def get_result_data_file(request): target = get_object_or_404(Result, pk=request.GET['id']) task = get_object_or_404(Task, pk=request.GET['id']) if target.application.user != request.user: return render(request, '404.html') id = int(request.GET['id']) type = request.GET['type'] prefix = get_result_data_dir(id) if type == 'sample': response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(file(prefix + '_' + type)), content_type='text/plain') response.__setitem__( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=result_' + str(id) + '.sample') return response elif type == 'raw': response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(file(prefix + '_' + type)), content_type='text/plain') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=result_' + str( id) + '.raw' return response elif type == 'new_conf': response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(file(prefix + '_' + type)), content_type='text/plain') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=result_' + str( id) + '_new_conf' return response
def generate_report(information_json, show_concepts=True): PhysicalFinancialAdvanceReport.show_concepts = show_concepts output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. # workbook = Workbook('report.xlsx') workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet_1 = workbook.add_worksheet('Programado') worksheet_2 = workbook.add_worksheet('Avance Físico Financiero') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet_1.set_column('A:H', 20) # Add a bold format to use to highlight cells. bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) # Write some simple text. worksheet_1.write('A1', 'Programa Licitación', bold) PhysicalFinancialAdvanceReport.add_programmed_table(workbook, worksheet_1, information_json) PhysicalFinancialAdvanceReport.add_progress_table(workbook, worksheet_2, information_json) workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(output), content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Avance_Fisico_Financiero.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def generate_report(information_json, show_concepts=True): if len(information_json) == 0: output = StringIO.StringIO() workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Avance Financiero Interno') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:A', 20) worksheet.write('A1', 'Aún no se ha agregado el catálogo de conceptos.') else: FinancialAdvanceReport.show_concepts = show_concepts output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. # workbook = Workbook('report.xlsx') workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Avance Financiero Interno') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:H', 20) # Add a bold format to use to highlight cells. bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) # Write some simple text. worksheet.write('A1', 'Avance Financiero Interno', bold) FinancialAdvanceReport.add_headers(workbook, worksheet) FinancialAdvanceReport.add_concepts(workbook, worksheet, information_json['line_items']) # Insert an image. # worksheet.insert_image('B5', 'logo.png') workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse( FileWrapper(output), content_type= 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ) response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Reporte_Avance_Financiero.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def download(request, id): subtitulo = Subtitulo.objects.get(id=id) subtitulo.descargas += 1 response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper( open(STASH_FOLDER + subtitulo.ahash, 'rb')), content_type='text/plain') nombre = '"' + os.path.splitext( subtitulo.nombre)[0] + " - [subscafe.gntk.snet]" + os.path.splitext( subtitulo.nombre)[1] + '"' response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + nombre + ';' return response
def Download_File(request, id): mfile = libarary.objects.get(file_id=id) path = os.path.abspath(mfile.file.url) print path wrapper = FileWrapper(file(path)) response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type='text/plain') response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % os.path.basename( path) response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(path) return response
def generate_report(information_json, show_concepts=True): if len(information_json) == 0: output = StringIO.StringIO() workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Avance Financiero Interno') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:A', 20) worksheet.write('A1', 'Aún no se ha agregado el catálogo de conceptos.') else: EstimateReports.show_concepts = show_concepts output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = Workbook(output) numberSheet = 1 for info in information_json: worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Hoja de Estimación ' + str(numberSheet)) numberSheet += 1 # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:E', 20) worksheet.set_column('F:F', 2) worksheet.set_column('G:K', 20) EstimateReports.add_headers(workbook, worksheet, info) #EstimateReports.add_concepts(workbook, worksheet, information_json) # Insert an image. # worksheet.insert_image('B5', 'logo.png') workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse( FileWrapper(output), content_type= 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ) response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=hoja de estimación.