def rfam_subopt_pred(all_sequence_fasta, cm_ref_str, params=None, threads=1, timeout=None): ml.debug(fname()) if params is None: params = dict() if params and ('mfold' in params) and params['mfold']: assert isinstance(params['mfold'], (tuple, list)) and 3 == len(params['mfold']), \ "Incorrect parameters for hybrid_ss_min given. Need tuple of 3 numbers." subs = run_hybrid_ss_min(all_sequence_fasta, mfold=params['mfold'], threads=threads, timeout=timeout) else: subs = run_hybrid_ss_min(all_sequence_fasta, threads=threads, timeout=timeout) # now compute rna distance score if threads == 1: new_structures = [] for seq in subs: new_structures.append( _helper_subopt(seq, cm_ref_str, timeout=timeout)) else: with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=threads) as pool: tuples = [(seq, cm_ref_str) for seq in subs] new_structures = pool.starmap(_helper_subopt, tuples) return new_structures
def select_sequences_from_similarity_rec(dist_mat: np.ndarray, sim_threshold_percent=90) -> list: """ :param dist_mat: distmat table, by default obtained from read_clustal_distmat_file, values in percent :param sim_threshold_percent: threshold for similarity in percent :return: """ ml.debug(fname()) # dists = np.triu(dist_mat.as_matrix(), 1) # removes unwanted similarities if dist_mat is None: return [0] dists = dist_mat.transpose() # row, col = where(dists > sim_threshold_percent) # determine where the similarities are include = set() exclude = set() a = np.array(range(len(dists))) for i, r in enumerate(dists): pr = r[~np.isnan(r)] pa = a[~np.isnan(r)] if (i in exclude) | (any(pr >= sim_threshold_percent)): pu = np.where(pr >= sim_threshold_percent) u = pa[pu] if i not in exclude: include |= {i} to_ex = set(u.tolist()) - include exclude |= to_ex # union operation else: include |= {i} return sorted(include)
def _aligner_block(nr_homolog_hits_file, params, msa_alg, threads=None): """ returns alignment file in clustal format :param nr_homolog_hits_file: :param params: :param msa_alg: :param threads: int :return: """ ml.debug(fname()) if msa_alg == 'clustalo': clustal_params = '--outfmt=clustal --force' clustal_params += params.get('clustalo', '') if threads: clustal_params += ' --threads={}'.format(threads) alig_file = compute_clustalo_clasic(nr_homolog_hits_file, clustalo_params=clustal_params) elif msa_alg == 'muscle': if params and ('muscle' in params) and params['muscle']: alig_file = run_muscle(nr_homolog_hits_file, muscle_params=params['muscle'], reorder=True) else: alig_file = run_muscle(nr_homolog_hits_file, reorder=True) else: print('invalig MSA alg chosen {}, valid are "clustalo" and "muscle"'. format(msa_alg)) raise AttributeError() return alig_file
def subopt_fold_alifold(all_fasta_hits_file, homologs_file, aligner='muscle', params=None, threads=None): """ run clustal/muscle on selected homologs file :return: """ ml.debug(fname()) if params is None: params = dict() # run aligner # ================================================================================================================= if 'clustalo' == aligner: clustal_params = ' --outfmt=clustal --force' clustal_params += params.get('clustalo', '') if threads: clustal_params += ' --threads={}'.format(threads) alig_file = compute_clustalo_clasic(homologs_file, clustalo_params=clustal_params) elif 'muscle' == aligner: alig_file = run_muscle(homologs_file, muscle_params=params.get('muscle', ''), reorder=False) else: raise KeyError( 'provided key ({}) not recognized - avalible: "clustalo" "muscle"'. format(aligner)) # run consensus prediction # ================================================================================================================= alif_file = compute_alifold(alig_file, alifold_params=params.get('alifold', '')) # possibly need to decode alifold structure alif_str = read_seq_str(alif_file)[0] consensus_structure = alif_str.letter_annotations['ss0'] subs = run_hybrid_ss_min(all_fasta_hits_file, mfold=params.get('mfold', (10, 2, 20)), threads=threads) # now compute rna distance score if threads == 1: new_structures = [] for seq in subs: new_structures.append(_helper_subopt(seq, consensus_structure)) else: with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=threads) as pool: tuples = [(seq, consensus_structure) for seq in subs] new_structures = pool.starmap(_helper_subopt, tuples) remove_files_with_try([alif_file, alig_file]) return new_structures
