コード例 #1
def calculateWindowStatistics(
    winSpecData: SpectrumData,
    evalFreq: np.ndarray,
    stats: List[str],
    remoteSpecData: Union[SpectrumData, None] = None,
    statCalculator: Union[StatisticCalculator, None] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Calculate the statistics for a single window
    This method is meant to be used with multiprocessing

    winSpecData : SpectrumData
        Spectrum data for a single window
    evalFreq : np.ndarray
        Array for evaluation frequencies
    stats : List[str]
        List of statistics to calculate
    remoteSpecData : None, SpectrumData
        Optionally add remote spectrum data to calculate remote statistics
    statCalculator : None, StatisticCalculator
        Provide a statistic calculator to avoid multiple creation of objects
    if statCalculator is None:
        statCalculator = StatisticCalculator()
    statCalculator.setSpectra(winSpecData.freqArray, winSpecData, evalFreq)
    if remoteSpecData is not None:
    data = {}
    for stat in stats:
        data[stat] = statCalculator.getDataForStatName(stat)
    return data
コード例 #2
def test_statistics_calculator_power_spectral_density():
    """Test absolute value calculator"""
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    import numpy as np

    specData, evalfreq = get_spectrum_data()
    calculator = StatisticCalculator()
    calculator.winLen = 1
    assert calculator.winLen == 1
    calculator.setSpectra(specData.freqArray, specData, evalfreq)
    statData = calculator.getDataForStatName("powerSpectralDensity")
    testData = {
        24: {
            "psdEx": 912.0,
            "psdEy": 640.0,
            "psdHx": 1496.0,
            "psdHy": 1680.0
        40: {
            "psdEx": 784.0,
            "psdEy": 480.0,
            "psdHx": 792.0,
            "psdHy": 1344.0
    for efreq in evalfreq:
        for key, val in statData[efreq].items():
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(val, testData[efreq][key])
コード例 #3
def test_statistics_calculator_coherence():
    """Test absolute value calculator"""
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    import numpy as np

    specData, evalfreq = get_spectrum_data()
    calculator = StatisticCalculator()
    calculator.winLen = 1
    assert calculator.winLen == 1
    calculator.setSpectra(specData.freqArray, specData, evalfreq)
    statData = calculator.getDataForStatName("coherence")
    testData = {
        24: {
            "cohExHx": 0.5462519936204147,
            "cohExHy": 0.13675856307435255,
            "cohEyHx": 0.590909090909091,
            "cohEyHy": 0.19523809523809524,
        40: {
            "cohExHx": 0.49360956503813647,
            "cohExHy": 0.6379980563654033,
            "cohEyHx": 0.6734006734006734,
            "cohEyHy": 0.20634920634920634,
    for efreq in evalfreq:
        for key, val in statData[efreq].items():
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(val, testData[efreq][key])
コード例 #4
def test_statistics_calculator_transfer_function():
    """Test absolute value calculator"""
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    import numpy as np

