コード例 #1
ファイル: test_rq_import.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def test_grid_from_cp_simple_inactive_nogeom(example_model_and_crs):
    # Arrange
    model, crs = example_model_and_crs
    corns = simple_grid_corns(undefined=True)
    expected_bool = np.ones((2, 2, 2))
    expected_bool[0, 0, 0] = 0
    active_mask = np.ones((2, 2, 2))
    active_mask[1, 1, 1] = 0
    expected_active = active_mask.copy()
    expected_active[0, 0, 0] = 0
    expected_inactive = ~expected_active.astype(bool)

    # Act
    grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(model,

    # Assert
    assert grid is not None
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.extent_kji, (2, 2, 2))
    assert grid.grid_is_right_handed
    assert grid.k_gaps is None
    assert grid.k_direction_is_down
    assert grid.pillar_shape == 'curved'
    assert grid.crs_uuid == crs.uuid
    assert not grid.geometry_defined_for_all_cells_cached
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.inactive, expected_inactive)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_rq_import.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def test_grid_from_cp_simple(example_model_and_crs):
    # Arrange
    model, crs = example_model_and_crs
    corns = simple_grid_corns()
    expected_points = np.array([[[[0, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0], [2, 2, 0]],
                                 [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0]],
                                 [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0]]],
                                [[[0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1], [2, 2, 1]],
                                 [[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [2, 1, 1]],
                                 [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1]]],
                                [[[0, 2, 2], [1, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]],
                                 [[0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [2, 1, 2]],
                                 [[0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 2], [2, 0, 2]]]])

    # Act
    grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(model,

    # Assert
    assert grid is not None
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.extent_kji, (2, 2, 2))
    assert grid.grid_is_right_handed
    assert grid.k_gaps is None
    assert grid.k_direction_is_down
    assert grid.pillar_shape == 'curved'
    assert grid.crs_uuid == crs.uuid
    assert grid.geometry_defined_for_all_cells_cached
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.points_cached, expected_points)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_rq_import.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def test_grid_from_cp_kgap(example_model_and_crs):
    # Arrange
    model, crs = example_model_and_crs
    corns = simple_grid_corns(k_gap=True)

    # Act
    grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(model, cp_array=corns, crs_uuid=crs.uuid)

    # Assert
    assert grid is not None
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.extent_kji, (2, 2, 2))
    assert grid.grid_is_right_handed
    assert grid.k_gaps == 1
    assert grid.k_direction_is_down
コード例 #4
def _refined_faulted_grid(model, source_grid, fine_coarse):

    fnk, fnj, fni = fine_coarse.fine_extent_kji
    fine_cp = np.empty((fnk, fnj, fni, 2, 2, 2, 3))
    for ck0 in range(source_grid.nk):
        fine_k_base = fine_coarse.fine_base_for_coarse_axial(0, ck0)
        k_ratio = fine_coarse.ratio(0, ck0)
        k_interp = np.ones((k_ratio + 1, ))
        k_interp[:-1] = fine_coarse.interpolation(0, ck0)
        for cj0 in range(source_grid.nj):
            fine_j_base = fine_coarse.fine_base_for_coarse_axial(1, cj0)
            j_ratio = fine_coarse.ratio(1, cj0)
            j_interp = np.ones((j_ratio + 1, ))
            j_interp[:-1] = fine_coarse.interpolation(1, cj0)
            for ci0 in range(source_grid.ni):
                fine_i_base = fine_coarse.fine_base_for_coarse_axial(2, ci0)
                i_ratio = fine_coarse.ratio(2, ci0)
                i_interpolation = fine_coarse.interpolation(2, ci0)
                i_interp = np.ones((i_ratio + 1, ))
                i_interp[:-1] = fine_coarse.interpolation(2, ci0)

                shared_fine_points = source_grid.interpolated_points(
                    (ck0, cj0, ci0), (k_interp, j_interp, i_interp))

                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 0, 0, 0] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[:-1, :-1, :-1]
                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 0, 0, 1] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[:-1, :-1, 1:]
                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 0, 1, 0] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[:-1, 1:, :-1]
                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 0, 1, 1] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[:-1, 1:, 1:]
                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 1, 0, 0] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[1:, :-1, :-1]
                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 1, 0, 1] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[1:, :-1, 1:]
                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 1, 1, 0] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[1:, 1:, :-1]
                fine_cp[fine_k_base : fine_k_base + k_ratio, fine_j_base : fine_j_base + j_ratio, fine_i_base : fine_i_base + i_ratio, 1, 1, 1] =  \
                   shared_fine_points[1:, 1:, 1:]

    return rqi.grid_from_cp(
        ijk_handedness='right' if source_grid.grid_is_right_handed else 'left')
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_rq_import.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def test_grid_from_cp_simple_straight(example_model_and_crs):
    # Arrange
    model, crs = example_model_and_crs
    corns = simple_grid_corns()

    # Act
    grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(model,

    # Assert
    assert grid is not None
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.extent_kji, (2, 2, 2))
    assert grid.grid_is_right_handed
    assert grid.k_gaps is None
    assert grid.k_direction_is_down
    assert grid.pillar_shape == 'straight'
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_rq_import.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def test_grid_from_cp_simple_left(example_model_and_crs):
    # Arrange
    model, crs = example_model_and_crs
    corns = simple_grid_corns(righthanded=False)

    # Act
    grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(model,

    # Assert
    assert grid is not None
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.extent_kji, (2, 2, 2))
    assert not grid.grid_is_right_handed
    assert grid.k_gaps is None
    assert grid.k_direction_is_down
    assert grid.pillar_shape == 'curved'
    assert grid.crs_uuid == crs.uuid
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_rq_import.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def test_grid_from_cp_kgap_zvoid(example_model_and_crs):
    # Arrange
    model, crs = example_model_and_crs
    corns = simple_grid_corns()

