コード例 #1
ファイル: proto.py プロジェクト: guidog/pygstlib
    def activate(self):
        """Enable receive via multicast.

        Joins multicast group and creates reactor.
        if self.is_active:
        self.mc_socket = UdpSocket()
        self.mc_socket.multicast_interface = self.dest_if
        self.mc_reactor = RmcReactor(self.mc_socket, self)
        self._hb_timer = event.timeout(0.1, self._hb_timer_tick)
        self._chk_timer = event.timeout(0.01, self._chk_timer_tick)
        self.is_active = True
コード例 #2
ファイル: proto.py プロジェクト: guidog/pygstlib
    def set_unicast_socket(self, uc_socket, mc_interface=''):
        """Set the unicast socket to the given one.

        Will create a new RmcReactor for this socket and attach it to
        this instance.

        If uc_socket is None, the multicast socket is set as fallback.

        Will update self.local_addr to reflect the new setting.
        self.uc_socket = uc_socket
        if uc_socket:
            self.uc_reactor = RmcReactor(uc_socket, self)
            self.uc_socket.multicast_interface = mc_interface
            self.uc_socket.multicast_loop = True
            self.uc_reactor = self.mc_reactor
        self.local_addr = self.uc_socket.getsockname()
コード例 #3
ファイル: proto.py プロジェクト: guidog/pygstlib
class RmcProtocolHandler(object):

    """Class implementing the RMC protocol.

    The protocol is based on negative acknowledge (NACK) only sent
    when a receiver sees a gap in the sequence numbers of a packet
    stream (from a sender).

    If packets are received in sequence, no acknowledge is sent; the
    packets are consumed silently. If a receiver detects that one or
    more packets are missing, it starts to send NACK packets directly
    to the sender. The sender then tries to fullfill the requests from
    his packet backlog.

    After sending a data (aka non-protocol) packet, heartbeat packets
    are sent. The heartbeat packets do not contain any data, they carry
    only the last used sequence no. of this sender. The rate the
    heartbeat packets are sent is variable, meaning that the time
    between heartbeats will increase over time. This allows for fast
    synchronisation after new packets have been sent and at the same
    time reduces overall traffic.

    For the following events listners (observers etc.) can be
    registered via add_action:

          emitted when a packet from an unknown address has
          been received.
          Param: sender

          emitted when this process failed to receive an
          expected heartbeat from a known sender.
          Param: sender

          emitted when this process received a heartbeat packet.
          Param: packet

          emitted when a RESET packet has been received.
          Param: packet

          emitted when a LOST packet has been received
          Param: packet

          emitted when a NACK packet has been received
          Param: packet

          emitted after a data packet has been sent out
          Param: packet

          emitted after the heartbeat packet has been spooled
          Param: packet

          emitted after a NACK packet has been spooled
          Param: packet

          emitted after a LOST packet has been spooled
          Param: packet

          emitted when a new data packet arrived
          Param: packet

          emitted when seq becomes >
          Param: None

          emitted on every packet received (for debugging!)
          Param: packet

          emitted on every packet sent (for debugging!)
          Param: packet

      The callback always receives 2 parameters: the first one is shown in the list above as Param,
      the 2nd one is always the RmcProtocolHandler instance.

    # max. no. of packets to send from the queue on one write event.
    MAX_BURST = 10

    # list of times to wait between heartbeats
    _def_times = (0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5) #, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0)

    # max. length of backlog for sent packets
    MAX_BACKLOG = 100

    # valid event names
    EVENTS = sorted(['packet_sent', 'sent_heartbeat', 'sent_lost', 'sent_nack',
                     'got_nack', 'got_lost', 'got_reset', 'got_heartbeat',
                     'new_sender', 'missing_heartbeat',
                     # these are for debugging
                     '__received_packet__', '__sent_packet__'])

    def __init__(self, uc_socket, mc_socket=None):
        """Setup rmc handler.

