def main(): for user in create_login_payload():'Opening a Grafana session...') session = Session() login(session, user) if check_initialized(session):'Grafana has already been initialized, skipping!') return'Attempting to add configured datasource...') r ='{url}/api/datasources'.format(url=GRAFANA_URL), json=create_datasource_payload()) logging.debug('Response: %r', r.json()) r.raise_for_status() for path in sorted(glob.glob('{dir}/*.json'.format(dir=DASHBOARDS_DIR))):'Creating dashboard from file: {path}'.format(path=path)) r ='{url}/api/dashboards/db'.format(url=GRAFANA_URL), json=create_dashboard_payload(path)) logging.debug('Response: %r', r.json()) r.raise_for_status()'Ending %r session...', user.get('user')) session.get('{url}/logout'.format(url=GRAFANA_URL))'Finished successfully.')
def call_api(self, operation_name, params=None): if not operation_name: return if params is None: params = {} api_session = Session() api_url = self._endpoint_url + operation_name req = Request('POST', api_url) prepped = req.prepare() self._encode_headers(prepped.headers) prepped.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' prepped.headers['User-Agent'] = self._build_user_agent_header() self._signer.sign(prepped) # check if operation is for 'upload' if operation_name == 'upload': # get s3url for the upload and then do a upload resp = self._upload_file(params, prepped, api_session) return resp # prepare the body serializer = Serializer() serial_obj = serializer.serialize_to_request(params, None) prepped.prepare_body(serial_obj['body'], None) resp = api_session.send(prepped) return resp
def _send_sms(dest, message): request = requests.Request('POST', '') request.headers = { 'content-type' : 'application/json' } recipients = [] for rec in dest: recipients.append({'gsm' : rec}) json_obj = { 'authentication' : { 'username' : credential.LOGIN, #TODO: make credentials global 'password' : credential.PASS }, 'messages' : { 'sender' : 'Shoprite', 'text' : message, 'recipients': recipients } # close messages } # close json_obj = json.dumps(json_obj) # send the request s = Session() try: return s.send(request.prepare()) except: return None
def __init__(self, env, id_correios, password, cert=False, log_config=None, timeout=None): ''' Webservice initialization. Depending on the env get a different wsdl definition. New Correios SIGEP uses HTTPAuth to do requests. Args: env (str): Environment used to get the wsdl id_correios (str): IdCorreios given by correios website password (str): password vinculated to the IdCorreios log_config (dict): Dictionary configurations of logging ''' ''' Untrusted ssl certificate for homolog envs see more at: ''' if cert is False: verify = False else: verify = certifi.where() self.timeout = timeout or 300 if log_config is not None and isinstance(log_config, dict): """ Example config from zeep documentation: { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'verbose': { 'format': '%(name)s: %(message)s' } }, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'verbose', }, }, 'loggers': { 'zeep.transports': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': True, 'handlers': ['console'], }, } } """ logging.config.dictConfig(log_config) session = Session() session.timeout = self.timeout session.verify = verify session.auth=(id_correios, password) t = Transport(session=session); self.client = Client(wsdl=self.get_env(env), transport=t)
def _upload_file(self, params, prepped, api_session): # header for upload s3_session = Session() api_url = self._endpoint_url + "getS3url" req = Request('POST', api_url) upload_prepped = req.prepare() self._encode_headers(upload_prepped.headers) upload_prepped.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' upload_prepped.headers['User-Agent'] = self._build_user_agent_header() self._signer.sign(upload_prepped) # prepare params for s3 url url_parameters = {'fileName': '', 'tenant': ''} if 'fileName' in params and params['fileName']: url_parameters['fileName'] = params['file_name'] elif 'fileLocation' in params and params['fileLocation']: if os.path.isfile(params['fileLocation']): fileName = os.path.basename(params['fileLocation']) url_parameters['fileName'] = fileName if 'tenant' in params and params['tenant']: url_parameters['tenant'] = params['tenant'] # prepare the body serializer = Serializer() serial_obj = serializer.serialize_to_request(url_parameters, None) upload_prepped.prepare_body(serial_obj['body'], None) resp = s3_session.send(upload_prepped) resp = json.loads(json.dumps(resp.json())) # upload file to S3 bucket if 'url' in resp and 'fileLocation' in params and params['fileLocation']: put(resp['url'], data=open(params['fileLocation']).read()) # build upload parameters upload_params = {'rowDelim': '', 'colDelim': '', 'headerFields': [], 'tenant': '', 'fileType': 0} # now do actual upload if 'tenant' in params and params['tenant']: upload_params['tenant'] = params['tenant'] upload_params['fileLocation'] = params['fileLocation'] if os.path.isfile(params['fileLocation']): fileName = os.path.basename(params['fileLocation']) upload_params['fileName'] = fileName if 'fileName' in params and params['fileName']: upload_params['fileName'] = params['fileName'] if 'sourcePlatform' in params and params['sourcePlatform']: upload_params['sourcePlatform'] = params['sourcePlatform'] if 'colDelim' in params and params['colDelim']: upload_params['colDelim'] = params['colDelim'] if 'rowDelim' in params and params['rowDelim']: upload_params['rowDelim'] = params['rowDelim'] if 'headerFields' in params and params['headerFields']: upload_params['headerFields'] = params['headerFields'] if 'fileType' in params and params['fileType']: upload_params['fileType'] = params['fileType'] # prepare the body serializer = Serializer() serial_obj = serializer.serialize_to_request(upload_params, None) prepped.prepare_body(serial_obj['body'], None) resp = api_session.send(prepped) resp = json.dumps(resp.json()) return resp
def r_next_page(url,plot): next_url = url data = {'scrollOffset':plot} session = Session() session.head('') response = url =url, data=data, headers=headers) plot = plot + 1 match = re.compile('href="(.+?)" rel="internal"><img class="radioCover" src="(.+?)" alt="(.+?)" ').findall(str(response.text)) for url,image,title in match: url = str(url).replace('/en/radio', '').replace('/index', '.m3u') h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() try: title = h.unescape(title) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue image = image.replace('s67.jpg', 's400.jpg') try: add_directory3(title,url,140, defaultfanart ,image,plot='') except KeyError: continue xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'songs') add_directory2('Next Page>>', next_url, 133, defaultfanart, defaultimage, plot) xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode("+str(confluence_views[6])+")") xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(addon_handle)
def start_crawl(pages=2): session = Session() session.verify = False url = '' b = RoboBrowser(session=session) basic_info = pd.DataFrame(columns=['name', 'url', 'ID', 'date']) detail_info = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(pages): # 改变这个数字控制爬取页数, 网页限制最大50页 form = b.get_form(id='formInfo') if not form: continue form['condition.pageNo'].value = str(i + 1) # 修改表单控制页数 form['condition.keyword'].value = '' try: # dirty fix... b.submit_form(form) basic_info = basic_info.append(parse_table(b), ignore_index=True) except AttributeError: pass for url in basic_info['url']: detail = get_detail(url) if isinstance(detail, pd.DataFrame): detail_info = detail_info.append(detail, ignore_index=True) return basic_info, detail_info
def doRequest(self, method, url, params=None, parse=True, data=None): """ Send HTTP request, with given method, credentials and data to the given URL, and return the success and the result on success. """ if not self.bitbucket.auth: raise ValueError("No auth credentials.") if data: data = dict(data) else: data = {} r = Request( method=method, url=url, auth=self.bitbucket.auth, params=params, data=data ) s = Session() resp = s.send(r.prepare()) status = resp.status_code text = resp.text error = resp.reason if status >= 200 and status < 300: if parse: return json.loads(text) else: return text else: raise exceptions.DispatchError(text, url, error, status)
def get_scigraph_diff(scigraph_prod: str, scigraph_dev: str, conf: dict, query_name: str) -> str: output_md = str() prod_results = get_scigraph_results(scigraph_prod, conf['query']) dev_results = get_scigraph_results(scigraph_dev, conf['query']) if prod_results == 'timeout' or dev_results == 'timeout': formatted_diff = {"request timeout": '0'} else: diff = diff_facets(dev_results, prod_results) formatted_diff = convert_diff_to_md(diff) output_md += "{}\n".format(add_md_header(query_name, 4)) params = { 'cypherQuery': conf['query'] } sesh = Session() prod_req = sesh.prepare_request(Request('GET', scigraph_prod, params=params)) dev_req = sesh.prepare_request(Request('GET', scigraph_dev, params=params)) output_md += add_href(prod_req.url, "Production Query") output_md += '\n\n' output_md += add_href(dev_req.url, "Dev Query") output_md += '\n\n' diff_list = [(k, v) for k, v in formatted_diff.items()] diff_list.sort(key=lambda tup: int('\d+', tup[1]).group(0)), reverse=True) output_md += add_md_table(diff_list, conf['headers']) output_md += "\n\n" return output_md
def getReferer(url, referer): useragent = ( "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080418 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/" ) session = Session() session.headers.update({"referer": referer, "user-agent": useragent}) return session.get(url)
