コード例 #1
    def get(self, base='ctbc'):

        :param base:
        :return: product ids from a given partner
            client_id = self.get_argument('client_id', strip=True)
            db = self.db.get(base)
            sql = "select p.%s from %s po"
            tabela = 'produtos_oauth'
            where = " join produtos p on p.id = po.produto_id where client_id = %s"
            fields = ['parceiro']

            sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + where
            slog.debug(sql, client_id)
            cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (client_id), tabela, fields,
                                    60 * 60 * 24)

            if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                raise DoesNotExist

            self.success(json_formats(dict(zip(fields, cur.value))), True)

        except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
            self.fail('Not found', code=404)
        except MissingArgumentError as e:
            self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
        except Exception as e:
            self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #2
    def get(self, base='ctbc'):

        :param base:
            db = self.db.get(base)
            sql = "select max(id) from produtos"
            tabela = 'produtos'
            fields = ['id']

            cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, None, tabela, fields, 1)
            if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                raise DoesNotExist
            self.success(json_formats(dict(zip(fields, cur.value))), True)

        except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
            self.fail('Not found', code=404)
        except MissingArgumentError as e:
            self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
        except Exception as e:
            self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #3
    def get(self, base):

        :param base:
            ref = self.get_argument('client_id', strip=True)
            # ref2 = self.get_argument('client_secret', strip=True)
            if ref in ['', None, False, 0, []]:
                raise MissingArgumentError

            db = self.db.get(base)
            tabela = 'produtos_oauth'
            sql = "select %s from %s"
            where = "  where client_id=%s"
            fields = ('produto_id', 'client_id', 'redirect_uris', 'scopes')
            sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + where

            cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (ref), tabela, fields, 60)

            if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                raise DoesNotExist

            self.success(json_formats(dict(zip(fields, cur.value))), True)

        except (DoesNotExist, TypeError):
            self.fail('Not found', code=404)
        except MissingArgumentError as e:
            self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
        except Exception as e:
            self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #4
    def get(self, base):
        :param base:
            user_id = self.get_argument('user', default=None, strip=True)
            id_estrangeiro = self.get_argument('cpf', default=None, strip=True)
            product = self.get_argument('product', default=None, strip=True)
            partner = self.get_argument('partner', default=None, strip=True)
            key = self.get_argument('key', default=None, strip=True)
            parceiro_id = self.get_argument(
                'parceiro_id', default=None, strip=True)
            tabela = 'VIEW_SSO_USER_DATA'
            fields = (
                'chave', 'cliente_id', 'nome', 'email', 'data_suspensao', 'data_cancelamento', 'produto_id',
            sql = "select %s from %s "

            db = self.db.get(base)

            if key is not None:
                sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + ' where chave=%s'
                qpar = [key]
            elif partner is not None:
                sql = sql % (','.join(fields),
                             tabela) + ' where parceiro_id=%s and cliente_id=%s and data_cancelamento is Null and data_suspensao is Null'
                qpar = [partner, user_id]
            elif id_estrangeiro is not None and parceiro_id is not None:
                sql = sql % (','.join(fields),
                             tabela) + ' where parceiro_id=%s and id_estrangeiro=%s and data_cancelamento is Null and data_suspensao is Null'
                qpar = [parceiro_id, id_estrangeiro]
            elif id_estrangeiro is not None:
                sql = sql % (','.join(fields),
                             tabela) + ' where produto_id=%s and id_estrangeiro=%s and data_cancelamento is Null and data_suspensao is Null'
                qpar = [product, id_estrangeiro]
            elif product is not None and user_id is not None:
                sql = sql % (','.join(fields),
                             tabela) + ' where produto_id=%s and cliente_id=%s and data_cancelamento is Null and data_suspensao is Null'
                qpar = [product, user_id]
                raise MissingArgumentError('data')
            cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, qpar, table=tabela, cnames=fields, expires=60)

            if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                raise DoesNotExist

            self.success(json_formats(dict(zip(fields, cur.value))), True)

