def scan_occheck(filename, stream_result_path, pid_file, config_path): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) occheck_err_file = filename_result + ".error" occheck_json = filename_result + ".json" #print("occheck scan: " + filename) current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' occheck_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/occheck') command = "python " + occheck_bin + "/ " + filename + " --config " + config_path + " -f json -o " + occheck_json occheck_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, \ shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in occheck_p_2.stdout: continue finally: occheck_p_2.terminate() occheck_p_2.wait() if os.path.isfile(occheck_json): try: with open(occheck_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as occheckjsonfile: parsed_json = json.load(occheckjsonfile) with open(occheck_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: for checker_json in parsed_json: logfile.write(filename + '->' + str(checker_json['Line']) + '->' + \ checker_json['CheckName'] + '->' + checker_json['Message'] + '\n') except Exception as e: print('=>>scan_occheck->ERROR: ' + str(e) + "->" + occheck_json)
def scan_detekt(filename, stream_result_path, pid_file, config_path): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) detekt_err_file = filename_result + ".error" detekt_xml = filename_result + ".xml" #print("detekt scan: " + filename) current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' detekt_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/detekt') command = "java -jar " + detekt_bin + "/detekt-cli-1.0.0-RC14-all.jar " + "-i " + \ filename + " -c " + config_path + " -r xml:" + detekt_xml detekt_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, \ shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in detekt_p_2.stdout: pass finally: detekt_p_2.terminate() detekt_p_2.wait() if os.path.isfile(detekt_xml): try: with open(detekt_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=detekt_xml) for elem in tree.iter(): if elem.tag == "error": checker = elem.attrib['source'].replace("detekt.", "") logfile.write(filename + '->' + elem.attrib['line'] + '->' + \ checker + '->' + elem.attrib['message'] + '\n') except Exception as e: print('=>>scan_detekt->ERROR: ' + str(e) + "->" + detekt_xml)
def scan_cpplint(cpplint_file, filename, stream_result_path, skip_filters, open_checkers, checkers_options): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) cpplint_error_file = filename_result + ".error" filters = '--filter=' + skip_filters + ',' + open_checkers cpplint_path = sys.path[0] + '/../tools_dep/cpplint/' + cpplint_file + ".py" command = "python " + cpplint_path + " --output=codecc " + checkers_options + " " + filters + " " + filename + " >" + cpplint_error_file + ' 2>&1' os.system(command)
def scan_checkstyle(filename, stream_result_path, skip_filters, pid_file, config_path): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) checkstyle_err_file = filename_result + ".error" checkstyle_xml = filename_result + ".xml" #print("checkstyle scan: "+filename) current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' checkstyle_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/checkstyle') classpath = '' if os_type == "Windows": classpath = checkstyle_bin + '/checkstyle-8.11-all.jar' else: classpath = checkstyle_bin + '/checkstyle-8.11-all.jar' command = "java -classpath " + classpath + " -c " + config_path + " -f xml " + filename + " >" + checkstyle_xml checkstyle_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in checkstyle_p_2.stdout: print(line) finally: checkstyle_p_2.terminate() checkstyle_p_2.wait() with open(checkstyle_xml, "rU+", encoding='utf-8') as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: if not'^<', line): lines.remove(line) lines_str = ''.join(lines).strip() file.truncate() file.write(lines_str) #print("parse xml: "+checkstyle_xml) disable_option_array = skip_filters.split(";") if os.path.isfile(checkstyle_xml): try: with open(checkstyle_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=checkstyle_xml) for elem in tree.iter(): if "error" == elem.tag: #if elem.attrib['source'] in disable_option_array: # continue logfile.write(filename + '->' + elem.attrib['line'] + '->' + elem.attrib['source'] + '->' + elem.attrib['message'] + '\n') except Exception as e: print('=>>scan_checkstyle->ERROR:' + str(e) + checkstyle_xml)
