コード例 #1
ファイル: test_mosaic.py プロジェクト: cule/rio-tiler
def test_mosaic_tiler_with_imageDataClass():
    """Test mosaic tiler."""
    img, _ = mosaic.mosaic_reader(assets, _read_tile, xo, yo, zo)
    assert not img.assets
    assert not img.data
    assert not img.mask

    img, _ = mosaic.mosaic_reader(assets, _read_tile, x, y, z)
    assert img.data.shape == (3, 256, 256)
    assert img.mask.shape == (256, 256)
    assert img.mask.all()
    assert img.data[0][-1][-1] == 8682
    assert len(img.assets) == 1

    assert img.crs == WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.crs
    assert img.bounds == WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.xy_bounds(x, y, z)

    img, assets_used = mosaic.mosaic_reader(
        assets, _read_tile, x, y, z, pixel_selection=defaults.LowestMethod())
    assert assets_used == img.assets == assets
    assert img.crs == WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.crs
    assert img.bounds == WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.xy_bounds(x, y, z)

    img, assets_used = mosaic.mosaic_reader(
    assert img.data.shape == (3, 256, 256)
    assert img.mask.shape == (256, 256)
    assert assets_used == img.assets == assets
    assert not img.crs
    assert not img.bounds

    bbox = [
        -75.98703377413767, 44.93504283293786, -71.337604723999,
    with COGReader(assets[0]) as cog:
        crs1 = cog.dataset.crs

    with COGReader(assets[0]) as cog:
        crs2 = cog.dataset.crs

    img, assets_used = mosaic.mosaic_reader(assets,
    assert img.data.shape == (3, 690, 1024)
    assert img.mask.shape == (690, 1024)
    assert img.mask.any()
    assert assets_used == img.assets == assets
    assert img.crs == crs1 == crs2
    assert not img.bounds == bbox
    bbox_in_crs = transform_bounds(WGS84_CRS, crs1, *bbox, densify_pts=21)
    assert img.bounds == bbox_in_crs
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_io_cogeo.py プロジェクト: kn-id/rio-tiler
def test_tile_valid_default():
    """Should return a 3 bands array and a full valid mask."""
    with COGReader(COG_NODATA) as cog:
        # Full tile
        img = cog.tile(43, 24, 7)
        assert img.data.shape == (1, 256, 256)
        assert img.mask.all()
        assert img.band_names == ["1"]

        # Validate that Tile and Part gives the same result
        tile_bounds = WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.xy_bounds(43, 24, 7)
        data_part, _ = cog.part(
        assert numpy.array_equal(img.data, data_part)

        # Partial tile
        data, mask = cog.tile(42, 24, 7)
        assert data.shape == (1, 256, 256)
        assert not mask.all()

        # Expression
        img = cog.tile(43, 24, 7, expression="b1*2,b1-100")
        assert img.data.shape == (2, 256, 256)
        assert img.band_names == ["b1*2", "b1-100"]

        with pytest.warns(ExpressionMixingWarning):
            img = cog.tile(43, 24, 7, indexes=(1, 2, 3), expression="b1*2")
            assert img.data.shape == (1, 256, 256)
        assert img.band_names == ["b1*2"]

        data, mask = cog.tile(43, 24, 7, indexes=1)
        assert data.shape == (1, 256, 256)

        img = cog.tile(
        assert img.data.shape == (2, 256, 256)
        assert img.band_names == ["1", "1"]

    # We are using a file that is aligned with the grid so no resampling should be involved
    with COGReader(COG_WEB) as cog:
        img = cog.tile(147, 182, 9)
        img_buffer = cog.tile(147, 182, 9, tile_buffer=10)
        assert img_buffer.width == 276
        assert img_buffer.height == 276
        assert not img.bounds == img_buffer.bounds
        assert numpy.array_equal(img.data, img_buffer.data[:, 10:266, 10:266])
コード例 #3
def test_aligned_with_internaltile():
    """Check if COG is in WebMercator and aligned with internal tiles."""
    bounds = WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.bounds(43, 25, 7)
    with rasterio.open(COG_DST) as src_dst:
        assert not utils._requested_tile_aligned_with_internal_tile(
            src_dst, bounds, 256, 256)

    with rasterio.open(NOCOG) as src_dst:
        assert not utils._requested_tile_aligned_with_internal_tile(
            src_dst, bounds, 256, 256)

    bounds = WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.bounds(147, 182, 9)
    with rasterio.open(COG_NOWEB) as src_dst:
        assert not utils._requested_tile_aligned_with_internal_tile(
            src_dst, bounds, 256, 256)

    with rasterio.open(COG_WEB_TILED) as src_dst:
        assert utils._requested_tile_aligned_with_internal_tile(
            src_dst, bounds, 256, 256)
コード例 #4
def test_metadata():
    """Should return correct metadata."""
    with rasterio.open(COG_CMAP) as src_dst:
        meta = reader.metadata(src_dst)
        assert meta["dtype"] == "int8"
        assert meta["colorinterp"] == ["palette"]
        assert not meta.get("scale")
        assert not meta.get("ofsset")
        assert meta.get("colormap")

