def test_local_nocache_entity(self): """ See that we have a failure if we try to get an uncached item """ restore = GetCache() SetCache([]) parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/entity-http.xml", quiet=False, cache_path='Tests/cache', no_network=True) clear_cache(parser) with self.assertRaises(XmlRfcError): parser.parse() SetCache(restore)
def test_network_dtd(self): """ Find a dtd using the network """ old = GetCache() # CACHES = [] SetCache([]) parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/network-dtd.xml", quiet=False, cache_path='Tests/cache') clear_cache(parser) parser.parse() SetCache(old) parser.cachingResolver.close_all()
def test_include2(self): """ Test that a two level xi:include is loaded""" parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/include2.xml", quiet=False, cache_path=None, no_network=True) tree = parser.parse() self.assertEqual(len(tree.tree.xpath('good')), 1, "Must be exactly one node named good")
def test_svg_file(tester, fileName): """ Run the basic tests for a single input file """ basename = os.path.basename(fileName) parse = XmlRfcParser("Tests/" + fileName, quiet=True, cache_path=None, no_network=True, preserve_all_white=True) tree = parse.parse(remove_comments=False, remove_pis=True, strip_cdata=False) log.write_out = io.StringIO() log.write_err = log.write_out checkTree(tree.tree) (result, errors) = tree.validate( rng_path=parse.default_rng_path.replace("rfc7991", "svg")) returnValue = check_results(log.write_out, "Results/" + basename.replace(".svg", ".out")) tester.assertFalse(returnValue, "Output to console is different") result = io.StringIO( lxml.etree.tostring(tree.tree, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8')) returnValue = check_results(result, "Results/" + basename) tester.assertFalse(returnValue, "Result from editing the tree is different") tester.assertTrue(result, "Fails to validate againist the RNG")
def test_entity(self): """ Test that an entity is loaded.""" parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/entity.xml", quiet=False, cache_path=None, no_network=True) tree = parser.parse() self.assertEqual(len(tree.tree.xpath('good')), 1, "Must be exactly one node named good")
def test_remote_xinclude(self): """ Test that a remote https entity can be loaded """ parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/include-http.xml", quiet=False, cache_path=None, no_network=False) tree = parser.parse() self.assertEqual(len(tree.tree.xpath('reference')), 1, "Must be exactly one reference node") parser.cachingResolver.close_all()
def test_remote_cache_xinclude(self): """ Test that a remote https entity can be cached """ parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/include-http.xml", quiet=False, cache_path='Tests/cache', no_network=False) clear_cache(parser) tree = parser.parse() parser.cachingResolver.close_all() self.assertEqual(len(tree.tree.xpath('reference')), 1, "Must be exactly one reference node") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('Tests/cache/reference.RFC.1847.xml'))
def test_remote(self): """ Test that a remote https entity can be loaded """ parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/entity-http.xml", quiet=False, cache_path=None, no_network=False) try: tree = parser.parse() self.assertEqual(len(tree.tree.xpath('reference')), 1, "Must be exactly one reference node") except XmlRfcError as e: # print('Unable to parse the XML Document: ' + source) print(e) self.assertFalse() parser.cachingResolver.close_all()
def test_local_cache_entity(self): """ Test that an entity in the cache can be used w/o a network """ old = GetCache() SetCache([]) parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/entity-http.xml", quiet=False, cache_path='Tests/cache', no_network=True) clear_cache(parser) if not os.path.exists('Tests/cache'): os.mkdir('Tests/cache') shutil.copy('Tests/cache_saved/reference.RFC.1847.xml', 'Tests/cache/reference.RFC.1847.xml') tree = parser.parse() self.assertEqual(len(tree.tree.xpath('reference')), 1, "Must be exactly one reference node") parser.cachingResolver.close_all() SetCache(old)
