def _parse_entity(cmd_opts, csv_fields, post_process_entity=None, debug=False): format_opts = [ 'csv', 'noheader', 'nounits', ] cmd = [ NVIDIA_SMI_EXEC, '--format={opts}'.format(opts=','.join(format_opts)), ] + cmd_opts if debug: print_cmd(cmd) # output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8') # lines = output.split(os.linesep) lines = run_cmd(cmd) entities = [] for line in lines: if'^\s*$', line): continue fields = line.split(', ') if len(fields) != len(csv_fields): if debug: pprint_msg({ 'fields': fields, 'csv_fields': csv_fields, })) assert len(fields) == len(csv_fields) dic = dict() for k, v in zip(csv_fields, fields): value = parse_value(k, v) dic[k] = value entities.append(dic) if post_process_entity is not None: for entity in entities: post_process_entity(entity) return entities
def add_percent_bar_labels(df, ax): xticklabels = ax.get_xticklabels() xticks = ax.get_xticks() ins_df = df[df['config'].apply( lambda config: bool(config_is_instrumented(config)))] bar_width = ax.patches[0].get_width() xticklabel_to_xtick = dict() num_bars = len(set(df['config'])) bar_order = dict() i = 0 for config in df['config']: if config not in bar_order: bar_order[config] = i i += 1 pprint_msg({ 'len(patches)': len(ax.patches), 'len(df)': len(df), 'bar_width': bar_width, 'bar_order': bar_order, })) for xtick, xticklabel in zip(xticks, xticklabels): xticklabel_to_xtick[xticklabel.get_text()] = xtick for i in range(len(ins_df)): row = ins_df.iloc[i] x_field = row['x_field'] config = row['config'] # Keep single decimal place. # bar_label = "{perc:.1f}%".format( # perc=df.loc[i]['profiling_overhead_percent']) # Round to nearest percent. # bar_label = "{perc:.0f}%".format( # perc=df.loc[i]['profiling_overhead_percent']) profiling_overhead_percent = row['profiling_overhead_percent'] bar_label = "{perc:.0f}%".format( perc=profiling_overhead_percent) total_trace_time_sec = row['total_trace_time_sec'] # _ _ # | |_| |_ # | | | | | # |_|_|_|_| # | # --------- # bar_width # bar_order = 0, 1, 2, 3 # # Middle tick "|" is at xtick. # Bars are located at: # 1) xtick - 2*bar_width # 2) xtick - 1*bar_width # 3) xtick # 4) xtick + 1*bar_width # # num_bars = 4 # # In general, bars are located at: # xtick + (bar_order - num_bars/2)*bar_width xtick = xticklabel_to_xtick[x_field] # pos = (xtick - bar_width / 2, total_trace_time_sec) pos = (xtick + (bar_order[config] - num_bars / 2) * bar_width + bar_width / 2, total_trace_time_sec) pprint_msg({ 'bar_label': bar_label, 'x_field': x_field, 'pos': pos, 'total_trace_time_sec': total_trace_time_sec, })) ax.annotate(bar_label, pos, ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10), textcoords='offset points')
def plot(self): # figlegend.tight_layout() # figlegend.savefig(self.legend_path, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) # plt.close(figlegend) if self.width is not None and self.height is not None: figsize = (self.width, self.height)"Setting figsize = {fig}".format(fig=figsize)) # sns.set_context({"figure.figsize": figsize}) else: figsize = None # This is causing XIO error.... fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) figlegend = plt.figure() ax_leg = figlegend.add_subplot(111) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax2 = None # if self.y2_field is not None: # ax2 = ax.twinx() # # Need to do this, otherwise, training time bar is ABOVE gridlines from ax. # ax.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder()+1) # # Need to do this, otherwise training time bar is invisible. # ax.patch.set_visible(False) # def is_cpu(device_name): # if'Intel|Xeon|CPU', device_name): # return True # return False # # def is_gpu(device_name): # return not is_cpu(device_name) # # def should_keep(row): # if row['machine_name'] == 'reddirtx-ubuntu': # # Ignore 'Tesla K40c' (unused, 0 util) # return row['device_name'] == 'GeForce RTX 2080 Ti' # return True # # self.df_gpu = self.df # # self.df_gpu = self.df_gpu[self.df_gpu['device_name'].apply(is_gpu)] # # self.df_gpu = self.df_gpu[self.df_gpu.apply(should_keep, axis=1)] # ax = sns.violinplot(x=self.df_gpu['x_field'], y=100*self.df_gpu['util'], # inner="box", # # cut=0., # ) # ax = sns.boxplot(x=self.df['x_field'], y=100*self.df['util'], # showfliers=False, # )[self.plot_data_fields])) ax = sns.barplot(x='x_field', y='total_trace_time_sec', hue='config_pretty', data=self.df, ax=ax) ax.get_legend().remove() # leg = ax.legend() # leg.set_title(None) # PROBLEM: (a2c, half-cheetah) profile percent is shown as 188%, but it's actually 222... # 188 is the (ppo, half-cheetah) result... # TODO: index by x_field, retrieve x_field from plot/patches. def add_percent_bar_labels(df, ax): xticklabels = ax.get_xticklabels() xticks = ax.get_xticks() ins_df = df[df['config'].apply( lambda config: bool(config_is_instrumented(config)))] bar_width = ax.patches[0].get_width() xticklabel_to_xtick = dict() num_bars = len(set(df['config'])) bar_order = dict() i = 0 for config in df['config']: if config not in bar_order: bar_order[config] = i i += 1 pprint_msg({ 'len(patches)': len(ax.patches), 'len(df)': len(df), 'bar_width': bar_width, 'bar_order': bar_order, })) for xtick, xticklabel in zip(xticks, xticklabels): xticklabel_to_xtick[xticklabel.get_text()] = xtick for i in range(len(ins_df)): row = ins_df.iloc[i] x_field = row['x_field'] config = row['config'] # Keep single decimal place. # bar_label = "{perc:.1f}%".format( # perc=df.loc[i]['profiling_overhead_percent']) # Round to nearest percent. # bar_label = "{perc:.0f}%".format( # perc=df.loc[i]['profiling_overhead_percent']) profiling_overhead_percent = row['profiling_overhead_percent'] bar_label = "{perc:.0f}%".format( perc=profiling_overhead_percent) total_trace_time_sec = row['total_trace_time_sec'] # _ _ # | |_| |_ # | | | | | # |_|_|_|_| # | # --------- # bar_width # bar_order = 0, 1, 2, 3 # # Middle tick "|" is at xtick. # Bars are located at: # 1) xtick - 2*bar_width # 2) xtick - 1*bar_width # 3) xtick # 4) xtick + 1*bar_width # # num_bars = 4 # # In general, bars are located at: # xtick + (bar_order - num_bars/2)*bar_width xtick = xticklabel_to_xtick[x_field] # pos = (xtick - bar_width / 2, total_trace_time_sec) pos = (xtick + (bar_order[config] - num_bars / 2) * bar_width + bar_width / 2, total_trace_time_sec) pprint_msg({ 'bar_label': bar_label, 'x_field': x_field, 'pos': pos, 'total_trace_time_sec': total_trace_time_sec, })) ax.annotate(bar_label, pos, ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10), textcoords='offset points') add_percent_bar_labels(self.df, ax) # groupby_cols = ['algo', 'env_id'] # # label_df = self.df_gpu[list(set(groupby_cols + ['x_field', 'util']))] # label_df = self.df_gpu.groupby(groupby_cols).mean() # add_hierarchical_labels(fig, ax, self.df_gpu, label_df, groupby_cols) # df = self.df # ax = sns.violinplot(x=df['x_field'], y=100*df['util'], # # hue=df['algo'], # # hue=df['env_id'], # inner="box", cut=0.) if self.rotation is not None: # ax = bottom_plot.axes ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=self.rotation) # Remove legend-title that seaborn adds: # # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # ax.legend(handles=handles[1:], labels=labels[1:]) # Default ylim for violinplot is slightly passed bottom/top of data: # ipdb> ax.get_ylim() # (-2.3149999976158147, 48.614999949932105) # ipdb> np.min(100*self.df['util']) # 0.0 # ipdb> np.max(100*self.df['util']) # 46.29999995231629 ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(0., ymax) ax.set_xlabel(self.x_axis_label) if self.y_title is not None: ax.set_ylabel(self.y_title) png_path = self._get_plot_path('png')'Save figure to {path}'.format(path=png_path)) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(png_path) plt.close(fig) leg = ax_leg.legend(*ax.get_legend_handles_labels(), loc='center') ax_leg.axis('off') leg.set_title(None) figlegend.tight_layout() figlegend.savefig(self.legend_path('png'), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(figlegend) trim_border(self.legend_path('png')) return #Set general plot properties sns.set_style("white") # ax = plt.subplot() # ax_list = fig.axes # plt.subplot() # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.set_xs # sns.set_context({"figure.figsize": (24, 10)}) if self.fontsize is not None: sns.set_style('font', { 'size': self.fontsize, }) # plt.rc('xtick', rotation=40) # sns.set_style('xtick', { # 'rotation': 40, # }) # TODO: # - Make it so plot legends appear to right of the plot # - Make it so we can choose NOT to