def run(self): try: xbmc.log( '[ ] CheckSettingsFile Service Starting...', 2) window.clearProperty('venom_settings') profile_dir = xbmc.translatePath( 'special://profile/addon_data/') if not control.existsPath(profile_dir): success = control.makeDirs(profile_dir) if success: xbmc.log('%s : created successfully' % profile_dir, 2) else: xbmc.log('%s : already exists' % profile_dir, 2) settings_xml = control.joinPath(profile_dir, 'settings.xml') if not control.existsPath(settings_xml): control.setSetting('trakt.message1', '') xbmc.log('%s : created successfully' % settings_xml, 2) else: xbmc.log('%s : already exists' % settings_xml, 2) return xbmc.log( '[ ] Finished CheckSettingsFile Service', 2) except: log_utils.error()
def run(self): try: control.log( '[ ] CheckSettingsFile Service Starting...', LOGINFO) window.clearProperty('dg_settings') profile_dir = control.dataPath if not control.existsPath(profile_dir): success = control.makeDirs(profile_dir) if success: control.log('%s : created successfully' % profile_dir, LOGINFO) else: control.log('%s : already exists' % profile_dir, LOGINFO) settings_xml = control.joinPath(profile_dir, 'settings.xml') if not control.existsPath(settings_xml): control.setSetting('trakt.message2', '') control.log('%s : created successfully' % settings_xml, LOGINFO) else: control.log('%s : already exists' % settings_xml, LOGINFO) return control.log( '[ ] Finished CheckSettingsFile Service', LOGINFO) except: log_utils.error()
def upload_LogFile(name): from resources.lib.modules.control import notification url = '' log_file = joinPath(LOGPATH, '%s.log' % name.lower()) if not existsPath(log_file): return notification(message='Log File not found, likely logging is not enabled.') try: import requests from resources.lib.modules.control import addonVersion, selectDialog, getHighlightColor f = open(log_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') text = f.close() UserAgent = 'Venom %s' % addonVersion('') response = + 'documents', data=text.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'), headers={'User-Agent': UserAgent}) if 'key' in response.json(): result = url + response.json()['key'] log('%s log file uploaded to: %s' % (name, result)) from sys import platform as sys_platform supported_platform = any(value in sys_platform for value in ('win32', 'linux2')) highlight_color = getHighlightColor() list = [('[COLOR %s]url:[/COLOR] %s' % (highlight_color, str(result)), str(result))] if supported_platform: list += [('[COLOR %s] -- Copy url To Clipboard[/COLOR]' % highlight_color, ' ')] select = selectDialog([i[0] for i in list], lang(32196) if name.lower() == 'venom' else lang(32199)) if 'Copy url To Clipboard' in list[select][0]: from resources.lib.modules.source_utils import copy2clip copy2clip(list[select - 1][1]) elif 'message' in response.json(): notification(message='%s Log upload failed: %s' % (name, str(response.json()['message']))) log('%s Log upload failed: %s' % (name, str(response.json()['message'])), level=LOGERROR) else: notification(message='%s Log upload failed' % name) log('%s Log upload failed: %s' % (name, response.text), level=LOGERROR) except: error('%s log upload failed' % name) notification(message='pastebin post failed: See log for more info')
def last_paused_at(): last_paused = 0 try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = db.connect(control.traktSyncFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() ck_table = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='service';''' ).fetchone() if ck_table: match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM service WHERE setting="last_paused_at";''' ).fetchone() if match: last_paused = int(cleandate.iso_2_utc(match[1])) else: dbcur.execute( '''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO service Values (?, ?)''', ('last_paused_at', '1970-01-01T20:00:00.000Z')) else: dbcur.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS service (setting TEXT, value TEXT, UNIQUE(setting));''' ) except: log_utils.error() finally: dbcur.close() dbcon.close() return last_paused
def get_connection(): if not existsPath(dataPath): makeFile(dataPath) dbcon = db.connect( fanarttvCacheFile, timeout=60) # added timeout 3/23/21 for concurrency with threads dbcon.row_factory = _dict_factory return dbcon