        except (DoesNotExist, TypeError):
            self.fail('Client Id not found', code=404)
        except MissingArgumentError as e:
            self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
        except Exception as e:
            self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #5
 def store_json(self, key, value, expires=1):
         data = None
         if value.rowcount == 1:
             data = value.fetchone()
         elif value.rowcount > 1:
             data = value.fetchall()
     except Exception as e:
         raise CacheMissException(e)
     # slog.debug(utils.json_formats(data))
     self.store(key, json.dumps(utils.json_formats(data)), expire=expires)
コード例 #6
    def post(self, base):
        get user data from server
        :param base:
        :return: json data

            ref = self.get_argument('email', strip=True)
            if ref in ['', None, False, 0, []]:
                raise MissingArgumentError

            tabela = 'clientes'
            sql = "select %s from %s "

            where = " where msisdn=%s or email=%s or cpf=%s or id_estrangeiro=%s"

            fields = ('id', 'nome', 'email', 'ativo', 'criado', 'removido',
                      'alterado', 'senha', 'id_estrangeiro')

            uid = self.get_argument('user_id', default=None, strip=True)
            if uid not in EMPTY:
                where = " where id=%s"

            sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + where
            db = self.db.get(base)
            cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (ref, ref, ref, ref), tabela, fields,

            if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                # if base == 'vivo':
                #     ref = msisdn89(ref)
                #     cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (ref, ref, ref, ref), tabela, fields, 5)
                #     if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                #         raise DoesNotExist
                # else:
                raise DoesNotExist

            self.success(json_formats(dict(zip(fields, cur.value))), True)

        except (DoesNotExist, TypeError):
            self.fail('UNAUTHORIZED', code=401)
        except MissingArgumentError as e:
            self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
        except Exception as e:
            self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #7
 def get(self, base='vivo'):
         db = self.db.get(base)
         slog.info("database=%s" % (base))
         telefone = self.get_argument('telefone', strip=True)
         if telefone in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         la = self.get_argument('la', strip=True)
         if la in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         start_date = self.get_argument('start', strip=True)
         if start_date in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         end_date = self.get_argument('end', strip=True)
         if end_date in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         fields = ['din', 'type', 'text', 'bnum']
         select_fields = [
             "DATE_FORMAT(din,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as din", 'type', 'text',
         tabela = 'msgs_single'
         sql = "select %s from %s"
         where = " where anum = %s and bnum= %s  and source !=  '0' and msgs_single.text not like '[FAKE]%%' and (din >= '%s' and din <= '%s') " % (
             telefone, la, start_date, end_date)
         sql = sql % (','.join(select_fields), tabela) + where
         #cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (telefone,la,start_date,end_date), tabela, fields, 300)
         cur = yield db.execute(sql)
         list_brasiltec = []
         data = json_formats(cur.fetchall())
         for d in data:
             if d not in ['', False, 0, None]:
                 list_brasiltec.append(dict(zip(fields, d)))
         self.success(list_brasiltec, False)
     except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
         self.fail('Not found', code=404)
     except MissingArgumentError as e:
         self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
     except Exception as e:
         self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #8
 def get(self, base='sdp'):
         db = self.db.get(base)
         slog.info("database=%s" % (base))
         settings = self.application.settings
         msisdn = self.get_argument('msisdn', strip=True)
         slog.info('teste BlacklistSDP')
         if msisdn in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         fields = [
             'msisdn', 'idBlacklistHistory', 'la', 'modifiedDate',
             'data_bloqueio', 'canal_bloqueio', 'data_desbloqueio',
         sql = "select msisdn,idBlacklistHistory, la,DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(modifiedDate,'+00:00','-3:00'), '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') AS modifiedDate,"
         sql += "IF(action = 'locked', DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(modifiedDate,'+00:00','-3:00'), '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i'), '-') AS data_bloqueio,"
         sql += "IF(action = 'locked', channel, '') AS canal_bloqueio,"
         sql += "IF(action = 'unlocked', DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(modifiedDate,'+00:00','-3:00'), '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i'),'-') AS data_desbloqueio,"
         sql += "IF(action = 'unlocked', channel, '') AS canal_desbloqueio"
         sql += " FROM sdp.blacklist_history_action "
         where = " WHERE msisdn = '%s' ORDER BY modifiedDate DESC" % (
         query = sql + where
         cur = yield db.execute(query)
         list_blacklist = []
         data = json_formats(cur.fetchall())
         for d in data:
             if d not in ['', False, 0, None]:
                 list_blacklist.append(dict(zip(fields, d)))
         slog.debug('Retorno dos dados')
         self.success(list_blacklist, False)
     except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
         self.fail('Not found', code=404)
     except MissingArgumentError as e:
         self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
     except Exception as e:
         self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #9
    def post(self, base):
            cid = self.get_argument('client_id', strip=True)
            cse = self.get_argument('client_secret', strip=True)
            db = self.db.get(base)
            tabela = 'produtos_oauth'
            sql = "select %s from %s"
            where = " where client_id=%s and client_secret=%s"
            fields = ('produto_id', 'client_id', 'redirect_uris', 'scopes')
            sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + where

            cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (cid, cse), tabela, fields, 60)

            if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                raise DoesNotExist

            self.success(json_formats(dict(zip(fields, cur.value))), True)

        except (DoesNotExist, TypeError):
            self.fail('Not found', code=404)
        except MissingArgumentError as e:
            self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
        except Exception as e:
コード例 #10
 def get(self, base):
     :param base:
     :return: promotions from a given partner
         db = self.db.get(base)
         slog.info("database=%s" % (base))
         ref = self.get_argument('telefone', strip=True)
         start_date = self.get_argument('start', strip=True)
         if start_date in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         end_date = self.get_argument('end', strip=True)
         if end_date in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         tabela = 'subscribers'
         fields = [
             'label_sms', 'id_canal', "name", 'bnum_source', 'din', 'anum',
             'bill_cnt_ok', 'tipo_camp', 'bill_last', 'bill_next', "status",
             'protocol_id', "source_out", "din_out"
         sql = "select c.label_sms,s_o.id_canal, ca.name,s_o.bnum_source, s_o.din,s_o.anum,s_o.bill_cnt_ok, cp.tipo_camp,DATE_FORMAT(s_o.bill_last,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as bill_last, DATE_FORMAT(s_o.bill_next,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as bill_next, '1' as  status,s_o.protocol_id, '' as source_out, '' as din_out"
         sql1 = " from subscribers s_o inner join carrier ca on s_o.carrier = ca.id_carrier inner join cc_canal c on  s_o.id_canal = c.id inner join cm_campanha cp on s_o.id_camp = cp.id"
         where = " where anum = %s " % (ref)
         union1 = " UNION select c.label_sms,s_o.id_canal, ca.name,s_o.bnum_source,DATE_FORMAT(s_o.din,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as din,s_o.anum,s_o.bill_cnt_ok, cp.tipo_camp,DATE_FORMAT(s_o.bill_last,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as bill_last, DATE_FORMAT(s_o.bill_next,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as bill_next, '0' as  status, s_o.protocol_id, source_out as source_out,DATE_FORMAT(s_o.din_out,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as din_out "
         sql3 = " from subscribers_out s_o inner join carrier ca on s_o.carrier = ca.id_carrier inner join cc_canal c on  s_o.id_canal = c.id inner join cm_campanha cp on s_o.id_camp = cp.id"
         where2 = " where anum = %s and (s_o.din_out >= '%s' and s_o.din_out <= '%s')" % (
             ref, start_date, end_date)
         tmp1 = sql + sql1 + where + union1 + sql3 + where2
         sql = "select * from (%s)as A" % (tmp1)
         cur = yield db.execute(sql)
         list_brasiltec = []
         data = json_formats(cur.fetchall())
         for d in data:
             if d not in ['', False, 0, None]:
                 list_brasiltec.append(dict(zip(fields, d)))
         slog.info('Busca pelas compras avulsas')
         sql2 = "select 'Teste de Personalidade' as label_sms,'0' as id_canal,carrier.name as name, bnum as bnum_source"
         sql2 = sql2 + ",DATE_FORMAT(din,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as din,anum, '0' as bill_cnt_ok,"
         sql2 = sql2 + "'SMS' as tipo_camp,DATE_FORMAT(din,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')   as bill_last , DATE_FORMAT('2000-01-01 00:00:00','%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as bill_next,'3' as status, '' as protocol_id"
         sql2 = sql2 + ",'MO' as source_out,DATE_FORMAT('2000-01-01 00:00:00','%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') as din_out from msgs_single inner join carrier on msgs_single.carrier = carrier.id_carrier"
