コード例 #1
    def input(self):

        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        theta = self.current_state.rot.yaw
        correction_vector = self.target_state.pos - self.current_state.pos

        facing_vector = Vec3(cos(theta), sin(theta), 0)

        car_to_target = (self.target_state.pos - self.current_state.pos).normalize()
        #Rotated to the car's reference frame on the ground.
        rel_correction_vector = Vec3((correction_vector.x*cos(theta)) + (correction_vector.y * sin(theta)),
                                     (-(correction_vector.x*sin(theta))) + (correction_vector.y * cos(theta)),

        if self.can_reverse and facing_vector.dot(car_to_target) < - 0.5:
            correction_angle = atan2(rel_correction_vector.y, rel_correction_vector.x)
            controller_input.throttle = - 1.0
            if abs(correction_angle) > 1.25:
                controller_input.handbrake = 1
            controller_input.steer = cap_magnitude(-5*correction_angle, 1)

            correction_angle = atan2(rel_correction_vector.y, rel_correction_vector.x)
            controller_input.throttle = 1.0
            if abs(correction_angle) > 1.25:
                controller_input.handbrake = 1
            controller_input.steer = cap_magnitude(5*correction_angle, 1)

        return controller_input
コード例 #2
    def controller(self, agent, angle):
        controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

        steer_value = steer(angle)
        controller_state.steer = steer_value
        controller_state.throttle = 1
        controller_state.handbrake = True

        if self.level == PowerSlideLevel.NORMAL:
            balance_threshold = 0.25 * abs(
                agent.me.angular_velocity.data[2])**2 + 0.05

            if balance_threshold * -1 <= angle <= balance_threshold:
                controller_state.handbrake = False
                controller_state.boost = True
                if abs(agent.me.angular_velocity.data[2]) >= 0.15:
                    controller_state.steer = sign(
                        agent.me.angular_velocity.data[2]) * -1
                    controller_state.steer = 0
        elif self.level == PowerSlideLevel.U_TURN:
            if abs(angle) < 1.15:
                controller_state.steer = steer_value * -1
                controller_state.throttle = -1
                controller_state.handbrake = False
                controller_state.boost = False

            if abs(angle) < 0.15:
                controller_state.steer = 0

        return controller_state
コード例 #3
def exampleController(agent,
                      target_object):  #target_object es un objeto tipo obj

    location = target_object.local_location
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
    angle_velocity = math.atan2(agent.me.velocity.data[1],
    draw_debug(agent, agent.renderer, target_object.location.data)
    current_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 4:
        if agent.me.has_wheel_contact == True:
            controller_state.boost = True
        controller_state.handbrake = False
        controller_state.boost = False
        controller_state.handbrake = True
    controller_state.steer = sign(angle_to_target) * min(
        1, abs(2 * angle_to_target))
    controller_state.throttle = 1
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 2 and abs(
            angle_velocity) < math.pi / 3:
        dodging(agent, target_object, controller_state, angle_to_target)
    return controller_state
コード例 #4
def CeilingRushController(
        agent, target_object1,
        target_object2):  #target_object es un objeto tipo obj
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    '''if distance2D(agent.me,agent.pointA)<distance2D(agent.me,agent.pointB) and agent.me.location.data[2]>2800:
            target_object = target_object2
            location = agent.pointB.local_location
            angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1],location.data[0])
            target_object = target_object1
            location = agent.pointA.local_location
            angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1],location.data[0])'''
    target_object = target_object1
    location = agent.pointA.local_location
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
    draw_debug(agent, agent.renderer, target_object.location.data)
    angle_velocity = math.atan2(agent.me.velocity.data[1],

    current_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 4:
        controller_state.handbrake = False
    elif abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi and abs(angle_to_target) > math.pi / 2:
        controller_state.handbrake = True
    if agent.me.location.data[2] < 1800:
        controller_state.steer = sign(angle_to_target) * min(
            1, abs(2 * angle_to_target))
        controller_state.steer = 0
    controller_state.throttle = 1

    return controller_state
コード例 #5
    def exampleController(self, target_object, target_speed):
        location = target_object.local_location
        controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
        angle_to_ball = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
        current_speed = velocity2D(self.me)

        team = sign(self.team)
        # if team<=0:   #blue
        #try to get the ball to orange goal
        #else:    #orange
        #try to get the ball to blue goal

        if angle_to_ball > 0.1:
            controller_state.steer = controller_state.yaw = 1
        elif angle_to_ball < -0.1:
            controller_state.steer = controller_state.yaw = -1
            controller_state.steer = controller_state.yaw = 0

        if angle_to_ball > 0.8:
            controller_state.handbrake = True
        elif angle_to_ball < -0.8:
            controller_state.handbrake = True
            controller_state.handbrake = False

        if target_speed > current_speed:
            controller_state.throttle = 1.0
            if target_speed > 1400 and self.start > 2.2 and current_speed < 2250:
                controller_state.boost = True
        elif target_speed < current_speed:
            controller_state.throttle = 0