def add_source(source_name, source_path, source_content, source_thumbnail, type='video'): xml_file = transPath('special://profile/sources.xml') if not existsPath(xml_file): with open(xml_file, 'w') as f: f.write( ''' <sources> <programs> <default pathversion="1"/> </programs> <video> <default pathversion="1"/> </video> <music> <default pathversion="1"/> </music> <pictures> <default pathversion="1"/> </pictures> <files> <default pathversion="1"/> </files> <games> <default pathversion="1"/> </games> </sources> ''') existing_source = _get_source_attr(xml_file, source_name, 'path', type=type) if existing_source and existing_source != source_path and source_content != '': _remove_source_content(existing_source) if _add_source_xml(xml_file, source_name, source_path, source_thumbnail, type=type) and source_content != '': _remove_source_content(source_path) # Added to also rid any remains because manual delete sources and kodi leaves behind a record in MyVideos*.db _set_source_content(source_content)
def log(msg, caller=None, level=LOGNOTICE): debug_enabled = control.setting('debug.enabled') == 'true' debug_log = control.setting('debug.location') if not debug_enabled: return try: if caller is not None and level == LOGDEBUG: func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code line_number = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno caller = "%s.%s()" % (caller, func.co_name) msg = 'From func name: %s Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % (caller, line_number, msg) if caller is not None and level == LOGERROR: msg = 'From func name: %s.%s() Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % (caller[0], caller[1], caller[2], msg) try: if isinstance(msg, unicode): msg = '%s (ENCODED)' % (msg.encode('utf-8')) except: pass if debug_log == '1': log_file = control.joinPath(LOGPATH, 'venom.log') if not control.existsPath(log_file): f = open(log_file, 'w') f.close() with open(log_file, 'a') as f: line = '[%s %s] %s: %s' % (, str([:8], DEBUGPREFIX, msg) f.write(line.rstrip('\r\n')+'\n') else: xbmc.log('%s: %s' % (DEBUGPREFIX, msg), level) except Exception as e: xbmc.log('Logging Failure: %s' % (e), LOGERROR)
def fetch(items, lang = 'en', user=''): try: t2 = int(time.time()) if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.metacacheFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (""imdb TEXT, ""tmdb TEXT, ""tvdb TEXT, ""lang TEXT, ""user TEXT, ""item TEXT, ""time TEXT, ""UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, lang, user)"");") except: return items for i in range(0, len(items)): try: dbcur.execute("SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not imdb = '0') or (tmdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not tmdb = '0') or (tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not tvdb = '0')" % (items[i]['imdb'], lang, user, items[i]['tmdb'], lang, user, items[i]['tvdb'], lang, user)) # dbcur.execute("SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not imdb = '0') or (tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not tvdb = '0')" % (items[i]['imdb'], lang, user, items[i]['tvdb'], lang, user)) match = dbcur.fetchone() if not match is None: t1 = int(match[6]) update = (abs(t2 - t1) / 3600) >= 720 if update is True: raise Exception() item = eval(match[5].encode('utf-8')) item = dict((k, v) for k, v in item.iteritems() if not v == '0') items[i].update(item) items[i].update({'metacache': True}) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() pass return items
def _find_cache_version(): versionFile = control.joinPath(control.dataPath, 'cache.v') try: if not control.existsPath(versionFile): f = open(versionFile, 'w') f.close() except: log_utils.log( 'Venom Addon Data Path Does not Exist. Creating Folder....', __name__, log_utils.LOGDEBUG) ad_folder = control.transPath( 'special://profile/addon_data/') control.makeDirs(ad_folder) try: with open(versionFile, 'rb') as fh: oldVersion = except: oldVersion = '0' try: curVersion = control.addon('').getAddonInfo( 'version') if oldVersion != curVersion: with open(versionFile, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(curVersion) return True else: return False except: log_utils.error() return False
