コード例 #1
def f(r, k):
        r = the size of all rectangles ( 50<r )
        k = the density of rectangles (2<k)
        draw cube
    def cube(x, y, z):
        line1 = rs.AddLine((x, y, z), (x, y + 5, z))
        line2 = rs.AddLine((x, y, z), (x + 5, y, z))
        surface = rs.ExtrudeCurve(line1, line2)
        line3 = rs.AddLine((x, y, 0), (x, y, 5))
        rs.ExtrudeSurface(surface, line3)

    for x in rs.frange(0, r, 6):
        for y in rs.frange(0, r, 6):
            for z in rs.frange(0, r, 6):
                if rd.random() * z < k:
                    cube(x, y, z)
コード例 #2
def g():
        theta = degree of line ( 0 < theta < 45 ) 
        num = number of pattern ( 0 < num < 15 )
        draw wire
    r = 10
    sp = rs.AddSphere((0, 0, 0), r)
    box = []
    for x in rs.frange(-r, r, 0.1):
        for y in rs.frange(-r, r, 0.1):
            if r**2 > x**2 + y**2:
                z = ma.sqrt(abs(r**2 - x**2 - y**2))
                box.append((x, y, z))
        for y in rs.frange(-r, r, 0.1):
            if r**2 > x**2 + y**2:
                z = ma.sqrt(abs(r**2 - x**2 - y**2))
                box.append((x, -y, -z))
    ll = len(box)
    rbox = []
    for i in range(0, ll):
        r = rd.random()
        if r < 0.01:

    box2 = []
    box2.append(rd.sample(box, 300))

    box3 = []
    for i in range(0,100):
        if i == 0:
            for k in range(1,100):
                x =  box2[0][0][0]
                y =  box2[0][0][1]
                z =  box2[0][0][2]
                xx = box2[0][k][0]
                yy = box2[0][k][1]
                zz = box2[0][k][2]
                d = (x-xx)**2 + (y-yy)*2 + (z-zz)**2
            n = dis2.index(dis[-1])
            k = box2[n]
    curve = rs.AddCurve(rbox, 2)
    rs.AddPipe(curve, 0, 0.05, True)
コード例 #3
ファイル: rectangle.py プロジェクト: bayasshii/RhinoPython
def komatsu_moyou():
    R = 360
    r = 10
    t1 = 5
    t2 = 18

    all_points = []
    for a in rs.frange(1, r, r / t1):
        points = []
        for b in rs.frange(0, R, R / t2):
            radius = a
            theta = b
            p = polar(a, b)
    print all_points

    for c in range(0, t1):
        for d in range(0, t2 + 1):
            p1 = all_points[c][d]
            p1p = rs.AddPoint(p1)

            p2 = all_points[c][d - 1]
            p2p = rs.AddPoint(p2)

            # rs.AddLine(p1, p2)

            p3 = all_points[c - 1][d]
            p3p = rs.AddPoint(p3)

            p4 = all_points[c - 1][d - 1]
            p4p = rs.AddPoint(p4)

            # rs.AddLine(p3, p2)

            (x1, y1, z1) = rs.PointCoordinates(p1p)
            (x2, y2, z2) = rs.PointCoordinates(p2p)
            (x3, y3, z3) = rs.PointCoordinates(p3p)
            (x4, y4, z4) = rs.PointCoordinates(p4p)

            x = (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4) / 4 + rd.random() / 3
            y = (y1 + y2 + y3 + y4) / 4 + rd.random() / 3
            p = rs.AddPoint(x, y, 0)

            rs.AddLine(p, p1)
            rs.AddLine(p, p2)
            rs.AddLine(p, p3)
            rs.AddLine(p, p4)
コード例 #4
def flange(typeofFlange):

    points = []  #collection
    nP = 100
    nSin = 10

    #conditional assignment

    if (typeofFlange == "floppy"):
        t = 3
        r = 15
        amp = 10

    if (typeofFlange == "extrafloppy"):
        t = 3
        r = 30
        amp = 20

#iteration to calculate points
    for i in rs.frange(0, nP, 1):
        x = r * math.sin(i * 360 / (nP - 1))
        y = r * math.cos(i * 360 / (nP - 1))
        z = amp * math.sin(i * nSin * 360 / (nP - 1))
        point = rs.AddPoint([x, y, z])
def flange(typeofFlange):

    points = [] #collection
    nP = 100
    nSin = 10

    #conditional assignment

    if (typeofFlange == "floppy"):
        t = 3
        r = 15
        amp = 10
    if (typeofFlange == "extrafloppy"):
        t = 3
        r = 30
        amp = 20

#iteration to calculate points
    for i in rs.frange(0, nP, 1):
        x = r * math.sin(i*360/(nP-1))
        y = r * math.cos(i*360/(nP-1))
        z = amp*math.sin(i*nSin*360/(nP-1))
        point = rs.AddPoint([x,y,z])
コード例 #6
ファイル: srfPts.py プロジェクト: kstolzenberg/futureVic
def ptsOnSrf ():
    surfaceId = rs.GetObject("pick surface", 8, True, True)
    uVal = rs.GetInteger("pick u/row count",4, 1, 20)
    vVal = rs.GetInteger("pick v/col count",4, 1, 20)
    uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surfaceId, 0)
    vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surfaceId, 1)
    uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0])/ uVal
    vStep = (vDomain[1] - vDomain[0])/ vVal
    count = 0
    for i in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
        for j in rs.frange(vDomain[0], vDomain[1], vStep):
            point = rs.EvaluateSurface(surfaceId, i, j)
            newPt = rs.AddPoint(point)
            count += 1
            rs.AddText(count,newPt, .25)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Ladybug_SunPath.py プロジェクト: claudemit/ladybug
def getHOYs(hours, days, months, timeStep, lb_preparation, method = 0):
    if method == 1: stDay, endDay = days
    numberOfDaysEachMonth = lb_preparation.numOfDaysEachMonth
    if timeStep != 1: hours = rs.frange(hours[0], hours[-1] + 1 - 1/timeStep, 1/timeStep)
    HOYS = []
    for monthCount, m in enumerate(months):
        # just a single day
        if method == 1 and len(months) == 1 and stDay - endDay == 0:
            days = [stDay]
        elif method == 1:
            #based on analysis period
            if monthCount == 0:
                days = range(stDay, numberOfDaysEachMonth[monthCount] + 1)
            elif monthCount == len(months) - 1: days = range(1, lb_preparation.checkDay(endDay, m) + 1)
            else: days = range(1, numberOfDaysEachMonth[monthCount] + 1)
        for d in days:
            for h in hours:
                h = lb_preparation.checkHour(float(h))
                m  = lb_preparation.checkMonth(int(m))
                d = lb_preparation.checkDay(int(d), m)
                HOY = lb_preparation.date2Hour(m, d, h)
                if HOY not in HOYS: HOYS.append(HOY)
    return HOYS
コード例 #8
    def create_cross_sections(self):
        crvdomain = rs.CurveDomain(self.curve_object)
        self.cross_sections = []
        self.cross_section_planes = []

        t_step = (crvdomain[1] - crvdomain[0]) / self.SAMPLES
        pi_step_size = math.pi / self.SAMPLES
        pi_step = 0

        prev_normal = None
        prev_perp = None

        for t in rs.frange(crvdomain[0], crvdomain[1], t_step):
            crvcurvature = rs.CurveCurvature(self.curve_object, t)
            crosssectionplane = None

            if not crvcurvature:
                crosssectionplane = self.cross_section_plane_no_curvature(
                    t, prev_normal, prev_perp)
                crosssectionplane = self.cross_section_plane_curvature(
                    crvcurvature, prev_normal, prev_perp)

            if crosssectionplane:
                prev_perp = crosssectionplane.XAxis
                prev_normal = crosssectionplane.YAxis
                pi_scalar = self.create_scalar(pi_step)
                radii = self.ellipse_radii(pi_scalar)
                csec = rs.AddEllipse(crosssectionplane, radii[0], radii[1])
            pi_step += pi_step_size
コード例 #9
def GenerateCrossSection(sectionPoints, radius, rotation, smooth, curve, samples, p, q):
    points = []
    avoidRoundoff = 0.01
    for angle in rs.frange(0.0, 360.0+avoidRoundoff, 360.0/sectionPoints):
        points.append(rs.Polar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle, radius))
    rotXform = rs.XformRotation2(rotation, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))
    points = rs.PointArrayTransform(points, rotXform)
    t = curve.Domain[0]
    crossSections = []
    curveCurvature = curve.CurvatureAt(t)
    crossSectionPlane = None
    if not curveCurvature:
        crvPoint = curve.PointAt(t)
        crvTangent = curve.TangentAt(t)
        crvPerp = (0,0,1)
        crvNormal = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.CrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
        crossSectionPlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNormal)
        crvPoint = curve.PointAt(t)
        crvTangent = curve.TangentAt(t)
        crvPerp = curve.CurvatureAt(t)
        crvNormal = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.CrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
        crossSectionPlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNormal)
    if crossSectionPlane:
        xform = rs.XformChangeBasis(crossSectionPlane, rs.WorldXYPlane())
        sectionVerts = rs.PointArrayTransform(points, xform)
        if (smooth): # Degree 3 curve to smooth it
            sectionCurve = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateControlPointCurve(sectionVerts, 3)
        else: # Degree 1 curve (polyline)
            sectionCurve = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateControlPointCurve(sectionVerts, 1)
        crossSection = rs.coercecurve(sectionCurve)
    return crossSection
コード例 #10
def manypoints():
    pt = []
    imax = rs.GetInteger("number of spheres in X-axis", 5, 1, 10)
    jmax = rs.GetInteger("number of spheres in Y-axis", 5, 1, 10)
    kmax = rs.GetInteger("number of spheres in Z-axis", 5, 1, 10)

    for i in rs.frange(0, imax, 1):
        for j in rs.frange(0, jmax, 1):
            for k in rs.frange(0, kmax, 1):
                #set up coordinate
                arrPointCoord = rs.AddPoint([i, j, k])
                r = 0 + (255 - 0) / (imax) * i
                g = 255 - (0 + (255 - 0) / (jmax) * j)
                b = (255 / kmax * k)
                rs.ObjectColor(pt, [r, g, b])
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: walfly/rhinopython
  def create_cross_sections(self):
    crvdomain = rs.CurveDomain(self.curve_object)
    self.cross_sections = []
    self.cross_section_planes = []

    t_step = (crvdomain[1]-crvdomain[0])/self.SAMPLES
    pi_step_size = math.pi/self.SAMPLES
    pi_step = 0

    prev_normal = None
    prev_perp = None

    for t in rs.frange(crvdomain[0], crvdomain[1], t_step):
      crvcurvature = rs.CurveCurvature(self.curve_object, t)
      crosssectionplane = None

      if not crvcurvature:
        crosssectionplane = self.cross_section_plane_no_curvature(t, prev_normal, prev_perp)
        crosssectionplane = self.cross_section_plane_curvature(crvcurvature, prev_normal, prev_perp)

      if crosssectionplane:
        prev_perp = crosssectionplane.XAxis
        prev_normal = crosssectionplane.YAxis
        pi_scalar = self.create_scalar(pi_step)
        radii = self.ellipse_radii(pi_scalar)
        csec = rs.AddEllipse(crosssectionplane, radii[0], radii[1])
      pi_step += pi_step_size
コード例 #12
ファイル: ex_flatworm.py プロジェクト: kstolzenberg/futureVic
def flatWorm():
    curveObject = rs.GetObject("pick a backbone curve", 4, True, False)
    samples = rs.GetInteger("# of crosssections", 100, 5)
    bend_radius = rs.GetReal("bend radius", 0.5, 0.001) # r1
    perp_radius = rs.GetReal("ribbon plan radius", 2.0, 0.001) #r2
    crvDom = rs.CurveDomain(curveObject) # domain != length // why do we use domains? == "The domain is the set of all possible input values to the function that defines the curve or surface."

    crossSections = [] # empty array to store sections
    t_step = (crvDom[1] - crvDom[0]) / samples # this is starting to be a pattern!
    t = crvDom[0] # start pt for loop at the start of the line

    for t in rs.frange(crvDom[0], crvDom[1], t_step): # loop thru entire domain w/ floats
        crvCurvature = rs.CurveCurvature(curveObject, t) # evaluate curve with a circle - gives 3d normals & gives radius info
        crossSecPlane = None
        if not crvCurvature:
            crvPoint = rs.EvaluateCurve(curveObject, t)
            crvTan = rs.CurveTangent(curveObject, t) # get tangent vector
            crvPerp = (0,0,1)
            crvNorm = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTan, crvPerp)# = product of 2 vectors
            crossSecPlane = rs.PlaneFromFrame(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNorm)
            crvPoint = crvCurvature[0]
            crvTan = crvCurvature[1]
            crvPerp = rs.VectorUnitize(crvCurvature[4])
            crvNorm = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTan, crvPerp)# look up
            crossSecPlane = rs.PlaneFromFrame(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNorm)
        if crossSecPlane:
            csec = rs.AddEllipse(crossSecPlane, bend_radius, perp_radius) # draw ellipse at tan/normal to point along curve with radii
            crossSections.append(csec) # add ellipses to an array
        t += t_step # step through domain

    rs.AddLoftSrf(crossSections) # loft list of curves
    rs.DeleteObjects(crossSections) # delete original list of curves as cleanup
コード例 #13
 def drawNurbsCurvePts(self,nums,u):
     pts = []
     for f in rs.frange( self.knots[0],self.knots[-1],(self.knots[-1]-self.knots[0])/float(nums) ):
         if f<u:
             pt, _, _ = nurbs.calculateNurbsPoint(f)
     pointAtU, ptsGoo, deBoorlines = nurbs.calculateNurbsPoint(u,1)
     return pts,pointAtU, ptsGoo, deBoorlines
コード例 #14
def ptsOnSrf ():
    surfaceId = rs.GetObject("pick surface", 8, True, True)
    uVal = rs.GetInteger("pick u/row count",4, 1, 20)
    vVal = rs.GetInteger("pick v/col count",4, 1, 20)
    uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surfaceId, 0)
    vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surfaceId, 1)
    uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0])/ uVal
    vStep = (vDomain[1] - vDomain[0])/ vVal
    count = 0
    allPts = []
    for i in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
        for j in rs.frange(vDomain[0], vDomain[1], vStep):
            point = rs.EvaluateSurface(surfaceId, i, j)
            newPt = rs.AddPoint(point)
    rs.AddInterpCrvOnSrf(surfaceId, allPts)
コード例 #15
def ptsOnSrf():
    surfaceId = rs.GetObject("pick surface", 8, True, True)
    uVal = rs.GetInteger("pick u/row count", 4, 1, 20)
    vVal = rs.GetInteger("pick v/col count", 4, 1, 20)
    uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surfaceId, 0)
    vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surfaceId, 1)
    uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0]) / uVal
    vStep = (vDomain[1] - vDomain[0]) / vVal
    count = 0
    allPts = []

    for i in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
        for j in rs.frange(vDomain[0], vDomain[1], vStep):
            point = rs.EvaluateSurface(surfaceId, i, j)
            newPt = rs.AddPoint(point)

    rs.AddInterpCrvOnSrf(surfaceId, allPts)
コード例 #16
def draw_warp():
    n = 360
    warp = []
    for i in rs.frange(0, n, d):
        point = []
        for z in rs.frange(1, 120, 5):
            si = draw_sikaku(i)
            do = draw_outline(z)
            p = rs.CurveSurfaceIntersection(do, si)

        curve_1 = rs.AddCurve(point)
        curve_2 = rs.CopyObject(curve_1, polar(t, i, 0))

        domain = rs.CurveDomain(curve_1)
        increment = (domain[1] - domain[0])

        point_1 = rs.EvaluateCurve(curve_1, domain[0])
        point_2 = rs.EvaluateCurve(curve_1, domain[1])

        arc_1 = draw_arc(point_1, i, -1)
        arc_2 = draw_arc(point_2, i, 1)

        wakame = [curve_1, curve_2, arc_1, arc_2]

