async def add_review(id: str, review: ReviewModel = Body(..., embed=True), identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: if Order.objects(orderer=identity, products__product=id, orderStatus__nin=['not placed', 'failed']).count() == 0: raise UnauthorizedError product = Product.objects.get(id=id) review = Review(reviewer=identity, product=id, score=review.score, product.addReview(review.score) return review.serialize() except UnauthorizedError: raise UnauthorizedError( detail='User has not purchased this product').http_exception except DoesNotExist: raise SchemaValidationError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_users(page: Optional[int] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = get_admin_user(identity) users = models.User.objects if page == None: page = 0 size = users.count() elif size == None: raise SchemaValidationError return { 'count': users.count(), 'users': list( map(lambda u: u.serialize(), users[page * size:page * size + size])) } except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError(detail='User is not admin') except SchemaValidationError: raise SchemaValidationError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def webhook(payload: dict = Body(...), X_CC_Webhook_Signature: str = Header(None), User_Agent: str = Header(None)): try: if User_Agent != 'weipay-webhooks': raise UnauthorizedError try: event = Webhook.construct_event(dumps(payload).encode(), X_CC_Webhook_Signature, CoinbaseCommerceSettings.SHARED_SECRET) except (WebhookInvalidPayload, SignatureVerificationError): raise UnauthorizedError order = Order.objects.get( if event.type == 'charge:pending': if not order.stockRemoved: if price_service.remove_stock(order): order.orderStatus = 'placed' order.stockRemoved = True else: order.orderStatus = 'to refund' elif event.type == 'charge:confirmed': order.orderStatus = 'paid' elif event.type == 'charge:failed': order.orderStatus = 'failed' if order.stockRemoved: price_service.add_stock(order) order.stockRemoved = False elif event.type == 'charge:delayed': order.status = 'to refund' # TODO: send an email to the user that they payed after expiratin, that the order failed, and they will be refunded (minus transaction fees perhaps) return 'ok' except UnauthorizedError: raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def webhook(payload: dict = Body(...), PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_ID: str = Header(None), PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_TIME: str = Header(None), PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_SIG: str = Header(None), PAYPAL_AUTH_ALGO: str = Header(None), PAYPAL_CERT_URL: str = Header(None)): try: # Verify signature cert = await getPayPalCert(PAYPAL_CERT_URL) if not cert: raise ServiceUnavailableError signature = f'{PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_ID}|{PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_TIME}|{PayPalSettings.WEBHOOK_ID}|{crc32(bytes(payload))}' cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate( cert.encode('ascii'), backend=backends.default_backend()) public_key = cert.public_key() try: public_key.verify(PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_SIG, signature, padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256()) except Exception: raise UnauthorizedError # Signature verification complete if payload['event_type'] == 'CHECKOUT.ORDER.COMPLETED': pass return 'ok' except ServiceUnavailableError: raise ServiceUnavailableError().http_exception except UnauthorizedError: raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_post(post: str, id: str, withSchema: Optional[bool] = False, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: try: postType = class_name_to_class(__name__, post) if not is_post(postType): raise InvalidPostTypeError except Exception: raise InvalidPostTypeError obj = postType.objects.get(id=id) out = {'obj': obj.serialize()} if withSchema: out['schema'] = postType.schema() return out except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except InvalidPostTypeError: raise InvalidPostTypeError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()): try: if form_data.client_secret: user = User.objects.get( email=get_jwt_identity(form_data.client_secret)) else: user = User.objects.get(email=form_data.username) if not user.check_password(form_data.password): raise UnauthorizedError if user.twoFactorEnabled: otp = form_data.client_id if not otp: raise MissingOtpError if not user.verify_totp(otp): raise UnauthorizedError if not user.verified: raise NotVerifiedError return { 'access_token': create_access_token(identity=str(, 'refresh_token': create_refresh_token(identity=str( } except (UnauthorizedError, DoesNotExist): sleep(2) raise UnauthorizedError( detail='Incorrect email, password, or otp').http_exception except MissingOtpError: raise MissingOtpError().http_exception except NotVerifiedError: raise NotVerifiedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_posts(post: str, page: Optional[int] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) try: postType = class_name_to_class(__name__, post) if not is_post(postType): raise InvalidPostTypeError except