def __init__(self, agent_config, worker_spec, env_spec, frameskip=1): """ Creates agent and environment for Ray worker. Args: agent_config (dict): Agent configuration dict. worker_spec (dict): Worker parameters. env_spec (dict): Environment config for environment to run. frameskip (int): How often actions are repeated after retrieving them from the agent. """ assert get_distributed_backend() == "ray" # Internal frameskip of env. self.env_frame_skip = worker_spec.get("env_internal_frame_skip", 1) # Worker computes weights for prioritized sampling. worker_spec = deepcopy(worker_spec) self.num_environments = worker_spec.pop("num_worker_environments", 1) # Make sample size proportional to num envs. self.worker_sample_size = worker_spec.pop( "worker_sample_size") * self.num_environments self.worker_executes_postprocessing = worker_spec.pop( "worker_executes_postprocessing", True) self.n_step_adjustment = worker_spec.pop("n_step_adjustment", 1) self.env_ids = [ "env_{}".format(i) for i in range_(self.num_environments) ] num_background_envs = worker_spec.pop("num_background_envs", 1) # TODO from spec once we decided on generic vectorization. self.vector_env = SequentialVectorEnv(self.num_environments, env_spec, num_background_envs) # Then update agent config. agent_config['state_space'] = self.vector_env.state_space agent_config['action_space'] = self.vector_env.action_space ray_exploration = worker_spec.pop("ray_exploration", None) self.worker_executes_exploration = worker_spec.pop( "worker_executes_exploration", False) self.ray_exploration_set = False if ray_exploration is not None: # Update worker with worker specific constant exploration value. # TODO too many levels? assert agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"]["decay_spec"]["type"] == "constant_decay", \ "ERROR: If using Ray's constant exploration, exploration type must be 'constant_decay'." if self.worker_executes_exploration: agent_config["exploration_spec"] = None self.exploration_epsilon = ray_exploration else: agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"]["decay_spec"][ "constant_value"] = ray_exploration self.ray_exploration_set = True = agent_config.get("discount", 0.99) # Python based preprocessor as image resizing is broken in TF. self.preprocessors = {} preprocessing_spec = agent_config.get("preprocessing_spec", None) self.is_preprocessed = {} for env_id in self.env_ids: self.preprocessors[env_id] = self.setup_preprocessor( preprocessing_spec, self.vector_env.state_space.with_batch_rank()) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False self.agent = self.setup_agent(agent_config, worker_spec) self.worker_frameskip = frameskip # Flag for container actions. self.container_actions = self.agent.flat_action_space is not None self.action_space = self.agent.flat_action_space # Save these so they can be fetched after training if desired. self.finished_episode_rewards = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.finished_episode_timesteps = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Total times sample the "real" wallclock time from start to end for each episode. self.finished_episode_total_times = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Sample times stop the wallclock time counter between runs, so only the sampling time is accounted for. self.finished_episode_sample_times = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.total_worker_steps = 0 self.episodes_executed = 0 # Step time and steps done per call to execute_and_get to measure throughput of this worker. self.sample_times = [] self.sample_steps = [] self.sample_env_frames = [] # To continue running through multiple exec calls. self.last_states = self.vector_env.reset_all() self.zero_batched_state = np.zeros( (1, ) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.zero_unbatched_state = np.zeros( self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.preprocessed_states_buffer = np.zeros( shape=(self.num_environments, ) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape, dtype=self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.dtype) self.last_ep_timesteps = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_rewards = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_start_timestamps = [ 0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.last_ep_start_initialized = False # initialize on first `execute_and_get_timesteps()` call self.last_ep_sample_times = [ 0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Was the last state a terminal state so env should be reset in next call? self.last_terminals = [False for _ in range_(self.num_environments)]
class RayValueWorker(RayActor): """ Ray worker for value-based algorithms, e.g. for distributed Q-learning variants such as Ape-X. """ def __init__(self, agent_config, worker_spec, env_spec, frameskip=1): """ Creates agent and environment for Ray worker. Args: agent_config (dict): Agent configuration dict. worker_spec (dict): Worker parameters. env_spec (dict): Environment config for environment to run. frameskip (int): How often actions are repeated after retrieving them from the agent. """ assert get_distributed_backend() == "ray" # Internal frameskip of env. self.env_frame_skip = worker_spec.get("env_internal_frame_skip", 1) # Worker computes weights for prioritized sampling. worker_spec = deepcopy(worker_spec) self.num_environments = worker_spec.pop("num_worker_environments", 1) # Make sample size proportional to num envs. self.worker_sample_size = worker_spec.pop( "worker_sample_size") * self.num_environments self.worker_executes_postprocessing = worker_spec.pop( "worker_executes_postprocessing", True) self.n_step_adjustment = worker_spec.pop("n_step_adjustment", 1) self.env_ids = [ "env_{}".format(i) for i in range_(self.num_environments) ] num_background_envs = worker_spec.pop("num_background_envs", 1) # TODO from spec once we decided on generic vectorization. self.vector_env = SequentialVectorEnv(self.num_environments, env_spec, num_background_envs) # Then update agent config. agent_config['state_space'] = self.vector_env.state_space agent_config['action_space'] = self.vector_env.action_space ray_exploration = worker_spec.pop("ray_exploration", None) self.worker_executes_exploration = worker_spec.pop( "worker_executes_exploration", False) self.ray_exploration_set = False if ray_exploration is not None: # Update worker with worker specific constant exploration value. # TODO too many levels? assert agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"]["decay_spec"]["type"] == "constant_decay", \ "ERROR: If using Ray's constant exploration, exploration type must be 'constant_decay'." if self.worker_executes_exploration: agent_config["exploration_spec"] = None self.exploration_epsilon = ray_exploration else: agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"]["decay_spec"][ "constant_value"] = ray_exploration self.ray_exploration_set = True = agent_config.get("discount", 0.99) # Python based preprocessor as image resizing is broken in TF. self.preprocessors = {} preprocessing_spec = agent_config.get("preprocessing_spec", None) self.is_preprocessed = {} for env_id in self.env_ids: self.preprocessors[env_id] = self.setup_preprocessor( preprocessing_spec, self.vector_env.state_space.with_batch_rank()) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False self.agent = self.setup_agent(agent_config, worker_spec) self.worker_frameskip = frameskip # Flag for container actions. self.container_actions = self.agent.flat_action_space is not None self.action_space = self.agent.flat_action_space # Save these so they can be fetched after training if desired. self.finished_episode_rewards = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.finished_episode_timesteps = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Total times sample the "real" wallclock time from start to end for each episode. self.finished_episode_total_times = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Sample times stop the wallclock time counter between runs, so only the sampling time is accounted for. self.finished_episode_sample_times = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.total_worker_steps = 0 self.episodes_executed = 0 # Step time and steps done per call to execute_and_get to measure throughput of this worker. self.sample_times = [] self.sample_steps = [] self.sample_env_frames = [] # To continue running through multiple exec calls. self.last_states = self.vector_env.reset_all() self.zero_batched_state = np.zeros( (1, ) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.zero_unbatched_state = np.zeros( self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.preprocessed_states_buffer = np.zeros( shape=(self.num_environments, ) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape, dtype=self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.dtype) self.last_ep_timesteps = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_rewards = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_start_timestamps = [ 0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.last_ep_start_initialized = False # initialize on first `execute_and_get_timesteps()` call self.last_ep_sample_times = [ 0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Was the last state a terminal state so env should be reset in next call? self.last_terminals = [False for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] def get_constructor_success(self): """ For debugging: fetch the last attribute. Will fail if constructor failed. """ return not self.last_terminals[0] @classmethod def as_remote(cls, num_cpus=None, num_gpus=None): return ray.remote(num_cpus=num_cpus, num_gpus=num_gpus)(cls) def setup_agent(self, agent_config, worker_spec): """ Sets up agent, potentially modifying its configuration via worker specific settings. """ sample_exploration = worker_spec.pop("sample_exploration", False) # Adjust exploration for this worker. if sample_exploration: assert self.ray_exploration_set is False, "ERROR: Cannot sample exploration if ray exploration is used." exploration_min_value = worker_spec.pop("exploration_min_value", 0.0) epsilon_spec = agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"] if epsilon_spec is not None and "decay_spec" in epsilon_spec: decay_from = epsilon_spec["decay_spec"]["from"] assert decay_from >= exploration_min_value, \ "Min value for exploration sampling must be smaller than" \ "decay_from {} in exploration_spec but is {}.".format(decay_from, exploration_min_value) # Sample a new initial epsilon from the interval [exploration_min_value, decay_from). sampled_from = np.random.uniform(low=exploration_min_value, high=decay_from) epsilon_spec["decay_spec"]["from"] = sampled_from # Worker execution spec may differ from controller/learner. worker_exec_spec = worker_spec.get("execution_spec", None) if worker_exec_spec is not None: agent_config.update(execution_spec=worker_exec_spec) # Build lazily per default. return RayExecutor.build_agent_from_config(agent_config) def execute_and_get_timesteps(self, num_timesteps, max_timesteps_per_episode=0, use_exploration=True, break_on_terminal=False): """ Collects and returns time step experience. Args: break_on_terminal (Optional[bool]): If true, breaks when a terminal is encountered. If false, executes exactly 'num_timesteps' steps. """ # Initialize start timestamps. Initializing the timestamps here should make the observed execution timestamps # more accurate, as there might be delays between the worker initialization and actual sampling start. if not self.last_ep_start_initialized: for i, timestamp in enumerate(self.last_ep_start_timestamps): self.last_ep_start_timestamps[i] = time.perf_counter() self.last_ep_start_initialized = True start = time.monotonic() timesteps_executed = 0 episodes_executed = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] env_frames = 0 last_episode_rewards = [] # Final result batch. if self.container_actions: batch_actions = {k: [] for k in self.action_space.keys()} else: batch_actions = [] batch_states, batch_rewards, batch_next_states, batch_terminals = [], [], [], [] # Running trajectories. sample_states, sample_actions, sample_rewards, sample_terminals = {}, {}, {}, {} next_states = [ np.zeros_like(self.last_states) for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Reset envs and Agent either if finished an episode in current loop or if last state # from previous execution was terminal for that environment. for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): sample_states[env_id] = [] if self.container_actions: sample_actions[env_id] = { k: [] for k in self.action_space.keys() } else: sample_actions[env_id] = [] sample_rewards[env_id] = [] sample_terminals[env_id] = [] env_states = self.last_states current_episode_rewards = self.last_ep_rewards current_episode_timesteps = self.last_ep_timesteps current_episode_start_timestamps = self.last_ep_start_timestamps current_episode_sample_times = self.last_ep_sample_times # Whether the episode in each env has terminated. terminals = [False for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] while timesteps_executed < num_timesteps: current_iteration_start_timestamp = time.perf_counter() for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): state = self.agent.state_space.force_batch(env_states[i]) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: if self.is_preprocessed[env_id] is False: self.preprocessed_states_buffer[ i] = self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess(state) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = True else: self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = env_states[i] actions = self.get_action(states=self.preprocessed_states_buffer, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=False) if self.agent.flat_action_space is not None: some_key = next(iter(actions)) assert isinstance(actions, dict) and isinstance(actions[some_key], np.ndarray),\ "ERROR: Cannot flip container-action batch with dict keys if returned value is not a dict OR " \ "values of returned value are not np.ndarrays!" if hasattr(actions[some_key], "__len__"): env_actions = [{ key: value[i] for key, value in actions.items() } for i in range(len(actions[some_key]))] else: # Action was not array type. env_actions = actions # No flipping necessary. else: env_actions = actions if self.num_environments == 1 and env_actions.shape == (): env_actions = [env_actions] next_states, step_rewards, terminals, infos = self.vector_env.step( actions=env_actions) # Worker frameskip not needed as done in env. # for _ in range_(self.worker_frameskip): # next_states, step_rewards, terminals, infos = self.vector_env.step(actions=actions) # env_frames += self.num_environments # # for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # rewards[env_id] += step_rewards[i] # if np.any(terminals): # break timesteps_executed += self.num_environments env_frames += self.num_environments env_states = next_states current_iteration_time = time.perf_counter( ) - current_iteration_start_timestamp # Do accounting for each environment. state_buffer = np.array(self.preprocessed_states_buffer) for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # Set is preprocessed to False because env_states are currently NOT preprocessed. self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False current_episode_timesteps[i] += 1 # Each position is the running episode reward of that episode. Add step reward. current_episode_rewards[i] += step_rewards[i] sample_states[env_id].append(state_buffer[i]) if self.container_actions: for name in self.action_space.keys(): sample_actions[env_id][name].append( env_actions[i][name]) else: sample_actions[env_id].append(env_actions[i]) sample_rewards[env_id].append(step_rewards[i]) sample_terminals[env_id].append(terminals[i]) current_episode_sample_times[i] += current_iteration_time # Terminate and reset episode for that environment. if terminals[i] or (0 < max_timesteps_per_episode <= current_episode_timesteps[i]): self.finished_episode_rewards[i].append( current_episode_rewards[i]) self.finished_episode_timesteps[i].append( current_episode_timesteps[i]) self.finished_episode_total_times[i].append( time.perf_counter() - current_episode_start_timestamps[i]) self.finished_episode_sample_times[i].append( current_episode_sample_times[i]) episodes_executed[i] += 