コード例 #1
def depressCrvs(crvs, paths, startPt, radius, sd):
    newCrvs = []
    for i in range(len(crvs)):
        divPts = rs.DivideCurve(crvs[i], 100)
        if i < len(crvs) - 1:
            cntPt01 = centerCrv(crvs[i])
            cntPt02 = centerCrv(crvs[i + 1])
            horVec = rs.VectorCreate(cntPt01, cntPt02)
        for j in range(len(divPts)):
            path = rs.PointClosestObject(divPts[j], paths)[0]
            param = rs.CurveClosestPoint(path, divPts[j])
            close = rs.EvaluateCurve(path, param)
            dist = rs.Distance(close, divPts[j])
            tan = rs.CurveTangent(crvs[i], param)
            vec = [0, 0, -1]  #rs.VectorCrossProduct(horVec,tan)
            testVec = rs.VectorCreate(cntPt01, divPts[j])
            if rs.VectorDotProduct(vec, testVec) < 0:
            vec = rs.VectorUnitize(vec)
            border = 1
            entry = 1
            if j > len(divPts) / 2:
                border = rs.Distance(rs.CurveEndPoint(crvs[i]), divPts[j])
                border = rs.Distance(rs.CurveStartPoint(crvs[i]), divPts[j])
            if border < sd * 3:
                border = border / (sd * 3)
            entryDist = rs.Distance(startPt, divPts[j])
            if entryDist < sd * 10:
                entry = entryDist / (sd * 10)
            if dist < sd * 2:
                val = radius * (bellCrv(dist, sd))
                divPts[j] = rs.PointAdd(divPts[j], vec * val * border * entry)
    return divPts
コード例 #2
def depressCrvs(srf, crvs, paths, startPt, radius, sd):
    newCrvs = []
    for i in range(len(crvs)):
        divPts = rs.DivideCurve(crvs[i], 400)
        for j in range(len(divPts)):
            path = rs.PointClosestObject(divPts[j], paths)[0]
            param = rs.CurveClosestPoint(path, divPts[j])
            close = rs.EvaluateCurve(path, param)
            srfParam = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srf, close)
            vec = rs.SurfaceNormal(srf, srfParam)
            dist = rs.Distance(close, divPts[j])
            vec = rs.VectorUnitize(vec)
            border = 1
            entry = 1
            if j > len(divPts) / 2:
                border = rs.Distance(rs.CurveEndPoint(crvs[i]), divPts[j])
                border = rs.Distance(rs.CurveStartPoint(crvs[i]), divPts[j])
            if border < sd * 3:
                border = border / (sd * 3)
                border = 1
            entryDist = rs.Distance(startPt, divPts[j])
            if entryDist < sd * 10:
                entry = entryDist / (sd * 10)
                entry = 1
            if dist < sd * 2:
                val = radius * (bellCrv(dist, sd))
                divPts[j] = rs.PointAdd(divPts[j], vec * val * border * entry)
    return divPts
コード例 #3
def shoot_rays(room):
    """Performs the raytracing process using the room properties. Calculates
    all reflections, including geometry, times and energy values per segment.

    room: object
        The room object to be analyzed.

    # TODO: Figure out if it is possible to cut ray one reflection short.
    # TODO: how to get rid of deepcopy? it is super slow.
    # TODO: should propably use some generators, is that possible?

    directions = room.source.directions
    ref_srf = [room.surfaces[gk]['guid'] for gk in room.surfaces]
    ref_map = {room.surfaces[sk]['guid']: sk for sk in room.surfaces}

    room.ray_times = {dk: {} for dk in directions}
    room.ray_lengths = {dk: {} for dk in directions}
    room.ray_powers = {dk: {} for dk in directions}
    room.ray_lines = {dk: {} for dk in directions}

    for dk in directions:
        dir = directions[dk]
        src_ = room.source.xyz
        w = room.source.ray_power[dk]
        min_w = room.source.ray_minpower[dk]
        time = 0
        i = 0
        min_power = False
        while time < room.ctime and not min_power:
            i += 1
            ray = rs.ShootRay(ref_srf, src_, dir, 2)
            srf = rs.PointClosestObject(ray[0], ref_srf)[0]
            mp_list = []
            if i > 0:
                sk = ref_map[str(srf)]
                abs = room.materials[room.surfaces[sk]['material']].absorption
                for wk in w:
                    w[wk] *= (1 - abs[wk])
                    mp_list.append(w[wk] < min_w[wk])
            min_power = all(mp_list)
            l = distance_point_point(ray[0], ray[1])
            t = int((l / 343.0) * 1000)
            room.ray_times[dk][i] = t
            room.ray_lengths[dk][i] = l
            room.ray_powers[dk][i] = deepcopy(w)
            room.ray_lines[dk][i] = ((ray[0].X, ray[0].Y, ray[0].Z),
                                     (ray[1].X, ray[1].Y, ray[1].Z))
            dir = vector_from_points(ray[1], ray[2])
            src_ = ray[1]
            time += t
def MapPointClouds(pointclouds):