    specData, evalfreq = get_spectrum_data()
    calculator = StatisticCalculator()
    calculator.winLen = 1
    assert calculator.winLen == 1
    calculator.setSpectra(specData.freqArray, specData, evalfreq)
    statData = calculator.getDataForStatName("transferFunction")
    testData = {
        24: {
            "ExHxRes": 0.0051423310440927615,
            "ExHxPhase": -38.08089717250079,
            "ExHxReal": 0.6183338309943266,
            "ExHxImag": -0.484502836667662,
            "ExHyRes": 0.002406937394247041,
            "ExHyPhase": -79.49669804710025,
            "ExHyReal": 0.09796954314720807,
            "ExHyImag": -0.5284263959390865,
            "EyHxRes": 0.003364188314919875,
            "EyHxPhase": 40.70059399014801,
            "EyHxReal": 0.48169602866527317,
            "EyHxImag": 0.4143326366079426,
            "EyHyRes": 0.001522842639593909,
            "EyHyPhase": 49.044485574181074,
            "EyHyReal": 0.2802030456852794,
            "EyHyImag": 0.3228426395939085,
        40: {
            "ExHxRes": 0.0021009588268471532,
            "ExHxPhase": -12.512585801455565,
            "ExHxReal": 0.6328257191201355,
            "ExHxImag": -0.14043993231810512,
            "ExHyRes": 0.0017318809926677931,
            "ExHyPhase": -91.1943471837543,
            "ExHyReal": -0.012267343485617588,
            "ExHyImag": -0.5884094754653127,
            "EyHxRes": 0.002820078962210943,
            "EyHxPhase": 120.6095367512591,
            "EyHxReal": -0.3824027072758038,
            "EyHxImag": 0.6463620981387479,
            "EyHyRes": 0.0006838691483361542,
            "EyHyPhase": 1.4419233716812918,
            "EyHyReal": 0.36971235194585467,
            "EyHyImag": 0.009306260575296085,
    for efreq in evalfreq:
        for key, val in statData[efreq].items():
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(val, testData[efreq][key])
コード例 #5
def test_statistics_calculator_absval():
    """Test absolute value calculator"""
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    import numpy as np

    specData, evalfreq = get_spectrum_data()
    calculator = StatisticCalculator()
    calculator.winLen = 1
    assert calculator.winLen == 1
    calculator.setSpectra(specData.freqArray, specData, evalfreq)
    statData = calculator.getDataForStatName("absvalEqn")
    testData = {
        24: {
            "absExHx": 53.956000593075835,
            "absEyHx": 47.01063709417264,
            "absHxHx": 93.5,
            "absHyHx": 38.01315561749642,
            "absExHy": 28.609439001839934,
            "absEyHy": 28.635642126552707,
            "absHxHy": 38.01315561749642,
            "absHyHy": 105.0,
            "absExEx": 57.0,
            "absEyEx": 40.0,
            "absHxEx": 53.956000593075835,
            "absHyEx": 28.609439001839934,
            "absExEy": 40.0,
            "absEyEy": 40.0,
            "absHxEy": 47.01063709417264,
            "absHyEy": 28.635642126552707,
        40: {
            "absExHx": 34.60130055359191,
            "absEyHx": 31.622776601683793,
            "absHxHx": 49.5,
            "absHyHx": 24.73863375370596,
            "absExHy": 51.24451190127583,
            "absEyHy": 22.80350850198276,
            "absHxHy": 24.73863375370596,
            "absHyHy": 84.0,
            "absExEx": 49.0,
            "absEyEx": 33.83784863137726,
            "absHxEx": 34.60130055359191,
            "absHyEx": 51.24451190127583,
            "absExEy": 33.83784863137726,
            "absEyEy": 30.0,
            "absHxEy": 31.622776601683793,
            "absHyEy": 22.80350850198276,
    for efreq in evalfreq:
        for key, val in statData[efreq].items():
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(val, testData[efreq][key])
コード例 #6
def test_statistics_calculator_partial_coherence():
    """Test absolute value calculator"""
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    import numpy as np

