class Simulator: def __init__(self, player1_path, player2_path): self.match_id = None self.player = Player(player1_path) if player1_path else None if self.player: self.player1_path = player1_path self.player.set_player_id(1) self.player2 = Player(player2_path) if player2_path else None if self.player2: self.player2_path = player2_path self.player2.set_player_id(0) self.turn_repeat = False self.UI = SimulatorUI(settings) self.UI.setTitle("Robot Game Simulator") self.state = GameState(settings, turn=1) self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn) self.UI.bind("w", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("a", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("s", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("d", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Up>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("<Left>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Down>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("<Right>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", lambda ev: self.UI.onMouseClick(ev)) self.UI.bind("l", self.onLoadMatch) self.UI.bind("k", self.onLoadTurn) self.UI.bind("o", self.onReloadPlayer) self.UI.bind("p", self.onSwapPlayer) self.UI.bind("t", self.onEditTurn) self.UI.bind("f", self.onAddTeammate) self.UI.bind("e", self.onAddEnemy) self.UI.bind("r", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("c", self.onClear) self.UI.bind("<Delete>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("<BackSpace>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("h", self.onEditHP) self.UI.bind("<space>", self.onShowActions) self.UI.bind("<Return>", self.onSimulate) self.UI.bind("n", self.onNextAction) self.UI.bind("g", self.onSpawnRobots) def onReloadPlayer(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} if self.player: self.player = Player(self.player1_path) self.player.set_player_id(1) if self.player2: self.player2 = Player(self.player2_path) self.player2.set_player_id(0) def onSwapPlayer(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.onReloadPlayer(None) for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): self.state.robots[loc][ "player_id"] = 1 - self.state.robots[loc]["player_id"] self.UI.renderBot(loc, robot.hp, robot.player_id) def onLoadMatch(self, event): self.match_id = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Load match", "Enter match number", parent=self.UI.root, initialvalue=2588548, minvalue=1, maxvalue=99999999) if self.match_id is not None: self.moves = getrgmatch.get_match_result(self.match_id) self.loadBotsfromTurn(1) def onLoadTurn(self, event): if self.match_id is not None: new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent=self.UI.root, initialvalue=self.state.turn, minvalue=1, maxvalue=100) if new_turn is not None: self.loadBotsfromTurn(new_turn) def loadBotsfromTurn(self, new_turn): if self.match_id is not None: self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.state = GameState() for bot in self.moves[new_turn]: loc = tuple(bot['location']) # print bot self.state.add_robot(loc, bot['player_id']) self.state.robots[loc].hp = bot['hp'] self.UI.renderBot(loc, bot['hp'], bot['player_id']) self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onEditTurn(self, event): new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent=self.UI.root, initialvalue=self.state.turn, minvalue=1, maxvalue=100) if new_turn is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onRemove(self, event): self._removeRobot(self.UI.selection) def _removeRobot(self, loc): if self.state.is_robot(loc): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if loc in self.human_actions: del self.human_actions[loc] self.state.remove_robot(loc) self.UI.renderEmpty(loc) def onAddTeammate(self, event): self._addRobot(1, self.UI.selection) def onAddEnemy(self, event): self._addRobot(0, self.UI.selection) def _addRobot(self, player_id, loc): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if self.state.is_robot(loc): self.state.remove_robot(loc) if loc in self.human_actions: del self.human_actions[loc] self.state.add_robot(loc, player_id) self.UI.renderBot(loc, 50, player_id) def onEditHP(self, event): if self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): robot = self.state.robots[self.UI.selection] self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None new_hp = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Edit hp", "Enter new hp", parent=self.UI.root, initialvalue=robot.hp, minvalue=1, maxvalue=50) if new_hp is not None: robot.hp = new_hp self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, new_hp, robot.player_id) def getActions(self): def getPlayerActions(player, player_id): if player: actions, _ = player.get_responses(self.state, player_id) else: actions = {} for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): if robot.player_id == player_id: action = self.human_actions.get(loc) if action or loc