def subopt_fold_query(all_fasta_hits_file, query_file, params=None, threads=1, timeout=None): """ use folded query sequence as a reference, fold all sequences by Unafold, then select structure most similar to query accepted parameters: "rnafold" "mfold" :return: """ ml.debug(fname()) if params is None: params = dict() # get single query structure query_structure = rnafold_prediction(query_file, params.get('RNAfold', ''), timeout=timeout) if params and ('mfold' in params) and params['mfold']: assert isinstance(params['mfold'], (tuple, list)) and 3 == len(params['mfold']) subs = run_hybrid_ss_min(all_fasta_hits_file, mfold=params['mfold'], threads=threads, timeout=timeout) else: subs = run_hybrid_ss_min(all_fasta_hits_file, threads=threads, timeout=timeout) qs_string = query_structure[0].letter_annotations[ query_structure[0].annotations['sss'][0]] # now compute rna distance score if threads == 1: new_structures = [] for seq in subs: new_structures.append( _helper_subopt(seq, qs_string, timeout=timeout)) else: with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=threads) as pool: tuples = [(seq, qs_string) for seq in subs] new_structures = pool.starmap(_helper_subopt, tuples) return new_structures
def rnafold_prediction(fasta2predict, params='', timeout=None): ml.debug(fname()) fd, structure_output_file = mkstemp(prefix='rba_', suffix='_54', dir=CONFIG.tmpdir) os.close(fd) structure_output_file = rnafold_fasta(fasta2predict, structure_output_file, params, timeout=timeout) structures = read_seq_str(structure_output_file) remove_one_file_with_try(structure_output_file) return structures
def run_clustal_profile2seqs_align(msa_file, fasta_seq_file, clustalo_params='', outfile=None): """ run clustal align MSA to seqs aligned columns in input MSA file are preserved and only new sequences are aligned and together they form new alignment :param msa_file: msa file (works with stockholm) :param fasta_seq_file: file with sequences to be aligned (format can be enforced with --infmt in clustalo_params) :param clustalo_params: params as accepted by clustalo :param outfile: outfile path, if not provided, tempfile will be created with output :return: outfile MSA path """'Runing clustalo profile.') ml.debug(fname()) def _try_rescue(profile_file): # beware AlignIO truncates sequence names so they become non-unique, then clustalo also fails ml.warning( 'Trying rescue for profile alignment if profile has no gaps, sequences appears not aligned. ' 'Appending trailing gap to overcome the issue.') a =, format='clustal') s = [SeqRecord(Seq(str(i.seq) + '-'), for i in a] fa = AlignIO.MultipleSeqAlignment(s) fd, temp = mkstemp(prefix='rba_', suffix='_56', dir=CONFIG.tmpdir) with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as fh: AlignIO.write(fa, fh, format='fasta') return temp if outfile: clustalo_file = outfile else: c_fd, clustalo_file = mkstemp(prefix='rba_', suffix='_57', dir=CONFIG.tmpdir) os.close(c_fd) with TemporaryFile(mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as tmp: cmd = [ '{}clustalo'.format(CONFIG.clustal_path), '--force', '-i', fasta_seq_file, '--profile1', msa_file, '-o', clustalo_file ] if clustalo_params != '': cmd += clustalo_params.split() ml.debug(cmd) r = call(cmd, stdout=tmp, stderr=tmp) if r: ml.warning('Profile align failed.') # Initiate rescue attempt rewriten_msa = _try_rescue(msa_file) cmd2 = [ '{}clustalo'.format(CONFIG.clustal_path), '--force', '-i', fasta_seq_file, '--profile1', rewriten_msa, '-o', clustalo_file ] if clustalo_params: cmd2 += clustalo_params.split() ml.debug(cmd2) r2 = call(cmd2, stdout=tmp, stderr=tmp) remove_one_file_with_try(rewriten_msa) if r2 != 0: msgfail = 'Call to clustalo for aligning profile to sequences failed.' ml.error(msgfail) ml.error(cmd) ml.error(cmd2) raise exceptions.ClustaloException(msgfail, return clustalo_file
def cmmodel_rnafold_c(allhits_fasta, cmmodel_file, threads=None, params=None, timeout=None): ml.debug(fname()) if params is None: params = dict() allhits_fasta_file, san_dict = sanitize_fasta_file(allhits_fasta) cmalign_params = '' if threads: cmalign_params += '--cpu {}'.format(threads) if 'cmalign' in params and params['cmalign']: cmalign_params += ' ' + params['cmalign'] if '--notrunc' not in cmalign_params: cmalign_params += ' --notrunc' # rnafold params rnafold_params = params.get('RNAfold', '-C') assert isinstance(rnafold_params, str), "Incorrect parameters for RNAfold -C" if '-C' not in rnafold_params: # some parameters given but -C not present rnafold_params += ' -C' alig_file = run_cmalign_on_fasta(allhits_fasta_file, cmmodel_file, cmalign_params=cmalign_params, timeout=timeout) # multiple sequence cm align # split by sequence, then run the rest cm_alig = read_st(alig_file) remove_files_with_try([allhits_fasta_file, alig_file]) # ===== use directly ==== cm_alig_upper = cm_alig.to_upper() fd, temp_mock_consensus = mkstemp(prefix='rba_', suffix='_41', dir=CONFIG.tmpdir) f, temp_clustal_aln = mkstemp(prefix='rba_', suffix='_42', dir=CONFIG.tmpdir) with os.fdopen(f, 'w') as h_clustal, os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as h_constraints: cm_alig_upper.write_clustal(h_clustal) h_constraints.write('{}\n{}\n'.format( re.sub('[^ACTGU]', '_', cm_alig_upper.column_annotations['RF'], flags=re.IGNORECASE), cm_strucutre2br(cm_alig_upper.column_annotations['SS_cons']))) temp_constraint_file = compute_refold(temp_clustal_aln, temp_mock_consensus, timeout=timeout) structures = rnafold_prediction(temp_constraint_file, params=rnafold_params, timeout=timeout) str_out = desanitize_fasta_names_in_seqrec_list(structures, san_dict) remove_files_with_try( [temp_constraint_file, temp_clustal_aln, temp_mock_consensus]) return str_out
