class BotManager: def __init__(self, terminate_request_event, termination_complete_event, reload_request_event, bot_configuration, name, team, index, agent_class_wrapper, agent_metadata_queue, match_config: MatchConfig, matchcomms_root: URL): """ :param terminate_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside when the program is trying to terminate :param termination_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when termination has completed successfully :param reload_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside to force a reload of the agent :param reload_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when reloading has completed successfully :param bot_configuration: parameters which will be passed to the bot's constructor :param name: name which will be passed to the bot's constructor. Will probably be displayed in-game. :param team: 0 for blue team or 1 for orange team. Will be passed to the bot's constructor. :param index: The player index, i.e. "this is player number <index>". Will be passed to the bot's constructor. Can be used to pull the correct data corresponding to the bot's car out of the game tick packet. :param agent_class_wrapper: The ExternalClassWrapper object that can be used to load and reload the bot :param agent_metadata_queue: a Queue (multiprocessing) which expects to receive AgentMetadata once available. :param match_config: Describes the match that is being played. :param matchcomms_root: The server to connect to if you want to communicate to other participants in the match. """ self.terminate_request_event = terminate_request_event self.termination_complete_event = termination_complete_event self.reload_request_event = reload_request_event self.bot_configuration = bot_configuration = name = team self.index = index self.agent_class_wrapper = agent_class_wrapper self.agent_metadata_queue = agent_metadata_queue self.logger = get_logger('bot' + str(self.index)) self.game_interface = GameInterface(self.logger) self.last_chat_time = time.time() self.chat_counter = 0 self.reset_chat_time = True self.game_tick_packet = None self.bot_input = None self.ball_prediction = None self.rigid_body_tick = None self.match_config = match_config self.matchcomms_root = matchcomms_root self.last_message_index = 0 self.agent = None self.agent_class_file = None self.last_module_modification_time = 0 def send_quick_chat_from_agent(self, team_only, quick_chat): """ Passes the agents quick chats to the game, and also to other python bots. This does perform limiting. You are limited to 5 quick chats in a 2 second period starting from the first chat. This means you can spread your chats out to be even within that 2 second period. You could spam them in the first little bit but then will be throttled. """ # Send the quick chat to the game rlbot_status = send_quick_chat_flat(self.game_interface, self.index,, team_only, quick_chat) if rlbot_status == RLBotCoreStatus.QuickChatRateExceeded: self.logger.debug('quick chat disabled') def load_agent(self): """ Loads and initializes an agent using instance variables, registers for quick chat and sets render functions. :return: An instance of an agent, and the agent class file. """ agent_class = self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class() self.agent = agent_class(,, self.index) self.agent.init_match_config(self.match_config) self.agent.load_config( self.bot_configuration.get_header("Bot Parameters")) self.update_metadata_queue() self.set_render_manager() self.agent_class_file = self.agent_class_wrapper.python_file self.agent._register_quick_chat(self.send_quick_chat_from_agent) self.agent._register_field_info(self.get_field_info) self.agent._register_set_game_state(self.set_game_state) self.agent._register_ball_prediction(self.get_ball_prediction) self.agent._register_ball_prediction_struct( self.get_ball_prediction_struct) self.agent._register_get_rigid_body_tick(self.get_rigid_body_tick) self.agent._register_match_settings_func(self.get_match_settings) self.agent.matchcomms_root = self.matchcomms_root while not self.is_valid_field_info(): time.sleep(0.1) # Once all engine setup is done, do the agent-specific initialization, if any: self.agent.initialize_agent() def set_render_manager(self): """ Sets the render manager for the agent. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ rendering_manager = self.game_interface.renderer.get_rendering_manager( self.index, self.agent._set_renderer(rendering_manager) def update_metadata_queue(self): """ Adds a new instance of AgentMetadata into the `agent_metadata_queue` using `agent` data. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ pids = {os.getpid(), *self.agent.get_extra_pids()} helper_process_request = self.agent.get_helper_process_request() self.agent_metadata_queue.put( AgentMetadata(self.index,,, pids, helper_process_request)) def reload_agent(self): """ Reloads the agent. Can throw exceptions. External classes should use reload_event.set() instead. """'Reloading Agent: ' + self.agent_class_wrapper.reload() old_agent = self.agent self.load_agent() self.retire_agent( old_agent) # We do this after load_agent as load_agent might fail. def run(self): """ Loads interface for RLBot, prepares environment and agent, and calls the update for the agent. """ self.logger.debug('initializing agent') self.game_interface.load_interface() self.prepare_for_run() # Create Ratelimiter rate_limit = rate_limiter.RateLimiter( GAME_TICK_PACKET_POLLS_PER_SECOND) last_tick_game_time = None # What the tick time of the last observed tick was last_call_real_time = # When we last called the Agent # Get bot module self.load_agent() self.last_module_modification_time = self.check_modification_time( os.path.dirname(self.agent_class_file)) # Run until main process tells to stop, or we detect Ctrl+C try: while not self.terminate_request_event.is_set(): self.pull_data_from_game() # game_tick_packet = self.game_interface.get # Read from game data shared memory # Run the Agent only if the game_info has updated. tick_game_time = self.get_game_time() should_call_while_paused = ) - last_call_real_time >= MAX_AGENT_CALL_PERIOD if tick_game_time != last_tick_game_time or should_call_while_paused: last_tick_game_time = tick_game_time last_call_real_time = # Reload the Agent if it has been modified or if reload is requested from outside. if self.agent.is_hot_reload_enabled(): self.hot_reload_if_necessary() try: chat_messages = self.game_interface.receive_chat( self.index,, self.last_message_index) for i in range(0, chat_messages.MessagesLength()): message = chat_messages.Messages(i) if len(self.match_config.player_configs ) > message.PlayerIndex(): self.agent.handle_quick_chat( index=message.PlayerIndex(), team=self.match_config.player_configs[ message.PlayerIndex()].team, quick_chat=message.QuickChatSelection()) else: self.logger.debug( f"Skipping quick chat delivery for {message.MessageIndex()} because " "we don't recognize the player index. Probably stale." ) self.last_message_index = message.MessageIndex() except EmptyDllResponse: self.logger.debug("Empty response when reading chat!") # Call agent try: self.call_agent( self.agent, self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class()) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Call to agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) # Ratelimit here rate_limit.acquire() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.terminate_request_event.set() self.retire_agent(self.agent) # If terminated, send callback self.termination_complete_event.set() def hot_reload_if_necessary(self): try: new_module_modification_time = self.check_modification_time( os.path.dirname(self.agent_class_file)) if new_module_modification_time != self.last_module_modification_time or self.reload_request_event.is_set( ): self.reload_request_event.clear() self.last_module_modification_time = new_module_modification_time # Clear the render queue on reload. if hasattr(self.agent, 'renderer') and isinstance( self.agent.renderer, RenderingManager): self.agent.renderer.clear_all_touched_render_groups() self.reload_agent() except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error( f"Agent file {self.agent_class_file} was not found. Will try again." ) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception: self.logger.error("Reloading the agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep( 5 ) # Avoid burning CPU, and give the user a moment to read the log def retire_agent(self, agent): # Shut down the bot by calling cleanup functions. if hasattr(agent, 'retire'): try: agent.retire() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Retiring the agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) if hasattr(agent, 'renderer') and isinstance(agent.renderer, RenderingManager): agent.renderer.clear_all_touched_render_groups() # Zero out the inputs, so it's more obvious that the bot has stopped. self.game_interface.update_player_input(PlayerInput(), self.index) # Don't trust the agent to shut down its own client in retire(). if agent._matchcomms is not None: agent._matchcomms.close() @staticmethod def check_modification_time(directory): files = [f for f in glob.glob(directory + "/**/*.py", recursive=True)] max_modification_time = 0 for file in files: mtime = os.stat(file).st_mtime if mtime > max_modification_time: max_modification_time = mtime return max_modification_time def get_field_info(self): return self.game_interface.get_field_info() def get_rigid_body_tick(self): """Get the most recent state of the physics engine.""" return self.game_interface.update_rigid_body_tick(self.rigid_body_tick) def set_game_state(self, game_state: GameState) -> None: self.game_interface.set_game_state(game_state) def get_ball_prediction(self): return self.game_interface.get_ball_prediction() def get_match_settings(self) -> MatchSettings: return self.game_interface.get_match_settings() def get_ball_prediction_struct(self): raise NotImplementedError def prepare_for_run(self): raise NotImplementedError def call_agent(self, agent: BaseAgent, agent_class): raise NotImplementedError def get_game_time(self): raise NotImplementedError def pull_data_from_game(self): raise NotImplementedError def is_valid_field_info(self) -> bool: """Checks if the contents of field info are valid.""" raise NotImplementedError
