def __init__(self, terminal): """Initialize the class.""" super().__init__(terminal) self._puzzle = random.choice(Puzzle.puzzles) self._completed = False self._exited = False self._board = Board(self._puzzle.board_def, self._BOARD_MAX_WIDTH, self._BOARD_MAX_HEIGHT) self._start_time = None self._time_secs = None screen_rect = pygame.display.get_surface().get_rect() self._board_pos = (int((screen_rect[2] / 2) - (self._board.width / 2)), self._BOARD_Y) self._status_font = load_font(self._FONT, self._STATUS_FONT_SIZE) self._timer_font = load_font(self._FONT, self._TIMER_FONT_SIZE) end_font = load_font(self._FONT, self._END_FONT_SIZE) self._game_over_texts = [ end_font.render("Game over!!", True, (255, 255, 255)), end_font.render("Press R to retry, or Q to quit", True, (255, 255, 255)), ] self._game_won_texts = [ end_font.render("Game completed!!", True, (255, 255, 255)), end_font.render("Press R to retry, or Q to quit", True, (255, 255, 255)), ]
def start(self): """Start the program.""" self._fontname, self._cypher = random.choice(Decrypt._FONTS) load_font(self._fontname, Decrypt._TEXT_SIZE) self._dec_string = ''.join([ random.choice(list(self._cypher.keys())) for _ in range( random.randrange(Decrypt._MIN_LENGTH, Decrypt._MAX_LENGTH + 1)) ]) self._enc_string = ''.join([self._cypher[e] for e in self._dec_string]) self._terminal.output([ '<s {}><f {}>{}'.format(Decrypt._TEXT_SIZE, self._fontname, self._enc_string) ])
def __init__(self, time_in_s, warning_secs): self._timeleft = time_in_s * 1000 self._timer_font = load_font(CountdownTimer._TIMER_FONT, CountdownTimer._TIMER_SIZE) self._timer_large_font = load_font(CountdownTimer._TIMER_FONT, CountdownTimer._TIMER_LARGE_SIZE) self._warning_secs = warning_secs # Are we currently flashing the timer, and if so what time did it start self._flash_start = None # The times at which the timer should be large and flashing! self._flash_times = [warning_secs, 15, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
def __init__(self, item_id, pos, text, text_size, colour=(255, 255, 255), selected_colour=(255, 255, 255), align=util.Align.CENTER): """Initialize the class.""" self.item_id = item_id self._pos = pos font = load_font(constants.TERMINAL_FONT, text_size) self._text = font.render(text, True, colour) self._selected_text = font.render(text, True, selected_colour) # Handle alignment text_width = self._text.get_rect()[2] surface_width = pygame.display.get_surface().get_rect()[2] if align == util.Align.LEFT: self._pos = (0, self._pos[1]) elif align == util.Align.CENTER: self._pos = (int((surface_width / 2) - (text_width / 2)), self._pos[1]) else: self._pos = (surface_width - text_width, self._pos[1])
def __init__(me, title="Tetris", res=(800, 600)): pygame.display.set_caption(title) me.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(res) me.w, me.h = res me.font = resources.load_font(resources.font_menu) me.gameFont = resources.load_font(resources.font_game) me.eventkeys = {K_LEFT: 0, K_RIGHT: 0, K_UP: 0, K_DOWN: 0, K_RETURN: 0, K_ESCAPE: 0} # used for one tap events me.keymap = {K_DOWN: 0} # used for keys that can be held down me.sounds = { "ROT": resources.load_sound(resources.sound_rot, 0.5), "TOUCH": resources.load_sound(resources.sound_touch, 0.7), "CLEAR": resources.load_sound(resources.sound_clear, 0.8), } me.fullscreen = 0 me.running = True me.states = [] me.pushState(menu.Menu(me))
def __init__(self, mgr, terminal): """Initialize the class.""" self._mgr = mgr self._timer = timer.Timer() self._terminal = terminal font = load_font(LostState._FONT, LostState._MAIN_TEXT_HEIGHT) self._login_text = font.render('You have been locked out', True, constants.TEXT_COLOUR_RED) font = load_font(LostState._FONT, LostState._CONTINUE_TEXT_HEIGHT) self._continue_text = font.render('Press any key to continue', True, constants.TEXT_COLOUR_RED) self._login_text_coords = util.center_align( self._login_text.get_rect().w, self._login_text.get_rect().h + self._continue_text.get_rect().h) coords = util.center_align(self._continue_text.get_rect().w, 0) self._continue_text_coords = (coords[0], self._login_text_coords[1] + self._login_text.get_rect().h + LostState._SPACING)