def update_cache_version(): versionFile = control.joinPath(control.dataPath, 'cache.v') try: if not control.existsPath(versionFile): f = open(versionFile, 'w') f.close() except: from resources.lib.modules import log_utils log_utils.log('dg Addon Data Path Does not Exist. Creating Folder....', __name__, log_utils.LOGDEBUG) ad_folder = control.transPath( 'special://profile/addon_data/') control.makeDirs(ad_folder) try: with open(versionFile, 'r') as fh: oldVersion = except: oldVersion = '0' try: curVersion = control.addon('').getAddonInfo('version') if oldVersion != curVersion: with open(versionFile, 'w') as fh: fh.write(curVersion) return oldVersion, True else: return oldVersion, False except: from resources.lib.modules import log_utils log_utils.error() return oldVersion, False
def insert(meta): try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.metacacheFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (""imdb TEXT, ""tmdb TEXT, ""tvdb TEXT, ""lang TEXT, ""user TEXT, ""item TEXT, ""time TEXT, ""UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, lang, user)"");") t = int(time.time()) for m in meta: if "user" not in m: m["user"] = '' if "lang" not in m: m["lang"] = 'en' i = repr(m['item']) try: dbcur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO meta Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get('tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'], i, t)) except: pass dbcur.connection.commit() except: log_utils.error() pass try: dbcon.close() except: pass return
def fetch(items, lang = 'en', user=''): try: t2 = int(time.time()) if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.metacacheFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (""imdb TEXT, ""tmdb TEXT, ""tvdb TEXT, ""lang TEXT, ""user TEXT, ""item TEXT, ""time TEXT, ""UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, lang, user)"");") dbcur.connection.commit() except: log_utils.error() try: dbcon.close() except: pass return items for i in range(0, len(items)): try: # First lookup by TVDb and IMDb, since there are some incorrect shows on Trakt that have the same IMDb ID, but different TVDb IDs (eg: Gotham, Supergirl). try: dbcur.execute("SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not imdb = '0' and not tvdb = '0')" % (items[i].get('imdb', '0'), items[i].get('tvdb', '0'), lang, user)) match = dbcur.fetchone() t1 = int(match[6]) except: # Lookup both IMDb and TMDb for more accurate match. try: dbcur.execute("SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and tmdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not imdb = '0' and not tmdb = '0')" % (items[i].get('imdb', '0'), items[i].get('tmdb', '0'), lang, user)) match = dbcur.fetchone() t1 = int(match[6]) except: # Last resort single ID lookup. try: dbcur.execute("SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not imdb = '0') OR (tmdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not tmdb = '0') OR (tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******' and not tvdb = '0')" % (items[i].get('imdb', '0'), lang, user, items[i].get('tmdb', '0'), lang, user, items[i].get('tvdb', '0'), lang, user)) match = dbcur.fetchone() t1 = int(match[6]) except: pass if match is not None: update = (abs(t2 - t1) / 3600) >= 720 if update is True: continue item = eval(match[5].encode('utf-8')) item = dict((k, v) for k, v in item.iteritems() if v != '0') items[i].update(item) items[i].update({'metacache': True}) except: log_utils.error() pass try: dbcon.close() except: pass return items
def search(self): from resources.lib.menus import navigator navigator.Navigator().addDirectoryItem(32603, 'tvSearchnew', 'search.png', 'DefaultAddonsSearch.png', isFolder=False) try: from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as database except ImportError: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as database try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.searchFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.executescript('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tvshow (ID Integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, term);''') dbcur.execute('''SELECT * FROM tvshow ORDER BY ID DESC''') dbcur.connection.commit() lst = [] delete_option = False for (id, term) in dbcur.fetchall(): if term not in str(lst): delete_option = True navigator.Navigator().addDirectoryItem(term, 'tvSearchterm&name=%s' % term, 'search.png', 'DefaultAddonsSearch.png', isSearch=True, table='tvshow') lst += [(term)] except: from resources.lib.modules import log_utils log_utils.error() finally: dbcur.close() ; dbcon.close() if delete_option: navigator.Navigator().addDirectoryItem(32605, 'cache_clearSearch', 'tools.png', 'DefaultAddonService.png', isFolder=False) navigator.Navigator().endDirectory()
