def _parse_regions(regions, region, region_col): """ Parse CLI regions inputs for ProjectPoints Parameters ---------- regions : str json string or file path to .json containing regions of interest in the form {'region': 'region_column'} region : str Region to extract region_col : str Meta column to search for region Returns ------- regions : dict Dictionary of region_col: regions to generate project points """ msg = None if regions is not None: if regions.endwtih('.json'): regions = safe_json_load(regions) else: regions = dict_str_load(regions) if region is not None: if regions is None: regions = {region: region_col} else: if region in regions: msg = ("Multiple values for {}: {} were provided!".format( region, region_col)) else: regions.update({region: region_col}) if regions is None: msg = ("At least a single 'region' and 'region-col' must be " "supplied in order to create ProjectPoints!") if msg is not None: logger.error(msg) raise ProjectPointsValueError(msg) return regions
def exclusions(ctx, excl_fpath, out_dir, sub_dir, excl_dict, area_filter_kernel, min_area, plot_type, cmap, plot_step, log_file, verbose, terminal): """ Extract and plot reV exclusions mask """ name = ctx.obj['NAME'] if any([verbose, ctx.obj['VERBOSE']]): log_level = 'DEBUG' else: log_level = 'INFO' init_logger('reV', log_file=log_file, log_level=log_level) qa_dir = out_dir if sub_dir is not None: qa_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, sub_dir) if isinstance(excl_dict, str): excl_dict = dict_str_load(excl_dict) QaQc.exclusions_mask(excl_fpath, qa_dir, layers_dict=excl_dict, min_area=min_area, kernel=area_filter_kernel, plot_type=plot_type, cmap=cmap, plot_step=plot_step) if terminal: status = { 'dirout': out_dir, 'job_status': 'successful', 'finput': excl_fpath } Status.make_job_file(out_dir, 'qa-qc', name, status)
def direct(ctx, sc_points, trans_table, fixed_charge_rate, sc_features, transmission_costs, sort_on, offshore_trans_table, wind_dirs, n_dirs, downwind, offshore_compete, max_workers, out_dir, log_dir, simple, line_limited, verbose): """reV Supply Curve CLI.""" name = ctx.obj['NAME'] ctx.obj['SC_POINTS'] = sc_points ctx.obj['TRANS_TABLE'] = trans_table ctx.obj['FIXED_CHARGE_RATE'] = fixed_charge_rate ctx.obj['SC_FEATURES'] = sc_features ctx.obj['TRANSMISSION_COSTS'] = transmission_costs ctx.obj['SORT_ON'] = sort_on ctx.obj['OFFSHORE_TRANS_TABLE'] = offshore_trans_table ctx.obj['WIND_DIRS'] = wind_dirs ctx.obj['N_DIRS'] = n_dirs ctx.obj['DOWNWIND'] = downwind ctx.obj['MAX_WORKERS'] = max_workers ctx.obj['OFFSHORE_COMPETE'] = offshore_compete ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'] = out_dir ctx.obj['LOG_DIR'] = log_dir ctx.obj['SIMPLE'] = simple ctx.obj['LINE_LIMITED'] = line_limited ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: t0 = time.time() init_mult( name, log_dir, modules=[__name__, 'reV.supply_curve', 'reV.handlers', 'rex'], verbose=verbose) if isinstance(transmission_costs, str): transmission_costs = dict_str_load(transmission_costs) offshore_table = offshore_trans_table try: if simple: out = SupplyCurve.simple(sc_points, trans_table, fixed_charge_rate, sc_features=sc_features, transmission_costs=transmission_costs, sort_on=sort_on, wind_dirs=wind_dirs, n_dirs=n_dirs, downwind=downwind, max_workers=max_workers, offshore_trans_table=offshore_table, offshore_compete=offshore_compete) else: out = SupplyCurve.full(sc_points, trans_table, fixed_charge_rate, sc_features=sc_features, transmission_costs=transmission_costs, line_limited=line_limited, sort_on=sort_on, wind_dirs=wind_dirs, n_dirs=n_dirs, downwind=downwind, max_workers=max_workers, offshore_trans_table=offshore_table, offshore_compete=offshore_compete) except Exception as