1 self.episodes_executed += 1 last_episode_rewards.append(current_episode_rewards[i]) env_sample_states = sample_states[env_id] # Get next states for this environment's trajectory. env_sample_next_states = env_sample_states[1:] next_state = self.agent.state_space.force_batch( next_states[i]) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: next_state = self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess( next_state) # Extend because next state has a batch dim. env_sample_next_states.extend(next_state) # Post-process this trajectory via n-step discounting. # print("processing terminal episode of length:", len(env_sample_states)) post_s, post_a, post_r, post_next_s, post_t = self._truncate_n_step( env_sample_states, sample_actions[env_id], sample_rewards[env_id], env_sample_next_states, sample_terminals[env_id], was_terminal=True) # Append to final result trajectories. batch_states.extend(post_s) if self.agent.flat_action_space is not None: # Use actions here, not env actions. for name in self.agent.flat_action_space.keys(): batch_actions[name].extend(post_a[name]) else: batch_actions.extend(post_a) batch_rewards.extend(post_r) batch_next_states.extend(post_next_s) batch_terminals.extend(post_t) # Reset running trajectory for this env. sample_states[env_id] = [] if self.container_actions: sample_actions[env_id] = { k: [] for k in self.action_space.keys() } else: sample_actions[env_id] = [] sample_rewards[env_id] = [] sample_terminals[env_id] = [] # Reset this environment and its pre-processor stack. env_states[i] = self.vector_env.reset(i) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: self.preprocessors[env_id].reset() # This re-fills the sequence with the reset state. state = self.agent.state_space.force_batch( env_states[i]) # Pre - process, add to buffer self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = np.array( self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess(state)) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = True current_episode_rewards[i] = 0 current_episode_timesteps[i] = 0 current_episode_start_timestamps[i] = time.perf_counter() current_episode_sample_times[i] = 0.0 if 0 < num_timesteps <= timesteps_executed or ( break_on_terminal and np.any(terminals)): self.total_worker_steps += timesteps_executed break self.last_terminals = terminals self.last_states = env_states self.last_ep_rewards = current_episode_rewards self.last_ep_timesteps = current_episode_timesteps self.last_ep_start_timestamps = current_episode_start_timestamps self.last_ep_sample_times = current_episode_sample_times # We already accounted for all terminated episodes. This means we only # have to do accounting for any unfinished fragments. for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # This env was not terminal -> need to process remaining trajectory if not terminals[i]: env_sample_states = sample_states[env_id] # Get next states for this environment's trajectory. env_sample_next_states = env_sample_states[1:] next_state = self.agent.state_space.force_batch(next_states[i]) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: next_state = self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess( next_state) # This is the env state in the next call so avoid double preprocessing # by adding to buffer. self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = np.array(next_state) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = True # Extend because next state has a batch dim. env_sample_next_states.extend(next_state) post_s, post_a, post_r, post_next_s, post_t = self._truncate_n_step( env_sample_states, sample_actions[env_id], sample_rewards[env_id], env_sample_next_states, sample_terminals[env_id], was_terminal=False) batch_states.extend(post_s) if self.agent.flat_action_space is not None: # Use actions here, not env actions. for name in self.agent.flat_action_space.keys(): batch_actions[name].extend(post_a[name]) else: batch_actions.extend(post_a) batch_rewards.extend(post_r) batch_next_states.extend(post_next_s) batch_terminals.extend(post_t) # Perform final batch-processing once. sample_batch, batch_size = self._batch_process_sample( batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards, batch_next_states, batch_terminals) total_time = (time.monotonic() - start) or 1e-10 self.sample_steps.append(timesteps_executed) self.sample_times.append(total_time) self.sample_env_frames.append(env_frames) # Note that the controller already evaluates throughput so there is no need # for each worker to calculate expensive statistics now. return EnvironmentSample( sample_batch=sample_batch, batch_size=batch_size, metrics=dict( last_rewards=last_episode_rewards, runtime=total_time, # Agent act/observe throughput. timesteps_executed=timesteps_executed, ops_per_second=(timesteps_executed / total_time), )) @ray.method(num_return_vals=2) def execute_and_get_with_count(self): sample = self.execute_and_get_timesteps( num_timesteps=self.worker_sample_size) # Return count and reward as separate task so learner thread does not need to download them before # inserting to buffers.. return sample, { "batch_size": sample.batch_size, "last_rewards": sample.metrics["last_rewards"] } def set_weights(self, weights): policy_weights = { k: v for k, v in zip(weights.policy_vars, weights.policy_values) } vf_weights = None if weights.has_vf: vf_weights = { k: v for k, v in zip(weights.value_function_vars, weights.value_function_values) } self.agent.set_weights(policy_weights, value_function_weights=vf_weights) def get_workload_statistics(self): """ Returns performance results for this worker. Returns: dict: Performance metrics. """ # Adjust env frames for internal env frameskip: adjusted_frames = [ env_frames * self.env_frame_skip for env_frames in self.sample_env_frames ] if len(self.finished_episode_rewards) > 0: all_finished_rewards = [] for env_reward_list in self.finished_episode_rewards: all_finished_rewards.extend(env_reward_list) min_episode_reward = np.min(all_finished_rewards) max_episode_reward = np.max(all_finished_rewards) mean_episode_reward = np.mean(all_finished_rewards) # Mean of final episode rewards over all envs final_episode_reward = np.mean([ env_rewards[-1] for env_rewards in self.finished_episode_rewards ]) else: # Will be aggregated in executor. min_episode_reward = None max_episode_reward = None mean_episode_reward = None final_episode_reward = None return dict(episode_timesteps=self.finished_episode_timesteps, episode_rewards=self.finished_episode_rewards, episode_total_times=self.finished_episode_total_times, episode_sample_times=self.finished_episode_sample_times, min_episode_reward=min_episode_reward, max_episode_reward=max_episode_reward, mean_episode_reward=mean_episode_reward, final_episode_reward=final_episode_reward, episodes_executed=self.episodes_executed, worker_steps=self.total_worker_steps, mean_worker_ops_per_second=sum(self.sample_steps) / sum(self.sample_times), mean_worker_env_frames_per_second=sum(adjusted_frames) / sum(self.sample_times)) def _truncate_n_step(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, terminals, was_terminal=True): """ Computes n-step truncation for exactly one episode segment of one environment. Returns: n-step truncated (shortened) version. """ if self.n_step_adjustment > 1: new_len = len(states) - self.n_step_adjustment + 1 # There are 2 cases. If the trajectory did not end in a terminal, # we just have to move states forward and truncate. if was_terminal: # We know the ONLY last terminal is True. terminal_position = len(rewards) - 1 for i in range(len(rewards)): for j in range(1, self.n_step_adjustment): # Outside sample data. Stop inner loop and set truncate = True if i + j >= len(next_states): break # Normal case: No terminal ahead (so far) in n-step sequence. if i + j < terminal_position: next_states[i] = next_states[i + j] rewards[i] +=**j * rewards[i + j] # Terminal ahead: Don't go beyond it. # Repeat