def list_update(self): contains = lib_tools().ckKodiSources() if not contains: return try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.libcacheFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lists (type TEXT, list_name TEXT, url TEXT, UNIQUE(type, list_name, url));''') dbcur.connection.commit() except: log_utils.error() try: results = dbcur.execute('''SELECT * FROM lists WHERE type="tvshows";''').fetchall() if not results: control.notification(message=32124) return except: log_utils.error() finally: dbcur.close() ; dbcon.close() for list in results: type = list[0] list_name = list[1] url = list[2] # type, list_name, url = list[0], list[1], list[2] try: if 'trakt' in url: from resources.lib.menus import tvshows items = tvshows.TVshows().trakt_list(url, control.setting('trakt.user').strip()) if 'themoviedb' in url: from resources.lib.indexers import tmdb if '/list/' not in url: items = tmdb.TVshows().tmdb_list(url) else: items = tmdb.TVshows().tmdb_collections_list(url) except: log_utils.error() if not items: continue if service_notification and not control.condVisibility('Window.IsVisible(infodialog)') and not control.condVisibility('Player.HasVideo'): control.notification(title='list...' + list_name + ' - ' + type, message=32552) total_added = 0 for i in items: if control.monitor.abortRequested(): return sys.exit() try: files_added = self.add(i['title'], i['year'], i['imdb'], i['tmdb'], i['tvdb'], range=True) if general_notification and files_added > 0: control.notification(title=i['title'], message=32554) if files_added > 0: total_added += 1 except: log_utils.error() if self.library_update == 'true' and not control.condVisibility('Library.IsScanningVideo') and total_added > 0: if contains: control.sleep(10000) control.execute('UpdateLibrary(video)') elif service_notification: control.notification(message=32103)
def get_connection(): if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = db.connect( control.cacheFile, timeout=60) # added timeout 3/23/21 for concurrency with threads dbcon.row_factory = _dict_factory return dbcon
def fetch(items, lang='en', user=''): if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = db.connect(control.metacacheFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() ck_table = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='meta';''' ).fetchone() if not ck_table: dbcur.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (imdb TEXT, tmdb TEXT, tvdb TEXT, lang TEXT, user TEXT, item TEXT, time TEXT, UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, lang, user));''') dbcur.connection.commit() dbcur.close() dbcon.close() return items t2 = int(time.time()) for i in range(0, len(items)): try: try: # First lookup by TVDb and IMDb, since there are some incorrect shows on Trakt that have the same IMDb ID, but different TVDb IDs (eg: Gotham, Supergirl). match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb=? AND tvdb=? AND lang=? AND user=? AND NOT imdb='0' AND NOT tvdb='0')''', (items[i].get('imdb', '0'), items[i].get( 'tvdb', '0'), lang, user)).fetchone() t1 = int(match[6]) except: try: # Lookup both IMDb and TMDb for more accurate match. match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb=? AND tmdb=? AND lang=? AND user=? AND not imdb='0' AND NOT tmdb='0')''', (items[i].get('imdb', '0'), items[i].get( 'tmdb', '0'), lang, user)).fetchone() t1 = int(match[6]) except: try: # Last resort single ID lookup. match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb=? AND lang=? AND user=? AND NOT imdb='0') OR (tmdb=? AND lang=? AND user=? AND NOT tmdb='0') OR (tvdb=? AND lang=? AND user=? AND NOT tvdb='0')''', (items[i].get( 'imdb', '0'), lang, user, items[i].get( 'tmdb', '0'), lang, user, items[i].get( 'tvdb', '0'), lang, user)).fetchone() t1 = int(match[6]) except: pass if match: update = (abs(t2 - t1) / 3600) >= 720 if update: continue item = eval(match[5].encode('utf-8')) item = dict((k, v) for k, v in item.iteritems() if v != '0') items[i].update(item) items[i].update({'metacache': True}) except: log_utils.error() try: dbcur.close() dbcon.close() except: pass return items