def main(): # Populate options formatter = optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter(max_help_position=40) optionparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='rfclint SOURCE [OPTIONS] ' '...\nExample: rfclint ' 'draft.xml', formatter=formatter) parser_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, "Parser Options") parser_options.add_option('-C', '--clear-cache', action='store_true', dest='clear_cache', default=False, help='purge the cache and exit') parser_options.add_option('-c', '--cache', dest='cache', help='specify a primary cache directory to' ' write to; default: try [ %s ]' % ', '.join(CACHES)) parser_options.add_option( '-N', '--no-network', action='store_true', default=False, help='don\'t use the network to resolve references') parser_options.add_option('-n', '--no-rng', action='store_true', help='disable RNG validation step') parser_options.add_option('-r', '--rng', action='store_true', help='Specify an alternate RNG file') parser_options.add_option('-X', '--no-xinclude', action='store_true', dest='no_xinclude', help='don\'t resolve any xi:include elements') optionparser.add_option_group(parser_options) general_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, "General Options") general_options.add_option('-o', '--out', dest='output_filename', metavar='FILE', help='specify an explicit output filename') parser_options.add_option('--no-xml', dest='no_xml', action='store_true', help='Don\'t perform XML well-formness checking') parser_options.add_option('--bcp14', dest='bcp14', action='store_true', help='Perform bcp14 checking') optionparser.add_option_group(general_options) plain_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'Plain Options') plain_options.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='dont print anything') plain_options.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print extra information') plain_options.add_option('-V', '--version', action='callback', callback=display_version, help='display the version number and exit') plain_options.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', help='Show debugging output') plain_options.add_option('--extract', dest='extract', help='Extract all items of the given type') plain_options.add_option('--no-svgcheck', action='store_true', dest='no_svgcheck', help='Don\'t run svgcheck') optionparser.add_option_group(plain_options) spell_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'Spell Options') spell_options.add_option('--no-spell', dest='no_spell', default=False, action='store_true', help='Don\'t run the spell checking') spell_options.add_option( '--dictionary', dest='dict_list', action='append', help='Use this addition dictionary when spell checking') spell_options.add_option( '--personal', dest='dict_personal', help='use this dictionary as the personal dictionary') spell_options.add_option( '--spell-window', dest='spell_window', action='store', type='int', help='Set the number of words to appear around spelling errors') spell_options.add_option('--no-dup-detection', dest='no_dups', action='store_true', help='Don\'t do duplication detection.') spell_options.add_option('--spell-program', dest='spell_program', metavar='NAME', help='Name of spelling program to use') spell_options.add_option('--no-suggest', dest='spell_suggest', action='store_false', help='Do not provide suggestions') spell_options.add_option('--suggest', dest='spell_suggest', action='store_true', help='provide suggestions (default)') spell_options.add_option('--color', dest='spell_color', action='callback', callback=check_color, type='string', help='color incorrect words in supplied context') spell_options.add_option( '--no-curses', dest='no_curses', action='store_true', help='disable curses when doing spell checking and dup detection') spell_options.add_option( '--skip-code', dest='skip_code', action='store_true', help='skip all code elements when doing spell and duplicate checking') spell_options.add_option( '--skip-artwork', dest='skip_artwork', action='store_true', help='skip all artwork elements when doing spell and ' 'duplicate checking') optionparser.add_option_group(spell_options) abnf_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'ABNF Options') abnf_options.add_option('--abnf-program', dest='abnf_program', metavar='NAME', help='Name of ABNF checker program to use') abnf_options.add_option('--no-abnf', dest='no_abnf', action='store_true', help='Don\'t perform ABNF checking') abnf_options.add_option('--abnf-add-rules', dest='abnf_add', help='ABNF file to append during evaluation.') config_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'Configuration Options') config_options.add_option( '--configfile', dest='config_file', metavar='NAME', help="Specify the name of the configuration file.") config_options.add_option('--save-config', dest='save_config', default=False, action='store_true', help='Save configuration back to file') # --- Parse and validate arguments --------------------------------- (options, args) = optionparser.parse_args() # --- Setup and parse the input file if options.cache: if not os.path.exists(options.cache): try: os.makedirs(options.cache) if options.verbose: log.write('Created cache directory at', options.cache) except OSError as e: print('Unable to make cache directory: %s ' % options.cache) print(e) sys.exit(1) else: if not os.access(options.cache, os.W_OK): print('Cache directory is not writable: %s' % options.cache) sys.exit(1) if options.clear_cache: clear_cache(options.cache) # --- Locate the configuration file if it exists and import it ---- config = ConfigFile(options) if options.save_config: sys.exit(0) # make things quiet if output goes to stdout if options.output_filename is None and not options.quiet and ( options.extract): options.quiet = True # --- Get the file to be processed -------------------------------- if len(args) < 1: optionparser.print_help() sys.exit(2) source = args[0] if not os.path.exists(source): sys.exit('No such file: ' + source) # Setup warnings module # rfclint.log.warn_error = options.warn_error and True or False log.quiet = options.quiet and True or False log.verbose = options.verbose # Parse the document into an xmlrfc tree instance log.note("Checking for well-formness of '{0}'".format(source)) parser = XmlRfcParser(source, verbose=options.verbose, preserve_all_white=True, quiet=True, cache_path=options.cache, no_network=options.no_network, no_xinclude=options.no_xinclude, templates_path=globals().get('_TEMPLATESPATH', None)) try: xmlrfc = parser.parse(remove_comments=False, strip_cdata=False) except XmlRfcError as e: log.exception('Unable to parse the XML document: ' + source, e) sys.exit(1) except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: # Give the lxml.etree.XmlSyntaxError exception a line attribute which # matches lxml.etree._LogEntry, so we can use the same logging function log.error("Unable to parse the XML document: " + os.path.normpath(source)) log.exception_lines("dummy", e.error_log) sys.exit(1) log.note("Well-formness passes") # Validate the document unless disabled if not options.no_rng: log.note("Checking for schema validation...") if not options.rng: options.rng = parser.default_rng_path ok, errors = xmlrfc.validate(rng_path=options.rng) if not ok: log.error('Unable to validate the XML document: ' + os.path.normpath(source)) log.exception_lines("dummy", errors) sys.exit(1)"Schema validation passes") else: log.note("Skipping schema validation") # Do Extracts if options.extract: codeItems = xmlrfc.tree.getroot().xpath( "//sourcecode[@type='{0}']".format(options.extract)) if len(codeItems) == 0: log.error("No sourcecode elements with type = '{0}' found.".format( options.extract)) exit(1) if options.output_filename: file = open(options.output_filename, 'w') else: file = sys.stdout needEOL = True for item in codeItems: if "name" in item.attrib: with open(item.attrib["name"], 'w') as f: f.write(item.text) if len(item.text) > 0 and item.text[-1] != '\n': f.write('\n') else: file.write(item.text) if len(item.text) > 0: needEOL = item.text[-1] != '\n' if needEOL: file.write('\n') if options.output_filename: file.close() exit(0) # Validate any embedded XML if not options.no_xml: codeItems = xmlrfc.tree.getroot().xpath("//sourcecode[@type='xml']") if len(codeItems) > 0: log.note("Validating XML fragments in sourcecode elements") # resolver without knowledge of rfc_number: caching_resolver = CachingResolver(no_network=True, verbose=options.verbose, quiet=options.quiet) for item in codeItems: parser = lxml.etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=False, load_dtd=False, no_network=True, resolve_entities=False, recover=False) parser.resolvers.add(caching_resolver) try: text = re.sub(u'^\s+<\?xml ', '<?xml ', item.text) file = six.BytesIO(text.encode('utf-8')) lxml.etree.parse(file, parser) "XML fragment in source code found and is well defined.", where=item) except (lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError) as e: log.warn(u'XML in sourcecode not well formed: ', e.msg, where=item) except Exception as e: log.exception(u'Error occured processing XML: ', e) else:"No XML fragments in sourcecode elements found.") # Validate any embedded ABNF if not options.no_abnf: try: checker = AbnfChecker(config) checker.validate(xmlrfc.tree) except RfcLintError as e: log.error("Skipping ABNF checking because") log.error(e.message, additional=2) # Validate any SVG items if not options.no_svgcheck: checkTree(xmlrfc.tree) # do the Spelling checking if not options.no_spell: speller = None try: speller = Speller(config) if options.no_curses: speller.no_curses = True speller.initscr() speller.processTree(xmlrfc.tree.getroot()) speller.sendCommand("#") # save personal dictionary speller.endwin() except