    # Add a k-gap
    corns[1, :, :, :, :, :, 2] += 0.5

    # Act
    grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(model,

    # Assert
    assert grid is not None
    assert_array_almost_equal(grid.extent_kji, (2, 2, 2))
    assert grid.grid_is_right_handed
    assert grid.k_gaps is None
    assert grid.k_direction_is_down
コード例 #8
ファイル: conftest.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def s_bend_k_gap_grid(s_bend_model):
    nk = 5
    nj = 12
    ni_tail = 5
    ni_bend = 18
    ni_half_mid = 2
    ni = 2 * (ni_tail + ni_bend + ni_half_mid)

    total_thickness = 12.0
    layer_thickness = total_thickness / float(nk)
    flat_dx_di = 10.0
    horst_dx_dk = 0.25 * flat_dx_di / float(nk)
    horst_dz = 1.73 * layer_thickness
    horst_half_dx = horst_dx_dk * horst_dz / layer_thickness
    dy_dj = 8.0
    top_depth = 100.0

    bend_theta_di = maths.pi / float(ni_bend)
    outer_radius = 2.0 * total_thickness

    bend_a_centre_xz = (flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail), top_depth + outer_radius)
    bend_b_centre_xz = (flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail - 2.0 * ni_half_mid),
                        top_depth + 3.0 * outer_radius - total_thickness)

    points = np.empty((nk + 1, nj + 1, ni + 1, 3))

    for k in range(nk + 1):
        if k == nk // 2 + 1:
            points[k] = points[k - 1]  # pinched out layer
            for i in range(ni + 1):
                if i < ni_tail + 1:
                    x = flat_dx_di * float(i)
                    z = top_depth + float(
                    ) * layer_thickness  # will introduce a thick layer after pinchout
                elif i < ni_tail + ni_bend:
                    theta = (i - ni_tail) * bend_theta_di
                    radius = outer_radius - float(k) * layer_thickness
                    x = bend_a_centre_xz[0] + radius * maths.sin(theta)
                    z = bend_a_centre_xz[1] - radius * maths.cos(theta)
                elif i < ni_tail + ni_bend + 2 * ni_half_mid + 1:
                    x = flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail - (i - (ni_tail + ni_bend)))
                    z = top_depth + 2.0 * outer_radius - float(
                        k) * layer_thickness
                elif i < ni_tail + 2 * ni_bend + 2 * ni_half_mid:
                    theta = (
                        i -
                        (ni_tail + ni_bend + 2 * ni_half_mid)) * bend_theta_di
                    radius = outer_radius - float(nk - k) * layer_thickness
                    x = bend_b_centre_xz[0] - radius * maths.sin(theta)
                    z = bend_b_centre_xz[1] - radius * maths.cos(theta)
                    x = flat_dx_di * float((i - (ni - ni_tail)) + ni_tail -
                                           2 * ni_half_mid)
                    if i == ni - 1 or i == ni - 4:
                        x += horst_dx_dk * float(k)
                    elif i == ni - 2 or i == ni - 3:
                        x -= horst_dx_dk * float(k)
                    z = top_depth + 4.0 * outer_radius + float(
                        k) * layer_thickness - 2.0 * total_thickness
                points[k, :, i] = (x, 0.0, z)

    for j in range(nj + 1):
        points[:, j, :, 1] = dy_dj * float(j)

    grid = grr.Grid(s_bend_model)

    crs = rqc.Crs(s_bend_model)
    crs_node = crs.create_xml()

    grid.grid_representation = 'IjkGrid'
    grid.extent_kji = np.array((nk, nj, ni), dtype='int')
    grid.nk, grid.nj, grid.ni = nk, nj, ni
    grid.k_direction_is_down = True  # dominant layer direction, or paleo-direction
    grid.pillar_shape = 'straight'
    grid.has_split_coordinate_lines = False
    grid.k_gaps = None
    grid.crs_uuid = crs.uuid
    grid.crs_root = crs_node

    grid.points_cached = points

    grid.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars_cached = True
    grid.geometry_defined_for_all_cells_cached = True
    grid.grid_is_right_handed = crs.is_right_handed_xyz()
    cp = grid.corner_points(cache_cp_array=True).copy()

    bend_theta_di = maths.pi / float(ni_bend)

    # IK plane faults
    cp[:, 3:, :, :, :, :, :] += (flat_dx_di * 0.7, 0.0, layer_thickness * 1.3)
    cp[:, 5:, :, :, :, :, :] += (flat_dx_di * 0.4, 0.0, layer_thickness * 0.9)
    cp[:, 8:, :, :, :, :, :] += (flat_dx_di * 0.3, 0.0, layer_thickness * 0.6)

    # JK plane faults
    cp[:, :, ni_tail + ni_bend // 2:, :, :, :,
       0] -= flat_dx_di * 0.57  # horizontal break mid top bend
    cp[:, :, ni_tail + ni_bend + ni_half_mid:, :, :, :,
       2] += layer_thickness * 1.27  # vertical break in mid section

    # zig-zag fault
    j_step = nj // (ni_tail - 2)
    for i in range(ni_tail - 1):
        j_start = i * j_step
        if j_start >= nj:
        cp[:, j_start:, i, :, :, :, 2] += 1.1 * total_thickness

    # JK horst blocks
    cp[:, :, ni - 4, :, :, :, :] -= (horst_half_dx, 0.0, horst_dz)
    cp[:, :, ni - 3:, :, :, :, 0] -= 2.0 * horst_half_dx
    cp[:, :, ni - 2, :, :, :, :] += (-horst_half_dx, 0.0, horst_dz)
    cp[:, :, ni - 1:, :, :, :, 0] -= 2.0 * horst_half_dx

    # JK horst block mid lower bend
    bend_horst_dz = horst_dz * maths.tan(bend_theta_di)
    cp[:, :, ni - (ni_tail + ni_bend // 2 + 1):ni -
       (ni_tail + ni_bend // 2 - 1), :, :, :, :] -= (horst_dz, 0.0,
    cp[:, :, ni - (ni_tail + ni_bend // 2 - 1):, :, :, :,
       2] -= 2.0 * bend_horst_dz

    k_gap_grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(
        ijk_handedness='right' if grid.grid_is_right_handed else 'left',

    # convert second layer to a K gap
    k_gap_grid.nk -= 1
    k_gap_grid.extent_kji[0] = k_gap_grid.nk
    k_gap_grid.k_gaps = 1
    k_gap_grid.k_gap_after_array = np.zeros(k_gap_grid.nk - 1, dtype=bool)
    k_gap_grid.k_gap_after_array[0] = True
    k_gap_grid.k_raw_index_array = np.zeros(k_gap_grid.nk, dtype=int)
    for k in range(1, k_gap_grid.nk):
        k_gap_grid.k_raw_index_array[k] = k + 1

    # clear some attributes which may no longer be valid
    k_gap_grid.pinchout = None
    k_gap_grid.inactive = None
    k_gap_grid.grid_skin = None
    if hasattr(k_gap_grid, 'array_thickness'):
        delattr(k_gap_grid, 'array_thickness')

    # k_gap_grid.write_hdf5_from_caches()
    # k_gap_grid.create_xml()
    return k_gap_grid
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_s_bend.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def test_s_bend_fn(tmp_path, epc=None):
    if epc is None:
        # use pytest temporary directory fixture
        # https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/tmpdir.html
        epc = str(os.path.join(tmp_path, f"{bu.new_uuid()}.epc"))