        #        rs.RotateObjects(wakame,(0,0,0),90,polar(10,i,0),False)
        #        rs.MoveObjects  (wakame, polar(0, i ,0))
        #        rs.RotateObjects(wakame,(0,0,0),-i,None,False)
        #        rs.MoveObjects  (wakame, (i*t/5,10,5))

        point_3 = rs.EvaluateCurve(curve_1, increment * 28 / 29)
        rec_1 = draw_rectangle_2(point_3, 0)
        point_4 = rs.EvaluateCurve(curve_1, increment * 1 / 14)
        rec_2 = draw_rectangle_2(point_4, 0)


    return warp
コード例 #17
def draw_bottom():
    points = []
    for theta in rs.frange(0, 360, c):
        R = ran_2 * ma.cos(ma.radians(theta) * ran_1)

        x = (R + 15) * ma.cos(ma.radians(theta))
        y = (R + 18) * ma.sin(ma.radians(theta))

        points.append((x, y, 0))
    curve = rs.AddCurve(points)
    return curve
コード例 #18
    def __generate_form_levels(self, spine_curve):
        crvdomain = rs.CurveDomain(spine_curve)
        printedState = ""
        crosssection_planes = []
        crosssection_plane_nums = []
        crosssections = []
        t_step = (crvdomain[1] - crvdomain[0]) / (
            self.object_properties["number_of_lofts"] - 1)
        t = crvdomain[0]
        for t in rs.frange(crvdomain[0], crvdomain[1], t_step):
            if (self.emotion_properties["vertical_AR"][str(int(t + 1))] !=
                crvcurvature = rs.CurveCurvature(spine_curve, t)
                crosssectionplane = None
                if not crvcurvature:
                    crvPoint = rs.EvaluateCurve(spine_curve, t)
                    crvTangent = rs.CurveTangent(spine_curve, t)
                    crvPerp = (0, 0, 1)
                    crvNormal = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
                    printedState = printedState + str(crvNormal)
                    crosssectionplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(
                        crvPoint, crvTangent)
                    if (t == 0):
                        crosssectionplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal([0, 0, 0],
                                                               [0, 0, 1])
                    crvPoint = crvcurvature[0]
                    crvTangent = crvcurvature[1]
                    crvPerp = rs.VectorUnitize(crvcurvature[4])
                    crvNormal = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
                    printedState = printedState + str(crvNormal)
                    crosssectionplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(
                        crvPoint, crvTangent, crvNormal)
                if crosssectionplane:
                    crosssection_plane_nums.append(str(int(t + 1)))
        if len(crosssection_plane_nums) > 0:
            last_element = crosssection_plane_nums.pop(
                len(crosssection_plane_nums) - 1)
            crosssection_plane_nums.insert(0, last_element)
        for index in xrange(len(crosssection_plane_nums)):
        if not crosssections: return

        return crosssection_planes[0]
コード例 #19
ファイル: Ladybug_SunPath.py プロジェクト: boris-p/ladybug
def getHOYs(hours, days, months, timeStep, lb_preparation, method = 0):
    if method == 1: stDay, endDay = days
    numberOfDaysEachMonth = lb_preparation.numOfDaysEachMonth
    numOfHours = timeStep * len(hours) 
    if timeStep != 1:
        step = 1/timeStep
        hours = rs.frange(hours[0], hours[-1] + 1, step)
        # make sure hours are generated correctly
        if len(hours) > numOfHours:
            hours = hours[:numOfHours]
        elif len(hours) < numOfHours:
            newHour = hours[-1] + step
    HOYS = []
    for monthCount, m in enumerate(months):
        # just a single day
        if method == 1 and len(months) == 1 and stDay - endDay == 0:
            days = [stDay]
        # few days in a single month
        elif method == 1 and len(months) == 1:
            days = range(stDay, endDay + 1)
        elif method == 1:
            #based on analysis period
            if monthCount == 0:
                # first month
                days = range(stDay, numberOfDaysEachMonth[m-1] + 1)
            elif monthCount == len(months) - 1:
                # last month
                days = range(1, lb_preparation.checkDay(endDay, m) + 1)
                #rest of the months
                days = range(1, numberOfDaysEachMonth[m-1] + 1)
        for d in days:
            for h in hours:
                h = lb_preparation.checkHour(float(h))
                m  = lb_preparation.checkMonth(int(m))
                d = lb_preparation.checkDay(int(d), m)
                HOY = lb_preparation.date2Hour(m, d, h)
                if HOY not in HOYS: HOYS.append(HOY)
    return HOYS
コード例 #20
 def getValueBasedOnOrientation(valueList):
     angles = []
     if valueList == None or len(valueList) == 0: value = None
     if len(valueList) == 1:
         value = valueList[0]
     elif len(valueList) > 1:
         initAngles = rs.frange(0, 360, 360/len(valueList))
         for an in initAngles: angles.append(an-(360/(2*len(valueList))))
         for angleCount in range(len(angles)-1):
             if angles[angleCount] <= (getAngle2North(normalVector))%360 <= angles[angleCount +1]:
                 targetValue = valueList[angleCount%len(valueList)]
         value = targetValue
     return value
コード例 #21
 def getValueBasedOnOrientation(valueList):
     angles = []
     if valueList == None or len(valueList) == 0: value = None
     if len(valueList) == 1:
         value = valueList[0]
     elif len(valueList) > 1:
         initAngles = rs.frange(0, 360, 360/len(valueList))
         for an in initAngles: angles.append(an-(360/(2*len(valueList))))
         for angleCount in range(len(angles)-1):
             if angles[angleCount] <= (getAngle2North(normalVector))%360 <= angles[angleCount +1]:
                 targetValue = valueList[angleCount%len(valueList)]
         value = targetValue
     return value
コード例 #22
def getHOYs(hours, days, months, timeStep, lb_preparation, method = 0):
    if method == 1: stDay, endDay = days
    numberOfDaysEachMonth = lb_preparation.numOfDaysEachMonth
    numOfHours = timeStep * len(hours) 
    if timeStep != 1:
        step = 1/timeStep
        hours = rs.frange(hours[0], hours[-1] + 1, step)
        # make sure hours are generated correctly
        if len(hours) > numOfHours:
            hours = hours[:numOfHours]
        elif len(hours) < numOfHours:
            newHour = hours[-1] + step
    HOYS = []
    for monthCount, m in enumerate(months):
        # just a single day
        if method == 1 and len(months) == 1 and stDay - endDay == 0:
            days = [stDay]
        # few days in a single month
        elif method == 1 and len(months) == 1:
            days = range(stDay, endDay + 1)
        elif method == 1:
            #based on analysis period
            if monthCount == 0:
                # first month
                days = range(stDay, numberOfDaysEachMonth[m-1] + 1)
            elif monthCount == len(months) - 1:
                # last month
                days = range(1, lb_preparation.checkDay(endDay, m) + 1)
                #rest of the months
                days = range(1, numberOfDaysEachMonth[m-1] + 1)
        for d in days:
            for h in hours:
                h = lb_preparation.checkHour(float(h))
                m  = lb_preparation.checkMonth(int(m))
                d = lb_preparation.checkDay(int(d), m)
                HOY = lb_preparation.date2Hour(m, d, h)
                if HOY not in HOYS: HOYS.append(HOY)
    return HOYS
コード例 #23
ファイル: kouzou.py プロジェクト: bayasshii/RhinoPython
def draw_top_wakka():
    top_outline = draw_outline(20)
    rs.ScaleObject(top_outline, (0, 0, 20), (1.09, 1.09, 1), False)

    n = 360
    top_rectangle = []
    for i in rs.frange(0, n, d):
        si = draw_sikaku(i)
        p = rs.CurveSurfaceIntersection(top_outline, si)
        dr = draw_rectangle_1(p[0][1], i)
        rs.MoveObject(dr, polar(0.1, i, 0))

    top_curve = [top_outline, top_rectangle]
コード例 #24
ファイル: kouzou.py プロジェクト: bayasshii/RhinoPython
def draw_bottom_wakka():
    bottom_outline = draw_outline(11)
    rs.ScaleObject(bottom_outline, (0, 0, 10), (1.06, 1.06, 1), False)

    n = 360
    bottom__rectangle = []
    for i in rs.frange(0, n, d):
        si = draw_sikaku(i)
        do = draw_outline(11)
        p = rs.CurveSurfaceIntersection(do, si)
        dr = draw_rectangle_1(p[0][1], i)
        rs.MoveObject(dr, polar(0.6, i, 0))
コード例 #25
def orientaionStr(divisionAngle, totalAngle):
    divisionAngle = float(divisionAngle)
    totalAngle = float(totalAngle)
    # check the numbers
    if divisionAngle> totalAngle:
        print "Division angle cannot be bigger than the total angle!"
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "Division angle cannot be bigger than the total angle!")
        return 0
    elif totalAngle%divisionAngle!=0:
        print "Total angle should be divisible by the division angle!"
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "Total angle should be divisible by the division angle!")
        return 0
        return [0] + rs.frange(0, totalAngle, divisionAngle)
コード例 #26
def orientaionStr(divisionAngle, totalAngle):
    divisionAngle = float(divisionAngle)
    totalAngle = float(totalAngle)
    # check the numbers
    if divisionAngle> totalAngle:
        print "Division angle cannot be bigger than the total angle!"
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "Division angle cannot be bigger than the total angle!")
        return 0
    elif totalAngle%divisionAngle!=0:
        print "Total angle should be divisible by the division angle!"
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "Total angle should be divisible by the division angle!")
        return 0
        return [0] + rs.frange(0, totalAngle, divisionAngle)
コード例 #27
  def points_from_ellipse(self, index):
    ellipse = self.cross_sections[index]
    even = index % 2 == 0

    ellipse_domain = rs.CurveDomain(ellipse)
    ellipse_step = (ellipse_domain[1] - ellipse_domain[0])/self.POINTS_ON_CROSS_SECTION
    points = []

    j = 0
    for i in rs.frange(ellipse_domain[0], ellipse_domain[1] - ellipse_step, ellipse_step):
      if even:
        if j % 2 == 0:
          points.append(rs.EvaluateCurve(ellipse, i))
        if (j + 1) % 2 == 0:
          points.append(rs.EvaluateCurve(ellipse, i))
      j += 1
    return points
コード例 #28
ファイル: ex_flatworm.py プロジェクト: kstolzenberg/futureVic
def flatWorm():
    curveObject = rs.GetObject("pick a backbone curve", 4, True, False)
    samples = rs.GetInteger("# of crosssections", 100, 5)
    bend_radius = rs.GetReal("bend radius", 0.5, 0.001)  # r1
    perp_radius = rs.GetReal("ribbon plan radius", 2.0, 0.001)  #r2
    crvDom = rs.CurveDomain(
    )  # domain != length // why do we use domains? == "The domain is the set of all possible input values to the function that defines the curve or surface."

    crossSections = []  # empty array to store sections
    t_step = (crvDom[1] -
              crvDom[0]) / samples  # this is starting to be a pattern!
    t = crvDom[0]  # start pt for loop at the start of the line

    for t in rs.frange(crvDom[0], crvDom[1],
                       t_step):  # loop thru entire domain w/ floats
        crvCurvature = rs.CurveCurvature(
            curveObject, t
        )  # evaluate curve with a circle - gives 3d normals & gives radius info
        crossSecPlane = None
        if not crvCurvature:
            crvPoint = rs.EvaluateCurve(curveObject, t)
            crvTan = rs.CurveTangent(curveObject, t)  # get tangent vector
            crvPerp = (0, 0, 1)
            crvNorm = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTan,
                                            crvPerp)  # = product of 2 vectors
            crossSecPlane = rs.PlaneFromFrame(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNorm)
            crvPoint = crvCurvature[0]
            crvTan = crvCurvature[1]
            crvPerp = rs.VectorUnitize(crvCurvature[4])
            crvNorm = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTan, crvPerp)  # look up
            crossSecPlane = rs.PlaneFromFrame(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNorm)
        if crossSecPlane:
            csec = rs.AddEllipse(
                crossSecPlane, bend_radius, perp_radius
            )  # draw ellipse at tan/normal to point along curve with radii
            crossSections.append(csec)  # add ellipses to an array
        t += t_step  # step through domain

    rs.AddLoftSrf(crossSections)  # loft list of curves
        crossSections)  # delete original list of curves as cleanup
コード例 #29
ファイル: objectFillRectangle.py プロジェクト: moeamaya/Rhino
def distortArray(fuseList, rec):
    bFuse = rs.BoundingBox(fuseList[0])
    lenFuse = bFuse[1][0] - bFuse[0][0]
    bRec = rs.BoundingBox(rec)
    lenRec = bRec[1][0] - bRec[0][0]
    xRange = lenRec - lenFuse
    step = xRange/ (len(fuseList))
    distortion = rs.frange(0, xRange, step)
    for i in range(0, len(fuseList)):
        x = choice(distortion)
        xform = [x,0,0]
        rs.MoveObject(fuseList[i], xform)
    return fuseList 
コード例 #30
def TorusKnotVerts(p, q, res, zScale):
    # Determine if we need to loop less because of non coprime p and q
    upLimit = 2.0*math.pi
    P = int(p); Q = int(q)
    hcf = HighestCommonFactor(P, Q)
    if (hcf != 1):
        upLimit /= hcf
    verts = []
    roundTol = 0.01 # Fudge factor to make sure loop closes
    tStep = math.pi/(res/2.0)
    for t in rs.frange(0.0, upLimit+roundTol, tStep):
        r = math.cos(q*t)+2.0
        x = r*math.cos(p*t)
        y = r*math.sin(p*t)
        z = -math.sin(q*t)*2.0
        z *= zScale
        pt = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x, y, z)
    return verts
コード例 #31
    def points_from_ellipse(self, index):
        ellipse = self.cross_sections[index]
        even = index % 2 == 0