    with rasterio.open(COG_SCALE) as src_dst:
        meta = reader.metadata(src_dst)
        assert meta["dtype"] == "int16"
        assert meta["colorinterp"] == ["gray"]
        assert meta["scale"] == 0.0001
        assert meta["offset"] == 1000.0
        assert meta["band_descriptions"] == [("1", "Green")]
        assert not meta.get("colormap")
        assert meta["nodata_type"] == "Nodata"

        meta = reader.metadata(src_dst, indexes=1)
        assert meta["colorinterp"] == ["gray"]

        bounds = WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.bounds(218, 99, 8)
        meta = reader.metadata(src_dst, bounds)
        assert meta["colorinterp"] == ["gray"]
        assert meta["bounds"] == bounds

    with rasterio.open(S3_ALPHA_PATH) as src_dst:
        with pytest.warns(AlphaBandWarning):
            meta = reader.metadata(src_dst)
            assert len(meta["band_descriptions"]) == 3
            assert meta["colorinterp"] == ["red", "green", "blue"]
            assert meta["nodata_type"] == "Alpha"

        meta = reader.metadata(src_dst, indexes=(1, 2, 3, 4))
        assert len(meta["band_descriptions"]) == 4
        assert meta["colorinterp"] == ["red", "green", "blue", "alpha"]
        assert meta["nodata_type"] == "Alpha"

    with rasterio.open(S3_MASK_PATH) as src_dst:
        meta = reader.metadata(src_dst)
        assert meta["nodata_type"] == "Mask"
コード例 #5
def test_tile_valid_default():
    """Should return a 3 bands array and a full valid mask."""
    with COGReader(COG_NODATA) as cog:
        # Full tile
        data, mask = cog.tile(43, 24, 7)
        assert data.shape == (1, 256, 256)
        assert mask.all()

        tile_bounds = WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.xy_bounds(43, 24, 7)
        data_part, _ = cog.part(
        assert numpy.array_equal(data, data_part)

        # Partial tile
        data, mask = cog.tile(42, 24, 7)
        assert data.shape == (1, 256, 256)
        assert not mask.all()

        # Expression
        data, mask = cog.tile(43, 24, 7, expression="b1*2,b1-100")
        assert data.shape == (2, 256, 256)

        with pytest.warns(ExpressionMixingWarning):
            data, _ = cog.tile(43, 24, 7, indexes=(1, 2, 3), expression="b1*2")
            assert data.shape == (1, 256, 256)

        data, mask = cog.tile(43, 24, 7, indexes=1)
        assert data.shape == (1, 256, 256)

        data, mask = cog.tile(43, 24, 7, indexes=(
        assert data.shape == (2, 256, 256)
コード例 #6
def test_imageData_output():
    """Test ImageData output."""
    with COGReader(COG_NODATA) as cog:
        img = cog.tile(43, 24, 7)
        assert img.data.shape == (1, 256, 256)
        assert img.mask.all()
        assert img.count == 1
        assert img.data_as_image().shape == (256, 256, 1)

        assert numpy.array_equal(~img.as_masked().mask[0] * 255, img.mask)

        assert img.crs == WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.crs
        assert img.bounds == WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.xy_bounds(43, 24, 7)

        meta = parse_img(img.render(img_format="GTiff"))
        assert meta["driver"] == "GTiff"
        assert meta["crs"] == WEB_MERCATOR_TMS.crs
        assert meta["transform"]
        assert meta["count"] == 2

        res = img.render(img_format="NPY")
        arr = numpy.load(BytesIO(res))
        assert numpy.array_equal(arr[0:1], img.data)
        assert numpy.array_equal(arr[1], img.mask)

        img = cog.tile(43, 24, 7)
        assert img.data.dtype == "uint16"

        imgc = img.post_process(color_formula="Gamma R 3.1")
        assert imgc.data.dtype == "uint8"

        imgr = img.post_process(in_range=(img.data.min(), img.data.max()))
        assert not numpy.array_equal(img.data, imgr.data)
        assert imgr.data.dtype == "uint8"
        assert imgr.data.min() == 0
        assert imgr.data.max() == 255
        assert imgr.bounds == img.bounds
        assert imgr.crs == img.crs
        assert imgr.assets == img.assets

        imgc = imgr.post_process(color_formula="Gamma R 3.1")
        assert not numpy.array_equal(imgc.data, imgr.data)
        assert imgc.data.dtype == "uint8"
        assert imgc.bounds == img.bounds
        assert imgc.crs == img.crs
        assert imgc.assets == img.assets

        imgrc = img.post_process(in_range=(img.data.min(), img.data.max()),
                                 color_formula="Gamma R 3.1")
        assert numpy.array_equal(imgc.data, imgrc.data)

        bbox = (
        img = cog.part(bbox)
        assert img.data.shape == (1, 11, 41)
        meta = parse_img(img.render(img_format="GTiff"))
        assert meta["crs"] == WGS84_CRS
        assert img.bounds == bbox

        img = cog.part(bbox, dst_crs=cog.dataset.crs)
        assert img.data.shape == (1, 29, 30)
        meta = parse_img(img.render(img_format="GTiff"))
        assert meta["crs"] == cog.dataset.crs
        assert not img.bounds == bbox

        img = cog.preview(max_size=128)
        assert img.data.shape == (1, 128, 128)
        assert img.bounds == cog.dataset.bounds
        meta = parse_img(img.render(img_format="GTiff"))
        assert meta["crs"] == cog.dataset.crs