not in actions: actions[loc] = action if action else ('guard', ) return actions actions = getPlayerActions(self.player, 1) actions.update(getPlayerActions(self.player2, 0)) return actions def onClear(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.state = GameState(turn=self.state.turn) def onShowActions(self, event): if self.state.turn < 100: # the following is needed since if the turn does not change, # non-stateless bots behave differently if self.player and self.turn_repeat: self.player = Player(self.player1_path) self.player.set_player_id(1) if self.player2 and self.turn_repeat: self.player2 = Player(self.player2_path) self.player2.set_player_id(0) self.UI.clearActions() actions = self.getActions() self.cached_actions = actions for loc, action in actions.iteritems(): self.UI.renderAction(loc, action) self.turn_repeat = True try: rgsim_text = self.player._module.rgsim_text for loc, text in rgsim_text.iteritems(): self.UI.renderText(loc, text) except AttributeError: print "No rgsim_text dict found for player 1, skipping..." except: print("Error in rgsim_text dict, please ensure keys are " + "valid locations and values are strings") def onSimulate(self, event): if self.state.turn < 100: self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() if self.cached_actions is None: actions = self.getActions() else: actions = self.cached_actions self.state = self.state.apply_actions(actions, spawn=False) for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): self.UI.renderBot(loc, robot.hp, robot.player_id) self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn) self.turn_repeat = False def onNextAction(self, event): if not self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): return robot = self.state.robots[self.UI.selection] action = self.human_actions.get(self.UI.selection) if action is None and self.cached_actions is not None: action = self.cached_actions.get(self.UI.selection) if action is None: action = ('guard', ) x, y = self.UI.selection adjacent_locs = ((x, y - 1), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y)) move_locs = [l for l in adjacent_locs if l not in settings.obstacles] all_actions = [('guard', )] all_actions += [('move', loc) for loc in move_locs] all_actions += [('attack', loc) for loc in adjacent_locs] all_actions += [('suicide', )] i = (all_actions.index(action) + 1) % len(all_actions) action = all_actions[i] if self.cached_actions is not None: self.cached_actions[self.UI.selection] = action self.human_actions[self.UI.selection] = action self.UI.clearAction(self.UI.selection) self.UI.renderAction(self.UI.selection, action) def onSpawnRobots(self, event): all_locs = self.state._get_spawn_locations() for loc in settings.spawn_coords: self._removeRobot(loc) for i, loc in enumerate(all_locs): player_id = i // settings.spawn_per_player self._addRobot(player_id, loc)
class Simulator: SAVE_FILE = "rgsimulator.csv" def __init__(self, settings, player, player2): self.settings = settings self.player = player self.player2 = player2 self.UI = SimulatorUI(settings) self.UI.setTitle("Robot Game Simulator") self.robots = [] self.cached_actions = None self.field = game.Field(settings.board_size) self.robot_id = 0 self.turn = 1 self.last_recipe_id = -1 self.UI.setTurn(self.turn) self.UI.bind("w", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("a", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("s", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("d", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Up>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("<Left>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Down>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("<Right>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", lambda ev: self.UI.onMouseClick(ev)) self.UI.bind("t", self.onEditTurn) self.UI.bind("f", self.onAddTeammate) self.UI.bind("e", self.onAddEnemy) self.UI.bind("r", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("c", self.onClear) self.UI.bind("<Delete>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("<BackSpace>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("h", self.onEditHP) self.UI.bind("<space>", self.onShowActions) self.UI.bind("<Return>", self.onSimulate) self.UI.bind("v", self.onSave) self.UI.bind("l", self.onLoad) def onEditTurn(self, event): new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent=self.UI.root, initialvalue=self.turn, minvalue=1, maxvalue=100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.turn = new_turn def onRemove(self, event): if self.getRobot(self.UI.selection) is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.removeRobot(self.UI.selection) self.UI.renderEmpty(self.UI.selection) def onAddTeammate(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if self.getRobot(self.UI.selection) is not None: self.removeRobot(self.UI.selection) self.addRobot(self.UI.selection, 1) self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, 