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def generate_report(information_json, ): if len(information_json) == 0: output = StringIO.StringIO() workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Estimaciones por Contratista') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:A', 20) worksheet.write( 'A1', 'Aún no se ha generado información suficiente para generar el reporte.' ) else: output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = Workbook(output) # Iterate through the contractors array. print information_json for contractor in information_json['data']: worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet( contractor['contractor_name']) EstimateReportsForContractors.add_headers( workbook, worksheet, information_json, contractor) EstimateReportsForContractors.add_estimates_table( workbook, worksheet, contractor['estimates']) workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse( FileWrapper(output), content_type= 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ) response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Estimaciones_de_los_Contratistas.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def generate_accounts_list(accounts_array): if len(accounts_array) == 0: output = StringIO.StringIO() workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Cuentas Contables') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:A', 20) worksheet.write( 'A1', 'No se encontraron registros para la búsqueda de cuentas contables.' ) else: output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Lista Nominal') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:J', 15) worksheet.set_column('A:K', 25) AccountsListFile.add_headers(workbook, worksheet, accounts_array) workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse( FileWrapper(output), content_type= 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ) response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Cuentas_Contables.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def generate_report(data_set): if len(data_set) == 0: output = StringIO.StringIO() workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet( 'Totales por Percepciones y Deducciones') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:A', 20) worksheet.write('A1', 'No se encontraron registros.') else: output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Totales') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:D', 20) EarningsDeductionsTotalEarnings.add_headers( workbook, worksheet, data_set) workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse( FileWrapper(output), content_type= 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ) response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Totales_por_percepciones_y_deducciones.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def generate_payroll_list(payroll_array): if len(payroll_array) == 0: output = StringIO.StringIO() workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Lista Nominal') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:A', 20) worksheet.write('A1', 'No se encontraron registros para el periodo nominal seleccionado.') else: output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Lista Nominal') # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. worksheet.set_column('A:K', 15) PayrollListFile.add_headers(workbook, worksheet, payroll_array) workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(output), content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Listado_Nominal.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def generate_report(general_data, policies_details_set): """ Entry point to generate the trial report. :param general_data: General Data for the report, such as Fiscal Period, Year, etc. :param policies_details_set: Set of policy details to be processed. :return: HttpResponse containing the downloadable file. """ output = StringIO.StringIO() workbook = Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Balanza de Comprobación') if len(policies_details_set) == 0: # Widen the first column to make the text clearer. #worksheet.write('A1', 'No se encontraron datos pertenecientes al periodo.') pass else: TrialBalanceReport.add_headers(workbook, worksheet, general_data) TrialBalanceReport.add_policies_details(workbook, worksheet, policies_details_set) workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse( FileWrapper(output), content_type= 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ) response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Balanza_de_Comprobación.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def generate_report(self, data): #data = self.get_test_data() output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() # Get all the formats formats = self.get_formats(workbook) offset = 0 # Horizontal offset header_start_row = 1 # Everything else should be dynamic start_row = header_start_row + 6 # Everything else should be dynamic current_row = start_row # Everything else should be dynamic active_column_width = 30 passive_column_width = 30 ''' Header section ''' # Insert Logo worksheet.insert_image(header_start_row, offset, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/assets/images/salcedo.png', { 'x_offset': 50, 'y_offset': 0 }) worksheet.merge_range(header_start_row + 2, 2 + offset, header_start_row + 2, 5 + offset, 'Salcedo Construcción y Supervision SA de CV', formats['report_header']) worksheet.merge_range(header_start_row + 3, 2 + offset, header_start_row + 3, 5 + offset, 'Movimientos de Cuenta', formats['report_header']) date_label = time.strftime("%d de %B de %Y") # Widths label_column_width = 30 value_column_width = 20 worksheet.set_column(offset + 0, offset + 2, 5) # Number worksheet.set_column(offset + 1, offset + 3, 26) # Description worksheet.set_column(offset + 2, offset + 4, 13) # Debit worksheet.set_column(offset + 3, offset + 5, 13) # Credit worksheet.set_column(offset + 4, offset + 6, 12) # Policy Folio worksheet.set_column(offset + 5, offset + 7, 25) # Policy Type ''' General info ''' # Account Number worksheet.merge_range(current_row, offset, current_row, 1 + offset, "Número de Cuenta", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 2 + offset, data['account_number'], formats['number_1']) # Account Name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 3 + offset, current_row, 4 + offset, "Nombre de