コード例 #1
createDbCursor.execute("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;")
createDbCursor.execute("SET UNIQUE_CHECKS = 0;")
createDbCursor.execute("SET SESSION tx_isolation='READ-UNCOMMITTED'")
createDbCursor.execute("SET sql_log_bin = 0;")


# Dictionaries and arrays for SQL and MongoDB queries
snpInserts = {}    # Dictionary for rsid/insert for SNP data
lociInserts = []   # Array for loci insert queries
rsidList = {}      # Dictionary of RSIDs that will also hold the 
                   # primary key for each SNP in SQL

for curChr in chromosomes:
    result = Result()
    result.method = "MySQL"
    result.tag = tag    
    print "Chromosome " + str(curChr)
    result.chromosome = str(curChr)
    # Set file paths for current chromosome
    curSnpFilePath = snpFilePath.format(curChr)
    curLociFilePath = lociFilePath.format(curChr)
    if len(path) > 0:
        curSnpFilePath = path.rstrip('\\') + '\\' + curSnpFilePath
        curLociFilePath = path.rsplit('\\') + '\\' + curLociFilePath
    # Clear dictionaries for loading multiple chromosomes
    lociInserts = []
コード例 #2
# Disable triggers/constraints on tables
createDbCursor.execute("ALTER TABLE snp DISABLE trigger ALL;")
createDbCursor.execute("ALTER TABLE locus DISABLE trigger ALL;")


# Dictionaries and arrays for SQL and MongoDB queries
snpInserts = {}    # Dictionary for rsid/insert for SNP data
lociInserts = []   # Array for loci insert queries
rsidList = {}      # Dictionary of RSIDs that will also hold the 
                   # primary key for each SNP in SQL

# Load each chromosome into database
for curChr in chromosomes:
    result = Result()
    result.method = "pgsql"
    result.tag = tag    
    print "Chromosome " + str(curChr)
    result.chromosome = str(curChr)
    # Set file paths for current chromosome
    curSnpFilePath = snpFilePath.format(curChr)
    curLociFilePath = lociFilePath.format(curChr)
    if len(path) > 0:
        curSnpFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curSnpFilePath
        curLociFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curLociFilePath
    # Clear dictionaries for loading multiple chromosomes
    lociInserts = []
コード例 #3
                hitMin = True
            if hitMin:
        chromosomes = startList    

# Create MongoDB and MySQL connections
mongoClient = MongoClient(mongoHost)
mongoDb = mongoClient[databaseName]
mongoCollection = mongoDb[collectionName]

# Dictionaries and arrays for SQL and MongoDB queries
documents = {}     # Dictionary for MongoDB SNP/loci documents

for curChr in chromosomes:
    result = Result()
    result.method = "Mongo"
    if bulk:
        result.method += "-Bulk"
    if mongoimport:
        result.method += "-jsonImport"
    result.tag = tag
    print "Chromosome " + str(curChr)
    result.chromosome = str(curChr)
    # Set file paths for current chromosome
    curSnpFilePath = snpFilePath.format(curChr)
    curLociFilePath = lociFilePath.format(curChr)

    if len(path) > 0:
        curSnpFilePath = path.rstrip('\\') + '\\' + curSnpFilePath
        curLociFilePath = path.rsplit('\\') + '\\' + curLociFilePath
コード例 #4
# Open results file, print headers
resultsFileName = 'qresults-pgsql-nosql'
if resultsFileName != "":
    resultsFileName += '-' + tag
resultsFileName += '.txt'
resultsFile = open(resultsFileName, 'w')
result = Result()
resultsFile.write(result.toHeader() + '\n')