        ellipse_domain = rs.CurveDomain(ellipse)
        ellipse_step = (ellipse_domain[1] -
                        ellipse_domain[0]) / self.POINTS_ON_CROSS_SECTION
        points = []

        j = 0
        for i in rs.frange(ellipse_domain[0], ellipse_domain[1] - ellipse_step,
            if even:
                if j % 2 == 0:
                    points.append(rs.EvaluateCurve(ellipse, i))
                if (j + 1) % 2 == 0:
                    points.append(rs.EvaluateCurve(ellipse, i))
            j += 1
        return points
コード例 #32
	def __generate_form_levels(self, spine_curve):
		crvdomain = rs.CurveDomain(spine_curve)
		printedState = ""
		crosssection_planes = []
		crosssection_plane_nums = []
		crosssections = []
		t_step = (crvdomain[1] - crvdomain[0]) / (self.object_properties["number_of_lofts"]-1)
		t = crvdomain[0]
		for t in rs.frange(crvdomain[0], crvdomain[1], t_step):
			if(self.emotion_properties["vertical_AR"][str(int(t+1))] != None):		
				crvcurvature = rs.CurveCurvature(spine_curve, t)
				crosssectionplane = None
				if not crvcurvature:
					crvPoint = rs.EvaluateCurve(spine_curve, t)
					crvTangent = rs.CurveTangent(spine_curve, t)
					crvPerp = (0,0,1)
					crvNormal = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
					printedState = printedState + str(crvNormal)
					crosssectionplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(crvPoint, crvTangent)
						crosssectionplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal([0,0,0], [0,0,1])
					crvPoint = crvcurvature[0]
					crvTangent = crvcurvature[1]
					crvPerp = rs.VectorUnitize(crvcurvature[4])
					crvNormal = rs.VectorCrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
					printedState = printedState + str(crvNormal)
					crosssectionplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(crvPoint, crvTangent, crvNormal)
				if crosssectionplane:
		if len(crosssection_plane_nums) > 0:
			last_element = crosssection_plane_nums.pop(len(crosssection_plane_nums)-1)
			crosssection_plane_nums.insert(0, last_element)
		for index in xrange(len(crosssection_plane_nums)):
			crosssections.append(self.__generate_individual_levels(crosssection_planes[index], crosssection_plane_nums[index]))
		if not crosssections: return
		return crosssection_planes[0]
コード例 #33
def TorusKnotVerts(p, q, res, zScale):
    # Determine if we need to loop less because of non coprime p and q
    upLimit = 2.0 * math.pi
    P = int(p)
    Q = int(q)
    hcf = HighestCommonFactor(P, Q)
    if (hcf != 1):
        upLimit /= hcf

    verts = []
    roundTol = 0.01  # Fudge factor to make sure loop closes
    tStep = math.pi / (res / 2.0)
    for t in rs.frange(0.0, upLimit + roundTol, tStep):
        r = math.cos(q * t) + 2.0
        x = r * math.cos(p * t)
        y = r * math.sin(p * t)
        z = -math.sin(q * t) * 2.0
        z *= zScale
        pt = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x, y, z)
    return verts
コード例 #34
def outline(s):
    x1= 6*s
    y1= 0 
    x2= 3*s
    y2= 6*s*ma.sqrt(3)/2
    xy1 = (x1, y1, 0)
    xy2 = (x2, y2, 0)
    line_origin = rs.AddLine(xy1, xy2)
    o = length_of_outline = 0.1 #0.05<0<0.10  
    line = rs.ScaleObject(line_origin, (0, 0, 0), (1+o, 1+o, 0), False)
    for angle in rs.frange(60, 360, 60):
        rs.RotateObject(line, (0, 0, 0), angle, None, True)
    all_lines = rs.ObjectsByType(0)
コード例 #35
def contour(crvOffset):
    # get geometry
    surfaceId = rs.GetObject("pick surface to contour", 0, True, True)
    startPt = rs.GetPoint("base point of contours")
    endPt = rs.GetPoint("end point of contours")
    count = 0
    reference = []
    target = []

    # make contours & store in newCrvs
    newCrvs = rs.AddSrfContourCrvs(
        surfaceId, (startPt, endPt), crvOffset
    )  # output is a list of GUIDs. can't access raw points

    # divide the target surface
    printBed = rs.GetObject("pick surface for layout", 8, True, True)
    intCount = len(newCrvs)
    uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(printBed, 0)
    vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(printBed, 1)
    uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0]) / intCount

    for u in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
        layout = rs.SurfaceFrame(printBed, [u, 1])
        target1 = layout[0]  # set target to point inside of object - note this is a single point
        target2 = rs.PointAdd(target1, (0, 10, 0))  # this could be more parametric
        target.extend([target1, target2])
    # print target

    # add text, reference and orient!
    # for orient, we need a list 3 points to reference and 3 points to target!
    # maybe reference should be curve origin crvPl[0] and midpoint? or else polyline verticies -- need to convert curve to polyline first?
    for crv in newCrvs:
        count += 1  # for label
        crvPl = rs.CurvePlane(crv)  # plane for text
        rs.AddText(count, crvPl, 0.25)  # should you label on the ground?
        # crvPl = rs.PointAdd(crvPl[0], (0,0,-1)) # if you wanted to offset text
        ref1 = rs.CurveMidPoint(crv)
        ref2 = crvPl[0]
        reference.extend([ref1, ref2])
コード例 #36
def GenerateCrossSection(sectionPoints, radius, rotation, smooth, curve,
                         samples, p, q):
    points = []
    avoidRoundoff = 0.01
    for angle in rs.frange(0.0, 360.0 + avoidRoundoff, 360.0 / sectionPoints):
        points.append(rs.Polar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle, radius))

    rotXform = rs.XformRotation2(rotation, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))
    points = rs.PointArrayTransform(points, rotXform)

    t = curve.Domain[0]
    crossSections = []
    curveCurvature = curve.CurvatureAt(t)
    crossSectionPlane = None
    if not curveCurvature:
        crvPoint = curve.PointAt(t)
        crvTangent = curve.TangentAt(t)
        crvPerp = (0, 0, 1)
        crvNormal = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.CrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
        crossSectionPlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNormal)
        crvPoint = curve.PointAt(t)
        crvTangent = curve.TangentAt(t)
        crvPerp = curve.CurvatureAt(t)
        crvNormal = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.CrossProduct(crvTangent, crvPerp)
        crossSectionPlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(crvPoint, crvPerp, crvNormal)
    if crossSectionPlane:
        xform = rs.XformChangeBasis(crossSectionPlane, rs.WorldXYPlane())
        sectionVerts = rs.PointArrayTransform(points, xform)
        if (smooth):  # Degree 3 curve to smooth it
            sectionCurve = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateControlPointCurve(
                sectionVerts, 3)
        else:  # Degree 1 curve (polyline)
            sectionCurve = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateControlPointCurve(
                sectionVerts, 1)
        crossSection = rs.coercecurve(sectionCurve)
    return crossSection
コード例 #37
def contour (crvOffset):
    # get geometry
    surfaceId = rs.GetObject("pick surface to contour", 0, True, True)
    startPt = rs.GetPoint("base point of contours")
    endPt = rs.GetPoint("end point of contours")
    count = 0
    reference = []
    target = []

    # make contours & store in newCrvs
    newCrvs = rs.AddSrfContourCrvs(surfaceId, (startPt, endPt), crvOffset) # output is a list of GUIDs. can't access raw points

    # divide the target surface
    printBed = rs.GetObject("pick surface for layout", 8, True, True)
    intCount = len(newCrvs)
    uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(printBed, 0)
    vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(printBed, 1)
    uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0]) / intCount

    for u in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
        layout = rs.SurfaceFrame(printBed, [u,1])
        target1 = layout[0] # set target to point inside of object - note this is a single point
        target2 = rs.PointAdd(target1,(0,10,0)) # this could be more parametric
        target.extend([target1, target2])
    #print target

    # add text, reference and orient!
    # for orient, we need a list 3 points to reference and 3 points to target!
    # maybe reference should be curve origin crvPl[0] and midpoint? or else polyline verticies -- need to convert curve to polyline first? 
    for crv in newCrvs:
        count += 1 # for label
        crvPl = rs.CurvePlane(crv) # plane for text
        rs.AddText(count, crvPl, 0.25) # should you label on the ground?
        #crvPl = rs.PointAdd(crvPl[0], (0,0,-1)) # if you wanted to offset text
        ref1 = rs.CurveMidPoint(crv) 
        ref2 = crvPl[0]
        reference.extend([ref1, ref2])
コード例 #38
#Create alternating sine curves with alternating colors

#import both RS and math libraries
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

#Boolean switch
flip = True

#Create two colors, colors are tuples (R, G, B)
color01 = (0, 255, 255)
color02 = (255, 0, 255)

#For loops with frange(start, stop, step)
for x in rs.frange(0.0, 10.0, 0.1):

    #create the list here, we create a new list once we exhaust Y coords. to create individual sets of points in the Y Direction
    ptsForCurve = []
    for y in rs.frange(0.0, 10.0, 0.1):
        #Z coords based on product of sines
        z = math.sin(x) * math.sin(y)

        #store each point as a tuple with X, Y, and Z and append to the point list
        pt = (x, y, z)
    #once we have all the points, create a curve using those points and add it to the Rhino Document
    curve = rs.AddCurve(ptsForCurve)

    #Alternating colors using boolean switch
    if flip:
        rs.ObjectColor(curve, color01)
コード例 #39
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

#Call rs.EnableRedraw(False)
for t in rs.frange(-50, 50, 1.25):
    arrPoint = [t * math.sin(5 * t), t * math.cos(5 * t), t]

    #Call rs.EnableRedraw(True)
コード例 #40
def analyzeGlz(glzSrf, distBetween, numOfShds, horOrVertical, lb_visualization, normalVector):
    # find the bounding box
    bbox = glzSrf.GetBoundingBox(True)
    if horOrVertical == None:
        horOrVertical = True
    if numOfShds == None and distBetween == None:
        numOfShds = 1
    if numOfShds == 0 or distBetween == 0:
        sortedPlanes = []
    elif horOrVertical == True:
        # Horizontal
        #Define a bounding box for use in calculating the number of shades to generate
        minZPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, True)
        maxZPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, False)
        maxZPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxZPt.X, maxZPt.Y, maxZPt.Z - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance)
        centerPt = bbox.Center 
        #glazing hieghts
        glzHeight = minZPt.DistanceTo(maxZPt)
        # find number of shadings
        try: numOfShd = int(numOfShds)
        except: numOfShd = math.ceil(glzHeight/distBetween)
        shadingHeight = glzHeight/numOfShd
        # find shading base planes
        planeOrigins = []
        planes = []
        X, Y, z = minZPt.X, minZPt.Y, minZPt.Z
            for Z in rs.frange(minZPt.Z + shadingHeight , maxZPt.Z, shadingHeight):
                planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(X, Y, Z), rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis))
            # single shading
            planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxZPt), rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis))
        # sort the planes
        sortedPlanes = sorted(planes, key=lambda a: a.Origin.Z)
    elif horOrVertical == False:
        # Vertical
        # Define a vector to be used to generate the planes
        planeVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d(normalVector.X, normalVector.Y, 0)
        planeVec.Rotate(1.570796, rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis)
        #Define a bounding box for use in calculating the number of shades to generate
        minXYPt = bbox.Corner(True, True, True)
        maxXYPt = bbox.Corner(False, False, True)
        centerPt = bbox.Center 
        #glazing distance
        glzHeight = minXYPt.DistanceTo(maxXYPt)
        # find number of shadings
        try: numOfShd = int(numOfShds)
        except: numOfShd = math.ceil(glzHeight/distBetween)
        shadingHeight = glzHeight/numOfShd - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
        # find shading base planes
        planeOrigins = []
        planes = []
        pointCurve = rc.Geometry.Curve.CreateControlPointCurve([minXYPt, maxXYPt])
        divisionParams = pointCurve.DivideByLength(shadingHeight, True)
        divisionPoints = []
        for param in divisionParams:
        planePoints = divisionPoints[1:]
            for point in planePoints:
                planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(point, planeVec))
            # single shading
            planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxXYPt), planeVec))
        # sort the planes
        try: sortedPlanes = sorted(planes, key=lambda a: a.Origin.X)
        except: sortedPlanes = sorted(planes, key=lambda a: a.Origin.Y)
    # return planes
    return sortedPlanes
コード例 #41
def main(HBZones):
    if not sc.sticky.has_key('honeybee_release'):
        print "You should first let Honeybee to fly..."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
            w, "You should first Honeybee to fly...")

        if not sc.sticky['honeybee_release'].isCompatible(ghenv.Component):
            return -1
        warning = "You need a newer version of Honeybee to use this compoent." + \
        "Use updateHoneybee component to update userObjects.\n" + \
        "If you have already updated userObjects drag Honeybee_Honeybee component " + \
        "into canvas and try again."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, warning)

    hb_hive = sc.sticky["honeybee_Hive"]()

    # Call Honeybee zones from the lib
    HBZones = hb_hive.callFromHoneybeeHive(HBZones)

    # create an empty dictionary
    # the structure should be as {type : {construction: { orientation : {area of opaque : area , area of glass : area}}}
    srfData = {}

    # produce division angles - keep it to 8 directions for now
    divisionAngles = rs.frange(0 - (360 / 8), 360 - (360 / 8), 360 / 8)

    # iterate through faces and add them to the dictionary
    for HBZone in HBZones:
        for srfCount, HBSrf in enumerate(HBZone.surfaces):
            # let's add it to the dictionary
            # I need to know what is the type of the surface (wall, roof, ?)
            # HBSrf.type will return the type. I'm not sure how much detailed you want the type to be
            # what is the approach for surfcaes with adjacencies? Here are simple types
            # srf.type == 0 #wall, # srf.type == 1 #roof, # int(srf.type) == 2 #floor
            # print "type: ", HBSrf.type
            srfType = int(HBSrf.type)

            # I add the key to the dictionary if it is not there yet
            if not srfData.has_key(srfType): srfData[srfType] = {}

            # let's find the construction next as your workflow is based on different construction types
            # you can get it form a Honeybee surface using HBSrf.EPConstruction
            # print "EP construction: ", HBSrf.EPConstruction
            constr = HBSrf.EPConstruction

            if not srfData[srfType].has_key(constr):
                # create a place holder for this construction and put the initial area as 0
                srfData[srfType][constr] = {}