        #dodging front only
        time_difference = time.time() - self.start
        if time_difference > 2.2 and distance2D(
                self.me.location) > 1000 and abs(angle_to_ball) < 1.3:
            self.start = time.time()
        elif time_difference <= 0.1:
            controller_state.jump = True
            controller_state.pitch = -1
        elif time_difference >= 0.1 and time_difference <= 0.15:
            controller_state.jump = False
            controller_state.pitch = -1
        elif time_difference > 0.15 and time_difference < 1:
            controller_state.jump = True
            controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer
            controller_state.pitch = -1

        return controller_state
コード例 #6
ファイル: Zoomelette.py プロジェクト: robbai/RLBotPack
def Controller_output(agent, target, speed):
    Controller = SimpleControllerState()
    LocalTagret = agent.car.matrix.dot(target - agent.car.loc)
    angle_target = math.atan2(LocalTagret[1], LocalTagret[0])
    Controller.steer = steer(angle_target)
    agentSpeed = velocity2D(agent.car)
    Controller.throttle, Controller.boost = throttle(speed, agentSpeed)
    if abs(angle_target) > 2:
        Controller.handbrake = True
        Controller.handbrake = False
    return Controller
コード例 #7
ファイル: States.py プロジェクト: Zypex14/Apex
def follow_controller(agent, target_object, target_speed):
    location = toLocal(target_object, agent.me)
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    angle_to_ball = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
    current_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)

    pitch = agent.me.location.data[0] % math.pi
    roll = agent.me.location.data[2] % math.pi

    # Turn dem wheels
    controller_state.steer = cap(angle_to_ball * 5, -1, 1)

    if abs(angle_to_ball) > (math.pi / 3.):
        controller_state.handbrake = True
        controller_state.handbrake = False

    # throttle
    if target_speed > current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
        if target_speed > 1400 and agent.start > 2.2 and current_speed < 2250 and abs(
                angle_to_ball) < (math.pi / 3.):
            controller_state.boost = True
    elif target_speed < current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 0

    # doging
    time_difference = time.time() - agent.start

    if time_difference > 2.2 and distance2D(
            agent.me) > 1000 and abs(angle_to_ball) < 1.3 and velocity2D(
                agent.me) > 1200:
        agent.start = time.time()
    elif time_difference <= 0.1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference >= 0.1 and time_difference <= 0.15:
        controller_state.jump = False
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference > 0.15 and time_difference < 1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer
        controller_state.pitch = -1

    # print("target: " + str(target_speed) + ", current: " + str(current_speed))
    return controller_state
コード例 #8
def frugal_controller(agent, target, speed):
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    location = return_local_location(target, agent.me)
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])

    controller_state.steer = steer(angle_to_target)

    current_speed = velocity_2d(agent.me)
    if current_speed < speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
    elif current_speed - 50 > speed:
        controller_state.throttle = -1.0
        controller_state.throttle = 0

    if distance_2d(agent.me.location.data, target) < 250:
        controller_state.handbrake = 1

    # time_difference = time.time() - agent.start
    # if time_difference > 2.2 and distance_2d(target, agent.me) > (velocity_2d(agent.me) * 2.3) and abs(
    #         angle_to_target) < 1 and current_speed < speed:
    #     agent.start = time.time()
    # elif time_difference <= 0.1:
    #     controller_state.jump = True
    #     controller_state.pitch = -1
    # elif time_difference >= 0.1 and time_difference <= 0.15:
    #     controller_state.jump = False
    #     controller_state.pitch = -1
    # elif time_difference > 0.15 and time_difference < 1:
    #     controller_state.jump = True
    #     controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer
    #     controller_state.pitch = -1

    return controller_state
コード例 #9
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: samuelpmish/RLBot-Beast
    def resolve(self, prev_status, car, packet: GameTickPacket):
        point = self.pointFunc(car, packet)
        car_location = Vec3(car.physics.location.x, car.physics.location.y)
        car_direction = rlmath.get_car_facing_vector(car)
        yaw_velocity = car.physics.angular_velocity.x
        car_velocity = Vec3(car.physics.velocity.x, car.physics.velocity.y)
        car_to_point = point - car_location