def scan_sensitive(filename, stream_info): stream_result_path = stream_info['STREAM_RESULT_PATH'] pid_file = stream_info['PID_FILE'] stream_name = stream_info['STREAM_NAME'] proj_owner = stream_info['PROJ_OWNER'] proj_owner = proj_owner.replace(';', ',') skip_checkers = [] if 'SKIP_CHECKERS' in stream_info and stream_info['SKIP_CHECKERS'] != "": skip_checkers = stream_info['SKIP_CHECKERS'].split(";") filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) sensitive_err_file = filename_result + ".error" sensitive_json = filename_result + ".json" #print("sensitive scan: " + filename) tool_path = get_tool_path() command = tool_path + " " + stream_name + " " + \ proj_owner + " " + filename + " -f " + sensitive_json sensitive_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, \ shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in sensitive_p_2.stdout: continue #line = str(line.decode('utf-8')) #print(line) finally: sensitive_p_2.terminate() sensitive_p_2.wait() if os.path.isfile(sensitive_json): with open(sensitive_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as sensitivejsonfile: try: reg ="(?<=scan_result:).*", parsed_json = if reg else "{ }" parsed_json = json.loads(parsed_json) with open(sensitive_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: if "check_report" in parsed_json: for file_json in parsed_json["check_report"]: if not str( file_json['rule_name']) in skip_checkers: logfile.write(filename + '->' + str(file_json['line_no']) + '->' + \ str(file_json['rule_name']) + '->' + \ str(file_json['explanation']) + '\n') except Exception as e: print('=>>scan_sensitive->ERROR: ' + str(e) + "->" + \ sensitive_json + "->" +
def scan_eslint(filename, eslintrc, stream_result_path, skip_filters, pid_file, config_path): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) eslint_err_file = filename_result + ".error" eslint_json = filename_result + ".json" #print("eslint scan: "+filename) current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' eslint_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/eslintrc') command = "eslint --no-eslintrc -f json -c " + config_path + " " + filename + " >" + eslint_json #print(command) eslint_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in eslint_p_2.stdout: if 'RangeError' in line: return print(line) finally: eslint_p_2.terminate() eslint_p_2.wait() #print("parse json: "+eslint_json) disable_option_array = skip_filters.split(";") if os.path.isfile(eslint_json): with open(eslint_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as eslintjsonfile: try: parsed_json = json.load(eslintjsonfile) with open(eslint_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: for file_json in parsed_json: path = file_json["filePath"] error_list = file_json["messages"] for line_json in error_list: #if not line_json["ruleId"] in disable_option_array: logfile.write( str(path) + "->" + str(line_json["line"]) + "->" + str(line_json["ruleId"]) + "->" + str(line_json["message"]) + "->" + str(line_json["nodeType"]) + "->" + str(line_json["column"]).replace("\n", "\\n") + "\n") except ValueError: print("parse json error, maybe empty :" + eslint_json)
def scan_ccn(filename, stream_result_path, pid_file, ccn_number): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) ccn_err_file = filename_result + ".error" if os.path.isfile(filename): current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' ccn_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/lizard') command = "python " + ccn_bin + "/ " + filename + " -w -C " + ccn_number + " -L 100000 >" + ccn_err_file ccn_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in ccn_p_2.stdout: print(line) finally: ccn_p_2.terminate() ccn_p_2.wait()