        uc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to local unicast address
        mc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to multicast address, optional

          mc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to multicast address
          uc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to local unicast address
          mc_reactor:   RmcReactor for multicast address (receive only)
          uc_reactor:   RmcReactor for unicast address (receive/send)
          dest_addr:    ip/port of multicast channel
          local_addr:   ip/port for unicast
          seq:          current sequence no. for outgoing packets
          no_sync:      if True don't send NACKs on first heartbeat for a sender
          silent :      if True don't send data, never ever, just listen
        # create multicast socket
##         self.mc_socket = UdpSocket((mc_addr[0], mc_addr[1]))
##         self.mc_socket.multicast_interface = mc_interface
##         self.mc_socket.join_mcast_group(mc_addr[0])
        self.mc_socket = mc_socket
        self.uc_socket = uc_socket
        # create reactors for both sockets
        # and attach them to this protocol handler
        self.uc_reactor = RmcReactor(self.uc_socket, self)
        self.local_addr = self.uc_socket.getsockname()
        # if multicast socket is None
        # sending will use the unicast socket as fallback
        if mc_socket is None:
            self.mc_reactor = self.uc_reactor
##             self.mc_socket.multicast_interface = mc_interface
            self.mc_reactor = RmcReactor(mc_socket, self)
            self.mc_socket.multicast_loop = True
        # get/assign addresses
        self.dest_addr = self.mc_socket.getsockname()
        # send_buffer is a list of packets to send out
        # send_prio_buffer is for outgoing packets w/ high priority
        self._send_buffer = []
        self._send_prio_buffer = []
        # sequence counter for outgoing data packets
        self.seq = 0
        # remember last data packet sent
        self._last_sent = None
        # keep track of peers
        self._peers = {}
        # our outgoing backlog
        self._backlog = []
        # activate reactors
        # initialize generator for hearbeat times
        self._hb_gen = self._hb_generator()
        # mapping to keep track of event subscriptions
        self._ev_handler = {}
        # flag if write event is active
        self._write_active = False
        # flag when set, no sync on first heartbeat of a sender is done
        self.no_sync = False
        # flag when set, no data will be sent (ever!)
        self._silent = False
        # prepare continous timer ticks
        self._hb_timer = event.timeout(0.1, self._hb_timer_tick)
        self._chk_timer = event.timeout(0.01, self._chk_timer_tick)
        # flag showing if this handler does receive data via multicast
        self.is_active = True

    def _get_silent(self):
        return self._silent

    def _set_silent(self, value):
        if value:
            self._silent = True
            if not self.no_sync:
                self.no_sync = True
            self._silent = False

    # when set, no data will be sent
    # will set no_sync to True if set to True
    silent = property(_get_silent, _set_silent)

    def finish(self):
        """Deregister and close sockets and clean-up.
        self.silent = True
        self.uc_reactor = None
        self._ev_handler = {}
        self.seq = -1
        self._send_prio_buffer = []
        self._send_buffer = []

    def deactivate(self):
        """Disable receive of data via mutlicast.

        Leaves the multicast group and destroys the mc reactor.
        if not self.is_active:
        self._hb_timer = None
        self._chk_timer = None
        self.mc_reactor = None
        self.mc_socket = None
        self.is_active = False

    def activate(self):
        """Enable receive via multicast.

        Joins multicast group and creates reactor.
        if self.is_active:
        self.mc_socket = UdpSocket()
        self.mc_socket.multicast_interface = self.dest_if
        self.mc_reactor = RmcReactor(self.mc_socket, self)
        self._hb_timer = event.timeout(0.1, self._hb_timer_tick)
        self._chk_timer = event.timeout(0.01, self._chk_timer_tick)
        self.is_active = True

    def set_unicast_socket(self, uc_socket, mc_interface=''):
        """Set the unicast socket to the given one.

        Will create a new RmcReactor for this socket and attach it to
        this instance.

        If uc_socket is None, the multicast socket is set as fallback.

        Will update self.local_addr to reflect the new setting.
        self.uc_socket = uc_socket
        if uc_socket:
            self.uc_reactor = RmcReactor(uc_socket, self)
            self.uc_socket.multicast_interface = mc_interface
            self.uc_socket.multicast_loop = True
            self.uc_reactor = self.mc_reactor
        self.local_addr = self.uc_socket.getsockname()

    def add_action(self, event, action):
        """Add the callable action to the given event.

        action needs to accept 2 parameters:
          1. param (packet, sender etc., depends on event)
          2. a RmcProtocolHandler instance
        event = event.strip().lower()
        if event not in self.EVENTS:
            raise ValueError('unknown event', event)
        handlers = self._ev_handler.setdefault(event, [])

    def remove_action(self, event, action):
        """Remove the given action from event.
        event = event.strip().lower()
        if event not in self.EVENTS:
            raise ValueError('unknown event', event)
        handlers = self._ev_handler.setdefault(event, [])
        if handlers and action in handlers:

    def abort_action(self):
        """Raise AbortHandling exception.
        raise AbortHandling()

    def get_peer(self, addr):
        """Return Peer instance for given address or None.

