def create_provider_groups(ctx): ctx.status("creating provider groups") obj_tbl = resource_models.get_table('object_names') pg_tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_groups') object_type_id = get_object_type_map()['runm.provider_group'] sess = resource_models.get_session() try: for pg in ctx.deployment_config.provider_groups.values(): # Create the object lookup record obj_rec = dict( object_type=object_type_id, uuid=pg.uuid,, ) ins = obj_tbl.insert().values(**obj_rec) sess.execute(ins) # Create the base provider group record pg_rec = dict( uuid=pg.uuid, ) ins = pg_tbl.insert().values(**pg_rec) sess.execute(ins) sess.commit() ctx.status_ok() except Exception as err: sess.rollback() ctx.status_fail(err)
def _find_providers_with_any_caps(ctx, caps, limit=50): """Returns providers that have any of the supplied capabilities. The SQL that is generated looks like this: SELECT, p.uuid FROM providers AS p JOIN provider_capabilities AS pc ON = pc.provider_id WHERE pc.capability_id IN ($CAPABILITIES) """ p_tbl = resource_models.get_table('providers') p_caps_tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_capabilities') cap_ids = [_cap_id_from_code(ctx, cap) for cap in caps] p_to_p_caps = sa.join( p_tbl, p_caps_tbl, == p_caps_tbl.c.provider_id, ) cols = [, p_tbl.c.uuid, ] sel = p_caps_tbl.c.capability_id.in_(cap_ids)).limit(limit) sess = resource_models.get_session() return {r[0]: r[1] for r in sess.execute(sel)}
def _cap_id_from_code(ctx, cap): cap_tbl = resource_models.get_table('capabilities') sel =[]).where(cap_tbl.c.code == cap) sess = resource_models.get_session() res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() if not res: raise ValueError("Could not find ID for capability %s" % cap) return res[0]
def _rc_id_from_code(ctx, resource_class): rc_tbl = resource_models.get_table('resource_classes') sel =[]).where(rc_tbl.c.code == resource_class) sess = resource_models.get_session() res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() if not res: raise ValueError("Could not find ID for resource class %s" % resource_class) return res[0]
def get_object_type_map(): """Returns a dict, keyed by object type string code, of internal object type ID. """ global _OBJECT_TYPE_MAP if _OBJECT_TYPE_MAP is not None: return _OBJECT_TYPE_MAP tbl = resource_models.get_table('object_types') sel =[, tbl.c.code]) sess = resource_models.get_session() _OBJECT_TYPE_MAP = {r[1]: r[0] for r in sess.execute(sel)} return _OBJECT_TYPE_MAP
def get_provider_type_map(): """Returns a dict, keyed by provider type string code, of internal provider type ID. """ global _PROVIDER_TYPE_MAP if _PROVIDER_TYPE_MAP is not None: return _PROVIDER_TYPE_MAP tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_types') sel =[, tbl.c.code]) sess = resource_models.get_session() _PROVIDER_TYPE_MAP = {r[1]: r[0] for r in sess.execute(sel)} return _PROVIDER_TYPE_MAP
def create_partitions(ctx): ctx.status("creating partitions") obj_tbl = resource_models.get_table('object_names') part_tbl = resource_models.get_table('partitions') object_type_id = get_object_type_map()['runm.partition'] sess = resource_models.get_session() created = set() try: for p in ctx.deployment_config.providers.values(): part_uuid = p.partition.uuid if part_uuid in created: continue # Create the object lookup record obj_rec = dict( object_type=object_type_id, uuid=part_uuid,, ) ins = obj_tbl.insert().values(**obj_rec) sess.execute(ins) # Create the base provider group record part_rec = dict( uuid=part_uuid, ) ins = part_tbl.insert().values(**part_rec) sess.execute(ins) created.add(part_uuid) sess.commit() ctx.status_ok() except Exception as err: sess.rollback() ctx.status_fail(err)
def _find_providers_with_resource(ctx, claim_time, release_time, resource_constraint, exclude=None, limit=50): """Queries for providers that have capacity for the requested amount of a resource class and optionally meet resource-specific capability constraints. The query is done in a claim start/end window. The SQL generated for a resource constraint without the optional capability constraint ends up looking like this: SELECT, p.uuid FROM providers AS p JOIN inventories AS i ON = i.provider_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ai.provider_id, SUM(ai.used) AS total_used FROM allocation_items AS ai JOIN ( SELECT id AS allocation_id FROM allocations WHERE claim_time >= $CLAIM_START AND release_time < $CLAIM_END GROUP BY id ) AS allocs_in_window ON ai.allocation_id = allocs_in_window WHERE ai.resource_class_id = $RESOURCE_CLASS ) AS usages ON i.provider_id = usages.provider_id WHERE i.resource_class_id = $RESOURCE_CLASS AND (( - i.reserved) * i.allocation_ratio) >= $RESOURCE_REQUEST_AMOUNT + COALESCE(usages.used, 0)) If the optional `exclude` argument is provided, we tack on a: WHERE NOT IN ($EXCLUDE) clause. The `exclude` argument is populated when the capabilities constraints that may have been