class BotManager: def __init__(self, terminate_request_event, termination_complete_event, reload_request_event, bot_configuration, name, team, index, agent_class_wrapper, agent_metadata_queue, quick_chat_queue_holder): """ :param terminate_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside when the program is trying to terminate :param termination_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when termination has completed successfully :param reload_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside to force a reload of the agent :param reload_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when reloading has completed successfully :param bot_configuration: parameters which will be passed to the bot's constructor :param name: name which will be passed to the bot's constructor. Will probably be displayed in-game. :param team: 0 for blue team or 1 for orange team. Will be passed to the bot's constructor. :param index: The player index, i.e. "this is player number <index>". Will be passed to the bot's constructor. Can be used to pull the correct data corresponding to the bot's car out of the game tick packet. :param agent_class_wrapper: The ExternalClassWrapper object that can be used to load and reload the bot :param agent_metadata_queue: a Queue (multiprocessing) which expects to receive certain metadata about the agent once available. :param quick_chat_queue_holder: A data structure which helps the bot send and receive quickchat """ self.terminate_request_event = terminate_request_event self.termination_complete_event = termination_complete_event self.reload_request_event = reload_request_event self.bot_configuration = bot_configuration = name = team self.index = index self.agent_class_wrapper = agent_class_wrapper self.agent_metadata_queue = agent_metadata_queue self.logger = get_logger('bot' + str(self.index)) self.game_interface = GameInterface(self.logger) self.quick_chat_queue_holder = quick_chat_queue_holder self.last_chat_time = time.time() self.chat_counter = 0 self.reset_chat_time = True self.game_tick_packet = None self.bot_input = None def send_quick_chat_from_agent(self, team_only, quick_chat): """ Passes the agents quick chats to the other bots. This does perform limiting. You are limited to 5 quick chats in a 2 second period starting from the first chat. This means you can spread your chats out to be even within that 2 second period. You could spam them in the first little bit but then will be throttled. """ time_since_last_chat = time.time() - self.last_chat_time if not self.reset_chat_time and time_since_last_chat >= MAX_CHAT_RATE: self.reset_chat_time = True if self.reset_chat_time: self.last_chat_time = time.time() self.chat_counter = 0 self.reset_chat_time = False if self.chat_counter < MAX_CHAT_COUNT: send_quick_chat_flat(self.game_interface, self.index,, team_only, quick_chat) #send_quick_chat(self.quick_chat_queue_holder, self.index,, team_only, quick_chat) self.chat_counter += 1 else: self.logger.debug('quick chat disabled for %s', MAX_CHAT_RATE - time_since_last_chat) def load_agent(self): """ Loads and initializes an agent using instance variables, registers for quick chat and sets render functions. :return: An instance of an agent, and the agent class file. """ agent_class = self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class() agent = agent_class(,, self.index) agent.logger = self.logger agent.load_config(self.bot_configuration.get_header("Bot Parameters")) self.update_metadata_queue(agent) self.set_render_manager(agent) agent_class_file = self.agent_class_wrapper.python_file agent._register_quick_chat(self.send_quick_chat_from_agent) agent._register_field_info(self.get_field_info) agent._register_set_game_state(self.set_game_state) agent._register_ball_prediction(self.get_ball_prediction) register_for_quick_chat(self.quick_chat_queue_holder, agent.handle_quick_chat, self.terminate_request_event) # Once all engine setup is done, do the agent-specific initialization, if any: agent.initialize_agent() return agent, agent_class_file def set_render_manager(self, agent): """ Sets the render manager for the agent. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ rendering_manager = self.game_interface.renderer.get_rendering_manager(self.index, agent._set_renderer(rendering_manager) def update_metadata_queue(self, agent): """ Adds a new instance of AgentMetadata into the `agent_metadata_queue` using `agent` data. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ pids = {os.getpid(), *agent.get_extra_pids()} helper_process_request = agent.get_helper_process_request() self.agent_metadata_queue.put(AgentMetadata(self.index,,, pids, helper_process_request)) def reload_agent(self, agent, agent_class_file): """ Reloads the agent. Can throw exceptions. External classes should use reload_event.set() instead. :param agent: An instance of an agent. :param agent_class_file: The agent's class file. :return: The reloaded instance of the agent, and the agent class file. """'Reloading Agent: ' + agent_class_file) self.agent_class_wrapper.reload() old_agent = agent agent, agent_class_file = self.load_agent() # Retire after the replacement initialized properly. if hasattr(old_agent, 'retire'): old_agent.retire() return agent, agent_class_file def run(self): """ Loads interface for RLBot, prepares environment and agent, and calls the update for the agent. """ self.logger.debug('initializing agent') self.game_interface.load_interface() self.prepare_for_run() # Create Ratelimiter rate_limit = rate_limiter.RateLimiter(GAME_TICK_PACKET_REFRESHES_PER_SECOND) last_tick_game_time = None # What the tick time of the last observed tick was last_call_real_time = # When we last called the Agent # Get bot module agent, agent_class_file = self.load_agent() last_module_modification_time = os.stat(agent_class_file).st_mtime # Run until main process tells to stop while not self.terminate_request_event.is_set(): before = self.pull_data_from_game() # game_tick_packet = self.game_interface.get # Read from game data shared memory # Run the Agent only if the game_info has updated. tick_game_time = self.get_game_time() should_call_while_paused = - last_call_real_time >= MAX_AGENT_CALL_PERIOD if tick_game_time != last_tick_game_time or should_call_while_paused: last_tick_game_time = tick_game_time last_call_real_time = # Reload the Agent if it has been modified or if reload is requested from outside. try: new_module_modification_time = os.stat(agent_class_file).st_mtime if new_module_modification_time != last_module_modification_time or self.reload_request_event.is_set(): self.reload_request_event.clear() last_module_modification_time = new_module_modification_time agent, agent_class_file = self.reload_agent(agent, agent_class_file) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error("Agent file {} was not found. Will try again.".format(agent_class_file)) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception: self.logger.error("Reloading the agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(0.5) # Avoid burning CPU / logs if this starts happening constantly # Call agent try: self.call_agent(agent, self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class()) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Call to agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) # Ratelimit here after = rate_limit.acquire(after - before) if hasattr(agent, 'retire'): agent.retire() # If terminated, send callback self.termination_complete_event.set() def get_field_info(self): return self.game_interface.get_field_info() def set_game_state(self, game_state): return self.game_interface.set_game_state(game_state) def get_ball_prediction(self): return self.game_interface.get_ball_prediction() def prepare_for_run(self): raise NotImplementedError def call_agent(self, agent, agent_class): raise NotImplementedError def get_game_time(self): raise NotImplementedError def pull_data_from_game(self): raise NotImplementedError
class BotManager: def __init__(self, terminate_request_event, termination_complete_event, reload_request_event, bot_configuration, name, team, index, agent_class_wrapper, agent_metadata_queue, match_config: MatchConfig, matchcomms_root: URL, spawn_id: int): """ :param terminate_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside when the program is trying to terminate :param termination_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when termination has completed successfully :param reload_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside to force a reload of the agent :param reload_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when reloading has completed successfully :param bot_configuration: parameters which will be passed to the bot's constructor :param name: name which will be passed to the bot's constructor. Will probably be displayed in-game. :param team: 0 for blue team or 1 for orange team. Will be passed to the bot's constructor. :param index: The player index, i.e. "this is player number <index>". Will be passed to the bot's constructor. Can be used to pull the correct data corresponding to the bot's car out of the game tick packet. :param agent_class_wrapper: The ExternalClassWrapper object that can be used to load and reload the bot :param agent_metadata_queue: a Queue (multiprocessing) which expects to receive AgentMetadata once available. :param match_config: Describes the match that is being played. :param matchcomms_root: The server to connect to if you want to communicate to other participants in the match. :param spawn_id: The identifier we expect to see in the game tick packet at our player index. If it does