    # create s-bend grid

    nk = 5
    nj = 12
    ni_tail = 5
    ni_bend = 18
    ni_half_mid = 2
    ni = 2 * (ni_tail + ni_bend + ni_half_mid)

    total_thickness = 12.0
    layer_thickness = total_thickness / float(nk)
    flat_dx_di = 10.0
    horst_dx_dk = 0.25 * flat_dx_di / float(nk)
    horst_dz = 1.73 * layer_thickness
    horst_half_dx = horst_dx_dk * horst_dz / layer_thickness
    dy_dj = 8.0
    top_depth = 100.0

    assert ni_bend % 2 == 0, 'ni_bend must be even for horizontal faulting'
    assert ni_tail >= 5, 'ni_tail must be at least 5 for horst blocks'

    bend_theta_di = maths.pi / float(ni_bend)
    outer_radius = 2.0 * total_thickness

    bend_a_centre_xz = (flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail), top_depth + outer_radius)
    bend_b_centre_xz = (flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail - 2.0 * ni_half_mid),
                        top_depth + 3.0 * outer_radius - total_thickness)

    points = np.empty((nk + 1, nj + 1, ni + 1, 3))

    for k in range(nk + 1):
        if k == nk // 2 + 1:
            points[k] = points[k - 1]  # pinched out layer
            for i in range(ni + 1):
                if i < ni_tail + 1:
                    x = flat_dx_di * float(i)
                    z = top_depth + float(
                    ) * layer_thickness  # will introduce a thick layer after pinchout
                elif i < ni_tail + ni_bend:
                    theta = (i - ni_tail) * bend_theta_di
                    radius = outer_radius - float(k) * layer_thickness
                    x = bend_a_centre_xz[0] + radius * maths.sin(theta)
                    z = bend_a_centre_xz[1] - radius * maths.cos(theta)
                elif i < ni_tail + ni_bend + 2 * ni_half_mid + 1:
                    x = flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail - (i - (ni_tail + ni_bend)))
                    z = top_depth + 2.0 * outer_radius - float(
                        k) * layer_thickness
                elif i < ni_tail + 2 * ni_bend + 2 * ni_half_mid:
                    theta = (
                        i -
                        (ni_tail + ni_bend + 2 * ni_half_mid)) * bend_theta_di
                    radius = outer_radius - float(nk - k) * layer_thickness
                    x = bend_b_centre_xz[0] - radius * maths.sin(theta)
                    z = bend_b_centre_xz[1] - radius * maths.cos(theta)
                    x = flat_dx_di * float((i - (ni - ni_tail)) + ni_tail -
                                           2 * ni_half_mid)
                    if i == ni - 1 or i == ni - 4:
                        x += horst_dx_dk * float(k)
                    elif i == ni - 2 or i == ni - 3:
                        x -= horst_dx_dk * float(k)
                    z = top_depth + 4.0 * outer_radius + float(
                        k) * layer_thickness - 2.0 * total_thickness
                points[k, :, i] = (x, 0.0, z)

    for j in range(nj + 1):
        points[:, j, :, 1] = dy_dj * float(j)

    model = rq.Model(epc_file=epc,

    grid = grr.Grid(model)

    crs = rqc.Crs(model)
    crs_node = crs.create_xml()
    if model.crs_uuid is None:
        model.crs_uuid = crs.crs_uuid

    grid.grid_representation = 'IjkGrid'
    grid.extent_kji = np.array((nk, nj, ni), dtype='int')
    grid.nk, grid.nj, grid.ni = nk, nj, ni
    grid.k_direction_is_down = True  # dominant layer direction, or paleo-direction
    grid.pillar_shape = 'straight'
    grid.has_split_coordinate_lines = False
    grid.k_gaps = None
    grid.crs_uuid = crs.uuid
    grid.crs = crs

    grid.points_cached = points

    grid.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars_cached = True
    grid.geometry_defined_for_all_cells_cached = True
    grid.grid_is_right_handed = crs.is_right_handed_xyz()


    # create a well trajectory and md datum

    def df_trajectory(x, y, z):
        N = len(x)
        assert len(y) == N and len(z) == N
        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['MD', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'])
        md = np.zeros(N)
        for n in range(N - 1):
            md[n + 1] = md[n] + vec.naive_length(
                (x[n + 1] - x[n], y[n + 1] - y[n], z[n + 1] - z[n]))
        df.MD = md
        df.X = x
        df.Y = y
        df.Z = z
        return df

    x = np.array([
        0.0, flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail) + outer_radius,
        flat_dx_di * (float(ni_tail) - 0.5), 0.0, -outer_radius
    y = np.array([
        0.0, dy_dj * 0.5, dy_dj * float(nj) / 2.0, dy_dj * (float(nj) - 0.5),
        dy_dj * float(nj)
    z = np.array([
        0.0, top_depth - total_thickness,
        top_depth + 2.0 * outer_radius - total_thickness / 2.0,
        top_depth + 3.0 * outer_radius - total_thickness,
        top_depth + 4.0 * outer_radius

    df = df_trajectory(x, y, z)

    datum = rqw.MdDatum(model, crs_uuid=crs.uuid, location=(x[0], y[0], z[0]))

    trajectory = rqw.Trajectory(model,

    assert bu.matching_uuids(trajectory.crs_uuid, crs.uuid)


    # add more wells

    x = np.array([
        0.0, flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail),
        flat_dx_di * 2.0 * float(ni_tail - ni_half_mid) + outer_radius,
    y = np.array([0.0, dy_dj * float(nj) * 0.59, dy_dj * 0.67, dy_dj * 0.5])
    z = np.array([
        0.0, top_depth - total_thickness,
        top_depth + 4.0 * outer_radius - 1.7 * total_thickness,
        top_depth + 4.0 * outer_radius - 1.7 * total_thickness

    df = df_trajectory(x, y, z)

    traj_2 = rqw.Trajectory(model,

    x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    y = np.array([0.0, dy_dj * float(nj) * 0.53, dy_dj * float(nj) * 0.53])
    z = np.array(
        [0.0, top_depth - total_thickness, top_depth + 4.0 * outer_radius])

    df = df_trajectory(x, y, z)

    traj_3 = rqw.Trajectory(model,

    n_x = flat_dx_di * float(ni_tail) * 0.48
    n_y = dy_dj * float(nj) / 9.1
    o_y = -dy_dj * 0.45
    nd_x = n_y / 3.0
    x = np.array([
        0.0, n_x, n_x, n_x + nd_x, n_x + 2.0 * nd_x, n_x + 3.0 * nd_x,
        n_x + 4.0 * nd_x, n_x + 5.0 * nd_x, n_x + 6.0 * nd_x, n_x + 7.0 * nd_x,
        n_x + 8.0 * nd_x, n_x + 8.0 * nd_x
    y = np.array([
        0.0, o_y, o_y + n_y, o_y + 2.0 * n_y, o_y + 3.0 * n_y, o_y + 4.0 * n_y,
        o_y + 5.0 * n_y, o_y + 6.0 * n_y, o_y + 7.0 * n_y, o_y + 8.0 * n_y,
        o_y + 9.0 * n_y, o_y + 10.0 * n_y
    n_z1 = top_depth + total_thickness * 0.82
    n_z2 = top_depth - total_thickness * 0.17
    z = np.array([
        0.0, n_z1, n_z1, n_z2, n_z2, n_z1, n_z1, n_z2, n_z2, n_z1, n_z1, n_z2