def scan_stylecop(filename, stream_result_path, skip_filters, pid_file, config_path): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) stylecop_err_file = filename_result + ".error" stylecop_xml = filename_result + ".xml" #print("stylecop scan: "+filename) current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' stylecop_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/stylecop') os.chdir(stylecop_bin) command = 'mono StyleCopCLI.exe -set ' + config_path + ' -cs \"' + filename + '\" -out ' + stylecop_xml stylecop_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in stylecop_p_2.stdout: print(line) finally: stylecop_p_2.terminate() stylecop_p_2.wait() #print("parse xml: "+stylecop_xml) disable_option_array = skip_filters.split(";") if os.path.isfile(stylecop_xml): try: with open(stylecop_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=stylecop_xml) for elem in tree.iter(): if "Violation" == elem.tag: if elem.attrib['Rule'] in disable_option_array or elem.attrib[ 'Rule'] == 'CurlyBracketsForMultiLineStatementsMustNotShareLine' or elem.attrib[ 'Rule'] == 'SyntaxException': continue logfile.write(filename + '->' + elem.attrib['LineNumber'] + '->' + elem.attrib['Rule'] + '->' + elem.text + '\n') except Exception as e: print('=>>scan_stylecop->ERROR:' + str(e) + stylecop_xml)
def scan_phpcs(filename, stream_info): stream_result_path = stream_info['STREAM_RESULT_PATH'] pid_file = stream_info['PID_FILE'] phpcs_standard = stream_info['PHPCS_STANDARD'] skip_checkers = [] if 'SKIP_CHECKERS' in stream_info and stream_info['SKIP_CHECKERS'] != "": skip_checkers = stream_info['SKIP_CHECKERS'].split(";") filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) phpcs_err_file = filename_result + ".error" phpcs_xml = filename_result + ".xml" #print("phpcs scan: " + filename) current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' phpcs_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/phpcs') command = "php " + phpcs_bin + "/phpcs.phar " + "--standard=" + phpcs_standard + " " + \ filename + " --report=xml > " + phpcs_xml phpcs_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, \ shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in phpcs_p_2.stdout: line = str(line.decode('utf-8')) print(line) finally: phpcs_p_2.terminate() phpcs_p_2.wait() if os.path.isfile(phpcs_xml): try: with open(phpcs_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=phpcs_xml) for elem in tree.iter(): if (elem.tag == "error" or elem.tag == "warning") and \ not elem.attrib['source'] in skip_checkers: logfile.write(filename + '->' + elem.attrib['line'] + '->' + \ elem.attrib['source'] + '->' + elem.text + '\n') except Exception as e: print('=>>scan_phpcs->ERROR: ' + str(e) + "->" + phpcs_xml)
def scan_pylint(filename, pylint_path, stream_result_path, disable_option, py_path, pid_file, config_path): filename_result = result.get_result_file_path(stream_result_path, filename) pylint_err_file = filename_result + ".error" pylint_json = filename_result + ".json" command = "python --output-format=json --reports=n --rcfile " + config_path + " " + filename + " >" + pylint_json try: os.chdir(pylint_path) #print("pylint scan: "+filename) pylint_p_2 = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, start_new_session=True) pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in pylint_p_2.stdout: print(line) finally: pylint_p_2.terminate() pylint_p_2.wait() #print("parse json: "+pylint_json) if os.path.isfile(pylint_json): with open(pylint_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as pylintjsonfile: try: parsed_json = json.load(pylintjsonfile) with open(pylint_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: for line_json in parsed_json: logfile.write( str(line_json["path"]) + "->" + str(line_json["line"]) + "->" + str(line_json["symbol"]) + "->" + str(line_json["message"]).replace("\n", "\\n") + "\n") except ValueError: #print("parse json error, maybe empty :"+pylint_json) pass
def parse_project_goml_json_file_error(stream_info): scan_path = stream_info['STREAM_CODE_PATH'] project_goml_json = stream_info['PROJECT_GOML_JSON'] if os.path.isfile(project_goml_json) and os.path.getsize( project_goml_json): with open(project_goml_json, "r", encoding='utf-8') as jsonfile: all_result_json = json.load(jsonfile) for line in all_result_json: file_path = scan_path + '/' + line["path"] filename_result = result.get_result_file_path( stream_info['STREAM_RESULT_PATH'], file_path) file_error_path = filename_result + '.error' error_line = str(file_path) + '->' + str( line["line"]) + '->' + str(line["linter"]) + '->' + str( line["message"]) + '' try: with open(file_error_path, "a+", encoding='utf-8') as file_list: file_list.write(error_line + "\n") except Exception as e: print( "=>>parse_project_goml_json_file_error->ERROR:" + str(e) + file_error_path)