def _serializeIngredients(self): """Convert children ingredients in triples""" res = [] session = Session() nutritionalInformations = {} ingredients = [] for ingredient in self.ingredients: response = session.get(config.USDA_API.format(config.USDA_API_KEY, ingredient['food'])).json() ing = Ingredient(name=response.get('report').get('food').get('name'), quantity=ingredient['quantity'], nutrients=response.get('report').get('food').get('nutrients')) nutritionalInformations = self._calculateNutrients(ingredient=ing, data=nutritionalInformations) ingredients.append(ing) ingredientList = IngredientList(ingredients) res.append((self.uri, SFO.ingredients, ingredientList.getURI())) res.extend(ingredientList.serialize()) res.extend(self._parseNutritionTable(nutritionalInformations, res)) return res
def recognize_captcha(self, str_image_path): # CAPTCHA画像の読み込み bin_captcha = open(str_image_path, 'rb').read() # base64でCAPTCHA画像をエンコード str_encode_file = base64.b64encode(bin_captcha).decode() # APIのURLを指定 str_url = "" # 事前に取得したAPIキー str_api_key = "" # Content-TypeをJSONに設定 str_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # Cloud Vision APIの仕様に沿ってJSONのペイロードを定義。 # CAPTCHA画像からテキストを抽出するため、typeは「TEXT_DETECTION」にする。 str_json_data = { 'requests': [ { 'image': { 'content': str_encode_file }, 'features': [ { 'type': "LABEL_DETECTION", 'maxResults': 10 } ] } ] } # リクエスト送信 obj_session = Session() obj_request = Request("POST", str_url + str_api_key, data=json.dumps(str_json_data), headers=str_headers ) obj_prepped = obj_session.prepare_request(obj_request) obj_response = obj_session.send(obj_prepped, verify=True, timeout=60 ) # 分析結果の取得 if obj_response.status_code == 200: #logging logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log', level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug(obj_response.text) #1番目のみを取得 obj = obj_response.text keywords = json.loads(obj) keyword = keywords['responses'][0]['labelAnnotations'][0]['description'] print("Tag:" + keyword) return(keyword) else: return "error"
def _get_response(self, content_type, url, headers, file_descriptor): s = Session() response = None req = Request(content_type, url, headers=headers, data=file_descriptor) prepared = req.prepare() try: response = s.send(prepared) except exceptions.Timeout: raise except exceptions.TooManyRedirects: raise except exceptions.RequestException: raise if response.status_code != try: raise BackblazeException(response.status_code, response.json()['message'], response, headers) except ValueError: raise BackblazeException(response.status_code, response.text, response, headers) return response
class Site: def __init__(self, username, password): self.username = username self.password = password self.session = None def url(self): return "http://{}/collection/all".format(HOST) def login(self): self.session = Session() # drupal requires that you first GET the form r = self.session.get(self.url()) # then POST to it s = self.url(), data={ 'name': self.username, 'pass': self.password, 'form_id': 'user_login', 'op': 'Log in', }, headers={ 'referer': self.url(), } ) print("=== logged in ===") return self.session def get_session(self): if self.session is not None: return self.session self.session = self.login() return self.session def get_collection_page(self, page): return CollectionPage(self.session, page)
def get_response(url, **kwargs): header_info = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36' } if 'retries' in kwargs: retries = kwargs.pop('retries') kwargs['headers'] = header_info else: retries = 3 if 'sess' in kwargs: sess = kwargs.pop('sess') else: sess = Session() if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = 10 response = None try: response = sess.get(url, **kwargs) except Timeout, e: if retries > 0: kwargs['retries'] = retries - 1 kwargs['sess'] = sess response = get_response(**kwargs) else: print e
def get_service(hass, config): """ Get the NMA notification service. """ if not validate_config(config, {DOMAIN: [CONF_API_KEY]}, _LOGGER): return None try: # pylint: disable=unused-variable from requests import Session except ImportError: _LOGGER.exception( "Unable to import requests. " "Did you maybe not install the 'Requests' package?") return None nma = Session() response = nma.get(_RESOURCE + 'verify', params={"apikey": config[DOMAIN][CONF_API_KEY]}) tree = ET.fromstring(response.content) if tree[0].tag == 'error': _LOGGER.error("Wrong API key supplied. %s", tree[0].text) else: return NmaNotificationService(config[DOMAIN][CONF_API_KEY])
def login(self, username, password): s = Session() # login over params = {"login": username, "password": password} r1 =, params, verify=False) # in case of failed login, bogi redirects to: # if r1.request.url != self.login_url: url = urlparse(r1.url) if url.netloc == self.netloc: query = parse_qs(url.query) code = int(query.get('code', ['-1'])[0]) text = query.get('text', "-") r1.encoding = 'windows-1251' message = r1.text raise LostFilmTVLoginFailedException(code, text, message) else: raise LostFilmTVLoginFailedException(-1, None, None) # callback to soup = BeautifulSoup(r1.text) inputs = soup.findAll("input") action = soup.find("form")['action'] cparams = dict([(i['name'], i['value']) for i in inputs if 'value' in i.attrs]), cparams, verify=False) # call to profile page r3 = s.get(self.profile_url) # read required params self.c_uid = s.cookies['uid'] self.c_pass = s.cookies['pass'] self.c_usess = self.search_usess_re.findall(r3.text)[0]
def send(self, request, params, file_path, m): dummy_response(m, request, params, file_path) session = Session() res = session.send(request.prepare()) return res
def handle(self, *args, **options): s = Session() if len(args) < 2: print "Usage: replay_error <host:port> <portable request>" sys.exit(1) # self.request('GET', '{base_url}/{url}'.format( # base_url=self.base_url.rstrip('/'), # url=url.lstrip('/'), # ), # params=params or {}, # headers=self.base_headers, # cookies={ # 'token': self.token or '', # } portable = json.loads(base64.b64decode(args[1])) req = Request( portable['method'], 'http://{host}{path}'.format( host=args[0], path=portable['path'], ), params=portable['get'], data=portable['post'], cookies=portable['cookies'], ).prepare() res = s.send(req) print res.content
def get_all_setlists(artist, page_number, sets_per_page): headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} url = "{0}&p={1}".format(artist, page_number) session = Session() response = session.get(url, headers=headers) data = response.json() setlists = data['setlists']['setlist'] total = data['setlists']['@total'] total_pages = math.ceil(int(total) / sets_per_page) # Continue to make requests until max setlists are downloaded for page in range(page_number + 1, total_pages + 1): print('{0} Page {1}'.format(artist, page)) url = "{0}&p={1}".format(artist, page) response = session.get(url, headers=headers) data = response.json() # If more than one result, concatenate lists, else append element to list. if type(data['setlists']['setlist']) is list: setlists = setlists + data['setlists']['setlist'] elif type(data['setlists']['setlist']) is dict: setlists.append(data['setlists']['setlist']) return setlists
def __send_request(self, url, data=None, method='GET', isKeyRequired=True): if isKeyRequired and not self._key: raise Exception('API Key is required. Get the API key from Then export RIMUHOSTING_APIKEY=xxxx (the digits only) or add RIMUHOSTING_APIKEY=xxxx to a ~/.rimuhosting file.') headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } if isKeyRequired: headers['Authorization']= "rimuhosting apikey=%s" % self._key url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self._base_url, url) data = data if isinstance(data, str) else json.dumps(data) s = Session() req = Request(method, url, data=data, headers=headers ) prepped = s.prepare_request(req) resp = s.send(prepped, timeout=3600) if not resp.ok: message = resp.text try: j2 = resp.json() for val in j2: if "error_info" in j2[val] and "human_readable_message" in j2[val]["error_info"]: message = j2[val]["error_info"]["human_readable_message"] break finally: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.reason, message) return resp
def get_request(url,header): req = Request(method="GET",url=url,headers=header) req_prepared = req.prepare() res = Response() s = Session() res = s.send(req_prepared) return res
def update_test(is_crash=0): config = merge_config() sess = Session() url = "{}/project/td".format(config['tbd_server']) post_params={ 'host_name': socket.gethostname(), 'ip_addr': IP_ADDR, 'tc_name': config['tc_name'], 'test_client': config['monitor_client'], 'build_verion': config['build_version'], 'is_crash': is_crash, 'ta_name': None, 'tc_result': None, 'ta_result': None, } resp =, data=post_params) log.debug("Post to {} with parameters {}".format(url, post_params)) try: result = resp.json() if result['code']: log.error("update test data failed: {}!".format(result['result'])) else: result = result['result'] log.debug("update test data successfully: {}".format(result)) except Exception as err: log.error("Failed to parse json result: {}!".format(err))
def get_url_page(self, url=""): for l in xrange(3): # proxies_url = choice(self.proxies_url_list) proxies_url = "" proxies = { # "http": "http://*****:*****@", "http": proxies_url, "https": proxies_url } try: session = Session() r = session.get(url, proxies=proxies, headers=self.headers, timeout=10) # r = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies,) print r.status_code if r.status_code in [200, 301]: page = r.content r.cookies.clear() r.close() return page else: r.cookies.clear() r.close() except: pass
