コード例 #1
    def test_suid_from_index(self):
        for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
            # Test order='level'.
            # The suid with index 0 should be N.
            suid = (N,)
            get = Cell.suid_from_index(rdggs, 0, order="level")
            self.assertEqual(get, suid)

            # Should be correct on cell P1.
            suid = (P, 1)
            i = 25
            get = Cell.suid_from_index(rdggs, i, order="level")
            self.assertEqual(get, suid)

            # Test order='post'.
            # The suid with index 0 should be N00...0.
            suid = [N] + [0 for i in range(rdggs.max_resolution)]
            suid = tuple(suid)
            get = Cell.suid_from_index(rdggs, 0, order="post")
            self.assertEqual(get, suid)

            # Should be correct on cell P1.
            suid = (P, 1)

            def num(k):
                return WGS84_123.num_cells(res_1=k, subcells=True)

            i = 2 * num(0) + 1 * num(1) + num(1) - 1
            get = Cell.suid_from_index(rdggs, i, order="post")
            self.assertEqual(get, suid)
コード例 #2
 def test_ne(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         A = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2, 3))
         AA = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2, 3))
         B = Cell(rdggs, (N, 2, 8, 7, 5))
         self.assertFalse(A != AA)
         self.assertTrue(A != B)
コード例 #3
    def test_Cell_init(self):
        for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
            # Should set the rdggs, suid, and resolution attributes correctly.
            suid = (S, 0, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1)
            resolution = 6
            C = Cell(rdggs, suid)
            self.assertEqual(C.rdggs, rdggs)
            self.assertEqual(C.suid, suid)
            self.assertEqual(C.resolution, resolution)

            # Should not create invalid cells.
            suid = (P, rdggs.N_side ** 2)
            self.assertRaises(AssertionError, Cell, rdggs, suid)

            # Should create cell P1.
            expect = (P, 1)
            i = 25
            get = Cell(rdggs, level_order_index=i).suid
            self.assertEqual(get, expect)

            expect = (P, 1)

            def num(k):
                return rdggs.num_cells(res_1=k, subcells=True)

            i = 2 * num(0) + 1 * num(1) + num(1) - 1
            get = Cell(rdggs, post_order_index=i).suid
            self.assertEqual(get, expect)
コード例 #4
 def test_subcells(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         l = 6
         C = Cell(rdggs, (S, 1, 0, 5, 7, 7, 3))
         s = list(C.subcells(l + 1))
         t = [Cell(rdggs, list(C.suid) + [i]) for i in range(9)]
         for i in range(9):
             self.assertTrue(s[i] == t[i])
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: surroundaustralia/tb16pix
def calculate_neighbours(zone_id):
    if zone_id == "Earth":
        return None
        c = Cell(TB16Pix, _suid_from_string(zone_id))
        neighbours = []
        for k, v in sorted(c.neighbors().items()):
            neighbours.append((k, str(v)))
        return neighbours
コード例 #6
 def test_random_point(self):
     # Output should lie in the cell at least.
         rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS(E)
         for plane in [True, False]:
             c = Cell(rdggs, [N, 8, 7])
             p = c.random_point(plane=plane)
                 c.contains(p, plane=plane)
             )  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
コード例 #7
 def test_gt(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         a = Cell(rdggs, (N, 7, 6, 8, 1))
         b = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2, 3))
         c = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2))
         self.assertFalse(a > b)
         self.assertFalse(a > c)
         self.assertFalse(a > a)
         self.assertTrue(b > a)
         self.assertTrue(c > a)
コード例 #8
 def test_lt(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         a = Cell(rdggs, (N, 7, 6, 8, 1))
         b = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2, 3))
         c = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2))
         self.assertTrue(a < b)
         self.assertTrue(a < c)
         self.assertFalse(a < a)
         self.assertFalse(b < a)
         self.assertFalse(c < a)
コード例 #9
 def test_ge(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         a = Cell(rdggs, (N, 7, 6, 8, 1))
         b = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2, 3))
         bb = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2, 3))
         c = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1, 2))
         self.assertTrue(b >= bb)
         self.assertTrue(bb >= a)
         self.assertFalse(a >= b)
         self.assertFalse(a >= c)
         self.assertTrue(b >= a)
         self.assertTrue(c >= a)
コード例 #10
    def test_suid_rowcol(self):
        for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
            # Should work for resolution 0 cells.
            for suid in CELLS0:
                self.assertEqual(suid, Cell(rdggs, (suid,)).suid_rowcol()[0][0])
                self.assertEqual(suid, Cell(rdggs, (suid,)).suid_rowcol()[1][0])