    specData, evalfreq = get_spectrum_data()
    calculator = StatisticCalculator()
    calculator.winLen = 1
    assert calculator.winLen == 1
    calculator.setSpectra(specData.freqArray, specData, evalfreq)
    statData = calculator.getDataForStatName("partialCoherence")
    testData = {
        24: {
            "cohExHx": 0.5462519936204147,
            "cohExHy": 0.13675856307435255,
            "cohEyHx": 0.590909090909091,
            "cohEyHy": 0.19523809523809524,
            "bivarEx": (1 + 0j),
            "parExHx": (1 + 0j),
            "parExHy": (1 + 0j),
            "bivarEy": (1 + 4.4408920985006264e-17j),
            "parEyHx": (1 + 5.518268288077701e-17j),
            "parEyHy": (0.9999999999999999 + 1.085551401855709e-16j),
        40: {
            "cohExHx": 0.49360956503813647,
            "cohExHy": 0.6379980563654033,
            "cohEyHx": 0.6734006734006734,
            "cohEyHy": 0.20634920634920634,
            "bivarEx": (1 + 0j),
            "parExHx": (1 + 0j),
            "parExHy": (1 + 0j),
            "bivarEy": (1 + 2.960594732333751e-17j),
            "parEyHx": (0.9999999999999999 + 3.7303493627405256e-17j),
            "parEyHy": (0.9999999999999999 + 9.064913768073444e-17j),
    for efreq in evalfreq:
        for key, val in statData[efreq].items():
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(val, testData[efreq][key])
コード例 #7
def test_statistics_calculator_polarisation_direction():
    """Test absolute value calculator"""
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    import numpy as np

    specData, evalfreq = get_spectrum_data()
    calculator = StatisticCalculator()
    calculator.winLen = 1
    assert calculator.winLen == 1
    calculator.setSpectra(specData.freqArray, specData, evalfreq)
    statData = calculator.getDataForStatName("polarisationDirection")
    testData = {
        24: {
            "polExEy": 0.0,
            "polHxHy": 80.4010969314582
        40: {
            "polExEy": -63.43494882292201,
            "polHxHy": -54.293308599397115
    for efreq in evalfreq:
        for key, val in statData[efreq].items():
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(val, testData[efreq][key])
コード例 #8
def test_statistics_calculator() -> None:
    """Test initialising the statistics calculator"""
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    import numpy as np