50, 1) def onSave(self, event): def serialize(robot): return ":".join((robot.player_id, robot.hp, robot.location[0], robot.location[1])) with open(self.SAVE_FILE, "a") as fd: csv.writer(fd).writerow([serialize(robot) for robot in self.robots]) print ("added a recipe") def onLoad(self, event): def deserialize(entry): id_, hp, x, y = map(int, entry.split(":")) return id_, hp, (x, y) with open(self.SAVE_FILE, "r") as fd: recipes = [row for row in csv.reader(fd)] if len(recipes) <= self.last_recipe_id + 1: return robots = recipes[self.last_recipe_id + 1] if robots is not None: self.last_recipe_id += 1 self.onClear() print ("loaded recipe %s" % (self.last_recipe_id,)) print robots for robot in robots: id_, hp, location = deserialize(robot) self.addRobot(location, id_, hp) self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, hp, id_) def onAddEnemy(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if self.getRobot(self.UI.selection) is not None: self.removeRobot(self.UI.selection) self.addRobot(self.UI.selection, 0) self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, 50, 0) def onEditHP(self, event): robot = self.getRobot(self.UI.selection) if robot is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None new_hp = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit hp", "Enter new hp", parent=self.UI.root, initialvalue=robot.hp, minvalue=1, maxvalue=50 ) if new_hp is not None: robot.hp = new_hp self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, new_hp, robot.player_id) def getRobotID(self): ret = self.robot_id self.robot_id += 1 return ret def removeRobot(self, loc): self.robots.remove(self.field[loc]) self.field[loc] = None def getRobot(self, loc): return self.field[loc] def addRobot(self, loc, player_id, hp=None): if hp is None: hp = self.settings.robot_hp robot_id = self.getRobotID() robot = game.InternalRobot(loc, hp, player_id, robot_id, self.field, 0) self.robots.append(robot) self.field[loc] = robot def buildGameInfo(self): return AttrDict( { "robots": dict( ( y.location, AttrDict( dict( (x, getattr(y, x)) for x in (self.settings.exposed_properties + self.settings.player_only_properties) ) ), ) for y in self.robots ), "turn": self.turn, } ) def getActions(self): self.player._robot = None if self.player2 is not None: self.player2._robot = None game_info = self.buildGameInfo() actions = {} for robot in self.robots: if robot.player_id == 1: robot_player = self.player else: if self.player2 is not None: robot_player = self.player2 else: # Don't act actions[robot] = ["guard"] continue user_robot = robot_player.get_robot() for prop in self.settings.exposed_properties + self.settings.player_only_properties: setattr(user_robot, prop, getattr(robot, prop)) try: next_action = user_robot.act(game_info) if not robot.is_valid_action(next_action): raise Exception( "Bot %d: %s is not a valid action from %s" % (robot.player_id + 1, str(next_action), robot.location) ) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) next_action = ["guard"] actions[robot] = next_action return actions def remove_dead(self): to_remove = [x for x in self.robots if x.hp <= 0] for robot in to_remove: self.robots.remove(robot) if self.field[robot.location] == robot: self.field[robot.location] = None self.UI.renderEmpty(robot.location) def onClear(self, event=None): self.UI.clearActions() self.cached_actions = None locations = [robot.location for robot in self.robots] self.robots = [] for loc in locations: self.field[loc] = None self.UI.renderEmpty(loc) def onShowActions(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() actions = self.getActions() self.cached_actions = actions for robot, action in actions.items(): self.UI.renderAction(robot.location, action) def applyActions(self, actions): action_priority = ["move", "attack", "suicide"] for cmd in action_priority: for robot, action in actions.iteritems(): if action[0] != cmd: continue old_loc = robot.location try: robot.issue_command(action, actions) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) actions[robot] = ["guard"] if robot.location != old_loc: if self.field[old_loc] is robot: self.field[old_loc] = None self.UI.renderEmpty(old_loc) self.field[robot.location] = robot def onSimulate(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() if self.cached_actions is None: actions = self.getActions() else: actions = self.cached_actions self.applyActions(actions) for robot, action in actions.items(): self.UI.renderAction(robot.location, action) self.UI.renderBot(robot.location, robot.hp, robot.player_id) self.remove_dead() self.cached_actions = None self.turn += 1 self.UI.setTurn(self.turn)