def main4(): # # auth_url3 = "[email protected]&password=Testing." # response_url = "" s = requests.Session() r1 = s.get(auth_url3) print r1.headers # working headers = {"Cookie": r1.headers["set-cookie"] + " ; company_guid=6f65b34d-b6f4-4abd-b14a-408b8a11029b"} s1 = Session() prepped = Request( "GET", # or any other method, 'POST', 'PUT', etc. response_url, # data=data, headers=headers # ... ).prepare() resp = s1.send(prepped) WriteToFile("/home/rtandon/Downloads/Work/importdata/TCCC_Response/Response_Time_Json_Sample3_main4.txt", resp.text) # print resp.text print "done"
def validate(self): """Run validation using HTTP requests against validation host Using rules provided by spec, perform requests against validation host for each rule. Request response is verified to match the spec respsonse rule. This will yield either a :py:cls:`ValidationPass` or :py:cls:`ValidationFail` response. """ session = Session() if not self.verify and hasattr(urllib3, 'disable_warnings'): urllib3.disable_warnings() for rule in self.spec.get_rules(): req = rule.get_request(, self.port) if self.debug: pprint.pprint(req.__dict__) try: resp = session.send(req.prepare(), allow_redirects=False, verify=self.verify) if self.debug: pprint.pprint(resp.__dict__) if rule.matches(resp): yield ValidationPass(rule=rule, request=req, response=resp) except (ConnectionError, SSLError) as exc: # No response yet yield ValidationFail(rule=rule, request=req, response=None, error=exc) except ValidationError as exc: # Response received, validation error yield ValidationFail(rule=rule, request=req, response=resp, error=exc)
def login(username, passwd, url=None): """Login >>> login('6102114000', '000000') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <requests.sessions.Session object at 0x...> """ sesion = Session() data = {} data['USERNAME'] = username data['PASSWORD'] = passwd data['useDogCode'] = '' data['x'] = 37 data['y'] = 8 ip = LOGIN_HOST [int(username)%3] try: res = % (''), data=data, timeout=TIME_OUT) res = % (''), timeout=TIME_OUT) if res.ok: return sesion else: return WRONG_USENAME except RequestException as error: return CONECTION_ERROR
class AppStatsClient(object): limit = 100 # records interval = 60 # seconds timeout = 1 # timeout in seconds to submit data def __init__(self, url, app_id): self.url = url self.app_id = app_id self._acc = defaultdict(Counter) self._last_sent = time() self._session = Session( headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, timeout = self.timeout, ) self._req_count = 0 def add(self, name, counts): with lock: self._acc[name]['NUMBER'] += 1 for counter in counts: self._acc[name][counter] += counts[counter] self._req_count += 1 elapsed = time() - self._last_sent if elapsed >= self.interval or self._req_count >= self.limit: self.submit() def submit(self): data = json.dumps({self.app_id: self._acc}) try:, data=data) except RequestException, e: log.debug('Error during data submission: %s' % e) else:
def get_http_client(): ''' ''' client = Session() client.trust_env = False # return client
def main(): session = Session() marketReq = showOrderbookCompactRequest() ratesReq = showRatesRequest() market = Market(session.send(marketReq).json()) rates = session.send(ratesReq).json() course = Course(rates) print "---------------------------------------------" print "\t[*] Asks [*]" print "\tvolume: %f" % market.get_BidVolume() print "\tmedian price: %f" % market.get_BidMedian() print "\tavg price: %f" % market.get_BidAverage() print "\tcheapest: %f" % market.get_BidLowest() print "\tmost expensive: %f" % market.get_BidHighest() print "---------------------------------------------" print "\t[*] Bid [*]" print "\tvolume: %f" % market.get_AskVolume() print "\tmedian price: %f" % market.get_AskMedian() print "\tavg price: %f" % market.get_AskAverage() print "\thighest bid: %f" % market.get_AskHighest() print "\tlowest bid: %f" % market.get_AskLowest() print "---------------------------------------------" print "\t[*] courses [*]" print "\texact: %f" % course.getCurrentRate() print "\t12 Hours: %f" % course.get12hWeighted() print "\t3 hours: %f" % course.get3hWeighted()
def main(): """Main function""" # Read configuration with open("config.yml", "r") as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) host = cfg["deepsecurity"]["server"] tenant = cfg["deepsecurity"].get("tenant", None) c1_api_key = cfg["deepsecurity"]["c1_api_key"] ws_api_key = cfg["deepsecurity"]["ws_api_key"] timespan_from = cfg["deepsecurity"]["timespan_from"] timespan_to = cfg["deepsecurity"]["timespan_to"] tls_verify = bool(cfg["deepsecurity"].get("tls_verify", True)) if tls_verify == False:"Disabling TLS verify") ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context urllib3.disable_warnings()"Retrieving computers...") computers = get_paged_computers(ws_api_key, host, verify=tls_verify) computers_info = add_computer_info(ws_api_key, host, computers, verify=tls_verify) indexed_computers = get_indexed(data=computers_info, index="id") session = Session() session.verify = tls_verify transport = Transport(session=session, timeout=1800) url = "https://{0}/webservice/Manager?WSDL".format(host) client = Client(url, transport=transport) factory = client.type_factory("ns0") ### # Scheduled Scans # Not fully handled job started the day before or finished after # midnight ###"Retrieving system events 'Scheduled Malware Scan Started'") sys_events = get_sys_events( client, factory, timespan_from, timespan_to, tenant, "Authorization:ApiKey", c1_api_key, indexed_computers, event_id=SCHEDULED_MALWARE_SCAN_STARTED, )"Retrieving system events 'Scheduled Malware Scan Completed'") sys_events = sys_events + get_sys_events( client, factory, timespan_from, timespan_to, tenant, "Authorization:ApiKey", c1_api_key, indexed_computers, event_id=SCHEDULED_MALWARE_SCAN_COMPLETED, )"Sort mixed events by 'systemEventID'") sys_events.sort(key=getSystemEventID) targetIDs = set() scanCount = 0 for scan in sys_events: if scan["eventID"] == SCHEDULED_MALWARE_SCAN_STARTED: if scan["targetID"] in targetIDs:"Scan already active for %s", scan["targetID"]) else: scanCount += 1 targetIDs.add(scan["targetID"]) if scan["eventID"] == SCHEDULED_MALWARE_SCAN_COMPLETED: if not scan["targetID"] in targetIDs:"No active scan found for %s", scan["targetID"]) else: targetIDs.remove(scan["targetID"]) if len(targetIDs) == 0:"All scans finished") else:"%d scans running", len(targetIDs)) ### # Anti Malware Findings (Within scheduled scans only) ###"Retrieving anti malware events for %s scans", SCAN_TYPE) am_events = get_am_events( client, factory, timespan_from, timespan_to, tenant, "Authorization:ApiKey", c1_api_key, indexed_computers, scan_type=SCAN_TYPE, ) ### # Creating Result Sets ###"Calculating result sets") # Create result set: {malware, {computers}} am_result = {} for am_event in am_events: if am_event["malwareName"] in am_result: ll = am_result.get(am_event["malwareName"]) else: ll = set() ll.add(indexed_computers[am_event["hostID"]]["name"]) am_result[am_event["malwareName"]] = ll # Create result set: {malware, str(computers)} am_result_list = {} for result in am_result: am_result_list[result] = ", ".join("{}".format(val) for (val) in am_result[result]) # Populate statistics am_result_stats = {} am_result_stats["computers"] = len(computers) am_result_stats["scan_count"] = scanCount am_result_stats["scans_running"] = len(targetIDs) am_result_stats["no_malwares_variants"] = len(am_result) # Create result set: {malware, #computers} malware_computer_count = {} for am_event in am_events: if am_event["malwareName"] in malware_computer_count: ll = malware_computer_count.get(am_event["malwareName"]) else: ll = set() ll.add(indexed_computers[am_event["hostID"]]["name"]) malware_computer_count[am_event["malwareName"]] = ll for malware in malware_computer_count: malware_computer_count[malware] = len(malware_computer_count[malware]) ### # Create Excel Report ###"Create Excel report") # Create a Pandas dataframe from the data. df = pd.DataFrame([malware_computer_count], index=["Variant Distribution"]) # Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine. excel_file = "pie.xlsx" sheet_name = "Variant Distribution" writer = pd.ExcelWriter(excel_file, engine="xlsxwriter") workbook = worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(sheet_name) writer.sheets[sheet_name] = worksheet # Format cells. format_malware = workbook.add_format() # ({'num_format': '0%'}) format_malware.set_align("left") worksheet.set_column("A:A", 24, format_malware) format_columns = workbook.add_format() format_columns.set_align("right") worksheet.set_column("B:B", 77, format_columns) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, startrow=0, startcol=26) # Create a chart object. chart = workbook.add_chart({"type": "pie"}) chart.set_size({"width": 720, "height": 576}) chart.set_style(10) chart.set_title({"name": "Malware Variants"}) # Configure the chart from the dataframe data. chart.add_series({ "categories": "='{}'!AB1:A{}1".format( sheet_name, chr(65 + am_result_stats["no_malwares_variants"])), "values": "='{}'!AB2:A{}2".format( sheet_name, chr(65 + am_result_stats["no_malwares_variants"])), }) # Insert the chart into the worksheet. worksheet.insert_chart("A1", chart) # Insert statistics table ds = pd.Series(data=am_result_stats) ds.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, startrow=30, startcol=0, header=False) # Insert malware variant discovered on computer table ds = pd.Series(data=am_result_list, dtype='object') ds.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, startrow=35, startcol=0, header=False) # Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.