    calculator = StatisticCalculator()
    assert calculator.inChans == ["Hx", "Hy"]
    assert calculator.inSize == 2
    assert calculator.outChans == ["Ex", "Ey"]
    assert calculator.outSize == 2
    assert calculator.specChans == ["Hx", "Hy", "Ex", "Ey"]
    assert calculator.remoteChans == ["Hx", "Hy"]
    assert calculator.psdChans == ["Ex", "Ey", "Hx", "Hy"]
    assert calculator.cohPairs == [
        ["Ex", "Hx"],
        ["Ex", "Hy"],
        ["Ey", "Hx"],
        ["Ey", "Hy"],
    assert calculator.polDirs == [["Ex", "Ey"], ["Hx", "Hy"]]
    specData, evalfreq = get_spectrum_data()
    calculator.winLen = 1
    assert calculator.winLen == 1
    calculator.setSpectra(specData.freqArray, specData, evalfreq)
    # expected results
    powerDict = {
        [18.0 + 0.0j, 170.0 + 0.0j, 17.0 + 0.0j, 82.0 + 0.0j, 8.0 + 0.0j],
        [21.0 + 33.0j, -92.0 + 74.0j, 24.0 - 40.0j, 24.0 + 52.0j, 14.0 + 6.0j],
        [6.0 + 12.0j, 57.0 + 41.0j, 34.0 + 17.0j, 21.0 + 25.0j, 24.0 - 8.0j],
        "Hx-Ey": [
            -48.0 + 24.0j,
            80.0 - 20.0j,
            2.0 - 26.0j,
            -22.0 - 34.0j,
            -24.0 + 0.0j,
        [21.0 - 33.0j, -92.0 - 74.0j, 24.0 + 40.0j, 24.0 - 52.0j, 14.0 - 6.0j],
        [85.0 + 0.0j, 82.0 + 0.0j, 128.0 + 0.0j, 40.0 + 0.0j, 29.0 + 0.0j],
        [29.0 + 3.0j, -13.0 - 47.0j, 8.0 + 104.0j, 22.0 - 6.0j, 36.0 - 32.0j],
        "Hy-Ey": [
            -12.0 + 116.0j,
            -52.0 - 24.0j,
            64.0 - 32.0j,
            -28.0 + 4.0j,
            -42.0 + 18.0j,
        [6.0 - 12.0j, 57.0 - 41.0j, 34.0 - 17.0j, 21.0 - 25.0j, 24.0 + 8.0j],
        [29.0 - 3.0j, -13.0 + 47.0j, 8.0 - 104.0j, 22.0 + 6.0j, 36.0 + 32.0j],
        [10.0 + 0.0j, 29.0 + 0.0j, 85.0 + 0.0j, 13.0 + 0.0j, 80.0 + 0.0j],
        "Ex-Ey": [
            0.0 + 40.0j,
            22.0 - 26.0j,
            -22.0 - 54.0j,
            -16.0 - 2.0j,
            -72.0 - 24.0j,
        "Ey-Hx": [
            -48.0 - 24.0j,
            80.0 + 20.0j,
            2.0 + 26.0j,
            -22.0 + 34.0j,
            -24.0 - 0.0j,
        "Ey-Hy": [
            -12.0 - 116.0j,
            -52.0 + 24.0j,
            64.0 + 32.0j,
            -28.0 - 4.0j,
            -42.0 - 18.0j,
        "Ey-Ex": [
            0.0 - 40.0j,
            22.0 + 26.0j,
            -22.0 + 54.0j,
            -16.0 + 2.0j,
            -72.0 + 24.0j,
        [160.0 + 0.0j, 40.0 + 0.0j, 40.0 + 0.0j, 20.0 + 0.0j, 72.0 + 0.0j],
    evalDict = {
        "Hx-Hx": np.array([93.5 + 0.0j, 49.5 + 0.0j]),
        "Hx-Hy": np.array([-34.0 + 17.0j, 24.0 + 6.0j]),
        "Hx-Ex": np.array([45.5 + 29.0j, 27.5 + 21.0j]),
        "Hx-Ey": np.array([41.0 - 23.0j, -10.0 - 30.0j]),
        "Hy-Hx": np.array([-34.0 - 17.0j, 24.0 - 6.0j]),
        "Hy-Hy": np.array([105.0 + 0.0j, 84.0 + 0.0j]),
        "Hy-Ex": np.array([-2.5 + 28.5j, 15.0 + 49.0j]),
        "Hy-Ey": np.array([6.0 - 28.0j, 18.0 - 14.0j]),
        "Ex-Hx": np.array([45.5 - 29.0j, 27.5 - 21.0j]),
        "Ex-Hy": np.array([-2.5 - 28.5j, 15.0 - 49.0j]),
        "Ex-Ex": np.array([57.0 + 0.0j, 49.0 + 0.0j]),
        "Ex-Ey": np.array([0.0 - 40.0j, -19.0 - 28.0j]),
        "Ey-Hx": np.array([41.0 + 23.0j, -10.0 + 30.0j]),
        "Ey-Hy": np.array([6.0 + 28.0j, 18.0 + 14.0j]),
        "Ey-Ex": np.array([0.0 + 40.0j, -19.0 + 28.0j]),
        "Ey-Ey": np.array([40.0 + 0.0j, 30.0 + 0.0j]),
    # check the autopower data
    for key in powerDict:
        splitkey = key.split("-")
        chan1 = splitkey[0]
        chan2 = splitkey[1]
            calculator.xpowers.getPower(chan1, chan2),
            calculator.xpowersEval.getPower(chan1, chan2), evalDict[key])
コード例 #9
def calculateRemoteStatistics(projData: ProjectData, remoteSite: str, **kwargs):
    """Calculate statistics involving a remote reference site

    projData : ProjectData
        A project data instance
    remoteSite : str
        The name of the site to use as the remote site
    sites : List[str], optional
        A list of sites to calculate statistics for
    sampleFreqs : List[float], optional
        List of sampling frequencies for which to calculate statistics
    specdir : str, optional
        The spectra directory for which to calculate statistics
    remotestats : List[str], optional
        The statistics to calculate out. Acceptable statistics are: "RR_coherence", "RR_coherenceEqn", "RR_absvalEqn", "RR_transferFunction", "RR_resPhase". Configuration file values are used by default.
    from resistics.statistics.io import StatisticIO
    from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
    from resistics.project.shortcuts import (