def log(msg, caller=None, level=LOGINFO): debug_enabled = getSetting('debug.enabled') == 'true' if not debug_enabled: return debug_level = getSetting('debug.level') if level == LOGDEBUG and debug_level != '1': return debug_location = getSetting('debug.location') if isinstance(msg, int): msg = lang(msg) # for strings.po translations try: if not msg.isprintable( ): # ex. "\n" is not a printable character so returns False on those cases msg = '%s (NORMALIZED by log_utils.log())' % normalize(msg) if isinstance(msg, bytes): msg = '%s (ENCODED by log_utils.log())' % msg.decode( 'utf-8', errors='replace') if caller is not None and level != LOGERROR: func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code line_number = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno caller = "%s.%s()" % (caller, func.co_name) msg = 'From func name: %s Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % ( caller, line_number, msg) elif caller is not None and level == LOGERROR: msg = 'From func name: %s.%s() Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % ( caller[0], caller[1], caller[2], msg) if debug_location == '1': log_file = joinPath(LOGPATH, 'dg.log') if not existsPath(log_file): f = open(log_file, 'w') f.close() reverse_log = getSetting('debug.reversed') == 'true' if not reverse_log: with open(log_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8' ) as f: # with auto cleans up and closes line = '[%s %s] %s: %s' % (, str([:8], DEBUGPREFIX % debug_list[level], msg) f.write(line.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n') # f.writelines([line1, line2]) ## maybe an option for the 2 lines without using "\n" else: with open(log_file, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f: line = '[%s %s] %s: %s' % (, str([:8], DEBUGPREFIX % debug_list[level], msg) log_file =, 0) f.write(line.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n' + log_file) else: import xbmc xbmc.log('%s: %s' % (DEBUGPREFIX % debug_list[level], msg), level) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() import xbmc xbmc.log( '[ ] log_utils.log() Logging Failure: %s' % (e), LOGERROR)
def insert(meta): try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.metacacheFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (" "imdb TEXT, " "tmdb TEXT, " "tvdb TEXT, " "lang TEXT, " "user TEXT, " "item TEXT, " "time TEXT, " "UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, lang, user)" ");") t = int(time.time()) for m in meta: if "user" not in m: m["user"] = '' if "lang" not in m: m["lang"] = 'en' i = repr(m['item']) # Look for exact match to what is about to be written. try: dbcur.execute( "SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and tmdb = '%s' and tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******')" % (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get( 'tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'])).fetchone()[0] # Try to find entry. dbcur.execute( "DELETE FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and tmdb = '%s' and tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******')" % (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get('tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'])) # log_utils.log("metacache exact match found and deleted", __name__, log_utils.LOGDEBUG) except: # log_utils.log("no exact metacache match", __name__, log_utils.LOGDEBUG) pass try: dbcur.execute("INSERT INTO meta Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get('tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'], i, t)) # log_utils.log("metacache written", __name__, log_utils.LOGDEBUG) except: # log_utils.log("metacache write failed", __name__, log_utils.LOGDEBUG) pass dbcur.connection.commit() dbcon.close() except: dbcon.close() import traceback traceback.print_exc() return