def use_wrapper(): print("Using helper") sess = CacheControl(Session()) return sess
if __name__ == '__main__': # 待下载ytb的url # todo: 看看到时转成settings.py的方式,然后这里用python的命令行解析包解析cmd参数 # url = '' filepath = '/Users/zhangyue/Downloads' # proxy = 'socks5://' proxy = None headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) ' 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36', 'connection': 'keep-alive', } session = Session() session.headers = headers if proxy: proxies = { 'http': proxy, 'https': proxy, } session.proxies = proxies urls_handler(session) urls_list = [] with open('handled_url.txt') as f: for url in f: if url: urls_list.append(url)
def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.search_url = self.get_sub_domain() self.token = None self.login()
class BSPlayerProvider(Provider): """BSPlayer Provider.""" languages = {Language('por', 'BR')} | { Language(l) for l in [ 'ara', 'bul', 'ces', 'dan', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'fin', 'fra', 'hun', 'ita', 'jpn', 'kor', 'nld', 'pol', 'por', 'ron', 'rus', 'spa', 'swe', 'tur', 'ukr', 'zho' ] } SEARCH_THROTTLE = 8 hash_verifiable = True # batantly based on kodi's bsplayer plugin # also took from BSPlayer-Subtitles-Downloader def __init__(self): self.initialize() def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.search_url = self.get_sub_domain() self.token = None self.login() def terminate(self): self.session.close() self.logout() def api_request(self, func_name='logIn', params='', tries=5): headers = { 'User-Agent': 'BSPlayer/2.x (1022.12360)', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'Connection': 'close', 'SOAPAction': '"{func_name}"'.format( func_name=func_name) } data = ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" ' 'xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" ' 'xmlns:xsi="" ' 'xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1="{search_url}">' '<SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">' '<ns1:{func_name}>{params}</ns1:{func_name}></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>' ).format(search_url=self.search_url, func_name=func_name, params=params)'Sending request: %s.' % func_name) for i in iter(range(tries)): try: self.session.headers.update(headers.items()) res =, data) return ElementTree.fromstring(res.text) except Exception as ex:"ERROR: %s." % ex) if func_name == 'logIn': self.search_url = self.get_sub_domain() sleep(1)'ERROR: Too many tries (%d)...' % tries) raise Exception('Too many tries...') def login(self): # If already logged in if self.token: return True root = self.api_request(func_name='logIn', params=('<username></username>' '<password></password>' '<AppID>BSPlayer v2.67</AppID>')) res = root.find('.//return') if res.find('status').text == 'OK': self.token = res.find('data').text"Logged In Successfully.") return True return False def logout(self): # If already logged out / not logged in if not self.token: return True root = self.api_request( func_name='logOut', params='<handle>{token}</handle>'.format(token=self.token)) res = root.find('.//return') self.token = None if res.find('status').text == 'OK':"Logged Out Successfully.") return True return False def query(self, video, video_hash, language): if not self.login(): return [] if isinstance(language, (tuple, list, set)): # language_ids = ",".join(language) # language_ids = 'spa' language_ids = ','.join(sorted(l.opensubtitles for l in language)) if video.imdb_id is None: imdbId = '*' else: imdbId = video.imdb_id sleep(self.SEARCH_THROTTLE) root = self.api_request( func_name='searchSubtitles', params=('<handle>{token}</handle>' '<movieHash>{movie_hash}</movieHash>' '<movieSize>{movie_size}</movieSize>' '<languageId>{language_ids}</languageId>' '<imdbId>{imdbId}</imdbId>').format( token=self.token, movie_hash=video_hash, movie_size=video.size, language_ids=language_ids, imdbId=imdbId)) res = root.find('.//return/result') if res.find('status').text != 'OK': return [] items = root.findall('.//return/data/item') subtitles = [] if items:"Subtitles Found.") for item in items: subID = item.find('subID').text subDownloadLink = item.find('subDownloadLink').text subLang = Language.fromopensubtitles(item.find('subLang').text) subName = item.find('subName').text subFormat = item.find('subFormat').text subtitles.append( BSPlayerSubtitle(subLang, subName, subFormat, video, subDownloadLink)) return subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): return self.query(video, video.hashes['bsplayer'], languages) def get_sub_domain(self): # s1-9, s101-109 SUB_DOMAINS = [ 's1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6', 's7', 's8', 's9', 's101', 's102', 's103', 's104', 's105', 's106', 's107', 's108', 's109' ] API_URL_TEMPLATE = "http://{sub_domain}" sub_domains_end = len(SUB_DOMAINS) - 1 return API_URL_TEMPLATE.format( sub_domain=SUB_DOMAINS[random.randint(0, sub_domains_end)]) def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): session = Session() _addheaders = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Synapse)'} session.headers.update(_addheaders) res = session.get(subtitle.page_link) if res: if res.text == '500': raise ValueError('Error 500 on server') with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(res.content)) as gf: subtitle.content = subtitle.normalize() return subtitle raise ValueError('Problems conecting to the server')
limitations under the License. ''' from zeep import Client from requests import Session from zeep.transports import Transport from getpass import getpass #Parameters BAMAddress = "bam.lab.corp" url = "https://" + BAMAddress + "/Services/API?wsdl" account = "api" account_password = getpass("Enter Password: "******"bam.crt" webtransport = Transport(session=websession) client = Client(url, transport=webtransport) searchTerm = "192.168.2" #login to api session client.service.login(account, account_password) #APi calls searchresults = client.service.searchByObjectTypes(searchTerm,"IP4Address", \ 0, 100) for items in searchresults: if "GATEWAY" in
def __init__(self, service): self.service = service Session.__init__(self)
def use_adapter(): print("Using adapter") sess = Session() sess.mount("http://", CacheControlAdapter()) return sess
def __init__(self): self.session = Session()
class API: _ID = None # First line _SECRET = None # Second line _TOKEN_URL = "" _SEARCH_URL = "" _FEATURES_URL = "" _ANALYSIS_URL = "" _MAX_IDS = 100 def __init__(self): self.session = Session() def __list_split(self, split: list, n: int) -> list: """ Split the given list every nth element Args: split: the list to split n: the size of splitted lists Returns: The lists splitted """ for i in range(0, len(split), n): # Create an index range for l of n items: yield split[i:i + n] def __ids_assembler(self, tracks: List[Song]) -> str: """ Given a list of Song Objects, extract spotify ids and assemble them in a string Args: tracks: a list of Song Objects Returns: A string with every element of the list separated with a comma """ out = "" for track in tracks: out += f"{track['spotify_id']}," return out[:-1] # removes the trailing comma def key_parse(self, keyfile: str) -> None: """ Load the client id and the client secret from the .key file Returns: None """ logging.debug(f"Parsing {keyfile}") with open(keyfile, "r") as keyfile: lines = keyfile.readlines() # File Sanitizing if len(lines) != 2: logging.warning(f"{keyfile} should have 2 lines") for _, line in zip(range(2), lines): if len(line) != 33: # 32 + \n logging.critical( "Client id and client secret must have 32 chars") raise ValueError( "Client id and client secret must have 32 chars") self._ID = lines[0].replace("\n", "") self._SECRET = lines[1].replace("\n", "") def auth(self, keyfile: str = None) -> "self": """ Get an oauth token from the Spotify Web API Returns: self """ if keyfile is not None: self.key_parse(keyfile) if self._ID is None or self._SECRET is None: logging.error("Client ID and Client Secret cannot be None") raise ValueError("Client ID and Client Secret cannot be None") auth_str = bytes(f"{self._ID}:{self._SECRET}", 'utf-8') auth_b64 = base64.b64encode(auth_str).decode('utf-8') headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {auth_b64}"} body = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"} response = post(url=self._TOKEN_URL, headers=headers, data=body) data = response.json() token_header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {data['access_token']}"} self.session.headers = token_header return self def search(self, track: Song, isrc: bool = False) -> None: """ Search a song using the Spotify Web API Args: track: the Song Object representing the track to search isrc: use or not the isrc to search the song on spotify Returns: None """ if isrc and track['isrc'] is not None: query = f"isrc:{track['isrc']}&type=track" else: query = f"{track['title']}%20artist:{track['artist']}%20year:{track['year']}&type=track" url = f"{self._SEARCH_URL}?q={query}" response = self.session.get(url=url) if response.status_code != 200: logging.warning( f"Search request failed. Status = {response.status_code} - Url = {url} - Response = " f"{response.content}") raise ValueError(f"Search request failed.") spotify_id = response.json()["tracks"]["items"][0]["id"] if spotify_id is None or len(spotify_id) != 22: logging.critical( f"id is wrong for {track['title']} - {track['artist']}") track["spotify_id"] = spotify_id def feature_bulk(self, tracks: List[Song]) -> None: """ Get the song features for a list of Song Objects Args: tracks: a list of Song Objects Returns: None """ tracks_chunks = self.__list_split(tracks, self._MAX_IDS) for chunk in tracks_chunks: self.features(chunk) def features(self, tracks: List[Song]) -> None: """ Get the song features for a list of ids with a max size of 100 tracks Args: tracks: a list of Song Objects with at maximum 100 elements Returns: None """ path = self.__ids_assembler(tracks) url = f"{self._FEATURES_URL}?ids={path}" response = self.session.get(url=url) if response.status_code != 200: logging.warning( f"Features request failed. Status = {response.status_code} - Url = {url} - Response = " f"{response.content}") raise ValueError(f"Feature request failed.") data = response.json()["audio_features"] for i, track in enumerate(tracks): feature = data[i] if feature is None: # Remove not song with not found features tracks.remove(track) data.pop(i) # log it logging.error( f"Features for {track['title']} - {track['artist']} not found" ) continue track.set_features(feature)
def site_session(): s = Session() s.get(ENTRY_URL) return s