    #consider just two point clouds
    pointcloud_a = pointclouds[0]
    pointcloud_b = pointclouds[1]

    for point_a in pointcloud_a:

        #get the closest point in the other pointcloud
        closest_point = rs.PointClosestObject(point_a, pointcloud_b)

        #get the distance between point_a and the closest_point
        distance = rs.Distance(point_a, closest_point)

        if (distance > 0):
            point_1 = rs.AddPoint(point_a)
            point_2 = rs.AddPoint(closest_point)
コード例 #5
def congregate(objs, threshold, loops):
    scaleFactOrig = .1
    for j in range(loops):
        scaleF = ((loops-j)/loops) * scaleFactOrig
        print scaleF
        for i, pt1 in enumerate(objs):
            tempList = list(objs)
            del tempList[i]
            pt2 = rs.PointClosestObject(pt1, tempList)[1]
            vec = rs.VectorCreate(pt2, pt1)
            dist = rs.Distance(pt2, pt1)
            if dist < threshold:
                vec = rs.VectorReverse(vec)
            vec2 = rs.VectorScale(vec, scaleF)
            rs.MoveObject(pt1, vec2)
            line = rs.AddLine(pt1, pt2)
    return objs
コード例 #6
def mesh_smooth_boundary(mesh,fixed,crvs, k=1, d=0.5):
    """Smoothen the input mesh by moving each vertex to the centroid of its

        This is a node-per-node version of Laplacian smoothing with umbrella weights.

        k (int): The number of smoothing iterations.
            Defaults to `1`.
        d (float): Scale factor for (i.e. damping of) the displacement vector.
            Defaults to `0.5`.

    def centroid(points):
        p = len(points)
        return [coord / p for coord in map(sum, zip(*points))]
    boundary = set(mesh.vertices_on_boundary())
    for _ in range(k):
        key_xyz = dict((key, (attr['x'], attr['y'], attr['z'])) for key, attr in mesh.vertices_iter(True))
        for key in key_xyz:
            if (key in boundary) and (key not in fixed):
                nbrs       = mesh.vertex_neighbours(key)
                points     = [key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in nbrs]
                cx, cy, cz = centroid(points)
                x, y, z    = key_xyz[key]
                tx, ty, tz = d * (cx - x), d * (cy - y), d * (cz - z)
                mesh.vertex[key]['x'] += tx
                mesh.vertex[key]['y'] += ty
                mesh.vertex[key]['z'] += tz
                pt = mesh.vertex[key]['x'],mesh.vertex[key]['y'],mesh.vertex[key]['z']
                pt = rs.PointClosestObject(pt,crvs)[1]
                mesh.vertex[key]['x'] = pt[0]
                mesh.vertex[key]['y'] = pt[1]
                mesh.vertex[key]['z'] = pt[2]
コード例 #7
def callback(k, args):
    if k % 10 == 0:

    # constrain all non-fixed to a surface or guide curves
    for key, attr in mesh.vertices(data=True):
        if attr['fixed']:

        if attr['srf']:
            srf = attr['srf']
            x, y, z = rs.BrepClosestPoint(srf, mesh.vertex_coordinates(key))[0]
            attr['x'] = x
            attr['y'] = y
            attr['z'] = z
        elif attr['crv']:
            crv = attr['crv']
            x, y, z = rs.PointClosestObject(mesh.vertex_coordinates(key),
            attr['x'] = x
            attr['y'] = y
            attr['z'] = z

コード例 #8
    fixed = []
    # assign attributes
    for key in mesh.vertices():
        if key in bound:
            pt = mesh.vertex_coordinates(key)
            pt_geo = geometric_key(pt, precision)
            # check if pt has same coordinates as any fixed point
            if pt_geo in pts_fixed_geo:
                mesh.set_vertex_attribute(key, 'fixed', True)
                # assign guid of closest curve to vertex
                    key, 'crv',
                    rs.PointClosestObject(pt, guid_crvs)[0])
            # assign surface guid to vertex
            mesh.set_vertex_attribute(key, 'srf', srf)

    # initialize conduit
    conduit = MeshConduit(mesh)

    # run smoothing with conduit
    with conduit.enabled():
コード例 #9
def get_dist(p):
    co = rs.PointClosestObject(p,lines)
    d = rs.Distance(p,co[1])
    return d - radius