            # now let's find the direction of the surface
            # in case of roof or floor orientation doesn't really matter (or does it?)
            # so I just add it to dictionary and consider orientation as 0
            if srfType != 0:
                direction = 0
                # otherwise we need to find the direction of the surface
                # you can use HBSrf.angle2North to get it
                # print "angle: ", HBSrf.angle2North
                # check and see where it stands, 0 will be north, 1 is NE, etc.
                for direction in range(len(divisionAngles) - 1):
                    if divisionAngles[direction] + (
                            0.5 * sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees
                    ) <= HBSrf.angle2North % 360 <= divisionAngles[
                            direction +
                            1] + (0.5 * sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees):
                        # here we found the direction
            # Now that we know direction let's make an empty dictionary for that
            if not srfData[srfType][constr].has_key(direction):
                srfData[srfType][constr][direction] = {}
                srfData[srfType][constr][direction]["area"] = 0
                # in case surface has glazing then create a place holder with
                # type 5 reperesnts glazing
                if HBSrf.hasChild:
                    if not srfData.has_key(5):
                        srfData[5] = {}
                    # this is tricky here as I assume that all the glazing in the same wall
                    # has same construction and I pick the first one - we can change this later if needed
                    glzConstr = HBSrf.childSrfs[0].EPConstruction
                    if not srfData[5].has_key(glzConstr):
                        srfData[5][glzConstr] = {}
                    if not srfData[5][glzConstr].has_key(direction):
                        srfData[5][glzConstr][direction] = {}
                        srfData[5][glzConstr][direction]["area"] = 0

            # add the area to the current area
            # Honeybee has methods that return area for opaque and glazed area
            #print "Opaque area: ", HBSrf.getOpaqueArea()
            #print "Glazing area: ", HBSrf.getGlazingArea()
            srfData[srfType][constr][direction]["area"] += HBSrf.getOpaqueArea(
            if HBSrf.hasChild:
                    "area"] += HBSrf.getGlazingArea()
    # return surface data
    return srfData
コード例 #42
def main(HBZones):

    # check for Honeybee
    if not sc.sticky.has_key('honeybee_release'):
        print "You should first let Honeybee to fly..."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
            w, "You should first let Honeybee to fly...")

        if not sc.sticky['honeybee_release'].isCompatible(ghenv.Component):
        if sc.sticky['honeybee_release'].isInputMissing(ghenv.Component):
            return -1
        warning = "You need a newer version of Honeybee to use this compoent." + \
        " Use updateHoneybee component to update userObjects.\n" + \
        "If you have already updated userObjects drag Honeybee_Honeybee component " + \
        "into canvas and try again."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, warning)

    # call the objects from the lib
    hb_hive = sc.sticky["honeybee_Hive"]()
    HBObjectsFromHive = hb_hive.callFromHoneybeeHive(HBZones)

    #Get the types to be made adiabatic.
    types = []
    intTypes = []
    if undergroundWalls_: types.append(0.5)
    if roofs_: types.append(1)
    if undergroundCeilings_: types.append(1.5)
    if floors_: types.append(2)
    if undergroundSlabs_: types.append(2.25)
    if groundFloors_: types.append(2.5)
    if exposedFloors_: types.append(2.75)
    if ceilings_: types.append(3)
    if airWalls_: types.append(4)
    if windows_: types.append(5)

    if interiorWalls_: intTypes.append(0)
    if interiorWindows_: intTypes.append(5)
    if floors_: intTypes.append(2)
    if airWalls_: intTypes.append(4)
    if ceilings_: intTypes.append(3)

    #See if the wall properties are being specified based on orientation.
    angles = []
    if len(walls_) == 0: pass
    elif len(walls_) == 1:
        if walls_[0] != False: types.append(0)
        initAngles = rs.frange(0, 360, 360 / len(walls_))
        for an in initAngles:
            angles.append(an - (360 / (2 * len(walls_))))

    for HBO in HBObjectsFromHive:

        for HBS in HBO.surfaces:
            if HBS.BC.title() != 'Surface':
                if HBS.type in types:
                    if HBS.type == 0 and len(walls_) > 1:
                        for angleCount in range(len(angles) - 1):
                            if angles[angleCount] + (
                                    0.5 * sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees
                            ) <= HBS.angle2North % 360 <= angles[
                                    angleCount +
                                    1] + (0.5 *
                                targetAdiabatic = walls_[angleCount %
                        if targetAdiabatic == True:
                            HBS.BC = "Adiabatic"
                            HBS.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                            HBS.windExposure = "NoWind"
                        HBS.BC = "Adiabatic"
                        HBS.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                        HBS.windExposure = "NoWind"
                if HBS.hasChild and 5 in types:
                    for childSrf in HBS.childSrfs:
                        childSrf.BC = "Adiabatic"
                        childSrf.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                        childSrf.windExposure = "NoWind"
                if HBS.type in intTypes:
                    HBS.BC = "Adiabatic"
                    HBS.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                    HBS.windExposure = "NoWind"
                if HBS.hasChild and 5 in intTypes:
                    for childSrf in HBS.childSrfs:
                        childSrf.BC = "Adiabatic"
                        childSrf.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                        childSrf.windExposure = "NoWind"

    HBZones = hb_hive.addToHoneybeeHive(HBObjectsFromHive, ghenv.Component)

    return HBZones
コード例 #43
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

#Sub waveGrid
rowSpace = 3
colSpace = 3
limit = 20
arrPoints = [limit, limit] #array to hold points
pi = math.pi
amp = 3
startTheta = 0
freq = 6


for rows in rs.frange(0,limit,1):
    for cols in rs.frange(0,limit,1):
        #equate cols loop to angle slices around a circle ( angles in radians )
        #+ starting point on the circle
            rad = ((cols/limit)*(2*math.pi)) + startTheta
            x = cols*colSpace
            y = rows*rowSpace
            z = (math.sin(rad * freq)*amp)
            n = rs.AddPoint([x,y,z])

    #iterate between rows
    startTheta = startTheta + ((2*math.pi)*(cols/limit))
コード例 #44
import math
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

dblA = -8.0
dblB = 8.0
dblStep = 0.25
for x in rs.frange(dblA, dblB, dblStep):
    y = 2*math.sin(x)
    rs.AddPoint([x, y, 0])

mpoints = rs.ObjectsByType(1, True)

mcurves = rs.AddCurve(mpoints)


rs.CopyObject( mcurves, [0,1,0] )
コード例 #45
# Simple count
#for i in range(0,50):
#    print(i)

# Count by even numbers
#for i in range(0,50,2):
#    print(i)

# Count by odd numbers
#for i in range(1,50,2):
#    print(i)

# Using RhinoScript's frange to step with floats
#for d in rs.frange(0.0,10.0,0.1):
#    print(d)

#for d in rs.frange(0.0,10.0,0.1):
#    rs.AddPoint(d,0,0)

points = []

for d in rs.frange(0.0, 10.0, 0.1):
    x = d * math.sin(d)
    y = d * math.cos(d)
    z = 0.0
    rs.AddPoint(x, y, z)
    pt = (x, y, z)

curve = rs.AddCurve(points)
コード例 #46
def main(HBZones):

    # check for Honeybee
    if not sc.sticky.has_key("honeybee_release"):
        print "You should first let Honeybee to fly..."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "You should first let Honeybee to fly...")

        if not sc.sticky["honeybee_release"].isCompatible(ghenv.Component):
        if sc.sticky["honeybee_release"].isInputMissing(ghenv.Component):
            return -1
        warning = (
            "You need a newer version of Honeybee to use this compoent."
            + " Use updateHoneybee component to update userObjects.\n"
            + "If you have already updated userObjects drag Honeybee_Honeybee component "
            + "into canvas and try again."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, warning)

    # call the objects from the lib
    hb_hive = sc.sticky["honeybee_Hive"]()
    HBObjectsFromHive = hb_hive.callFromHoneybeeHive(HBZones)

    # Get the types to be made adiabatic.
    types = []
    intTypes = []
    if undergroundWalls_:
    if roofs_:
    if undergroundCeilings_:
    if floors_:
    if undergroundSlabs_:
    if groundFloors_:
    if exposedFloors_:
    if ceilings_:
    if airWalls_:
    if windows_:

    if interiorWalls_:
    if interiorWindows_:
    if floors_:
    if airWalls_:
    if ceilings_:

    # See if the wall properties are being specified based on orientation.
    angles = []
    if len(walls_) == 0:
    elif len(walls_) == 1:
        if walls_[0] != False:
        initAngles = rs.frange(0, 360, 360 / len(walls_))
        for an in initAngles:
            angles.append(an - (360 / (2 * len(walls_))))

    for HBO in HBObjectsFromHive:

        for HBS in HBO.surfaces:
            if HBS.BC.title() != "Surface":
                if HBS.type in types:
                    if HBS.type == 0 and len(walls_) > 1:
                        for angleCount in range(len(angles) - 1):
                            if (
                                angles[angleCount] + (0.5 * sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees)
                                <= HBS.angle2North % 360
                                <= angles[angleCount + 1] + (0.5 * sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees)
                                targetAdiabatic = walls_[angleCount % len(walls_)]
                        if targetAdiabatic == True:
                            HBS.BC = "Adiabatic"
                            HBS.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                            HBS.windExposure = "NoWind"
                        HBS.BC = "Adiabatic"
                        HBS.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                        HBS.windExposure = "NoWind"
                if HBS.hasChild and 5 in types:
                    for childSrf in HBS.childSrfs:
                        childSrf.BC = "Adiabatic"
                        childSrf.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                        childSrf.windExposure = "NoWind"
                if HBS.type in intTypes:
                    HBS.BC = "Adiabatic"
                    HBS.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                    HBS.windExposure = "NoWind"
                if HBS.hasChild and 5 in intTypes:
                    for childSrf in HBS.childSrfs:
                        childSrf.BC = "Adiabatic"
                        childSrf.sunExposure = "NoSun"
                        childSrf.windExposure = "NoWind"

    HBZones = hb_hive.addToHoneybeeHive(HBObjectsFromHive, ghenv.Component.InstanceGuid.ToString() + str(uuid.uuid4()))

    return HBZones
コード例 #47
ファイル: indent.py プロジェクト: kartpat/NoC
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs 
import math
import random

arrPoints = list()
for t in rs.frange(-100,100,2):
	x0 = t*math.sin(t)
	y0 = t*math.cos(t)
	z0 = t
	arrPoint = [x0, y0, z0]
    # print(arrPoint)

# rs.AddPoint(arrPoint) #Call rs.EnableRedraw(True)

# rs.AddInterpCurve(arrPoints)	

def limit(n, minn, maxn):
    if n < minn:
        return minn
    elif n > maxn:
        return maxn
        return n

class Mover(object):

    def __init__(self):
コード例 #48
def main(windowHeight, sillHeight, glzRatio, skyLightRatio, breakUpWindow):
    # check if honeybee is flying
    # import the classes
    if sc.sticky.has_key('ladybug_release')and sc.sticky.has_key('honeybee_release'):
        # don't customize this part
        hb_EPZone = sc.sticky["honeybee_EPZone"]
        hb_EPSrf = sc.sticky["honeybee_EPSurface"]
        hb_EPFenSurface = sc.sticky["honeybee_EPFenSurface"]
        print "You should first let both Ladybug and Honeybee to fly..."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "You should first let both Ladybug and Honeybee to fly...")
        return [], []
    # call the objects from the lib
    hb_hive = sc.sticky["honeybee_Hive"]()
    HBZoneObjects = hb_hive.callFromHoneybeeHive(_HBObjects)
    joinedSrf = []
    zonesWithOpeningsGeometry =[]
    ModifiedHBZones = []
    # find the percentage of glazing for each direction based on the input list
    angles = []
    if len(glzRatio)!=0:
        for ratio in glzRatio:
            if ratio > 0.95:
                giveWarning("Please ensure that your glazing ratio is between 0.0 and 0.95. glazing ratios outside of this are not accepted.")
                return None, None
        initAngles = rs.frange(0, 360, 360/len(glzRatio))
    else: initAngles = []
    if len(glzRatio) > 1:
        for an in initAngles: angles.append(an-(360/(2*len(glzRatio))))
    else: angles = initAngles
    #Check if the length of the glzRatio, windowHeight, and sillHeight lists are the same.
    listLenCheck = True
    if len(windowHeight) != len(glzRatio) and len(windowHeight) != 1 and len(windowHeight) != 0:
        print "The number of items in the windowHeight list does not match the number in the glzRatio list. Please ensure that either your lists match, you put in a single windowHeight value for all windows, or you leave the windowHeight blank and accept a default value."
        listLenCheck = False
    if len(sillHeight) != len(glzRatio) and len(sillHeight) != 1 and len(sillHeight) != 0:
        print "The number of items in the sillHeight list does not match the number in the glzRatio list. Please ensure that either your lists match, you put in a single sillHeight value for all windows, or you leave the sillHeight blank and accept a default value."
        listLenCheck = False
    if HBZoneObjects and HBZoneObjects[0] != None and listLenCheck == True:
        # collect the surfaces
        HBSurfaces = []
        for HBObj in HBZoneObjects:
            if HBObj.objectType == "HBZone":
                for surface in HBObj.surfaces: HBSurfaces.append(surface)
            elif HBObj.objectType == "HBSurface":
                if not hasattr(HBObj, 'type'):
                    # find the type based on 
                    HBObj.type = HBObj.getTypeByNormalAngle()
                if not hasattr(HBObj, 'angle2North'):
                    # find the type based on
                if not hasattr(HBObj, "BC"):
                    HBObj.BC = 'OUTDOORS'
        # print zone
        for surface in HBSurfaces:
            # print surface
            if surface.hasChild:
            targetPercentage = 0
            winHeight = None
            sill = None
            if surface.type == 0:
                srfType = 0
                if len(glzRatio) == 1:
                    targetPercentage = glzRatio[0]
                if len(windowHeight) == 1:
                    winHeight = windowHeight[0]
                if len(sillHeight) == 1:
                    sill = sillHeight[0]
                for angleCount in range(len(angles)-1):
                    if angles[angleCount]+(0.5*sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees) <= surface.angle2North%360 <= angles[angleCount +1]+(0.5*sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees):
                        #print surface.angle2North%360
                        targetPercentage = glzRatio[angleCount%len(glzRatio)]
                        if len(windowHeight) == 1:
                            winHeight = windowHeight[0]
                        elif len(windowHeight) == len(glzRatio):
                            winHeight = windowHeight[angleCount%len(windowHeight)]
                        else: winHeight = None
                        if len(sillHeight) == 1:
                            sill = sillHeight[0]
                        elif len(sillHeight) == len(glzRatio):
                            sill = sillHeight[angleCount%len(sillHeight)]
                        else: sill = None
            elif surface.type == 1 and skyLightRatio:
                targetPercentage = skyLightRatio
                srfType = 1
            if targetPercentage!=0 and surface.BC.upper() == 'OUTDOORS':
                face = surface.geometry # call surface geometry
                # This part of the code sends the parameters and surfaces to their respective methods of of galzing generation.  It is developed by Chris Mackey.
                lastSuccessfulGlzSrf, lastSuccessfulRestOfSrf = findGlzBasedOnRatio(face, targetPercentage, winHeight, sill, srfType, breakUpWindow)
                # print lastSuccessfulGlzSrf
                if lastSuccessfulGlzSrf!= None:
                    if isinstance(lastSuccessfulGlzSrf, list):
                        for glzSrfCount, glzSrf in enumerate(lastSuccessfulGlzSrf):
                            fenSrf = hb_EPFenSurface(glzSrf, surface.num, surface.name + '_glz_' + `glzSrfCount`, surface, 5, lastSuccessfulRestOfSrf)
                        if lastSuccessfulRestOfSrf==[]: surface.calculatePunchedSurface()
                        fenSrf = hb_EPFenSurface(lastSuccessfulGlzSrf, surface.num, surface.name + '_glz_0', surface, 5, lastSuccessfulRestOfSrf)
                        if lastSuccessfulRestOfSrf==[]: surface.calculatePunchedSurface()
                surface.hasChild = False
        #print HBZoneObjects
        #add zones to dictionary
        ModifiedHBZones  = hb_hive.addToHoneybeeHive(HBZoneObjects, ghenv.Component.InstanceGuid.ToString() + str(uuid.uuid4()))
    return zonesWithOpeningsGeometry, ModifiedHBZones
コード例 #49

def fib(n): #return fibonacci series up to n
#return a list containing the fibonacci series up to n
    result = []
    a,b = 0,1
    while a<n:
        a,b = b,a+b
    return result
r = fib(100) #call it

for z in rs.frange(0,5,1):

    for t in rs.frange(0,360,1):

        rads = t*pi/2 #defines the rotation angle which is equal to time t multiplied by angular velocity