        steer_correction_radians = rlmath.fix_ang(
            car_direction.ang_to_flat(car_to_point) + yaw_velocity * 0.2)
        velocity_correction_radians = car_velocity.ang_to_flat(car_to_point)

        controller = SimpleControllerState()

        if abs(steer_correction_radians) > 0.5:
            controller.handbrake = True
            return (SUCCESS, self.parent, None)

        if steer_correction_radians > 0:
            controller.steer = 1
        elif steer_correction_radians < 0:
            controller.steer = -1

        controller.throttle = 0.3
        # In these cases we want to brake instead
        if car_velocity.length() > 500:
            controller.throttle = 0

        return (ACTION, self, controller)
コード例 #10
def exampleController(agent, target_object,target_speed):
    distance = distance2D(agent.me.location,target_object.location)
    if distance > 400:
        #print("switching to efficient")
        agent.state = efficientMover
        return efficientMover(agent,target_object,target_speed)

    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    controller_state.handbrake = False

    car_direction = get_car_facing_vector(agent.me)
    car_to_ball =  agent.me.location - target_object.location

    steer_correction_radians = steer(car_direction.correction_to(car_to_ball))

    current_speed = getVelocity(agent.me.velocity)
    controller_state.steer = steer(steer_correction_radians)

    if target_speed > current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
        if target_speed > 1400 and current_speed < 2250:
            controller_state.boost = True
    elif target_speed < current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 0

    return controller_state
コード例 #11
    def get_output(self,
                   game_tick_packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
        # Get the direction to the ball
        car = game_tick_packet.game_cars[self.index]
        ball_pos = game_tick_packet.game_ball.physics.location
        to_ball_x = ball_pos.x - car.physics.location.x
        to_ball_y = ball_pos.y - car.physics.location.y
        dist_to_ball = math.sqrt(to_ball_x**2 + to_ball_y**2)
        if dist_to_ball == 0: return SimpleControllerState()
        to_ball_x /= dist_to_ball
        to_ball_y /= dist_to_ball

        # How is the car aligned with the direction to the ball?
        yaw = float(car.physics.rotation.yaw)
        car_left_x = -math.sin(yaw)
        car_left_y = math.cos(yaw)
        dot_product = to_ball_x * car_left_x + to_ball_y * car_left_y

        # Act on the information above.
        controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
        controller_state.steer = min(
            1, max(-1, self.steering_coefficient * dot_product))
        controller_state.boost = abs(dot_product) < .1
        controller_state.handbrake = abs(dot_product) > .9
        return controller_state
コード例 #12
 def get_output(self,
                game_tick_packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
     seconds = game_tick_packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
     controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
     controller_state.steer = 0
     controller_state.handbrake = 0
     return controller_state
コード例 #13
 def input(self):
     controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
     controller_input.throttle = 1
     if self.boost == 1:
         controller_input.boost = 1
     controller_input.handbrake = 1
     controller_input.steer = self.direction
     return controller_input
コード例 #14
def WaitController(agent, target_object, target_speed):
    current_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    location = target_object.local_location
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
    draw_debug(agent, agent.renderer, target_object.location.data)
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 4:
        controller_state.handbrake = False
    elif abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi and abs(angle_to_target) > math.pi / 2:
        controller_state.handbrake = True

    controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer = sign(
        angle_to_target) * min(1, abs(2 * angle_to_target))
    if distance2D(target_object, agent.me) < 100:
        controller_state.throttle = -1
        controller_state.throttle = 1
    return controller_state
コード例 #15
def drive_to_target(car: Car, target: Vec3, controls=None, speed=MAX_BOOST_SPEED) -> SimpleControllerState:
    steer_direction = get_steer(car, target-car.location)
    if not controls:
        controls = SimpleControllerState()
    controls.steer = clamp(steer_direction)
    controls.throttle = clamp(speed/MAX_DRIVING_SPEED)
    # print("throttle: ", controls.throttle)
    controls.boost = speed > MAX_DRIVING_SPEED and car.boost > 0
    if abs(steer_direction) > 2.8:
        controls.handbrake = True
    return controls
コード例 #16
def getSensible_thingToCONTROL(magicWariable):
    ThisISTHE_controller = SimpleControllerState()
    ThisISTHE_controller.throttle = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][0]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.steer = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][1]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.pitch = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][2]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.yaw = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][3]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.roll = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][4]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.jump = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][5]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.boost = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][6]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.handbrake = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][7]]
    return ThisISTHE_controller
コード例 #17
    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
        This function will be called by the framework many times per second. This is where you can
        see the motion of the ball, etc. and return controls to drive your car.