Cuenta", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, data['account_name'], formats['number_1']) current_row += 1 # Grouping Code worksheet.merge_range(current_row, offset, current_row, 1 + offset, "Código Agrupador", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 2 + offset, data['grouping_code'], formats['number_1']) # Grouping Code Name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 3 + offset, current_row, 4 + offset, "Tipo de Cuenta", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, data['grouping_code_name'], formats['number_1']) current_row += 1 # Parent Account Number worksheet.merge_range(current_row, offset, current_row, 1 + offset, "Número de Cuenta Padre", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 2 + offset, data['parent_account_number'], formats['number_1']) # Parent Account Name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 3 + offset, current_row, 4 + offset, "Nombre de la Cuenta Padre", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, data['parent_account_name'], formats['number_1']) current_row += 1 # Fiscal Period Month worksheet.merge_range(current_row, offset, current_row, 1 + offset, "Mes Fiscal", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 2 + offset, data['fiscal_period_month'], formats['number_1']) # Fiscal Period Year worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 3 + offset, current_row, 4 + offset, "Año Fiscal", formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, data['fiscal_period_year'], formats['number_1']) ''' Transactions Section ''' current_row += 2 worksheet.write(current_row, 4 + offset, "Total Debe", formats['report_header']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, data['total_debit'], formats['currency_1']) current_row += 1 worksheet.write(current_row, 4 + offset, "Total Haber", formats['report_header']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, data['total_credit'], formats['currency_1']) current_row += 1 # Headers worksheet.write(current_row, offset, '#', formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + offset, 'Descripción', formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 2 + offset, 'Debe', formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 3 + offset, 'Haber', formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 4 + offset, 'Póliza', formats['info_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, 'Tipo de Póliza', formats['info_label']) current_row += 1 for idx, transaction in enumerate(data['transactions']): worksheet.write(current_row, offset, idx + 1, formats['light_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + offset, transaction['description'], formats['data_1']) worksheet.write(current_row, 2 + offset, transaction['debit'], formats['currency_1']) worksheet.write(current_row, 3 + offset, transaction['credit'], formats['currency_1']) worksheet.write(current_row, 4 + offset, transaction['policy_folio'], formats['data_1']) worksheet.write(current_row, 5 + offset, transaction['policy_type'], formats['data_1']) current_row += 1 workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(output), content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + data['report_title'] + '.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def get_file(request, slug): fileExt = ( (u'text', u'.txt'), (u'applescript', u'.scpt'), (u'boxnote', u'.bn'), # este (u'c', u'.c'), (u'csharp', u'.cs'), (u'cpp', u'.cpp'), (u'css', u'.css'), (u'csv', u'.csv'), (u'clojure', u'.clj'), (u'coffeescript', u'.coffee'), (u'cfm', u'.cf'), (u'crystal', u'.csp'), (u'cypher', u'cy'), (u'd', u'.d'), (u'dart', u'.dart'), (u'diff', u'.diff'), (u'dockerfile', u'.dockerfile'), (u'erlang', u'.hrl'), (u'fsharp', u'.fs'), (u'fortran', u'.f'), (u'gherkin', u'Gherkin'), # este (u'go', u'.go'), (u'groovy', u'.groovy'), (u'html', u'.html'), (u'handlebars', u'.hbs'), (u'haskell', u'.hs'), (u'haxe', u'.hx'), (u'java', u'.java'), (u'javascript', u'.js'), (u'julia', u'.jl'), (u'kotlin', u'.kt'), (u'latex', u'.dtx'), (u'lisp', u'.lsp'), (u'lua', u'.lua'), (u'matlab', u'.m'), (u'mumps', u'.m'), # a (u'markdown', u'.md'), (u'ocaml', u'.ml'), (u'objc', u'.mm'), (u'php', u'.php'), (u'pascal', u'.dpr'), (u'perl', u'.pl'), (u'pig', u'.pig'), (u'post', u'Post'), (u'powershell', u'.ps1'), (u'puppet', u'.pp'), (u'python', u'.py'), (u'r', u'.r'), (u'ruby', u'.rb'), (u'rust', u'.rs'), (u'sql', u'.sql'), (u'sass', u'.sass'), (u'scala', u'.scala'), (u'scheme', u'.ss'), (u'shell', u'.ksh'), (u'smalltalk', u'Smalltalk'), # este (u'swift', u'.swift'), (u'tsv', u'.tsv'), (u'vb', u'.vb'), (u'vbscript', u'.vbscript'), (u'velocity', u'.vtl'), (u'verilog', u'.bsv'), (u'xml', u'.xml'), (u'yaml', u'.yaml'), ) item = get_object_or_404(SlackFile, slug=slug) ext = dict(fileExt) if item is not None: if isinstance(item, Snippet): try: name = item.title + ext[item.type] temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile() temp.write(item.code) temp.flush() wrapper = FileWrapper(temp) except Exception as e: print(e) elif isinstance(item, FilesUp): wrapper = FileWrapper(file(SITE_ROOT + item.file_up.url)) name = item.title + "." + item.extension elif isinstance(item, ImageUp): wrapper = FileWrapper(file(SITE_ROOT + item.image_up.url)) name = item.title + "." + item.extension elif isinstance(item, Post): try: name = item.title + ".txt" temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile() temp.write(item.code) temp.flush() wrapper = FileWrapper(temp) except Exception as e: print(e) response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type='application/force-download') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=\"' + name + '\"' return response