#mathematical description of a 3,8 Torus knot
        x = (3+ 2*math.cos(rads))*math.cos(t)
        y = (3+2*math.cos(rads))*math.sin(t)
        n = rs.AddPoint([x, y, r[z]])


コード例 #50
#3,8 Torus knot
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

points = [] #declares the size of my point array

pi = math.pi


for t in rs.frange(0,360,1):

    rads = t*pi/2 #defines the rotation angle which is equal to time t multiplied by angular velocity

#mathematical description of a 3,8 Torus knot
    x = (3+ 2*math.cos(rads))*math.cos(t)
    y = (3+2*math.cos(rads))*math.sin(t)
    z = 2*math.sin(rads)

    n = rs.AddPoint([x, y, z])


コード例 #51
def main(analysisResult, inputMesh, contourType, heightDomain, legendPar,
         analysisTitle, legendTitle, bakeIt, layerName, lb_preparation,
    # Get the Unit System.
    conversionFac = lb_preparation.checkUnits()

    # Check the mesh's structure.
    if inputMesh.Faces.Count == len(analysisResult):
        meshStruct = 0
    elif inputMesh.Vertices.Count == len(analysisResult):
        meshStruct = 1
        warning = 'length of the results [=' + str(
                )) + '] is not equal to the number of mesh faces [=' + str(
                    inputMesh.Faces.Count) + '] or mesh vertices[=' + str(
                        inputMesh.Vertices.Count) + '].'
        print warning
        return -1
    singleValMesh = False

    # Read the legend and generate a list of blank colors.
    lowB, highB, numSeg, customColors, legendBasePoint, legendScale, legendFont, legendFontSize, legendBold, decimalPlaces, removeLessThan = lb_preparation.readLegendParameters(
        legendPar, False)
    blankColors = []
    if meshStruct == 0:
        for count in inputMesh.Faces:
    elif meshStruct == 1:
        for count in inputMesh.Vertices:

    # Generate an underlay mesh to cover our ass when the intersection fails.
    underlayMesh = None
    if contourType == 0 or contourType == 1 or contourType == None:
        colors = lb_visualization.gradientColor(analysisResult, lowB, highB,
        underlayMesh = lb_visualization.colorMesh(colors, inputMesh, True,
        if heightDomain != None:
            underlayMesh = lb_visualization.create3DColoredMesh(
                underlayMesh, analysisResult, heightDomain, colors, meshStruct)
        moveTrans = rc.Geometry.Transform.Translation(
            0, 0, -(1 / conversionFac) * .03)

    # Check the mesh's planarity
    minPt = inputMesh.GetBoundingBox(rc.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY).Min
    meshIsPlanar, inputMesh, meshPlane, meshNormals = checkMeshPlanarity(
        inputMesh, minPt)
    if meshIsPlanar == False:
        warning = 'The connected inputMesh is not planar and this component only works for planar meshes.' + \
        '\n Try breaking up your mesh into planar pieces and feeding them individually into this component.'
        print warning

    # Find the min and max of the dataset.
    sortedData = analysisResult[:]
    dataMin = sortedData[0]
    dataMax = sortedData[-1]
    fullRange = dataMax - dataMin
    if lowB != 'min' and highB != 'max':
        legendRange = highB - lowB
    elif lowB != 'min':
        legendRange = dataMax - lowB
    elif highB != 'max':
        legendRange = highB - dataMin
        legendRange = fullRange
    if fullRange == 0 or fullRange < (legendRange / numSeg):
        singleValMesh = True
        fullRange = 1
        contIncr = legendRange / numSeg
        contIncr = legendRange / fullRange

    # Create a mesh with a height domain, which can then be contoured.
    if heightDomain != None:
        coloredChart = lb_visualization.create3DColoredMesh(
            inputMesh, analysisResult, heightDomain, blankColors, meshStruct,
        contInterval = contIncr * (heightDomain.Max -
                                   heightDomain.Min) / (numSeg - 1)
        heightD = rc.Geometry.Interval(0, (numSeg - 1) * (1 / conversionFac))
        contInterval = contIncr * (1 / conversionFac)
        coloredChart = lb_visualization.create3DColoredMesh(
            inputMesh, analysisResult, heightD, blankColors, meshStruct)

    # Figure out some basic things about the Legend.
    lb_visualization.calculateBB([coloredChart], True)
    if not legendTitle: legendTitle = 'unknown units  '
    if not analysisTitle: analysisTitle = '\nno title'
    if legendFont == None: legendFont = 'Verdana'
    if legendFontSize == None:
        legendFontSize = legendScale * (lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[2] /

    if contourType == 3:
        legendSrfs, legendText, legendTextCrv, textPt, textSize = lb_visualization.createLegend(
            analysisResult, lowB, highB, numSeg, legendTitle,
            lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar, legendBasePoint, legendScale,
            legendFont, legendFontSize, legendBold, decimalPlaces,
    elif contourType == 2:
        legendSrfs, legendText, legendTextCrv, textPt, textSize = lb_visualization.createLegend(
            analysisResult, lowB, highB, numSeg, legendTitle,
            lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar, legendBasePoint, legendScale,
            legendFont, legendFontSize, legendBold, decimalPlaces,
        legendSrfs, legendTextCrv, textPt = [], [], []
        legendSrfs, legendText, legendTextCrv, textPt, textSize = lb_visualization.createLegend(
            analysisResult, lowB, highB, numSeg + 1, legendTitle,
            lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar, legendBasePoint, legendScale,
            legendFont, legendFontSize, legendBold, decimalPlaces,
            removeLessThan, True)

    # generate legend colors.
    legendColors = lb_visualization.gradientColor(legendText[:-1], lowB, highB,

    # Generate intersection planes.
    intMeshes = []
    if contourType == 0 or contourType == 1 or contourType == None:
        BB = coloredChart.GetBoundingBox(rc.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY)
        boundBox = BB.ToBrep()
        baseSplitPlaneOrigin = boundBox.Faces[4].GetBoundingBox(
        baseSplitPlane = boundBox.Faces[4].ToBrep()
        intMeshes = [rc.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(baseSplitPlane)[0]]

    lastPt = lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[0]
    if lowB != 'min':
        if heightDomain != None:
            startVal = ((lowB - dataMin) / fullRange) * (heightDomain.Max -
            startVal = ((lowB - dataMin) /
                        fullRange) * (numSeg - 1) * (1 / conversionFac)
        lastPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(lastPt.X, lastPt.Y, startVal)
        movedPlane = copy.deepcopy(baseSplitPlane)
        planeTransf = rc.Geometry.Transform.Translation(
            0, 0, lastPt.Z - baseSplitPlaneOrigin.Z)
        movedPlaneMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(movedPlane)[0]
        intMeshes = [movedPlaneMesh]
    intPlanes = [rc.Geometry.Plane(lastPt, rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis)]
    for count in range(int(numSeg)):
        lastPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(lastPt.X, lastPt.Y,
                                     lastPt.Z + contInterval)
        intPlanes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(lastPt, rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis))
        if contourType == 0 or contourType == 1 or contourType == None:
            movedPlane = copy.deepcopy(baseSplitPlane)
            planeTransf = rc.Geometry.Transform.Translation(
                0, 0, lastPt.Z - baseSplitPlaneOrigin.Z)
            movedPlaneMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(movedPlane)[0]

    # Contour the mesh.
    contourMeshArea = rc.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(inputMesh).Area
    initMeshArea = contourMeshArea
    failedIntersects = []
    contourMesh = []
    contourLines = []
    contourLabels = []
    contourColors = []
    labelText = []
    labelTextPts = []
    startTrigger = False
    failIntersecTrigger = False

    #Generate colored regions.
    if contourType == 0 or contourType == 1 or contourType == None:
        if singleValMesh == True:
            val = analysisResult[0]
            if lowB == 'min': lowB = val
            if legendRange == 0:
                legendRange = 1
            colorIndex = int((val - lowB) / legendRange)
                finalSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                    coloredChart, intMeshes[0])[-1]
                contourArea = rc.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(
                if contourArea < contourMeshArea - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance and finalSplitMesh.IsValid:
                startTrigger = True
            for count in range(len(intMeshes) - 1):
                    if startTrigger == False:
                        finalSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                            coloredChart, intMeshes[count])[-1]
                        contourArea = rc.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(
                        if contourArea < contourMeshArea - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance and finalSplitMesh.IsValid:
                        startTrigger = True
                        initSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                            coloredChart, intMeshes[count + 1])[-1]
                        finalSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                            initSplitMesh, intMeshes[count])[0]
                    elif count == len(intMeshes) - 2:
                        finalSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                            coloredChart, intMeshes[count])[0]
                        initSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                            coloredChart, intMeshes[count])[-1]
                        initMeshArea = rc.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(
                        finalSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                            initSplitMesh, intMeshes[count + 1])[0]
                        lColor = legendColors[count + 1]
                        lColor = legendColors[count + 1]
                    contourArea = rc.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(
                    if contourArea < contourMeshArea - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance and contourArea < initMeshArea - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance and finalSplitMesh.IsValid:
                        finalSplitMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh.Split(
                            coloredChart, intMeshes[count])[0]
                        contourArea = rc.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(
                        if contourArea < contourMeshArea - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance:

    # Generate Labeled Contours
        if contourType == 0 or contourType == 2 or contourType == None:
            if lowB != 'min' and highB != 'max':
                numbers = rs.frange(lowB, highB,
                                    round((highB - lowB) / (numSeg - 1), 6))
            elif lowB != 'min':
                numbers = rs.frange(lowB, dataMax,
                                    round((dataMax - lowB) / (numSeg - 1), 6))
            elif highB != 'max':
                numbers = rs.frange(dataMin, highB,
                                    round((highB - dataMin) / (numSeg - 1), 6))
                numbers = rs.frange(
                    dataMin, dataMax,
                    round((dataMax - dataMin) / (numSeg - 1), 6))
            if decimalPlaces == None: decimalPlaces = 2
            formatString = "%." + str(decimalPlaces) + "f"
            numbersStr = [(formatString % x) for x in numbers]
            if _labelSize_ == None:
                labelSize = textSize / 5
                labelSize = _labelSize_
            for count, plane in enumerate(intPlanes):
                theLines = rc.Geometry.Mesh.CreateContourCurves(
                    coloredChart, plane)
                for line in theLines:
                        pts = line.DivideByLength(labelSize, True)
                        ptIndex = int(len(pts) / 2)
                        ltextPt = line.PointAt(pts[ptIndex])
                        labelTextMesh = lb_visualization.text2srf(
                            [numbersStr[count]], [ltextPt], legendFont,
                            labelSize, legendBold)[0]
        legendSrfs = None

    if contourType == 3:
        for count, plane in enumerate(intPlanes):
                rc.Geometry.Mesh.CreateContourCurves(coloredChart, plane))

    # Project the mesh back to the XYPlane.
    if heightDomain == None:
        planeTrans = rc.Geometry.Transform.PlanarProjection(
        crvMove = rc.Geometry.Transform.Translation(
            0, 0, sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance * 5)
        for geo in contourMesh:
        for geo in failedIntersects:
        for geo in intMeshes:
        for crvList in contourLines:
            for geo in crvList:
        for crvList in contourLabels:
            for geoList in crvList:
                for geo in geoList:

    # color legend surfaces
    if contourType != 2:
        legendSrfs = lb_visualization.colorMesh(legendColors, legendSrfs)
        legendSrfs = None

    titlebasePt = lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[-2]
    titleTextCurve = lb_visualization.text2srf(["\n\n" + analysisTitle],
                                               [titlebasePt], legendFont,
                                               legendFontSize, legendBold)
    flattenedLegend = lb_preparation.flattenList(legendTextCrv +
    if legendBasePoint == None:
        legendBasePoint = lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[0]

    # Change the geomtry back to its original plane.
    transfBack = rc.Geometry.Transform.ChangeBasis(meshPlane,
    for geo in contourMesh:
    for geo in failedIntersects:
    for geo in intMeshes:
    for crvList in contourLines:
        for geo in crvList:
    for crvList in contourLabels:
        for geoList in crvList:
            for geo in geoList:
    for geo in flattenedLegend:
    if legendSrfs != None:

    # Move any failed intersections below the main surface.
    moveTrans = rc.Geometry.Transform.Translation(0, 0,
                                                  -(1 / conversionFac) * .03)
    for geo in failedIntersects:

    # If the user has requested to bake the geomtry, then bake it.
    if bakeIt > 0:
        # Greate a joined mesh.
        joinedContMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh()
        for colMesh in contourMesh:

        # Flatten the list of contour curves.
        flatContourLines = lb_preparation.flattenList(contourLines)

        # Format the text to be baked as text.
        formatString = "%." + str(decimalPlaces) + "f"
        for count, item in enumerate(legendText):
                legendText[count] = formatString % item
        if contourType == 2:
            legendText = []
        if heightDomain == None:
            for geo in textPt:
        for geo in textPt:

        #Set up the study layer
        studyLayerName = 'CUSTOM_PRESENTATION'
        if layerName == None: layerName = 'Custom'
        # check the study type
        newLayerIndex, l = lb_visualization.setupLayers(
            'Modified Version', 'LADYBUG', layerName, studyLayerName)
        if bakeIt == 1:
            lb_visualization.bakeObjects(newLayerIndex, joinedContMesh,
                                         legendSrfs, legendText, textPt,
                                         textSize, legendFont,
                                         flatContourLines, decimalPlaces, True)
            lb_visualization.bakeObjects(newLayerIndex, joinedContMesh,
                                         legendSrfs, legendText, textPt,
                                         textSize, legendFont,
                                         flatContourLines, decimalPlaces,

    return contourMesh, [
    ] + failedIntersects, contourLines, contourColors, contourLabels, [
        legendSrfs, flattenedLegend
    ], legendBasePoint, legendColors, intMeshes
コード例 #52
def main(north, hourlyWindDirection, hourlyWindSpeed, annualHourlyData,
                  analysisPeriod, conditionalStatement, numOfDirections, centerPoint,
                  scale, legendPar, bakeIt, maxFrequency):
    # import the classes
    if sc.sticky.has_key('ladybug_release'):
            if not sc.sticky['ladybug_release'].isCompatible(ghenv.Component): return -1
            if sc.sticky['ladybug_release'].isInputMissing(ghenv.Component): return -1
            warning = "You need a newer version of Ladybug to use this compoent." + \
            "Use updateLadybug component to update userObjects.\n" + \
            "If you have already updated userObjects drag Ladybug_Ladybug component " + \
            "into canvas and try again."
            w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
            ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, warning)
            return -1
        lb_preparation = sc.sticky["ladybug_Preparation"]()
        lb_runStudy_GH = sc.sticky["ladybug_RunAnalysis"]()
        lb_visualization = sc.sticky["ladybug_ResultVisualization"]()
        conversionFac = lb_preparation.checkUnits()
        def movePointList(textPt, movingVector):
            for ptCount, pt in enumerate(textPt):
                ptLocation = rc.Geometry.Point(pt)
                ptLocation.Translate(movingVector) # move it to the right place
                textPt[ptCount] = rc.Geometry.Point3d(ptLocation.Location)
            return textPt
        # copy the custom code here
        # check the input data
            if hourlyWindDirection[2] == 'Wind Direction' and hourlyWindSpeed[2] == 'Wind Speed':
                checkData = True
                indexList, listInfo = lb_preparation.separateList(hourlyWindDirection + hourlyWindSpeed, lb_preparation.strToBeFound)
                # check that both data are horly and for same time range
                if listInfo[0][4] != 'Hourly' or listInfo[1][4] != 'Hourly':
                    checkData = False
                    warning = "At list one of the input lists for windSpeed or windDirection is not hourly."
                    print warning
                    ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, warning)
                    return -1
                elif listInfo[1][5]!=(1,1,1) or listInfo[1][6]!=(12,31,24):
                    checkData = False
                    warning = "hourlyWindSpeed data should be annual. Find annual wind data as an output of importEPW component."
                    print warning
                    ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, warning)
                    return -1
                # wind direction data
                windDir = hourlyWindDirection[7:]
                windSpeed = hourlyWindSpeed[7:]
                checkData = False
                warning = "Please provide valid lists of hourly wind direction and hourly wind speed!"
                print warning
                ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning)
                return -1
        except Exception,e:
            checkData = False
            warning = "Please provide valid lists of hourly wind direction and hourly wind speed!"
            # print `e`
            print warning
            ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning)
            return -1
        if checkData:
            titleStatement = -1
            annualHourlyData = hourlyWindSpeed + annualHourlyData
            if conditionalStatement and len(annualHourlyData)!=0 and annualHourlyData[0]!=None:
                print 'Checking conditional statements...'
                # send all data and statement to a function and return back
                # True, False Pattern and condition statement
                titleStatement, patternList = checkConditionalStatement(annualHourlyData, conditionalStatement)
            if titleStatement != -1 and True not in patternList:
                warning = 'No hour meets the conditional statement.' 
                print warning
                ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning)
                return -1
            if titleStatement == -1:
                patternList = [[True]] * 8760
                titleStatement = False
           # check the scale
                if float(scale)!=0:
                    try:scale = 10*float(scale)/conversionFac
                    except: scale = 10/conversionFac
                else: scale = 10/conversionFac
            except: scale = 10/conversionFac
            cenPt = lb_preparation.getCenPt(centerPoint)
            if not numOfDirections or int(numOfDirections) < 4: numOfDirections = 16
            elif int(numOfDirections)> 360: numOfDirections = 360
                try: numOfDirections = int(numOfDirections)
                except: numOfDirections = 16
            # define angles
            segAngle = 360/numOfDirections
            roseAngles = rs.frange(0,360,segAngle);
            if round(roseAngles[-1]) == 360: roseAngles.remove(roseAngles[-1])
            movingVectors = []; sideVectors = []
            northAngle, northVector = lb_preparation.angle2north(north)
            for i, angle in enumerate(roseAngles):
                northVector1 = rc.Geometry.Vector3d(northVector)
                northVector2 = rc.Geometry.Vector3d(northVector)
                northVector1.Rotate(-float(math.radians(angle)), rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis)
                northVector2.Rotate(-float(math.radians(angle + (segAngle/2))), rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis)
            HOYS, months, days = lb_preparation.getHOYsBasedOnPeriod(analysisPeriod, 1)
            selectedWindDir = []
            for count in HOYS:
            #selectedWindDir = lb_preparation.selectHourlyData(windDir, analysisPeriod)[7:]
            # read analysis period
            stMonth, stDay, stHour, endMonth, endDay, endHour = lb_preparation.readRunPeriod(analysisPeriod, False)

            # find the study hours based on wind direction data
            startHour = lb_preparation.date2Hour(stMonth, stDay, stHour)
            endingHour =  lb_preparation.date2Hour(endMonth, endDay, endHour)
            if startHour <= endingHour: studyHours = range(startHour-1, endingHour)
            else: studyHours = range(startHour - 1, 8760) + range(0, endingHour)
            calmHour = [] # count hours with no wind
            separatedBasedOnAngle = []
            [separatedBasedOnAngle.append([]) for i in range(len(roseAngles))]
            #print len(studyHours)
            #print len(selectedWindDir)
            for hour, windDirection in enumerate(selectedWindDir):
                h = studyHours[hour]
                if patternList[h]: # if the hour pass the conditional statement
                    # check if windSpeed is 0 so collect it in center
                    if windSpeed[h] == 0: calmHour.append(h)
                        for angleCount in range(len(roseAngles)-1):
                            # print roseAngles[angleCount], roseAngles[angleCount + 1]
                            #print windDirection
                            if windDirection == 360.0: windDirection = 0
                            if roseAngles[angleCount]-(segAngle/2)<= windDirection < roseAngles[angleCount + 1]-(segAngle/2):
                            elif roseAngles[-1]<= windDirection:
            # calculate the frequency
            calmFreq = (100*len(calmHour)/len(studyHours))
            comment1 = 'Calm for ' + '%.2f'%calmFreq + '% of the time = ' + `len(calmHour)` + ' hours.'
            print comment1
            windFreq = []
            for angle in separatedBasedOnAngle:
            calmFreq = (100*len(calmHour)/len(studyHours))/numOfDirections
            # draw the basic geometry for windRose
            ## draw the first polygon for calm period of the year
            def freqPolyline(cenPt, freq, vectorList, scale, onlyPts = False):
                pts = []
                for vector in vectorList:
                    newPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(cenPt, freq * scale * vector)
                pts.append(pts[0]) # close the polyline
                if onlyPts: return pts
                return rc.Geometry.Polyline(pts).ToNurbsCurve()
            freqCrvs = []
            minFreq = calmFreq
                maxFreq = float(maxFrequency)%100
                if maxFreq ==0: maxFreq == 100
                # overwrite minimum so all the graphs will have similar curves
                # regardless of calm hours
                minFreq = 0
            except: maxFreq = max(windFreq) + calmFreq
            step = (maxFreq-minFreq)/10
            comment2 = 'Each closed polyline shows frequency of ' + "%.1f"%step + '%. = ' + `int(step * len(studyHours)/100)` + ' hours.'
            print comment2
            for freq in rs.frange(minFreq, maxFreq + step, step):
                freqCrvs.append(freqPolyline(cenPt, freq, sideVectors, scale))
            # initial compass for BB
            textSize = 10
            compassCrvs, compassTextPts, compassText = lb_visualization. compassCircle(cenPt, northVector, 1.11 *(maxFreq) * scale, roseAngles, 1.5*textSize)
            # initiate legend parameters
            overwriteScale = False
            if legendPar == []: overwriteScale = True
            elif legendPar[-1] == None: overwriteScale = True
            lowB, highB, numSeg, customColors, legendBasePoint, legendScale, legendFont, legendFontSize, legendBold, decimalPlaces, removeLessThan = lb_preparation.readLegendParameters(legendPar, False)
            numberCrvs = lb_visualization.text2srf(compassText, compassTextPts, 'Times New Romans', textSize/1.5, legendBold)
            compassCrvs = compassCrvs + lb_preparation.flattenList(numberCrvs)
            lb_visualization.calculateBB(compassCrvs, True)
            if overwriteScale: legendScale = 0.9
            legend = []; legendText = []; textPt = []; legendSrfs = None
            allWindRoseMesh = []; allWindCenMesh = []; cenPts = []
            legendBasePoints = []; allWindRoseCrvs = []; allLegend = []
            titleTextCurveFinal = []
            # for each of the information in hourly data
            if len(annualHourlyData)!=0 and annualHourlyData[0]!=None:
                try: movingDist = 1.8 * lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[1] # moving distance for sky domes
                except: movingDist = 0
                #separate data
                indexList, listInfo = lb_preparation.separateList(annualHourlyData, lb_preparation.strToBeFound)
                for i in range(len(listInfo)):
                    customHeading = 'Wind-Rose\n'
                    movingVector = rc.Geometry.Vector3d(i * movingDist, 0, 0)
                    selList = [];
                    modifiedsunPosInfo = []
                    [selList.append(float(x)) for x in annualHourlyData[indexList[i]+7:indexList[i+1]]]
                    if listInfo[i][4]!='Hourly' or listInfo[i][5]!=(1,1,1) or  listInfo[i][6]!=(12,31,24) or len(selList)!=8760:
                        warning = 'At least one of the input data lists is not a valis ladybug hourly data! Please fix this issue and try again!\n List number = '+ `i+1`
                        print warning
                        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning)
                        return -1
                        values= []; allValues = []
                        [values.append([]) for v in range(len(separatedBasedOnAngle))]
                        #find the values based on the hours separated before
                        for segNum, eachSegment in enumerate(separatedBasedOnAngle):
                            for h in eachSegment:
                        calmValues = []
                        for h in calmHour:
                        # get the legend done
                        legendSrfs, legendText, legendTextCrv, textPt, textSize = lb_visualization.createLegend(allValues
                                , lowB, highB, numSeg, listInfo[i][3], lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar, legendBasePoint, legendScale, legendFont, legendFontSize, legendBold, decimalPlaces, removeLessThan)
                        # generate legend colors
                        legendColors = lb_visualization.gradientColor(legendText[:-1], lowB, highB, customColors)
                        # color legend surfaces
                        legendSrfs = lb_visualization.colorMesh(legendColors, legendSrfs)
                        customHeading = customHeading + listInfo[i][1] + \
                                        '\n'+lb_preparation.hour2Date(lb_preparation.date2Hour(stMonth, stDay, stHour)) + ' - ' + \
                                        lb_preparation.hour2Date(lb_preparation.date2Hour(endMonth, endDay, endHour)) + \
                                        '\nHourly Data: ' + listInfo[i][2] + ' (' + listInfo[i][3] + ')\n'
                        customHeading = customHeading + comment1 + '\n' + comment2 + '\n'
                        if titleStatement:
                            resultStr = "%.1f" % (len(allValues)) + ' hours of total ' + ("%.1f" % len(windDir)) + ' hours' + \
                                        ' (' + ("%.2f" % (len(allValues)/len(windDir) * 100)) + '%).'
                            if analysisPeriod != [(1, 1, 1), (12, 31, 24)] and analysisPeriod != []:
                                additStr = "%.1f" % (len(allValues)) + ' hours of analysis period ' + ("%.1f" % len(HOYS)) + ' hours' + \
                                            ' (' + ("%.2f" % (len(allValues)/len(HOYS) * 100)) + '%).'
                                customHeading = customHeading + '\n' + titleStatement + '\n' + resultStr + '\n' + additStr
                                customHeading = customHeading + '\n' + titleStatement + '\n' + resultStr
                        titleTextCurve, titleStr, titlebasePt = lb_visualization.createTitle([listInfo[i]], lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar, legendScale, customHeading, True, legendFont, legendFontSize, legendBold)
                        # find the freq of the numbers in each segment
                        numRanges = legendText[:-1]
                        if len(numRanges) == 1:
                            numRanges.insert(0, 0.0)
                        # do it for the calm period
                        # calculate the frequency for calm
                        freqInCenter = []
                        [freqInCenter.append([]) for v in range(len(numRanges))]
                        for v in calmValues:
                            for rangeCount in range(len(numRanges)):
                                if numRanges[rangeCount]<= v <= numRanges[rangeCount + 1]:
                                elif numRanges[-1]<= v:
                        centerFrqPts = []
                        cumFreq = 0
                        freqList = []
                        avrValues = []
                        for freq in freqInCenter:
                            if len(freq)!=0:
                                cumFreq = cumFreq + ((len(freq)/len(calmValues)) * calmFreq)
                                centerFrqPts.append(freqPolyline(cenPt, cumFreq , sideVectors, scale, True))
                        centerMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh()
                        cenMeshColors = []
                        for crvNum in range(len(centerFrqPts)):
                            avr = avrValues[crvNum]
                            color = lb_visualization.gradientColor([avr], numRanges[0], numRanges[-1], customColors)
                            if crvNum==0:
                                for ptCount in range(len(centerFrqPts[crvNum])-1):
                                        singleMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh()
                                        pt1 = cenPt
                                        pt2 = centerFrqPts[crvNum][ptCount]
                                        pt3 = centerFrqPts[crvNum][ptCount + 1]
                                        singleMesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 2)
                                    except Exception, e:
                                        print `e`
                                for ptCount in range(len(centerFrqPts[crvNum])-1):
                                        singleMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh()
                                        pt1 = centerFrqPts[crvNum-1][ptCount]
                                        pt2 = centerFrqPts[crvNum][ptCount]
                                        pt3 = centerFrqPts[crvNum-1][ptCount + 1]
                                        pt4 = centerFrqPts[crvNum][ptCount + 1]
                                        singleMesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 3, 2)
                                    except Exception, e:
                                        print `e`
                        centerMesh.Flip(True, True, True)
                        segments = rc.Geometry.Mesh()
                        segmentsColors = []
                        for direction, segmentValues in enumerate(values):
                            freqInEachSeg = []
                            [freqInEachSeg.append([]) for v in range(len(numRanges))]
                            for v in segmentValues:
                                for rangeCount in range(len(numRanges)-1):
                                    if numRanges[rangeCount]<= v <= numRanges[rangeCount + 1]:
                                    elif numRanges[-1]<= v:
                            totalFr = 0
                            for rangeCount in range(len(numRanges)):
                                if len(segmentValues)!=0:
                                    fr = (len(freqInEachSeg[rangeCount])/len(segmentValues))
                                    if fr!=0:
                                        avr = [sum(freqInEachSeg[rangeCount])/len(freqInEachSeg[rangeCount])]
                                        color = lb_visualization.gradientColor(avr, numRanges[0], numRanges[-1], customColors)
                                        pt1 = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(cenPt, (calmFreq + (windFreq[direction] * totalFr)) * scale * sideVectors[direction-1])
                                        pt2 = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(cenPt, (calmFreq + (windFreq[direction] * (totalFr + fr)))* scale * sideVectors[direction-1])
                                        pt3 = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(cenPt, (calmFreq + (windFreq[direction] * totalFr)) * scale * sideVectors[direction])
                                        pt4 = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(cenPt, (calmFreq + (windFreq[direction] * (totalFr + fr)))* scale * sideVectors[direction])
                                        segment = rc.Geometry.Mesh()
                                        segment.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 3, 2)
                                    totalFr = totalFr + fr
                    segments.Flip(True, True, True)
                    segments = lb_visualization.colorMesh(segmentsColors, segments)
                    centerMesh = lb_visualization.colorMesh(cenMeshColors, centerMesh)
                    compassCrvs, compassTextPts, compassText = lb_visualization. compassCircle(cenPt, northVector, 1.11 *maxFreq * scale, roseAngles, 1.5*textSize)
                    numberCrvs = lb_visualization.text2srf(compassText, compassTextPts, 'Times New Romans', textSize/1.5, legendBold)
                    compassCrvs = compassCrvs + lb_preparation.flattenList(numberCrvs)
                    # let's move it move it move it!
                    if legendScale > 1: movingVector = legendScale * movingVector
                    crvsTemp = []
                        moveTransform = rc.Geometry.Transform.Translation(movingVector)
                        for pt in compassTextPts: pt.Transform(moveTransform)
                        segments.Translate(movingVector); allWindRoseMesh.append(segments)
                        if centerMesh!=-1:
                            centerMesh.Translate(movingVector); allWindCenMesh.append(centerMesh)
                        textPt = movePointList(textPt, movingVector)
                        newCenPt = movePointList([cenPt], movingVector)[0];
                        if legendBasePoint == None:
                            nlegendBasePoint = lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[0]
                            movedLegendBasePoint = movePointList([nlegendBasePoint], movingVector)[0];
                            movedLegendBasePoint = movePointList([legendBasePoint], movingVector)[0];
                        for crv in legendTextCrv:
                            for c in crv: c.Translate(movingVector)
                        for crv in titleTextCurve:
                            for c in crv: c.Translate(movingVector)
                        for c in freqCrvs + compassCrvs:
                            cDuplicate = c.Duplicate()
                        allLegend.append(lb_visualization.openLegend([legendSrfs, [lb_preparation.flattenList(legendTextCrv)]]))
                    except Exception, e:
                        print `e`
                    if bakeIt > 0:
                        #Join everything into one mesh.
                        finalJoinedMesh = rc.Geometry.Mesh()
                        try: finalJoinedMesh.Append(segments)
                        except: pass
                        try: finalJoinedMesh.Append(centerMesh)
                        except: pass
                        #Put all of the curves into one list.
                        finalCrvs = []
                        for crv in crvsTemp:
                                testPt = crv.PointAtEnd
                            except: pass
                        #Put all of the text together.
                        #Make labels for the layer.
                        studyLayerName = 'WINDROSE'
                            layerName = listInfo[i][1]
                            dataType = 'Hourly Data:' + listInfo[i][2]
                            layerName = 'Latitude=' +`latitude`
                            dataType = 'No Hourly Data'
                        # check the study type
                        newLayerIndex, l = lb_visualization.setupLayers(dataType, 'LADYBUG', layerName, studyLayerName)
                        if bakeIt == 1: lb_visualization.bakeObjects(newLayerIndex, finalJoinedMesh, legendSrfs, legendText, textPt, textSize, legendFont, finalCrvs, decimalPlaces, True)
                        else: lb_visualization.bakeObjects(newLayerIndex, finalJoinedMesh, legendSrfs, legendText, textPt, textSize, legendFont, finalCrvs, decimalPlaces, False)
コード例 #53
def analyzeGlz(glzSrf, distBetween, numOfShds, horOrVertical, lb_visualization,
    # find the bounding box
    bbox = glzSrf.GetBoundingBox(True)
    if horOrVertical == None:
        horOrVertical = True
    if numOfShds == None and distBetween == None:
        numOfShds = 1

