def getClassify(): try: db = Db() result = db.selectAll('SELECT * FROM gysw_classify') db.close() return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '请求数据成功', 'data': result}) except: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '请求数据失败'})
def addSearch(): try: open_id = request.json['open_id'] keyword = request.json['keyword'] if not open_id and not keyword: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '新增数据失败:参数值不能为空'}) db = Db() # 取数据 result = db.selectAll( 'select * from gysw_search where keyword = "%s" and open_id = "%s"' % (keyword, open_id)) if not result or len(result) == 0: print('新增...') # 没有,新增 sql = 'insert into gysw_search (`open_id`, `keyword`, `last_update_at`) values (%s, %s, %s)' localtime = time.localtime(time.time()) db.insertOne(sql, (open_id, keyword, localtime)) else: print('修改...') # 修改,次数 +1 current = result[0] times = current['times'] + 1 db.updateOne( 'update gysw_search set times = %d where open_id = "%s" and keyword = "%s"' % (times, open_id, keyword)) db.close() return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '新增数据成功'}) except Exception as e: print(e) return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '新增数据失败'})
def getSearchSelf(open_id): try: db = Db() result = db.selectAll( 'select keyword from gysw_search where open_id = "%s" order by last_update_at desc limit 5' % open_id) db.close() return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '查询数据成功', 'data': result}) except Exception as e: print(e) return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '查询数据失败'})
def getSearchHot(): try: db = Db() result = db.selectAll( 'select keyword, convert(sum(times), int) as times from gysw_search group by keyword order by times desc limit 6' ) db.close() print(result) return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '查询数据成功', 'data': result}) except Exception as e: print(e) return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '查询数据失败'})
def getNovel(): keyword = request.args.get('keyword', '') classify_id = request.args.get('classify_id', '') open_id = request.args.get('open_id', '') # 小说表中模糊查询 if classify_id == '' and keyword == '' and open_id == '': return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '需要传参进行查询', 'data': []}) if classify_id != '': sql = 'select * from gysw_novel where classify_id = %s' % classify_id if keyword != '': sql = 'select * from gysw_novel where book_name like "%%%%%s%%%%" or author_name like "%%%%%s%%%%"' % ( keyword, keyword) if open_id != '': sql = 'select * from gysw_shelf where open_id = "%s"' % (open_id, ) try: db = Db() result = db.selectAll(sql) db.close() if len(result) == 0: # 根据 url 去笔趣阁查找小说 target_url = '' + keyword r = requests.get(target_url) root = etree.HTML(r.text) novels = root.xpath('//tr[position()>1]') result = [] for novel in novels: author_name = novel.xpath('td[position()=3]/text()')[0] book_name = novel.xpath('td[position()=1]/a/text()')[0] url = novel.xpath('td[position()=1]/a/@href')[0] print(author_name) print(book_name) print(url) result.append({ 'author_name': author_name, 'book_name': book_name, 'book_url': url }) return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '请求数据成功', 'data': result}) except: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '请求数据失败'})
def novel(): db = Db() classifies = db.selectAll('select * from gysw_classify') for classify in classifies: target_url = '' + classify['path'] try: r = requests.get(target_url) root = etree.HTML(r.text) novel_list = root.xpath('//div[@class="r"]//li') arr = [] for novel in novel_list: url = novel.xpath('span[@class="s2"]/a/@href')[0] book_name = novel.xpath('span[@class="s2"]/a/text()')[0] author_name = novel.xpath('span[@class="s5"]/text()')[0] classify_id = classify['id'] arr.append((url, book_name, author_name, classify_id)) print('开始保存数据....') db.insertMany( 'insert into gysw_novel (`book_url`, `book_name`, `author_name`, `classify_id`) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)', tuple(arr)) # db.close() except Exception as e: print('cuowu chu xian ', e) print('操作结束') db.close()
def getShelf(): open_id = request.args.get('open_id', '') book_name = request.args.get('book_name', '') author_name = request.args.get('author_name', '') if not open_id: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '查询数据失败:open_id不能为空'}) sql = 'select * from gysw_shelf where `open_id` = "%s"' % open_id if book_name: sql += ' and `book_name` = "%s"' % book_name if author_name: sql += ' and `author_name` = "%s"' % author_name try: db = Db() result = db.selectAll(sql) db.close() return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '查询数据成功', 'data': result}) except: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '查询数据失败'})