        If no peer is known for the given address, None is returned.
        ret = self._peers.get(addr, None)
        return ret

    def del_peer(self, addr):
        """Remove the peer with the given address.

        Do nothing if peer is not known.
            del self._peers[addr]
        except KeyError:

    def set_heartbeat_times(self, hb_times, hb_index=0):
        """Set the heartbeat delay times to the given sequence.

        hb_times: sequence of floats specifying the delay between heartbeats.
        hb_index: new index into given heartbeats.

        Will also send the HeartbeatTimesPacket w/ the given times and index.
        self._hb_times = tuple(hb_times)
        self._hb_index = hb_index
        p = HeartbeatTimesPacket(hb_index, hb_times)

    def _notify_handlers(self, event, param):
        """Helper calling all handlers for event with the given parameter.
        handlers = self._ev_handler.get(event)
        if handlers:
                for action in handlers:
                    action(param, self)
            except AbortHandling:
                # either self.abort_action() has been called
                # or AbortHandling has been raised inside a
                # notification handler

    def send(self, pkt, dest_addr=None):
        """Send data packet.

        Will add the packet to _send_buffer and activate write events.

        If dest_addr is not set, the mulicast address is used.

        Adds destination address to packet and sets sequence no.
        if self.silent:
            # never ever send data
        if not dest_addr:
            # if no destination address given, use multicast channel
            dest_addr = self.dest_addr
        if not (pkt.is_protocol or pkt.is_resent):
            # plain data packet, set seq
            if pkt.seq < 0:
                pkt.seq = self.seq
                self.seq += 1
            elif self.seq <= pkt.seq:
                # increase last sent seq
                self.seq = pkt.seq + 1
                # can't decrease seq
                raise InvalidPacketSequence('invalid sequence: %d' % pkt.seq)
        if pkt.flags & packet.RESET:
            self.seq = pkt.seq + 1
            # clean backlog on RESET
            bl = [ p for p in self._backlog if p.seq >= pkt.seq ]
            self._backlog = bl
            self._last_sent = pkt
        # attach destination address
        pkt.dest_addr = dest_addr
        if pkt.is_protocol or pkt.is_resent:
            # protocol messages and resent packets have higher priority
        # sending occurs on the next write event
        if not self._write_active:
            self._write_active = True

    def _packet_sent(self, pkt):
        """Helper method called after the given packet has been sent.

        Shrinks backlog if necessary then adds packet to backlog and
        (re-)sets the heartbeat timer.
        # shrink backlog
        l_diff = len(self._backlog) - self.MAX_BACKLOG
        if l_diff > 0:
            self._backlog = self._backlog[l_diff:]
        if not pkt.is_resent:
            # mark passed packet as last sent packet for heartbeat
            # call event listners and reset heartbeat time
            self._last_sent = pkt
            self._notify_handlers('packet_sent', pkt)
        # check for seq overflow
        if self.seq > 2000000000:
            # emit sequence_overflow
            self._notify_handlers('sequence_overflow', None)

    def _send_packets(self, packets):
        uc_send = self.uc_reactor.send
        notify = self._notify_handlers
        p_sent = self._packet_sent
        for p in packets:
            uc_send(str(p), p.dest_addr)
            notify('__sent_packet__', p)
            if not (p.is_protocol or p.is_resent):
                # new normal packet, post-process it

    def on_write(self):
        """Event handler called when reactor can send more data.

        Will send at most MAX_BURST packets at once.
        # first send all priority packets collected
        out_list = self._send_prio_buffer[:self.MAX_BURST]
        self._send_prio_buffer = self._send_prio_buffer[self.MAX_BURST:]
        out_len = len(out_list)
        if out_list:
        # try to send normal packets
        if out_len < self.MAX_BURST:
            r = self.MAX_BURST - out_len
            out_list = self._send_buffer[:r]
            self._send_buffer = self._send_buffer[r:]
        if self._send_prio_buffer or self._send_buffer:
            # more data to send, re-activate write events
            self._write_active = True
            # nothing to do, disable write events
            self._write_active = False

    def _get_oldest_sender(self):
        """Helper returning the sender with the smallest
        last_heartbeat value or None.
        if not self._peers:
            return None
        lp = operator.attrgetter('last_packet')
        senders = sorted(self._peers.values(), key=lp)
        return senders[0]

    def _hb_generator(self):
        """Helper method that creates a generator for the heartbeat
        delay interval.