previously processed identified some providers that should be excluded (they met an "exclusion filter" -- i.e. they matched for a 'forbid' specification in a constraint). """ p_tbl = resource_models.get_table('providers') inv_tbl = resource_models.get_table('inventories') alloc_tbl = resource_models.get_table('allocations') alloc_item_tbl = resource_models.get_table('allocation_items') rc_id = _rc_id_from_code(ctx, resource_constraint.resource_class) alloc_window_cols = ['allocation_id'), ] allocs_in_window_subq = sa.and_( alloc_tbl.c.claim_time >= claim_time, alloc_tbl.c.release_time < release_time, )).group_by( allocs_in_window_subq = sa.alias(allocs_in_window_subq, "allocs_in_window") usage_cols = [ alloc_item_tbl.c.provider_id, func.sum(alloc_item_tbl.c.used).label('total_used'), ] alloc_item_to_alloc_window = sa.outerjoin( alloc_item_tbl, allocs_in_window_subq, alloc_item_tbl.c.allocation_id == allocs_in_window_subq.c.allocation_id) usage_subq = alloc_item_to_alloc_window).where( alloc_item_tbl.c.resource_class_id == rc_id).group_by( alloc_item_tbl.c.provider_id) usage_subq = sa.alias(usage_subq, "usages") join_to = p_tbl if resource_constraint.capability_constraint: cap_constraint = resource_constraint.capability_constraint join_to = _select_add_capability_constraint(ctx, p_tbl, cap_constraint) p_to_inv = sa.join( join_to, inv_tbl, sa.and_( == inv_tbl.c.provider_id, inv_tbl.c.resource_class_id == rc_id, )) inv_to_usage = sa.outerjoin( p_to_inv, usage_subq, inv_tbl.c.provider_id == usage_subq.c.provider_id) cols = [, p_tbl.c.uuid, ] sel = sa.and_(inv_tbl.c.resource_class_id == rc_id, (( - inv_tbl.c.reserved) * inv_tbl.c.allocation_ratio) >= (resource_constraint.max_amount + func.coalesce(usage_subq.c.total_used, 0)))) if exclude: sel = sel.where( sel = sel.limit(limit) sess = resource_models.get_session() return {r[0]: r[1] for r in sess.execute(sel)}
def create_providers(ctx): obj_tbl = resource_models.get_table('object_names') rc_tbl = resource_models.get_table('resource_classes') cap_tbl = resource_models.get_table('capabilities') part_tbl = resource_models.get_table('partitions') pg_tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_groups') pg_members_tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_group_members') p_tbl = resource_models.get_table('providers') p_caps_tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_capabilities') tree_tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_trees') inv_tbl = resource_models.get_table('inventories') pd_tbl = resource_models.get_table('provider_distances') dt_tbl = resource_models.get_table('distance_types') d_tbl = resource_models.get_table('distances') # in-process cache of partition name -> internal ID part_ids = {} # in-process cache of provider group name -> internal ID pg_ids = {} # in-process cache of resource class code -> internal ID rc_ids = {} # in-process cache of capability code -> internal ID cap_ids = {} # Hashmap of distance type code to internal ID distance_type_ids = {} # Hashmap of (distance_type_code, distance_code) to internal ID distance_ids = {} sess = resource_models.get_session() ctx.status("caching provider group internal IDs") for pg in ctx.deployment_config.provider_groups.values(): if pg.uuid in pg_ids: pg_id = pg_ids[pg.uuid] else: # Not yet in cache... look up the provider group by UUID sel =[]).where(pg_tbl.c.uuid == pg.uuid) res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() pg_ids[pg.uuid] = res[0] ctx.status_ok() ctx.status("caching resource class and capability internal IDs") for prof in ctx.deployment_config.profiles.values(): for rc_code in prof['inventory'].keys(): if rc_code not in rc_ids: sel =[]).where(rc_tbl.c.code == rc_code) res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() rc_id = res[0] rc_ids[rc_code] = rc_id for cap_code in prof['capabilities']: if cap_code not in cap_ids: sel =[]).where( cap_tbl.c.code == cap_code) res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() cap_id = res[0] cap_ids[cap_code] = cap_id ctx.status_ok() ctx.status("caching partition, distance type and distance internal IDs") for p in ctx.deployment_config.providers.values(): # Populate our hashmap of partition name to internal ID part_uuid = p.partition.uuid if part_uuid not in part_ids: # Grab the partition internal ID matching the partition UUID sel =[]).where( part_tbl.c.uuid == part_uuid) res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() part_ids[part_uuid] = res[0] # Populate our hashmap of distance type and codes to internal IDs for pd in p.distances: d_key = (pd.distance_type, pd.distance_code) if d_key not in distance_ids: if pd.distance_type not in distance_type_ids: # Grab the distance type internal ID matching the distance # type code sel =[]).where( dt_tbl.c.code == pd.distance_type) res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() distance_type_ids[pd.distance_type] = res[0] dt_id = distance_type_ids[pd.distance_type] # Not yet in cache... look up the provider group by name sel =[]).where( sa.and_(d_tbl.c.type_id == dt_id, d_tbl.c.code == pd.distance_code)) res = sess.execute(sel).fetchone() distance_ids[d_key] = res[0] ctx.status_ok() object_type_id = get_object_type_map()['runm.provider'] compute_prov_type_id = get_provider_type_map()['runm.compute'] ctx.status("creating providers") try: for p in ctx.deployment_config.providers.values(): # Create the object lookup record obj_rec = dict( object_type=object_type_id, uuid=p.uuid,, ) ins = obj_tbl.insert().values(**obj_rec) sess.execute(ins) # Create the base provider record part_id = part_ids[p.partition.uuid] p_rec = dict( uuid=p.uuid, type_id=compute_prov_type_id, partition_id=part_id, generation=1, ) ins = p_tbl.insert().values(**p_rec) res = sess.execute(ins) p_id = res.inserted_primary_key[0] # Now that we've added the base records, go ahead and flesh out # the provider group members and provider tree records, both of # which require some lookups into the provider_groups and # providers tables to get internal IDs. tree_rec = dict( root_provider_id=p_id, nested_left=1, nested_right=2, generation=1, ) ins = tree_tbl.insert().values(**tree_rec) sess.execute(ins) # Add the provider's group memberships for pg in p.groups: pg_id = pg_ids[pg.uuid] pg_member_rec = dict( provider_group_id=pg_id, provider_id=p_id, ) ins = pg_members_tbl.insert().values(**pg_member_rec) sess.execute(ins) # OK, now add the inventory records for the provider for rc_code, inv in p.profile.inventory.items(): rc_id = rc_ids[rc_code] inv_rec = dict( provider_id=p_id, resource_class_id=rc_id, total=inv['total'], reserved=inv['reserved'], min_unit=inv['min_unit'], max_unit=inv['max_unit'], step_size=inv['step_size'], allocation_ratio=inv['allocation_ratio'], ) ins = inv_tbl.insert().values(**inv_rec) sess.execute(ins) # Add the provider's capabilities for cap_code in p.profile.capabilities: cap_id = cap_ids[cap_code] p_cap_rec = dict( provider_id=p_id, capability_id=cap_id, ) ins = p_caps_tbl.insert().values(**p_cap_rec) sess.execute(ins) # Add the distance relationships after all the provider groups have # been added for pd in p.distances: pg_id = pg_ids[pd.provider_group.uuid] d_key = (pd.distance_type, pd.distance_code) d_id = distance_ids[d_key] pd_rec = dict( provider_id=p_id, provider_group_id=pg_id, distance_id=d_id, ) ins = pd_tbl.insert().values(**pd_rec) sess.execute(ins) sess.commit() ctx.status_ok() except Exception as err: sess.rollback() ctx.status_fail(err)
def create_distances(ctx): ctx.status("creating distance types") dt_tbl = resource_models.get_table('distance_types') d_tbl = resource_models.get_table('distances') recs = [ dict( code="network", description="Relative network distances", generation=1, ), dict( code="storage", description="Relative storage distances", generation=1, ), dict( code="failure", description="Relative distance representing successively smaller " "chance of failure affecting workloads running on " "that provider", generation=1, ), ] try: _insert_records(dt_tbl, recs) ctx.status_ok() except Exception as err: ctx.status_fail(err) ctx.status("creating distances") sess = resource_models.get_session() sel =[]).where(dt_tbl.c.code == "network") net_dt_id = sess.execute(sel).fetchone()[0] sel =[]).where(dt_tbl.c.code == "storage") storage_dt_id = sess.execute(sel).fetchone()[0] sel =[]).where(dt_tbl.c.code == "failure") failure_dt_id = sess.execute(sel).fetchone()[0] recs = [ dict( type_id=net_dt_id, code="local", position=0, description="Very little network latency - within rack L2 subnet", ), dict( type_id=net_dt_id, code="site", position=1, description="Slightly higher latency between leaf " "switch-connected nodes in a DC", ), dict( type_id=net_dt_id, code="remote", position=2, description="WAN latency", ), dict( type_id=storage_dt_id, code="local", position=0, description="Block storage local to host running machine", ), dict( type_id=storage_dt_id, code="row", position=1, description="NAS server shared by row of compute", ), dict( type_id=storage_dt_id, code="remote", position=2, description="External cloud block storage with WAN latency", ), dict( type_id=failure_dt_id, code="local", position=0, description="Providers are within same rack failure domain", ), dict( type_id=failure_dt_id, code="rack", position=1, description="Providers are in different rack power/failure domain", ), dict( type_id=failure_dt_id, code="row", position=2, description="Providers are in different row power/failure domain", ), dict( type_id=failure_dt_id, code="site", position=3, description="Providers are in different sites", ), ] try: _insert_records(d_tbl, recs) ctx.status_ok() except Exception as err: ctx.status_fail(err)
def _insert_records(tbl, recs): sess = resource_models.get_session() for rec in recs: ins = tbl.insert().values(**rec) sess.execute(ins) sess.commit()