def __init__(self, mgr, entries): """Initialize the class.""" super().__init__() self._mgr = mgr self._bezel = util.render_bezel(constants.VERSION_STRING) self._font = load_font(CLIMenu._TEXT_FONT, CLIMenu._TEXT_SIZE) self._selected_index = 0 self._items = [] self._cmds = {} # Create a '<' image to mark the selected item. self._select_marker = self._font.render(' <', True, CLIMenu._TEXT_COLOUR) self._buf = [] y_coord = CLIMenu._TEXT_START[1] for entry in entries: # Render all the text up front, so that we can use the resulting # surfaces for hit-detection - we store a tuple containing: # - The surface, # - Its coordinates, # - The menu item it represents, if any colour = CLIMenu._TEXT_COLOUR disabled = False if isinstance(entry, CLIMenuItem): line = entry.text item = entry.item if entry.disabled: colour = CLIMenu._DISABLED_COLOUR disabled = True else: self._items.append(item) # If this entry should start selected, set the # selected-index appropriately. if entry.selected: self._selected_index = len(self._items) - 1 # If there's a command string associated with this item, # render the text and store it in a dictionary mapping the # item ID to the cmd text if entry.cmd: self._cmds[item] = self._font.render( entry.cmd, True, CLIMenu._TEXT_COLOUR) else: line = entry item = None text = self._font.render(line, True, colour) self._buf.append( (text, (CLIMenu._TEXT_START[0], y_coord), item, disabled)) y_coord += CLIMenu._TEXT_SIZE
def render_bezel(label, power_off=False): """Render the bezel and label text.""" if power_off: bezel = load_image('media/bezel_off.png') else: bezel = load_image('media/bezel.png') text = load_font('media/fonts/METRO-DF.TTF', 19).render( label, True, (60, 60, 60)) # Copy the bezel surface so we don't overwrite the stored cached surface in # the media manager. surf = bezel.copy() surf.blit(text, text_align(text, (725, 570), Align.CENTER)) return surf
def __init__(self, programs, prompt='$ ', time=300, depends=None): """Initialize the class.""" # Public attributes self.locked = False self.id_string = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(4)) # Current line without prompt. If current line with prompt is required, # use get_current_line(True) self._current_line = "" self._buf = deque(maxlen=Terminal._BUF_SIZE) self._prompt = prompt self._cmd_history = CommandHistory(self, maxlen=Terminal._HISTORY_SIZE) self._font = load_font(Terminal._TEXT_FONT, Terminal._TEXT_SIZE) self._has_focus = True # Timer attributes self._timer = timer.Timer() self._countdown_timer = CountdownTimer(time, Terminal._TIMER_WARNING_SECS) # Freeze attributes self._freeze_start = None self._freeze_time = None # Reboot attributes self._rebooting = False self._reboot_update_time = 0 self._reboot_buf = deque() # Repeat key presses when certain keys are held. # Held key is a tuple of (key, key_unicode, start time) self._held_key = None self._key_last_repeat = None # Create instances of the programs that have been registered. self._programs = {c: p(self) for c, p in programs.items()} self._current_program = None self._depends = {} if depends is None else depends # Draw the monitor bezel self._bezel = render_bezel(self.id_string) self._bezel_off = render_bezel(self.id_string, power_off=True) self.reboot()
def set_neighbours(self, neighbours): self.neighbours = neighbours # Count mines! self.mines_nearby = len( [n for n in neighbours if n.type == Square.Type.MINE]) # Draw the number on our revealed surface if self.mines_nearby > 0: font = load_font(self._FONT, int(self.rect[2] * self._FONT_SCALE)) text = font.render(str(self.mines_nearby), True, (0, 0, 0)) surface = self._surfaces[Square.State.REVEALED] surface_rect = surface.get_rect() text_rect = text.get_rect() surface.blit(text, (int(surface_rect[2] / 2 - text_rect[2] / 2), int(surface_rect[3] / 2 - text_rect[3] / 2)))