it for the remaining n-steps and always assume r=0.0. else: next_states[i] = next_states[terminal_position] terminals[i] = True if i + j <= terminal_position: rewards[i] +=**j * rewards[i + j] else: # We know this segment does not contain any terminals so we simply have to adjust next # states and rewards. for i in range_(len(rewards) - self.n_step_adjustment + 1): for j in range_(1, self.n_step_adjustment): next_states[i] = next_states[i + j] rewards[i] +=**j * rewards[i + j] if self.agent.flat_action_space is not None: for arr in [states, rewards, next_states, terminals]: del arr[new_len:] # Delete container actions separately. for name in self.agent.flat_action_space.keys(): del actions[name][new_len:] else: for arr in [ states, actions, rewards, next_states, terminals ]: del arr[new_len:] return states, actions, rewards, next_states, terminals def _batch_process_sample(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, terminals): """ Batch Post-processes sample, e.g. by computing priority weights, and compressing. Args: states (list): List of states. actions (list, dict): List of actions or dict of lists for container actions. rewards (list): List of rewards. next_states: (list): List of next_states. terminals (list): List of terminals. Returns: dict: Sample batch dict. """ weights = np.ones_like(rewards) # Compute loss-per-item. if self.worker_executes_postprocessing: # Next states were just collected, we batch process them here. _, loss_per_item = self.agent.post_process( dict(states=states, actions=actions, rewards=rewards, terminals=terminals, next_states=next_states, importance_weights=weights)) weights = np.abs(loss_per_item) + SMALL_NUMBER env_dtype = self.vector_env.state_space.dtype compressed_states = [ ray_compress( np.asarray(state, dtype=util.convert_dtype(dtype=env_dtype, to='np'))) for state in states ] compressed_next_states = compressed_states[self.n_step_adjustment:] + \ [ray_compress(np.asarray(next_s,dtype=util.convert_dtype(dtype=env_dtype, to='np'))) for next_s in next_states[-self.n_step_adjustment:]] if self.container_actions: for name in self.action_space.keys(): actions[name] = np.array(actions[name]) else: actions = np.array(actions) return dict(states=compressed_states, actions=actions, rewards=np.array(rewards), terminals=np.array(terminals), next_states=compressed_next_states, importance_weights=np.array(weights)), len(rewards) def get_action(self, states, use_exploration, apply_preprocessing): if self.worker_executes_exploration: # Only once for all actions otherwise we would have to call a session anyway. if np.random.random() <= self.exploration_epsilon: action = self.agent.action_space.sample( size=self.num_environments) else: action = self.agent.get_action( states=states, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=apply_preprocessing) return action else: return self.agent.get_action( states=states, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=apply_preprocessing)
class RayPolicyWorker(RayActor): """ A ray policy worker for distributed policy optimisation. """ def __init__(self, agent_config, worker_spec, env_spec, frameskip=1, auto_build=False): """ Creates agent and environment for Ray worker. Args: agent_config (dict): Agent configuration dict. worker_spec (dict): Worker parameters. env_spec (dict): Environment config for environment to run. frameskip (int): How often actions are repeated after retrieving them from the agent. """ assert get_distributed_backend() == "ray" # Internal frameskip of env. self.env_frame_skip = env_spec.get("frameskip", 1) # Worker computes weights for prioritized sampling. worker_spec = deepcopy(worker_spec) self.worker_sample_size = worker_spec.pop("worker_sample_size") self.worker_computes_weights = worker_spec.pop("worker_computes_weights", True) # Use GAE. self.generalized_advantage_estimation = worker_spec.pop("generalized_advantage_estimation", True) self.gae_lambda = worker_spec.pop("gae_lambda", 1.0) self.compress = worker_spec.pop("compress_states", False) self.num_environments = worker_spec.pop("num_worker_environments", 1) self.env_ids = ["env_{}".format(i) for i in range_(self.num_environments)] self.auto_build = auto_build num_background_envs = worker_spec.pop("num_background_envs", 1) self.vector_env = SequentialVectorEnv(self.num_environments, env_spec, num_background_envs) # Then update agent config. agent_config['state_space'] = self.vector_env.state_space agent_config['action_space'] = self.vector_env.action_space ray_exploration = worker_spec.pop("ray_exploration", None) self.worker_executes_exploration = worker_spec.pop("worker_executes_exploration", False) self.ray_exploration_set = False if ray_exploration is not None: # Update worker with worker specific constant exploration value. # TODO too many levels? assert agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"]["decay_spec"]["type"] == "constant_decay", \ "ERROR: If using Ray's constant exploration, exploration type must be 'constant_decay'." if self.worker_executes_exploration: agent_config["exploration_spec"] = None self.exploration_epsilon = ray_exploration else: agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"]["decay_spec"]["constant_value"] = ray_exploration self.ray_exploration_set = True = agent_config.get("discount", 0.99) # Python based preprocessor as image resizing is broken in TF. self.preprocessors = {} preprocessing_spec = agent_config.get("preprocessing_spec", None) self.is_preprocessed = {} for env_id in self.env_ids: self.preprocessors[env_id] = self.setup_preprocessor( preprocessing_spec, self.vector_env.state_space.with_batch_rank() ) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False self.agent = self.setup_agent(agent_config, worker_spec) self.worker_frameskip = frameskip # Save these so they can be fetched after training if desired. self.finished_episode_rewards = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.finished_episode_timesteps = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] # Total times sample the "real" wallclock time from start to end for each episode. self.finished_episode_total_times = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] # Sample times stop the wallclock time counter between runs, so only the sampling time is accounted for. self.finished_episode_sample_times = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.total_worker_steps = 0 self.episodes_executed = 0 # Step time and steps done per call to execute_and_get to measure throughput of this worker. self.sample_times = [] self.sample_steps = [] self.sample_env_frames = [] # To continue running through multiple exec calls. self.last_states = self.vector_env.reset_all() self.agent.reset() self.zero_batched_state = np.zeros((1,) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.zero_unbatched_state = np.zeros(self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.preprocessed_states_buffer = np.zeros( shape=(self.num_environments,) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape, dtype=self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.dtype ) self.last_ep_timesteps = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_rewards = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_start_timestamps = [0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_start_initialized = False # initialize on first `execute_and_get_timesteps()` call self.last_ep_sample_times = [0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] # Was the last state a terminal state so env should be reset in next call? self.last_terminals = [False for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] def get_constructor_success(self): """ For debugging: fetch the last attribute. Will fail if constructor failed. """ return not self.last_terminals[0] @classmethod def as_remote(cls, num_cpus=None, num_gpus=None): return ray.remote(num_cpus=num_cpus, num_gpus=num_gpus)(cls) def init_agent(self): """ Builds the agent. This is done as a separate task because meta graph generation can take long. """ return True def setup_preprocessor(self, preprocessing_spec, in_space): if