def alifold_refold_prediction(nr_homologs_hits_fasta, all_hits_fasta, refold='refold', threads=None, params=None, msa_alg='clustalo'): """ return predicted structures for all hits based on provided sequence homologs ! beware, clustal mixes order of sequences in profile alignment, correct for it possible param keys: "clustal", "alifold", "clustalo_profile", "repred_unpaired_tr" """ ml.debug(fname()) nr_path, san_dict = sanitize_fasta_file(nr_homologs_hits_fasta) all_path, san_dict = sanitize_fasta_file(all_hits_fasta, used_dict=san_dict) if params is None: params = dict() ref_pred = ['refold', 'refold_rnafoldc', 'conserved_ss_rnafoldc'] if refold not in ref_pred: raise Exception( 'refold procedure not recognized: {}, possible values are {}'. format(refold, ' '.join(ref_pred))) cl_file = _aligner_block(nr_path, params, msa_alg, threads) # cannot rely on that, the order of a cl_file would be the same as the order of the nr_homolog_hits_file ali_file = compute_alifold(cl_file, alifold_params=params.get('alifold', '')) consensus_record = read_seq_str(ali_file)[0] clustalo_profile_params = '--outfmt clustal ' clustalo_profile_params += params.get('clustalo_profile', '') if threads: clustalo_profile_params += ' --threads {}'.format(threads) realign_file = run_clustal_profile2seqs_align( cl_file, all_path, clustalo_params=clustalo_profile_params) realign_alig =, format='clustal') # slice alignment ( get seqname from nr_homolog_hits_file, find it in the realign and slice the whole segment off # take care that the id may be the same and it must be checked for multiple occurence first_nr_record = _parse_first_record_only(nr_path) realign_allseq_possition = [ i for i, seq in enumerate(realign_alig) if == ] new_alig_for_refold = realign_alig[:realign_allseq_possition[-1]] old_alig_in_new = realign_alig[realign_allseq_possition[-1]:] orig_alignment =, format='clustal') first_original_alignment_record = orig_alignment[0] match_original_seq_in_new_alig = [ i for i in old_alig_in_new if == ][0] mapping = _map_alignment_columns_from_profile_match( first_original_alignment_record, match_original_seq_in_new_alig) # map and repair structure when mapping is unbiguous cs_encode = encode_structure_unicode( consensus_record.letter_annotations['ss0']) new_consensus_structure_encoded = _repair_consensus_structure_by_maping( cs_encode, mapping, len(match_original_seq_in_new_alig.seq), gap_char=49) new_consensus_structure_repaired = repair_structure_any_variant( new_consensus_structure_encoded) new_consensus_structure = decode_structure_unicode( new_consensus_structure_repaired) new_consensus_sequence_list = _repair_consensus_structure_by_maping( [ord(i) for i in consensus_record.seq], mapping, len(match_original_seq_in_new_alig.seq), gap_char=ord('_')) new_consensus_sequence = ''.join( chr(i) for i in new_consensus_sequence_list) # write new consensus to a file a_fd, new_alifold_consensus_file = mkstemp(prefix='rba_', suffix='_33', dir=CONFIG.tmpdir) with os.fdopen(a_fd, 'w') as f: f.write(new_consensus_sequence + '\n') f.write(new_consensus_structure + '\n') # write sliced alignment to a file sa_fd, sliced_alignment_file = mkstemp(prefix='rba_', suffix='_34', dir=CONFIG.tmpdir) with os.fdopen(sa_fd, 'w') as f: AlignIO.write(new_alig_for_refold, f, 'clustal') # now process the file, and map alignment to consensus structure if refold in ['refold', 'refold_rnafoldc']: refold_file = compute_refold(sliced_alignment_file, new_alifold_consensus_file) if refold == 'refold_rnafoldc': rnafold_parameters = params.get('RNAfold', '') if '-C' not in rnafold_parameters: rnafold_parameters += ' -C' seq_str = rnafold_prediction(refold_file, params=rnafold_parameters) else: seq_str = read_seq_str(refold_file) remove_one_file_with_try(refold_file) else: st_alig_file = build_stockholm_from_clustal_alig( sliced_alignment_file, new_alifold_consensus_file) repred_tr = str(params.get('repred_unpaired_tr', '9')) conseq_conserved = params.get('conseq_conserved', 1) seq_str = _refold_with_unpaired_conservation( st_alig_file, repred_tr=repred_tr, conseq_conserved=conseq_conserved) remove_one_file_with_try(st_alig_file) structures_out = desanitize_fasta_names_in_seqrec_list(seq_str, san_dict) remove_files_with_try([ nr_path, all_path, sliced_alignment_file, new_alifold_consensus_file, cl_file, ali_file, realign_file ]) return structures_out