# ========================================================================================= from requests import Session, get from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from json import loads, load, dumps from sys import argv from os import chdir from os.path import dirname, abspath from re import findall # Нужно для запуска не из папки со скриптом # (сменяет рабочую директорию на директорию скрипта, для нормального взаимодействия с конфигом) chdir(dirname(abspath(__file__))) # Инициализация веб клиента session = Session() headers = { 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36' } domain = '' url_tariff_page = '' access_page = '' # Функция авто-продления бесплатного периода def yota_get_acces(): log('blocking_check') try:
class ItaSAProvider(Provider): languages = {Language('ita')} video_types = (Episode, ) server_url = '' apikey = 'd86ad6ec041b334fac1e512174ee04d5' def __init__(self, username=None, password=None): if username is not None and password is None or username is None and password is not None: raise ConfigurationError('Username and password must be specified') self.username = username self.password = password self.logged_in = False self.login_itasa = False self.session = None self.auth_code = None def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Subliminal/%s' % __version__ # login if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:'Logging in') params = { 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'apikey': self.apikey } r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'users/login', params=params, allow_redirects=False, timeout=10) root = etree.fromstring(r.content) if root.find('status').text == 'fail': raise AuthenticationError(root.find('error/message').text) self.auth_code = root.find('data/user/authcode').text data = { 'username': self.username, 'passwd': self.password, 'remember': 'yes', 'option': 'com_user', 'task': 'login', 'silent': 'true' } r ='', data=data, allow_redirects=False, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() self.logged_in = True def terminate(self): self.session.close() self.logged_in = False @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME) def _get_show_ids(self): """Get the ``dict`` of show ids per series by querying the `shows` page. :return: show id per series, lower case and without quotes. :rtype: dict """ # get the show page'Getting show ids') params = {'apikey': self.apikey} r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'shows', timeout=10, params=params) r.raise_for_status() root = etree.fromstring(r.content) # populate the show ids show_ids = {} for show in root.findall('data/shows/show'): if show.find('name').text is None: # pragma: no cover continue show_ids[sanitize(show.find('name').text).lower()] = int( show.find('id').text) logger.debug('Found %d show ids', len(show_ids)) return show_ids @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME) def _search_show_id(self, series): """Search the show id from the `series` :param str series: series of the episode. :return: the show id, if found. :rtype: int or None """ # build the param params = {'apikey': self.apikey, 'q': series} # make the search'Searching show ids with %r', params) r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'shows/search', params=params, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() root = etree.fromstring(r.content) if int(root.find('data/count').text) == 0: logger.warning('Show id not found: no suggestion') return None # Looking for show in first page for show in root.findall('data/shows/show'): if sanitize(show.find('name').text).lower() == sanitize( series.lower()): show_id = int(show.find('id').text) logger.debug('Found show id %d', show_id) return show_id # Not in the first page of result try next (if any) next_page = root.find('data/next') while next_page.text is not None: # pragma: no cover r = self.session.get(next_page.text, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() root = etree.fromstring(r.content)'Loading suggestion page %r', root.find('data/page').text) # Looking for show in following pages for show in root.findall('data/shows/show'): if sanitize(show.find('name').text).lower() == sanitize( series.lower()): show_id = int(show.find('id').text) logger.debug('Found show id %d', show_id) return show_id next_page = root.find('data/next') # No matches found logger.warning('Show id not found: suggestions does not match') return None def get_show_id(self, series, country_code=None): """Get the best matching show id for `series`. First search in the result of :meth:`_get_show_ids` and fallback on a search with :meth:`_search_show_id` :param str series: series of the episode. :param str country_code: the country in which teh show is aired. :return: the show id, if found. :rtype: int or None """ series_sanitized = sanitize(series).lower() show_ids = self._get_show_ids() show_id = None # attempt with country if not show_id and country_code: logger.debug('Getting show id with country') show_id = show_ids.get('%s %s' % (series_sanitized, country_code.lower())) # attempt clean if not show_id: logger.debug('Getting show id') show_id = show_ids.get(series_sanitized) # search as last resort if not show_id: logger.warning('Series not found in show ids') show_id = self._search_show_id(series) return show_id def _download_zip(self, sub_id): # download the subtitle'Downloading subtitle %r', sub_id) params = { 'authcode': self.auth_code, 'apikey': self.apikey, 'subtitle_id': sub_id } r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'subtitles/download', params=params, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() return r.content def _get_season_subtitles(self, show_id, season, sub_format): params = { 'apikey': self.apikey, 'show_id': show_id, 'q': 'Stagione %d' % season, 'version': sub_format } r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'subtitles/search', params=params, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() root = etree.fromstring(r.content) if int(root.find('data/count').text) == 0: logger.warning('Subtitles for season not found') return [] subs = [] # Looking for subtitles in first page for subtitle in root.findall('data/subtitles/subtitle'): if 'stagione %d' % season in subtitle.find('name').text.lower(): logger.debug('Found season zip id %d - %r - %r', int(subtitle.find('id').text), subtitle.find('name').text, subtitle.find('version').text) content = self._download_zip(int(subtitle.find('id').text)) if not is_zipfile(io.BytesIO(content)): # pragma: no cover if 'limite di download' in content: raise TooManyRequests() else: raise ConfigurationError('Not a zip file: %r' % content) with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(content)) as zf: episode_re = re.compile('s(\d{1,2})e(\d{1,2})') for index, name in enumerate(zf.namelist()): match = if not match: # pragma: no cover logger.debug('Cannot decode subtitle %r', name) else: sub = ItaSASubtitle( int(subtitle.find('id').text), subtitle.find('show_name').text, int(, int(, None, None, None, name) sub.content = fix_line_ending( subs.append(sub) return subs def query(self, series, season, episode, video_format, resolution, country=None): # To make queries you need to be logged in if not self.logged_in: # pragma: no cover raise ConfigurationError('Cannot query if not logged in') # get the show id show_id = self.get_show_id(series, country) if show_id is None: logger.error('No show id found for %r ', series) return [] # get the page of the season of the show 'Getting the subtitle of show id %d, season %d episode %d, format %r', show_id, season, episode, video_format) subtitles = [] # Default format is SDTV if not video_format or video_format.lower() == 'hdtv': if resolution in ('1080i', '1080p', '720p'): sub_format = resolution else: sub_format = 'normale' else: sub_format = video_format.lower() # Look for year params = {'apikey': self.apikey} r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'shows/' + str(show_id), params=params, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() root = etree.fromstring(r.content) year = root.find('data/show/started').text if year: year = int(year.split('-', 1)[0]) tvdb_id = root.find('data/show/id_tvdb').text if tvdb_id: tvdb_id = int(tvdb_id) params = { 'apikey': self.apikey, 'show_id': show_id, 'q': '%dx%02d' % (season, episode), 'version': sub_format } r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'subtitles/search', params=params, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() root = etree.fromstring(r.content) if int(root.find('data/count').text) == 0: logger.warning('Subtitles not found') # If no subtitle are found for single episode try to download all season zip subs = self._get_season_subtitles(show_id, season, sub_format) if subs: for subtitle in subs: subtitle.format = video_format subtitle.year = year subtitle.tvdb_id = tvdb_id return subs else: return [] # Looking for subtitles in first page for subtitle in root.findall('data/subtitles/subtitle'): if '%dx%02d' % (season, episode) in subtitle.find('name').text.lower(): logger.debug('Found subtitle id %d - %r - %r', int(subtitle.find('id').text), subtitle.find('name').text, subtitle.find('version').text) sub = ItaSASubtitle(int(subtitle.find('id').text), subtitle.find('show_name').text, season, episode, video_format, year, tvdb_id, subtitle.find('name').text) subtitles.append(sub) # Not in the first page of result try next (if any) next_page = root.find('data/next') while next_page.text is not None: # pragma: no cover r = self.session.get(next_page.text, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() root = etree.fromstring(r.content)'Loading subtitles page %r', # Looking for show in following pages for subtitle in root.findall('data/subtitles/subtitle'): if '%dx%02d' % (season, episode) in subtitle.find('name').text.lower(): logger.debug('Found subtitle id %d - %r - %r', int(subtitle.find('id').text), subtitle.find('name').text, subtitle.find('version').text) sub = ItaSASubtitle(int(subtitle.find('id').text), subtitle.find('show_name').text, season, episode, video_format, year, tvdb_id, subtitle.find('name').text) subtitles.append(sub) next_page = root.find('data/next') # Download the subs found, can be more than one in zip additional_subs = [] for sub in subtitles: # open the zip content = self._download_zip(sub.sub_id) if not is_zipfile(io.BytesIO(content)): # pragma: no cover if 'limite di download' in content: raise TooManyRequests() else: raise ConfigurationError('Not a zip file: %r' % content) with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(content)) as zf: if len(zf.namelist()) > 1: # pragma: no cover for index, name in enumerate(zf.namelist()): if index == 0: # First element sub.content = fix_line_ending( sub.full_data = name else: add_sub = copy.deepcopy(sub) add_sub.content = fix_line_ending( add_sub.full_data = name additional_subs.append(add_sub) else: sub.content = fix_line_ending([0])) sub.full_data = zf.namelist()[0] return subtitles + additional_subs def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): return self.query(video.series, video.season, video.episode, video.format, video.resolution) def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): # pragma: no cover pass
result = function(url, match, session) or [] queue.extend(result) if __name__ == '__main__': import json from collections import defaultdict config = json.load(open('configuration.json')) root = config['root'] str_rules = config['rules'] rules = defaultdict(list) for key, value in str_rules.items(): compiled_key = re.compile(key) if type(value) != list: value = [value] for function_name in value: function = globals()[function_name] rules[compiled_key].append(function) session = Session() if 'login_url' in config: login_data = config['login_data'] r =['login_url'], data=login_data) run(root, rules, session)