    df = df_trajectory(x, y, z)

    traj_4 = rqw.Trajectory(model,

    # block wells against grid geometry

    log.info('unfaulted grid blocking of well ' +
    bw = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=grid, trajectory=trajectory)
    assert bw.cell_count == 19
    assert len(bw.cell_indices) == bw.cell_count
            108, 708, 709, 1909, 1959, 2559, 2673, 2073, 2123, 923, 924, 974,
            374, 587, 588, 1188, 2388, 2389, 2989

    log.info('unfaulted grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_2)))
    bw_2 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=grid, trajectory=traj_2)
    assert bw_2.cell_count == 33
    assert len(bw_2.cell_indices) == bw_2.cell_count
            306, 256, 856, 857, 2057, 2058, 2059, 2659, 2660, 2610, 2611, 2612,
            2613, 2614, 2014, 2015, 2016, 1966, 766, 767, 167, 649, 648, 647,
            646, 645, 644, 643, 642, 1842, 1841, 1840, 2440

    log.info('unfaulted grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_3)))
    bw_3 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=grid, trajectory=traj_3)
    assert bw_3.cell_count == 18
    assert len(bw_3.cell_indices) == bw_3.cell_count
            300, 900, 2100, 2700, 2729, 2129, 2130, 930, 931, 331, 332, 339,
            340, 940, 941, 2141, 2142, 2742

    log.info('unfaulted grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_4)))
    bw_4 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=grid, trajectory=traj_4)
    assert bw_4.cell_count == 26
    assert len(bw_4.cell_indices) == bw_4.cell_count
            2402, 1802, 1852, 652, 52, 153, 753, 803, 2003, 2603, 2653, 2703,
            2103, 903, 904, 304, 354, 454, 1054, 2254, 2304, 2904, 2905, 2955,
            2355, 1155

    # derive a faulted version of the grid

    cp = grid.corner_points(cache_cp_array=True).copy()

    # IK plane faults
    cp[:, 3:, :, :, :, :, :] += (flat_dx_di * 0.7, 0.0, layer_thickness * 1.3)
    cp[:, 5:, :, :, :, :, :] += (flat_dx_di * 0.4, 0.0, layer_thickness * 0.9)
    cp[:, 8:, :, :, :, :, :] += (flat_dx_di * 0.3, 0.0, layer_thickness * 0.6)

    # JK plane faults
    cp[:, :, ni_tail + ni_bend // 2:, :, :, :,
       0] -= flat_dx_di * 0.57  # horizontal break mid top bend
    cp[:, :, ni_tail + ni_bend + ni_half_mid:, :, :, :,
       2] += layer_thickness * 1.27  # vertical break in mid section

    # zig-zag fault
    j_step = nj // (ni_tail - 2)
    for i in range(ni_tail - 1):
        j_start = i * j_step
        if j_start >= nj:
        cp[:, j_start:, i, :, :, :, 2] += 1.1 * total_thickness

    # JK horst blocks
    cp[:, :, ni - 4, :, :, :, :] -= (horst_half_dx, 0.0, horst_dz)
    cp[:, :, ni - 3:, :, :, :, 0] -= 2.0 * horst_half_dx
    cp[:, :, ni - 2, :, :, :, :] += (-horst_half_dx, 0.0, horst_dz)
    cp[:, :, ni - 1:, :, :, :, 0] -= 2.0 * horst_half_dx

    # JK horst block mid lower bend
    bend_horst_dz = horst_dz * maths.tan(bend_theta_di)
    cp[:, :, ni - (ni_tail + ni_bend // 2 + 1):ni -
       (ni_tail + ni_bend // 2 - 1), :, :, :, :] -= (horst_dz, 0.0,
    cp[:, :, ni - (ni_tail + ni_bend // 2 - 1):, :, :, :,
       2] -= 2.0 * bend_horst_dz

    faulted_grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(
        ijk_handedness='right' if grid.grid_is_right_handed else 'left',


    # create some grid connection sets
    f_gcs, _ = faulted_grid.fault_connection_set(add_to_model=True)
    assert f_gcs is not None and f_gcs.count > 0
    p_gcs, _ = faulted_grid.pinchout_connection_set(add_to_model=True)
    assert p_gcs is not None and p_gcs.count > 0

    # block wells against faulted grid

    log.info('faulted grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(trajectory)))
    fbw = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=faulted_grid, trajectory=trajectory)
    assert fbw.cell_count == 32
    assert len(fbw.cell_indices) == fbw.cell_count
            108, 708, 709, 1909, 1956, 2556, 2673, 2674, 2724, 2124, 2174,
            2775, 2175, 2225, 2226, 2276, 2277, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1129, 1130,
            1131, 2331, 2332, 2382, 2383, 2384, 2984, 2385, 2386, 2986

    log.info('faulted grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_2)))
    fbw_2 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=faulted_grid, trajectory=traj_2)
    assert fbw_2.cell_count == 26
    assert len(fbw_2.cell_indices) == fbw_2.cell_count
            254, 854, 2054, 2654, 2655, 2614, 2014, 2015, 1965, 1966, 766, 767,
            167, 49, 47, 1846, 45, 44, 43, 643, 642, 641, 1841, 1840, 2440,

    log.info('faulted grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_3)))
    fbw_3 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=faulted_grid, trajectory=traj_3)
    assert fbw_3.cell_count == 14
    assert len(fbw_3.cell_indices) == fbw_3.cell_count
            2730, 2731, 2131, 2132, 2133, 933, 934, 937, 938, 2138, 2139, 2140,
            2740, 2741

    log.info('faulted grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_4)))
    fbw_4 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=faulted_grid, trajectory=traj_4)
    assert fbw_4.cell_count == 16
    assert len(fbw_4.cell_indices) == fbw_4.cell_count
            2402, 1802, 1852, 652, 52, 202, 802, 2002, 852, 902, 302, 453, 503,
            1103, 1153, 553

    # create a version of the faulted grid with a k gap

    k_gap_grid = rqi.grid_from_cp(
        ijk_handedness='right' if grid.grid_is_right_handed else 'left',

    # convert second layer to a K gap
    k_gap_grid.nk -= 1
    k_gap_grid.extent_kji[0] = k_gap_grid.nk
    k_gap_grid.k_gaps = 1
    k_gap_grid.k_gap_after_array = np.zeros(k_gap_grid.nk - 1, dtype=bool)
    k_gap_grid.k_gap_after_array[0] = True
    k_gap_grid.k_raw_index_array = np.zeros(k_gap_grid.nk, dtype=int)
    for k in range(1, k_gap_grid.nk):
        k_gap_grid.k_raw_index_array[k] = k + 1