        # Keep our boost pad info updated with which pads are currently active

        # This is good to keep at the beginning of get_output. It will allow you to continue
        # any sequences that you may have started during a previous call to get_output.
        if self.active_sequence is not None and not self.active_sequence.done:
            controls = self.active_sequence.tick(packet)
            if controls is not None:
                return controls

        # Gather some information about our car and the ball
        my_car = packet.game_cars[self.index]
        car_location = Vec3(my_car.physics.location)
        car_velocity = Vec3(my_car.physics.velocity)
        ball_location = Vec3(packet.game_ball.physics.location)
        nearest_boost_loc = self.get_nearest_boost(car_location)

        # By default we will chase the ball, but target_location can be changed later
        target_location = nearest_boost_loc

        # if car_location.dist(ball_location) > 1500:
        #     # We're far away from the ball, let's try to lead it a little bit
        #     ball_prediction = self.get_ball_prediction_struct()  # This can predict bounces, etc
        #     ball_in_future = find_slice_at_time(ball_prediction, packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed + 2)
        #     # ball_in_future might be None if we don't have an adequate ball prediction right now, like during
        #     # replays, so check it to avoid errors.
        #     if ball_in_future is not None:
        #         target_location = Vec3(ball_in_future.physics.location)
        #         self.renderer.draw_line_3d(ball_location, target_location, self.renderer.cyan())

        # Draw some things to help understand what the bot is thinking
        self.renderer.draw_line_3d(car_location, target_location, self.renderer.white())
        self.renderer.draw_string_3d(car_location, 1, 1, f'Speed: {car_velocity.length():.1f}', self.renderer.white())
        self.renderer.draw_rect_3d(target_location, 8, 8, True, self.renderer.cyan(), centered=True)

        if 750 < car_velocity.length() < 800:
            # We'll do a front flip if the car is moving at a certain speed.
            return self.begin_front_flip(packet)

        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        controls.steer = steer_toward_target(my_car, target_location)
        controls.throttle = 1.0
        controls.boost = True
        controls.handbrake = True
        # You can set more controls if you want, like controls.boost.

        return controls
コード例 #18
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    controls = SimpleControllerState()

    controls.throttle = 1
    controls.boost = 1
    controls.handbrake = 1
    controls.steer = 1

    persistent = game_info.persistent
    return controls, persistent
コード例 #19
 def to_simple_controller_state(self):
     controls = SimpleControllerState()
     controls.throttle = self.throttle
     controls.steer = self.steer
     controls.yaw = self.yaw
     controls.pitch = self.pitch
     controls.roll = self.roll
     controls.boost = self.boost
     controls.jump = self.jump
     controls.handbrake = self.handbrake
     return controls
コード例 #20
def copy_controls(obj_to: SimpleControllerState,
                  obj_from: SimpleControllerState):
    """Copies the attribute of one SimpleControlerStates to another"""
    obj_to.steer = obj_from.steer
    obj_to.throttle = obj_from.throttle
    obj_to.pitch = obj_from.pitch
    obj_to.yaw = obj_from.yaw
    obj_to.roll = obj_from.roll
    obj_to.jump = obj_from.jump
    obj_to.boost = obj_from.boost
    obj_to.handbrake = obj_from.handbrake
    obj_to.use_item = obj_from.use_item
コード例 #21
def decode_output(arr):
	s = SimpleControllerState()
	s.throttle = clamp1(n[0])
	s.steer = clamp1(n[1])
	s.boost = n[2] > 0.5
	s.handbrake = n[3] > 0.5
	# s.pitch = clamp1(n[2])
	# s.yaw = clamp1(n[3])
	# s.roll = clamp1(n[4])
	# s.jump = n[6] > 0.5
	# s.use_item = n[7] > 0.5
	return s
コード例 #22
def finalize_output(output):
    framework_output = SimpleControllerState()
    framework_output.throttle = output.throttle
    framework_output.steer = output.steer
    framework_output.yaw = output.yaw
    framework_output.pitch = output.pitch
    framework_output.roll = output.roll
    framework_output.boost = output.boost
    framework_output.handbrake = output.handbrake
    framework_output.jump = output.jump

    return framework_output
コード例 #23
 def get(self, data):
     c = SimpleControllerState()
     c.throttle = max(min(data[0], 1), -1)
     c.steer = max(min(data[1], 1), -1)
     c.pitch = max(min(data[2], 1), -1)
     c.yaw = max(min(data[3], 1), -1)
     c.roll = max(min(data[4], 1), -1)
     c.jump = data[5]
     c.boost = data[6]
     c.handbrake = data[7]
     c.use_item = data[8]
     return c
コード例 #24
    def get_output(self):
        output = SimpleControllerState()