def generate_excel_document(self, info): # Get Grouping Code Objects short_term_active = GroupingCode.objects.get(grouping_code=Decimal("100.01")) long_term_active = GroupingCode.objects.get(grouping_code=Decimal("100.02")) short_term_passive = GroupingCode.objects.get(grouping_code=Decimal("200.01")) long_term_passive = GroupingCode.objects.get(grouping_code=Decimal("200.02")) accounting_capital = GroupingCode.objects.get(grouping_code=Decimal("300.00")) output = StringIO.StringIO() # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() # Get all the formats formats = self.get_formats(workbook) offset = 1 # Horizontal offset header_start_row = 1 # Everything else should be dynamic start_row = header_start_row + 6 # Everything else should be dynamic current_row = start_row # Everything else should be dynamic active_column_width = 30 passive_column_width = 30 # Setup Worksheet worksheet.set_portrait() worksheet.set_paper(1) worksheet.fit_to_pages(1, 1) # Left, right, top, bottom worksheet.set_margins(0, 0.7, 0.75, 0.75) # Header # Insert Logo worksheet.insert_image(header_start_row, offset, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/assets/images/salcedo.png', { 'x_offset': 80, 'y_offset': 0 }) worksheet.merge_range(header_start_row + 2, 1 + offset, header_start_row + 2, 4 + offset, 'Salcedo Construcción y Supervision SA de CV', formats['report_header']) worksheet.merge_range(header_start_row + 3, 1 + offset, header_start_row + 3, 4 + offset, 'Balance General al ' + time.strftime("%d de %B de %Y"), formats['report_header']) # Add the 'Active' label worksheet.set_column(offset, offset, active_column_width) worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 0 + offset, current_row, 1 + offset, 'Activo', formats['level_0_header']) current_row += 1 # -- Short Term Actives Section # Add label short_term_active_label = short_term_active.account_name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 0 + offset, current_row, 1 + offset, short_term_active_label, formats['level_00_header']) current_row += 1 # Add records. total_short_term_active = len(info[short_term_active]) # For readability short_term_active_total = 0 for idx, record in enumerate(info[short_term_active]): name = record['code'].account_name ammount = record['amount'] worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + offset, name, formats['level_1_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + offset, ammount, formats['currency_1']) short_term_active_total += ammount current_row += 1 # Write Totals short_term_active_total_row = current_row worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + offset, 'Total de ' + short_term_active_label, formats['level_1_total_label']) if total_short_term_active > 0: cell_value = '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + offset) + '' + str( current_row - total_short_term_active + 1) + ':' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + offset) + '' + str(current_row) + ')' else: cell_value = 0 worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + offset, cell_value, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 2 # -- Long Term Actives Section # Add label long_term_active_label = long_term_active.account_name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 0 + offset, current_row, 1 + offset, long_term_active_label, formats['level_00_header']) current_row += 1 # Add records. total_long_term_active = len(info[long_term_active]) # For readability for idx, record in enumerate(info[long_term_active]): name = record['code'].account_name ammount = record['amount'] worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + offset, name, formats['level_1_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + offset, ammount, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 1 # Write Totals long_term_active_total_row = current_row worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + offset, 'Total de ' + long_term_active_label, formats['level_1_total_label']) if total_long_term_active > 0: cell_value = '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + offset) + '' + str( current_row - total_long_term_active + 1) + ':' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + offset) + '' + str(current_row) + ')' else: cell_value = 0 worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + offset, cell_value, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 2 # Absolute Totals active_absolute_total_row = current_row worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + offset, 'Total de Activo', formats['level_00_total_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + offset, '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + offset) + '' + str( short_term_active_total_row + 1) + ',' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + offset) + '' + str(long_term_active_total_row + 1) + ')', formats['currency_2']) current_row = start_row # Use to write the next sections passive_offset = offset + 3 # Add the 'Passive' label worksheet.set_column(passive_offset, passive_offset, passive_column_width) worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, current_row, 1 + passive_offset, 'Pasivo', formats['level_0_header']) current_row += 1 # -- Short Term Passives Section # Add label short_term_passive_label = short_term_passive.account_name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, current_row, 1 + passive_offset, short_term_passive_label, formats['level_00_header']) current_row += 1 # Add records. total_short_term_passive = len(info[short_term_passive]) # For readability for idx, record in enumerate(info[short_term_passive]): name = record['code'].account_name ammount = record['amount'] worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, name, formats['level_1_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, ammount, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 1 # Write Totals short_term_passive_total_row = current_row worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, 'Total de ' + short_term_passive_label, formats['level_1_total_label']) if total_short_term_active > 0: cell_value = '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str( current_row - total_short_term_passive + 