async def coinbase_checkout(body: CoinbaseCheckoutBody, identity: Optional[str] = Depends(get_jwt_identity_optional)): try: order = Order.objects.get(id=body.orderID, orderer=identity) amount = price_service.calculate_order_total(order) charge_info = { 'name': CoinbaseCommerceSettings.CHARGE_NAME, 'description': CoinbaseCommerceSettings.CHARGE_DESCRIPTION, 'local_price': { 'amount': amount, 'currency': ShopSettings.CURRENCY_CODE.upper() }, 'pricing_type': 'fixed_price', 'redirect_url': body['location'] + '/store/checkout/placed?clear=1?id=' + str(, 'cancel_url': body['location'] + '/store/checkout', 'metadata': { 'order': str( } } charge = ccClient.charge.create(**charge_info) return { 'expires_at': charge['expires_at'], 'hosted_url': charge['hosted_url'], 'logo_url': charge['logo_url'] } except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_post(post: str, id: str, withSchema: Optional[bool] = False, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: try: postType = class_name_to_class(__name__, post) if not is_post(postType): raise InvalidPostTypeError except Exception: raise InvalidPostTypeError obj = postType.objects.get(id=id) out = {'obj': obj.serialize()} if withSchema: out['schema'] = postType.schema() return out except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except InvalidPostTypeError: raise InvalidPostTypeError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def set_metadata(id: str, metadata_body: MetadataForm, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: Media.objects.get(id=id, owner=identity).update(metadata=metadata_body.metadata) return True except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_tax_rate(zip: str): try: tax_jurisdiction = UsTaxJurisdiction.objects.get(zip=zip) return tax_jurisdiction.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def modify_order( id: str, order_body: OrderModel, identity: Optional[str] = Depends(get_jwt_identity_optional)): try: order = Order.objects.get(id=id, orderer=identity) if order_body.addresses: if 'billing' in order_body.addresses: taxJurisdiction = UsTaxJurisdiction.objects.get( zip=order_body.addresses['billing']['zip']) else: taxJurisdiction = UsTaxJurisdiction.objects.get( zip=order_body.addresses['shipping']['zip']) shippingZone = None try: shippingZone = UsShippingZone.objects.get( applicableStates=order_body.addresses['shipping'] ['region']) except DoesNotExist: shippingZone = UsShippingZone.objects.get(default=True) rateCandidates = [] price = price_service.calculate_order_discount(order) for rate in shippingZone.rates: if ((rate.minCutoff != None and rate.minCutoff < price) or rate.minCutoff == None) and ( (rate.maxCutoff != None and rate.maxCutoff > price) or rate.maxCutoff == None): rateCandidates.append(rate) match = None for candidate in rateCandidates: if match == None: match = candidate elif match.minCutoff == None and candidate.minCutoff != None: match = candidate elif match.maxCutoff == None and candidate.maxCutoff != None: match = candidate elif match.maxCutoff - match.minCutoff > candidate.maxCutoff - candidate.minCutoff: match = candidate order.update(addressses=order_body.addresses, taxRate=taxJurisdiction.estimatedCombinedRate, shippingType=match.type, shippingRate=match.rate) if coupons = list( map(lambda c: Coupon.objects.get(id=c), order.update(coupons=coupons) if order_body.items: products = [] for p in order_body.items: product: Product = Product.objects.get( products.append( CartItem(product=product, qty=p.qty, price=product.price)) order.update(products=products) return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
def update(self, cpf: str, json: dict): reseller = Reseller.objects(cpf=cpf).first() if reseller is None: raise NotFoundError(f"Reseller cpf: {cpf} not found") for key, value in json.items(): reseller[key] = value return reseller
def register_purchase(self, cpf: str, json: dict): reseller = self.resellerService.get_by_cpf(cpf) if reseller is None: raise NotFoundError() json["created_by"] = cpf json["created_at"] = json["status_code"] = 1 if "manager" in reseller.roles else 0 json["status_description"] = "Aprovado" if "manager" in reseller.roles else "Em validação" json["cashback"] = self.get_cashback_by_value(json["value"]) self.resellerRepository.add_purchase(reseller, json)
async def delete_order(id: str, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: models.Order.objects.get(id=id).delete() return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_us_shipping_rate(state: str): try: shipping_zone = UsShippingZone.objects.get(applicableStates=state) return shipping_zone.serialize() except DoesNotExist: try: shipping_zone = UsShippingZone.objects.get(default=True) return shipping_zone.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_order( id: str, identity: Optional[str] = Depends(get_jwt_identity_optional)): try: order = Order.objects.get(id=id, orderer=identity) if identity: return order.serialize() else: return {'orderStatus': order.orderStatus} except (DoesNotExist, ValidationError): raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_us_shipping_zone(id: str, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: zone = models.UsShippingZone.objects.get(id=id) return zone.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_user(id: str, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e try: user = models.User.objects.get(id=id) return user.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError(detail='User with id ' + id + ' does not exist') except Exception as e: raise e