    options = {}
    options["sites"] = projData.getSites()
    options["sampleFreqs"] = projData.getSampleFreqs()
    options["chans"] = []
    options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"]
    options["remotestats"] = projData.config.configParams["Statistics"]["remotestats"]
    options["ncores"] = projData.config.getStatisticCores()
    options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs)

        "Calculating stats: {} for sites: {} with remote site {}".format(

    statIO = StatisticIO()
    for site in options["sites"]:
        siteData = projData.getSiteData(site)
        measurements = siteData.getMeasurements()

        for meas in measurements:
            sampleFreq = siteData.getMeasurementSampleFreq(meas)
            if sampleFreq not in options["sampleFreqs"]:
                "Calculating stats for site {}, measurement {} with reference {}".format(
                    site, meas, remoteSite
            # decimation and window parameters
            decParams = getDecimationParameters(sampleFreq, projData.config)
            numLevels = decParams.numLevels
            winParams = getWindowParameters(decParams, projData.config)
            # create the window selector and find the shared windows
            winSelector = getWindowSelector(projData, decParams, winParams)
            winSelector.setSites([site, remoteSite])
            # create the spectrum reader
            specReader = SpectrumReader(
                os.path.join(siteData.getMeasurementSpecPath(meas), options["specdir"])

            # calculate statistics for decimation level if spectra file exists
            for declevel in range(0, numLevels):
                check = specReader.openBinaryForReading("spectra", declevel)
                if not check:
                # information regarding only this spectra file
                refTime = specReader.getReferenceTime()
                winSize = specReader.getWindowSize()
                winOlap = specReader.getWindowOverlap()
                numWindows = specReader.getNumWindows()
                evalFreq = decParams.getEvalFrequenciesForLevel(declevel)
                sampleFreqDec = specReader.getSampleFreq()
                globalOffset = specReader.getGlobalOffset()

                # find size of the intersection between the windows in this spectra file and the shared windows
                sharedWindows = winSelector.getSharedWindowsLevel(declevel)
                sharedWindowsMeas = sharedWindows.intersection(
                    set(np.arange(globalOffset, globalOffset + numWindows))
                sharedWindowsMeas = sorted(list(sharedWindowsMeas))
                numSharedWindows = len(sharedWindowsMeas)

                statData = {}
                # create the statistic handlers
                for stat in options["remotestats"]:
                    statElements = getStatElements(stat)
                    statData[stat] = StatisticData(
                        stat, refTime, sampleFreqDec, winSize, winOlap
                    # with remote reference the number of windows is number of shared windows
                        numSharedWindows, statElements, evalFreq
                    statData[stat].comments = specReader.getComments()
                        "Calculating remote statistic: {}".format(stat)
                        "Statistic components: {}".format(listToString(statElements))

                # collect the spectra data
                spectraData, _globalIndices = specReader.readBinaryBatchGlobal(
                remoteData = []
                for globalWindow in sharedWindowsMeas:
                    _, remoteReader = winSelector.getSpecReaderForWindow(
                        remoteSite, declevel, globalWindow

                # calculate
                if options["ncores"] > 0:
                    out = multiStatistics(
                    for iW, globalWindow in enumerate(sharedWindowsMeas):
                        for stat in options["remotestats"]:
                            statData[stat].addStat(iW, globalWindow, out[iW][stat])
                    statCalculator = StatisticCalculator()
                    for iW, globalWindow in enumerate(sharedWindowsMeas):
                        winStatData = calculateWindowStatistics(
                        for stat in options["remotestats"]:
                            statData[stat].addStat(iW, globalWindow, winStatData[stat])