    # clear some attributes which may no longer be valid
    k_gap_grid.pinchout = None
    k_gap_grid.inactive = None
    k_gap_grid.grid_skin = None
    if hasattr(k_gap_grid, 'array_thickness'):
        delattr(k_gap_grid, 'array_thickness')


    k_gap_grid_uuid = k_gap_grid.uuid

    # reload k gap grid object to ensure it is properly initialised

    k_gap_grid = None
    k_gap_grid = grr.Grid(model, uuid=k_gap_grid_uuid)

    # block wells against faulted grid with k gap

    log.info('k gap grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(trajectory)))
        gbw = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=k_gap_grid, trajectory=trajectory)
        assert gbw.cell_count == 24
    except Exception:
        log.exception('failed to block well against k gap grid')

    log.info('k gap grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_2)))
        gbw_2 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=k_gap_grid, trajectory=traj_2)
        assert gbw_2.cell_count == 20
    except Exception:
        log.exception('failed to block well against k gap grid')

    log.info('k gap grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_3)))
        gbw_3 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=k_gap_grid, trajectory=traj_3)
        assert gbw_3.cell_count == 10
    except Exception:
        log.exception('failed to block well against k gap grid')

    log.info('k gap grid blocking of well ' + str(rqw.well_name(traj_4)))
        gbw_4 = rqw.BlockedWell(model, grid=k_gap_grid, trajectory=traj_4)
        assert gbw_4.cell_count == 10
    except Exception:
        log.exception('failed to block well against k gap grid')

    # store model


    assert k_gap_grid.k_gaps
    assert len(k_gap_grid.k_raw_index_array) == k_gap_grid.nk
    assert len(k_gap_grid.k_gap_after_array) == k_gap_grid.nk - 1
    assert k_gap_grid.pinched_out((1, 0, 2))

    # check gcs iterator
    gcs_list = list(model.iter_grid_connection_sets())
    assert len(gcs_list) == 2
    assert not bu.matching_uuids(gcs_list[0].uuid, gcs_list[1].uuid)

    # clean up
コード例 #10
ファイル: _import_nexus.py プロジェクト: bp/resqpy
def import_nexus(
        resqml_file_root,  # output path and file name without .epc or .h5 extension
        extent_ijk = None,  # 3 element numpy vector
        vdb_file = None,  # vdb input file: either this or corp_file should be not None
        vdb_case = None,  # if None, first case in vdb is used (usually a vdb only holds one case)
        corp_file = None,  # corp ascii input file: nexus corp data without keyword
        corp_bin_file = None,  # corp binary file: nexus corp data in bespoke binary format
        corp_xy_units = 'm',
        corp_z_units = 'm',
        corp_z_inc_down = True,
        ijk_handedness = 'right',
        corp_eight_mode = False,
        geometry_defined_everywhere = True,
        treat_as_nan = None,
        active_mask_file = None,
        use_binary = False,  # this refers to pure binary arrays, not corp bin format
        resqml_xy_units = 'm',
        resqml_z_units = 'm',
        resqml_z_inc_down = True,
        shift_to_local = False,
        local_origin_place = 'centre',  # 'centre' or 'minimum'
        max_z_void = 0.1,  # vertical gaps greater than this will introduce k gaps intp resqml grid
        split_pillars = True,
        split_tolerance = 0.01,  # applies to each of x, y, z differences
        property_array_files = None,  # actually, list of (filename, keyword, uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
        summary_file = None,  # used to extract timestep dates when loading recurrent data from vdb
        vdb_static_properties = True,
        # if True, static vdb properties are imported (only relevant if vdb_file is not None)
        vdb_recurrent_properties = False,
        timestep_selection = 'all',
        # 'first', 'last', 'first and last', 'all', or list of ints being reporting timestep numbers
        use_compressed_time_series = True,
        decoarsen = True,  # where ICOARSE is present, redistribute data to uncoarse cells
        ab_property_list = None,
        # list of (file_name, keyword, property_kind, facet_type, facet, uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
        create_property_set = False,
        ensemble_case_dirs_root = None,  # path upto but excluding realisation number
        ensemble_property_dictionary = None,
        # dictionary mapping title (or keyword) to (filename, property_kind, facet_type, facet,
        #                                           uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
        ensemble_size_limit = None,
        grid_title = 'ROOT',
        mode = 'w',
        progress_fn = None):
    """Read a simulation grid geometry and optionally grid properties.

    Input may be from nexus ascii input files, or nexus vdb output.

        resqml_file_root (str): output path and file name without .epc or .h5 extension
        extent_ijk (triple float, optional): ijk extents (fortran ordering)
        vdb_file (str, optional): vdb input file, either this or corp_file should be not None. Required if importing from a vdb
        vdb_case (str, optional): required if the vdb contains more than one case. If None, first case in vdb is used
        corp_file (str, optional): required if importing from corp ascii file. corp ascii input file: nexus corp data without keyword
        corp_bin_file (str, optional): required if importing from corp binary file
        corp_xy_units (str, default 'm'): xy length units
        corp_z_units (str, default 'm'): z length units
        corp_z_inc_down (bool, default True): if True z values increase with depth
        ijk_handedness (str, default 'right'): 'right' or 'left'
        corp_eight_mode (bool, default False): if True the ordering of corner point data is in nexus EIGHT mode
        geometry_defined_everywhere (bool, default True): if False then inactive cells are marked as not having geometry
        treat_as_nan (float, default None): if a value is provided corner points with this value will be assigned nan
        active_mask_file (str, default None): ascii property file holding values 0 or 1, with 1 indicating active cells
        use_binary (bool, default False): if True a cached binary version of ascii files will be used (pure binary, not corp bin format)
        resqml_xy_units (str, default 'm'): output xy units for resqml file
        resqml_z_units (str, default 'm'): output z units for resqml file
        resqml_z_inc_down (bool, default True): if True z values increase with depth for output resqml file
        shift_to_local (bool, default False): if True then a local origin will be used in the CRS
        local_origin_place (str, default 'centre'): 'centre' or 'minimum'. If 'centre' the local origin is placed at the centre of the grid; ignored if shift_to_local is False
        max_z_void (float, default 0.1): maximum z gap between vertically neighbouring corner points. Vertical gaps greater than this will introduce k gaps into resqml grid. Units are corp z units
        split_pillars (bool, default True): if False an unfaulted grid will be generated
        split_tolerance (float, default 0.01): maximum distance between neighbouring corner points before a pillar is considered 'split'. Applies to each of x, y, z differences
        property_array_files (list, default None): list of (filename, keyword, uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
        summary_file (str, default None): nexus output summary file, used to extract timestep dates when loading recurrent data from vdb
        vdb_static_properties (bool, default True): if True, static vdb properties are imported (only relevant if vdb_file is not None)
        vdb_recurrent_properties (bool, default False): # if True, recurrent vdb properties are imported (only relevant if vdb_file is not None)
        timestep_selection (str, default 'all): 'first', 'last', 'first and last', 'all', or list of ints being reporting timestep numbers. Ignored if vdb_recurrent_properties is False
        use_compressed_time_series (bool, default True): generates reduced time series containing timesteps with recurrent properties from vdb, rather than full nexus summary time series
        decoarsen (bool, default True): where ICOARSE is present, redistribute data to uncoarse cells
        ab_property_list (list, default None):  list of (file_name, keyword, property_kind, facet_type, facet, uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
        create_property_set (bool, default False): if True a resqml PropertySet is created
        ensemble_case_dirs_root (str, default None): path up to but excluding realisation number
        ensemble_property_dictionary (str, default None): dictionary mapping title (or keyword) to (filename, property_kind, facet_type, facet, uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
        ensemble_size_limit (int, default None): if present processing of ensemble will terminate after this number of cases is reached
        grid_title (str, default 'ROOT'): grid citation title
        mode (str, default 'w'): 'w' or 'a', mode to write or append to hdf5
        progress_fn (function, default None): if present function must have one floating argument with value increasing from 0 to 1, and is called at intervals to indicate progress