class Simulator: def __init__(self, settings, p1_path, p2_path): self.settings = settings self.match_id = None self.p1_path = p1_path self.p2_path = p2_path self.code = open(p1_path).read() if p2_path is None: self.p2_path = map_data = open(pkg_resources.resource_filename('rgkit', 'bots/')).read() self.code2 = open(p2_path).read() self.player = Player(self.code) self.player.set_player_id(1) self.player2 = Player(self.code2) self.player2.set_player_id(0) self.UI = SimulatorUI(settings) self.UI.setTitle("Robot Game Simulator") self.state = GameState(settings, turn=1) self.cached_actions = None self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn) self.UI.bind("w", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("a", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("s", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("d", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Up>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("<Left>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Down>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("<Right>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", lambda ev: self.UI.onMouseClick(ev)) self.UI.bind("l", self.onLoadMatch) self.UI.bind("k", self.onLoadTurn) self.UI.bind("o", self.onReloadPlayer) self.UI.bind("p", self.onSwapPlayer) self.UI.bind("t", self.onEditTurn) self.UI.bind("f", self.onAddTeammate) self.UI.bind("e", self.onAddEnemy) self.UI.bind("r", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("c", self.onClear) self.UI.bind("<Delete>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("<BackSpace>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("h", self.onEditHP) self.UI.bind("<space>", self.onShowActions) self.UI.bind("<Return>", self.onSimulate) def onReloadPlayer(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.code = open(self.p1_path).read() self.code2 = open(self.p2_path).read() self.player = Player(self.code) self.player.set_player_id(1) self.player2 = Player(self.code2) self.player2.set_player_id(0) def onSwapPlayer(self, event): self.p1_path, self.p2_path = self.p2_path, self.p1_path def onLoadMatch(self, event): self.match_id = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Load match", "Enter match number", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = 2588548, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 99999999 ) if self.match_id is not None: self.moves = getrgmatch.get_match_result(self.match_id) self.loadBotsfromTurn(1) def onLoadTurn(self, event): if self.match_id is not None: new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = self.state.turn, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.loadBotsfromTurn(new_turn) def loadBotsfromTurn (self, new_turn): if self.match_id is not None: self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.state = GameState(self.settings) for bot in self.moves[new_turn]: loc = tuple(bot['location']) # print bot self.state.add_robot(loc, bot['player_id']) self.state.robots[loc].hp = bot['hp'] self.UI.renderBot(loc, bot['hp'], bot['player_id']) self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onEditTurn(self, event): new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = self.state.turn, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onRemove(self, event): if self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.state.remove_robot(self.UI.selection) self.UI.renderEmpty(self.UI.selection) def onAddTeammate(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): self.state.remove_robot(self.UI.selection) self.state.add_robot(self.UI.selection, 1) self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, 50, 1) def onAddEnemy(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): self.state.remove_robot(self.UI.selection) self.state.add_robot(self.UI.selection, 0) self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, 50, 0) def onEditHP(self, event): if self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): robot = self.state.robots[self.UI.selection] self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None new_hp = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit hp", "Enter new hp", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = robot.hp, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 50 ) if new_hp is not None: robot.hp = new_hp self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, new_hp, robot.player_id) def getActions(self): actions = self.player.get_actions(self.state, 0) actions2 = self.player2.get_actions(self.state, 0) actions.update(actions2) return actions def onClear(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.state = GameState(self.settings) def onShowActions(self, event): self.player.reload() self.player2.reload() self.UI.clearActions() actions = self.getActions() self.cached_actions = actions for loc, action in actions.iteritems(): self.UI.renderAction(loc, action) def onSimulate(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() if self.cached_actions is None: actions = self.getActions() else: actions = self.cached_actions self.state = self.state.apply_actions(actions, spawn=False) for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): self.UI.renderBot(loc, robot.hp, robot.player_id) self.cached_actions = None self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn)