            # Should work on an arbitrary cell.
            n = rdggs.N_side
            c = Cell(rdggs, (N, 1, 3, n ** 2 - 1, 2 * n))
            row, col = c.suid_rowcol()
            for i in range(1, c.resolution + 1):
                self.assertEqual(c.suid[i], n * row[i] + col[i])
コード例 #11
 def test_rotate_entry(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         X = Cell(rdggs, (N,))
         # Should return correct values.
         s = []  # Function values.
         t = []  # Correct values.
         for q in range(4):
             s.append([X.rotate_entry(x, q) for x in range(9)])
         t.append([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
         t.append([2, 5, 8, 1, 4, 7, 0, 3, 6])
         t.append([8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0])
         t.append([6, 3, 0, 7, 4, 1, 8, 5, 2])
         for q in range(4):
             self.assertEqual(s[q], t[q])
コード例 #12
def _get_finest_cell(polygon, suid):
    parent_cell = Cell(suid=suid)
    # get the children cells and polygons for these cells
    children_cells = [cell for cell in parent_cell.subcells()]
    children_poly = [
        Polygon(cell.vertices(plane=False)) for cell in children_cells
    # function and truth list for multipolygon / polygon (polygon) contained within multipolygon / polygon (cell)
    truth = [poly.contains(polygon) for poly in children_poly]
    # if we get something back, check the next level lower
    returned_cells = list(compress(children_cells, truth))
    if returned_cells:
        finest = _get_finest_cell(polygon, returned_cells[0].suid)
        parent_poly = Polygon(parent_cell.vertices(plane=False))
        if parent_poly.contains(polygon):
            finest = parent_cell
            finest = None
    return finest
コード例 #13
 def test_contains(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_003, WGS84_003_RADIANS]:
         # A cell should contain its nucleus, but not my test point p.
         # Assume that nucleus() and vertices() work.
         for suid in [[N, 3, 1], [P, 5, 7, 5, 1, 3], [S, 0]]:
             c = Cell(rdggs, suid)
             w = c.width()
             for plane in [True, False]:
                 nucleus = c.nucleus(plane=plane)
                 vertices = c.vertices(plane=plane)
                 p = (max([v[0] for v in vertices]) + 1, vertices[3][1])
                 self.assertTrue(c.contains(nucleus, plane=plane))
                 self.assertFalse(c.contains(p, plane=plane))
コード例 #14
 def test_nucleus(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         # Nuclei of children should be in correct position
         # relative to parent cell in rHEALPix projection.
         a = Cell(rdggs, (S, 7, 4, 1, 2, 1))  # Arbitrary cell.
         w = a.width()
         (x, y) = a.ul_vertex()
         error = 1e-10
         for (row, col) in product(list(range(3)), repeat=2):
             s = str(row * 3 + col)
             # Child cell in (row, column) position relative to a:
             b = Cell(rdggs, list(a.suid) + [3 * row + col])
             get = b.nucleus()
             expect = (x + w / 6 + (w / 3) * col, y - w / 6 - (w / 3) * row)
             self.assertTrue(rel_err(get, expect) < error)
コード例 #15
    def test_index(self):
        for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
            # Empty cell should have index None
            empty = rdggs.cell()
            self.assertEqual(empty.index(order="level"), None)
            self.assertEqual(empty.index(order="post"), None)