        resqml model in memory & written to disc

    if resqml_file_root.endswith('.epc'):
        resqml_file_root = resqml_file_root[:-4]
    assert mode in ['w', 'a']

    if vdb_file:
        using_vdb = True
        corp_file = corp_bin_file = None
        grid_title = grid_title.upper()
        log.info('starting import of Nexus ' + str(grid_title) + ' corp from vdb ' + str(vdb_file))
        vdbase = vdb.VDB(vdb_file)
        case_list = vdbase.cases()
        assert len(case_list) > 0, 'no cases found in vdb'
        if vdb_case is None:
            vdb_case = case_list[0]
            assert vdb_case in case_list, 'case ' + vdb_case + ' not found in vdb: ' + vdb_file
        assert grid_title in vdbase.list_of_grids(), 'grid ' + str(grid_title) + ' not found in vdb'
        if extent_ijk is not None:
        log.debug('using case ' + vdb_case + ' and grid ' + grid_title + ' from vdb')
        if vdb_recurrent_properties and not summary_file:
            if vdb_file.endswith('.vdb.zip'):
                summary_file = vdb_file[:-8] + '.sum'
            elif vdb_file.endswith('.vdb') or vdb_file.endswith('.zip'):
                summary_file = vdb_file[:-4] + '.sum'
                sep = vdb_file.rfind(os.sep)
                dot = vdb_file[sep + 1:].find('.')
                if dot > 0:
                    summary_file = vdb_file[:sep + 1 + dot] + ',sum'
                    summary_file = vdb_file + '.sum'
        cp_array = vdbase.grid_corp(grid_title)
        cp_extent_kji = cp_array.shape[:3]
        if cp_extent_kji[:2] == (1, 1):  # auto determination of extent failed
            assert extent_ijk is not None, 'failed to determine extent of grid from corp data'
            (ni, nj, nk) = extent_ijk
            assert cp_extent_kji[2] == ni * nj * nk, 'number of cells in grid corp does not match extent'
            cp_extent = (nk, nj, ni, 2, 2, 2, 3)  # (nk, nj, ni, kp, jp, ip, xyz)
            cp_array = cp_array.reshape(cp_extent)
        elif extent_ijk is not None:
            for axis in range(3):
                assert cp_extent_kji[axis] == extent_ijk[
                    2 - axis], 'extent of grid corp data from vdb does not match that supplied'

    elif corp_file or corp_bin_file:
        if corp_bin_file:
            corp_file = None
        using_vdb = False
        #     geometry_defined_everywhere = (active_mask_file is None)
        log.info('starting import of Nexus corp file ' + str(corp_file if corp_file else corp_bin_file))
        if extent_ijk is None:  # auto detect extent
            extent_kji = None
            cp_extent = None
            (ni, nj, nk) = extent_ijk
            extent_kji = np.array((nk, nj, ni), dtype = 'int')
            cp_extent = (nk, nj, ni, 2, 2, 2, 3)  # (nk, nj, ni, kp, jp, ip, xyz)
        log.debug('reading and resequencing corp data')
        if corp_bin_file:  # bespoke nexus corp bin format, not to be confused with pure binary files used below
            cp_array = ld.load_corp_array_from_file(
                corp_bin = True,
                comment_char = None,  # comment char will be detected automatically
                data_free_of_comments = False,
                use_binary = use_binary)
            cp_binary_file = abt.cp_binary_filename(
                corp_file, nexus_ordering = False)  # pure binary, not bespoke corp bin used above
            recent_binary_exists = ld.file_exists(cp_binary_file, must_be_more_recent_than_file = corp_file)
            cp_array = None
            if use_binary and (extent_ijk is not None) and recent_binary_exists:
                    cp_array = ld.load_array_from_file(cp_binary_file, cp_extent, use_binary = True)
                except Exception:
                    cp_array = None
            if cp_array is None:
                cp_array = ld.load_corp_array_from_file(
                    corp_bin = False,
                    comment_char = None,  # comment char will be detected automatically
                    data_free_of_comments = False,
                    use_binary = use_binary)
                if use_binary:
                                              cp_array)  # NB: this binary file is resequenced, not in nexus ordering!

        raise ValueError('vdb_file and corp_file are both None in import_nexus() call')

    if cp_array is None:
        log.error('failed to create corner point array')
        return None

    if extent_ijk is None:
        cp_extent = cp_array.shape
        extent_kji = cp_extent[:3]
        (nk, nj, ni) = extent_kji
        extent_ijk = (ni, nj, nk)
        ni, nj, nk = extent_ijk

    # convert units
    log.debug('Converting units')
    if corp_xy_units == corp_z_units and resqml_xy_units == resqml_z_units:
        bwam.convert_lengths(cp_array, corp_xy_units, resqml_xy_units)
        bwam.convert_lengths(cp_array[:, :, :, :, :, :, 0:1], corp_xy_units, resqml_xy_units)
        bwam.convert_lengths(cp_array[:, :, :, :, :, :, 2], corp_z_units, resqml_z_units)

    # invert z if required
    if resqml_z_inc_down != corp_z_inc_down:
        log.debug('Inverting z values')
        inversion = np.negative(cp_array[:, :, :, :, :, :, 2])
        cp_array[:, :, :, :, :, :, 2] = inversion