class Simulator: def __init__(self, player1, player2): self.match_id = None self.player = player1 if self.player: self.player.set_player_id(1) self.player2 = player2 if self.player2: self.player2.set_player_id(0) self.UI = SimulatorUI(settings) self.UI.setTitle("Robot Game Simulator") self.state = GameState(settings, turn=1) self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn) self.UI.bind("w", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("a", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("s", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("d", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Up>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("<Left>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Down>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("<Right>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", lambda ev: self.UI.onMouseClick(ev)) self.UI.bind("l", self.onLoadMatch) self.UI.bind("k", self.onLoadTurn) self.UI.bind("o", self.onReloadPlayer) self.UI.bind("p", self.onSwapPlayer) self.UI.bind("t", self.onEditTurn) self.UI.bind("f", self.onAddTeammate) self.UI.bind("e", self.onAddEnemy) self.UI.bind("r", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("c", self.onClear) self.UI.bind("<Delete>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("<BackSpace>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("h", self.onEditHP) self.UI.bind("<space>", self.onShowActions) self.UI.bind("<Return>", self.onSimulate) self.UI.bind("n", self.onNextAction) self.UI.bind("g", self.onSpawnRobots) def onReloadPlayer(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} if self.player: self.player.reload(from_file=True) self.player.set_player_id(1) if self.player2: self.player2.reload(from_file=True) self.player2.set_player_id(0) def onSwapPlayer(self, event): self.player, self.player2 = self.player2, self.player self.onReloadPlayer(None) def onLoadMatch(self, event): self.match_id = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Load match", "Enter match number", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = 2588548, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 99999999 ) if self.match_id is not None: self.moves = getrgmatch.get_match_result(self.match_id) self.loadBotsfromTurn(1) def onLoadTurn(self, event): if self.match_id is not None: new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = self.state.turn, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.loadBotsfromTurn(new_turn) def loadBotsfromTurn (self, new_turn): if self.match_id is not None: self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.state = GameState() for bot in self.moves[new_turn]: loc = tuple(bot['location']) # print bot self.state.add_robot(loc, bot['player_id']) self.state.robots[loc].hp = bot['hp'] self.UI.renderBot(loc, bot['hp'], bot['player_id']) self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onEditTurn(self, event): new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = self.state.turn, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onRemove(self, event): self._removeRobot(self.UI.selection) def _removeRobot(self, loc): if self.state.is_robot(loc): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if loc in self.human_actions: del self.human_actions[loc] self.state.remove_robot(loc) self.UI.renderEmpty(loc) def onAddTeammate(self, event): self._addRobot(1, self.UI.selection) def onAddEnemy(self, event): self._addRobot(0, self.UI.selection) def _addRobot(self, player_id, loc): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if self.state.is_robot(loc): self.state.remove_robot(loc) if loc in self.human_actions: del self.human_actions[loc] self.state.add_robot(loc, player_id) self.UI.renderBot(loc, 50, player_id) def onEditHP(self, event): if self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): robot = self.state.robots[self.UI.selection] self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None new_hp = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit hp", "Enter new hp", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = robot.hp, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 50 ) if new_hp is not None: robot.hp = new_hp self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, new_hp, robot.player_id) def getActions(self): def getPlayerActions(player, player_id): if player: actions = player.get_actions(self.state, player_id) else: actions = {} for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): if robot.player_id == player_id: action = self.human_actions.get(loc) if action or loc not in actions: actions[loc] = action if action else ['guard'] return actions actions = getPlayerActions(self.player, 1) actions.update(getPlayerActions(self.player2, 0)) return actions def onClear(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.state = GameState(turn=self.state.turn) def onShowActions(self, event): if self.state.turn < 100: if self.player: self.player.reload(from_file=True) if self.player2: self.player2.reload(from_file=True) self.UI.clearActions() actions = self.getActions() self.cached_actions = actions for loc, action in actions.iteritems(): self.UI.renderAction(loc, action) def onSimulate(self, event): if self.state.turn < 100: self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() if self.cached_actions is None: actions = self.getActions() else: actions = self.cached_actions self.state = self.state.apply_actions(actions, spawn=False) for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): self.UI.renderBot(loc, robot.hp, robot.player_id) self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn) def onNextAction(self, event): if not self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): return robot = self.state.robots[self.UI.selection] action = self.human_actions.get(self.UI.selection) if action is None and self.cached_actions is not None: action = self.cached_actions.get(self.UI.selection) if action is None: action = ['guard'] x, y = self.UI.selection adjacent_locs = ((x, y-1), (x+1, y), (x, y+1), (x-1, y)) move_locs = [l for l in adjacent_locs if l not in settings.obstacles] all_actions = [['guard']] all_actions += [['move', loc] for loc in move_locs] all_actions += [['attack', loc] for loc in adjacent_locs] all_actions += [['suicide']] i = (all_actions.index(action) + 1) % len(all_actions) action = all_actions[i] if self.cached_actions is not None: self.cached_actions[self.UI.selection] = action self.human_actions[self.UI.selection] = action self.UI.clearAction(self.UI.selection) self.UI.renderAction(self.UI.selection, action) def onSpawnRobots(self, event): all_locs = self.state._get_spawn_locations() for loc in settings.spawn_coords: self._removeRobot(loc) for i, loc in enumerate(all_locs): player_id = i // settings.spawn_per_player self._addRobot(player_id, loc)
class Simulator: def __init__(self, player1_path, player2_path): self.match_id = None self.player = Player(player1_path) if player1_path else None if self.player: self.player1_path = player1_path self.player.set_player_id(1) self.player2 = Player(player2_path) if player2_path else None if self.player2: self.player2_path = player2_path self.player2.set_player_id(0) self.turn_repeat = False self.UI = SimulatorUI(settings) self.UI.setTitle("Robot Game Simulator") self.state = GameState(settings, turn=1) self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn) self.UI.bind("w", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("a", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("s", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("d", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Up>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, -1))) self.UI.bind("<Left>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((-1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<Down>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((0, 1))) self.UI.bind("<Right>", lambda ev: self.UI.moveSelection((1, 0))) self.UI.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", lambda ev: self.UI.onMouseClick(ev)) self.UI.bind("l", self.onLoadMatch) self.UI.bind("k", self.onLoadTurn) self.UI.bind("o", self.onReloadPlayer) self.UI.bind("p", self.onSwapPlayer) self.UI.bind("t", self.onEditTurn) self.UI.bind("f", self.onAddTeammate) self.UI.bind("e", self.onAddEnemy) self.UI.bind("r", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("c", self.onClear) self.UI.bind("<Delete>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("<BackSpace>", self.onRemove) self.UI.bind("h", self.onEditHP) self.UI.bind("<space>", self.onShowActions) self.UI.bind("<Return>", self.onSimulate) self.UI.bind("n", self.onNextAction) self.UI.bind("g", self.onSpawnRobots) def onReloadPlayer(self, event): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} if self.player: self.player = Player(self.player1_path) self.player.set_player_id(1) if self.player2: self.player2 = Player(self.player2_path) self.player2.set_player_id(0) def onSwapPlayer(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.onReloadPlayer(None) for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): self.state.robots[loc]["player_id"] = 1 - self.state.robots[loc]["player_id"] self.UI.renderBot(loc, robot.hp, robot.player_id) def onLoadMatch(self, event): self.match_id = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Load match", "Enter match number", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = 2588548, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 99999999 ) if self.match_id is not None: self.moves = getrgmatch.get_match_result(self.match_id) self.loadBotsfromTurn(1) def onLoadTurn(self, event): if self.match_id is not None: new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = self.state.turn, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.loadBotsfromTurn(new_turn) def