         where3 = " where anum = '%s'  and (din >= '%s' and din <= '%s') and text_code = '_PAGA_N_ASSIN_BILLOU'  and source !=  '0'  " % (
             ref, start_date, end_date)
         sql2 = sql2 + where3
         cur = yield db.execute(sql2)
         data = json_formats(cur.fetchall())
         for d in data:
             if d not in ['', False, 0, None]:
                 list_brasiltec.append(dict(zip(fields, d)))
         slog.debug('Retorno dos dados')
         self.success(list_brasiltec, False)
     except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
         self.fail('Not found', code=404)
     except MissingArgumentError as e:
         self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
     except Exception as e:
         self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #11
 def get(self, base='vivo'):
         #select * from VIEW_PESQUISA_PRODUTO_CLIENTE where msisdn = '11963907436' and produto_id = 26;
         db = self.db.get(base)
         slog.info("database=%s" % (base))
         settings = self.application.settings
         msisdn = self.get_argument('msisdn', strip=True)
         if msisdn in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         product_id = self.get_argument('product_id', strip=True)
         if product_id in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         start_date = self.get_argument('start', strip=True)
         if start_date in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         end_date = self.get_argument('end', strip=True)
         if end_date in EMPTY:
             raise MissingArgumentError
         fields = ['la']
         sql = "select distinct produtos_parceiros.%s from %s"
         where = " inner join produtos_parceiros on VIEW_PESQUISA_PRODUTO_CLIENTE.produto_id  = produtos_parceiros.produto WHERE VIEW_PESQUISA_PRODUTO_CLIENTE.id_estrangeiro = %s AND produtos_parceiros.produto = %s LIMIT 1"
         fields2 = [
             'canal_compra', 'produto_id', 'nome_produto', 'valor_produto',
             "data_compra_produto", 'nome_parceiro'
         sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + where
         cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (msisdn, product_id), tabela, fields,
                                 5, True)
         temp_list = []
         if cur and cur.value not in EMPTY:
             la = cur.value[0]
             tabela2 = "select * from (select comando,'' as url, DATE_FORMAT(criado,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%h:%%i:%%s') AS criado, 'MO' as tipo from mo.comandos_recebidos where fone = '%s' and la = '%s' and criado >='%s' and criado <= '%s'" % (
                 msisdn, la, start_date, end_date)
             union1 = " union select mensagem,url,DATE_FORMAT(enviado,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%h:%%i:%%s') as criado, 'MT' as tipo from requests_movile where fone = '%s' and enviado>='%s' and enviado <='%s'" % (
                 msisdn, start_date, end_date)
             union2 = " ) as x order by x.criado asc"
             sql2 = tabela2 + union1 + union2
             cur2 = yield db.execute(sql2)
             data = json_formats(cur2.fetchall())
             fields = ['la', 'url', 'comando', 'criado', 'tipo']
             for d in data:
                 comando = d[0]
                 url = d[1]
                 criado = d[2]
                 tipo = d[3]
                 res = (la, url, comando, criado, tipo)
                 temp_list.append(dict(zip(fields, res)))
         self.success(temp_list, False)
     except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
         self.fail('Not found', code=404)
     except MissingArgumentError as e:
         self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
     except Exception as e:
         self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)
コード例 #12
    def get(self, base):

