def colorize_status(status): """ set the text style for case.status field""" return Text( status, style={CaseStatusOptions.scheduled: "bright_yellow"}.get(consts.CaseStatusOptions(status) # noqa ), )
def colorize_impact(impact): """ set the text style for case.impact field """ style = { consts.CaseImpactOptions.potential_svc_aff: "", consts.CaseImpactOptions.svc_aff: "bold red", }.get(consts.CaseImpactOptions(impact) # noqa ) # noqa return Text("\n".join(impact.split()), style=style)
def colorize_status(status): """ colorize the service.status field """ return Text( status, style={ "bright_green", InventoryStatusOption.pending_change: "bright_yellow", }.get(status), )
def colorize_urgency(urgency: str): """ set the text style for case.urgency field """ style = { consts.CaseUrgencyOptions.emergency: "bold red", consts.CaseUrgencyOptions.demand: "bright_blue", consts.CaseUrgencyOptions.planned: "bright_yellow", }.get(consts.CaseUrgencyOptions(urgency) # noqa ) # noqa return Text(urgency, style=style)
def make_services_table(services: List[Dict]) -> Table: """ Create a Rich.Table of service inventory records. Parameters ---------- services: List[Dict] Service inventory records in the form of the API dict. Returns ------- The Table ready for console rendering. """ count = len(services) title = f"Services ({count})" if count > 1 else "Service" table = Table( title=Text(title, style="bright_white", justify="left"), show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta", show_lines=True, ) table.add_column("Name") table.add_column("Status") table.add_column("Product") table.add_column("Circuit Id") table.add_column("Bandwidth") table.add_column("Location A") table.add_column("Location Z") def make_location(_loc): """ create address from location fields """ return f"{_loc['name']}\n{_loc['city']}, {_loc['state']} {_loc['postalCode']}" for rec in services: comps = rec["components"][0] table.add_row( rec["serviceName"], colorize_status(rec["status"]), f"{rec['productGroup']}\n{rec['productCategory']}", comps["circuitId"], comps["bandwidth"], make_location(comps["locations"][0]), make_location(comps["locations"][1]), ) return table
def make_impacts_table(impacts: List[dict]) -> Table: """ This function creates the Rich.Table that contains the case impact information. Parameters ---------- impacts: List[dict] The list of case impact records in API dict form. Returns ------- The rendered Table of case impact information. """ count = len(impacts) table = Table( title=Text( f"Impacts ({count})" if count > 1 else "Impact", style="bright_white", justify="left", ), show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta", show_lines=True, ) table.add_column("Case #") table.add_column("Circuit Id") table.add_column("Expected Impact") table.add_column("CLLI A") table.add_column("CLLI Z") for rec in impacts: row_obj = ImpactRecord.parse_obj(rec) table.add_row( row_obj.case_num, row_obj.circuit_id, row_obj.impact, row_obj.clli_a, row_obj.clli_z, ) return table
def make_notifs_table(notifs): """ This function creates the Rich.Table that contains the case notification information. Parameters ---------- notifs: List[dict] The list of case impact records in API dict form. Returns ------- The rendered Table of case notifications information. """ count = len(notifs) table = Table( title=Text( f"Notifications ({count})" if count > 1 else "Notification", style="bright_white", justify="left", ), show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta", show_lines=True, ) table.add_column("#") table.add_column("Type") table.add_column("Email Sent") table.add_column("Email Subject") table.add_column("Email To") for rec in notifs: row_obj = NotificationDetailRecord.parse_obj(rec) email_list = sorted(map(str.strip, row_obj.email_list.split(";"))) mt = maya.parse( dstring = (mt.local_datetime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S") + f"\n({mt.slang_time()})") table.add_row(, row_obj.type, dstring, row_obj.subject, "\n".join(email_list)) return table
def make_cases_table(recs: List[CaseRecord]) -> Table: """ This function creates the Rich.Table that contains the cases information. Parameters ---------- recs: List[CaseRecord] The list of case records in model-object form. Returns ------- The rendered Table of case information. """ n_cases = len(recs) table = Table( title=Text( f"Cases ({n_cases})" if n_cases > 1 else "Case", style="bright_white", justify="left", ), show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta", show_lines=True, ) table.add_column("Case #") table.add_column("Urgency") table.add_column("Status") table.add_column("Impact") table.add_column("Date(s)") table.add_column("Location", width=12, overflow="fold") table.add_column("Start Time") table.add_column("End Time") table.add_column("Reason") pdates = attrgetter("primary_date", "primary_date_2", "primary_date_3") for row_obj in recs: if row_obj.status != consts.CaseStatusOptions.closed: row_obj.urgency = colorize_urgency(row_obj.urgency) # noqa row_obj.impact = colorize_impact(row_obj.impact) row_obj.status = colorize_status(row_obj.status) rec_pdates = sorted(pd for pd in pdates(row_obj) if pd) md = maya.parse(rec_pdates[0]) dstr = "\n".join(map(str, rec_pdates)) + f"\n({md.slang_time()})" table.add_row( row_obj.case_num, row_obj.urgency, row_obj.status, row_obj.impact, dstr, row_obj.location, str(row_obj.from_time), str(row_obj.to_time), row_obj.reason, ) return table