# Create pgsql connection
postgresConnection = psycopg2.connect("dbname=" + databaseName + " user="******"ACSL6","ZDHHC8","TPH1","SYN2","DISC1","DISC2","COMT","FXYD6","ERBB4","DAOA","MEGF10","SLC18A1","DYM","SREBF2","NXRN1","CSF2RA","IL3RA","DRD2"]

for z in range(1,11):
    for g in genes:
        result = Result()
        result.method = "pgsql-jsonb-QrySet" + str(z)
        result.tag = tag + "-" + g + "/" + str(z)
        print "Running queries: " + g + "/" + str(z)

        qryStart = time.time()
        cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM snp WHERE jsondata->\'loci\' @> \'[{"gene":"' + g + '"}]\'')
        qryEnd = time.time()
        result.qryByGene = qryEnd-qryStart        

        resultsFile.write(result.toString() + '\n')
print "Run complete!"
コード例 #5
    gs = gspread.Client(auth=(gusername,gpassword))
    ss = gs.open_by_key(docKey)
    ws = ss.add_worksheet(tag + "-" + str(time.time()),1,1)

# Create MySQL database, tables if not exists
mysqlConnection = MySQLdb.connect(host=sqlHost,user=username,passwd=password,db=databaseName)
cursor = mysqlConnection.cursor()

genes = ["ACSL6","ZDHHC8","TPH1","SYN2","DISC1","DISC2","COMT","FXYD6","ERBB4","DAOA","MEGF10","SLC18A1","DYM","SREBF2","NXRN1","CSF2RA","IL3RA","DRD2"]

for z in range(1,11):
    for g in genes:
        result = Result()
        result.method = "MySQL-QrySet" + str(z)
        result.tag = tag + "-" + g + "/" + str(z)
        print "Running queries: " + g + "/" + str(z)
        qryStart = time.time()
        cursor.execute("SELECT count(distinct s.rsid) FROM locus l, snp s WHERE l.snp_id = s.id AND l.gene = '" + g + "'")
        qryEnd = time.time()
        result.qryByGene = qryEnd-qryStart        
        qryStart = time.time()
        cursor.execute("SELECT count(distinct s.rsid) FROM locus l, snp s WHERE l.snp_id = s.id AND l.gene = '" + g + "' AND s.has_sig = true")
        qryEnd = time.time()
        result.qryByGeneSig = qryEnd-qryStart     

        resultsFile.write(result.toString() + '\n')
        if remote:
コード例 #6
    ss = gs.open_by_key(docKey)
    ws = ss.add_worksheet(tag + "-" + str(time.time()),1,1)

# Create MongoDB connection
mongoClient = MongoClient(mongoHost)
mongoDb = mongoClient[databaseName]
mongoCollection = mongoDb[collectionName]
genes = ["ACSL6","ZDHHC8","TPH1","SYN2","DISC1","DISC2","COMT","FXYD6","ERBB4","DAOA","MEGF10","SLC18A1","DYM","SREBF2","NXRN1","CSF2RA","IL3RA","DRD2"]

for z in range(1,11):
    for g in genes:
        result = Result()
        result.method = "Mongo-QrySet" + str(z)
        result.tag = tag + "-" + g + "/" + str(z)
        print "Running queries: " + g + "/" + str(z)
        qryStart = time.time()
        temptotal = mongoCollection.find({"loci.gene":g}).count()
        qryEnd = time.time()
        result.qryByGene = qryEnd-qryStart        
        qryStart = time.time()
        temptotal = mongoCollection.find({"has_sig":True,"loci.gene":g}).count()
        qryEnd = time.time()
        result.qryByGeneSig = qryEnd-qryStart     

        resultsFile.write(result.toString() + '\n')
        if remote:
コード例 #7
for name, ddl in TABLES.iteritems():

# Disable triggers/constraints on tables
createDbCursor.execute("ALTER TABLE snp DISABLE trigger ALL;")


# Dictionaries and arrays for SQL and MongoDB queries
documents = {}     # Dictionary for MongoDB SNP/loci documents

for curChr in chromosomes:
    result = Result()
    result.method = "pgsql-json"
    if jsonb:
        result.method = "pgsql-jsonb"
    result.tag = tag    
    print "Chromosome " + str(curChr)
    result.chromosome = str(curChr)
    # Set file paths for current chromosome
    curSnpFilePath = snpFilePath.format(curChr)
    curLociFilePath = lociFilePath.format(curChr)
    if len(path) > 0:
        curSnpFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curSnpFilePath
        curLociFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curLociFilePath