def plot_levelvar(self, title: str = None, outdir: Path = None) -> None: # label is always g1_v_g2, we want "attention" to be orange, "nonattend" # to be black if self.label in ["rest_v_task", "nopain_v_pain", "control_v_control_pre", "park_pre_v_parkinsons"]: c1, c2 = "#000000", "#FD8208" elif self.label in [ "allpain_v_nopain", "allpain_v_duloxetine", "high_v_low", "control_pre_v_park_pre", "control_v_parkinsons", ]: c1, c2 = "#FD8208", "#000000" else: c1, c2 = "#EA00FF", "#FD8208" df1 = pd.read_pickle(self.levelvar[0]).set_index("L") df2 = pd.read_pickle(self.levelvar[1]).set_index("L") L = np.array(df1.index) _configure_sbn_style() fig: plt.Figure ax: plt.Axes fig, ax = plt.subplots() # plot curves for each group for col in df1: sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=df1[col], color=c1, alpha=0.05, ax=ax) for col in df2: sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=df2[col], color=c2, alpha=0.05, ax=ax) # plot bootstrapped means and CIs for each group boots = _percentile_boot(df1) sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=boots["mean"], color=c1, label=self.subgroup1, ax=ax) ax.fill_between(x=L, y1=boots["low"], y2=boots["high"], color=c1, alpha=0.3) boots = _percentile_boot(df2) sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=boots["mean"], color=c2, label=self.subgroup2, ax=ax) ax.fill_between(x=L, y1=boots["low"], y2=boots["high"], color=c2, alpha=0.3) # plot theoretically-expected curves # sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=Poisson.level_variance(L=L), color="#08FD4F", label="Poisson", ax=ax) sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=GOE.level_variance(L=L), color="#0066FF", label="GOE", ax=ax) ax.legend().set_visible(True) ax.set_title(f"{self.label}: Level Variance" if title is None else title) ax.set_xlabel("L") ax.set_ylabel("Σ²(L)", fontname="DejaVu Sans") fig.set_size_inches(w=8, h=8) if outdir is None: plt.close() else: os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) outfile = outdir / f"{self.levelvar[0].stem}_{self.label}.png" plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=300) plt.close() print(f"Pooled levelvar plots saved to {relpath(outfile)}")
def plot_pred_rigidity( args: Any, dataset_name: str, comparison: str, unfold: List[int] = [5, 7, 9, 11, 13], ensembles: bool = True, silent: bool = False, force: bool = False, ) -> None: global ARGS # ARGS.fullpre = True for trim_idx in ["(1,-1)", "(1,-20)"]: ARGS.trim = trim_idx all_pairs = [] for normalize in [False]: args.normalize = normalize for degree in unfold: ARGS.unfold["degree"] = degree pairings = Pairings(args, dataset_name) pairing = list(filter(lambda p: p.label == comparison, pairings.pairs)) if len(pairing) != 1: raise ValueError("Too many pairings, something is wrong.") all_pairs.append(pairing[0]) g1, _, g2 = all_pairs[0].label.split("_") # groupnames fig: plt.Figure fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(all_pairs), sharex=True) for i, pair in enumerate(all_pairs): ax: plt.Axes = axes.flat[i] df1 = pd.read_pickle(pair.rigidity[0]).set_index("L") df2 = pd.read_pickle(pair.rigidity[1]).set_index("L") boots1 = _percentile_boot(df1) boots2 = _percentile_boot(df2) sbn.lineplot(x=df1.index, y=boots1["mean"], color="#FD8208", label=g1, ax=ax) ax.fill_between(x=df1.index, y1=boots1["low"], y2=boots1["high"], color="#FD8208", alpha=0.3) sbn.lineplot(x=df2.index, y=boots2["mean"], color="#000000", label=g2, ax=ax) ax.fill_between(x=df2.index, y1=boots2["low"], y2=boots2["high"], color="#000000", alpha=0.3) if ensembles: L = df1.index poisson = GDE.spectral_rigidity(L=L) goe = GOE.spectral_rigidity(L=L) sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=poisson, color="#08FD4F", label="Poisson", ax=ax) sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=goe, color="#0066FF", label="GOE", ax=ax) ax.legend().set_visible(False) ax.set_title(f"Unfolding Degree {unfold[i]}") ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_ylabel("") axes.flat[-1].legend().set_visible(True) fig.text(0.5, 0.04, "L", ha="center", va="center") # xlabel fig.text( 0.03, 0.5, "∆₃(L)", ha="center", va="center", rotation="vertical", fontdict={"fontname": "DejaVu Sans"} ) # ylabel fig.set_size_inches(w=12, h=3) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.83, bottom=0.14, left=0.085, right=0.955, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2) plt.suptitle(f"{dataset_name} {ARGS.trim} - Spectral Rigidity")
def plot_subject_levelvar(summaries: Dict[str, Dict[Observable, Path]], args: Any, outfile: Path = None) -> None: sbn.set_context("paper") sbn.set_style("ticks", {"ytick.left": False}) c1 = "#000000" fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=6, nrows=4, sharex=True, sharey=True) top = [] for i, (subj_id, summary) in enumerate(summaries.items()): ax: Axes = axes.flat[i] label = f"subj-{subj_id}" levelvars = pd.read_pickle(summary["levelvar"]).set_index("L") rename_columns(levelvars) L = levelvars.index.to_numpy(dtype=float).ravel() for col in levelvars: sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=levelvars[col], color=c1, alpha=1.0 / 8.0, ax=ax) # sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=levelvars[col], label=f"run-{col}", color=c1, alpha=1.0/8.0, ax=ax) boots = _percentile_boot(levelvars, B=2000) top.append(np.max(boots["mean"])) # sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=boots["mean"], color=c1, label=label) sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=boots["mean"], color=c1, ax=ax) ax.fill_between(x=L, y1=boots["low"], y2=boots["high"], color=c1, alpha=0.3) # plot theoretically-expected curves sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=Poisson.level_variance(L=L), color="#08FD4F", label="Poisson", ax=ax) sbn.lineplot(x=L, y=GOE.level_variance(L=L), color="#0066FF", label="GOE", ax=ax) ax.set_ylabel("") ax.set_title(label) ax.legend(frameon=False, framealpha=0) plt.setp(ax.get_legend().get_texts(), fontsize="6") if i != 0: handle, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax._remove_legend(handle) ticks = [1, 5, 10] ax.set_xticks(ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(ticks, rotation=45, horizontalalignment="right") plt.setp(axes, ylim=(0.0, np.percentile(top, 90))) # better use of space fig.suptitle("Per-Subject Task Level Number Variances") fig.set_size_inches(10, 6) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.13, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.35) fig.text(0.5, 0.04, "L", ha="center", va="center") # xlabel fig.text(0.05, 0.5, "Σ²(L)", ha="center", va="center", rotation="vertical", fontname="DejaVu Sans") # ylabel if outfile is None: else: fig.savefig(str(outfile.resolve()), dpi=300) print(f"Saved levelvar plot to {str(outfile.relative_to(DATA_ROOT))}") plt.close()