コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, all_atoms: t.List[u.Atom]):
        :param all_atoms: List of all atoms in the Molecules, which should be connected
        :type all_atoms: t.List[u.Atom]

        self.all_atoms: t.List[u.Atom] = all_atoms
        self.selected_atoms: t.List[u.Atom] = []
        self.selected_restraints: t.List[Restraint._Restraint] = []

        # Define Restraint-Types
        self.available_restraint_types = u.get_all_subclasses(Restraint._Restraint)
        self.current_restraint_type = None
        self.my_restraint = None

        # Define Importer-Types
        self.available_importer_types = u.get_all_subclasses(Importer._Importer)
        self.current_importer_type = None
        self.my_importer = None

        # Define Selection-Types
        self.available_selection_types: t.list[t.type] = u.get_all_subclasses(Selection._Selection)
        self.current_selection_type = None
        self.my_selection = None  # Unlike my_filter my_selection needs to be accessed by several methods: do_pick, set_selection

        # Define Filter-Types
        self.available_filter_types: t.list[t.type] = u.get_all_subclasses(Filter._Filter)
        self.current_filter_type = None
        self.my_filter = None

        # Define-Optimizer Types
        self.available_optimizer_types: t.List[t.type] = u.get_all_subclasses(Optimizer._Optimizer)
        self.current_optimizer_type = None
        self.my_optimizer = None

        # Define-Exporter-Types
        self.available_exporter_types = u.get_all_subclasses(Exporter._Exporter)
        self.current_exporter_type = None
        self.my_exporter = None

        # Modes & Action_States (Modes: What do to atoms, when they are selected. Action states: Which actions are possible right now)
        # TODO CLEAN (1): If we ever use more porgram modes it mioght be cleaner to make the enum u.ActionStates a class,
        # which contains one attribute indicating actions AND one for each mode
        self.select_or_delete_mode = True  # True = select, False = delte
        self.atom_or_restraint_mode = True  # True = atom, False = Restraint

        self._action_states: dict = {
            'toggle_select_delete': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_ENABLED,
            'toggle_atom_restraint': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_ENABLED,
            'Importer': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Restraint': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Selection': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Filter': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Optimizer': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Exporter': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Done': u.ActionState.ALWAYS_ENABLED}
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, all_atoms: t.List[u.Atom]):
            Handles the program flow. By defining it inside a class we get proper encapsulation and prevent problems with multiple imports

            When a GUI Program Launches it should create one instance of a Logic_Handler and use it to control the program flow.
            It should pass GUI-events to it (by calling the react_to_event method.). The GUI Module should NOT need to directly access any other modules. (Except utilities).
            Warning: To keep things clean there is not backwards communicatopn from the Logic_Handler to the GUI module. It is the GUI Modules responsibility to check on the current state of the program, after creating events.
            Warning: I really do NOT want the GUI-Program to inherit form the Logic_Handler. It will inherit from a GUI Element (e.g. interface_Pymol.Wizard). Python suppports multiple inheritance, but I don't.

            The GUI Module should have the following functions/Elements

            1) Buttons/Lists... for the different actions that can be performed (Import, RestraintType, Selection ...). These should call the function set_importer_type, set_restraint_type ...
                    The GUI Program should use the action_states dict, to check which actions are currently available.
            2) 2 Toggle buttons / radio buttons... to switch between select / delete mode and atom / restraint mode

            2) Events: The GUI Module is responsible for translating whatever events it understands into events relevant to the selections. It can do this by calling the function react_to_event(event_type, kw_args)
               Recommended translations:    SELECT: When the user clicks a certain Atom
                                            MOVE: Mouse movement / keyboard arrows ...
                                            SIZE: Mouse wheel / keyboard arrows
                                            CONFIRM: Double Click, Enter ...

                 The GUI module should check the state of the program (event_state dict and selected_atoms, selected-restraints) every time after calling react_to_event.
                 I recommend wrapping the react_to_event function into a function of the GUI module to do that automatically.

            3) Some Selections (SphericalSelection & subclasses) are more intuitive if the GUI program draws a sphere at the corresponding position. => If you want that you have to introduce special for the GUI module to check the current selection

        all_atoms : t.List[u.Atom]
             List of all atoms in the Molecules, which should be connected


        self.all_atoms: t.List[u.Atom] = all_atoms
        self.selected_atoms: t.List[u.Atom] = []
        self.selected_restraints: t.List[Restraints._Restraint] = []

        # Define Restraint-Types
        self.all_restraint_types = u.get_all_subclasses(Restraint_Types._Restraint_Type)
        self.available_restraint_types = []
        self.current_restraint_type:Restraint_Types._Restraint_Type = Restraint_Types.DistanceRestraintType
        self.my_restraint: Restraint_Types._Restraint_Type = None

        # Define Importer-Types
        self.available_importer_types = u.get_all_subclasses(Importer._Importer)
        self.current_importer_type = None
        self.my_importer = None

        # Define Selection-Types
        self.available_selection_types: t.List[t.Type] = u.get_all_subclasses(Selection._Selection)
        self.current_selection_type = None
        self.my_selection = None  # Unlike my_filter my_selection needs to be accessed by several methods: do_pick, set_selection

        # Define Filter-Types
        self.available_filter_types: t.List[t.Type] = u.get_all_subclasses(Filter._Filter)
        self.current_filter_type = None
        self.my_filter = None

        # Define-Optimizer Types
        self.available_optimizer_types: t.List[t.Type] = [x for x in u.get_all_subclasses(Optimizer._Optimizer) if (not x == Optimizer.MetaMoleculeRingOptimizer)]
        self.current_optimizer_type = None
        self.my_optimizer = None

        # Define-Exporter-Types
        self.all_exporter_types = u.get_all_subclasses(Exporter._Exporter)
        self.available_exporter_types = u.get_all_subclasses(Exporter._Export_Distance_Restraints)
        self.current_exporter_type = None
        self.my_exporter = None

        # Modes & Action_States (Modes: What do to atoms, when they are selected. Action states: Which actions are possible right now)
        # which contains one attribute indicating actions AND one for each mode

        self._action_states: dict = {
            'toggle_select_delete': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_ENABLED,
            'toggle_atom_restraint': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_ENABLED,
            'Reset':  program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_ENABLED,
            'Importer': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Restraint': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Selection': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Filter': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Optimizer': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Exporter': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_DISABLED,
            'Done': program_states.ActionState.ALWAYS_ENABLED}

        self.set_mode(select_delete=True, atom_restraint=True)