def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers[ 'User-Agent'] = 'Subliminal/%s' % __short_version__
class AssrtProvider(Provider): """Assrt Provider.""" languages = {Language(*l) for l in supported_languages} video_types = (Episode, Movie) def __init__(self, token=None): if not token: raise ConfigurationError('Token must be specified') self.token = token def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers = { 'User-Agent': os.environ.get("SZ_USER_AGENT", "Sub-Zero/2") } def terminate(self): self.session.close() def query(self, languages, video): # query the server keywords = [] if isinstance(video, Movie): if video.title: # title = "".join(e for e in video.title if e.isalnum()) title = video.title keywords.append(title) if video.year: keywords.append(str(video.year)) elif isinstance(video, Episode): if video.series: # series = "".join(e for e in video.series if e.isalnum()) series = video.series keywords.append(series) if video.season and video.episode: keywords.append('S%02dE%02d' % (video.season, video.episode)) elif video.episode: keywords.append('E%02d' % video.episode) query = ' '.join(keywords) params = {'token': self.token, 'q': query, 'is_file': 1} logger.debug('Searching subtitles: GET /sub/search %r', params) res = self.session.get(server_url + '/sub/search', params=params, timeout=10) res.raise_for_status() result = res.json() if result['status'] != 0: logger.error('status error: %r', result['status']) return [] # parse the subtitles pattern = re.compile(r'lang(?P<code>\w+)') subtitles = [] for sub in result['sub']['subs']: if 'lang' not in sub: continue for key in sub['lang']['langlist'].keys(): match = pattern.match(key) try: language = Language.fromassrt('code')) output_language = search_language_in_list( language, languages) if output_language: subtitles.append( AssrtSubtitle(output_language, sub['id'], sub['videoname'], self.session, self.token)) except: pass return subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): return self.query(languages, video) def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): r = self.session.get(subtitle.download_link, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() subtitle.content = fix_line_ending(r.content)
class ToastSMS: """NHN TOAST SMS(MMS) Wrapper """ def __init__(self, app_key, version='v2.2'): """Toast SMS initialze with app key and version. :param app_key: Toast API App Key :param version: Toast API version Default `v2.2`. :returns: None. """ base = '' self.domain = '/'.join([base, 'sms', version, 'appKeys', app_key]) self.basic_validator = Draft7Validator(REQUEST_SCHEMA) self.tag_validator = Draft7Validator(TAG_SCHEMA) self.upload_validator = Draft7Validator(UPLOAD_SCHEMA) self.query_validator = Draft7Validator(QUERY_SCHEMA) self.category_validator = Draft7Validator(CATEGORY_SCHEMA) self.template_validator = Draft7Validator(TEMPLATE_SCHEMA) self.session = Session() def call(self, end_point, method='get', params=None, json=None): """Call API Method via Requests Session. :param end_point: end_point represented like `/sender/mms`. :param method: http methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD etc) :param params: url paramters. :param json: json object. :returns: session Requests object. """ if end_point[0] == '/': url = self.domain + end_point else: url = self.domain + '/' + end_point headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'} return self.session.request(method, url, headers=headers, params=params, json=json) def add_category(self, json): """Add Category to Toast Cloud SMS :param json: json object. :returns: post result. """ self.category_validator.validate(json) res ='/categories', 'post', json=json) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def inquiry_category(self, params=None, category_id=None): """Inquiry Category to Toast Cloud SMS :param params: url parameter. :param category_id: category id. :returns: queried result. """ if category_id: res ='/categories/{0}'.format(category_id)) else: res ='/categories', params=params) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def update_category(self, category_id, json): """Update Category to Toast Cloud SMS :param category_id: will update category_id :param json: json object. :returns: put result. """ self.category_validator.validate(json) end_point = '/categories/{0}'.format(category_id) res =, 'put', json=json) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def delete_category(self, category_id): """Delete Category from Toast Cloud SMS :param category_id: will delete category_id :param json: json object. :returns: delete result. """ res ='/categories/{0}'.format(category_id), 'delete') res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def add_template(self, json, category_id=0): """Add Template to Toast Cloud SMS. :param json: json object. :param category_id: Only need for not passed category id via json. :returns: post result. """ if 'categoryId' not in json: json['categoryId'] = category_id self.template_validator.validate(json) res ='/templates', 'post', json=json) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def inquiry_template(self, params=None, template_id=None): """Inquiry template to Toast Cloud SMS :param params: url parameter(categoryId, useYn, pageSize, pageNum, totalCount) :returns: queried result. """ if template_id: res ='/templates/{0}'.format(template_id)) else: res ='/templates', params=params) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def update_template(self, template_id, json): """Update Template to Toast Cloud SMS :param template_id: will update template_id :param json: json object. :returns: put result. """ self.template_validator.validate(json) end_point = '/templates/{0}'.format(template_id) res =, 'put', json=json) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def delete_template(self, template_id): """Delete Category from Toast Cloud SMS :param template_id: will delete template_id :param json: json object. :returns: delete result. """ res ='/templates/{0}'.format(template_id), 'delete') res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def send_message(self, json): """Send Message via API(MMS, SMS) :param json: json object. :returns: post result. """ self.basic_validator.validate(json) send_type = json.pop('sendType') end_point = '/sender/{0}'.format(send_type) res =, 'post', json=json) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def inquiry_sent_result(self, params): """Inquiry sent Message Result from API(MMS, SMS) :param json: json object. :returns: json object about queried set. """ self.query_validator.validate(params) send_type = params.pop('sendType') end_point = '/sender/{0}'.format(send_type) res =, params=params) res.raise_for_status() return res.json() def send_tag_message(self, json): """Send Tag Message to API(MMS, SMS) :param json: json object. :returns: post result. """ self.tag_validator.validate(json) send_type = json.pop('sendType') end_point = '/tag-sender/{0}'.format(send_type) res =, 'post', json=json) res.raise_for_status() return res.json()
def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers = { 'User-Agent': os.environ.get("SZ_USER_AGENT", "Sub-Zero/2") }
def get_file_list(url: str, session: requests.Session): ret = session.get(url) ret.raise_for_status() parser = CustomHTMLParser() parser.feed(ret.text) return parser.file_list[1:]
class Bybit(): url_main = '' url_test = '' ws_url_main = 'wss://' ws_url_test = 'wss://' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} def __init__(self, api_key, secret, symbol, ws=True, test=False): self.api_key = api_key self.secret = secret self.symbol = symbol self.s = Session() self.s.headers.update(self.headers) self.url = self.url_main if not test else self.url_test self.ws_url = self.ws_url_main if not test else self.ws_url_test = ws if ws: self._connect() # # WebSocket # def _connect(self): = WebSocketApp(url=self.ws_url, on_open=self._on_open, on_message=self._on_message) self.ws_data = { 'trade.' + str(self.symbol): deque(maxlen=200), 'instrument.' + str(self.symbol): {}, 'order_book_25L1.' + str(self.symbol): pd.DataFrame(), 'position': {}, 'execution': deque(maxlen=200), 'order': deque(maxlen=200) } positions = self.get_position_http()['result'] print( 'Positions ----------------------------------------------------------' ) print(positions) if positions is None: print('returned list is None') else: print('returned list is not None') for p in positions: if p['symbol'] == self.symbol: self.ws_data['position'].update(p) break Thread(, daemon=True).start() def _on_open(self): timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) param_str = 'GET/realtime' + str(timestamp) sign ='utf-8'), param_str.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() json.dumps({ 'op': 'auth', 'args': [self.api_key, timestamp, sign] })) json.dumps({ 'op': 'subscribe', 'args': [ 'trade.' + str(self.symbol), 'instrument.' + str(self.symbol), 'order_book_25L1.' + str(self.symbol), 'position', 'execution', 'order' ] })) def _on_message(self, message): message = json.loads(message) topic = message.get('topic') if topic == 'order_book_25L1.' + str(self.symbol): if message['type'] == 'snapshot': self.ws_data[topic] = message['data']).set_index('id').sort_index( ascending=False) else: # message['type'] == 'delta' # delete or update or insert if len(message['data']['delete']) != 0: drop_list = [x['id'] for x in message['data']['delete']] self.ws_data[topic].drop(index=drop_list) elif len(message['data']['update']) != 0: update_list = message['data']['update']).set_index('id') self.ws_data[topic].update(update_list) self.ws_data[topic] = self.ws_data[topic].sort_index( ascending=False) elif len(message['data']['insert']) != 0: insert_list = message['data']['insert']).set_index('id') self.ws_data[topic].update(insert_list) self.ws_data[topic] = self.ws_data[topic].sort_index( ascending=False) elif topic in ['trade.' + str(self.symbol), 'execution', 'order']: self.ws_data[topic].append(message['data'][0]) elif topic in ['instrument.' + str(self.symbol), 'position']: self.ws_data[topic].update(message['data'][0]) def get_trade(self): if not return None return self.ws_data['trade.' + str(self.symbol)] def get_instrument(self): if not return None while len(self.ws_data['instrument.' + str(self.symbol)]) != 4: time.sleep(1.0) return self.ws_data['instrument.' + str(self.symbol)] def get_orderbook(self, side=None): if not return None while self.ws_data['order_book_25L1.' + str(self.symbol)].empty: time.sleep(1.0) if side == 'Sell': orderbook = self.ws_data['order_book_25L1.' + str(self.symbol)].query( 'side.str.contains("Sell")', engine='python') elif side == 'Buy': orderbook = self.ws_data['order_book_25L1.' + str(self.symbol)].query( 'side.str.contains("Buy")', engine='python') else: orderbook = self.ws_data['order_book_25L1.' + str(self.symbol)] return orderbook def get_position(self): if not return None return self.ws_data['position'] def get_my_executions(self): if not return None return self.ws_data['execution'] def get_order(self): if not return None return self.ws_data['order'] # # Http Apis # def _request(self, method, path, payload): payload['api_key'] = self.api_key payload['timestamp'] = int(time.time() * 1000) payload = dict(sorted(payload.items())) for k, v in list(payload.items()): if v is None: del payload[k] param_str = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload) sign ='utf-8'), param_str.