            # Test order='level'.
            # A cell should have index one greater than its predecessor
            # at the same resolution.
            c = rdggs.cell((N, 2, 7, 4, 8))
            b = c.predecessor()
            self.assertEqual(c.index(order="level"), b.index(order="level") + 1)

            # It should invert suid_from_index().
            M = rdggs.num_cells(0, rdggs.max_resolution)
            k = 3616048  # randint(0, M - 1)
            get = Cell(rdggs, Cell.suid_from_index(rdggs, k, order="level")).index(
            self.assertEqual(get, k)

            # Test order='post'.
            # The cell N00...0 should have index 0.
            suid = [N] + [0] * rdggs.max_resolution
            a = Cell(rdggs, suid)
            self.assertEqual(a.index(order="post"), 0)

            # A cell should have index one greater than its last child.
            cc = list(c.subcells())[8]
            self.assertEqual(c.index(order="post"), cc.index(order="post") + 1)

            # It should invert suid_from_index().
            k = 3616048  # randint(0, M - 1)
            get = Cell(rdggs, Cell.suid_from_index(rdggs, k, order="post")).index(
            self.assertEqual(get, k)
コード例 #16
 def test_subcell(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         C = Cell(rdggs, (S, 1, 2, 0))
         D = Cell(rdggs, (S, 1, 2, 0, 5))
コード例 #17
 def test_successor(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         A = Cell(rdggs, (N, 8, 1))
         As0 = Cell(rdggs, (O,))
         As1 = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0))
         As2 = Cell(rdggs, (N, 8, 2))
         As3 = Cell(rdggs, (N, 8, 2, 0))
         self.assertTrue(A.successor(0) == As0)
         self.assertTrue(A.successor(1) == As1)
         self.assertTrue(A.successor(2) == As2)
         self.assertTrue(A.successor(3) == As3)
         A = Cell(rdggs, (S, 8, 8))
         self.assertTrue(A.successor(1) == None)
コード例 #18
    def test_neighbors(self):
        for rdggs in [WGS84_003, WGS84_003_RADIANS]:
            # Plane test.
            # Should work on resolution 1 cells with suids of the form s0
            get = []
            for s in CELLS0:
                nb = Cell(rdggs, [s] + [0]).neighbors()
                for d in ["up", "left", "down", "right"]:
            expect = [
                (Q, 2),
                (R, 0),
                (N, 3),
                (N, 1),
                (N, 6),
                (R, 2),
                (O, 3),
                (O, 1),
                (N, 8),
                (O, 2),
                (P, 3),
                (P, 1),
                (N, 2),
                (P, 2),
                (Q, 3),
                (Q, 1),
                (N, 0),
                (Q, 2),
                (R, 3),
                (R, 1),
                (O, 6),
                (R, 8),
                (S, 3),
                (S, 1),
            expect = [Cell(rdggs, s) for s in expect]
            for i in range(len(expect)):
                self.assertEqual(get[i], expect[i])

            # Ellipsoid test.
            # Quad.
            c = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0))
            get = c.neighbors(plane=False)
            expect = dict()
            expect["north"] = Cell(rdggs, (N, 6))
            expect["south"] = Cell(rdggs, (O, 3))
            expect["west"] = Cell(rdggs, (R, 2))
            expect["east"] = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1))
            for k in list(get.keys()):
                self.assertEqual(get[k], expect[k])
            # Cap.
            c = Cell(rdggs, (S, 4))
            get = c.neighbors(plane=False)
            expect = dict()
            expect["north_0"] = Cell(rdggs, (S, 1))
            expect["north_1"] = Cell(rdggs, (S, 5))
            expect["north_2"] = Cell(rdggs, (S, 7))
            expect["north_3"] = Cell(rdggs, (S, 3))
            for k in list(get.keys()):
                self.assertEqual(get[k], expect[k])
            # Dart.
            c = Cell(rdggs, (N, 6))
            get = c.neighbors(plane=False)
            expect = dict()
            expect["west"] = Cell(rdggs, (N, 3))
            expect["east"] = Cell(rdggs, (N, 7))
            expect["south_west"] = Cell(rdggs, (R, 2))
            expect["south_east"] = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0))
            for k in list(get.keys()):
                self.assertEqual(get[k], expect[k])
            # Skew quad.
            c = Cell(rdggs, (N, 3))
            get = c.neighbors(plane=False)
            expect = dict()
            expect["north"] = Cell(rdggs, (N, 4))
            expect["south"] = Cell(rdggs, (R, 1))
            expect["west"] = Cell(rdggs, (N, 0))
            expect["east"] = Cell(rdggs, (N, 6))
            for k in list(get.keys()):
                self.assertEqual(get[k], expect[k])
コード例 #19
    def test_neighbor(self):
        for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
            # Plane test.
            c = Cell(rdggs, (N, 0))
            get = c.neighbor("left")
            expect = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0))
            self.assertEqual(get, expect)