        output.throttle = self.throttle
        output.steer = self.steer
        output.pitch = self.pitch
        output.yaw = self.yaw
        output.roll = self.roll
        output.jump = self.jump
        output.boost = self.boost
        output.handbrake = self.handbrake

        return output
コード例 #25
def array_to_scs(a):
    scs = SimpleControllerState()

    scs.throttle = a[0]
    scs.steer = a[1]
    scs.pitch = a[2]
    scs.yaw = a[3]
    scs.roll = a[4]
    scs.jump = a[5]
    scs.boost = a[6]
    scs.handbrake = a[7]

    return scs
コード例 #26
def RushController(agent, target_object):  #target_object es un objeto tipo obj
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    location = target_object.local_location
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])

    angle_velocity = math.atan2(agent.me.velocity.data[1],
    draw_debug(agent, agent.renderer, target_object.location.data)
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 4:
        controller_state.handbrake = False
    elif abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi and abs(angle_to_target) > math.pi / 2:
        controller_state.handbrake = True
    controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer = sign(
        angle_to_target) * min(1, abs(2 * angle_to_target))
    controller_state.throttle = 1
    if True:  #abs(angle_velocity) < math.pi/3:
        shot(agent, target_object, controller_state, angle_to_target)

    return controller_state
コード例 #27
def greedyMover(agent,target_object):
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    controller_state.handbrake = False
    location = toLocal(target_object, agent.me)
    angle = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
    controller_state.throttle = 1
    if getVelocity(agent.me.velocity) < 2200:
        if agent.onSurface:
            controller_state.boost = True
    controller_state.jump = False

    controller_state.steer = Gsteer(angle)

    return controller_state
コード例 #28
    def get_controls(self, car_state: CarState, car: Car):
        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        target_Vec3 = Vec3(self.location[0], self.location[1],

        if angle_between(self.location - to_vec3(car_state.physics.location),
                         car.forward()) > pi / 2:
            controls.boost = False
            controls.handbrake = True
        elif angle_between(self.location - to_vec3(car_state.physics.location),
                           car.forward()) > pi / 4:
            controls.boost = False
            controls.handbrake = False
            controls.boost = self.boost
            controls.handbrake = False

        # Be smart about not using boost at max speed
        # if Vec3(car.physics.velocity).length() > self.boost_analysis.frames[-1].speed - 10:
        #     controls.boost = False

        controls.steer = steer_toward_target(car_state, target_Vec3)
        controls.throttle = 1
        return controls
コード例 #29
ファイル: rlbot_env.py プロジェクト: m0re4u/gym-rlbot
 def act(self, action):
     controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
     controller_state.throttle = action[0]
     # controller_state.steer = action[1]
     # controller_state.pitch = action[2]
     # controller_state.yaw = action[3]
     # controller_state.roll = action[4]
     # controller_state.jump = True if action[5] > 0.5 else False
     # controller_state.boost = True if action[6] > 0.5 else False
     # controller_state.handbrake = True if action[7] > 0.5 else False
     controller_state.steer = 0
     controller_state.pitch = 0
     controller_state.yaw = 0
     controller_state.roll = 0
     controller_state.jump = 0
     controller_state.boost = 0
     controller_state.handbrake = 0
コード例 #30
def goto(target_location, target_speed, my_car, agent, packet):
    car_speed = Vec3(my_car.physics.velocity).length()
    distance = Vec3(my_car.physics.location).flat().dist(
    angle = Orientation(
        my_car.physics.rotation).forward.ang_to(target_location -
    controls = SimpleControllerState()
    controls.steer = steer_toward_target(my_car, target_location, 0)
    controls.yaw = steer_toward_target(my_car, target_location,
                                       -my_car.physics.angular_velocity.z / 6)
    controls.throttle = cap(target_speed - car_speed, -1, 1)
    controls.boost = (target_speed > 1410
                      and abs(target_speed - car_speed) > 20 and angle < 0.3)
    controls.handbrake = angle > 2.3
    controls.jump = (1 if my_car.physics.location.y >= 0 else -1) == (
        1 if agent.team == 1 else -1
    ) and abs(
        my_car.physics.location.y) > 5000 and my_car.physics.location.z > 200
    controls.use_item = Vec3(my_car.physics.location).dist(
        Vec3(packet.game_ball.physics.location)) < 200 and relative_location(
            Vec3(my_car.physics.location), Orientation(
            Vec3(packet.game_ball.physics.location)).z < 75
    if (abs(target_speed - car_speed) > 20 and angle < 0.3 and
            distance > 600) and ((target_speed > 1410 and my_car.boost == 0)
                                 or 700 < car_speed < 800):
    return controls