async def delete_media(folder: str, filename: Optional[str] = None, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: media = Media.objects.get(owner=identity, folder=folder, filename=filename) for subMedia in media.associatedMedia: try: subMedia = subMedia.fetch() if subMedia.private: subMedia.delete() except DoesNotExist: pass # media doesn't exist media.delete() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def update_us_shipping_zone(id: str, shippingZone: models.UsShippingZoneModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: toUpdate = models.UsShippingZone.objects.get(id=id) toUpdate.update(**base_model_to_clean_dict(shippingZone)) return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def update_user(id: str, user: models.UserModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e try: models.User.objects.get(id=id).update(**base_model_to_clean_dict(user)) return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError(detail='User with id ' + id + ' does not exist') except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_post_from_slug(post: str, slug: str): try: try: postType = class_name_to_class(__name__, post) except Exception: raise InvalidPostTypeError if not is_post(postType): raise InvalidPostTypeError post = postType.objects.get(slug=slug) return post.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except InvalidPostTypeError: raise InvalidPostTypeError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def edit_order(id: str, order: models.OrderModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: toUpdate = models.Order.objects.get(id=id) toUpdate.update(**base_model_to_clean_dict(order)) toUpdate.reload() toUpdate.modified = return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e
def stream(filename: Optional[str] = '', folder: Optional[str] = '', id: Optional[str] = None, range: str = Header('bytes=0-')): try: def iterfile(file, chunk_size, start, size): bytes_read = 0 while bytes_read < size: bytes_to_read = min(chunk_size, size - bytes_read) yield bytes_read += bytes_to_read if id: media = Media.objects.get(id=id) else: media = Media.objects.get(folder=folder, filename=filename) if not media.file: raise DoesNotExist start_byte = int(range.split('=')[-1].split('-')[0]) chunk_size = FileSettings.MAX_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE size = media.file.length if start_byte + chunk_size > size: chunk_size = size - 1 - start_byte return StreamingResponse( content=iterfile(, media.file, chunk_size, start_byte, size ), status_code=206, headers={ 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Range': f'bytes {start_byte}-{start_byte+chunk_size}/{size - 1}', 'Content-Type': media.file.content_type, 'Content-Disposition': f'inline; filename="{media.filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]}"' }, media_type=media.file.content_type ) except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except SchemaValidationError: raise SchemaValidationError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def webhook(payload: dict = Body(...), Stripe_Signature: str = Header(...)): try: event = None try: if StripeSettings.USE_SIGNING_SECRET and StripeSettings.SIGNING_SECRET: event = stripe.Webhook.construct_event( payload, Stripe_Signature, StripeSettings.SIGNING_SECRET) else: event = stripe.Event.construct_from(payload, stripe.api_key) except ValueError: return '', 400 payment_intent = # contains a stripe.PaymentIntent order = Order.objects.get( id=payment_intent['metadata']['Order object']) if event.type == 'payment_intent.succeeded': order.orderStatus = 'paid' elif event.type == 'payment_intent.failed': order.orderStatus = 'failed' if order.stockRemoved: price_service.add_stock(order) order.stockRemoved = False elif event.type == 'invoice.paid': # TODO: create order with details pass elif event.type == 'invoice.payment_failed': # TODO: create order with details pass else: print('Unhandled Strip webhook event type {}'.format(event.type)) return 'ok', 200 return 'ok', 200 except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def update_post(id: str, post_body: PostForm, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: try: postType = class_name_to_class(__name__, if not is_post(postType): raise InvalidPostTypeError except Exception: raise InvalidPostTypeError toUpdate = postType.objects.get(id=id) postTypeName = postType.__name__ if postTypeName == 'Coupon': if post_body.obj['applicableProducts']: post_body.obj['applicableProducts'] = list( map(lambda p: models.Product.objects.get(id=p), post_body.obj['applicableProducts'])) toUpdate.update(**post_body.obj) toUpdate.reload() toUpdate.modified = toUpdate.generateNgrams() return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except InvalidPostTypeError: raise InvalidPostTypeError() except (FieldDoesNotExist, ValidationError, SchemaValidationError): raise SchemaValidationError() except Exception as e: raise e