1) + ':' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str(current_row) + ')' else: cell_value = 0 worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, cell_value, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 2 # -- Long Term Pasives Section # Add label long_term_passive_label = long_term_passive.account_name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, current_row, 1 + passive_offset, long_term_passive_label, formats['level_00_header']) current_row += 1 # Add records. total_long_term_passive = len(info[long_term_passive]) # For readability for idx, record in enumerate(info[long_term_passive]): name = record['code'].account_name ammount = record['amount'] worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, name, formats['level_1_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, ammount, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 1 # Write Totals long_term_passive_total_row = current_row worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, 'Total de ' + long_term_passive_label, formats['level_1_total_label']) if total_long_term_passive > 0: cell_value = '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str( current_row - total_long_term_passive + 1) + ':' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str(current_row) + ')' else: cell_value = 0 worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, cell_value, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 2 # Absolute Totals passive_absolute_total_row = current_row worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, 'Total de Passivo', formats['level_00_total_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str( short_term_passive_total_row + 1) + ',' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str(long_term_passive_total_row + 1) + ')', formats['currency_2']) current_row += 2 # -- Accounting Capital Section # Add label accounting_capital_label = accounting_capital.account_name worksheet.merge_range(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, current_row, 1 + passive_offset, accounting_capital_label, formats['level_0_header']) current_row += 1 # Add records. total_accounting_capital = len(info[long_term_passive]) # For readability for idx, record in enumerate(info[accounting_capital]): name = record['code'].account_name ammount = record['amount'] worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, name, formats['level_1_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, ammount, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 1 # Write Totals accounting_capital_total_row = current_row worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, 'Total de Capital Contable', formats['level_00_total_label']) if total_accounting_capital > 0: cell_value = '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str( current_row - total_accounting_capital + 1) + ':' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str(current_row) + ')' else: cell_value = 0 worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, cell_value, formats['currency_1']) current_row += 2 worksheet.write(current_row, 0 + passive_offset, 'Capital Contable + Pasivo', formats['level_00_total_label']) worksheet.write(current_row, 1 + passive_offset, '=SUM(' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str( passive_absolute_total_row + 1) + ',' + xlsxwriter.utility.xl_col_to_name( 1 + passive_offset) + '' + str(accounting_capital_total_row + 1) + ')', formats['currency_1']) workbook.close() response = StreamingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(output), content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Balance_general.xlsx' response['Content-Length'] = output.tell() return response
def draw_cinemahall(schedule_id): url = CINEMA_HALL.format(schedule_id, KINOHOD_API_KEY) x_offset = 15 y_offset = 30 shift = 10 # context = ssl._create_unverified_context() with contextlib.closing(urllib2.urlopen(url)) as jf: html_data = json.loads( for info in html_data: for section in info['sections']: picture_width = int(section['width']) + 2 * x_offset picture_height = int(section['height']) + y_offset data = np.zeros((picture_height, picture_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) data[:, :] = [242, 242, 242] low_price, high_price = 0, 0 for counter, seat in enumerate(section['seats']): x, y = (int(seat['x']) + x_offset + shift / 2, int(seat['y']) + y_offset) seat_height, seat_width = (int(seat['height']), int(seat['width'])) if seat['status'] == 'vacant': if seat['class'] == 'color1': low_price = seat['price'] data[y - seat_height / 2:y + seat_height / 2, x - seat_width / 2:x + seat_width / 2] = BLUE if seat['class'] == 'color2': high_price = seat['price'] data[y - seat_height / 2:y + seat_height / 2, x - seat_width / 2:x + seat_width / 2] = ORANGE else: data[y - seat_height / 2:y + seat_height / 2, x - seat_width / 2:x + seat_width / 2] = LIGHT_GREY # draw price icons x_base = x_offset + (shift / 2) + 2 * seat_width data[picture_height - int(1.25 * seat_height):picture_height - int(.25 * seat_height), x_base - seat_width / 2:x_base + seat_width / 2] = BLUE x_base_orange = x_base + 4 * seat_width if high_price > low_price: data[picture_height - int(1.25 * seat_height):picture_height - int(.25 * seat_height), x_base_orange - seat_width / 2:x_base_orange + seat_width / 2] = ORANGE img = Image.fromarray(data) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw_seat_numbers(draw, section, x_offset, y_offset) # draw price texts draw.text( (x_base + seat_width, picture_height - int(1. * seat_height)), '{} {}'.format(low_price, SIGN_RUB), fill=FILL_BLACK) if high_price > low_price: high_str = '{} {}'.format(high_price, SIGN_RUB) draw.text((x_base_orange + seat_width, picture_height - int(1. * seat_height)), high_str, fill=FILL_BLACK) draw_window(draw, picture_width, x_offset, y_offset) tmpfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(), format='bmp', quality=80) wrapper = FileWrapper(tmpfile) return wrapper