Exception: raise InvalidPostTypeError posts = postType.objects if search: posts.search_text(search).order_by('$text_score') if page == None: page = 0 size = posts.count() elif size == None: raise SchemaValidationError return { 'count': posts.count(), 'posts': list( map(lambda p: p.serialize(), posts[page * size:page * size + size])) } except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except InvalidPostTypeError: raise InvalidPostTypeError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def add_post(post_body: PostForm, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = get_admin_user(identity) try: postType = class_name_to_class(__name__, if not is_post(postType): raise InvalidPostTypeError except Exception: raise InvalidPostTypeError obj = postType(**post_body.obj) = user postTypeName = postType.__name__ # Do any aditional logic here. # Just check with a simple `if postTypeName == POSTTYPENAME:` to see the class name coming in. Do not rely on the post variable return obj.serialize() except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except InvalidPostTypeError: raise InvalidPostTypeError() except (FieldDoesNotExist, ValidationError, SchemaValidationError): raise SchemaValidationError() except Exception as e: raise e
def login(): users = db.userinfo email = request.get_json()['email'] password = request.get_json()['password'] result = "" response = users.find_one({'email': email}) try: if response: if bcrypt.check_password_hash(response['password'], password): access_token = create_access_token( identity={ 'first_name': response['first_name'], 'last_name': response['last_name'], 'email': response['email'], 'address': response['address'], 'city': response['city'], 'country': response['country'], 'postal_code': response['postal_code'], 'about_me': response['about_me'] }) result = jsonify({'token': access_token}) else: raise UnauthorizedError("Invalid username or password") else: raise UserNotFoundError( "User with email {0} does not exist".format(email)) except UnauthorizedError as e: result = jsonify({"exception": str(e)}) except UserNotFoundError as e: result = jsonify({"exception": str(e)}) except Exception as e: result = jsonify({"exception": str(e)}) return result
async def get_is_admin(identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = get_admin_user(identity) return user.admin except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError(detail='User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e
async def token_refresh2(token: Token = Depends(get_raw_token)): try: if 'refresh' not in token or not token['refresh']: raise UnauthorizedError identity = token['sub'] User.objects.get(id=identity) # Verify the user exists return { 'access_token': create_access_token(identity=identity), 'refresh_token': create_refresh_token(identity=identity) } except UnauthorizedError: raise UnauthorizedError( detail='Invalid token. Not a refresh token').http_exception except DoesNotExist: raise UnauthorizedError(detail='Invalid token').http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_user(identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = User.objects.get(id=identity) return user.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_menu_items(identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) return list(map(lambda m: m.serialize(), models.MenuItem.objects())) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e
async def delete_user(identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: # TODO: 'archive' the user instead of deleting User.objects.get(id=identity).delete() return True except DoesNotExist: raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def verify_email(identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = User.objects.get(id=identity) user.verified = True return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_otp_code(identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = User.objects.get(id=identity) user.otpSecret = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10)).decode('utf8') return user.get_totp_uri() except DoesNotExist: raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def verify_otp_code(otp_body: OtpForm, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = User.objects.get(id=identity) if user.verify_totp(otp_body.otp): return True raise UnauthorizedError except (UnauthorizedError, DoesNotExist): raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def save_menu_items(menuItems: MenuItemForm, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) models.MenuItem.objects().delete() # remove all old menu items for item in menuItems.menuItems: models.MenuItem(**base_model_to_clean_dict(item)).save() return 'ok' except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_post_types(identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) postTypes = map(lambda s: s.__module__[9:] + '.' + s.__name__, all_subclasses(models.Post)) if not ShopSettings.ENABLE: postTypes = filter(lambda p: p != 'models.Product', postTypes) return list(postTypes) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e