def get_connection(): if not existsPath(dataPath): makeFile(dataPath) dbcon = db.connect(fanarttvCacheFile, timeout=60) # added timeout 3/23/21 for concurrency with threads dbcon.execute('''PRAGMA page_size = 32768''') dbcon.execute('''PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF''') dbcon.execute('''PRAGMA synchronous = OFF''') dbcon.execute('''PRAGMA temp_store = memory''') dbcon.execute('''PRAGMA mmap_size = 30000000000''') dbcon.row_factory = _dict_factory return dbcon
def log(msg, caller=None, level=LOGNOTICE): debug_enabled = control.setting('debug.enabled') == 'true' if not debug_enabled: return debug_level = control.setting('debug.level') if level == LOGDEBUG and debug_level != '1': return debug_location = control.setting('debug.location') if isinstance(msg, int): msg = control.lang(msg) # for strings.po translations try: if py_tools.isPY3: if not msg.isprintable( ): # ex. "\n" is not a printable character so returns False on those sort of cases msg = '%s (NORMALIZED by log_utils.log())' % normalize(msg) if isinstance(msg, py_tools.binary_type): msg = '%s (ENCODED by log_utils.log())' % (py_tools.ensure_str( msg, errors='replace')) else: if not is_printable( msg ): # if not all(c in printable for c in msg): # .isprintable() not available in py2 msg = normalize(msg) if isinstance(msg, py_tools.binary_type): msg = '%s (ENCODED by log_utils.log())' % ( py_tools.ensure_text(msg)) if caller is not None and level != LOGERROR: func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code line_number = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno caller = "%s.%s()" % (caller, func.co_name) msg = 'From func name: %s Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % ( caller, line_number, msg) elif caller is not None and level == LOGERROR: msg = 'From func name: %s.%s() Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % ( caller[0], caller[1], caller[2], msg) if debug_location == '1': log_file = control.joinPath(LOGPATH, 'venom.log') if not control.existsPath(log_file): f = open(log_file, 'w') f.close() with open(log_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: line = '[%s %s] %s: %s' % (, str([:8], DEBUGPREFIX % debug_list[level], msg) f.write(line.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n') # f.writelines([line1, line2]) ## maybe an option for the 2 lines without using "\n" else: xbmc.log('%s: %s' % (DEBUGPREFIX % debug_list[level], msg, level)) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() xbmc.log( '[ ] log_utils.log() Logging Failure: %s' % (e), LOGERROR)
def run(self): try: profile_dir = xbmc.translatePath( 'special://profile/addon_data/') if not control.existsPath(profile_dir): success = control.makeDirs(profile_dir) if success: xbmc.log('%s : created successfully' % profile_dir, 2) else: xbmc.log('%s : already exists' % profile_dir, 2) settings_xml = control.joinPath(profile_dir, 'settings.xml') if not control.existsPath(settings_xml): control.setSetting('clear.all.cache', '') xbmc.log('%s : created successfully' % settings_xml, 2) else: xbmc.log('%s : already exists' % settings_xml, 2) return except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() pass
def fetch_bookmarks(imdb, tmdb='', tvdb='', season=None, episode=None): progress = '0' try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = db.connect(control.traktSyncFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() ck_table = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='bookmarks';''' ).fetchone() if not ck_table: dbcur.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bookmarks (imdb TEXT, tmdb TEXT, tvdb TEXT, season TEXT, episode TEXT, percent_played TEXT, paused_at TEXT, UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, season, episode));''') dbcur.connection.commit() dbcur.close() dbcon.close() return progress if not episode: try: # Lookup both IMDb and TMDb first for more accurate match. match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE (imdb=? AND tmdb=? AND NOT imdb='' AND NOT tmdb='')''', (imdb, tmdb)).fetchone() progress = match[5] except: try: match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE (imdb=? AND NOT imdb='')''', (imdb, )).fetchone() progress = match[5] except: pass else: try: # Lookup both IMDb and TVDb first for more accurate match. match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE (imdb=? AND tvdb=? AND season=? AND episode=? AND NOT imdb='' AND NOT tvdb='')''', (imdb, tvdb, season, episode)).fetchone() progress = match[5] except: try: match = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE (tvdb=? AND season=? AND episode=? AND NOT tvdb='')''', (tvdb, season, episode)).fetchone() progress = match[5] except: pass except: log_utils.error() finally: dbcur.close() dbcon.close() return progress