    # read active cell mask
    log.debug('Setting up active cell mask')
    active_mask = inactive_mask = None
    if vdb_file:
        assert vdbase is not None, 'problem with vdb object'
        inactive_mask = vdbase.grid_kid_inactive_mask(grid_title)  # TODO: check conversion of KID to boolean for LGRs
        if inactive_mask is not None:
            log.debug('using kid array as inactive cell mask')
            active_mask = np.logical_not(inactive_mask)
            log.warning('kid array not found, using unpack array as active cell indicator')
            unp = vdbase.grid_unpack(grid_title)
            assert unp is not None, 'failed to load active cell indicator mask from vdb kid or unpack arrays'
            active_mask = np.empty((nk, nj, ni), dtype = 'bool')
            active_mask[:] = (unp > 0)
            inactive_mask = np.logical_not(active_mask)
    elif active_mask_file:
        active_mask = ld.load_array_from_file(active_mask_file, extent_kji, data_type = 'bool', use_binary = use_binary)
        if active_mask is None:
            log.error('failed to load active cell indicator array from file: ' + active_mask_file)
            inactive_mask = np.logical_not(active_mask)  # will crash if active mask load failed

    # shift grid geometry to local crs
    local_origin = np.zeros(3)
    if shift_to_local:
        log.debug('shifting to local origin at ' + local_origin_place)
        if local_origin_place == 'centre':
            local_origin = np.nanmean(cp_array, axis = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
        elif local_origin_place == 'minimum':
            local_origin = np.nanmin(cp_array, axis = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) - 1.0  # The -1 ensures all coords are >0
            assert (False)
        cp_array -= local_origin

    # create empty resqml model
    log.debug('creating an empty resqml model')
    if mode == 'w':
        model = rq.Model(resqml_file_root, new_epc = True, create_basics = True, create_hdf5_ext = True)
        model = rq.Model(resqml_file_root)
    assert model is not None
    ext_uuid = model.h5_uuid()
    assert ext_uuid is not None

    # create coodinate reference system (crs) in model and set references in grid object
    log.debug('creating coordinate reference system')
    crs_uuids = model.uuids(obj_type = 'LocalDepth3dCrs')
    new_crs = rqc.Crs(model,
                      x_offset = local_origin[0],
                      y_offset = local_origin[1],
                      z_offset = local_origin[2],
                      xy_units = resqml_xy_units,
                      z_units = resqml_z_units,
                      z_inc_down = resqml_z_inc_down)
    new_crs.create_xml(reuse = True)
    crs_uuid = new_crs.uuid

    grid = grid_from_cp(model,
                        active_mask = active_mask,
                        geometry_defined_everywhere = geometry_defined_everywhere,
                        treat_as_nan = treat_as_nan,
                        max_z_void = max_z_void,
                        split_pillars = split_pillars,
                        split_tolerance = split_tolerance,
                        ijk_handedness = ijk_handedness,
                        known_to_be_straight = False)

    # create hdf5 file using arrays cached in grid above
    log.info('writing grid geometry to hdf5 file ' + resqml_file_root + '.h5')
    grid.write_hdf5_from_caches(resqml_file_root + '.h5', mode = mode, write_active = False)

    # build xml for grid geometry
    log.debug('building xml for grid')
    ijk_node = grid.create_xml(ext_uuid = None, title = grid_title, add_as_part = True, add_relationships = True)
    assert ijk_node is not None, 'failed to create IjkGrid node in xml tree'

    # impprt property arrays into a collection
    prop_import_collection = None
    decoarsen_array = None
    ts_node = None
    ts_uuid = None

    if active_mask is None and grid.inactive is not None:
        active_mask = np.logical_not(grid.inactive)

    if using_vdb:
        prop_import_collection = rp.GridPropertyCollection()
        if vdb_static_properties:
            props = vdbase.grid_list_of_static_properties(grid_title)
            if len(props) > 0:
                prop_import_collection = rp.GridPropertyCollection()
                for keyword in props:
                    prop_import_collection.import_vdb_static_property_to_cache(vdbase, keyword, grid_name = grid_title)
    #      if active_mask is not None:
    #         prop_import_collection.add_cached_array_to_imported_list(active_mask, active_mask_file, 'ACTIVE', property_kind = 'active',
    #                                                                  discrete = True, uom = None, time_index = None, null_value = None)

    elif property_array_files is not None and len(property_array_files) > 0:
        prop_import_collection = rp.GridPropertyCollection()
        for (p_filename, p_keyword, p_uom, p_time_index, p_null_value, p_discrete) in property_array_files:
                                                                  discrete = p_discrete,
                                                                  uom = p_uom,
                                                                  time_index = p_time_index,
                                                                  null_value = p_null_value,
                                                                  use_binary = use_binary)
    #      if active_mask is not None:
    #         prop_import_collection.add_cached_array_to_imported_list(active_mask, active_mask_file, 'ACTIVE', property_kind = 'active',
    #                                                                  discrete = True, uom = None, time_index = None, null_value = None)

    #  ab_property_list: list of (filename, keyword, property_kind, facet_type, facet, uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
    elif ab_property_list is not None and len(ab_property_list) > 0:
        prop_import_collection = rp.GridPropertyCollection()
        for (p_filename, p_keyword, p_property_kind, p_facet_type, p_facet, p_uom, p_time_index, p_null_value,
             p_discrete) in ab_property_list:
                                                               discrete = p_discrete,
                                                               property_kind = p_property_kind,
                                                               facet_type = p_facet_type,
                                                               facet = p_facet,
                                                               uom = p_uom,
                                                               time_index = p_time_index,
                                                               null_value = p_null_value)
    #      if active_mask is not None:
    #         prop_import_collection.add_cached_array_to_imported_list(active_mask, active_mask_file, 'ACTIVE', property_kind = 'active',
    #                                                                  discrete = True, uom = None, time_index = None, null_value = None)