RfcLintError as e: log.error("Skipping spell checking because") log.error(e.message, additional=2) if speller: speller.endwin() except Exception: if speller: speller.endwin() raise # do the Duplicate checking if not options.no_dups: try: dups = Dups(config) if options.no_curses: dups.no_curses = True dups.initscr() dups.processTree(xmlrfc.tree.getroot()) dups.endwin() except RfcLintError as e: dups.endwin() log.error("Skipping duplicate checking because") log.error(e.message, additional=2) except Exception: dups.endwin() raise # do the 2119 Language tag checking if options.bcp14: try: lang2119 = Lang2119(config) if options.no_curses: lang2119.no_curses = True lang2119.initscr() lang2119.processTree(xmlrfc.tree.getroot()) lang2119.endwin() except RfcLintError as e: log.error("Skipping RFC 2119 language tag checking because") log.error(e.message, additoin=2) except Exception: lang2119.endwin() raise if options.output_filename is not None: if six.PY2: file = open(options.output_filename, 'w') else: file = open(options.output_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') text = lxml.etree.tostring(xmlrfc.tree.getroot(), xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', doctype=xmlrfc.tree.docinfo.doctype) if six.PY3: text = text.decode('utf8') file.write(text) if len(text) > 0 and text[-1] != '\n': file.write('\n')
def test_local_dtd(self): """ Find a dtd in the templates directory """ parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/dtd.xml", quiet=False) parser.parse()
def test_pi_include(self): parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/pi_include.xml", quiet=False) parser.parse()
def test_utf8_xml(self): """ Parse file w/ encoding UTF-8 """ parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/doc_utf8.xml", quiet=False) parser.parse()
def test_french_xml(self): """ Parse file w/ encoding ISO-8859-1 """ parser = XmlRfcParser("Tests/doc_fr_latin1.xml", quiet=False) parser.parse() """ self.assertEqual(len(tree.tree.xpath('doc')), 1,
def main(): # Populate the options formatter = optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter(max_help_position=40) optionparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='svgcheck SOURCE [OPTIONS] ' '...\nExample: svgcheck draft.xml', formatter=formatter) parser_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'Parser Options') parser_options.add_option( '-N', '--no-network', action='store_true', default=False, help='don\'t use the network to resolve references') parser_options.add_option('-X', "--no-xinclude", action='store_true', default=False, help='don\'t resolve xi:include elements') parser_options.add_option('-C', '--clear-cache', action='store_true', dest='clear_cache', default=False, help='purge the cache and exit') parser_options.add_option( '-c', '--cache', dest='cache', help='specify a primary cache directory to write to;' 'default: try [ %s ]' % ', '.join(CACHES)) parser_options.add_option('-d', '--rng', dest='rng', help='specify an alternate RNG file') optionparser.add_option_group(parser_options) other_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'Other options') other_options.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='don\'t print anything') other_options.add_option('-o', '--out', dest='output_filename', metavar='FILE', help='specify an explicit output filename') other_options.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print extra information') other_options.add_option('-V', '--version', action='callback', callback=display_version, help='display the version number and exit') optionparser.add_option_group(other_options) svg_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'SVG options') svg_options.add_option('-r', '--repair', action='store_true', default=False, help='Repair the SVG so it meets RFC 7966') svg_options.add_option( '-a', '--always-emit', action='store_true', default=False, help='Emit the SVG file even if does not need repairing. Implies -r') svg_options.add_option( '-g', '--grey-scale', action='store_true', help='Use grey scaling hieristic to determine what is white') svg_options.add_option( '--grey-level', default=381, help='Level to use for grey scaling, defaults to 381') optionparser.add_option_group(svg_options) # --- Parse and validate arguments -------------- (options, args) = optionparser.parse_args() # Setup warnings module # rfclint.log.warn_error = options.warn_error and True or False log.quiet = options.quiet and True or False log.verbose = options.verbose if options.cache: if not os.path.exists(options.cache): try: os.makedirs(options.cache) if options.verbose: log.write('Created