def __init__(self, terminal): """Initialize the class.""" super().__init__(terminal) self._completed = False self._user_info = random.choice(ImagePassword._USER_INFO) self._buttons = [] self._lock_time = 0 self._background = pygame.Surface(ImagePassword._BACKGROUND_SIZE) self._background.fill(ImagePassword._BACKGROUND_COLOUR) header = pygame.Surface(ImagePassword._HEADER_SIZE) header.fill(ImagePassword._HEADER_COLOUR) self._background.blit(header, ImagePassword._HEADER_POS) font = load_font(ImagePassword._HEADER_TEXT_FONT, ImagePassword._HEADER_TEXT_SIZE) text = font.render("Select three images", True, ImagePassword._HEADER_TEXT_COLOUR) self._background.blit(text, ImagePassword._HEADER_TEXT_POS) for coords in ImagePassword._BUTTON_COORDS: border_coords = (coords[0] - ImagePassword._BUTTON_BORDER_WIDTH - ImagePassword._BACKGROUND_POS[0], coords[1] - ImagePassword._BUTTON_BORDER_WIDTH - ImagePassword._BACKGROUND_POS[1]) border_size = (ImagePassword._BUTTON_SIZE + ImagePassword._BUTTON_BORDER_WIDTH * 2) border = pygame.Surface((border_size, border_size)) border.fill(ImagePassword._BUTTON_BORDER_COLOUR) self._background.blit(border, border_coords) self._correct_overlay = pygame.Surface( (ImagePassword._BUTTON_SIZE, ImagePassword._BUTTON_SIZE)) self._correct_overlay.fill(ImagePassword._GUESSED_OVERLAY_COLOUR) self._correct_overlay.set_alpha(ImagePassword._GUESSED_OVERLAY_ALPHA) self._flash = pygame.Surface(ImagePassword._BACKGROUND_SIZE) self._flash.fill(ImagePassword._BACKGROUND_FLASH_COLOUR)
import resources MAIN_MENU = resources.load_font('Medieval Sharp/MedievalSharp.ttf', 48) MAIN = resources.load_font('Medieval Sharp/MedievalSharp.ttf', 36) SMALL = resources.load_font('Medieval Sharp/MedievalSharp.ttf', 24) MEDIEVAL18 = resources.load_font('Medieval Sharp/MedievalSharp.ttf', 18) MONOSPACE = resources.load_font("LiberationMono/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf", 18)
def _draw_contents(self): """Draw the terminal.""" if self._rebooting: # If we're rebooting, don't draw the prompt current_line = "" elif self._freeze_time is not None: # If terminal freeze is enabled, then update progress bar to # indicate how long there is left to wait, using this as the # current line. done = ((self._timer.time - self._freeze_start) * 100) / self._freeze_time remain = int((100 - done) * self._PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE / 100) current_line = ("[" + "!" * (self._PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE - remain) + " " * remain + "]") else: current_line = self.get_current_line(True) # If program has its own buf, then use it if (self._current_program is not None and self._current_program.PROPERTIES.alternate_buf): buf = self._current_program.buf else: buf = self._buf # Draw the buffer. y_coord = Terminal._TEXT_START[1] first_line_height = None for line in list(itertools.chain([current_line], buf))[:self._VISIBLE_LINES]: # Set defaults before checking whether the line overrides. colour = Terminal._TEXT_COLOUR size = Terminal._TEXT_SIZE fontname = "" # Look for any font commands at the start of the line. pattern = re.compile(r'<(. [^>]+?)>') m = pattern.match(line) while m: # Don't display the commands line = line[len(] cmd, arg = if cmd == 'c': # Change the colour code. colour = Terminal._TEXT_COLOURS[arg] elif cmd == 's': size = int(arg) elif cmd == 'f': # Don't load the font yet, as we need to know which # size to load, and the size cmd might come after the # font command fontname = arg m = pattern.match(line) if fontname: font = load_font(fontname, size) else: font = self._font # The height of the rendered text can sometimes be quite different # to the 'size' value used. So use the rendered height with a 2 # pixel padding each side line_height = font.size(line)[1] + 4 if first_line_height is None: first_line_height = line_height y_coord -= line_height text = font.render(line, True, colour) pygame.display.get_surface().blit( text, (Terminal._TEXT_START[0], y_coord)) # Determine whether the cursor is on. if ((self._current_program is None or not self._current_program.PROPERTIES.hide_cursor) and not self._rebooting and (self._timer.time % (Terminal._CURSOR_ON_MS + Terminal._CURSOR_OFF_MS) < Terminal._CURSOR_ON_MS)): first_line_size = self._font.size(current_line) pygame.draw.rect(pygame.display.get_surface(), Terminal._TEXT_COLOUR, (Terminal._TEXT_START[0] + first_line_size[0] + 1, Terminal._TEXT_START[1] - first_line_height - 1, Terminal._CURSOR_WIDTH, first_line_size[1]), 0 if self._has_focus else 1)