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() payload['sign'] = sign if method == 'GET': query = payload body = None else: query = None body = json.dumps(payload) req = Request(method, self.url + path, data=body, params=query) prepped = self.s.prepare_request(req) resp = None try: resp = self.s.send(prepped) resp.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: print(e) try: return resp.json() except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: print('json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: ' + str(e)) return resp.text def place_active_order(self, side=None, symbol=None, order_type=None, qty=None, price=None, time_in_force='GoodTillCancel', take_profit=None, stop_loss=None, reduce_only=None, order_link_id=None): payload = { 'side': side, 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'order_type': order_type, 'qty': qty, 'price': price, 'time_in_force': time_in_force, 'take_profit': take_profit, 'stop_loss': stop_loss, 'order_link_id': order_link_id } #/open-api/order/create return self._request('POST', '/v2/private/order/create', payload=payload) def place_active_order_ts(self, symbol=None, take_profit=None, stop_loss=None, trailing_stop=None, new_trailing_active=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'take_profit': take_profit, 'stop_loss': stop_loss, 'trailing_stop': trailing_stop, 'new_trailing_active': new_trailing_active } #/open-api/position/trading-stop return self._request('POST', '/open-api/position/trading-stop', payload=payload) def get_active_order(self, order_id=None, order_link_id=None, symbol=None, sort=None, order=None, page=None, limit=None, order_status=None): payload = { 'order_id': order_id, 'order_link_id': order_link_id, 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'sort': sort, 'order': order, 'page': page, 'limit': limit, 'order_status': order_status } return self._request('GET', '/open-api/order/list', payload=payload) def cancel_active_order(self, order_id=None): payload = {'order_id': order_id} return self._request('POST', '/open-api/order/cancel', payload=payload) def place_conditional_order(self, side=None, symbol=None, order_type=None, qty=None, price=None, base_price=None, stop_px=None, time_in_force='GoodTillCancel', close_on_trigger=None, reduce_only=None, order_link_id=None): payload = { 'side': side, 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'order_type': order_type, 'qty': qty, 'price': price, 'base_price': base_price, 'stop_px': stop_px, 'time_in_force': time_in_force, 'close_on_trigger': close_on_trigger, 'reduce_only': reduce_only, 'order_link_id': order_link_id } return self._request('POST', '/open-api/stop-order/create', payload=payload) def get_conditional_order(self, stop_order_id=None, order_link_id=None, symbol=None, sort=None, order=None, page=None, limit=None): payload = { 'stop_order_id': stop_order_id, 'order_link_id': order_link_id, 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'sort': sort, 'order': order, 'page': page, 'limit': limit } return self._request('GET', '/open-api/stop-order/list', payload=payload) def cancel_conditional_order(self, order_id=None): payload = {'order_id': order_id} return self._request('POST', '/open-api/stop-order/cancel', payload=payload) def get_leverage(self): payload = {} return self._request('GET', '/user/leverage', payload=payload) def change_leverage(self, symbol=None, leverage=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'leverage': leverage } return self._request('POST', '/user/leverage/save', payload=payload) def get_position_http(self): payload = {} return self._request('GET', '/position/list', payload=payload) def change_position_margin(self, symbol=None, margin=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'margin': margin } return self._request('POST', '/position/change-position-margin', payload=payload) def get_prev_funding_rate(self, symbol=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, } return self._request('GET', '/open-api/funding/prev-funding-rate', payload=payload) def get_prev_funding(self, symbol=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, } return self._request('GET', '/open-api/funding/prev-funding', payload=payload) def get_predicted_funding(self, symbol=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, } return self._request('GET', '/open-api/funding/predicted-funding', payload=payload) def get_my_execution(self, order_id=None): payload = {'order_id': order_id} return self._request('GET', '/v2/private/execution/list', payload=payload) # # New Http Apis (developing) # def symbols(self): payload = {} return self._request('GET', '/v2/public/symbols', payload=payload) def kline(self, symbol=None, interval=None, _from=None, limit=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'interval': interval, 'from': _from, 'limit': limit } return self._request('GET', '/v2/public/kline/list', payload=payload) def place_active_order_v2(self, symbol=None, side=None, order_type=None, qty=None, price=None, time_in_force='GoodTillCancel', order_link_id=None): payload = { 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'side': side, 'order_type': order_type, 'qty': qty, 'price': price, 'time_in_force': time_in_force, 'order_link_id': order_link_id } return self._request('POST', '/v2/private/order/create', payload=payload) def cancel_active_order_v2(self, order_id=None): payload = {'order_id': order_id} return self._request('POST', '/v2/private/order/cancel', payload=payload) def cancel_all_active_orders(self, symbol=None): payload = {'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol} return self._request('POST', '/v2/private/order/cancelAll', payload=payload) def cancel_all_conditional_orders(self, symbol=None): payload = {'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol} return self._request('POST', '/v2/private/stop-order/cancelAll', payload=payload) def get_active_order_real_time(self, symbol=None): payload = {'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol} return self._request('GET', '/v2/private/order', payload=payload) def get_wallet_balance(self, coin=None): payload = {'coin': coin if coin else self.symbol} return self._request('GET', '/v2/private/wallet/balance', payload=payload) def get_tickers(self, symbol=None): payload = {'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol} return self._request('GET', '/v2/public/tickers', payload=payload) def get_api_data(self): payload = {} return self._request('GET', '/open-api/api-key', payload=payload) def replace_active_order(self, order_id=None, symbol=None, p_r_qty=None, p_r_price=None): payload = { 'order_id': order_id, 'symbol': symbol if symbol else self.symbol, 'p_r_qty': p_r_qty, 'p_r_price': p_r_price } return self._request('POST', '/open-api/order/replace', payload=payload)
def test_login_user(self): self.register_user(self.USER_1_PAYLOAD) session = Session() response = self.login_user(session, self.USER_1_PAYLOAD) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201) self.assertTrue('token' in session.cookies)
from requests import Session from config import (ACCESS_TOKEN, BASE_URL, PASSWORD, URLS_EXPORT_PATH, USER_ID, USERNAME) LINK_TYPES = {'ssh': 'ssh_url_to_repo', 'http': 'http_url_to_repo'} LINK_TYPE = LINK_TYPES.get(sys.argv[-1].lower(), None) if not LINK_TYPE: print('Specify link type for generating URLs:' '\n python ssh' '\n python http') exit(1) session = Session() session.headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}'} def generate_url(endpoint: str) -> str: """Generate Endpoint URL.""" return f'{BASE_URL}{endpoint}' def get_user_projects(user_id: str) -> list: """Get user projects.""" projects = [] URL = generate_url('projects') id_after = None def get_projects_list(id_after=None):
class Client(object): u"""Starcoin sdk client """ def __init__( self, url, ): self.request = RpcRequest(url) self.session = Session() def execute(self, operation): u""" Execute a rpc request operation operation = { "rpc_method": $rpc_method, "params": $params, } such as: operation = { "rpc_method": "", "params": None, } """ req = self.request.prepare(rpc_method=operation[u"rpc_method"], params=operation[u"params"]) resp = self.session.send(req) resp.raise_for_status() try: json = resp.json() except ValueError as e: raise_with_traceback( InvalidServerResponse( "Parse response as json failed: {}, response: {}".format( e, resp.text))) if json.get(u"error") is not None: raise_with_traceback( JsonResponseError("Response:{}".format(resp.text))) return json.get(u"result") def node_info(self, ): u"""Starcoin node information Return the node information """ operation = { u"rpc_method": u"", u"params": None, } return self.execute(operation) def node_status(self, ): u""" Starcoin node status """ operation = { u"rpc_method": u"node.status", u"params": None, } ret = self.execute(operation) return ret def get_transaction(self, txn_hash): operation = { u"rpc_method": u"chain.get_transaction", u"params": [txn_hash], } ret = self.execute(operation) return ret def get_transaction_info(self, txn_hash): operation = { u"rpc_method": u"chain.get_transaction_info", u"params": [txn_hash], } ret = self.execute(operation) return ret def get_block_by_number(self, number): operation = { u"rpc_method": u"chain.get_block_by_number", u"params": [number], } ret = self.execute(operation) return ret def submit(self, txn): operation = { u"rpc_method": u"txpool.submit_hex_transaction", u"params": [txn] } return self.execute(operation) def state_get(self, access_path): operation = {u"rpc_method": u"state.get", u"params": [access_path]} ret = self.execute(operation) if ret is None: raise_with_traceback(StateNotFoundError(u"State not found")) return ret def is_account_exist(self, addr): try: self.get_account_resource(addr) except StateNotFoundError: return False return True def get_account_sequence(self, addr): try: account_resource = self.get_account_resource(addr) except StateNotFoundError: return 0 return int(account_resource.sequence_number) def get_account_token(self, addr, module, name): type_parm = u"{}::{}::{}".format(CORE_CODE_ADDRESS, module, name) struct_tag = u"{}::{}::{}<{}>".format(CORE_CODE_ADDRESS, u"Account", u"Balance", type_parm) path = u"{}/{}/{}".format(addr, RESOURCE_TAG, struct_tag) state = self.state_get(path) return state def get_account_resource(self, addr): struct_tag = u"{}::{}::{}".format(CORE_CODE_ADDRESS, u"Account", u"Account") path = u"{}/{}/{}".format(addr, RESOURCE_TAG, struct_tag) state = self.state_get(path) return state def sign_txn(self, raw_txn): operation = { u"rpc_method": u"account.sign_txn_request", u"params": [raw_txn], } ret = self.execute(operation) return ret def get_block_reward(self, block_number): u""" get block reward by blcok_number,block_number shoule less than header.block_number return coin_reward, author, gas_fee """ operation = { u"rpc_method": u"chain.get_block_by_number", u"params": [block_number + 1], } state_root = self.execute(operation).get("header").get("state_root") operation = { u"rpc_method": u"state.get_account_state_set", u"params": ["0x1", state_root], } state_set = self.execute(operation) infos = state_set.get("resources").get( "0x00000000000000000000000000000001::BlockReward::RewardQueue" ).get("value")[1][1].get("Vector") for info in infos: info = info.get("Struct").get("value") if int(info[0][1].get("U64")) != block_number: continue reward = int(info[1][1].get("U128")) author = info[2][1].get("Address") gas_fee = int( info[3][1].get("Struct").get("value")[0][1].get("U128")) return (reward, author, gas_fee)