not match, then we will force the agent to retire. Pass None to opt out of this behavior. """ self.terminate_request_event = terminate_request_event self.termination_complete_event = termination_complete_event self.reload_request_event = reload_request_event self.bot_configuration = bot_configuration = name = team self.index = index self.agent_class_wrapper = agent_class_wrapper self.agent_metadata_queue = agent_metadata_queue self.logger = get_logger('bot' + str(self.index)) self.game_interface = GameInterface(self.logger) self.last_chat_time = time.time() self.chat_counter = 0 self.reset_chat_time = True self.game_tick_packet = None self.bot_input = None self.ball_prediction = None self.rigid_body_tick = None self.match_config = match_config self.matchcomms_root = matchcomms_root self.last_message_index = 0 self.agent = None self.agent_class_file = None self.last_module_modification_time = 0 self.scan_last = 0 self.scan_temp = 0 self.file_iterator = None self.maximum_tick_rate_preference = bot_configuration.get( BOT_CONFIG_MODULE_HEADER, MAXIMUM_TICK_RATE_PREFERENCE_KEY) self.spawn_id = spawn_id self.spawn_id_seen = False self.counter = 0 def send_quick_chat_from_agent(self, team_only, quick_chat): """ Passes the agents quick chats to the game, and also to other python bots. This does perform limiting. You are limited to 5 quick chats in a 2 second period starting from the first chat. This means you can spread your chats out to be even within that 2 second period. You could spam them in the first little bit but then will be throttled. """ # Send the quick chat to the game rlbot_status = send_quick_chat_flat(self.game_interface, self.index,, team_only, quick_chat) if rlbot_status == RLBotCoreStatus.QuickChatRateExceeded: self.logger.debug('quick chat disabled') def load_agent(self) -> Tuple[BaseAgent, Path]: """ Loads and initializes an agent using instance variables, registers for quick chat and sets render functions. :return: An instance of an agent, and the agent class file. """ agent_class = self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class() self.agent = agent_class(,, self.index) self.agent._set_spawn_id(self.spawn_id) self.agent.matchcomms_root = self.matchcomms_root self.agent.init_match_config(self.match_config) self.agent.load_config( self.bot_configuration.get_header("Bot Parameters")) self.update_metadata_queue() self.set_render_manager() self.agent_class_file = self.agent_class_wrapper.python_file self.agent._register_quick_chat(self.send_quick_chat_from_agent) self.agent._register_field_info(self.get_field_info) self.agent._register_set_game_state(self.set_game_state) self.agent._register_ball_prediction(self.get_ball_prediction) self.agent._register_ball_prediction_struct( self.get_ball_prediction_struct) self.agent._register_get_rigid_body_tick(self.get_rigid_body_tick) self.agent._register_match_settings_func(self.get_match_settings) # Once all engine setup is done, do the agent-specific initialization, if any: self.agent.initialize_agent() return self.agent, self.agent_class_file def set_render_manager(self): """ Sets the render manager for the agent. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ rendering_manager = self.game_interface.renderer.get_rendering_manager( self.index, self.agent._set_renderer(rendering_manager) def update_metadata_queue(self): """ Adds a new instance of AgentMetadata into the `agent_metadata_queue` using `agent` data. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ pids = {os.getpid(), *self.agent.get_extra_pids()} helper_process_request = self.agent.get_helper_process_request() self.agent_metadata_queue.put( AgentMetadata(self.index,,, pids, helper_process_request)) def reload_agent(self): """ Reloads the agent. Can throw exceptions. External classes should use reload_event.set() instead. """'Reloading Agent: ' + self.agent_class_wrapper.reload() old_agent = self.agent self.load_agent() self.retire_agent( old_agent) # We do this after load_agent as load_agent might fail. def wait_for_full_data(self): for i in range(10): match_settings = self.get_match_settings() if match_settings is not None and self.get_field_info( ).num_goals > 0: return time.sleep(0.1) self.logger.error( "WARNING: failed to get full match data before starting bot!") def run(self): """ Loads interface for RLBot, prepares environment and agent, and calls the update for the agent. """ self.logger.debug('initializing agent') self.game_interface.load_interface() self.wait_for_full_data() self.prepare_for_run() if self.match_config is None: match_settings = self.game_interface.get_match_settings() self.match_config = MatchConfig.from_match_settings_flatbuffer( match_settings) last_tick_game_time = 0 # What the tick time of the last observed tick was last_call_real_time = # When we last called the Agent frame_urgency = 0 # If the bot is getting called more than its preferred max rate, urgency will go negative. # Get bot module self.load_agent() self.last_module_modification_time = self.check_modification_time( os.path.dirname(self.agent_class_file)) # Run until main process tells to stop, or we detect Ctrl+C try: while not self.terminate_request_event.is_set(): self.pull_data_from_game() # Run the Agent only if the game_info has updated. tick_game_time = self.get_game_time() now = should_call_while_paused = now - last_call_real_time >= MAX_AGENT_CALL_PERIOD or self.match_config.enable_lockstep if frame_urgency < 1 / self.maximum_tick_rate_preference: # Urgency increases every frame, but don't let it build up a large backlog frame_urgency += tick_game_time - last_tick_game_time if tick_game_time != last_tick_game_time and frame_urgency >= 0 or should_call_while_paused: last_call_real_time = now # Urgency decreases when a tick is processed. if frame_urgency > 0: frame_urgency -= 1 / self.maximum_tick_rate_preference self.perform_tick() self.counter += 1 last_tick_game_time = tick_game_time if self.spawn_id is not None: packet_spawn_id = self.get_spawn_id() if self.spawn_id_seen: if packet_spawn_id != self.spawn_id: self.logger.warn( f"The bot's spawn id {self.spawn_id} does not match the one in the packet " f"{packet_spawn_id}, retiring!") break elif packet_spawn_id == self.spawn_id and self.game_tick_packet.game_info.is_round_active: self.spawn_id_seen = True except KeyboardInterrupt: self.terminate_request_event.set() self.retire_agent(self.agent) # If terminated, send callback self.termination_complete_event.set() def perform_tick(self): # Reload the Agent if it has been modified or if reload is requested from outside. # But only do that every 20th tick. if self.agent.is_hot_reload_enabled() and self.counter % 20 == 1: self.hot_reload_if_necessary() try: chat_messages = self.game_interface.receive_chat( self.index,, self.last_message_index) for i in range(0, chat_messages.MessagesLength()): message = chat_messages.Messages(i) if len(self.match_config.player_configs) > message.PlayerIndex( ): self.agent.handle_quick_chat( index=message.PlayerIndex(), team=self.match_config.player_configs[ message.PlayerIndex()].team, quick_chat=message.QuickChatSelection()) else: self.logger.debug( f"Skipping quick chat delivery for {message.MessageIndex()} because " "we don't recognize the player index. Probably stale.") self.last_message_index = message.MessageIndex() except EmptyDllResponse: self.logger.debug("Empty response when reading chat!") # Call agent try: self.call_agent(self.agent, self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class()) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Call to agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) def hot_reload_if_necessary(self): try: new_module_modification_time = self.check_modification_time( os.path.dirname(self.agent_class_file)) if new_module_modification_time != self.last_module_modification_time or self.reload_request_event.is_set( ): self.reload_request_event.clear() self.last_module_modification_time = new_module_modification_time # Clear the render queue on reload. if hasattr(self.agent, 'renderer') and isinstance( self.agent.renderer, RenderingManager): self.agent.renderer.clear_all_touched_render_groups() self.reload_agent() except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error( f"Agent file {self.agent_class_file} was not found. Will try again." ) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception: self.logger.error("Reloading the agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep( 5 ) # Avoid burning CPU, and give the user a moment to read the log def retire_agent(self, agent): # Shut down the bot by calling cleanup functions. if hasattr(agent, 'retire'): try: agent.retire() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Retiring the agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) if hasattr(agent, 'renderer') and isinstance(agent.renderer, RenderingManager): agent.renderer.clear_all_touched_render_groups() # Zero out the inputs, so it's more obvious that the bot has stopped. self.game_interface.update_player_input(PlayerInput(), self.index) # Don't trust the agent to shut down its own client in retire(). if agent._matchcomms is not None: agent._matchcomms.close() def check_modification_time(self, directory, timeout_ms=1): if self.scan_last > 0 and timeout_ms is not None: stop_time = time.perf_counter_ns() + timeout_ms * 10**6 else: stop_time = None if self.file_iterator is None: self.file_iterator = glob.iglob(f"{directory}/**/*.py", recursive=True) for f in self.file_iterator: self.scan_temp = max(self.scan_temp, os.stat(f).st_mtime) if stop_time is not None and time.perf_counter_ns() > stop_time: # Timeout exceeded. The scan will pick up from here on the next call. break else: # Scan finished. Update the modification time and restart the scan: self.scan_last, self.scan_temp = self.scan_temp, 0 self.file_iterator = None return self.scan_last def get_field_info(self) -> FieldInfoPacket: field_info = FieldInfoPacket() self.game_interface.update_field_info_packet(field_info) return