preprocessing_spec is not None: # TODO move ingraph for python component assembly. preprocessing_spec = deepcopy(preprocessing_spec) in_space = deepcopy(in_space) # Set scopes. scopes = [preprocessor["scope"] for preprocessor in preprocessing_spec] # Set backend to python. for spec in preprocessing_spec: spec["backend"] = "python" processor_stack = PreprocessorStack(*preprocessing_spec, backend="python") build_space = in_space for sub_comp_scope in scopes: processor_stack.sub_components[sub_comp_scope].create_variables(input_spaces=dict( preprocessing_inputs=build_space ), action_space=None) build_space = processor_stack.sub_components[sub_comp_scope].get_preprocessed_space(build_space) processor_stack.reset() return processor_stack else: return None def setup_agent(self, agent_config, worker_spec): """ Sets up agent, potentially modifying its configuration via worker specific settings. """ sample_exploration = worker_spec.pop("sample_exploration", False) # Adjust exploration for this worker. if sample_exploration: assert self.ray_exploration_set is False, "ERROR: Cannot sample exploration if ray exploration is used." exploration_min_value = worker_spec.pop("exploration_min_value", 0.0) epsilon_spec = agent_config["exploration_spec"]["epsilon_spec"] if epsilon_spec is not None and "decay_spec" in epsilon_spec: decay_from = epsilon_spec["decay_spec"]["from"] assert decay_from >= exploration_min_value, \ "Min value for exploration sampling must be smaller than" \ "decay_from {} in exploration_spec but is {}.".format(decay_from, exploration_min_value) # Sample a new initial epsilon from the interval [exploration_min_value, decay_from). sampled_from = np.random.uniform(low=exploration_min_value, high=decay_from) epsilon_spec["decay_spec"]["from"] = sampled_from # Worker execution spec may differ from controller/learner. worker_exec_spec = worker_spec.get("execution_spec", None) if worker_exec_spec is not None: agent_config.update(execution_spec=worker_exec_spec) # Build lazily per default. agent_config.update(auto_build=self.auto_build) return RayExecutor.build_agent_from_config(agent_config) def execute_and_get_timesteps( self, num_timesteps, max_timesteps_per_episode=0, use_exploration=True, break_on_terminal=False ): """ Collects and returns time step experience. Args: break_on_terminal (Optional[bool]): If true, breaks when a terminal is encountered. If false, executes exactly 'num_timesteps' steps. """ # Initialize start timestamps. Initializing the timestamps here should make the observed execution timestamps # more accurate, as there might be delays between the worker initialization and actual sampling start. if not self.last_ep_start_initialized: for i, timestamp in enumerate(self.last_ep_start_timestamps): self.last_ep_start_timestamps[i] = time.perf_counter() self.last_ep_start_initialized = True start = time.perf_counter() timesteps_executed = 0 episodes_executed = [0] * self.num_environments env_frames = 0 # Final result batch. batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards, batch_terminals = [], [], [], [] # Running trajectories. sample_states, sample_actions, sample_rewards, sample_terminals = {}, {}, {}, {} # Reset envs and Agent either if finished an episode in current loop or if last state # from previous execution was terminal for that environment. for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): sample_states[env_id] = [] sample_actions[env_id] = [] sample_rewards[env_id] = [] sample_terminals[env_id] = [] env_states = self.last_states current_episode_rewards = self.last_ep_rewards current_episode_timesteps = self.last_ep_timesteps current_episode_start_timestamps = self.last_ep_start_timestamps current_episode_sample_times = self.last_ep_sample_times # Whether the episode in each env has terminated. terminals = [False] * self.num_environments while timesteps_executed < num_timesteps: current_iteration_start_timestamp = time.perf_counter() for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): state = self.agent.state_space.force_batch(env_states[i]) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: if self.is_preprocessed[env_id] is False: self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess(state) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = True else: self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = env_states[i] actions = self.get_action(states=self.preprocessed_states_buffer, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=False) next_states, step_rewards, terminals, infos = self.vector_env.step(actions=actions) # Worker frameskip not needed as done in env. # for _ in range_(self.worker_frameskip): # next_states, step_rewards, terminals, infos = self.vector_env.step(actions=actions) # env_frames += self.num_environments # # for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # rewards[env_id] += step_rewards[i] # if np.any(terminals): # break timesteps_executed += self.num_environments env_frames += self.num_environments env_states = next_states current_iteration_time = time.perf_counter() - current_iteration_start_timestamp # Do accounting for each environment. state_buffer = np.array(self.preprocessed_states_buffer) for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # Set is preprocessed to False because env_states are currently NOT preprocessed. self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False current_episode_timesteps[i] += 1 # Each position is the running episode reward of that episode. Add step reward. current_episode_rewards[i] += step_rewards[i] sample_states[env_id].append(state_buffer[i]) sample_actions[env_id].append(actions[i]) sample_rewards[env_id].append(step_rewards[i]) sample_terminals[env_id].append(terminals[i]) current_episode_sample_times[i] += current_iteration_time # Terminate and reset episode for that environment. if terminals[i] or (0 < max_timesteps_per_episode <= current_episode_timesteps[i]): self.finished_episode_rewards[i].append(current_episode_rewards[i]) self.finished_episode_timesteps[i].append(current_episode_timesteps[i]) self.finished_episode_total_times[i].append(time.perf_counter() - current_episode_start_timestamps[i]) self.finished_episode_sample_times[i].append(current_episode_sample_times[i]) episodes_executed[i] += 1 self.episodes_executed += 1 # Append to final result trajectories. batch_states.extend(sample_states[env_id]) batch_actions.extend(sample_actions[env_id]) batch_rewards.extend(sample_rewards[env_id]) batch_terminals.extend(sample_terminals[env_id]) # Reset running trajectory for this env. sample_states[env_id] = [] sample_actions[env_id] = [] sample_rewards[env_id] = [] sample_terminals[env_id] = [] # Reset this environment and its pre-processor stack. env_states[i] = self.vector_env.reset(i) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: self.preprocessors[env_id].reset() # This re-fills the sequence with the reset state. state = self.agent.state_space.force_batch(env_states[i]) # Pre - process, add to buffer self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = np.array(self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess(state)) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = True current_episode_rewards[i] = 0 current_episode_timesteps[i] = 0 current_episode_start_timestamps[i] = time.perf_counter() current_episode_sample_times[i] = 0.0 if 0 < num_timesteps <= timesteps_executed or (break_on_terminal and np.any(terminals)): self.total_worker_steps += timesteps_executed break self.last_terminals = terminals self.last_states = env_states self.last_ep_rewards = current_episode_rewards self.last_ep_timesteps = current_episode_timesteps self.last_ep_start_timestamps = current_episode_start_timestamps self.last_ep_sample_times = current_episode_sample_times # Sequence indices are the same as terminals for terminal episodes. batch_sequence_indices = batch_terminals.copy() # We already accounted for all terminated episodes. This means we only # have to do accounting for any unfinished fragments. for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # This env was not