    # ensemble_property_dictionary: mapping title (or keyword) to
    #    (filename, property_kind, facet_type, facet, uom, time_index, null_value, discrete)
    elif ensemble_case_dirs_root and ensemble_property_dictionary:
        case_path_list = glob.glob(ensemble_case_dirs_root + '*')
        assert len(case_path_list) > 0, 'no case directories found with path starting: ' + str(ensemble_case_dirs_root)
        case_number_place = len(ensemble_case_dirs_root)
        case_zero_used = False
        case_count = 0
        for case_path in case_path_list:
            if ensemble_size_limit is not None and case_count >= ensemble_size_limit:
                log.warning('stopping after reaching ensemble size limit')
            # NB. import each case individually rather than holding property arrays for whole ensemble in memory at once
            prop_import_collection = rp.GridPropertyCollection()
            tail = case_path[case_number_place:]
                case_number = int(tail)
                assert case_number >= 0, 'negative case number encountered'
                if case_number == 0:
                    assert not case_zero_used, 'more than one case number evaluated to zero'
                    case_zero_used = True
            except Exception:
                log.error('failed to determine case number for tail: ' + str(tail))
            for keyword in ensemble_property_dictionary.keys():
                (filename, p_property_kind, p_facet_type, p_facet, p_uom, p_time_index, p_null_value,
                 p_discrete) = ensemble_property_dictionary[keyword]
                p_filename = os.path.join(case_path, filename)
                if not os.path.exists(p_filename):
                    log.error('missing property file: ' + p_filename)
                                                                      discrete = p_discrete,
                                                                      uom = p_uom,
                                                                      time_index = p_time_index,
                                                                      null_value = p_null_value,
                                                                      property_kind = p_property_kind,
                                                                      facet_type = p_facet_type,
                                                                      facet = p_facet,
                                                                      realization = case_number,
                                                                      use_binary = False)
            if len(prop_import_collection.imported_list) > 0:
                # create hdf5 file using arrays cached in grid above
                log.info('writing properties to hdf5 file ' + str(resqml_file_root) + '.h5 for case: ' +
                grid.write_hdf5_from_caches(resqml_file_root + '.h5',
                                            geometry = False,
                                            imported_properties = prop_import_collection,
                                            write_active = False)
                # add imported properties parts to model, building property parts list
                                                                                           time_series_uuid = ts_uuid)
                if create_property_set:
                    prop_import_collection.create_property_set_xml('realisation ' + str(case_number))
                case_count += 1
            # remove cached static property arrays from memory

            #         prop_import_collection.remove_all_cached_arrays()
            del prop_import_collection
            prop_import_collection = None
        log.info(f'Nexus ascii ensemble input processed {case_count} cases')

    # create hdf5 file using arrays cached in grid above
    if prop_import_collection is not None and len(prop_import_collection.imported_list) > 0:
        if decoarsen:
            decoarsen_array = prop_import_collection.decoarsen_imported_list()
            if decoarsen_array is not None:
                log.info('static properties decoarsened')
                                                                         discrete = True,
                                                                         uom = None,
                                                                         time_index = None,
                                                                         null_value = -1,
                                                                         property_kind = 'discrete')
        log.info('writing ' + str(len(prop_import_collection.imported_list)) + ' properties to hdf5 file ' +
                 resqml_file_root + '.h5')
    elif not ensemble_case_dirs_root:
        log.info('no static grid properties to import')
        prop_import_collection = None
    grid.write_hdf5_from_caches(resqml_file_root + '.h5',
                                geometry = False,
                                imported_properties = prop_import_collection,
                                write_active = True)
    # remove cached static property arrays from memory
    if prop_import_collection is not None:

    ts_selection = None
    if using_vdb and vdb_recurrent_properties and timestep_selection is not None and str(timestep_selection) != 'none':
        if prop_import_collection is None:
            prop_import_collection = rp.GridPropertyCollection()
        # extract timestep dates from summary file (this info might be hidden in the recurrent binary files but I couldn't find it
        # todo: create cut down time series from recurrent files and differentiate between reporting time index and mapped time step number
        full_time_series = rts.time_series_from_nexus_summary(summary_file)
        if full_time_series is None:
            log.error('failed to fetch time series from Nexus summary file; recurrent data excluded')
            timestep_list = vdbase.grid_list_of_timesteps(
                grid_title)  # get list of timesteps for which recurrent files exist
            recur_time_series = None
            for timestep_number in timestep_list:
                if isinstance(timestep_selection, list):
                    if timestep_number not in timestep_selection:
                    if timestep_selection == 'first':
                        if timestep_number != timestep_list[0]:
                    elif timestep_selection == 'last':
                        if timestep_number != timestep_list[-1]:
                    elif timestep_selection == 'first and last':
                        if timestep_number != timestep_list[0] and timestep_number != timestep_list[-1]:
                    # default to importing all timesteps
                stamp = full_time_series.timestamp(timestep_number)
                if stamp is None:
                    log.error('timestamp number for which recurrent data exists was not found in summary file: ' +
                recur_prop_list = vdbase.grid_list_of_recurrent_properties(grid_title, timestep_number)
                common_recur_prop_set = set()
                if recur_time_series is None:
                    recur_time_series = rts.TimeSeries(model, first_timestamp = stamp)
                    if recur_prop_list is not None:
                        common_recur_prop_set = set(recur_prop_list)
                    if recur_prop_list is not None:
                        common_recur_prop_set = common_recur_prop_set.intersection(set(recur_prop_list))
                step_import_collection = rp.GridPropertyCollection()
                # for each property for this timestep, cache array and add to recur prop import collection for this time step
                if recur_prop_list:
                    for keyword in recur_prop_list:
                        if not keyword or not keyword.isalnum():
                        prop_kind, facet_type, facet = rp.property_kind_and_facet_from_keyword(keyword)
                            timestep_number,  # also used as time_index?
                            grid_name = grid_title,
                            property_kind = prop_kind,
                            facet_type = facet_type,
                            facet = facet)
                # extend hdf5 with cached arrays for this timestep
                log.info('number of recurrent grid property arrays for timestep: ' + str(timestep_number) + ' is: ' +
                if decoarsen_array is not None:
                    log.info('decoarsening recurrent properties for timestep: ' + str(timestep_number))
                    step_import_collection.decoarsen_imported_list(decoarsen_array = decoarsen_array)
                log.info('extending hdf5 file with recurrent properties for timestep: ' + str(timestep_number))
                grid.write_hdf5_from_caches(resqml_file_root + '.h5',
                                            mode = 'a',
                                            geometry = False,
                                            imported_properties = step_import_collection,
                                            write_active = False)
                # add imported list for this timestep to full imported list
                log.debug('total number of property arrays after timestep: ' + str(timestep_number) + ' is: ' +
                # remove cached copies of arrays

            ts_node = full_time_series.create_xml(title = 'simulator full timestep series')
            model.time_series = ts_node  # save as the primary time series for the model
            ts_uuid = rqet.uuid_for_part_root(ts_node)
            # create xml for recur_time_series (as well as for full_time_series) and add as part; not needed?
            if recur_time_series is not None:
                rts_node = recur_time_series.create_xml(title = 'simulator recurrent array timestep series')
                if use_compressed_time_series:
                    ts_uuid = rqet.uuid_for_part_root(rts_node)
                    ts_selection = timestep_list

    # add imported properties parts to model, building property parts list
    if prop_import_collection is not None and prop_import_collection.imported_list is not None:
        prop_import_collection.set_grid(grid)  # update to pick up on recently created xml root node for grid
            ext_uuid, time_series_uuid = ts_uuid, selected_time_indices_list = ts_selection)
        if create_property_set:
            prop_import_collection.create_property_set_xml('property set for import for grid ' + str(grid_title))

    # mark model as modified (will already have happened anyway)

    # create epc file
    log.info('storing model in epc file ' + resqml_file_root + '.epc')
    model.store_epc(resqml_file_root + '.epc')

    # return resqml model
    return model