                # save statistic
                for stat in options["remotestats"]:
                            siteData.getMeasurementStatPath(meas), options["specdir"]
                    statIO.write(statData[stat], declevel)
コード例 #10
def calculateStatistics(projData: ProjectData, **kwargs):
    """Calculate statistics for sites
    projData : ProjectData
        A project data instance
    sites : List[str], optional
        A list of sites to calculate statistics for
    sampleFreqs : List[float], optional
        List of sampling frequencies for which to calculate statistics
    specdir : str, optional
        The spectra directory for which to calculate statistics
    stats : List[str], optional
        The statistics to calculate out. Acceptable values are: "absvalEqn" "coherence", "psd", "poldir", "transFunc", "resPhase", "partialcoh". Configuration file values are used by default.
    ncores : int, optional
        The number of cores to run the transfer function calculations on        
    from resistics.statistics.io import StatisticIO
    from resistics.project.shortcuts import getDecimationParameters

    options = {}
    options["sites"] = projData.getSites()
    options["sampleFreqs"] = projData.getSampleFreqs()
    options["chans"] = []
    options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"]
    options["stats"] = projData.config.configParams["Statistics"]["stats"]
    options["ncores"] = projData.config.getStatisticCores()
    options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs)

        "Calculating stats: {} for sites: {}".format(
            listToString(options["stats"]), listToString(options["sites"])
    # loop through sites and calculate statistics
    statIO = StatisticIO()
    for site in options["sites"]:
        siteData = projData.getSiteData(site)
        measurements = siteData.getMeasurements()

        for meas in measurements:
            sampleFreq = siteData.getMeasurementSampleFreq(meas)
            if sampleFreq not in options["sampleFreqs"]:
                "Calculating stats for site {}, measurement {}".format(site, meas)
            decParams = getDecimationParameters(sampleFreq, projData.config)
            numLevels = decParams.numLevels
            specReader = SpectrumReader(
                os.path.join(siteData.getMeasurementSpecPath(meas), options["specdir"])

            # calculate statistics for decimation level if spectra file exists
            for declevel in range(0, numLevels):
                check = specReader.openBinaryForReading("spectra", declevel)
                if not check:
                refTime = specReader.getReferenceTime()
                winSize = specReader.getWindowSize()
                winOlap = specReader.getWindowOverlap()
                numWindows = specReader.getNumWindows()
                sampleFreqDec = specReader.getSampleFreq()
                evalFreq = decParams.getEvalFrequenciesForLevel(declevel)

                # dictionary for saving statistic data
                statData = {}
                for stat in options["stats"]:
                    statElements = getStatElements(stat)
                    statData[stat] = StatisticData(
                        stat, refTime, sampleFreqDec, winSize, winOlap
                    statData[stat].setStatParams(numWindows, statElements, evalFreq)
                    statData[stat].comments = specReader.getComments()
                    statData[stat].addComment("Calculating statistic: {}".format(stat))
                        "Statistic components: {}".format(listToString(statElements))
                # get all the spectra data in batch and process all the windows
                spectraData, globalIndices = specReader.readBinaryBatchGlobal()
                if options["ncores"] > 0:
                    out = multiStatistics(
                        options["ncores"], spectraData, evalFreq, options["stats"]
                    for iW in range(numWindows):
                        for stat in options["stats"]:
                            statData[stat].addStat(iW, globalIndices[iW], out[iW][stat])
                    statCalculator = StatisticCalculator()
                    for iW in range(numWindows):
                        winSpecData = spectraData[iW]
                        winStatData = calculateWindowStatistics(
                        for stat in options["stats"]:
                                iW, globalIndices[iW], winStatData[stat]

                # save statistic
                for stat in options["stats"]:
                            siteData.getMeasurementStatPath(meas), options["specdir"]
                    statIO.write(statData[stat], declevel)