    if numOfShds == 0 or distBetween == 0:
        sortedPlanes = []

    elif horOrVertical == True:
        # Horizontal
        #Define a bounding box for use in calculating the number of shades to generate
        minZPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, True)
        minZPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(minZPt.X, minZPt.Y, minZPt.Z)
        maxZPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, False)
        maxZPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxZPt.X, maxZPt.Y,
                                     maxZPt.Z - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance)
        centerPt = bbox.Center
        #glazing hieghts
        glzHeight = minZPt.DistanceTo(maxZPt)

        # find number of shadings
            numOfShd = int(numOfShds)
            shadingHeight = glzHeight / numOfShd
            shadingRemainder = shadingHeight
            shadingHeight = distBetween
            shadingRemainder = (((glzHeight / distBetween) -
                                 math.floor(glzHeight / distBetween)) *
            if shadingRemainder == 0:
                shadingRemainder = shadingHeight

        # find shading base planes
        planeOrigins = []
        planes = []
        X, Y, z = minZPt.X, minZPt.Y, minZPt.Z
        zHeights = rs.frange(minZPt.Z + shadingRemainder,
                             maxZPt.Z + 0.5 * sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance,
            for Z in zHeights:
                    rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(X, Y, Z),
            # single shading
        # sort the planes
        sortedPlanes = sorted(planes, key=lambda a: a.Origin.Z)

    elif horOrVertical == False:
        # Vertical
        # Define a vector to be used to generate the planes
        planeVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d(normalVector.X, normalVector.Y, 0)
        planeVec.Rotate(1.570796, rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis)

        #Define a bounding box for use in calculating the number of shades to generate
        minXYPt = bbox.Corner(True, True, True)
        minXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z)
        maxXYPt = bbox.Corner(False, False, True)
        maxXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z)
        centerPt = bbox.Center

        #Test to be sure that the values are parallel to the correct vector.
        testVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Subtract(
            rc.Geometry.Vector3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z),
            rc.Geometry.Vector3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z))
        if testVec.IsParallelTo(planeVec) == 0:
            minXYPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, True)
            minXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z)
            maxXYPt = bbox.Corner(True, False, True)
            maxXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z)

        #Adjust the points to ensure the creation of the correct number of shades starting from the northernmost side of the window.
        tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Subtract(
            rc.Geometry.Vector3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z),
            rc.Geometry.Vector3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z))
        tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(
            sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance * 2, tolVec)

        if tolVec.X > 0 and tolVec.Y > 0:
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(1, tolVec)
            norOrient = False
        if tolVec.X < 0 and tolVec.Y > 0:
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(1, tolVec)
            norOrient = False
        if tolVec.X < 0 and tolVec.Y < 0:
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(-1, tolVec)
            norOrient = True
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(-1, tolVec)
            norOrient = True

        maxXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Subtract(maxXYPt, tolVec)
        minXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Subtract(minXYPt, tolVec)

        #glazing distance
        glzHeight = minXYPt.DistanceTo(maxXYPt)

        # find number of shadings
            numOfShd = int(numOfShds)
            shadingHeight = glzHeight / numOfShd
            shadingRemainder = shadingHeight
            shadingHeight = distBetween
            shadingRemainder = (((glzHeight / distBetween) -
                                 math.floor(glzHeight / distBetween)) *
            if shadingRemainder == 0:
                shadingRemainder = shadingHeight

        # find shading base planes
        planeOrigins = []
        planes = []

        pointCurve = rc.Geometry.Curve.CreateControlPointCurve(
            [maxXYPt, minXYPt])
        divisionParams = pointCurve.DivideByLength(shadingHeight, True)
        divisionPoints = []
        for param in divisionParams:

        planePoints = divisionPoints
            for point in planePoints:
                planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(point, planeVec))
            # single shading
                rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(minXYPt), planeVec))
        sortedPlanes = planes

    return sortedPlanes
コード例 #54
def main(HBZones):
    if not sc.sticky.has_key('honeybee_release'):
        print "You should first let Honeybee to fly..."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "You should first Honeybee to fly...")
        if not sc.sticky['honeybee_release'].isCompatible(ghenv.Component): return -1
        warning = "You need a newer version of Honeybee to use this compoent." + \
        "Use updateHoneybee component to update userObjects.\n" + \
        "If you have already updated userObjects drag Honeybee_Honeybee component " + \
        "into canvas and try again."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, warning)
    hb_hive = sc.sticky["honeybee_Hive"]()
    # Call Honeybee zones from the lib
    HBZones = hb_hive.callFromHoneybeeHive(HBZones)
    # create an empty dictionary
    # the structure should be as {type : {construction: { orientation : {area of opaque : area , area of glass : area}}}
    srfData = {}
    # produce division angles - keep it to 8 directions for now 
    divisionAngles = rs.frange(0- (360/8), 360 -(360/8), 360/8)
    # iterate through faces and add them to the dictionary
    for HBZone in HBZones:
        for srfCount, HBSrf in enumerate(HBZone.surfaces):
            # let's add it to the dictionary
            # I need to know what is the type of the surface (wall, roof, ?)
            # HBSrf.type will return the type. I'm not sure how much detailed you want the type to be
            # what is the approach for surfcaes with adjacencies? Here are simple types
            # srf.type == 0 #wall, # srf.type == 1 #roof, # int(srf.type) == 2 #floor
            # print "type: ", HBSrf.type
            srfType = int(HBSrf.type)
            # I add the key to the dictionary if it is not there yet
            if not srfData.has_key(srfType): srfData[srfType] = {}
            # let's find the construction next as your workflow is based on different construction types
            # you can get it form a Honeybee surface using HBSrf.EPConstruction
            # print "EP construction: ", HBSrf.EPConstruction
            constr = HBSrf.EPConstruction
            if not srfData[srfType].has_key(constr):
                # create a place holder for this construction and put the initial area as 0
                srfData[srfType][constr] = {}
            # now let's find the direction of the surface
            # in case of roof or floor orientation doesn't really matter (or does it?)
            # so I just add it to dictionary and consider orientation as 0
            if  srfType!=0:
                direction = 0
                # otherwise we need to find the direction of the surface
                # you can use HBSrf.angle2North to get it
                # print "angle: ", HBSrf.angle2North
                # check and see where it stands, 0 will be north, 1 is NE, etc. 
                for direction in range(len(divisionAngles)-1):
                    if divisionAngles[direction]+(0.5*sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees) <= HBSrf.angle2North%360 <= divisionAngles[direction +1]+(0.5*sc.doc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees):
                        # here we found the direction
            # Now that we know direction let's make an empty dictionary for that
            if not srfData[srfType][constr].has_key(direction):
                srfData[srfType][constr][direction] = {}
                srfData[srfType][constr][direction]["area"] = 0
                # in case surface has glazing then create a place holder with
                # type 5 reperesnts glazing
                if HBSrf.hasChild:
                    if not srfData.has_key(5):
                        srfData[5] = {}
                    # this is tricky here as I assume that all the glazing in the same wall
                    # has same construction and I pick the first one - we can change this later if needed
                    glzConstr = HBSrf.childSrfs[0].EPConstruction
                    if not srfData[5].has_key(glzConstr):
                        srfData[5][glzConstr] = {}
                    if not srfData[5][glzConstr].has_key(direction):
                        srfData[5][glzConstr][direction] = {}
                        srfData[5][glzConstr][direction]["area"] = 0
            # add the area to the current area
            # Honeybee has methods that return area for opaque and glazed area
            #print "Opaque area: ", HBSrf.getOpaqueArea()
            #print "Glazing area: ", HBSrf.getGlazingArea()
            srfData[srfType][constr][direction]["area"] += HBSrf.getOpaqueArea()
            if HBSrf.hasChild:
                srfData[5][HBSrf.childSrfs[0].EPConstruction][direction]["area"] += HBSrf.getGlazingArea()
    # return surface data
    return srfData
コード例 #55
def main(genCumSkyResult, context, numOfArrows, surfaceTiltAngle, centerPoint, scale, arrowHeadScale, legendPar, showTotalOnly, bakeIt):
    # import the classes
    if sc.sticky.has_key('ladybug_release'):
        lb_preparation = sc.sticky["ladybug_Preparation"]()
        lb_mesh = sc.sticky["ladybug_Mesh"]()
        lb_runStudy_GH = sc.sticky["ladybug_RunAnalysis"]()
        lb_visualization = sc.sticky["ladybug_ResultVisualization"]()
        conversionFac = lb_preparation.checkUnits()
        # copy the custom code here
        # check the input data
            if genCumSkyResult[2][:11] == 'Sky Patches': checkData = True
            else: checkData = False
        except: checkData = False
        if checkData:
            # separate the data
            indexList, listInfo = lb_preparation.separateList(genCumSkyResult, lb_preparation.strToBeFound)
            if indexList[-1] == 456: patchesNormalVectors = lb_preparation.TregenzaPatchesNormalVectors
            elif indexList[-1] == 1752: patchesNormalVectors = lb_preparation.getReinhartPatchesNormalVectors()
            # check num of arrows
            if not numOfArrows or int(numOfArrows) < 4: numOfArrows = 36
                try: numOfArrows = int(numOfArrows)
                except: numOfArrows = 36
            # define angles
            northVector = (0,1,0)
            roseAngles = rs.frange(0,360,(360/numOfArrows));
            if round(roseAngles[-1]) == 360: roseAngles.remove(roseAngles[-1])
            # check the scale
                if float(scale)!=0:
                    try:scale = 0.5 * float(scale)/conversionFac
                    except: scale = 0.5/conversionFac
                else: scale = 0.5/conversionFac
            except: scale = 0.5/conversionFac
            # check vertical surface angle
            if surfaceTiltAngle == None: surfaceTiltAngle = 90
                try: surfaceTiltAngle = float(surfaceTiltAngle)
                except: surfaceTiltAngle = 90 
            #separate total, diffuse and direct radiations
            separatedLists = []
            for i in range(len(indexList)-1):
                selList = []
                [selList.append(float(x)) for x in genCumSkyResult[indexList[i] + 7:indexList[i+1]]]
            # start visualization#
            # generate the legend
            legendTitles = [listInfo[0][3], listInfo[1][3], listInfo[2][3]]
            customHeading = ['Total Radiation('+ listInfo[0][3]+')', 'Diffuse Radiation(' + listInfo[1][3] + ')', 'Direct Radiation(' + listInfo[2][3] + ')']
            def visualizeData(i, results, arrows, legendTitle, legendPar, bakeIt, cenPt):
                movingVector = rc.Geometry.Vector3d(i * movingDist, 0, 0)
                overwriteScale = False
                if legendPar == []: overwriteScale = True
                elif legendPar[-1] == None: overwriteScale = True
                lowB, highB, numSeg, customColors, legendBasePoint, legendScale = lb_preparation.readLegendParameters(legendPar, False)
                if overwriteScale: legendScale = 0.9
                legendSrfs, legendText, legendTextCrv, textPt, textSize = lb_visualization.createLegend(results
                , lowB, highB, numSeg, legendTitle, lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar, legendBasePoint, legendScale)
                titleTextCurve, titleStr, titlebasePt = lb_visualization.createTitle([listInfo[i]], lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar, legendScale, customHeading[i])
                northVector = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.YAxis
                # print legendMax[i]
                compassCrvs, compassTextPts, compassText = lb_visualization. compassCircle(cenPt, northVector, 0.3 * scale * legendMax[i], roseAngles, 1.2*textSize, True)
                numberCrvs = lb_visualization.text2crv(compassText, compassTextPts, 'Times New Romans', textSize/1.7)
                compassCrvs = compassCrvs + lb_preparation.flattenList(numberCrvs)
                for crv in legendTextCrv + [compassCrvs]:
                    for c in crv:
                        c.Translate(movingVector) # move it to the right place
                for crv in titleTextCurve:
                    for c in crv: c.Translate(movingVector) # move it to the right place
                ptCount  = 0
                for pt in textPt:
                    ptLocation = rc.Geometry.Point(pt)
                    ptLocation.Translate(movingVector) # move it to the right place
                    textPt[ptCount] = rc.Geometry.Point3d(ptLocation.Location)
                    ptCount += 1
                # generate legend colors
                legendColors = lb_visualization.gradientColor(legendText[:-1], lowB, highB, customColors)
                # color legend surfaces
                legendSrfs = lb_visualization.colorMesh(legendColors, legendSrfs)
                legendSrfs.Translate(movingVector) # move it to the right place
                # generate dome patches colors
                totalRadiationColors = lb_visualization.gradientColor(results, lowB, highB, customColors)
                arrowsJoined = rc.Geometry.Mesh();
                # mesh the patches
                meshParam = rc.Geometry.MeshingParameters.Smooth
                cenPtMoved = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(cenPt, movingVector)
                colForMesh = []; arrowsEndPts = []
                for arrow in arrows:
                    newMesh = arrow.DuplicateMesh()
                    if newMesh:
                        newMesh.Translate(movingVector) # move it to the right place
                        arrowsJoined.Append(newMesh) # append to the main mesh
                        endPt = newMesh.Vertices[2]
                        # if endPt.X < cenPtMoved.X:
                        endPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(endPt, -1.1*textSize* rc.Geometry.Vector3d.XAxis)
                        newMesh.Dispose() # delete the polysurface
                # color the meshed patches
                domeMeshed = lb_visualization.colorMesh(totalRadiationColors, arrowsJoined, False)
                placeName = listInfo[i][1]
                skyTypes = ['Total_Radiation' + placeName[:3], 'Diffuse_Radiation' + placeName[:3], 'Direct_Radiation' + placeName[:3]]
                if legendBasePoint == None:
                    nlegendBasePoint = lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[0]
                    movedLegendBasePoint = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(nlegendBasePoint, movingVector);
                    movedLegendBasePoint = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Add(legendBasePoint, movingVector);
                if bakeIt:
                    studyLayerName = 'RadiationRose'
                    # check the study type
                    newLayerIndex, l = lb_visualization.setupLayers(skyTypes[i], 'LADYBUG', placeName, studyLayerName, False, False, 0, 0)
                    lb_visualization.bakeObjects(newLayerIndex, domeMeshed, legendSrfs, legendText, textPt, textSize, 'Verdana', compassCrvs)
                return domeMeshed, [legendSrfs, lb_preparation.flattenList(legendTextCrv + titleTextCurve)], compassCrvs, arrowsEndPts, movedLegendBasePoint
            if not showTotalOnly: skyTypes = 3
            else: skyTypes = 1
            zVector = (0,0,1)
            # calculate the vectors
            # this is a copy-paste from the old version
            NVecTilted = rs.VectorRotate(zVector, -float(surfaceTiltAngle), (1,0,0))
            movingVectors = []; tiltedRoseVectors = []
            for angle in roseAngles:
                movingVectors.append(rs.VectorRotate(northVector, float(angle), (0,0,1)))
                tiltedRoseVectors.append(rs.VectorRotate(NVecTilted, float(angle), (0,0,1)))
            ## mesh the context geometires
            if len(context)!=0:
                ## clean the geometry and bring them to rhinoCommon separated as mesh and Brep
                contextMesh, contextBrep = lb_preparation.cleanAndCoerceList(context)
                ## mesh Brep
                contextMeshedBrep = lb_mesh.parallel_makeContextMesh(contextBrep)
                ## Flatten the list of surfaces
                contextMeshedBrep = lb_preparation.flattenList(contextMeshedBrep)
                contextSrfs = contextMesh + contextMeshedBrep
                # join the mesh
                if contextSrfs: contextSrfs = lb_mesh.joinMesh(contextSrfs)
            else: contextSrfs = []