def delete(self, cpf: str): reseller = Reseller.objects(cpf=cpf).first() if reseller is None: raise NotFoundError(f"Reseller cpf: {cpf} not found") else: reseller.delete()
async def stripe_checkout( checkout_body: CheckoutModel, identity: Optional[str] = Depends(get_jwt_identity_optional)): try: order = Order.objects.get(id=checkout_body.orderID, orderer=identity) order.addresses = checkout_body.addresses if not price_service.remove_stock(order): raise OutOfStockError order.stockRemoved = True shipping = checkout_body.addresses['shipping'] shipping = { 'address': { 'line1': shipping['street1'], 'city': shipping['city'], 'country': shipping['country'], 'line2': shipping['street2'], 'postal_code': shipping['zip'], 'state': shipping['region'] }, 'name': shipping['name'], 'phone': shipping['phoneNumber'] } amount = price_service.calculate_order_total(order) amount = round(amount * 100) # Convert for stripe intent = None if identity: user = User.objects.get(id=identity) cust = None if user.stripeCustomerID: cust = stripe.Customer.retrieve(user.stripeCustomerID) else: cust = stripe.Customer.create(, shipping=shipping, phone=order.addresses['billing']['phoneNumber'], name=order.addresses['billing']['name']) user.stripeCustomerID = cust['id'] intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.create( amount=amount, currency='usd', customer=cust['id'], confirm=True, payment_method=checkout_body.paymentMethodID, shipping=shipping, metadata={order: str(}) else: intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.create( amount=amount, currency='usd', confirm=True, payment_method=checkout_body.paymentMethodID, shipping=shipping, metadata={order: str(}) order.paymentIntentID = intent['id'] order.orderStatus = 'placed' return str( except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except OutOfStockError: raise OutOfStockError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def create_transaction( transaction_body: CreateTransactionModel, identity: Optional[str] = Depends(get_jwt_identity_optional)): try: order = Order.objects.get(id=transaction_body.orderID, orderer=identity) shipping = order.addresses['shipping'] shipping = { "method": "United States Postal Service", # TODO: make this dynamic "address": { "name": { "full_name": shipping['name'] }, "address_line_1": shipping['street1'], "address_line_2": shipping['street2'], "admin_area_2": shipping['city'], "admin_area_1": shipping['region'], "postal_code": shipping['zip'], "country_code": shipping['country'] } } base_amount = price_service.calculate_order_subtotal(order) tax = price_service.calculate_order_tax(order) amount = base_amount + tax shippingAmt = price_service.calculate_order_shipping(order) total = amount + shippingAmt discount = price_service.calculate_order_discount(order) requestBody = { "intent": "CAPTURE", "application_context": { "brand_name": PayPalSettings.BRAND_NAME, "landing_page": 'BILLING', "shipping_preference": "SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS", "user_action": "PAY_NOW", "return_url": transaction_body.location + "/checkout/placed?id=" + str(, "cancel_url": transaction_body.location + "/checkout", }, "purchase_units": [{ # "reference_id": "", # "description": "", "custom_id": str(, # "soft_descriptor": "", "amount": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": '{:.2f}'.format(round(amount, 2)), "breakdown": { "item_total": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": '{:.2f}'.format(round(total, 2)) }, "shipping": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": '{:.2f}'.format(round(shippingAmt, 2)) }, "tax_total": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": '{:.2f}'.format(round(tax, 2)) }, "discount": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": '{:.2f}'.format(round(discount, 2)) } } }, "items": [], "shipping": shipping }] } for item in order.products: requestBody['purchase_units'][0]['items'].append({ "name": item.product.title, "unit_amount": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": '{:.2f}'.format(float(item.product.price)) }, "tax": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": '{:.2f}'.format(float(item.product.price) * order.taxRate) }, "quantity": str(item.qty), "description": item.product.excerpt, "sku": item.product.sku, "category": "DIGITAL_GOODS" if else "PHYSICAL_GOODS" }) requestArgs = OrdersCreateRequest() requestArgs.prefer('return=representation') requestArgs.request_body(requestBody) response = paypal_client.client.execute(requestArgs) return except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
def get_purchases(self, cpf: str): reseller = self.resellerService.get_by_cpf(cpf) if reseller is None: raise NotFoundError() return reseller.purchases