コード例 #1
def ioq(ask=True):
    pipeline = [(('object', 'model'), ('model', ), ('world', )),
                (('world', ), ('view', 'camera'), ('camera', 'eye')),
                (('camera', 'eye'), ('projection', ), ('canonical view volume',
                (('canonical view volume', 'clip'), ('perspective division', ),
                 ('2d', )), (('2d', ), ('viewport', ), ('screen', ))]
    stage = rv.choose_random_from(pipeline)
    space_syn = rv.choose_random_from(("space", "coordinates"))
    qp = (
    qidx = rv.choose_random_from(range(len(qp)))
    q = 'The %s transformation transforms %s %s into %s %s.\n' % (
        qp[1], qp[0], space_syn, qp[2], space_syn)
    q = q.replace(qp[qidx], rv.blank())

    # hacky: fix phrasing for some terms that don't fit templates
    q = q.replace("The perspective division transformation",
                  "Perspective division")
    q = q.replace("canonical view volume %s" % space_syn,
                  "the canonical view volume")

    a = stage[qidx]
    categories = [y for x in pipeline for y in x[qidx]]

    if ask:
        ua = rv.expect_categorical(q, categories)
        rv.check_answer(a, ua, q, "input/output",
        return q, a, (categories)
コード例 #2
def directionq():
    x = rv.vector3()
    y = rv.vector3()
    a = 'a'
    if (x.dot(y) < 0):
        a = 'b'
    elif x.dot(y) == 0:
        a = 'c'
    q = "What is the relationship between the following two vectors?\n %s, %s\n a) They point in the same direction\n b) they point in opposite directions\n c) they are perpendicular\n" % (
        numpy.array_str(x), numpy.array_str(y))
    ua = rv.expect_categorical(q, ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    rv.check_answer(a, ua, q, "direction")
コード例 #3
def samplingq(ask=True):
    ir = np.random.randint(2**4, 2**7, 2)
    q1 = "Given a texture of size (%d, %d) and an image of size (%d, %d), how many texels must cover each pixel?" % (
        ir[0], ir[0], ir[1], ir[1])
    a1 = ir[0] / ir[1]
    q2 = "Is this a problem of magnification (mag) or minification (min)?"
    if ir[0] < ir[1]:
        a2 = "mag"
        a2 = "min"

    rv.writeModule(dict(zip("ir, a1, a2".split(','), (ir, a1, a2))))

    if ask:
        ua1 = rv.expect_float(q1)
        rv.check_answer(a1, ua1, q1, "texel:pixel")
        ua2 = rv.expect_categorical(q2, ('mag', 'min'))
        rv.check_answer(a2, ua2, q2, "magnification")
        return rv.combine((q1, q2), False), rv.combine((a1, a2), False)
コード例 #4
def projectionq(ask=True):
    projectionqs = [
        ("Projectors pass through a *viewpoint*.", 'p'),
        ("Projectors all are in the same projection *direction*.", 'o'),
        ("Further objects are smaller.", 'p'),
        ("Parallel lines are preserved.", 'o'),
        ("Viewing volume is shaped like a frustum.", 'p'),
        ("Viewing volume is shaped like a parallelipiped.", 'o'),
        ("Looks more natural.", 'p'),
        ("Useful for architectural drawings.", 'o'),

    pq = rv.choose_random_from(projectionqs)
    q = "For which kind of projection is the following statement true? Answer 'p' for perspective or 'o' for orthographic.\n %s " % pq[
    a = pq[1]
    if ask:
        ua = rv.expect_categorical(q, ('o', 'p'))
        rv.check_answer(a, ua, q, "projection")
        return q, a, ()