async def delete_order(id: str, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: models.Order.objects.get(id=id).delete() return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def check_password(password_body: PasswordForm, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: user = User.objects.get(id=identity) authorized = user.check_password(password_body.password) if not authorized: raise UnauthorizedError return 'ok' except (UnauthorizedError, DoesNotExist): raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_us_shipping_zone(id: str, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: zone = models.UsShippingZone.objects.get(id=id) return zone.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def upload_file(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, response: Response, file: UploadFile = File(...), folder: Optional[str] = Form(''), childOf: Optional[str] = Form(''), identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: if file.filename == '' or (len(folder) > 0 and folder[0] == '/'): raise SchemaValidationError User.objects.get(id=identity) # make sure the user exists if allowed_file(file.filename): # Handle filename collisions filename = file.filename counter = 2 while True: try: Media.objects.get(filename=filename, folder=folder) newFilename = filename filenameSplit = newFilename.rsplit('.', 1) filename = filenameSplit[0] + '_' + str(counter) + '.' + filenameSplit[1] counter += 1 except DoesNotExist: break mimetype = file.content_type if not mimetype: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) if FileSettings.ENABLE_FFMPEG and FileSettings.ENABLE_FILE_PROCESSING and (mimetype[:6] == 'video/' or mimetype[:6] == 'audio/' or mimetype == 'application/x-subrip' or mimetype == 'application/ttml+xml'): # Process the file splitFilename = filename.rsplit('.', 1) media = Media(owner=identity, filename=splitFilename[0], folder=folder, container=True, processing=True) background_tasks.add_task(processMedia, media, file, splitFilename[1]) #processMedia(media, file) response.status_code = 202 else: media = Media(owner=identity, filename=filename, folder=folder) media.file.put(file.file, content_type=mimetype) for parent in childOf.split(','): try: if parent: Media.objects.get(id=parent).update(push__associatedMedia=media) except DoesNotExist: pass return media.serialize() raise SchemaValidationError except SchemaValidationError as e: raise SchemaValidationError().http_exception except DoesNotExist: raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except MediaProcessingError: raise MediaProcessingError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_user(id: str, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e try: user = models.User.objects.get(id=id) return user.serialize() except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError(detail='User with id ' + id + ' does not exist') except Exception as e: raise e
async def update_user(user: UserModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: foundUser = User.objects.get(id=identity) if user.admin: raise UnauthorizedError # Cannot set themselves as admin foundUser.update(**base_model_to_clean_dict(user)) if user.password: user.hash_password() return True except (UnauthorizedError, DoesNotExist): raise UnauthorizedError().http_exception except Exception as e: raise e
async def update_us_shipping_zone(id: str, shippingZone: models.UsShippingZoneModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: toUpdate = models.UsShippingZone.objects.get(id=id) toUpdate.update(**base_model_to_clean_dict(shippingZone)) return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def update_user(id: str, user: models.UserModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e try: models.User.objects.get(id=id).update(**base_model_to_clean_dict(user)) return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError(detail='User with id ' + id + ' does not exist') except Exception as e: raise e
async def get_post_schema(post: str, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) try: postType = class_name_to_class(__name__, post) if not is_post(postType): raise InvalidPostTypeError except Exception: raise InvalidPostTypeError return postType.schema() except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except InvalidPostTypeError: raise InvalidPostTypeError() except Exception as e: raise e
async def add_us_shipping_zone(shippingZone: models.UsShippingZoneModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) zone = models.UsShippingZone(**base_model_to_clean_dict(shippingZone)) try: models.UsShippingZone.objects.get(default=True) except DoesNotExist: zone.default = True return zone.serialize() except ValidationError: raise SchemaValidationError() except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') except Exception as e: raise e
async def edit_order(id: str, order: models.OrderModel, identity: str = Depends(get_jwt_identity)): try: get_admin_user(identity) except (DoesNotExist, UnauthorizedError): raise UnauthorizedError('User is not admin') try: toUpdate = models.Order.objects.get(id=id) toUpdate.update(**base_model_to_clean_dict(order)) toUpdate.reload() toUpdate.modified = return 'ok' except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e: raise e