def view_LogFile(name): try: from import TextViewerXML from resources.lib.modules.control import addonPath log_file = joinPath(LOGPATH, '%s.log' % name.lower()) if not existsPath(log_file): from resources.lib.modules.control import notification return notification(message='Log File not found, likely logging is not enabled.') f = open(log_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') text = f.close() heading = '[B]%s - LogFile[/B]' % name windows = TextViewerXML('textviewer.xml', addonPath(''), heading=heading, text=text) del windows except: error()
def clear_logFile(): cleared = False try: from resources.lib.modules.control import yesnoDialog if not yesnoDialog(lang(32056), '', ''): return 'canceled' log_file = joinPath(LOGPATH, 'venom.log') if not existsPath(log_file): f = open(log_file, 'w') return f.close() f = open(log_file, 'r+') f.truncate(0) # need '0' when using r f.close() cleared = True except Exception as e: import xbmc xbmc.log('[ ] log_utils.clear_logFile() Failure: %s' % (e), LOGERROR) cleared = False return cleared
def delete_bookmark(items): try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = db.connect(control.traktSyncFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() ck_table = dbcur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='bookmarks';''' ).fetchone() if not ck_table: dbcur.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bookmarks (imdb TEXT, tmdb TEXT, tvdb TEXT, season TEXT, episode TEXT, percent_played TEXT, paused_at TEXT, UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, season, episode));''') dbcur.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS service (setting TEXT, value TEXT, UNIQUE(setting));''' ) dbcur.connection.commit() return for i in items: if i.get('type') == 'episode': ids = i.get('show').get('ids') imdb, tvdb, season, episode, = str(ids.get('imdb', '')), str( ids.get('tvdb', '')), str(i.get('episode').get('season')), str( i.get('episode').get('number')) else: tvdb, season, episode = '', '', '' ids = i.get('movie').get('ids') imdb = str(ids.get('imdb', '')) try: dbcur.execute( '''DELETE FROM bookmarks WHERE (imdb=? AND tvdb=? AND season=? AND episode=?)''', (imdb, tvdb, season, episode)) dbcur.execute( '''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO service Values (?, ?)''', ('last_paused_at', i.get('paused_at', ''))) dbcur.connection.commit() except: pass except: log_utils.error() finally: dbcur.close() dbcon.close()
def get_cache_version(): versionFile = control.joinPath(control.dataPath, 'cache.v') try: if not control.existsPath(versionFile): f = open(versionFile, 'w') f.close() except: log_utils.log( 'Venom Addon Data Path Does not Exist. Creating Folder....', __name__, log_utils.LOGDEBUG) ad_folder = control.transPath( 'special://profile/addon_data/') control.makeDirs(ad_folder) try: with open(versionFile, 'r') as fh: oldVersion = except: oldVersion = '0' return oldVersion
def log(msg, caller=None, level=LOGNOTICE): debug_enabled = control.setting('debug.enabled') == 'true' if not debug_enabled: return debug_level = control.setting('debug.level') if level == LOGDEBUG and debug_level != '1': return debug_location = control.setting('debug.location') try: if caller is not None and level != LOGERROR: func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code line_number = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno caller = "%s.%s()" % (caller, func.co_name) msg = 'From func name: %s Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % ( caller, line_number, msg) if caller is not None and level == LOGERROR: msg = 'From func name: %s.%s() Line # :%s\n msg : %s' % ( caller[0], caller[1], caller[2], msg) try: if isinstance(msg, py_tools.text_type): # msg = msg.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode('ascii', errors='ignore') moved this to `ensure_str(), check if it's correct. msg = '%s (ENCODED)' % (py_tools.ensure_str(msg, errors='replace')) except: pass if debug_location == '1': log_file = control.joinPath(LOGPATH, 'venom.log') if not control.existsPath(log_file): f = open(log_file, 'w') f.close() with open(log_file, 'a') as f: line = '[%s %s] %s: %s' % (, str([:8], DEBUGPREFIX % debug_list[level], msg) f.write(line.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n') else: xbmc.log('%s: %s' % (DEBUGPREFIX % debug_list[level], msg, level)) except Exception as e: xbmc.log( '[ ] log_utils.log() Logging Failure: %s' % (e), LOGERROR)