def check(): current_path = sys.path[0] project_file_list = "" stream_result_path = "" pool_processes = "" skip_filters = "" pid_file = "" config_path = "" if 'PROJECT_FILE_LIST' in stream_info: project_file_list = stream_info['PROJECT_FILE_LIST'] if 'STREAM_RESULT_PATH' in stream_info: stream_result_path = stream_info['STREAM_RESULT_PATH'] if 'POOL_PROCESSES' in stream_info: pool_processes = stream_info['POOL_PROCESSES'] if 'SKIP_CHECKERS' in stream_info: skip_filters = stream_info['SKIP_CHECKERS'] if 'PID_FILE' in stream_info: pid_file = stream_info['PID_FILE'] if 'CONFIG_PATH' in stream_info: config_path = stream_info['CONFIG_PATH'] if 'STREAM_CODE_PATH' in stream_info: stream_code_path = stream_info['STREAM_CODE_PATH'] if project_file_list == '' or stream_result_path == '' or pool_processes == '' or pid_file == '': print('below option is empty!') print('project_file_list: ' + project_file_list) print('stream_result_path: ' + stream_result_path) print('pool_processes: ' + pool_processes) print('pid_file: ' + pid_file) exit(1) os.chdir(stream_code_path) #运行编译命令 if 'PROJECT_BUILD_COMMAND' in stream_info: os.system(stream_info['PROJECT_BUILD_COMMAND']) #配置project_class_file_list stream_info['PROJECT_CLASS_FILE_LIST'] = os.path.join( stream_info["STREAM_DATA_PATH"], 'project_class_file_list.txt') #生成class文件列表 file.general_class_list_file(stream_info) #如果无project_class_file_list返回 if not os.path.isfile(stream_info['PROJECT_CLASS_FILE_LIST']): return current_path = sys.path[0] + '/../' spotbugs_lib = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools_dep/spotbugs/lib') spotbugs_ouput_xml = os.path.join(stream_info["STREAM_DATA_PATH"], 'spotbugs_ouput.xml') command = 'java -jar ' + spotbugs_lib + '/spotbugs.jar -textui -include ' + config_path + ' -xdocs -output ' + spotbugs_ouput_xml + ' -analyzeFromFile ' + stream_info[ 'PROJECT_CLASS_FILE_LIST'] spotbugs_p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, \ shell=True, start_new_session=True) try: pid_config.add_pid(str(, pid_file) for line in spotbugs_p.stdout: pass finally: spotbugs_p.terminate() spotbugs_p.wait() os.chdir(current_path) if os.path.isfile(spotbugs_ouput_xml): try: sub_root = ET.ElementTree(file=spotbugs_ouput_xml).getroot() for elem in sub_root.findall("file"): try: reg_path = elem.attrib['classname'].replace('.', '/') + '.java' file_path = file.find_project_file_list_path( reg_path, project_file_list) if '' == file_path: continue filename_result = result.get_result_file_path( stream_result_path, file_path) spotbugs_err_file = filename_result + ".error" with open(spotbugs_err_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: for sub_elem in elem.iter(): try: logfile.write(file_path + '->' + sub_elem.attrib['line'] + '->' + sub_elem.attrib['type'] + '->' + sub_elem.attrib['message'] + '\n') except: pass except: pass except Exception as e: print('=>>check->ERROR: ' + str(e) + "->" + spotbugs_ouput_xml)
def blame_run(file_path, stream_info, stream_code_path): try: filename_result=result.get_result_file_path(stream_info["STREAM_RESULT_PATH"],file_path) file_path_url=filename_result+".scm_url.xml" file_path_info=filename_result+".scm_info.xml" file_path_blame=filename_result+".scm_blame.xml" txt_file_path_blame=filename_result+".scm_blame.txt" #print(util.get_datetime()+" get "+stream_info["SCM_TYPE"]+" "+stream_info["CERT_TYPE"]+" scm info "+file_path) #print(util.get_datetime()+" get "+stream_info["SCM_TYPE"]+" "+stream_info["CERT_TYPE"]+" scm blame "+file_path) scm_info_command = "" scm_blame_command = "" scm_url_command = "" if stream_info["SCM_TYPE"] == "svn" and stream_info["CERT_TYPE"] == "http": scm_url_command = "svn info --non-interactive --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert --username "+stream_info["ACCOUNT"]+" --password "+stream_info["PASSWORD"]+" --xml \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_url+"\"" scm_info_command = "svn log -r 1:HEAD --limit 1 --xml --non-interactive --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert --username "+stream_info["ACCOUNT"]+" --password "+stream_info["PASSWORD"]+" \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_info+"\"" scm_blame_command = "svn blame --non-interactive --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert --username "+stream_info["ACCOUNT"]+" --password "+stream_info["PASSWORD"]+" --xml \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_blame+"\"" elif stream_info["SCM_TYPE"] == "svn" and stream_info["CERT_TYPE"] == "ssh" and not 'OFFLINE' in stream_info: ssh_access_command = ssh.scm_ssh_access(stream_info) scm_url_command = " svn info --xml \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_url+"\"" scm_info_command = ssh_access_command+" svn log -r 1:HEAD --limit 1 --xml \""+file_path+"\" | grep -v ^$ | grep -v \'Agent pid\' >\""+file_path_info+"\"" scm_blame_command = ssh_access_command+" svn blame --xml \""+file_path+"\" | grep -v ^$ | grep -v \'Agent pid\' | grep -v \'spawn ssh-add\' | grep -v \'Enter passphrase for\' | grep -v \'Identity added:\' >\""+file_path_blame+"\"" elif stream_info["SCM_TYPE"] == "svn" and stream_info["CERT_TYPE"] == "ssh" and 'OFFLINE' in stream_info: scm_url_command = " svn info --xml \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_url+"\"" scm_info_command = " svn log -r 1:HEAD --limit 1 --xml \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_info+"\"" scm_blame_command = " svn blame --xml \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_blame+"\"" elif stream_info["SCM_TYPE"] == "git": module_list = get_modules(stream_code_path) for info in module_list: sub_path = ''.join(stream_code_path+'/'+info['path']).replace('//','/') if sub_path in file_path: #print('match :'+str(file_path)) os.chdir(sub_path) break else: os.chdir(stream_code_path) scm_url_command = "git log --pretty=format:%h \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_url+"\"" scm_info_command = "git log --pretty=format:\"%ad\" --date=iso --reverse \""+file_path+"\" >\""+file_path_info+"\"" scm_blame_command = "git blame \""+file_path+"\" -t >\""+file_path_blame+"\"" elif stream_info["SCM_TYPE"] == "http_download": scm_url_command = 'echo >\"'+file_path_url+'\"' scm_info_command = 'echo >\"'+file_path_info+'\"' scm_blame_command = 'echo >\"'+file_path_blame+'\"' os.system('echo >\"'+txt_file_path_blame+'\"') os.system(scm_info_command + ' 2>/dev/null') os.system(scm_blame_command + ' 2>/dev/null') os.system(scm_url_command + ' 2>/dev/null') check_rerun = False if stream_info["SCM_TYPE"] != 'http_download': if os.path.isfile(file_path_blame): try: with open(file_path_blame, "rb") as file: allens = len(file.readlines()) if allens < 3: check_rerun = True except Exception as e: print("=>>blame_run->ERROR:"+str(e)+file_path_blame) #if check_rerun: # #print(util.get_datetime()+" scm blame failed again try: "+file_path_blame) # os.system(scm_blame_command) translate_blame_xml(file_path_blame, txt_file_path_blame, stream_info) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e)
def generate_file_data_json(stream_info, file_path): try: tool_type = stream_info['TOOL_TYPE'] filename_result = result.get_result_file_path( stream_info["STREAM_RESULT_PATH"], file_path) error_file = filename_result + ".error" xml_file_path_url = filename_result + ".scm_url.xml" xml_file_path_info = filename_result + ".scm_info.xml" txt_file_path_blame = filename_result + ".scm_blame.txt" if not os.path.isfile(error_file) or not os.path.isfile( xml_file_path_info) or not os.path.isfile( txt_file_path_blame) or not os.path.isfile( xml_file_path_url): return error_lines = [] blame_lines = [] file_change_time = "" file_scm_info = {} filedata = {} with open(error_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as error_file_lines: error_lines = error_file_lines.readlines() with open(txt_file_path_blame, "r", encoding='utf-8') as blame_line: blame_lines = blame_line.readlines() file_change_time = scm.parse_info_xml(xml_file_path_info, stream_info) file_scm_info = scm.parse_log_xml(xml_file_path_url, file_path, stream_info) if len(error_lines) <= 0: return if tool_type == 'ccn': with open(stream_info['PROJECT_AVG_FILE_CC_LIST'], "a+", encoding='utf-8') as cc_file: portalocker.lock(cc_file, portalocker.LOCK_EX) cc_file.write(str(error_lines[len(error_lines) - 1])) filedata["filename"] = file_path filedata["file_change_time"] = file_change_time if 'TOOL_TYPE' in stream_info: filedata["tool_name"] = stream_info['TOOL_TYPE'] if 'TASK_ID' in stream_info: filedata["task_id"] = stream_info['TASK_ID'] if 'STREAM_NAME' in stream_info: filedata["stream_name"] = stream_info['STREAM_NAME'] if 'url' in file_scm_info: filedata["url"] = file_scm_info['url'] if 'repo_id' in file_scm_info: filedata["repo_id"] = file_scm_info['repo_id'] if 'revision' in file_scm_info: filedata["revision"] = file_scm_info['revision'] if 'branch' in file_scm_info: filedata["branch"] = file_scm_info['branch'] if 'rel_path' in file_scm_info: filedata["rel_path"] = file_scm_info['rel_path'] if 'sub_module' in file_scm_info: filedata["sub_module"] = file_scm_info['sub_module'] defects = [] if tool_type == "ccn": defects = defects_data_ccn(stream_info, error_lines, blame_lines) else: defects = defects_data(stream_info, error_lines, blame_lines) if len(defects) > 0: #压缩字符串 zip_bytes = zlib.compress( bytes(json.dumps(defects), encoding='utf-8')) #base64编码 zip_str = base64.b64encode(zip_bytes).decode('utf-8') filedata["defectsCompress"] = zip_str filedata_data = json.dumps(filedata) filedata_data = filedata_data.replace(": ", ":") #print(filedata_data) codecc_web.codecc_upload_file_json(filedata_data) #else: # print(util.get_datetime()+" can not found defect file "+file_path) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e)
def dupc_generate_data_json(stream_info): try: all_result_json = {} with open(stream_info['PROJECT_FILE_DUPC_JSON'], "r", encoding='utf-8') as jsonfile: all_result_json = json.load(jsonfile) for idx, file_info in enumerate(all_result_json['files_info']): filedata = {} filename_result = result.get_result_file_path( stream_info["STREAM_RESULT_PATH"], file_info['file_path']) txt_file_path_blame = filename_result + ".scm_blame.txt" xml_file_path_info = filename_result + ".scm_info.xml" xml_file_path_url = filename_result + ".scm_url.xml" file_info["file_change_time"] = scm.parse_info_xml( xml_file_path_info, stream_info) filedata = scm.parse_log_xml(xml_file_path_url, file_info['file_path'], stream_info) blameline = "" file_author_set = set([]) if os.path.isfile(txt_file_path_blame): with open(txt_file_path_blame, "r", encoding='utf-8') as blame_line: blameline = blame_line.readlines() for block_idx, block in enumerate(file_info['block_list']): author_name_set = set([]) author_name_list = [] author_list = {} lines_list = range(0, len(blameline)) if len(blameline) > int( block['start_lines']) and len(blameline) < int( block['end_lines']): lines_list = range(int(block['start_lines']), len(blameline)) elif len(blameline) > int(block['end_lines']): lines_list = range(int(block['start_lines']), int(block['end_lines'])) for i in lines_list: line_blame_data = blameline[i].split('->') author_name_list.append(line_blame_data[1]) author_name_set.add(line_blame_data[1]) if line_blame_data[1] in author_list: change_time = author_list[ line_blame_data[1]].strip().split('.')[0] if change_time, line_blame_data[2].strip().split('.')[0]): author_list[line_blame_data[1]] = line_blame_data[ 2].strip() else: author_list[ line_blame_data[1]] = line_blame_data[2].strip() author_info = "" for author_name in author_name_set: if author_info != "": info_array = author_info.split('->') if int(info_array[1]) < author_name_list.count( author_name): author_info = author_name + "->" + str( author_name_list.count(author_name) ) + "->" + author_list[author_name] else: author_info = author_name + "->" + str( author_name_list.count( author_name)) + "->" + author_list[author_name] if author_info != "": file_author_set.add(author_info.split('->')[0]) block['author'] = author_info.split('->')[0] temp_datetime = str(author_info.split('->')[2]) st = time.strptime(temp_datetime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') final_datetime = time.mktime(st) block['latest_datetime'] = final_datetime file_info['block_list'][block_idx] = block file_info['author_list'] = ';'.join(file_author_set) filedata['tool_name'] = 'dupc' filedata["stream_name"] = stream_info['STREAM_NAME'] filedata["task_id"] = stream_info['TASK_ID'] #压缩字符串 zip_bytes = zlib.compress( bytes(json.dumps(file_info), encoding='utf-8')) #base64编码 zip_str = base64.b64encode(zip_bytes).decode('utf-8') filedata["defectsCompress"] = zip_str filedata_data = json.dumps(filedata) filedata_data = filedata_data.replace(": ", ":") #print(util.get_datetime()+" start upload file "+file_info['file_path']) #print(filedata_data) codecc_web.codecc_upload_file_json(filedata_data) project_summary = {} project_summary['stream_name'] = stream_info['STREAM_NAME'] project_summary['task_id'] = stream_info['TASK_ID'] project_summary['scan_summary'] = all_result_json['scan_summary'] summary_data = json.dumps(project_summary) summary_data = summary_data.replace(": ", ":") #print(util.get_datetime()+" start submit summary_data") codecc_web.upload_project_dupc_summary(summary_data) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e)