cache directory at', options.cache) except OSError as e: print('Unable to make cache directory: %s ' % options.cache) print(e) sys.exit(1) else: if not os.access(options.cache, os.W_OK): print('Cache directory is not writable: %s' % options.cache) sys.exit(1) if options.clear_cache: clear_cache(options.cache) if options.grey_scale: wp.color_threshold = options.grey_level sourceText = None if len(args) < 1: sourceText = source = os.getcwd() + "/stdin" else: source = args[0] if not os.path.exists(source): sys.exit('No such file: ' + source) # Setup warnings module # rfclint.log.warn_error = options.warn_error and True or False log.quiet = options.quiet and True or False log.verbose = options.verbose # Parse the document into an xmlrfc tree instance parser = XmlRfcParser(source, verbose=options.verbose, preserve_all_white=True, quiet=options.quiet, cache_path=options.cache, no_network=options.no_network, no_xinclude=options.no_xinclude) try: xmlrfc = parser.parse(remove_pis=True, remove_comments=False, strip_cdata=False, textIn=sourceText) except XmlRfcError as e: log.exception('Unable to parse the XML document: ' + source, e) sys.exit(1) except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: # Give the lxml.etree.XmlSyntaxError exception a line attribute which # matches lxml.etree._LogEntry, so we can use the same logging function log.exception('Unable to parse the XML document: ' + source, e.error_log) sys.exit(1) # Check that ok = checkTree(xmlrfc.tree) if (not ok and or options.always_emit: encodedBytes = lxml.etree.tostring(xmlrfc.tree.getroot(), xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8') if options.output_filename is None: file = sys.stdout else: file = open(options.output_filename, 'w') log.write_to(file, encodedBytes) if ok:"File conforms to SVG requirements.") sys.exit(0) log.error("File does not conform to SVG requirements") sys.exit(1)
def main(): """ Main function for xmldiff """ formatter = optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter(max_help_position=40) optionparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='xmldiff LEFT RIGHT [OPTIONS] ' '...\nExample: rfc-xmldiff ' 'draft1.xml draft2.xml', formatter=formatter) value_options = optparse.OptionGroup(optionparser, 'Other Options') value_options.add_option('-o', '--out', dest='output_filename', metavar='FILE', help='specify an explicit output filename', default=None) value_options.add_option('--debug', action="store_true", help='Show debugging output') value_options.add_option('--raw', action="store_true", help='Diff using the raw tree') value_options.add_option('-t', '--template', dest='template', metavar='FILE', help='specify the HTML template filename', default='base.html') value_options.add_option('-V', '--version', action='callback', callback=display_version, help='display the version number and exit') value_options.add_option('-C', '--clear-cache', action='store_true', dest='clear_cache', default=False, help='purge the cache and exit') value_options.add_option( '-c', '--cache', dest='cache', help='specify a primary cache directory to write to; ' 'default: try [ %s ]' % ', '.join(CACHES)) value_options.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='dont print anything') value_options.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print extra information') value_options.add_option('--no-resolve-entities', dest='noEntity', action="store_true", help="Don't resolve entities in the XML") value_options.add_option( '-N', '--no-network', action='store_true', default=False, help='don\'t use the network to resolve references') value_options.add_option('-X', '--no-xinclude', action='store_true', dest='no_xinclude', help='don\'t resolve any xi:include elements') value_options.add_option('-D', '--no-defaults', action='store_false', default=True, help="don't add default attributes") optionparser.add_option_group(value_options) # --- Parse and validate arguments ---------------------------- (options, args) = optionparser.parse_args() if options.clear_cache: clear_cache(options.cache) if len(args) < 1: optionparser.print_help() sys.exit(2) # Setup warnings module # rfclint.log.warn_error = options.warn_error and True or False log.quiet = options.quiet and True or False log.verbose = options.verbose # Load the left file leftSource = args[0] if not os.path.exists(leftSource): sys.exit('No such file: ' + leftSource) log.note("Parse input files") parser = XmlRfcParser(leftSource, verbose=log.verbose, quiet=log.quiet, no_network=options.no_network, no_xinclude=options.no_xinclude, resolve_entities=not options.noEntity, attribute_defaults=options.no_defaults) try: ll = parser.parse(remove_pis=False, strip_cdata=False, remove_comments=False).tree leftXml = BuildDiffTree(ll, options) if not options.raw: leftXml = AddParagraphs(leftXml) leftFile_base = os.path.basename(leftSource) SourceFiles.LeftDone() except XmlRfcError as e: log.exception('Unable to parse the XML document: ' + leftSource, e) sys.exit(1) rightSource = args[1] if not os.path.exists(rightSource): sys.exit('No such file: ' + rightSource) parser = XmlRfcParser(rightSource, verbose=log.verbose, quiet=log.quiet, no_network=options.no_network, no_xinclude=options.no_xinclude, resolve_entities=not options.noEntity, attribute_defaults=options.no_defaults) try: rightXml = parser.parse(remove_pis=False, strip_cdata=False, remove_comments=False) rightXml = BuildDiffTree(rightXml.tree, options) if not options.raw: rightXml = AddParagraphs(rightXml) rightFile_base = os.path.basename(rightSource) except XmlRfcError as e: log.exception('Unable to parse the XML document: ' + rightSource, e) sys.exit(1) log.note("Read files for source display") cache = CachingResolver(library_dirs=[]) leftSources = "" leftSourceNames = "" for i in range(len(SourceFiles.leftFiles)): file = SourceFiles.leftFiles[i] if file[:5] == 'file:': file = urlparse(file) file = file[2] if file[2] == ':': file = file[1:] else: file = cache.getReferenceRequest(file)[0] if six.PY2: with open(file, "rb") as f: leftLines = leftLines = leftLines.decode('utf8').splitlines(1) else: with open(file, "rU", encoding="utf8") as f: leftLines = f.readlines() leftSources += u'<div id="L_File{0}" class="tabcontent">\n'.format(i) leftLines = [ escape(x).replace(' ', ' ').replace('"', '"') for x in leftLines ] leftSources += formatLines(leftLines, 'L', i) leftSources += u'</div>\n' leftSourceNames += u'<option label="{0}" value="L_File{1}">{2}</option>\n'. \ format(file, i, file) rightSources = "" rightSourceNames = "" for i in range(len(SourceFiles.rightFiles)): file = SourceFiles.rightFiles[i] if file[:5] == 'file:': file = urlparse(file) file = file[2] if file[2] == ':': file = file[1:] else: file = cache.getReferenceRequest(file)[0] if six.PY2: with open(file, "rb") as f: rightLines ='utf8').splitlines(1) else: with open(file, "rU", encoding="utf8") as f: rightLines = f.readlines() rightSources += u'<div id="R_File{0}" class="tabcontent">\n'.format(i) rightLines = [ escape(x).replace(' ', ' ').replace('"', '"') for x in rightLines ] rightSources += formatLines(rightLines, 'R', i) rightSources += u'</div>\n' rightSourceNames += '<option label="{0}" value="R_File{1}">{2}</option>\n'. \ format(file, i, file) log.note("Start computing tree edit distance") editSet = distance(leftXml, rightXml, DiffRoot.get_children, DiffRoot.InsertCost, DiffRoot.DeleteCost, DiffRoot.UpdateCost) if options.debug: print("edit count = " + str(len(editSet))) for edit in editSet: print(edit.toString()) log.note("Apply copmuted tree edits") if len(editSet) == 0:"Files are identical") leftXml.applyEdits(editSet) log.note("Setup to write html file") templates_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'Templates') log.note(" template directory = " + templates_dir) if six.PY2: with open(os.path.join(templates_dir, "resize.js"), "rb") as f: allScript = else: with open(os.path.join(templates_dir, "resize.js"), "rU", encoding="utf8") as f: allScript = template_file = options.template if not os.path.exists(options.template): template_file = os.path.join(templates_dir, options.template) if not os.path.exists(template_file): sys.exit('No template file: ' + template_file) log.note(' template source file: ' + template_file) with open(template_file, 'rb') as file: html_template = string.Template('utf8')) rightLines = [x.replace(' ', ' ') for x in rightLines] buffers = {} buffers['leftFile'] = leftSources buffers['rightFile'] = rightSources buffers['body'] = leftXml.ToString() subs = { 'background': '', # HTML-escaped values 'title': 'rfc-xmldiff {0} {1}'.format(leftFile_base, rightFile_base), 'body': ''.join(buffers['body']), 'leftFile': buffers['leftFile'], 'leftSourceNames': leftSourceNames, 'rightFile': buffers['rightFile'], 'rightSourceNames': rightSourceNames, 'allScript': allScript } output = html_template.substitute(subs) if options.output_filename is None: write_to(sys.stdout, output) else: log.note('Write out html file: ' + options.output_filename) file = open(options.output_filename, "wb") file.write(output.encode('utf8')) file.close()
def test_simple(self): """ Test a simple xml file will load.""" parse = XmlRfcParser("Tests/simple.xml", quiet=False, cache_path=None, no_network=True) parse = parse.parse()