        Uses yield expression!
        except AttributeError:
            self._hb_times = self._def_times
            self._hb_index = 0
        while True:
            times = self._hb_times
                t_next = times[self._hb_index]
            except IndexError:
                t_next = times[-1]
                self._hb_index = len(times) - 1
##             t_next = rnd_delay_time(t_next)
            ret = (yield t_next)
            if ret:
                self._hb_index = 0
            elif self._hb_index >= 0:
                self._hb_index += 1

    def _next_hb_time(self, reset=None):
        """Helper method returning the delay time for the next heartbeat.

        If reset is set, the heartbeat delay is reset to the smallest

        Uses .send method for generators!
        ret = self._hb_gen.send(reset)
        return ret

    def _check_sender_timeouts(self):
        """Helper method to check for senders who timed out.

        Notify 'missing_heartbeat' listners of senders who's last package
        was received more then their current heartbeat delay in the past.
        now = time.time()
        pv = self._peers.values()
        timed_out = [s for s in pv if s.heartbeat_overdue(now)]
        # notify listners of missing senders
        # the action handler is responsible for removing the sender, if wanted
        for sender in timed_out:
            self._notify_handlers('missing_heartbeat', sender)

    def on_heartbeat(self):
        """Event handler called from heartbeat timer.

        Send next heartbeat if needed and adjust timer interval.
        if self.seq < 0 or self._send_buffer:
            # nothing sent so far
            t_next = 0.01
        elif not self._last_sent:
            t_next = 0.01
        elif self.seq == (self._last_sent.seq + 1):
            # no change, use next HB interval
            # send HB packet
            p_last = self._last_sent
            seq = p_last.seq
            # adjust timer
            t_next = self._next_hb_time()
            p = HeartbeatPacket(seq, heartbeat=self._hb_index)
            self._notify_handlers('sent_heartbeat', p)
            # something changed, reset heartbeat
            t_next = self._next_hb_time(True)
        return t_next

    def _hb_timer_tick(self):
        t_next = self.on_heartbeat()
        self._hb_timer = event.timeout(t_next, self._hb_timer_tick)

    def _chk_timer_tick(self):
        self._chk_timer = event.timeout(0.01, self._chk_timer_tick)

    def reset_heartbeat(self):
        """Reset heartbeat time to lowest value.
        if not self._hb_timer:
        t_next = self._next_hb_time(True)
        self._hb_timer = event.timeout(t_next, self._hb_timer_tick)
        return t_next

    def _deliver_look_ahead(self, sender, start=None):
        """Helper to deliver packets from this look-ahead cache that
        are in sequence starting at start.

        If start is None, sender.seq+1 is assumed.

        Returns last delivered seq or None if nothing was sent.
        in_seq = sender.get_look_ahead(start)
        if not in_seq:
            # nothing found
            return None
        last_seen = in_seq[-1].seq
        # deliver packets
        for p in in_seq:
            self._notify_handlers('new_packet', p)
        # purge cache
        return last_seen

    def _send_nack_range(self, sender, count=1, now=None):
        """Helper to send out NACK packets.
        if now is None:
            now = time.time()
        sent_nacks = sender.sent_nacks
        n_seq = sender.seq + 1
        while count > 0:
            if n_seq in sent_nacks:
                # check for nack resend
                t_nack, t_first = sent_nacks[n_seq]
                if (now - t_first) >= sender.nack_timeout:
                    # old NACK, drop it
                    del sent_nacks[n_seq]
                elif (now - t_nack) >= sender.nack_resend_time:
                    # time to re-send NACK
                    p = NackPacket(n_seq)
                    self.send(p, sender.address)
                    self._notify_handlers('sent_nack', p)
                    sent_nacks[n_seq] = (now, t_first)
            elif len(sent_nacks) < sender.max_nacks:
                # new NACK to send
                p = NackPacket(n_seq)
                self.send(p, sender.address)
                self._notify_handlers('sent_nack', p)
                sent_nacks[n_seq] = (now, now)
            # next in sequence
            n_seq += 1
            count -= 1

    def _deal_with_nack(self, pkt):
        """Helper method to deal with received NACK packet.