e: logger.exception('Supply curve compute failed. Received the ' 'following error:\n{}'.format(e)) raise e fn_out = '{}.csv'.format(name) fpath_out = os.path.join(out_dir, fn_out) out.to_csv(fpath_out, index=False) runtime = (time.time() - t0) / 60'Supply curve complete. Time elapsed: {:.2f} min. ' 'Target output dir: {}'.format(runtime, out_dir)) finput = [sc_points, trans_table] if sc_features is not None: finput.append(sc_features) if transmission_costs is not None: finput.append(transmission_costs) # add job to reV status file. status = { 'dirout': out_dir, 'fout': fn_out, 'job_status': 'successful', 'runtime': runtime, 'finput': finput } Status.make_job_file(out_dir, 'supply-curve', name, status)
def direct(ctx, excl_fpath, gen_fpath, econ_fpath, res_fpath, tm_dset, excl_dict, check_excl_layers, res_class_dset, res_class_bins, cf_dset, lcoe_dset, h5_dsets, data_layers, resolution, excl_area, power_density, area_filter_kernel, min_area, friction_fpath, friction_dset, out_dir, log_dir, verbose): """reV Supply Curve Aggregation Summary CLI.""" name = ctx.obj['NAME'] ctx.obj['EXCL_FPATH'] = excl_fpath ctx.obj['GEN_FPATH'] = gen_fpath ctx.obj['ECON_FPATH'] = econ_fpath ctx.obj['RES_FPATH'] = res_fpath ctx.obj['TM_DSET'] = tm_dset ctx.obj['EXCL_DICT'] = excl_dict ctx.obj['CHECK_LAYERS'] = check_excl_layers ctx.obj['RES_CLASS_DSET'] = res_class_dset ctx.obj['RES_CLASS_BINS'] = res_class_bins ctx.obj['CF_DSET'] = cf_dset ctx.obj['LCOE_DSET'] = lcoe_dset ctx.obj['H5_DSETS'] = h5_dsets ctx.obj['DATA_LAYERS'] = data_layers ctx.obj['RESOLUTION'] = resolution ctx.obj['EXCL_AREA'] = excl_area ctx.obj['POWER_DENSITY'] = power_density ctx.obj['AREA_FILTER_KERNEL'] = area_filter_kernel ctx.obj['MIN_AREA'] = min_area ctx.obj['FRICTION_FPATH'] = friction_fpath ctx.obj['FRICTION_DSET'] = friction_dset ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'] = out_dir ctx.obj['LOG_DIR'] = log_dir ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: t0 = time.time() init_mult(name, log_dir, modules=[__name__, 'reV.supply_curve'], verbose=verbose) with h5py.File(excl_fpath, mode='r') as f: dsets = list(f) if tm_dset not in dsets: try:, res_fpath, tm_dset) except Exception as e: logger.exception('TechMapping process failed. Received the ' 'following error:\n{}'.format(e)) raise e if isinstance(excl_dict, str): excl_dict = dict_str_load(excl_dict) if isinstance(data_layers, str): data_layers = dict_str_load(data_layers) try: summary = SupplyCurveAggregation.summary( excl_fpath, gen_fpath, tm_dset, econ_fpath=econ_fpath, excl_dict=excl_dict, res_class_dset=res_class_dset, res_class_bins=res_class_bins, cf_dset=cf_dset, lcoe_dset=lcoe_dset, h5_dsets=h5_dsets, data_layers=data_layers, resolution=resolution, excl_area=excl_area, power_density=power_density, area_filter_kernel=area_filter_kernel, min_area=min_area, friction_fpath=friction_fpath, friction_dset=friction_dset, check_excl_layers=check_excl_layers) except Exception as e: logger.exception('Supply curve Aggregation failed. Received the ' 'following error:\n{}'.format(e)) raise e fn_out = '{}.csv'.format(name) fpath_out = os.path.join(out_dir, fn_out) summary.to_csv(fpath_out) runtime = (time.time() - t0) / 60'Supply curve aggregation complete. ' 'Time elapsed: {:.2f} min. Target output dir: {}'.format( runtime, out_dir)) finput = [excl_fpath, gen_fpath] if res_fpath is not None: finput.append(res_fpath) # add job to reV status file. status = { 'dirout': out_dir, 'fout': fn_out, 'job_status': 'successful', 'runtime': runtime, 'finput': finput, 'excl_fpath': excl_fpath, 'excl_dict': excl_dict, 'area_filter_kernel': area_filter_kernel, 'min_area': min_area } Status.make_job_file(out_dir, 'supply-curve-aggregation', name, status)