def test_login_user_when_he_already_loged(self): self.register_user(self.USER_1_PAYLOAD) session = Session() self.login_user(session, self.USER_1_PAYLOAD) response = self.login_user(session, self.USER_1_PAYLOAD) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
books[progress]['id'] = bid books[progress]['link'] = bpath if progress % progress_counter == 0: print( f"Template making progress: {progress}, book ID {bid}, book path {bpath}") icons = [] if book["audience"] == "C": icons.append("C") if book["reviewed"]: icons.append("R") lastReviewed = bid last = bid ipath = osp.join(osp.dirname(bpath), "index.html") sess = Session() title_image_path, title_image = imgurl(book['pages'][0]['url'], bid, bpath, sess) if not title_image: slugs_not_found.add(book['slug']) continue books[progress]['image'] = title_image_path ndx.append( dict( title=book["title"], author=book["author"], pages=len(book["pages"]), image=title_image, icons=" ".join(icons),
def __init__( self, url, ): self.request = RpcRequest(url) self.session = Session()
async def session() -> str: async with Session() as session: yield session
import json import zxcvbn import re from requests import Request, Session req = Request('LIST', url="", headers={"X-Vault-Token": "myroot"}) prep = req.prepare() resp = Session().send(prep).text list_keys = json.loads(resp).get("data").get("keys") print(list_keys) for keys in list_keys: req_metadata = Request('GET', url="" % keys, headers={"X-Vault-Token": "myroot"}) prep_metadata = req_metadata.prepare() resp_metadata = Session().send(prep_metadata).text keys_metadata = json.loads(resp_metadata).get("data") print(keys_metadata['created_time']) # json.dumps print(keys_metadata) for keys in list_keys: req = Request('GET', url="" % keys, headers={"X-Vault-Token": "myroot"}) prep = req.prepare()
class Connector: """ This is the main class of data_connector component. Initialize Connector class as the example code. Parameters ---------- config_path The path to the config. It can be hosted, e.g. "yelp", or from local filesystem, e.g. "./yelp" auth_params The parameter for authentication, e.g. OAuth2 kwargs Additional parameters Example ------- >>> from dataprep.data_connector import Connector >>> dc = Connector("yelp", auth_params={"access_token":access_token}) """ _impdb: ImplicitDatabase _vars: Dict[str, Any] _auth_params: Dict[str, Any] _session: Session _jenv: Environment def __init__( self, config_path: str, auth_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self._session = Session() if ( config_path.startswith(".") or config_path.startswith("/") or config_path.startswith("~") ): path = Path(config_path).resolve() else: # From Github! ensure_config(config_path) path = config_directory() / config_path self._impdb = ImplicitDatabase(path) self._vars = kwargs self._auth_params = auth_params or {} self._jenv = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined) def _fetch( self, table: ImplicitTable, auth_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Response: method = table.method url = table.url req_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = { "headers": {}, "params": {}, "cookies": {}, } merged_vars = {**self._vars, **kwargs} if table.authorization is not None:, auth_params or self._auth_params) for key in ["headers", "params", "cookies"]: if getattr(table, key) is not None: instantiated_fields = getattr(table, key).populate( self._jenv, merged_vars ) req_data[key].update(**instantiated_fields) if table.body is not None: # TODO: do we support binary body? instantiated_fields = table.body.populate(self._jenv, merged_vars) if table.body_ctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": req_data["data"] = instantiated_fields elif table.body_ctype == "application/json": req_data["json"] = instantiated_fields else: raise UnreachableError resp: Response = self._session.send( # type: ignore Request( method=method, url=url, headers=req_data["headers"], params=req_data["params"], json=req_data.get("json"), data=req_data.get("data"), cookies=req_data["cookies"], ).prepare() ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise RequestError(status_code=resp.status_code, message=resp.text) return resp @property def table_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Return all the names of the available tables in a list. Note ---- We abstract each website as a database containing several tables. For example in Spotify, we have artist and album table. """ return list(self._impdb.tables.keys()) def info(self) -> None: """ Show the basic information and provide guidance for users to issue queries. """ # get info tbs: Dict[str, Any] = {} for cur_table in self._impdb.tables: table_config_content = self._impdb.tables[cur_table].config params_required = [] params_optional = [] example_query_fields = [] count = 1 for k, val in table_config_content["request"]["params"].items(): if isinstance(val, bool) and val: params_required.append(k) example_query_fields.append(f"""{k}="word{count}\"""") count += 1 elif isinstance(val, bool): params_optional.append(k) tbs[cur_table] = {} tbs[cur_table]["required_params"] = params_required tbs[cur_table]["optional_params"] = params_optional tbs[cur_table]["joined_query_fields"] = example_query_fields # show table info print( INFO_TEMPLATE.render( ntables=len(self.table_names),, tbs=tbs ) ) def show_schema(self, table_name: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This method shows the schema of the table that will be returned, so that the user knows what information to expect. Parameters ---------- table_name The table name. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The returned data's schema. Note ---- The schema is defined in the configuration file. The user can either use the default one or change it by editing the configuration file. """ print(f"table: {table_name}") table_config_content = self._impdb.tables[table_name].config schema = table_config_content["response"]["schema"] new_schema_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {} new_schema_dict["column_name"] = [] new_schema_dict["data_type"] = [] for k in schema.keys(): new_schema_dict["column_name"].append(k) new_schema_dict["data_type"].append(schema[k]["type"]) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(new_schema_dict) def query( self, table: str, auth_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **where: Any, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Use this method to query the API and get the returned table. Example ------- >>> df = dc.query('businesses', term="korean", location="vancouver) Parameters ---------- table The table name. auth_params The parameters for authentication. Usually the authentication parameters should be defined when instantiating the Connector. In case some tables have different authentication options, a different authentication parameter can be defined here. This parameter will override the one from Connector if passed. where The additional parameters required for the query. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains the data returned by the website API. """ assert ( table in self._impdb.tables ), f"No such table {table} in {}" itable = self._impdb.tables[table] resp = self._fetch(itable, auth_params, where) return itable.from_response(resp)
class PodnapisiProvider(Provider): """Podnapisi Provider.""" languages = ({Language('por', 'BR'), Language('srp', script='Latn')} | { Language.fromalpha2(l) for l in language_converters['alpha2'].codes }) server_url = '' subtitle_class = PodnapisiSubtitle def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers[ 'User-Agent'] = 'Subliminal/%s' % __short_version__ def terminate(self): self.session.close() def query(self, language, keyword, season=None, episode=None, year=None): # set parameters, see params = {'sXML': 1, 'sL': str(language), 'sK': keyword} is_episode = False if season and episode: is_episode = True params['sTS'] = season params['sTE'] = episode if year: params['sY'] = year # loop over paginated results'Searching subtitles %r', params) subtitles = [] pids = set() while True: # query the server xml = etree.fromstring( self.session.get(self.server_url + 'search/old', params=params, timeout=10).content) # exit if no results if not int(xml.find('pagination/results').text): logger.debug('No subtitles found') break # loop over subtitles for subtitle_xml in xml.findall('subtitle'): # read xml elements language = Language.fromietf( subtitle_xml.find('language').text) hearing_impaired = 'n' in (subtitle_xml.find('flags').text or '') page_link = subtitle_xml.find('url').text pid = subtitle_xml.find('pid').text releases = [] if subtitle_xml.find('release').text: for release in subtitle_xml.find('release').text.split(): release = re.sub(r'\.+$', '', release) # remove trailing dots release = ''.join( filter(lambda x: ord(x) < 128, release)) # remove non-ascii characters releases.append(release) title = subtitle_xml.find('title').text season = int(subtitle_xml.find('tvSeason').text) episode = int(subtitle_xml.find('tvEpisode').text) year = int(subtitle_xml.find('year').text) if is_episode: subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, hearing_impaired, page_link, pid, releases, title, season=season, episode=episode, year=year) else: subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, hearing_impaired, page_link, pid, releases, title, year=year) # ignore duplicates, see if pid in pids: continue logger.debug('Found subtitle %r', subtitle) subtitles.append(subtitle) pids.add(pid) # stop on last page if int(xml.find('pagination/current').text) >= int( xml.find('pagination/count').text): break # increment current page params['page'] = int(xml.find('pagination/current').text) + 1 logger.debug('Getting page %d', params['page']) return subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): if isinstance(video, Episode): return [ s for l in languages for s in self.query(l, video.series, season=video.season, episode=video.episode, year=video.year) ] elif isinstance(video, Movie): return [ s for l in languages for s in self.query(l, video.title, year=video.year) ] def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): # download as a zip'Downloading subtitle %r', subtitle) r = self.session.get(self.server_url + + '/download', params={'container': 'zip'}, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() # open the zip with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) as zf: if len(zf.namelist()) > 1: raise ProviderError('More than one file to unzip') subtitle.content = fix_line_ending([0]))