        If the requested packet is in the backlog, it's sent to the
        address the nack has been received from.
        If not a LOST packet is sent.
        sender = pkt.sender
        # mark sender as still alive
        # notify interested parties
        self._notify_handlers('got_nack', pkt)
        # check for LOST condition
        addr = pkt.src_addr
        sent = False
        if not self._backlog:
            # no backlog
            # send RESET packet
            p = packet.Packet(self.seq)
            p.flags |= packet.RESET
            self.send(p, addr)
            self._notify_handlers('sent_lost', p)
        p0 = self._backlog[0]
        if pkt.seq < p0.seq:
            # if the requested seq is smaller than the smallest seq in
            # our backlog send a LOST packet with the lowest available
            # seq to cut down further nacks
            seq = p0.seq
            p = LostPacket(seq)
            # targeted to addr, others wont see it!
            self.send(p, addr)
            self._notify_handlers('sent_lost', p)
        # packet still in backlog
        # try to send it
        for p in self._backlog:
            if pkt.seq == p.seq:
                # re-send requested packets
                p.flags |= packet.RESENT
                # unicast send!
                self.send(p, addr)
                sent = True
        if not sent:
            # snafu
            # packet not in backlog anymore
            # send LostPacket
            p0 = self._backlog[0]
            p = LostPacket(p0.seq)
            self.send(p, addr)
            self._notify_handlers('sent_lost', p)
            # speed up recovery

    def _deal_with_lost(self, pkt):
        """Helper method to deal with a received LOST packet.

        Clean up expected packet sequences (aka sent nacks) and shrink
        the look-ahead cache. Then try to deliver packets from the
        look-ahead cache.
        sender = pkt.sender
        # packets with a seq lower then the given can't be recovered
        # remove them from outstanding nack list and adjust last_seen
        # notify listners before delivery of data packets
        sender.touch(pkt.seq - 1)
        self._notify_handlers('got_lost', pkt)
        # send nack for smallest available packet

    def _deal_with_reset(self, pkt):
        """Helper method to deal with a received RESET packet.

        Will reset (aka clear) all data for this sender and set
        senders seq to the one in the packet.
        sender = pkt.sender
        # forget all information on sender
        self._notify_handlers('got_reset', pkt)

    def _deal_with_heartbeat(self, pkt):
        """Helper method to deal with a received HEARTBEAT packet.
        sender = pkt.sender
        self._notify_handlers('got_heartbeat', pkt)
        now = time.time()
        last_seen = sender.seq
        if last_seen < 0 and self.no_sync:
            # avoid sending nack on first heartbeat of sender when no_sync is set
            sender.touch(pkt.seq, heartbeat=pkt.heartbeat)
        sender.touch(heartbeat=pkt.heartbeat, now=now)
        pdiff = pkt.seq - last_seen
        if pdiff > 0:
            # we missed at least one packet
            # send NACKs
            self._send_nack_range(sender, pdiff, now)

    def _deal_with_hb_times(self, pkt):
        """Helper method to deal with a received HB_TIMES packet.
        sender = pkt.sender
        now = time.time()
        times = packet.decode_times(pkt)
        sender.touch(heartbeat=pkt.heartbeat, now=now)

    def _protocol_packet(self, pkt):
        """Handle protocol specific packet received from addr.
        if pkt.flags & packet.NACK:
        elif pkt.flags & packet.LOST:
        elif pkt.flags & packet.HEARTBEAT:
        elif pkt.flags & packet.HB_TIMES:
        elif pkt.flags & packet.RESET:
        elif pkt.flags & packet.ACK:
            # shouldn't we be happy?
            # sure, but we ignore ACK packets

    def _data_packet(self, pkt):
        """Deal with ordinary data packet.