terminal -> need to process remaining trajectory if not terminals[i]: batch_states.extend(sample_states[env_id]) batch_actions.extend(sample_actions[env_id]) batch_rewards.extend(sample_rewards[env_id]) batch_terminals.extend(sample_terminals[env_id]) # Take terminals thus far - all zero. batch_sequence_indices.extend(sample_terminals[env_id].copy()) # Set final elem to true because sub-sequence ends here. batch_sequence_indices[-1] = True # Perform final batch-processing once. sample_batch, batch_size = self._process_policy_trajectories(batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards, batch_terminals, batch_sequence_indices) total_time = (time.perf_counter() - start) or 1e-10 self.sample_steps.append(timesteps_executed) self.sample_times.append(total_time) self.sample_env_frames.append(env_frames) # Note that the controller already evaluates throughput so there is no need # for each worker to calculate expensive statistics now. return EnvironmentSample( sample_batch=sample_batch, batch_size=len(batch_rewards), metrics=dict( runtime=total_time, # Agent act/observe throughput. timesteps_executed=timesteps_executed, ops_per_second=(timesteps_executed / total_time), ) ) @ray.method(num_return_vals=2) def execute_and_get_with_count(self): sample = self.execute_and_get_timesteps(num_timesteps=self.worker_sample_size) return sample, sample.batch_size def set_weights(self, weights): policy_weights = {k: v for k,v in zip(weights.policy_vars, weights.policy_values)} vf_weights = None if weights.has_vf: vf_weights = {k: v for k, v in zip(weights.value_function_vars, weights.value_function_values)} self.agent.set_weights(policy_weights, value_function_weights=vf_weights) def get_workload_statistics(self): """ Returns performance results for this worker. Returns: dict: Performance metrics. """ # Adjust env frames for internal env frameskip: adjusted_frames = [env_frames * self.env_frame_skip for env_frames in self.sample_env_frames] if len(self.finished_episode_rewards) > 0: all_finished_rewards = list() for env_reward_list in self.finished_episode_rewards: all_finished_rewards.extend(env_reward_list) min_episode_reward = np.min(all_finished_rewards) max_episode_reward = np.max(all_finished_rewards) mean_episode_reward = np.mean(all_finished_rewards) # Mean of final episode rewards over all envs final_episode_reward = np.mean([env_rewards[-1] for env_rewards in self.finished_episode_rewards]) else: # Will be aggregated in executor. min_episode_reward = None max_episode_reward = None mean_episode_reward = None final_episode_reward = None return dict( episode_timesteps=self.finished_episode_timesteps, episode_rewards=self.finished_episode_rewards, episode_total_times=self.finished_episode_total_times, episode_sample_times=self.finished_episode_sample_times, min_episode_reward=min_episode_reward, max_episode_reward=max_episode_reward, mean_episode_reward=mean_episode_reward, final_episode_reward=final_episode_reward, episodes_executed=self.episodes_executed, worker_steps=self.total_worker_steps, mean_worker_ops_per_second=sum(self.sample_steps) / sum(self.sample_times), mean_worker_env_frames_per_second=sum(adjusted_frames) / sum(self.sample_times) ) def _process_policy_trajectories(self, states, actions, rewards, terminals, sequence_indices): """ Post-processes policy trajectories. """ if self.generalized_advantage_estimation: rewards = self.agent.post_process( dict( states=states, rewards=rewards, terminals=terminals, sequence_indices=sequence_indices ) ) if self.compress: states = [ray_compress(state) for state in states] return dict( states=states, actions=actions, rewards=rewards, terminals=terminals ), len(rewards) def get_action(self, states, use_exploration, apply_preprocessing): if self.worker_executes_exploration: # Only once for all actions otherwise we would have to call a session anyway. if np.random.random() <= self.exploration_epsilon: if self.num_environments == 1: # Sample returns without batch dim -> wrap. action = [self.agent.action_space.sample(size=self.num_environments)] else: action = self.agent.action_space.sample(size=self.num_environments) else: if self.num_environments == 1: action = [self.agent.get_action(states=states, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=apply_preprocessing)] else: action = self.agent.get_action(states=states, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=apply_preprocessing) return action else: return self.agent.get_action(states=states, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=apply_preprocessing)
class RayPolicyWorker(RayActor): """ A Ray policy worker for distributed policy optimisation. Unlike the value worker, this worker does not need to explicitly store next-states, thus reducing communication overhead and memory usage in the object store. """ def __init__(self, agent_config, worker_spec, env_spec, frameskip=1): """ Creates agent and environment for Ray worker. Args: agent_config (dict): Agent configuration dict. worker_spec (dict): Worker parameters. env_spec (dict): Environment config for environment to run. frameskip (int): How often actions are repeated after retrieving them from the agent. """ assert get_distributed_backend() == "ray" # Internal frameskip of env. self.env_frame_skip = worker_spec.get("env_internal_frame_skip", 1) # Worker computes weights for prioritized sampling. worker_spec = deepcopy(worker_spec) self.num_environments = worker_spec.pop("num_worker_environments", 1) self.worker_sample_size = worker_spec.pop( "worker_sample_size") * self.num_environments self.worker_executes_postprocessing = worker_spec.pop( "worker_executes_postprocessing", True) self.compress = worker_spec.pop("compress_states", False) self.env_ids = [ "env_{}".format(i) for i in range_(self.num_environments) ] num_background_envs = worker_spec.pop("num_background_envs", 1) self.vector_env = SequentialVectorEnv(self.num_environments, env_spec, num_background_envs) # Then update agent config. agent_config['state_space'] = self.vector_env.state_space agent_config['action_space'] = self.vector_env.action_space # Python based preprocessor as image resizing is broken in TF. self.preprocessors = {} preprocessing_spec = agent_config.get("preprocessing_spec", None) self.is_preprocessed = {} for env_id in self.env_ids: self.preprocessors[env_id] = self.setup_preprocessor( preprocessing_spec, self.vector_env.state_space.with_batch_rank()) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False self.agent = self.setup_agent(agent_config, worker_spec) self.worker_frameskip = frameskip # Flag for container actions. self.container_actions = self.agent.flat_action_space is not None self.action_space = self.agent.flat_action_space # Save these so they can be fetched after training if desired. self.finished_episode_rewards = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.finished_episode_timesteps = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Total times sample the "real" wallclock time from start to end for each episode. self.finished_episode_total_times = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Sample times stop the wallclock time counter between runs, so only the sampling time is accounted for. self.finished_episode_sample_times = [ [] for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.total_worker_steps = 0 self.episodes_executed = 0 # Step time and steps done per call to execute_and_get to measure throughput of this worker. self.sample_times = [] self.sample_steps = [] self.sample_env_frames = [] # To continue running through multiple exec calls. self.last_states = self.vector_env.reset_all() self.zero_batched_state = np.zeros( (1, ) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.zero_unbatched_state = np.zeros( self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.preprocessed_states_buffer = np.zeros( shape=(self.num_environments, ) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape, dtype=self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.dtype) self.last_ep_timesteps = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_rewards = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_start_timestamps = [ 0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] self.last_ep_start_initialized = False # initialize on first `execute_and_get_timesteps()` call self.last_ep_sample_times = [ 0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments) ] # Was the last state a terminal state so env should be reset in next call? self.last_terminals = [False for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] def get_constructor_success(self): """ For debugging: fetch the last attribute. Will fail if constructor failed. """ return not self.last_terminals[0] @classmethod def as_remote(cls, num_cpus=None, num_gpus=None): return ray.remote(num_cpus=num_cpus, num_gpus=num_gpus)(cls) def setup_agent(self, agent_config, worker_spec): """ Sets up agent, potentially modifying its configuration via worker specific settings. """ # Worker execution spec may differ from controller/learner. worker_exec_spec = worker_spec.get("execution_spec", None) if worker_exec_spec is not None: agent_config.update(execution_spec=worker_exec_spec) # Build lazily per default. return RayExecutor.build_agent_from_config(agent_config) def execute_and_get_timesteps(self, num_timesteps, max_timesteps_per_episode=0, use_exploration=True, break_on_terminal=False): """ Collects and returns time step experience. Args: break_on_terminal (Optional[bool]): If true, breaks when a terminal is encountered. If false, executes exactly 'num_timesteps' steps. """ # Initialize start timestamps. Initializing the timestamps here should make the observed execution timestamps # more accurate, as there might be delays between the worker initialization and actual sampling start. if not self.last_ep_start_initialized: for i, timestamp in enumerate(self.last_ep_start_timestamps): self.last_ep_start_timestamps[i] = time.perf_counter() self.last_ep_start_initialized = True start = time.perf_counter() timesteps_executed = 0 episodes_executed = [0] * self.num_environments env_frames = 0 # Final result batch. if self.container_actions: batch_actions = {k: [] for k in self.action_space.keys()} else: batch_actions = [] batch_states, batch_rewards, batch_next_states, batch_terminals = [], [], [], [] # Running trajectories. sample_states, sample_actions, sample_rewards, sample_terminals = {}, {}, {}, {} # Reset envs and Agent either if finished an episode in current loop or if last state # from previous execution was terminal for that environment. for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): sample_states[env_id] = [] if self.container_actions: sample_actions[env_id] = { k: [] for k in self.action_space.keys() } else: sample_actions[env_id] = [] sample_rewards[env_id] = [] sample_terminals[env_id] = [] env_states = self.last_states last_episode_rewards = [] current_episode_rewards = self.last_ep_rewards current_episode_timesteps = self.last_ep_timesteps current_episode_start_timestamps = self.last_ep_start_timestamps current_episode_sample_times = self.last_ep_sample_times # Whether the episode in each env has terminated. terminals = [False] * self.num_environments while timesteps_executed < num_timesteps: current_iteration_start_timestamp = time.perf_counter() for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): state, _ = self.agent.state_space.force_batch(env_states[i]) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: if self.is_preprocessed[env_id] is False: self.preprocessed_states_buffer[ i] = self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess(state) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = True else: self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = env_states[i] actions = self.agent.get_action( states=self.preprocessed_states_buffer, use_exploration=use_exploration, apply_preprocessing=False) if self.agent.flat_action_space is not None: some_key = next(iter(actions)) assert isinstance(actions, dict) and isinstance(actions[some_key], np.ndarray),\ "ERROR: Cannot flip container-action batch with dict keys if returned value is not a dict OR " \ "values of returned value are not np.ndarrays!" if hasattr(actions[some_key], "__len__"): env_actions = [{ key: value[i] for key, value in actions.items() } for i in range(len(actions[some_key]))] else: # Action was not array type. env_actions = actions # No flipping necessary. else: env_actions = actions if self.num_environments == 1 and env_actions.shape == (): env_actions = [env_actions] next_states, step_rewards, terminals, infos = self.vector_env.step( actions=env_actions) # Worker frameskip not needed as done in env. # for _ in range_(self.worker_frameskip): # next_states, step_rewards, terminals, infos = self.vector_env.step(actions=actions) # env_frames += self.num_environments # # for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # rewards[env_id] += step_rewards[i] # if np.any(terminals): # break timesteps_executed += self.num_environments env_frames += self.num_environments env_states = next_states current_iteration_time = time.perf_counter( ) - current_iteration_start_timestamp # Do accounting for each environment. state_buffer = np.array(self.preprocessed_states_buffer) for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # Set is preprocessed to False because env_states are currently NOT preprocessed. self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False current_episode_timesteps[i] += 1 # Each position is the running episode reward of that episode. Add step reward. current_episode_rewards[i] += step_rewards[i] sample_states[env_id].append(state_buffer[i]) if self.container_actions: for name in self.action_space.keys(): sample_actions[env_id][name].append( env_actions[i][name]) else: sample_actions[env_id].append(env_actions[i]) sample_rewards[env_id].append(step_rewards[i]) sample_terminals[env_id].append(terminals[i]) current_episode_sample_times[i] += current_iteration_time # Terminate and reset episode for that environment. if terminals[i] or (0 < max_timesteps_per_episode <= current_episode_timesteps[i]): self.finished_episode_rewards[i].append( current_episode_rewards[i]) self.finished_episode_timesteps[i].append( current_episode_timesteps[i]) self.finished_episode_total_times[i].append( time.perf_counter() - current_episode_start_timestamps[i]) self.finished_episode_sample_times[i].append( current_episode_sample_times[i]) episodes_executed[i] += 1 self.episodes_executed += 1 last_episode_rewards.append(current_episode_rewards[i]) # Append to final result trajectories. batch_states.extend(sample_states[env_id]) if self.agent.flat_action_space is not None: # Use actions here, not env actions. for name in self.agent.flat_action_space.keys(): batch_actions[name].extend( sample_actions[env_id][name]) else: batch_actions.extend(sample_actions[env_id]) batch_rewards.extend(sample_rewards[env_id]) batch_terminals.extend(sample_terminals[env_id]) # Reset running trajectory for this env. sample_states[env_id] = [] if self.container_actions: sample_actions[env_id] = { k: [] for k in self.action_space.keys() } else: sample_actions[env_id] = [] sample_rewards[env_id] = [] sample_terminals[env_id] = [] # Reset this environment and its pre-processor stack. env_states[i] = self.vector_env.reset(i) if self.preprocessors[env_id] is not None: self.preprocessors[env_id].reset() # This re-fills the sequence with the reset state. state, _ = self.agent.state_space.force_batch( env_states[i]) # Pre - process, add to buffer self.preprocessed_states_buffer[i] = np.array( self.preprocessors[env_id].preprocess(state)) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = True current_episode_rewards[i] = 0 current_episode_timesteps[i] = 0 current_episode_start_timestamps[i] = time.perf_counter() current_episode_sample_times[i] = 0.0 if 0 < num_timesteps <= timesteps_executed or ( break_on_terminal and np.any(terminals)): self.total_worker_steps += timesteps_executed break self.last_terminals = terminals self.last_states = env_states self.last_ep_rewards = current_episode_rewards self.last_ep_timesteps = current_episode_timesteps self.last_ep_start_timestamps = current_episode_start_timestamps self.last_ep_sample_times = current_episode_sample_times # Sequence indices are the same as terminals for terminal episodes. batch_sequence_indices = batch_terminals.copy() # We already accounted for all terminated episodes. This means we only # have to do accounting for any unfinished fragments. for i, env_id in enumerate(self.env_ids): # This env was not terminal -> need to process remaining trajectory if not terminals[i]: batch_states.extend(sample_states[env_id]) if self.agent.flat_action_space is not None: # Use actions here, not env actions. for name in self.agent.flat_action_space.keys(): batch_actions[name].extend( sample_actions[env_id][name]) else: batch_actions.extend(sample_actions[env_id]) batch_rewards.extend(sample_rewards[env_id]) batch_terminals.extend(sample_terminals[env_id]) # Take terminals thus far - all zero. batch_sequence_indices.extend(sample_terminals[env_id].copy()) # Set final elem to true because sub-sequence ends here. batch_sequence_indices[-1] = True # Perform final batch-processing once. sample_batch, batch_size = self._process_policy_trajectories( batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards, batch_terminals, batch_sequence_indices) total_time = (time.perf_counter() - start) or 1e-10 self.sample_steps.append(timesteps_executed) self.sample_times.append(total_time) self.sample_env_frames.append(env_frames) # Note that the controller already evaluates throughput so there is no need # for each worker to calculate expensive statistics now. return EnvironmentSample( sample_batch=sample_batch, batch_size=len(batch_rewards), metrics=dict( last_rewards=last_episode_rewards, runtime=total_time, # Agent act/observe throughput. timesteps_executed=timesteps_executed, ops_per_second=(timesteps_executed / total_time), )) @ray.method(num_return_vals=2) def execute_and_get_with_count(self): sample = self.execute_and_get_timesteps( num_timesteps=self.worker_sample_size) return sample, sample.batch_size def set_weights(self, weights): policy_weights = { k: v for k, v in zip(weights.policy_vars, weights.policy_values) } vf_weights = None if weights.has_vf: vf_weights = { k: v for k, v in zip(weights.value_function_vars, weights.value_function_values) } self.agent.set_weights(policy_weights, value_function_weights=vf_weights) def get_workload_statistics(self): """ Returns performance results for this worker. Returns: dict: Performance metrics. """ # Adjust env frames for internal env frameskip: adjusted_frames = [ env_frames * self.env_frame_skip for env_frames in self.sample_env_frames ] if len(self.finished_episode_rewards) > 0: all_finished_rewards = [] for env_reward_list in self.finished_episode_rewards: all_finished_rewards.extend(env_reward_list) min_episode_reward = np.min(all_finished_rewards) max_episode_reward = np.max(all_finished_rewards) mean_episode_reward = np.mean(all_finished_rewards) # Mean of final episode rewards over all envs final_episode_reward = np.mean([ env_rewards[-1] for env_rewards in self.finished_episode_rewards ]) else: # Will be aggregated in executor. min_episode_reward = None max_episode_reward = None mean_episode_reward = None final_episode_reward = None return dict(episode_timesteps=self.finished_episode_timesteps, episode_rewards=self.finished_episode_rewards, episode_total_times=self.finished_episode_total_times, episode_sample_times=self.finished_episode_sample_times, min_episode_reward=min_episode_reward, max_episode_reward=max_episode_reward, mean_episode_reward=mean_episode_reward, final_episode_reward=final_episode_reward, episodes_executed=self.episodes_executed, worker_steps=self.total_worker_steps, mean_worker_ops_per_second=sum(self.sample_steps) / sum(self.sample_times), mean_worker_env_frames_per_second=sum(adjusted_frames) / sum(self.sample_times)) def _process_policy_trajectories(self, states, actions, rewards, terminals, sequence_indices): """ Post-processes policy trajectories. """ if self.worker_executes_postprocessing: rewards = self.agent.post_process( dict(states=states, rewards=rewards, terminals=terminals, sequence_indices=sequence_indices)) if self.compress: env_dtype = self.vector_env.state_space.dtype states = [ ray_compress( np.asarray(state, dtype=util.convert_dtype(dtype=env_dtype, to='np'))) for state in states ] return dict(states=states, actions=actions, rewards=rewards, terminals=terminals), len(rewards)
def __init__(self, agent_config, worker_spec, env_spec, frameskip=1): """ Creates agent and environment for Ray worker. Args: agent_config (dict): Agent configuration dict. worker_spec (dict): Worker parameters. env_spec (dict): Environment config for environment to run. frameskip (int): How often actions are repeated after retrieving them from the agent. """ assert get_distributed_backend() == "ray" # Internal frameskip of env. self.env_frame_skip = env_spec.get("frameskip", 1) # Worker computes weights for prioritized sampling. worker_spec = deepcopy(worker_spec) self.num_environments = worker_spec.pop("num_worker_environments", 1) self.worker_sample_size = worker_spec.pop("worker_sample_size") * self.num_environments self.worker_computes_weights = worker_spec.pop("worker_computes_weights", True) # Use GAE. self.generalized_advantage_estimation = worker_spec.pop("generalized_advantage_estimation", True) self.gae_lambda = worker_spec.pop("gae_lambda", 1.0) self.compress = worker_spec.pop("compress_states", False) self.env_ids = ["env_{}".format(i) for i in range_(self.num_environments)] num_background_envs = worker_spec.pop("num_background_envs", 1) self.vector_env = SequentialVectorEnv(self.num_environments, env_spec, num_background_envs) # Then update agent config. agent_config['state_space'] = self.vector_env.state_space agent_config['action_space'] = self.vector_env.action_space # Python based preprocessor as image resizing is broken in TF. self.preprocessors = {} preprocessing_spec = agent_config.get("preprocessing_spec", None) self.is_preprocessed = {} for env_id in self.env_ids: self.preprocessors[env_id] = self.setup_preprocessor( preprocessing_spec, self.vector_env.state_space.with_batch_rank() ) self.is_preprocessed[env_id] = False self.agent = self.setup_agent(agent_config, worker_spec) self.worker_frameskip = frameskip # Save these so they can be fetched after training if desired. self.finished_episode_rewards = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.finished_episode_timesteps = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] # Total times sample the "real" wallclock time from start to end for each episode. self.finished_episode_total_times = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] # Sample times stop the wallclock time counter between runs, so only the sampling time is accounted for. self.finished_episode_sample_times = [[] for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.total_worker_steps = 0 self.episodes_executed = 0 # Step time and steps done per call to execute_and_get to measure throughput of this worker. self.sample_times = [] self.sample_steps = [] self.sample_env_frames = [] # To continue running through multiple exec calls. self.last_states = self.vector_env.reset_all() self.zero_batched_state = np.zeros((1,) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.zero_unbatched_state = np.zeros(self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape) self.preprocessed_states_buffer = np.zeros( shape=(self.num_environments,) + self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.shape, dtype=self.agent.preprocessed_state_space.dtype ) self.last_ep_timesteps = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_rewards = [0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_start_timestamps = [0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] self.last_ep_start_initialized = False # initialize on first `execute_and_get_timesteps()` call self.last_ep_sample_times = [0.0 for _ in range_(self.num_environments)] # Was the last state a terminal state so env should be reset in next call? self.last_terminals = [False for _ in range_(self.num_environments)]