our maximum depth exceeds the limit, the solution is invalid.
            invalid = True

    return output, index, nodes, depth, max_depth, invalid
コード例 #23
ファイル: derivation.py プロジェクト: MananTaneja/autoML
def pi_grow(tree, max_depth):
    Grows a tree until a single branch reaches a specified depth. Does this
    by only using recursive production choices until a single branch of the
    tree has reached the specified maximum depth. After that any choices are
    :param tree: An instance of the representation.tree.Tree class.
    :param max_depth: The maximum depth to which to derive a tree.
    :return: The fully derived tree.

    # Initialise derivation queue.
    queue = [[tree, ret_true(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals[

    # Initialise empty genome. With PI operators we can't use a depth-first
    # traversal of the tree to build the genome, we need to build it as we
    # encounter each node.
    genome = []

    while queue:
        # Loop until no items remain in the queue.

        # Pick a random item from the queue.
        chosen = randint(0, len(queue) - 1)

        # Pop the next item from the queue.
        all_node = queue.pop(chosen)
        node, recursive = all_node[0], all_node[0]

        # Get depth of current node.
        if node.parent is not None:
            node.depth = node.parent.depth + 1

        # Get maximum depth of overall tree.
        _, overall_depth = get_nodes_and_depth(tree)
        # Find the productions possible from the current root.
        productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[node.root]

        # Set remaining depth.
        remaining_depth = max_depth - node.depth

        if (overall_depth < max_depth) or \
                (recursive and (not any([item[1] for item in queue]))):
            # We want to prevent the tree from creating terminals until a
            # single branch has reached the full depth. Only select recursive
            # choices.

            # Find which productions can be used based on the derivation method.
            available = legal_productions("full", remaining_depth, node.root,
            # Any production choices can be made.
            # Find which productions can be used based on the derivation method.
            available = legal_productions("random", remaining_depth, node.root,
        # Randomly pick a production choice.
        chosen_prod = choice(available)

        # Find the index of the chosen production and set a matching codon
        # based on that index.
        prod_index = productions['choices'].index(chosen_prod)
        codon = randrange(productions['no_choices'],
                          productions['no_choices']) + prod_index

        # Set the codon for the current node and append codon to the genome.
        node.codon = codon

        # Insert codon into the genome.
        # Initialise empty list of children for current node.
        node.children = []

        for i, symbol in enumerate(chosen_prod['choice']):
            # Iterate over all symbols in the chosen production.

            # Create new child.
            child = Tree(symbol["symbol"], node)

            # Append new node to children.

            if symbol["type"] == "NT":
                # The symbol is a non-terminal.
                # Check whether child is recursive
                recur_child = ret_true(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals
                # Insert new child into the correct position in the queue.
                queue.insert(chosen + i, [child, recur_child])

    # genome, output, invalid, depth, and nodes can all be generated by
    # recursing through the tree once.
    _, output, invalid, depth, \
    nodes = tree.get_tree_info(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals.keys(),
                               [], [])
    return genome, output, nodes, depth
コード例 #24
def pi_random_derivation(tree, max_depth):
    Randomly builds a tree from a given root node up to a maximum given
    depth. Uses position independent methods to derive non-terminal nodes.
    Final tree is not guaranteed to reach the specified max_depth limit.
    :param tree: An instance of the representation.tree.Tree class.
    :param max_depth: The maximum depth to which to derive a tree.
    :return: The fully derived tree.

    # Initialise derivation queue.
    queue = [[

    # Initialise empty genome. With PI operators we can't use a depth-first
    # traversal of the tree to build the genome, we need to build it as we
    # encounter each node.
    genome = []

    while queue:
        # Loop until no items remain in the queue.

        # Pick a random item from the queue.
        chosen = randint(0, len(queue) - 1)

        # Pop the next item from the queue.
        all_node = queue.pop(chosen)
        node = all_node[0]

        # Get depth current node.
        if node.parent is not None:
            node.depth = node.parent.depth + 1

        # Find the productions possible from the current root.
        productions = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].rules[node.root]

        # Set remaining depth.
        remaining_depth = max_depth - node.depth

        # Find which productions can be used based on the derivation method.
        available = legal_productions("random", remaining_depth, node.root,

        # Randomly pick a production choice.
        chosen_prod = choice(available)

        # Find the index of the chosen production and set a matching codon
        # based on that index.
        prod_index = productions['choices'].index(chosen_prod)
        codon = randrange(productions['no_choices'],
                          productions['no_choices']) + prod_index

        # Set the codon for the current node and append codon to the genome.
        node.codon = codon

        # Insert codon into the genome.

        # Initialise empty list of children for current node.
        node.children = []

        for i, symbol in enumerate(chosen_prod['choice']):
            # Iterate over all symbols in the chosen production.

            # Create new child.
            child = Tree(symbol["symbol"], node)

            # Append new node to children.

            if symbol["type"] == "NT":
                # The symbol is a non-terminal.

                # Check whether child is recursive
                recur_child = ret_true(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals[

                # Insert new child into the correct position in the queue.
                queue.insert(chosen + i, [child, recur_child])

    # genome, output, invalid, depth, and nodes can all be Generated by
    # recursing through the tree once.
    _, output, invalid, depth, \
    nodes = tree.get_tree_info(params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].non_terminals.keys(),
                               [], [])

    return genome, output, nodes, depth