show plot legend (ideally just make it invisible...) # - All fonts should be same size if self.y2_field is not None: # Total training time bar gets its own color. num_colors = len(self.groups) + 1 else: num_colors = len(self.groups) self.colors = sns.color_palette("hls", num_colors) if self.y2_field is not None: bar_width = 0.25 else: bar_width = 0.5 ind = np.arange(len([self.x_field])) ax.set_xticks(ind + bar_width / 2) ax.set_xticklabels([self.x_field]) n_bars = len([self.groups[0]]) accum_ys = np.zeros(n_bars) barplot_kwargs = [] bar_zorder = 0 # bar_zorder = -1 grid_zorder = 1 for i, group in enumerate(self.groups): accum_ys +=[group] ys = copy.copy(accum_ys) if self.y2_field is not None: xs = ind else: xs = ind + bar_width / 2 bar_kwargs = { 'x': xs, # 'y': ys, 'height': ys, 'color': self.colors[i], # 'ax': ax, # 'position': 0, 'zorder': bar_zorder, } if bar_width is not None: bar_kwargs['width'] = bar_width barplot_kwargs.append(bar_kwargs) if self.y2_field is not None: # TODO: we need to group rows and sum them based on matching df[group]...? # for i, group in enumerate(self.groups): y_color = self.colors[-1] bar_kwargs = { # 'x':[self.x_field], 'x': ind + bar_width, 'height':[self.y2_field], # 'y':[self.y2_field], 'color': y_color, # 'ax': ax2, # 'position': 1, 'zorder': bar_zorder, } if bar_width is not None: bar_kwargs['width'] = bar_width # sns.barplot(**bar_kwargs) #**bar_kwargs)**bar_kwargs) barplots = [] for kwargs in reversed(barplot_kwargs): # TODO: color? # barplot = sns.barplot(**kwargs) # barplot =**kwargs) barplot =**kwargs) barplots.append(barplot) barplots.reverse() if self.y2_field is not None and self.y2_logscale: # ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_yscale('log', basey=2) # ax2.set_yscale('log') # ax2.set_yticks([1,10,100] + [max(y)]) # from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter # ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl_ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.d')) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(DaysHoursMinutesSecondsFormatter()) # #Plot 1 - background - "total" (top) series # sns.barplot(x =, y =, color = "red") # # #Plot 2 - overlay - "bottom" series # bottom_plot = sns.barplot(x =, y =, color = "#0000A3") bottom_plot = barplots[-1] figlegend = plt.figure() self._add_legend( figlegend, loc='center', bbox_to_anchor=None, ) if self.show_legend: self._add_legend( fig, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), ) # , prop={'size': self.fontsize} # topbar = plt.Rectangle((0,0),1,1,fc="red", edgecolor = 'none') # bottombar = plt.Rectangle((0,0),1,1,fc='#0000A3', edgecolor = 'none') # l = plt.legend([bottombar, topbar], ['Bottom Bar', 'Top Bar'], loc=1, ncol = 2, prop={'size':16}) #Optional code - Make plot look nicer sns.despine(fig=fig, left=True) # bottom_plot.set_ylabel(self.y_axis_label) # bottom_plot.set_xlabel(self.x_axis_label) ax.set_ylabel(self.y_axis_label) if self.title is not None: # bottom_plot.set_title(self.title) ax.set_title(self.title) # Suggestions about how to prevent x-label overlap with matplotlib: # # # #Set fonts to consistent 16pt size # for item in ([bottom_plot.xaxis.label, bottom_plot.yaxis.label] + # bottom_plot.get_xticklabels() + bottom_plot.get_yticklabels()): # if self.fontsize is not None: # item.set_fontsize(self.fontsize) ax.grid(zorder=grid_zorder) if self.y2_field is not None: # ax2.grid(True) if self.y2_axis_label is not None: ax2.set_ylabel(self.y2_axis_label) # Align training time against percent. # (weird training time labels). # # l = ax.get_ylim() # l2 = ax2.get_ylim() # f = lambda x : l2[0]+(x-l[0])/(l[1]-l[0])*(l2[1]-l2[0]) # ticks = f(ax.get_yticks()) # ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator(ticks)) # Align percent against training time. # (weird percent labels). # # l = ax2.get_ylim() # l2 = ax.get_ylim() # f = lambda x : l2[0]+(x-l[0])/(l[1]-l[0])*(l2[1]-l2[0]) # ticks = f(ax2.get_yticks()) # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator(ticks))'Save figure to {path}'.format(path=self.path)) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(self.path) plt.close(fig)
def my_label_len(label_df, col): # labels = my_index.get_level_values(level) labels = label_df[col] ret = [(k, sum(1 for i in g)) for k, g in itertools.groupby(labels)]{'label_len': ret})) return ret