loadBotsfromTurn(self, new_turn): if self.match_id is not None: self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.state = GameState() for bot in self.moves[new_turn]: loc = tuple(bot['location']) # print bot self.state.add_robot(loc, bot['player_id']) self.state.robots[loc].hp = bot['hp'] self.UI.renderBot(loc, bot['hp'], bot['player_id']) self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onEditTurn(self, event): new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = self.state.turn, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.state.turn = new_turn def onRemove(self, event): self._removeRobot(self.UI.selection) def _removeRobot(self, loc): if self.state.is_robot(loc): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if loc in self.human_actions: del self.human_actions[loc] self.state.remove_robot(loc) self.UI.renderEmpty(loc) def onAddTeammate(self, event): self._addRobot(1, self.UI.selection) def onAddEnemy(self, event): self._addRobot(0, self.UI.selection) def _addRobot(self, player_id, loc): self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None if self.state.is_robot(loc): self.state.remove_robot(loc) if loc in self.human_actions: del self.human_actions[loc] self.state.add_robot(loc, player_id) self.UI.renderBot(loc, 50, player_id) def onEditHP(self, event): if self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): robot = self.state.robots[self.UI.selection] self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None new_hp = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit hp", "Enter new hp", parent = self.UI.root, initialvalue = robot.hp, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 50 ) if new_hp is not None: robot.hp = new_hp self.UI.renderBot(self.UI.selection, new_hp, robot.player_id) def getActions(self): def getPlayerActions(player, player_id): if player: actions, _ = player.get_responses(self.state, player_id) else: actions = {} for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): if robot.player_id == player_id: action = self.human_actions.get(loc) if action or loc not in actions: actions[loc] = action if action else ('guard',) return actions actions = getPlayerActions(self.player, 1) actions.update(getPlayerActions(self.player2, 0)) return actions def onClear(self, event): self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.state = GameState(turn=self.state.turn) def onShowActions(self, event): if self.state.turn < 100: # the following is needed since if the turn does not change, # non-stateless bots behave differently if self.player and self.turn_repeat: self.player = Player(self.player1_path) self.player.set_player_id(1) if self.player2 and self.turn_repeat: self.player2 = Player(self.player2_path) self.player2.set_player_id(0) self.UI.clearActions() actions = self.getActions() self.cached_actions = actions for loc, action in actions.iteritems(): self.UI.renderAction(loc, action) self.turn_repeat = True try: rgsim_text = self.player._module.rgsim_text for loc, text in rgsim_text.iteritems(): self.UI.renderText(loc, text) except AttributeError: print "No rgsim_text dict found for player 1, skipping..." except: print ("Error in rgsim_text dict, please ensure keys are " + "valid locations and values are strings") def onSimulate(self, event): if self.state.turn < 100: self.UI.clearActions() self.UI.clearBots() if self.cached_actions is None: actions = self.getActions() else: actions = self.cached_actions self.state = self.state.apply_actions(actions, spawn=False) for loc, robot in self.state.robots.iteritems(): self.UI.renderBot(loc, robot.hp, robot.player_id) self.cached_actions = None self.human_actions = {} self.UI.setTurn(self.state.turn) self.turn_repeat = False def onNextAction(self, event): if not self.state.is_robot(self.UI.selection): return robot = self.state.robots[self.UI.selection] action = self.human_actions.get(self.UI.selection) if action is None and self.cached_actions is not None: action = self.cached_actions.get(self.UI.selection) if action is None: action = ('guard',) x, y = self.UI.selection adjacent_locs = ((x, y-1), (x+1, y), (x, y+1), (x-1, y)) move_locs = [l for l in adjacent_locs if l not in settings.obstacles] all_actions = [('guard',)] all_actions += [('move', loc) for loc in move_locs] all_actions += [('attack', loc) for loc in adjacent_locs] all_actions += [('suicide',)] i = (all_actions.index(action) + 1) % len(all_actions) action = all_actions[i] if self.cached_actions is not None: self.cached_actions[self.UI.selection] = action self.human_actions[self.UI.selection] = action self.UI.clearAction(self.UI.selection) self.UI.renderAction(self.UI.selection, action) def onSpawnRobots(self, event): all_locs = self.state._get_spawn_locations() for loc in settings.spawn_coords: self._removeRobot(loc) for i, loc in enumerate(all_locs): player_id = i // settings.spawn_per_player self._addRobot(player_id, loc)