def insert_bookmarks(items, new_scrobble=False): try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = db.connect(control.traktSyncFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bookmarks (imdb TEXT, tmdb TEXT, tvdb TEXT, season TEXT, episode TEXT, percent_played TEXT, paused_at TEXT, UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, season, episode));''') dbcur.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS service (setting TEXT, value TEXT, UNIQUE(setting));''' ) if not new_scrobble: dbcur.execute('''DELETE FROM bookmarks''') dbcur.execute('''VACUUM''') for i in items: imdb, tmdb, tvdb, season, episode = '', '', '', '', '' if i.get('type') == 'episode': ids = i.get('show').get('ids') imdb, tmdb, tvdb, season, episode = str(ids.get( 'imdb', '')), str(ids.get('tmdb', '')), str( ids.get('tvdb', '')), str(i.get('episode').get('season')), str( i.get('episode').get('number')) else: ids = i.get('movie').get('ids') imdb, tmdb = str(ids.get('imdb', '')), str(ids.get('tmdb', '')) dbcur.execute( '''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bookmarks Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (imdb, tmdb, tvdb, season, episode, i.get( 'progress', ''), i.get('paused_at', ''))) timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") dbcur.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO service Values (?, ?)''', ('last_paused_at', timestamp)) dbcur.connection.commit() except: log_utils.error() finally: dbcur.close() dbcon.close()
def insert(meta): try: if not control.existsPath(control.dataPath): control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.metacacheFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (""imdb TEXT, ""tmdb TEXT, ""tvdb TEXT, ""lang TEXT, ""user TEXT, ""item TEXT, ""time TEXT, ""UNIQUE(imdb, tmdb, tvdb, lang, user)"");") t = int(time.time()) for m in meta: if "user" not in m: m["user"] = '' if "lang" not in m: m["lang"] = 'en' i = repr(m['item']) # # Look for exact match to what is about to be written. # try: # dbcur.execute("SELECT * FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and tmdb = '%s' and tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******')" % (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get('tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'])).fetchone()[0] # Try to find entry. # dbcur.execute("DELETE FROM meta WHERE (imdb = '%s' and tmdb = '%s' and tvdb = '%s' and lang = '%s' and user = '******')" % (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get('tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'])) # except: # pass try: # dbcur.execute("INSERT INTO meta Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get('tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'], i, t)) dbcur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO meta Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (m.get('imdb', '0'), m.get('tmdb', '0'), m.get('tvdb', '0'), m['lang'], m['user'], i, t)) except: pass dbcur.connection.commit() except: log_utils.error() pass try: dbcon.close() except: pass return
def get(name): nameDict = { 'DG': '', 'MyAccounts': 'script.module.myaccounts', 'FenomScrapers': 'script.module.fenomscrapers' } addon_path = addonPath(nameDict[name]) addon_version = addonVersion(nameDict[name]) changelog_file = joinPath(addon_path, 'changelog.txt') if not existsPath(changelog_file): from resources.lib.modules.control import notification return notification(message='ChangeLog File not found.') f = open(changelog_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') text = f.close() heading = '[B]%s - v%s - ChangeLog[/B]' % (name, addon_version) windows = TextViewerXML('textviewer.xml', addonPath(''), heading=heading, text=text) del windows