def reptileNovelByClassify(classify): db = Db() target_url = '' + classify['path'] try: r = requests.get(target_url) root = etree.HTML(r.text) novel_list = root.xpath('//div[@class="r"]//li') arr = [] for novel in novel_list: url = novel.xpath('span[@class="s2"]/a/@href')[0] book_name = novel.xpath('span[@class="s2"]/a/text()')[0] author_name = novel.xpath('span[@class="s5"]/text()')[0] classify_id = classify['id'] arr.append((url, book_name, author_name, classify_id)) print('抓取 %s' % book_name) print('开始保存数据....') db.insertMany( 'insert into gysw_novel (`book_url`, `book_name`, `author_name`, `classify_id`) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)', tuple(arr)) except Exception as e: print(e) print('操作结束') db.close()
def delShelf(id): try: db = Db() db.removeOne('delete from gysw_shelf where id = %s' % id) db.close() return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '删除数据成功'}) except: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '删除数据失败'})
def editShelf(id): chapter_url = request.json['chapter_url'] try: db = Db() db.updateOne('update gysw_shelf set chapter_url = "%s" where id = %s' % (chapter_url, id)) db.close() return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '修改数据成功'}) except: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '修改数据失败'})
def addShelf(): try: open_id = request.json['open_id'] author_name = request.json['author_name'] book_name = request.json['book_name'] chapter_url = request.json['chapter_url'] if not open_id and not author_name and not book_name and not chapter_url: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '新增数据失败:参数值不能为空'}) db = Db() sql = 'insert into gysw_shelf (`open_id`, `author_name`, `book_name`, `chapter_url`) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)' db.insertOne(sql, (open_id, author_name, book_name, chapter_url)) db.close() return jsonify({'code': '0000', 'message': '新增数据成功'}) except: return jsonify({'code': '9999', 'message': '新增数据失败'})
def reptileIndexClassify(self): print('爬取首页分类数据:开始:(classify/reptileIndexClassify)...') target_url = '' try: r = requests.get(target_url) root = etree.HTML(r.text) classifies = root.xpath('//div[@class="nav"]//li[position()>2]') # arr1 = [] for classify in classifies: path = classify.xpath('a/@href')[0].split('/')[-2] desc = classify.xpath('a/text()')[0] arr1.append((path, desc)) db = Db() db.insertMany( 'insert ignore into gysw_classify (`path`, `desc`) values (%s, %s)', tuple(arr1)) # db.insertOne('insert ignore into gysw_classify(`path`, `desc`) values ("xxx2", "yyy2")') db.close() print('爬取首页分类数据:成功:(classify/reptileIndexClassify)...') except Exception as e: print('爬取首页分类数据:失败:(classify/reptileIndexClassify)...') print(e)
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm, Form from wtforms.fields import StringField, PasswordField, SubmitField from wtforms.validators import Length, NumberRange, DataRequired, Email, ValidationError, EqualTo from flask import request app = Flask(__name__) # 加载配置文件 app.config.from_object(config) CORS(app, supports_credentials=True) loginmanager = LoginManager() loginmanager.init_app(app) db = Db() class UserProfileForm(Form): nickname = StringField( validators=[DataRequired( message='昵称不能为空'), Length(6, 12)]) email = StringField( validators=[DataRequired(), Email(message='邮箱格式不合法'), Length(6, 36)]) password = PasswordField(validators=[ DataRequired(), Length(6, 128, message='密码长度不正确'), EqualTo('confirm', message='两次输入密码不一致') ])
result = [] i = 0 for chapter in chapters: url = chapter.xpath('a/@href')[0] name = chapter.xpath('a/text()')[0] novel_id = novel['id'] if url is not None and name is not None and url != '': result.append([url, name, novel_id]) print(result) db.insertMany( 'insert into gysw_chapter (`url`, `name`, `novel_id`) values (%s, %s, %s)', result) print('书本 %s,插入章节成功,共 %i 章' % (novel['book_name'], len(result))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('书本 %s,插入章节失败' % (novel['book_name'], )) # 章节批量存库操作 if __name__ == '__main__': db = Db() for classfiy in db.getClassify(): id = list = getNovelsByClassifyId(id) for novel in list: getChapters(novel) # list = getNovelsByClassifyId(1) # getChapters(list[0])