            # Ellipsoid test.
            c = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0))
            get = c.neighbor("east", plane=False)
            expect = Cell(rdggs, (O, 1))
            self.assertEqual(get, expect)

            c = Cell(rdggs, (N, 6, 4))
            get = c.neighbor("south_west", plane=False)
            expect = Cell(rdggs, (N, 6, 3))
            self.assertEqual(get, expect)

            c = Cell(rdggs, (P, 2, 2))
            get = c.neighbor("north", plane=False)
            expect = Cell(rdggs, (N, 8, 8))
            self.assertEqual(get, expect)
コード例 #20
 def test_predecessor(self):
     for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
         A = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0, 1))
         Ap0 = Cell(rdggs, (N,))
         Ap1 = Cell(rdggs, (N, 8))
         Ap2 = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0, 0))
         Ap3 = Cell(rdggs, (O, 0, 1, 8))
         self.assertTrue(A.predecessor(0) == Ap0)
         self.assertTrue(A.predecessor(1) == Ap1)
         self.assertTrue(A.predecessor(2) == Ap2)
         self.assertTrue(A.predecessor(3) == Ap3)
         A = Cell(rdggs, (N, 0, 0))
         self.assertTrue(A.predecessor(1) == None)
コード例 #21
    def test_ul_vertex(self):
        for rdggs in [WGS84_123, WGS84_123_RADIANS]:
            # Should work for resolution 0 cells.
            for X in rdggs.grid(0):
                get = X.ul_vertex()
                expect = rdggs.ul_vertex[X.suid[0]]
                self.assertEqual(get, expect)

            for X in rdggs.grid(0):
                get = X.ul_vertex(plane=False)
                p = rdggs.ul_vertex[X.suid[0]]
                expect = rdggs.rhealpix(*p, inverse=True)
                self.assertEqual(get, expect)

            # Should work on children cells.
            a = Cell(rdggs, (S, 2, 3))
            l = a.resolution
            x, y = a.ul_vertex()
            w = rdggs.cell_width(l + 1)
            error = 1e-10  # Error tolerance.
            for (i, j) in product(list(range(3)), repeat=2):
                b = Cell(rdggs, list(a.suid) + [i + 3 * j])
                xx, yy = b.ul_vertex()
                xp, yp = (x + i * w, y - j * w)
                self.assertTrue(rel_err([xx, yy], [xp, yp]) < error)

            a = Cell(rdggs, (S, 2, 3))
            l = a.resolution
            x, y = a.ul_vertex()
            w = rdggs.cell_width(l + 1)
            error = rdggs.ellipsoid.R_A * 1e-15  # Error tolerance.
            for (i, j) in product(list(range(3)), repeat=2):
                b = Cell(rdggs, list(a.suid) + [i + 3 * j])
                xx, yy = b.ul_vertex(plane=False)
                xp, yp = rdggs.rhealpix(x + i * w, y - j * w, inverse=True)
                self.assertTrue(rel_err([xx, yy], [xp, yp]) < error)