            radResult = []
            for i in range(skyTypes):
                if centerPoint == None: cenPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Origin
                else: cenPt = centerPoint
                radResult.append(lb_runStudy_GH.calRadRoseRes(tiltedRoseVectors, patchesNormalVectors, separatedLists[i], cenPt, contextSrfs))
            normLegend = False; res = [[], [], [], [], [], []];
            if not showTotalOnly:
                legendMax = [max(radResult[0]), max(radResult[1] + radResult[2]), max(radResult[1] + radResult[2])]
                legendMin = [0,0,0]
                legendMax = [max(radResult[0])]
                legendMin = [0]
            for i in range(skyTypes):
                # fix the bake
                    if legendPar[1] is None or normLegend:
                        legendPar[1] = legendMax[i]
                        legendPar[0] = legendMin[i]
                        normLegend = True
                    # make an initial legend parameter to replace the max
                    legendPar = [None,None,None,[],None, None]
                    legendPar[1] = legendMax[i]
                    legendPar[0] = legendMin[i]
                    normLegend = True
                internalScale = 0.3
                # generate arrows
                cenPt = lb_preparation.getCenPt(centerPoint)
                arrows = lb_preparation.genRadRoseArrows(movingVectors, radResult[i], cenPt, float(scale), internalScale, arrowHeadScale)
                tempCircle = rc.Geometry.Circle(cenPt, 1.2 * internalScale * float(scale)*max(radResult[i])).ToNurbsCurve()
                # calculate the bounding box for the skyDome
                if i == 0:
                        lb_visualization.calculateBB([tempCircle]) #arrows)
                        movingDist = 1.5 * lb_visualization.BoundingBoxPar[1] # moving distance for radiation rose
                        print "Input Radiation values are all 0"
                        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
                        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "Input Radiation values are all 0")
                        return -1
                arrowsColored, leg, compassCrvs, arrowsEndPts, legendBsePt= visualizeData(i, radResult[i], arrows, legendTitles[i], legendPar, bakeIt, cenPt)
                strResult = []
                [strResult.append("%.2f"%num) for num in radResult[i]]
            # remove the sky polysurfaces
            for arrow in arrows: arrow.Dispose()
            return res
            print "Please provide valid selctedSkyMtx!"
            w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
            ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "Please provide valid selctedSkyMtx!")
            return -1
        print "You should first let the Ladybug fly..."
        w = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
        ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(w, "You should first let the Ladybug fly...")
        return -1
コード例 #56
def analyzeGlz(glzSrf, distBetween, numOfShds, horOrVertical, lb_visualization, normalVector):
    # find the bounding box
    bbox = glzSrf.GetBoundingBox(True)
    if horOrVertical == None:
        horOrVertical = True
    if numOfShds == None and distBetween == None:
        numOfShds = 1
    if numOfShds == 0 or distBetween == 0:
        sortedPlanes = []
    elif horOrVertical == True:
        # Horizontal
        #Define a bounding box for use in calculating the number of shades to generate
        minZPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, True)
        minZPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(minZPt.X, minZPt.Y, minZPt.Z)
        maxZPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, False)
        maxZPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxZPt.X, maxZPt.Y, maxZPt.Z - sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance)
        centerPt = bbox.Center 
        #glazing hieghts
        glzHeight = minZPt.DistanceTo(maxZPt)
        # find number of shadings
            numOfShd = int(numOfShds)
            shadingHeight = glzHeight/numOfShd
            shadingRemainder = shadingHeight
            shadingHeight = distBetween
            shadingRemainder = (((glzHeight/distBetween) - math.floor(glzHeight/distBetween))*distBetween)
            if shadingRemainder == 0:
                shadingRemainder = shadingHeight
        # find shading base planes
        planeOrigins = []
        planes = []
        X, Y, z = minZPt.X, minZPt.Y, minZPt.Z
        zHeights = rs.frange(minZPt.Z + shadingRemainder, maxZPt.Z + 0.5*sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, shadingHeight)
            for Z in zHeights:
                planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(X, Y, Z), rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis))
            # single shading
            planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxZPt), rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis))
        # sort the planes
        sortedPlanes = sorted(planes, key=lambda a: a.Origin.Z)
    elif horOrVertical == False:
        # Vertical
        # Define a vector to be used to generate the planes
        planeVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d(normalVector.X, normalVector.Y, 0)
        planeVec.Rotate(1.570796, rc.Geometry.Vector3d.ZAxis)
        #Define a bounding box for use in calculating the number of shades to generate
        minXYPt = bbox.Corner(True, True, True)
        minXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z)
        maxXYPt = bbox.Corner(False, False, True)
        maxXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z)
        centerPt = bbox.Center
        #Test to be sure that the values are parallel to the correct vector.
        testVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Subtract(rc.Geometry.Vector3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z), rc.Geometry.Vector3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z))
        if testVec.IsParallelTo(planeVec) == 0:
            minXYPt = bbox.Corner(False, True, True)
            minXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z)
            maxXYPt = bbox.Corner(True, False, True)
            maxXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z)
        #Adjust the points to ensure the creation of the correct number of shades starting from the northernmost side of the window.
        tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Subtract(rc.Geometry.Vector3d(minXYPt.X, minXYPt.Y, minXYPt.Z), rc.Geometry.Vector3d(maxXYPt.X, maxXYPt.Y, maxXYPt.Z))
        tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance*2, tolVec)
        if tolVec.X > 0 and  tolVec.Y > 0:
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(1, tolVec)
            norOrient = False
        if tolVec.X < 0 and  tolVec.Y > 0:
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(1, tolVec)
            norOrient = False
        if tolVec.X < 0 and  tolVec.Y < 0:
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(-1, tolVec)
            norOrient = True
            tolVec = rc.Geometry.Vector3d.Multiply(-1, tolVec)
            norOrient = True
        maxXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Subtract(maxXYPt, tolVec)
        minXYPt = rc.Geometry.Point3d.Subtract(minXYPt, tolVec)
        #glazing distance
        glzHeight = minXYPt.DistanceTo(maxXYPt)
        # find number of shadings
            numOfShd = int(numOfShds)
            shadingHeight = glzHeight/numOfShd
            shadingRemainder = shadingHeight
            shadingHeight = distBetween
            shadingRemainder = (((glzHeight/distBetween) - math.floor(glzHeight/distBetween))*distBetween)
            if shadingRemainder == 0:
                shadingRemainder = shadingHeight
        # find shading base planes
        planeOrigins = []
        planes = []
        pointCurve = rc.Geometry.Curve.CreateControlPointCurve([maxXYPt, minXYPt])
        divisionParams = pointCurve.DivideByLength(shadingHeight, True)
        divisionPoints = []
        for param in divisionParams:
        planePoints = divisionPoints
            for point in planePoints:
                planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(point, planeVec))
            # single shading
            planes.append(rc.Geometry.Plane(rc.Geometry.Point3d(minXYPt), planeVec))
        sortedPlanes = planes
    return sortedPlanes
コード例 #57
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

#Sin curve
numPoints = 30
freq = 6
scale = 4
pi = math.pi
radius = 5
points = []

for i in rs.frange(0,numPoints,.2):
    rads = (i/numPoints)*((2*pi)*freq)
    x = i*scale
    y = radius*math.sin(rads)
    z = 0
    n = rs.AddPoint([x,y,z])

コード例 #58
#Python Workshop Lesson:08
#If Else with Math
#If Else with Boolean Flag
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math
#boolean flag
flip = True
color01 = [255,0,255]
color02 = [0,255, 255]
for i in rs.frange(0.0, 10.0, 0.1):
    ptsForCurve = []
    for j in rs.frange(0.0, 10.0, 0.1):
        x = j
        y = i
        z = math.sin(i)*math.sin(j)
        pt = [x,y,z]
    curve = rs.AddCurve(ptsForCurve)
    if flip == True:
        rs.ObjectColor(curve, color01)
        flip = False
        rs.ObjectColor(curve, color02)
        flip = True
コード例 #59
ファイル: ex_srfFrame.py プロジェクト: kstolzenberg/py-rhino
idSurface = rs.GetObject("srf to frame? ", 8, True, True)
intCount = rs.GetReal("# of itera. per direction")

#domains are rough dims of the surface - can check via _what 
uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(idSurface, 0)
vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(idSurface, 1)

# get size int from domain & / by intended count = increment between surfaces
uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0]) / intCount
vStep = (vDomain[1] - vDomain[0]) / intCount

#print uStep
#print vStep


# loop through size of surface by step increment in both u & v directions
for u in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
    for v in rs.frange(vDomain[0], vDomain[1], vStep):
        pt = rs.EvaluateSurface(idSurface, u, v) # get points at each domain step
        if rs.Distance(pt, rs.BrepClosestPoint(idSurface, pt)[0]) < 0.1:
            srfFrame = rs.SurfaceFrame(idSurface, [u, v]) # create ref plane at each division point
            newPlane = rs.AddPlaneSurface(srfFrame, 1.0, 1.0) # create surface at each ref plane
            # add height guideline from plane's origin to "ceiling"
            centerPt = rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(newPlane) # locate center of each new plane
            limit = 10 # set "ceiling"
            endPt = limit - centerPt[0][2] # access z coordinate with the tuple
            rs.AddLine(centerPt[0], rs.PointAdd(centerPt[0], (0,0,endPt)) )
rs.EnableRedraw(True) # refresh viewport at one time only