        :param base:
            client_id = "{}%".format(self.get_argument('client_id',
            user_id = self.get_argument('user_id', strip=True)
            no_cache = self.get_argument('no_cache', None)
            db = self.db.get(base)
            extref = None
            sql = "select %s from %s"

            tabela = 'VIEW_SSO_USER_DATA'

            where = " where client_id like %s and cliente_id=%s and data_cancelamento is Null and data_suspensao is Null "
            #where = " where client_id like %s and cliente_id=%s "

            fields = [
                'cliente_id', 'id_estrangeiro', 'chave_id', 'produto_id',
                'parceiro_id', 'client_id', 'cpf', 'nome', 'email', 'chave',
                'data_suspensao', 'data_cancelamento'

            settings = self.application.settings
            if base in ['vivo', 'tim', 'hero', 'gvt']:
                extref = None

            if base in ['vivo']:

            if base in ['hero']:
                where += " and is_active = 1 "

            sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + where
            if no_cache:
                cur = yield db.fexecute('{} {}'.format(sql, " limit 1"),
                                        (client_id, user_id), tabela, fields,
                                        5, True)
                cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (client_id, user_id), tabela,
                                        fields, 5)

            slog.debug(sql % (client_id, user_id))

            if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None]:
                #if cur.value[10] not in ['', False, 0, None] and base in ['vivo','gvt']:
                #import datetime
                #date_present = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                #data_suspensao = time.strptime(cur.value[10],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                #if data_suspensao < date_present:
                #raise DoesNotExist
                #elif cur.value[11] not in ['', False, 0, None]:
                #raise DoesNotExist

                funvivo = VivoSyncService(settings)
                if base == 'vivo' and client_id.replace('%',
                                                        '') in funvivo.clients:
                    cur = yield db.fexecute(
                        sql, (funvivo.clients.split(' ')[-1], user_id), tabela,
                        fields, 5)
                    if cur and cur.value in ['', False, 0, None, []]:
                        slog.debug("EMPTY ERROR")
                        raise DoesNotExist
                    extref = funvivo.check_login(str(cur.value[1]))
                    raise DoesNotExist

            jdata = dict(zip(fields, cur.value))
            if extref:
                jdata['extref'] = extref
            json = json_formats(jdata)

            if base == 'vivo':
                sql = "select p.%s from %s po"
                tabela = "produtos_oauth"
                where = " join produtos p on p.id = po.produto_id where client_id = %s"
                fields = ['parceiro']

                sql = sql % (','.join(fields), tabela) + where
                slog.debug(sql, fields)
                cur = yield db.fexecute(sql, (client_id.replace("%", "")),
                                        tabela, fields, 60 * 60 * 24)
                if cur and cur.value not in ['', False, 0, None]:
                    slog.debug("Cursor parceiro: {0}".format(cur.value))
                    partner_json = json_formats(dict(zip(fields, cur.value)))

                    if ClientService.is_secure(partner_json['parceiro']):
                        slog.debug("Analysing OneId rule...")
                            extref = json['extref']
                            if extref in ['', False, 0, None]:
                                slog.debug("Analysing legacy accounts...")
                                sql2 = "select %s from %s"
                                tabela2 = "chaves"
                                where2 = " where id = %s AND DATE(data_compra) <= '2016-03-02'"
                                fields2 = ['data_compra']
                                sql2 = sql2 % (','.join(fields2),
                                               tabela2) + where2
                                slog.debug(sql2 % json['chave_id'])
                                cur2 = yield db.fexecute(
                                    sql2, (str(json['chave_id'])), tabela2,
                                    fields2, 60)
                                if not cur2 or (cur2 and cur2.value
                                                not in ['', False, 0, None]):
                                    raise KeyError
                                        "New accout, canelling OneId rule.")
                                    "Extref already exists! Cancelling OneId rule."
                        except KeyError:
                            slog.debug("Applying OneId rule...")
                                extref = ClientService.get_cliente_id_hash_md5(
                                    "Cliente_id: {0}. The new extref is: {1}".
                                    format(json['cliente_id'], extref))

                                # 1- Update Provisionador:
                                response = ClientService.update_provisioner(
                                    extref, settings)
                                slog.debug('Request sent to Provisionador. '
                                           'Response Code: {0}.'
                                           'Cliente_id: {1}.'
                                           'Extref: {2}'.format(
                                               json['cliente_id'], extref))

                                # 2- Update database:
                                sql = "UPDATE chaves SET extref = %s WHERE id = %s"
                                cur = yield db.execute(
                                    sql, (extref, json['chave_id']))
                                    "Updating extref on database: {0}".format(

                                # 3- Update return:
                                json['extref'] = extref
                            except Exception as e:
                                    "Error at migrating cliente_id: {0} to extref, base: '{1}'. Error: {2}"
                                    .format(json['cliente_id'], 'vivo', e))

            self.success(json, True)

        except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
            self.fail('Not found', code=404)
        except MissingArgumentError as e:
            self.fail(e.log_message, code=e.status_code)
        except Exception as e:
            self.error('General Oauth Error', code=500)