        Checks for and deals with missing packets.
        sender = pkt.sender
        if sender.seq < 0 and self.no_sync:
            # don't send nacks on first packet
            sender.seq = pkt.seq - 1
        now = time.time()
        pdiff = pkt.seq - sender.seq
        sent_nacks = sender.sent_nacks
        look_ahead = sender.look_ahead
        last_seen = sender.seq
        if pdiff == 1:
            # received next packet in sequence
            # deal with it
            if pkt.seq in sent_nacks:
                del sent_nacks[pkt.seq]
            self._notify_handlers('new_packet', pkt)
            sender.seq = pkt.seq
            # try to deliver cached packets
            last_seen = self._deliver_look_ahead(sender, pkt.seq + 1)
            sender.touch(seq=last_seen, heartbeat=pkt.heartbeat)
        elif pdiff > 1:
            # we missed at least one packet
            # forward caching of packets
            # reduces the number of nacks needed
            look_ahead[pkt.seq] = pkt
            # sent NACKs for missing packets
            self._send_nack_range(sender, pdiff, now)
            # ouch...
            # but we mark sender as still alive

    def on_packet(self, p):
        """Event handler called when reactor received a new rmc packet.

        p is the packet
        if p.src_addr == self.local_addr:
            # we get our own packets due to the multicast mechanism
            # ignore them
        if p.recv_addr == self.local_addr:
            # unicast aka private
            p.flags |= packet.PRIVATE
        # fetch/create Peer instance for packet sender
        sender = self._peers.get(p.src_addr, None)
        if not sender:
            # new (unknown) sender notification
            sender = Peer(p.src_addr, times=self._def_times)
            self._peers[p.src_addr] = sender
            # new sender, notify listners
            self._notify_handlers('new_sender', sender)
        p.sender = sender
        # call event handler for *all* packets, debugging only
        # otherwise it'll be slow
        self._notify_handlers('__received_packet__', p)
        # dispatch packet
        if p.flags & packet.PROTOFLAGS:
コード例 #4
ファイル: proto.py プロジェクト: guidog/pygstlib
    def __init__(self, uc_socket, mc_socket=None):
        """Setup rmc handler.

        uc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to local unicast address
        mc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to multicast address, optional

          mc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to multicast address
          uc_socket:    UdpSocket bound to local unicast address
          mc_reactor:   RmcReactor for multicast address (receive only)
          uc_reactor:   RmcReactor for unicast address (receive/send)
          dest_addr:    ip/port of multicast channel
          local_addr:   ip/port for unicast
          seq:          current sequence no. for outgoing packets
          no_sync:      if True don't send NACKs on first heartbeat for a sender
          silent :      if True don't send data, never ever, just listen
        # create multicast socket
##         self.mc_socket = UdpSocket((mc_addr[0], mc_addr[1]))
##         self.mc_socket.multicast_interface = mc_interface
##         self.mc_socket.join_mcast_group(mc_addr[0])
        self.mc_socket = mc_socket
        self.uc_socket = uc_socket
        # create reactors for both sockets
        # and attach them to this protocol handler
        self.uc_reactor = RmcReactor(self.uc_socket, self)
        self.local_addr = self.uc_socket.getsockname()
        # if multicast socket is None
        # sending will use the unicast socket as fallback
        if mc_socket is None:
            self.mc_reactor = self.uc_reactor
##             self.mc_socket.multicast_interface = mc_interface
            self.mc_reactor = RmcReactor(mc_socket, self)
            self.mc_socket.multicast_loop = True
        # get/assign addresses
        self.dest_addr = self.mc_socket.getsockname()
        # send_buffer is a list of packets to send out
        # send_prio_buffer is for outgoing packets w/ high priority
        self._send_buffer = []
        self._send_prio_buffer = []
        # sequence counter for outgoing data packets
        self.seq = 0
        # remember last data packet sent
        self._last_sent = None
        # keep track of peers
        self._peers = {}
        # our outgoing backlog
        self._backlog = []
        # activate reactors
        # initialize generator for hearbeat times
        self._hb_gen = self._hb_generator()
        # mapping to keep track of event subscriptions
        self._ev_handler = {}
        # flag if write event is active
        self._write_active = False
        # flag when set, no sync on first heartbeat of a sender is done
        self.no_sync = False
        # flag when set, no data will be sent (ever!)
        self._silent = False
        # prepare continous timer ticks
        self._hb_timer = event.timeout(0.1, self._hb_timer_tick)
        self._chk_timer = event.timeout(0.01, self._chk_timer_tick)
        # flag showing if this handler does receive data via multicast
        self.is_active = True