def run(self): """ # PSEUDOCODE for computing total training time without profiling overhead End_time = latest event.end_time_us recorded in Event's Tps = Select all TrainingProgress up to end_training_time_us = end_time Events = Select all Event's from start of trace up to end_time_us = end_time Def Compute_training_time(events): Use split_op_stacks on events Instead of computing overlap, just compute total event time that doesn't include "profiling overhead" op_stack = [] # NOTE: CPU events may overlap with GPU events... # We just want time covered by all CPU/GPU events, MINUS time covered by "profiling overhead" events. # for event in sorted(events, by=event.start_time_usec): total_time_us = 0 while len(events) > 0: go to next next start or end of an event if start of event: if is_op_event(event): op_event = event elif is_cpu_event(event): start_t = event.start_time_usec elif is_gpu_event(): elif end of event: if is_op_event(event): total_time_us += event.end_time_us - start_t start_t = None # total training time trace_time_sec = compute_training_time(events) Last_tps = tps[-1] timesteps_per_sec = ( last_tps['end_num_timesteps'] - last_tps['start_num_timesteps'] ) / trace_time_sec Total_trace_time_sec = ( 1/timesteps_per_sec ) * tps['total_timesteps'] - Q: How do we compute total training time; particularly, how do we do it for minigo? - We need to be able to compute the "critical path", then take the "total training time" summed across that path - How do we get the critical path? - Follow all paths from leaf-node to root node, and determine which among those paths was the longest. - If there are multiple leaf-nodes, collect paths from all starting leaf-nodes. - NOTE: the length of a node should be the extrapolated total training time of that node. - For visualizing minigo figure, to find start time of a particular (process, phase), we must increment its start time by the increased extrapolation of its parent nodes. PSEUDOCODE: Type: Path = ListOf[Phase] def path_length(path): return sum(phase.extrapolated_total_training_time for phase in path) # PROBLEM: the topology of phases gathered from the minigo script isn't # reflective of the fork-join pattern of the scripts... # In particular, sgd_updates is NOT the child of selfplay_worker_1 and selfplay_worker_2. # In reality, there's a shell-script that coordinates launching these phases in a serialized order: # - # - # - [1] # - [2] # - # - sgd_updates # - evaluate # # However, conceptually it makes more sense to think of as a dependency graph. # Currently, the dependency graph structure cannot be recovered from this fork-join pattern, # and it must be hard-coded. # So, we cannot use to determine "paths" needed for computing total training time. # HACK: If there is more than one phase, require the user to specify the dependencies # in a dependency.json file: dependency.json { 'directed_edges': [ [ # A -> B [A.machine_name, A.process_name, A.phase_name], [B.machine_name, B.process_name, B.phase_name], ] ] } def find_all_paths(leaf): def _find_all_paths(phase): if phase.has_parents: for parent in phase.parents: for path in _find_all_paths(parent) path = list(path) path.append(parent) yield path else: # Base case: yield [phase] # Return all the Phase's that have NO children. leaves = sql_reader.leaf_nodes() paths = [] for leaf in leaves: leaf_paths = find_all_paths(leaf) paths.extend(leaf_paths) critical_path = min(paths, key=path_length) total_training_time = path_length(critical_path) """ self.sql_reader = SQLCategoryTimesReader(self.db_path,, user=self.user, password=self.password) machines = self.sql_reader.machines() for machine in machines: processes = self.sql_reader.processes( machine_name=machine.machine_name) for process in processes: phases = self.sql_reader.phases( machine_name=machine.machine_name, process_name=process.process_name) pprint_msg({ 'machines': machines, 'processes': processes, 'phases': phases })) if len(phases) == 1: self.csv_single_phase(machine, process, phases[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Haven't implemented total training time extrapolation for multi-phase apps." ) self.sql_reader.close()