field_info def get_rigid_body_tick(self): """Get the most recent state of the physics engine.""" return self.game_interface.update_rigid_body_tick(self.rigid_body_tick) def set_game_state(self, game_state: GameState) -> None: self.game_interface.set_game_state(game_state) def get_ball_prediction(self): return self.game_interface.get_ball_prediction() def get_match_settings(self) -> MatchSettings: return self.game_interface.get_match_settings() def get_ball_prediction_struct(self): raise NotImplementedError def prepare_for_run(self): raise NotImplementedError def call_agent(self, agent: BaseAgent, agent_class): raise NotImplementedError def get_game_time(self): raise NotImplementedError def pull_data_from_game(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_spawn_id(self): raise NotImplementedError
class BotManager: def __init__(self, terminate_request_event, termination_complete_event, reload_request_event, bot_configuration, name, team, index, agent_class_wrapper, agent_metadata_queue, quick_chat_queue_holder, match_config): """ :param terminate_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside when the program is trying to terminate :param termination_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when termination has completed successfully :param reload_request_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which will be set from the outside to force a reload of the agent :param reload_complete_event: an Event (multiprocessing) which should be set from inside this class when reloading has completed successfully :param bot_configuration: parameters which will be passed to the bot's constructor :param name: name which will be passed to the bot's constructor. Will probably be displayed in-game. :param team: 0 for blue team or 1 for orange team. Will be passed to the bot's constructor. :param index: The player index, i.e. "this is player number <index>". Will be passed to the bot's constructor. Can be used to pull the correct data corresponding to the bot's car out of the game tick packet. :param agent_class_wrapper: The ExternalClassWrapper object that can be used to load and reload the bot :param agent_metadata_queue: a Queue (multiprocessing) which expects to receive AgentMetadata once available. :param quick_chat_queue_holder: A data structure which helps the bot send and receive quickchat """ self.terminate_request_event = terminate_request_event self.termination_complete_event = termination_complete_event self.reload_request_event = reload_request_event self.bot_configuration = bot_configuration = name = team self.index = index self.agent_class_wrapper = agent_class_wrapper self.agent_metadata_queue = agent_metadata_queue self.logger = get_logger('bot' + str(self.index)) self.game_interface = GameInterface(self.logger) self.quick_chat_queue_holder = quick_chat_queue_holder self.last_chat_time = time.time() self.chat_counter = 0 self.reset_chat_time = True self.game_tick_packet = None self.bot_input = None self.ball_prediction = None self.rigid_body_tick = None self.match_config = match_config def send_quick_chat_from_agent(self, team_only, quick_chat): """ Passes the agents quick chats to the game, and also to other python bots. This does perform limiting. You are limited to 5 quick chats in a 2 second period starting from the first chat. This means you can spread your chats out to be even within that 2 second period. You could spam them in the first little bit but then will be throttled. """ # Send the quick chat to the game rlbot_status = send_quick_chat_flat(self.game_interface, self.index,, team_only, quick_chat) if rlbot_status == RLBotCoreStatus.QuickChatRateExceeded: self.logger.debug('quick chat disabled') else: # Make the quick chat visible to other python bots. Unfortunately other languages can't see it. send_quick_chat(self.quick_chat_queue_holder, self.index,, team_only, quick_chat) def load_agent(self): """ Loads and initializes an agent using instance variables, registers for quick chat and sets render functions. :return: An instance of an agent, and the agent class file. """ agent_class = self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class() agent = agent_class(,, self.index) agent.init_match_config(self.match_config) agent.load_config(self.bot_configuration.get_header("Bot Parameters")) self.update_metadata_queue(agent) self.set_render_manager(agent) agent_class_file = self.agent_class_wrapper.python_file agent._register_quick_chat(self.send_quick_chat_from_agent) agent._register_field_info(self.get_field_info) agent._register_set_game_state(self.set_game_state) agent._register_ball_prediction(self.get_ball_prediction) agent._register_ball_prediction_struct(self.get_ball_prediction_struct) agent._register_get_rigid_body_tick(self.get_rigid_body_tick) register_for_quick_chat(self.quick_chat_queue_holder, agent.handle_quick_chat, self.terminate_request_event) while not self.is_valid_field_info(): time.sleep(0.1) # Once all engine setup is done, do the agent-specific initialization, if any: agent.initialize_agent() return agent, agent_class_file def set_render_manager(self, agent: BaseAgent): """ Sets the render manager for the agent. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ rendering_manager = self.game_interface.renderer.get_rendering_manager( self.index, agent._set_renderer(rendering_manager) def update_metadata_queue(self, agent: BaseAgent): """ Adds a new instance of AgentMetadata into the `agent_metadata_queue` using `agent` data. :param agent: An instance of an agent. """ pids = {os.getpid(), *agent.get_extra_pids()} helper_process_request = agent.get_helper_process_request() self.agent_metadata_queue.put( AgentMetadata(self.index,,, pids, helper_process_request)) def reload_agent(self, agent: BaseAgent, agent_class_file): """ Reloads the agent. Can throw exceptions. External classes should use reload_event.set() instead. :param agent: An instance of an agent. :param agent_class_file: The agent's class file. TODO: Remove this argument, it only affects logging and may be misleading. :return: The reloaded instance of the agent, and the agent class file. """ self.logger.debug('Reloading Agent: ' + agent_class_file) self.agent_class_wrapper.reload() old_agent = agent agent, agent_class_file = self.load_agent() # Retire after the replacement initialized properly. if hasattr(old_agent, 'retire'): old_agent.retire() return agent, agent_class_file def run(self): """ Loads interface for RLBot, prepares environment and agent, and calls the update for the agent. """ self.logger.debug('initializing agent') self.game_interface.load_interface() self.prepare_for_run() # Create Ratelimiter rate_limit = rate_limiter.RateLimiter( GAME_TICK_PACKET_POLLS_PER_SECOND) last_tick_game_time = None # What the tick time of the last observed tick was last_call_real_time = # When we last called the Agent # Get bot module agent, agent_class_file = self.load_agent() last_module_modification_time = os.stat(agent_class_file).st_mtime # Run until main process tells to stop, or we detect Ctrl+C try: while not self.terminate_request_event.is_set(): self.pull_data_from_game() # game_tick_packet = self.game_interface.get # Read from game data shared memory # Run the Agent only if the game_info has updated. tick_game_time = self.get_game_time() should_call_while_paused = ) - last_call_real_time >= MAX_AGENT_CALL_PERIOD if tick_game_time != last_tick_game_time or should_call_while_paused: last_tick_game_time = tick_game_time last_call_real_time = # Reload the Agent if it has been modified or if reload is requested from outside. try: new_module_modification_time = os.stat( agent_class_file).st_mtime if new_module_modification_time != last_module_modification_time or self.reload_request_event.is_set( ): self.reload_request_event.clear() last_module_modification_time = new_module_modification_time agent, agent_class_file = self.reload_agent( agent, agent_class_file) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error( f"Agent file {agent_class_file} was not found. Will try again." ) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception: self.logger.error("Reloading the agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep( 0.5 ) # Avoid burning CPU / logs if this starts happening constantly # Call agent try: self.call_agent( agent, self.agent_class_wrapper.get_loaded_class()) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Call to agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) # Ratelimit here rate_limit.acquire() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.terminate_request_event.set() # Shut down the bot by calling cleanup functions. if hasattr(agent, 'retire'): try: agent.retire() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Retiring the agent failed:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) if hasattr(agent, 'renderer') and isinstance(agent.renderer, RenderingManager): agent.renderer.clear_all_touched_render_groups() # Zero out the inputs, so it's more obvious that the bot has stopped. self.game_interface.update_player_input(PlayerInput(), self.index) # If terminated, send callback self.termination_complete_event.set() def get_field_info(self): return self.game_interface.get_field_info() def get_rigid_body_tick(self): """Get the most recent state of the physics engine.""" return self.game_interface.update_rigid_body_tick(self.rigid_body_tick) def set_game_state(self, game_state: GameState) -> None: self.game_interface.set_game_state(game_state) def get_ball_prediction(self): return self.game_interface.get_ball_prediction() def get_ball_prediction_struct(self): raise NotImplementedError def prepare_for_run(self): raise NotImplementedError def call_agent(self, agent: BaseAgent, agent_class): raise NotImplementedError def get_game_time(self): raise NotImplementedError def pull_data_from_game(self): raise NotImplementedError def is_valid_field_info(self) -> bool: """Checks if the contents of field info are valid.""" raise NotImplementedError